I Voted—Why? And More, Then Back to Reconciliation in Colossians and Ephesians


Covered a number of issues relating to the ongoing social revolution around the globe, including police threatening to break into homes to check for “improper” Christmas and Thanksgiving celebrations (and people not wearing their masks 24/7), then discussed my vote, why I voted as I did, and that I truly believe my vote was a vote to be able to vote again in 2024. Looked at a clip from “Just Gospel 2019” and discussed the idea of “white supremacy” and “black supremacy.” Then transitioned back to a discussion of Colossians and Ephesians in response to the debate on the atonement last week featuring Matt Slick and Sam Shamoun. Visit the store at https://doctrineandlife.co/

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to the and welcome to the dividing line it was interesting
I have a few questions for Doug myself afterwards in in general
I was agreeing but there are a couple comments about Romans 9 Ephesians 1 that I want to ask him a little to flesh out a little bit in the in the future maybe on a future sweater vest dialogue it's gonna be cool enough to do sweater vest dialogues
I'm sure it is up in Idaho in fact I Marcus was saying it was snowing up there they just moved up there actually so that would mean it would if it's snowing it's definitely cool enough to be wearing a sweater vest there's no no question about that it's not snowing here
I'm holding out for it I I think I think it would be just awesome to finish off 2020 with with snow in Phoenix I wouldn't that fit
I mean after a hundred and forty -five days of 100 degrees or above record temperatures average temperatures everything let's have some snow for Christmas white
Christmas that'd be great no it can't just be snow it's got to be two feet of snow you know I mean if you're gonna do it do it 2020 right you know but the problem is
I mean in the entire time since I've lived here since 1974 you know coming up on on 50 years once driving up to Mike Beliveau's brother's house and I mean we're talking long time ago
I remember snowflakes in the beams of my headlight headlights as we were driving up in the dark to Mike's brother's house for a
Christmas thing no I I don't remember anything sticking so so you say so you say he started the program 45 seconds early expects me to believe what he remembers about 1990 anyway so yeah it was interesting debate it was good discussion no yelling screaming talking over each other any of that kind of stuff it was it was a worthwhile discussion and so I hope you caught that I don't know if any of you are catching
I'll be brief with this but if you're catching some of the stories that are coming out of the United Kingdom evidently the
UK is trying to keep up with Australia with its we will break down your door the cops will break down your door to steal
Christmas just astonishing when when you realize that for children and anybody under the age of 50 viral strains like h1n1 are significantly more dangerous as far as their long -term effect is concerned and morbidity and everything else but hey it's kovat 19 and so and now have you noticed the constant changing of the goals you know at first it was flattened the curve we're well so far no one you remember was what the curve was about anymore it was all about you know not overwhelming emergency rooms well well didn't do that killed a lot of hospitals by keeping them from doing anything else but anyway that was purposeful too and then it it kept changing so now it's just cases and now now they're using these this this testing that is highly questionable and it's not even cases with symptoms it's not cases with hospitalization it's not cases with fatality it's just simply a case as long as an as long as after you've run 33 to 40 repetitions magnifying stuff there might be evidence that maybe possibly this person has a virus in them someplace but it may not be impacting them at all but you throw it in the numbers and you shut down entire nations and you shut down churches and sporting facilities and and universities and you just crush everything because the
Great Reset that's all it's about has nothing to a saving lives if you haven't seen that it the greatest
Christmas present I can give to you is to let you know that this is all this is all one big huge massive political maneuver and it's working because we told him it would work we let them we let them do it we we handed it to him we said you know what safety is the most important thing to us well okay no no not real safety the promise of safety it can be completely empty it can mean nothing we can have all the evidence in the world right in front of our eyes that it's that your promises of safety are empty but we'll still take that and we will give everything we will give our jobs we'll give our savings we give our businesses we'll give our liberties or freedoms so that like we had in last program
I paid I played for you the Great Reset the World Economic Forum stuff about hey by 2030 you won't own anything you won't own a house you won't own a car and your diet will have changed because that's what's good for them for the world you see it's good for that's that's what's best for everybody it's it's for your safety and so I've certainly noticed a diminishing range of options when it comes to restaurants that are still open and food and things like that various things going out of you know no longer being made that's just gonna continue and continue and continue we've sold our soul we we did it voluntarily because we were afraid we panicked there you go so the cops are breaking into breaking into churches in the
UK now the funny thing what there is one where was that was that in it's in Wales or might have been in Wales I think it was in Wales where the cops break into this church service and they come to the door and they say we've heard there's a rave going on here and they're like well no there's no rave going can we see and when they walk in it's church service and you and the cops are like oh great this is this isn't but you still can't do this you know so so at least there was still some you know the cops like oh man but hey rules are rules well rules are rules but rules have to have a meaningful basis and logic reality truth and this stuff doesn't it's pure panic it's just all emotion all emotion no facts well just enough facts that panic can just do do whatever it does with facts and put them all together and upside down inside out and everything else but yeah they're they are literally you know telling people we will send the cops to break up your your
Christmas stuff and the thing now that's just stunning me and this should tell you what's what's coming is wearing masks in your house now we know masks are an empty they don't protect you from anything that you're not protecting anybody else somebody else isn't protecting you it's it's a lie 97 percent penetration and all that stuff there there it is but so you've got this lie and when
I when I first were talking about they said well only when you're in public spaces and you can't be six feet away from somebody but certainly not in your house not in your car now it's everywhere now it's between bites now it's between bites they're literally saying in California and other places that between bites in your own stinking house at Christmas you put your mask back on and any meaningful virologist who has who hasn't been completely paid off is sitting there going you've got to be kidding me you've got to be kidding me this is so stupid they know this is all politics they know it they see it we are being conditioned to give up everything to the global technocracy is that sounds crazy you all thought
I was crazy back in March when I said that the left -leaning states the leftist controlled states would extend lockdowns as close to the the elections as possible for political reasons oh you're crazy no
I wasn't and you thought I was crazy a few weeks there I said you know what we're not going to be traveling without our papers in the future without medical passports evidences of tests and vaccinations and all the rest oh you white has lost it oh
I couldn't believe how many former friends about oh he's completely lost it and now Cuomo and de
Blasio they're pushing the federal government to do what exactly that exactly it didn't take
Nostradamus to see this coming it just took enough common sense to recognize that we no longer have a functioning media in a press in in the
