End Times Craziness (Part 2)


The key to unlocking End Times, is not “when, but who.” In other words, stop looking at current events and trying to figure out WHEN Jesus will return. Instead, focus on the essence, nature and character of God (WHO).  


The Gospel of God (Part 3)

Welcome to No Compromise Radio, a ministry coming to you from Bethlehem Bible Church in West Boylston.
No Compromise Radio is a program dedicated to the ongoing proclamation of Jesus Christ, based on the theme in Galatians 2, verse 5, where the
Apostle Paul said, But we did not yield in subjection to them for even an hour, so that the truth of the gospel would remain with you.
In short, if you like smooth, watered -down words to make you simply feel good, this show isn't for you.
By purpose, we are first biblical, but we can also be controversial. Stay tuned for the next 25 minutes as we're called by the divine trumpet to summon the troops for the honor and glory of her
King. Here's our host, Pastor Mike Abendroth. Welcome to No Compromise Radio ministry.
It is a lovely Friday afternoon here in real time in NoCo world. And I just was eating some,
I don't know, like freeze -dried bananas or something. What kind of food is that?
Moon food. Remember space food sticks? Those were cool.
If you're old like me, like Christian Harris, who listens, he's always in on the pop culture stuff.
I bet you he had space food sticks and a glass of Tang. Why do they call it
Tang? Tang must be an acronym for something. I'm sure one of you will send me an email saying
Tang stands for this. I could probably do it right now and say, Siri, what does Tang stand for?
And see what she says. I wonder what she'll say. She's calculating. She doesn't know
Tang. What is Tang? No.
All right. Well, Israel, I think we've got, I don't know, 30 deposits down or something like that, 25 seats.
Working on some more of those. I'll send out the list soon enough. Who's on the waiting list and who isn't and all that kind of stuff.
Crazy days. Crazy days. My daughter's been married now for a few weeks.
That was fun to be back in California for the wedding. And what are you doing?
All your kids live in California. Some people say it's just a matter of time before I move back to California.
But to where would I move? I mean, what city? Hacienda Heights?
Sorry if you live there. We're talking a little bit on No Compromise Radio about the end times and how everybody wants to know when.
And they're future snoopers. And they're looking at how do vaccinations fall into end times and could this be the mark of the beast with the
Vax passports. And that means Jesus is going to be back here soon. And look what's going on with America.
We're going to be like Venezuela in five years. And what about just printing money? I guess you don't even have to do that anymore.
It's just all digital. What's going to go on? These are the signs of the times. And I've been trying to say, at least with 2
Peter in mind, chapter 3, that the real question is not when but who.
Let's keep our eyes on the Lord. First of all, in verse 8 of 2 Peter 3, let's have a perspective from God's point of view.
That will help us in so many areas. And then let's talk a little bit about the patience of God.
Let's think about who God is. In 2 Peter 3, verse 9, it's all about the patience of God.
Why is God delaying? And what is going on is when people are like, well,
God doesn't wish Annie to perish but for all to come to repentance. Does that mean He wants universalism?
Does that mean He can't get His way? I think if you look at 2
Peter 3, verse 9, and you say to yourself, well, there's a context that will help, right?
Because that's what we do at Don't Compromise Radio. The Lord is not slow to fulfill His promise as some count slowness, those scoffers, but is patient toward you.
Who do you think the you is? The you are. Not wishing that any, any of the you should perish, but that all should reach repentance.
So does He want everybody to reach repentance? I mean, does God, you know, will that anyone should perish?
Is He willing that everyone should get saved? Could God say, I want everybody to be saved and I don't want to break your free will or break into your free will, so if you don't come, then
I'm just going to have to allow that. Of course, 2 Peter 1, 1, Simon Peter, a bondservant and apostle of Jesus Christ, to those who have received a faith of the same kind as ours by the righteousness of God and our
God and Savior, Jesus Christ. He's writing to these believers. And verse 9 is the answer to the question in verse 4.
Verse 4, where's the promise of His coming? For ever since the fathers fell asleep, all continues just as it was from the beginning of creation.
Everything's the same. Now, God, it says, isn't willing that any should perish.
The Greek word for any is, it's indefinite. It can mean someone, anyone, some people, certain people.
And what you've got to do when you look at Scripture is you've got to say, who would these any be if He's not wishing for any to perish?
I mean, I guess what you could do is you could say, He's got a wish, but not really a will. Some people want to do that, that He's wishing this to happen, but He doesn't will it to happen.