United States they they are advocates for one side and to recognize how far the left will go they want to destroy the
Constitution United States and next Tuesday they might succeed they might succeed I'm seeing some positive signs but they might succeed so you know they need to get rid of that Constitution and once you have
Harris in the White House they will all I get it was packed court all
I do is change the rules in the Senate and one party rule that uh no more worrying about the about you know
First Amendment Second Amendment all that stuff all those guarantees gone just just worth no more than the paper they're written on any longer and they need to do that with the
United States largest economy to continue to turn everybody into the war of the state so that you don't own a car and you don't own own a a house and you live in a little flat and you travel only as far as the government allows you and when the government allows you and you eat what the government tells you you can eat but you have your safety and you trade it you gave it to him you said this is what we want so every every one of you driving down the road in your car alone in a mask a you you told him we're up for it we'll give you anything you want here it is just just give me a promise of safety it can be completely empty it can be completely worthless but I've got my promise safety
I'm good land of the free home the brave anyway so I voted yesterday
I never voted early before and of course the way things are set up now why not
I mean why in the world would I want to stand in a socially distanced line forever next
Tuesday I mean I would rather vote next Tuesday the way that you're supposed to vote and how
I have voted since I just missed the general election in 1980 I was 17 years 11 and a half months old
I just just missed it well 1711 so I didn't get to vote for Reagan in in 80 but I was
I was just that close and so every every time that I voted since then
I voted in all the presidential elections and most of the midterm ones as well there many there were a couple times
I was out of town and and we didn't start doing the absentee stuff till not very long ago well okay but I mean like 20 years ago and so I I voted to continue the experiment called the
Constitution of the United States that that was what I voted for that's how clear this election is that that that's that's what this election was to me it is simply a matter of it's a stark stark reality that our nation is in the midst of a revolution it is no longer the situation that we had only a matter of years ago where you had similar goals but different ways of getting there at that point you could you could have patriots on both sides the issue right now we have a large portion of the populace that wants to destroy the
Constitution United States and form of government that has given us the liberties and freedoms and greatness that we've had and to drag us into a global global technocracy that again it you may be saying that's just crazy no it's happening how do you explain what's going on how do you explain our cities burning how do you explain the videos of you know a couple days ago a black man my understanding is the police have been there three this is the third time that that day the police have been to the same place in a city
Democrat controlled leftist controlled that has a 44 % increase in murders just this year violent crimes everywhere trying it's trying to compete with Chicago for killing black people by black people not by cops by black people black -on -black violence everywhere and the cops show up and this guy comes after them with a knife now there are a lot of really really really really really naive people in the world who do not understand that at close quarters a knife is just as dangerous if not more dangerous than a gun
I don't know if any of you ever seen the video of that guy in it was in some
Indonesian type nation who had a long knife wasn't quite a sword but it was good 12 inches and cops were trying to catch him and he he took out an easy for cops before they took him out they had guns he had a knife he killed four of them before they killed him you don't seem to understand that you know maybe you've never watched the videos where a guy jumps out of his car and the cops on one side of the car and the bad guys on the side of the car and they both empty their clips at each other and hit nothing other total the car and few cars driving by and but they you don't seem to understand that when the adrenaline is flowing it's not nearly as easy to aim that gun that's what was so amazing about the guy in the church in Texas from across the that was
Wow talk about cool calm and collected one shot to the head from that distance oh that was amazing totally amazing that but that's the exception that's the 1 % not the 99 % and so a black guy with a knife comes after cops and everybody's going they should have tased him have you ever have you ever watched how many times tasers are employed and do absolutely positively nothing how many people how how are we ever even going to have cops in the future if we are literally telling cops that if they're that they have to sacrifice themselves if some guy comes at you with a knife you're just supposed to let him slice you and dice you so you don't start rioting what why would we have cops anymore why would any cop even go to a call anymore a lot of mark and I don't blame them and people suffer as a result and then the cops get blamed for that too but the video
I saw it's a guy coming straight at cops with a big old knife and they shot him and the result oh it's time to go get a big -screen
TV at Walmart huh and a washing machine yeah well that's probably dryer because a washing machine a dryer that yeah but that that heat that didn't that looked really light that looked really light that that wash washing machines have got some oomph to them
I don't know how he got it but the point is the point is that a bunch of thugs decided to go on shopping sprees and many of those stores will never reopen again
I don't blame them that's gonna hurt the people around them they don't care and their excuse this is justice no it's not justice it's called theft it's called being a thief has nothing to do with justice and you can sit there all day long and talk about your ancestors yes you're still a thief it's all there is to it not yours
God's law says so I mean if you're sitting there as a Christian oh I understand no you don't don't give me that don't give me that there is nothing in God's law that says well you know
I'm so upset about what happened to my ancestors 160 years ago that I'm going to go steal people's property doesn't allow for that it's not there sorry so anyway
I I voted to try to put the brakes for a little while for just a very brief little while on the insane pedal -to -the -metal drive into global technocratic socialism and totalitarianism and had nothing to do
I mean obviously I it's plain to me that Joe Biden is a woefully compromised candidate not because of his not because of because he is non compass mentis he doesn't know what state is in he doesn't know what office he's running for he doesn't know what day of the week it is he is he is in not even so much any longer the early stages of dementia the man has dementia it's clear everybody can see it everybody can see it 20 years to now people look back and go oh my goodness but there's now clear evidence that he's been making a lot of money off the
Chinese communists they own him so hey that fits with with the global stuff that fits in real well didn't it that's who you want with the nuclear codes yeah the guy was making millions from the
Chai comms that's great that would be extremely relevant but this and Kamala Harris whoo all that's really relevant but this was this was real simple for me it's do we well
I've said before do we get to vote again in 2024 or not that's what it was all about you vote one way in 2020 and you will not be voting again in 2024 oh you may be voting just like they vote in Russia you you get to vote for Vladimir Putin every few years but that's the only person you get to vote for and if you dare even think about voting for somebody else then you get radiometric poisoning yeah you know there's there's nobody else running it's one party rule it's like California and and we would we will become
California so I voted for us to not become California that and there's only one way to do that only one way to do that just that simple