I think that's a bad option. I think if He wishes for something, then
He gets His wish. If He wills for something, He gets His will. And so He doesn't want any to perish.
He cannot be talking about universalism here because we know that the Bible talks about hell in many places.
So He's not wishing for any to perish. So who are the any? That's the question. And the any happens to be, as I said last show, the unregenerate elect.
There are people walking on this earth today that are elect people, but they're not believers yet.
But they will be, and God's patient. God hasn't come back yet because all the elect haven't believed.
And as I said last show, aren't you glad He waited for you? I got saved 31 years ago.
What if Jesus came back with all His vengeance and fury against unbelievers 32 years ago?
I would have been smoked. We know that He knows how to rescue the righteous, the godly, but I wasn't righteous and I wasn't godly.
And therefore, I'm glad He was patient. And, of course, there's something in us that says,
Lord, we long for your return and could you make everything right and this world is just wrong.
And so please come back and take care of it. There's nothing wrong with that kind of thinking. And then you go, oh, but the reason for the delay is not because He's not powerful, not because He's a liar.
It's because He's patient. God has chosen the elect, given those elect to the
Son. The Spirit of God applies the work of Jesus to those elect that the
Father gave the Son. Sproul said, what is the antecedent of any? It is clearly us.
Does us refer to all us humans or does it refer to us Christians? God does not wish any of us, the elect, to perish.
That's why the NIV is bad here. I mean, the ESV has its moments of being bad, but it's not bad here.
That's a bad translation. Jesus isn't going to return until every elect person believes full stop.
God's not failing in His plan. God's not flailing in His plan.
Robert Raymond, the Lord is patient with you, referring to the Christians He is addressing, offering as His ground for this reassuring promise to these
Christians, the axiomatic truth. He does not want any of you elect to perish, but all of you to come to repentance.
Clearly, the referent of any is the Christian elect to whom He has been speaking, and all refers to the elect of God in their entirety.
And His point is God's concern for the Church. The Lord, He says, is delaying His coming in order that He might bring the whole elect of God to repentance.
The goal of the delay has been planned. It's not like John and James, the sons of thunder.
Shall we call down fire from heaven to consume and destroy them? No. God's not going to have any of His elect to perish.
He's long -suffering toward them, and that was the purpose of the Incarnation. The Lord, the
Lord, compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness. Exodus 34.
Jonah 4, 3, I knew that you were a gracious and compassionate God, slow to anger and abounding in love, a
God who relents from sending calamity. God waited for you.
What explains that? Your goodness? God's inability? The patience of God.
God is suffering, long -suffering rather, to you, dear
Christian. Well, how do we navigate in times?
It's not when, charts and graphs. It's who. And you look at it from God's perspective.
You look at it from God's patient dealings with His people. And then you look at it from His promises.
Chapter 3, verse 10. 2 Peter 3, verse 10. My name's Mike Gabendroth. This is No Compromise Radio. PilgrimTours .com
forward slash groups forward slash Omaha Bethlehem. What's BC 2021?
Type in Pilgrim Tours. Go to our website, No Compromise Radio, Bethlehem Bible Church.
Somewhere you're going to find it. Or email me, Mike at NoCompromiseRadio .com. Don't forget, Pat Abendroth has thepactum .org.
I've listened to every show. Excellent show. Podcast, weekly podcast. What else is going on in the world that I could promote?
I just finished Simply Trinity by Matthew Barrett. And I think
I'm speaking with Matthew Barrett sometime soon. I'll be very Trinitarianly correct.
Although he kind of ruined it for me, because in the ESV, I thought, you know, in John, that is the
Gospel of John, 1 John, 2 John, 3 John, and in the book of Revelation, I believe five times begotten is used.
Monogenes is the Greek word. And I can't remember all five of them, but 1
John 1 .14, 1 John 1 .18, John 3 .16, 1
John 4 .9, and there's one other one. The one that you could probably think of very easily is, for God so loved the world that he gave his only son or only begotten son.
Well, the Greek word is only begotten. But if you've got translators who, at least back in those days, weren't too keen on the eternal begottenness of the son, then there's a problem.
So that's kind of a bummer. I mean, here, 2 Peter 3 .9 is good, but 1
John 14 .18 and 3 John 16, not so good. You know,
I always used to think with the Trinity that it was, there's like three ways to help describe it.
Number one, one God, Deuteronomy 6. Number two, the
Father's God, the Son's God, the Spirit's God, and we could show the verses for each of those. And number three, that the
Father's not the Son, and the Son's not the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Spirit's not the Father. And that's correct, but that's not really enough.