I did I do not see how it's a complicated issue and you can sit there and try to complicate it all you want but it just seems to me that when you see a political system that is that those who survived communism 50 years ago and are still alive are going ah that's what happened to us okay you're going down the same road again people never thought this could happen well it is and I have a moral obligation to my grandchildren to seek to keep them from experiencing communism so that's how
I voted all the way down the line and thankfully I asked my fellow elders hey guys do you have anything on the judges cuz that judges thing is always so who knows and lo and behold
Luke sent me back a whole thing someone had done the research from a conservative perspective in regards to their decisions and how they've handled stuff on yards so I went in there and actually voted all the judges for the first I've skipped them because I don't know yeah well no there there are some that are good you know so I just I went in and and voted all that and of course
I voted against anything that would raise my taxes especially to further expand the public indoctrination centers called schools yeah no my any any any small amount of money
I'm gonna have left over which I'm not gonna after this year have much is going to go to help homeschoolers not not the not that now let me mention something
I have a I have a clip here well
I'm not sure I'm gonna do it that way I was listening to I remember about week and a half or so ago
I reviewed some comments from Jamar Tisby where it was clearly at the end of a sermon and I made the comment now you know maybe he established a foundation for saying some of this stuff before in the sermon but I don't even see what it would be so I did take the time to track that sermon down and listen to it that was very short it was more of a chapel service it was like 30 minutes long he did not establish the claims he was making but he did during that sermon talk about what happened four years ago and you may recall four years ago shortly after Donald Trump was elected he said
I do not feel comfortable worshiping with white people remember and he explained what he meant by that in this sermon that I listened to and basically what he was saying was
I was just so hurt that so many of my white brothers and sisters could vote for someone like that and hence show disrespect for me and I'd like to address that because I think it's going to be worse this time
I think there are a lot of people who are like me
I did not vote for Donald Trump last time I couldn't I I just I could not bring myself to to do it and he still won and am
I happy about some of the things he's done yeah sure I I think so far of course we have no nothing to go on with Amy Coney Barrett but she seems like a brilliant brilliant woman boy just that Girl Scout thing you didn't see it oh yeah the girl the
Girl Scouts tweeted a congratulations to Amy Coney Barrett for being the fifth woman placed upon the
Supreme Court United States and then they pulled it because the left went unhinged she doesn't matter she's a woman that's right it's it's the the the hypocrisy of the left is it's not there aren't hypocrites on the right but but it is part of the
DNA of the left the hypocrisy and of course they collapsed they gave in and and pulled it and yeah you know but so we don't have anything to go on but so far it seems like like Trump's appointments to Supreme Court I've been pretty good it actually ended up being better than Bush better than either
Bush better than even Reagan in some instances you never know where judges are gonna go and all that could change
Roberts has certainly changed she ain't no conservative anymore and might get more and more liberal as time goes by I think
I think only now is there a semi -reliable 5 -4 on on the court right now so is that good yeah am
I appreciative of the statements that have been made in regards to abortion and things like that yeah am
I can really concerned that he really doesn't have any problem with homosexuality don't yeah definitely it does not seem to be any real positive stuff there but you know stuff he said about critical race theory does that really even come from him
I don't know I don't know so but again
I I think for most people like me who in 2016 said
I I just can't looked at this situation and back then in 2016 it was more about Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump this time like I said the
Democrat primary candidate is not even there I mean how can you can't engage a man who doesn't know what day it is you can't engage an old doddering man who is should not be running for public office at all so it's
Kamala Harris but it's just the nameless faceless leftist Marxists the AOC's who want to burn down the
Constitution that's what this is about and I think that there's a lot of people
Al Mohler has said without being quite as blunt as I am
Al Mohler said the same thing couldn't do it in 2016 I will in 2020 and I did but it wasn't about the man it wasn't about him it wasn't about Pence it wasn't about anybody with a name it was all about I want to be able to vote again in 2024
I want to have the next four years to try to with much more energy make the case to as many people as who will listen that socialism and the left is a one -way ticket into hundreds of millions of dead bodies and not just babies unborn and born dead bodies laid down the path these people want to take us on they're lying to you and from a biblical perspective since they don't believe that man is made in the image of God and is therefore in rebellion against God they will not be able to provide any meaningful foundation for human freedom and flourishing socialism is a failed experiment has failed every time it's been tried and so I think
I am with many other people so with that in light of what Jamar Tisby said how do
I how do I even interact with a Jamar Tisby who says that he is hurt that someone that someone who claims to be a
Christian like he's a Christian would vote for the
Constitution United States well my my response is this isn't about you sorry you you seem to think that it needs to be about you but it's not about you my my first responsibility is to what
I understand in regards to major major issues of of religious liberty and freedom and life
I mean I don't want to get into Bonhoeffer and Hitler but there are parallels there and Bonhoeffer's dialogue and discussion about what do you do in the face of overwhelming evil and communism
Marxism is overwhelming evil we have we have a hundred and twenty million plus pieces of evidence dead born bodies that tell us about the evil of Marxism and so I can't go there and has nothing to do with you it has there to say that you are offended because I would vote to be able to vote again and I would vote against those who have bought into Marxist organizations like black lives matter
I'm sorry black lives matter black lives do not matter to black lives matter if they were they'd be patrolling the streets in Chicago they don't they don't do anything for black people they exist to destroy this nation that's the only reason they're there and so if if someone's gonna sit there and say oh yeah see you're you're just a white supremacist
I just want to go if wanting to continue to possess the freedom to preach the gospel is white supremacy then you need to come up with a different phrase because God made us longing for that kind of freedom has nothing to do with the skin color has nothing to do with has nothing to do with the past simple reality if you want to have that freedom you've got to fight for it it's all there is to it and so I would simply say to someone who's who is going there there is a danger that you would literally put your own emotions and feelings above the priority of saving millions of human lives that's a that's an astonishing thing and I I have a clip here the ran across this the woke woke preacher
TV on Twitter well preacher clips that's right woke preacher clips on Twitter don't know how long he's gonna be around either started evidently watching videos from the just gospel conference in 2019 and the the camera angle was such that all you can see is the word just on the podium and so I had to do a little looking around and it's pretty obvious that the the clips are being posted from J .D.
Greer are from the same thing and doing some listening and poking around this is a just gospel conference at the
BDN Wheatley's Church or at least that they put it on and Christina Edmondson spoke and J .D.
Greer spoke and I was listening to dr.