There needs to be more. As much as I want it to be Trinity 3, there needs to be more.
How do the persons of the Trinity, the subsistences of the
Trinity, how do they relate to one another? What are the relations? And the
Son is from the Father. He's begotten, not made. The Father's unbegotten, the
Son is begotten, and the Spirit proceeds both from the Father and the Son. Why didn't the
Father go redeem the elect? Why didn't the Son apply the work of the Father to the elect, etc.?
Why didn't the Holy Spirit come and die? And that we have to deal with those kind of things. Anyway, we believe in the eternal generation of the
Son. Only begotten Son. Begotten, not made. Not like human begotten.
Not like, you know, some kind of creation. We don't want to have that. Anyway. It's hard, but it's good.
But the book kind of ruined the only begotten parts in the ESV for me. Oh well.
God's promises, verse 10. The day of the Lord is promised. It's predicted.
It's true. It's going to happen. Right? We don't have to worry about it. The day of the
Lord will come, like a thief in the night, or like a thief. Then the heavens will pass away with a roar, and the heavenly bodies will be burned up and dissolved, and the earth and the works that are done on it will be exposed.
Because God is patient, it doesn't mean that this judgment day is going to be forgotten.
We're going to call it off, as some people say. The day of the Lord. That technical designation of the return of Christ.
It's going to happen. Jesus talked about it in Matthew 24 and in Luke 12.
It's going to happen. We read last week from the pulpit in 1 Thessalonians 5.
It's going to happen. It's going to come like a thief in the night. You're not going to expect it, and it's going to happen.
When everybody has repented, when everybody has thought rightly about their sins and on the positive side believed, then the
Lord will come back. You can count God's promises to be true.
The day of the Lord. The day of God. The day of Jesus. The day of God.
The day of the Lord. When Jesus comes back, that's the day of God, the
Son. Come back like a thief. And the unbelievers and the scoffers and the false teachers, there's nothing they can do about it.
And when this day comes, three things are going to happen. Heavens will pass away with a roar.
Remember Jesus said heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.
Here, heavens will pass away. Isaiah 34, all the stars of heavens will be dissolved and the sky rolled up like a scroll.
All the starry host will fall like withered leaves from the vine, like shriveled figs from the fig tree.
Ouch. Revelation 6, the sun turned black like sackcloth made of goat hair.
Whole moon turned blood red and the stars in the sky fell to earth. As late figs drop from a fig tree when shaken by a strong wind, the sky receded like the scroll rolling up, and every mountain and island was removed from its place.
With a roar. With a sound. Some say like the hissing of snakes.
That's one of the ways we could translate this. You can just hear this divine judgment.
This divine judgment, and it's just like it's gone. It's over. The heavens will pass away with this great noise.
The word for noise or roar, it kind of looks like what it sounds like. It's an onomatopoetic, just awful.
And there's this loud trumpet, and the elector gathered from one end of heaven to the other.
Powers of heaven shaken. Moon doesn't give its light. Stars fall from heaven.
That's the coming of the Son of Man. That's the coming of the day of the Lord. Not only that, elements are going to be dissolved by fire.
The ESV says heavenly bodies will be burned up and dissolved. Heavenly bodies is where we get the word stoic for stoichiometry.
Remember when you were in chemistry, stoichiometry. Stoic means to an element, and stoichiometry, metron, is to measure.
And it's a branch of chemistry that deals with the application of laws of definite proportions and the conservation of mass and energy to chemical activity.
Of course, I just read that, by the way. So these elements, everything that's in the world, air, fire, water, the earth itself, could mean that, it could mean what the
ESV defaults to. Heavenly bodies, the sun, the moon, the stars. Some people may even think kind of like angels, right, the bad angels.
But these elements are gone. So whether it's the sun and the moon and the stars, or what they're made out of, it's just over.
Dissolved. Ended. Pretty amazing.
How does that happen? I mean, it has to be the power of God. That's amazing. It's just gone.
Calvin said, What afterward follows respecting the burning of heaven and of earth requires no long explanation if indeed we duly consider what is intended.
Wow. Heavens pass away, elements dissolve by fire, and the earth, and all that has been done in it.
Here we have Luke Avendroth coming back again on No Compromise Radio. Welcome to No Compromise Radio, Luke Avendroth.
Thank you. Thanks for having me on. Yeah, I'm just talking about stoichiometry and the elements burning up.
Tell us about stoichiometry so you don't ask me any questions. Well, it's interesting.
In 2 Peter chapter 3, it talks about the earth is dissolved, the elements, and it's where we get the word stoicheia, which is meaning element.