Edmondson's presentation and I ran across this part I just want to I just want to play part of this so you have a sense of where the disconnection is is happening and you lead others astray and I want to do another little rabbit trail that black dignity is not the same as white supremacy
I am tired of really problematic ways of trying to build unity that discredit and deny history and reality just because we are all and this is very true called to forgive and to love and to abide with each other does not mean that we have to pretend that we have a black supremacy problem in America we not gonna we not gonna pretend that's what's happening black dignity says that black folks are actually human white supremacy says that white folks are many gods and have the power and authority to dominate see that's not the same y 'all we're not gonna play like it is okay now no matter how hard you try and I tried
I I listened to that and and I and I go okay
I'm I'm lost black dignity says that we are humans okay
I have never met anyone who denied that if I if I ever do
I'm tempted to spit at them okay but what is white dignity are you allowed to to strive for white dignity as people are striving for black dignity or does this also work for Asian dignity
Hispanic dignity is there such a thing as aboriginal dignity you know we can talk about some of the
South Sea Islands peoples very very very separated from one another can we come up with that name plus dignity are we allowed to do that and I I just heard there's no such thing as black supremacy so there's white supremacy but it's not black supremacy how can that be if if white supremacy is a sinful inclination of the human heart how can there not be black supremacy or is the black heart immune to certain sinful impulses and activities that white people evidently are guilty of from birth least that's what we're told defining white supremacy is that little gods
Wow I I had never heard that one before little gods huh it seems to be behind this privilege thing because you you have it though you don't know you have it but you're sovereign enough to lay it aside and this somehow is supposed to help somebody or something or it's almost like if you can lay it aside and give it to somebody else then it's it's sort of like it's some type of a substance that can be shared with people and if you give enough of it to somebody who's black don't they start suffering from black supremacy because it's just a substance
I'd never heard this definition and of course placing it in contrast with black dignity versus white supremacy and then we had
Kyle James Howard a couple days ago talking blaming white supremacy for pressure upon young black boys to engage in sex early on in life that's white somehow responsible for that too and you're just left going okay
I get this if these people did not claim to be Christians but they do and so why isn't the much more obvious explanation for all this there because it's painfully awesome we've played people within the past six months
I've played black people talking about how more melanin makes you superhuman it makes you a better person you're stronger you have more kids you're more virile you're more intelligent you're more able to be compassionate you're just superhumans
I've played that and it's like no no no no it doesn't exist but they're saying it nope doesn't exist when you tell an ethnic group you are immune to these sins that's the best way in the world to make sure that those sins will flourish amongst those people isn't it that's what makes this racism of the left so bad and I call it racism in the old sense where you actually ignore the idea of not judging by the color of the skin but the content of the character when you when you make when you put all that stuff aside and you ignore the biblical teaching that there's one race and we're all sinners and we all have the same need and once we're once we're in the fellowship of the
Saints it's all the same basis once you get rid of that you got a real problem you got a real problem and so you'll notice all of the postings the
JD Greer sermon have the same background so it's same conference it was it was obviously 2019 and Greer is doing his impersonation it's just amazing to me he is the head he is the president of Southern Baptist Convention and he has been given an extra year so he will have been president of Southern Baptist Convention for three years and this is just like with the
Pope when you give someone that kind of authority for that kind of time they are assigning people to important positions that they will hold for longer than their presidency and so you know that the
Southern Baptist Convention for three years now at its leadership levels has had woke people being assigned to positions of great authority who are then assigning lower people and you wonder why the convention is in the mess it's in and may not be able to be rescued got that third year out of COVID panic hmm amazing how that keeps coming up and having an impact on things isn't it yeah it's it's it's pretty wild so yeah there you go so much to be said so much to be said but we will move on to a couple other things
I've been wanting to say something about this I've said something briefly we're gonna finish up the program going back to the issue of reconciliation so if you want to get your want to get your
Bibles out that's that's gonna be useful I did just come into the office and see that my order of Jesus and the manuscripts came in what we can learn from the oldest text
Craig Evans some neat images in the back funny that everyone picks the same section of Vaticanus to display
I'm not sure why that is but numerous and same thing with p75
I don't know why it's that way but anyway sp90 okay all right yeah some neat pictures in the back and looking forward to working through that just so you know that's out those who they're interested in that particular thing
I've said a couple times this is going to be a strange holiday season and I'm not talking about just trying to hide out from those of you in California New York UK Australia I mean right now
I cannot possibly imagine in my state no matter how many people showed up at my house for Thanksgiving Thanksgiving or Christmas I just don't see that happening here at all not yet I mean
I'm disappointed with do you see in a lot of things but he's not Cuomo he's he's not these types of people so we're probably not gonna have that kind of issue but this is going to be a completely different holiday season isn't it
I mean last year the economy's roaring along most of us doing a whole lot better we're doing now unless you happen to own a
Target store or Walmart or Amazon they're all making they are all making record profits record prop the mom -and -pop stores they're all dead half the restaurants dead so choice freedom to do things differently who cares about that the big the big stores are still pumping along and for most of us hey as long as we can get our toilet paper and our favorite food we don't really care we don't see that once they have complete control then they control us not us controlling them because we got no place to go once that's the only only place to go that's it now they now they have a monopoly and they get to tell you what you're gonna do and how you're gonna do it when you're gonna do it in Hawaiian Yards you'll see those of you they're just going along with the flow you'll you'll see eventually anyway
I'm hoping we're gonna have some time to try to convince you of that and maybe get you involved in putting the brakes on this and and going the other direction and convincing people that liberty and freedom is actually a good thing that's how humans flourish and that God made us that way and if we would submit to his ways we will flourish if we submit to man's ways we we will not and that's all there is to it but back to Thanksgiving and and Christmas there are some of you who do not celebrate either holiday only a few and many who do not celebrate the
Christmas season I'm not gonna get an argument about you but I would not mind debating someone on that someday because I think there's not only really fascinatingly good evidence for the
December 25th January 6th season that's the 12 days of Christmas as having it there's no question that it has ancient ancient roots in the church there's no question that the idea that that was from Mithraism or anything else is stupid there's no question that that's the stuff about the soul
Invictus and because the pagans were giving gifts and the Christians Christians could give gifts to and nobody'd catch them baloney baloney the earliest references to those dates come from Christian sources themselves and it was the very time when paganism is declining
Christianity's on the ascent there'd be no reason for them to be borrowing for stuff like that and doing that kind of thing it's just to make it just it's a narrative that is so old it just falls apart upon really pushing on it but no one ever pushes on it because you just hear it repeated over and over goes oh okay well
I guess that's how and you hear it from Christians all the time maybe well -meaning but they just didn't know what they were talking about anyway maybe this season
I'll go back over like I did man I don't know how many years ago it was now I went over Roger Beckwith's article on the the order of the priests and what we can learn from when
Zechariah would have been ministering in the temple as to the time frame as to when
John's birth would be in Jesus's birth we know they're related obviously to one another a lot of people found that fascinating it's complicated stuff it's not the easiest stuff to try to try to discuss but there is there is a good reason for this time of the year and there is a good reason for the dates that have come and there's a good reason for rejecting the the standard narrative of pagan borrowing blah blah blah blah blah so but so so if you're not if you have if you were converted out of one of the ancient
Roman cults all four of you if you're converted out on the ancient
Roman cults and therefore have a conscience issue great you can step aside for just a moment
I'll get to the text of scripture here with something else in a moment but for the rest of us who find it perfectly appropriate to sit in awe of one of the most amazing really seems to be the most amazing claim of the
Christian faith and that is the God who holds together this massive universe entered into his own universe that's stunning outside of a work of the
Spirit of God there there's no way especially today now that we know
I mean in the ancient world you could make the argument in the ancient world people thought that the world was it and that generally it was pretty pretty small we now know that our solar system is a spec a dot we send we're doing really cool stuff right now sending probes off to Mars and Jupiter and Saturn and we've actually sent two probes outside the solar system now we launched them back in the 70s and let me tell you something we're making what do you think about I had a 1972
Buick LeSabre remember that thing the brown bomb Rich remembers it I had a 1972
Buick LeSabre and the highest tech on that other than the
AM FM radio was the the air conditioning slider had a little green light
I thought that was so cool so almost Star Trek ish you know there's a little green light down here that we've actually made that level of tech continue to work for 40 years now since we launched those babies and they're still work and they're still beaming data back to us after leaving the solar system but that's as far as we've gone and our solar system is a spec a tiny little spot in a massive galaxy that is one of a hundred billion galaxies and so it's fully understandable once you begin to comprehend the size of this creation that when we tell people that the creator the maker of all of this entered into his own creation to give his life for us and that's gonna glorify him the world says that's foolishness
Paul was right world says that was foolishness and I get it
I I get it so when we consider what we are really celebrating it is an astonishing thing and it goes so beyond Santa Claus and reindeer and all the rest that kind of stuff it's it's it's not even funny
I get that I hope you understand that too but when we approached it this year and I'm yes
I'm adjusting the doesn't seem like the fan kicked on so it's getting a little bit warmer in here this year
I'm thinking we might have a little more focus I mean
I've always tried in my family and my family will tell you that I've tried to to bring a focus a theological focus a real consideration my favorite family devotion is to look at Isaiah chapter 9 the prophecy that comes hundreds of years before Jesus and and and and the depth of that prophecy a child is born to us a son is given to us and the differentiation the language and I've done that for decades really have they'll tell you
I have so much so that they could all do it themselves I think but I don't most of us are now in a situation where we we cannot do for Christmas as far as gift giving traveling stuff that you know
I did last year and I had these buttons made up for a church last year
I'm not gonna be able to do that this year my my incomes been cut in half since last year so grandma and grandpa aren't gonna be able to do nearly as much as we did for the grandkids and a lot of us are in the same same situation you know
I I I certainly at my age expecting anything unless someone stumbles across my
Amazon gift list who happens to be making a lot of money off of investment in Walmart or something like that I I might get some socks this year
I don't know so that kind of thing can't get in the way but hopefully we have really learned a lot about how important family is and maybe all that's getting all that stuff out of the way might help us to really spend some time thinking about incarnation and what it means incarnation what it means so my suggestion since it's coming fast we're almost done with October got got
Reformation Sunday coming up I'm sorry if I disappointed you and didn't do Reformation stories maybe we'll next week just throw a couple in for the fun of it but it takes time to do quality advent incarnation stuff it's sort of hard to do the night before so dads if you're taking seriously your your role to give some guidance there now it's time to be getting at it well actually a little bit past time but still time to because I think the two of them
Thanksgiving and Christmas just go together so perfectly because ultimately the ultimate reason for Thanksgiving is found in the giving of God in Christmas in the end in the incarnation in the advent and just in passing and I'll I'll stop this a number of years goes ten years ago sort of got all messed up because my mom passed away but I don't
I think is still a good idea we tried to do something to where we actually did the 12 days of Christmas because I think one of the one of the things that's bad about the
American way of doing things is you have a single day and you blow everything on that one day and then the next day you've got the post holiday blues and you really don't have time in that one day there's so much to be done to actually do much in the way of reflection and so ten years ago is 2010 we tried it
I suggested it to my family we tried to do something for the 12 days because that's how they used to do it between December 25th and January 6th the
Eastern Orthodox their Christmas is January 6th and I'll be honest with you they've got a pretty good argument historically there's a good argument for the
January 6th date but I mean there's no argument that's absolutely you know here's a we found a papyrus that says boom you know this is this is the date but the two dates together have really good historical foundation to them and I'm trying to think about how to try to do that and make it special especially the grandkids without it being attached to stuff to trinkets that kind of thing so let's all think about it together let's let's make it a let's make it an important time no matter what happens next week well let's be honest we are not going to have final word on on this election and so probably around Thanksgiving because I mean they they're just giving the
Supreme Court keeps giving more and more time for people just to keep counting ballots and counting ballots and counting ballots and so what well that's just it
I forget when it meets but they've got to get this done by a point in time yeah I think it's early
December yeah they've got to get it done it's the problem with this type of messing around with the with the elections all right get your
Bible out get your Bible out I know that we've gone for an hour so I'll try to limit this to a half hour and we'll go from there
I hate it when the image that comes up on Twitter is moving because it's right over there so like a video type thing like a gif or something like that because it's you're always seeing something to the left so I just scrolled it up to one that doesn't have anything moving in it that's good okay real quick reminder what we started the last program is
I started talking a little bit about a debate that took place last week between Matt slick of karm .org
and Sam Shmoop and it was ostensibly on is limited atonement biblical the problem was it was not defined sufficiently clearly by anybody for that particular subject to actually end up being decided in any way
I don't and I said last time particular redemption is flows from unconditional election which flows from total depravity which flows from the absolute freedom of God flows into irresistible grace the power powerful work in the
Spirit of God to bring us people into himself and then finally the preservation of the Saints perseverance those
Saints to the honor and glory of God so they're all related to one another and trying to deal with one isolated from the others normally doesn't work unless you start at the beginning so you could do a debate is
God absolutely sovereign that's why the Douglas Wilson thing was so important and you can define your terms and you start there that's that's really where it's it's got to begin that wasn't in this debate and therefore it's not overly surprising that bogged down into people talking over each other and going back over the same thing over and over again because the one side won't hear what the other side saying because there are presuppositional things that have not been addressed and so that's that happens a lot on the internet nothing to be excited to surprise about but the thing that did come out and obviously from my perspective the strongest arguments for particular redemption are related to Jesus's role as the high priest of the fulfillment of that role all that in Hebrews and the plain statements of the book of Hebrews as to the perfecting work of the atoning a work of Christ and it's once for allness and all of that you know