And so stoichiometry is a branch of chemistry that deals with proportions and elements and all that stuff.
So I never knew what stoichiometry was when I was a chemist, but now I know what it is because I'm a
Bible student. That's right. We only learn what the Bible says. That's true. So I have five minutes left on this episode today on No Compromise Radio.
Is there anything you want to tell our listening audience? Jehovah Jireh.
That's what I was calling you. Jehovah Jireh. I wanted to tell you that.
That's why I called. Okay. Good. I thought you were going to say something about John 1 .14
and 1 .18 and 3 .16 and 1 John 4 .9. I thought you were going to talk about monogamies.
Yeah. That's the eternal subordination version. Oh, ESV.
Tell me, you're reading a book on the Trinity by Augustine. A, which one do you say?
And B, is it any good? Could I understand it if I read it? Number one,
I say Augustine. I don't know if I'm right, but that's just how I say it. I learned that from you, I think.
Number two, I'm sure you can read it. If I could understand it, then I think the one who taught me everything I know could understand it, too.
No, no. I only taught you everything you know positively. The negative stuff... Yeah, yeah. All the negatives I picked up from Mom.
No, no. Not Mom. I think it was from your fundamentalist school. Yes. Good.
Well, my whole premise of 2 Peter 3, the Lord's return, it's not when, like trying to find a date.
It's who. And God is being patient. And I said, can you imagine? I got saved 31 years ago.
What if Jesus came back 32 years ago? That would have been bad. But I'm really glad He waited.
And so the scoffers are saying, He doesn't care. He's impotent. He's not going to come back. But Peter says, it doesn't matter if God promised it a billion years ago or one minute ago.
It's going to happen. And by the way, one of the reasons why it's going to is delayed is because He's waiting for all the unregenerate elect to believe.
There you go. So I'm going to call you in five minutes, pal. All right. I love you, buddy.
All right. That's Luke Avendroth, No Compromise Radio Ministry. Hey, you have to take the calls.
You know, I don't like when people call into the show because it's just hard to navigate because if people don't ask questions and they basically want to be the teacher, then
I look like a jerk if I cut them off. Right? And sometimes people ask questions, I have no idea what they're even talking about.
Then I look dumb. So those are both reasons why I look dumb. If I want to look dumb on this show, it's going to be my own doing, not based on somebody else calling me.
Everything's going to go. And as Calvin said, you know what? It's just pretty simple.
The earth and the works that are done on it will be exposed or found. And while I said something about the
ESV earlier in a negative fashion, here this word exposed or found, you can translate it either way, but there are other manuscripts where it talks about a different reading, that it shall be burned.
But here I think what he's trying to say is, it's right in the ESV, they're going to be exposed. And the exposure is going to show, like a courtroom would show, guilt or innocence.
Are these good works? Are they bad works? Are they ungodly works that the unbelievers have?
And they will be judged for it. I don't think they're going to be our works because our works are accepted because we're accepted by the
Lord Jesus, and we're not going to get into heaven by works, and even Revelation 20, we're not going to have our works examined to get into heaven because our name will be in the book.
And the one book has the names, and we're in it. And Jesus is taking care of all of our bad works, all of our sinful things.
And there's another set of books that have deeds written in them, and then they're going to be judged based on their deeds, and that's not going to be a good day.
This kind of language here is, yeah, the earth is going to be disposed and dissolved, and people who think they're getting away with it like these scoffers, they're going to be exposed.
Scoffers will be exposed, along with their bad works, along with everybody else who doesn't believe on the
Lord Jesus Christ. This is language of unloosening.
The Greek is to loosen, and everything's just unloosened. All things were created by Jesus and for Jesus, and in Jesus all things hold together, and when
He lets go, He doesn't have the whole world in His hand anymore, and it's just going to be dissolution, destruction, exposure.
And what should we do? Believe these scoffers that are going to get judged, or have sincere minds and pure minds?
My name's Mike Abendroth. This is No Compromise Radio. You can always write me, mike at nocompromiseradio .com.
And also listen to Pat Abendroth's patdom .org. No Compromise Radio with Pastor Mike Abendroth is a production of Bethlehem Bible Church in West Boylston.
Bethlehem Bible Church is a Bible -teaching church firmly committed to unleashing the life -transforming power of God's Word through verse -by -verse exposition of the sacred text.
Please come and join us. Our service times are Sunday morning at 1015 and in the evening at 6. We're right on Route 110 in West Boylston.
You can check us out online at bbcchurch .org or by phone at 508 -835 -3400.