Jesus's ability to save and and that forces the other side to come clean that they really struggle this idea of Jesus being able to save because if Jesus is able to save in of himself then it's not a synergistic cooperation of man and God and that's what they have to push whether it's through a complicated sacramental system or through a autonomous free will argument whatever it might be so all of that said and I again last time said
I appreciate Matt's presentation and all the rest that kind of thing the big thing came out of it where people are going
I Sam Shamoon just said that that that Satan was reconciled that the atonement is applied to Satan and he did he didn't want to say it quite as clearly as he should have but he did eventually again
I stopped listening in an hour 45 because that was when they got into audience questions so I listened to the presentations cross -examination closing statements and once I got into the audience question so like that I just kept becoming completely repetitive talking over each other just wasn't worth listening to so maybe something happened later on and I leave that possibility open
I didn't have anybody to have anybody writing in saying oh yeah I didn't think so so I understand and I presented last time what
Sam's argument was Sam's argument has been for a couple years now that Colossians chapter 1 talks about Jesus is the creator of all things and then says in Colossians 120 and through him to reconcile all things to himself having made peace to the blood of his cross through him
I say whether things on earth or things in heaven and hence that's the same top on top not pass but top on there is a difference between the two both in Greek Greek grammar as well as Greek philosophical utilization and therefore since it says having made peace of the blood of his cross then the idea must be that if this has been done for all of creation through the cross then the reconciliation that is affected to the cross which is identified as being the same as the soteriological atoning act of Christ that brings a person into saving relationship through Christ with the
Father has been made for all of creation it is a hypothetical thing it is a it's been provided but not applied so redemption accomplished hypothetically but not yet applied and that phraseology of accomplished and applied came up in the debate a number of times it's phraseology you might be familiar with again
I forgot to grab it but John Murray's fine book redemption accomplished and applied
I've used it as a textbook and when I was teaching systematic theology oh goodness quarter century ago and I highly recommend it it is a study of the ordo salutis the order of salvation but again the tendency on the part of everybody is to think that an order of salvation rather than being a logical order is a temporal order that it's primarily something you can trace through time when in reality it's much more focused upon what the logical relationship of the things that God does in salvation what those things are but the problem being that and what
Murray would object to if Sam were to bring him into the conversation in light of the title of his book is that the accomplishment on the part of the father and the son is a certain accomplishment it's a personal accomplishment there is a specific people who have been united to Christ in his death and that means that there will be an infallible application at the time that God determines to bring about in a anyone of the elects lives their resurrection to spiritual life faith repentance they're understanding who
Christ is all these other things it is inevitable because it is decreed and of course this is just simply the recognition of the now not yet the fact that that there is a appropriate and proper sense in the eternal realm of God's activity to elect a particular people and to join them to Jesus Christ so that his death is not just anticipatory but is actually participatory whereas there needs to be an application of that in time because we're gonna come along at a different time we
I didn't exist when that happened some my fellow pastor
Luke says that I know so much about church history because I lived through most of it it's great being the eldest elder the younger elders like to make fun of the eldest elder and I I just have the wonderful reality that with each passing day he's getting older too and so it's it's gonna not take very long before he's going
I remember Calvin yeah anyway so oh yeah it's gonna come for you too so in discussing this sorry for all the background discussion discussing as we started looking at chapter 1 and one of the things that we brought up that I think is very very important is the fact that Colossians and Ephesians are prison epistles they are epistles that are written contemporaneously and written to a the same general area in Asia Minor Colossae being a smaller city upriver from Ephesus a city that its church was not founded by Paul himself but probably through the natural efforts of the church in Ephesus where Paul had spent so much time to plant such a strong church there in in Ephesus and hence when you put
Colossians and Ephesians side -by -side you see that there are extremely important parallel passages where the exact same language is being used the exact same concepts are being presented but unlike synoptic studies where you're looking at Matthew Mark and Luke where sometimes a very very similar language is being used here when you compare
Ephesians and Colossians there is there is there are direct parallels but there are also subtle differences that then provide a light as to exactly what the
Apostles seem to communicate so I've actually put on the screen here two workspaces right beside each other there you go that gives you
Colossians over here Colossians over here in English and Greek and then
Ephesians over here in English and Greek as well so that we can see the the parallels that exist between them and so we had started looking at Colossians chapter 1 and remember what
Ephesians chapter 1 is Ephesians chapter 1 the the eternal expression of the purpose of God in election and predestination that that God is specifically choosing a people in Christ Jesus this one of the things came up in the debate interestingly enough not the
Shimon slick debate but in the Wilson a debate that I mentioned yesterday the
Wilson Jaros debate and I need to I need to ask
Doug what he meant because I sound like what he was saying is that Ephesians 1 is primarily directed at Jewish Christians and I'm like there weren't that many
Jewish Christians in Ephesus so and given this is probably a circular letter meant to go to a of other churches
I not sure what that was all about but it's plainly talking about God's sovereign purposes wrapping up all things in Christ Jesus he's the one who works all things after the counsel of his will and this is taking us back into eternity as does
Colossians 1 but Colossians 1 has a different flavor to it because it's talking about the preeminence of Christ and certainly
Christ is preeminent in Ephesians 1 because everything's in Christ in 13 verses 10 times you have in him in Christ in the beloved one so both present the supremacy of Christ but with different emphases and given that I think the epistle of Ephesians is what
Paul's referring to in Colossians 4 16 when he says read the epistle coming from Laodicea I think that what
Paul is doing is he's he has gotten word of some of the problems in Colossae with this proto
Gnostic idea the earlier earliest forms of what would become the full -blown
Gnostic heresy and so he's emphasizing certain aspects that will then be reinforced when this circular epistle circular in the sense of being sent around and being transmitted around various churches arrives from Laodicea and so the preeminence aspect he emphasizes the anti Gnostic element of that in Colossians 1 but then
Ephesians 1 comes along and it's also going to present the preeminence of Christ but in a more broadly soteriological sense in regards to salvation itself rather than in the cosmological sense but what you do see by comparing
Colossians and Ephesians and this is by the way one of the reasons that in a debate you just can't get into this type type background stuff so I recognize the limitations of debate that's why
I like focused debate theses but I also recognize that that can a debate can never take the place of having the opportunity of sitting down with the word like this and going into these things and without the distraction of passion give consideration to I hadn't really thought about that before that's interesting so for example
I mentioned last time that there are shall
I call them extra soteriological effects of the incarnation and the ministry and atonement and resurrection of Jesus people tend to because the five points of Calvinism were primarily focused upon soteriological issues they issues relating to salvation that's what soteriology is they will hesitate to see any wider possible application and so I remember years and years ago conversation between John Piper and fellow at Southern Seminary will come to me eventually on this subject and it was vitally important to see the the positive benefits of the work of Christ that were not specifically directly related to the salvation of the elect and the forgiveness of their sins and that's what you get in Colossians and Ephesians the
Ephesians presentation is going to emphasize the healing of the
Jewish Gentile divide the breaking down of the barrier that's the specific language that's used in Ephesians the breaking down the barrier that exists between Jew and Gentile the
Colossians because of its apologetic concern to protect the unique nature of Jesus because the the protagnostics are going yeah let's let's make room for this
Jesus guy so we'll make him one of the eons we'll make him and of that ends up resulting in questions about whether he's truly human and the
Incarnation and things like that Paul punches that in the throat to use modern terminology by saying all the fullness the play
Roma tastes they are they toss of deity dwells in Jesus is dwelling kataikai presidents is dwelling
Jesus in bodily form so Matikos which it just is just a it's a punch in the throat to a
Gnostic to use the language in that way that's not possible that their dualism wouldn't wouldn't go there so with that apologetic aspect in mind both epistles are going to talk about broad issues regarding God and creation and what has taken place in Jesus and our duty is to be good students of Scripture and to see how these things relate to other texts of Scripture to other discussions of the
Atonement especially in Hebrews where you have this lengthy argumentation for Christ is the fulfillment of all that's come before him so there's nothing to go back to justification in Romans we have to be balanced in all of these things if we want to really know what
Scripture is saying in a full and consistent fashion rather than just here's my position
I'm gonna defend it no matter what so we looked at Colossians 1 and we noted that there is a transition that takes place beginning in verse 18 he is also ahead of the body of the church and he is the beginning the firstborn from the dead so that he himself will come to have first place and everything and so you now have this special creation of God the church and Jesus bears a relationship to the church that is unique he is not the head of mountains a part of the physical creation he is to have first place and everything as prototokos as creator but but there is a unique relationship that Jesus has to the church which is his body he is the head of the body so unless you think that all people are in the church and universalists do believe that in various manifestations then this is a unique relationship to a part of creation not to all of creation
Jesus has first place in everything that doesn't make him the head of everything he is the head of the church which is his body that's a specific defined element of creation so we saw this transition for it was the father's good pleasure for all the fullness to dwell in him and there is discussion of what play
Roma means here is it different than for example in Colossians 2 should we see some nuance depending on where we are in Paul's discussion but we know it's the father's good pleasure and that's the same term that's used in Ephesians chapter 1 in regards to the basis of our election is the good pleasure it was
God's the father's good pleasure for all the fullness to dwell in him cut to a case
I this is gonna be the same root as we're going to see in Colossians 2 9 for all the fullness of deity dwells in him is dwelling in him gather okay in bodily form so looking at the language so with that I wanted to point out the parallels that we have from Ephesians chapter 2 so let's look across over here therefore remember the formerly you
Gentiles in the flesh so it's interesting that that's
I am I'm still wondering what Doug was saying and maybe he's saying there's been a switch from addressing
Jews to now addressing Gentiles but it just seems to me that the Church of Ephesus would be primarily
Gentile but anyway therefore I remember that formerly you the Gentiles in the flesh who are called uncircumcision by the so -called circumcision which is performed the flesh by human hands remember that you were at that time separate from Christ excluded from the
Commonwealth of Israel and strangers to the covenants of promise having no hope without God in the world so here's the division here is this massive wall that exists and here is the description that that is given of it you were separate from Christ excluded from the
Commonwealth of Israel it might make a little more sense if you translated Christos here is
Messiah separate from the Messiah yeah obviously weren't part of the Messiah's people excluded the
Commonwealth of Israel strangers to the covenants of promise having no hope without God in the world that's pretty bleak description the scripture gives of the
Gentiles but now in the Messiah Jesus you who formerly were far off have been brought near and then notice by the blood of Christ now why do
I point that out well over here in Colossians 120 having made peace through the blood of his cross so as Paul's writing these two epistles many of the same topics concepts are in his mind that he wants to communicate to these these two churches that are so closely bound one and then notice this verse 14 for he himself is our what is our peace and the
Greek term right here is I rain a and here in Colossians 120 you have a really interesting word my understanding is this is only found in Christian sources made peace it's
I read a poy a sauce is taking peace I name and slapping it on to the verbal form of poy uh -oh heiress and so making peace the blood of his cross and so same concepts but here in Ephesians it's specifically focused upon for he himself is our peace who made both groups into one and broke down the barrier of the dividing wall and so in writing to the church deficits you have the foundation being laid to understand the nature of the body the church which is what you have in verse 18 he has also had the body the church is beginning the first one for the dead so he might himself would come down first place and everything so how is that body formed well he made both groups into one and broke down the dividing wall by abolishing in his flesh the enmity which is law of commandments contained in ordinances that in himself he might make the two into one new man thus establishing
I rain a so establishing I rain a notice the two words that are used in Greek poy own
I rain a that's what peacemaking is over in Colossians so this would not be the first time that the
Apostle coins a phrase by maybe maybe
Paul was the original German because Germans that's what Germans do
Germans make up words by just cramming littler words together and sometimes they don't care if the resultant word is two paragraphs long they just that's just what
Germans do and that's what Paul is doing here so by abolishing in his flesh the enmity which is law of commandments contained in ordinances that in himself he might make the two into one new man thus establishing peace and might ding -ding -ding -ding -ding -ding reconcile apokata lock say reconcile them both in one body to God through the cross
I mean the it's it's really hard to avoid the idea that when we look at these putting together even here and although you were formerly alienated and hostile alienated was up above where in in in Ephesians you were afar you were far off you were strangers you were excluded from the
Commonwealth of Israel so are these the same concepts ways using all the same language and he's connecting it all to the work of Christ and so is the making of the church
Jew and Gentile the primary focus of what's going on Colossians as well it's certainly a possibility in light of the parallel or there could be a slightly different emphasis that the two are meant to fill each other out but here's one of the key problems that I had with the debate last week is that the term reconcile was thrown out and the assumption was made that reconcile always means the same thing no matter what its contextual usage is and maybe because I read
Moises Silva's book biblical words in a meeting so long ago that's and I I don't think that's the name of the book any longer
I think it's still in print but I don't think it's name of the book that that book had such a huge impact on me because I realized that the way that we learn vocabulary and understand the meaning of words when we study
New Testament Greek is not the best way to do it I don't necessarily know of any way around it especially in light of teaching it where you have limited amount of time and I'm just thankful the seminaries are still teaching it at all to be honest with you many of them have just given up and gone to Greek tools and just don't even bother anymore but when you learn a direct correspondence idea as to what the meaning is rather than what's called a semantic domain there are some words that have very narrow semantic domain they're very technical and then there are others like logos that have a domain like this they really do it can have so many different applications and meanings determining where the author is placing that word in the semantic domain of that word so vitally important is it possible given now back it back out the truck is like what does reconcile mean it's it's interesting that for example the form that is used here has a double prefix a paw and kata so it's it's it's a double prefixed form very rare outside the
New Testament could it be that Paul himself intends us to be paying attention to the broad spectrum of what the word can mean and then making specific application in each different context because you not only have
Colossians and Ephesians though they make up a number of the uses but everybody knows that you you have the
Corinthian correspondence as well and you have in first Corinthians chapter 2 the second
Corinthians chapter 2 where you have the discussion of reconciliation we we beg you on behalf of God be reconciled to God that's addressed to Christians how is that different from what it's being said here you you we rarely are challenged to think this through and to be careful about it and to consider what is being said
I think it's important that we do so and we do so in light of the parallel passages that we have between Colossians 1
Colossians 2 and Ephesians 2 and Ephesians 3 so notice that says and might reconcile them both in one body so whatever this reckons this reconciliation here is reconcile them both the two of them in any somati to Theo one body to God diatou staru through the cross putting to death the entity in himself or in it if you want to attach it to staru so something happens at the cross according to Colossians 2 16 that creates the body and it creates the body through a process that involves reconciliation and putting to death the enmity the enmity that existed now when we think of reconciliation we normally think in human terms we think of two offended brothers who are reconciled to one another but what's interesting is when you turn it into a verb it subtly changes the meaning of the word so when it's a verb and one of the parties is performing the reconciliation see you can find uses of reconciliation in secular materials where mankind's being reconciled to God but it's not
God who's doing it it's through the actions of man but that's not gonna fit in Christianity this is you know God God does this in Christianity and so one of the fascinating uses of reconciliation outside the
New Testament that I had I had never seen in seminary anyways was a citation about Alexander the
Great where he was called the reconciler of the world now it's it's funny cuz
I had I'm gonna go a minute or two late it's funny because I had for some reason spent a fair amount of time listening to a lengthy book on the life of Alexander which wasn't a long life so died at 33 but Alexander conquered the world he killed probably over a million people in warfare subjugation of cities sometimes not a righteous subjugation of cities enslaved millions so how can you call him the reconciler of the world their reconciliation is taken in the sense of the unifier the one who brought the world under one order and it's true that there's something about reconciliation that lays the foundation for God's ability to judge and to demonstrate his wisdom in creation itself in light of the invasion of evil into his creation so until his great soteriological act starting with the incarnation there is an unanswered charge against God your creation has rebelled and is out of your it's it's gone out of the parameters that you intended for it and so for a lengthy period of time to the observation of the principalities and powers mankind
I mean you had the flood right you had the flood that didn't solve everything because people are still falling an atom through Noah and you had the
Tower of Babel which is often ignored but it's an important story because mankind's getting together in a rebellious fashion toward God and what does
God do he fractures them he splits them up sends them out so that they cannot unify in rebellion and so it does make sense when you think about that that use of Alexander that it's the reconciler that there is a sense that part of the fundamental meaning of reconcile cut a lot so is to lay the foundation for the demonstration of the justice of God in how he wraps up his creation unto his own glory and that is found in the incarnation the voluntary self -giving upon the cross and the resurrection of Jesus the salvation of a particular people in Christ is part of that but there is a universal cosmic impact that comes from the
Sun entering into creation itself that I think is in light and so you've got the emphasis and Ephesians bringing
Jew and Gentile together is that the same reconciliation and bring putting to death by the enmity what what enmity is in view in clash in Ephesians 216 having by the cross put to death the enmity
Ekthron what what enmity is that is it
Jewish Gentile is it the enmity that comes about because of the ordinances law and Commandments up here in in verse 15 is that what's there and how does this relate because because let me let me close up with this because obviously we ain't done but you scroll down here in Ephesians 2 14 having canceled out what 213 when you were dead in your transgressions the uncircumcision of your flesh he made you alive together with him having forgiven us all our transgressions having canceled out the certificate of debt consisting of decrees against us which was hostile to us and he has taken out of the way having nailed it to the cross when he had disarmed the rulers and authorities he made a public display of them having triumphed over them what how who who are the rulers and authorities how are they disarmed it's in the cross and it's in these this this chirograph on which came up in the in the debate by the way there was a discussion of the chirograph on which is hostile to us so it is is that related to the law of Commandments contained in ordinances the the dogma sin over here in Ephesians 2 how do these things relate to one another and how does this then color the utilization of the term reconcile and is there a use of term reconciliation then that does not have a directly soteriological application because if you if you are seeking a way in which
God can be justified for his create for his creation of all things and that that has something to do with what reconciliation means that's different than a human being whose sins are forgiven and the enmity that exists between he and God has taken away because he's given a new heart and all these other things because hearts aren't given to planets and and plants and animals and all the rest of the created order so we have to be very specific in looking at each text in what it itself is focusing upon and we will continue with that but I've gone past where I was going to go today
I just like I just like having biblical text on the screen and I'm sitting here thinking
I was thinking about you know we're looking at the studio and and I'm I was
I was asking rich I need the videos for how to use this screen thing this would look really good on the screen and this would look really good to be able to circle it over here and draw the thing down to here and do this kind of thing so I'm excited about what that's gonna what that's gonna allow us to do so who knows in the future we may you may fire up the dividing line and and all of a sudden something different is gonna come on the screen
I'm gonna say welcome to the studio version of the dividing line and we will definitely be doing that partly because we just need to work out the bugs and the kinks and figure out how things gonna work and how things stream and how to switch from the screen to the cameras and all this kind of stuff
I see you know and so I would rather mess up in this context then like doing our first debate where we're gonna make sure we've done this and done it well give everybody a chance to watch us mess up that's right we're gonna give everybody a chance to watch it watch us mess up and that's perfectly fine because once we do the first real serious debate
I want it to flow just I and for me I can't be trying new things while also trying to take on someone who's a serious debate upon I it needs to be second nature so but yeah well we'll be doing we'll be doing stuff like that stuff like that I'm sort of thinking that Monday would be good if possible the day before the election not saying wouldn't do anything on Tuesday when you and I have already both voted so that's not a big big deal but I'm sort of thinking that maybe some some more stuff will have been said before before Tuesday that needs to be addressed so Oh Wednesday Wednesday we may have to fight our way through to the office because it's yeah yeah it's yeah there might be smoke on the horizon and everything else
I don't know I'm certainly praying that's not the case but people are predicting all sorts of things
I pray for peace I pray for clarity pray for Christ Church I pray that we will be quick to tell people