Breaking News: Insider With the D.C. Case of the Baby Remains (Warning: Graphic)


Warning: Very Graphic News Report on the case of the D.C. baby remains. We are joined by A.J. Hurley, an insider, who witnessed the details surrounding the recent case of the remains of children a. bort. 3d in Washington DC. This is very hard to watch. However, it needs to be seen. Please tell everyone you know. Be sure to like, share, and comment on this video. You can get more at : You can partner with us by signing up for All Access. When you do you make everything we do possible and you also get our TV show, After Show, and Apologia Academy, etc. You can also sign up for a free acount to recieve access to Bahnsen U. We are re-mastering all the audio and video from the Greg L. Bahnsen PH.D catalogue of resources. This is a seminary education at the highest level for free. #ApologiaStudios Follow us on social media here: Facebook: Instagram:


Welcome, everybody, to this very special broadcast of Apologia.
We are going to be talking about some things today that are very disturbing. You're going to see things today that are very, very disturbing.
So I want to say at the very outset of this that I'm grateful that you're watching this. We pray that God will be glorified in what we're going to talk about today.
What you're going to see here on this episode is risky to show on our platform, just in terms of being shut down, having this suppressed, and those sorts of things.
It's also risky because what we're going to show you today is really the full display of human depravity and sin and brokenness in the world.
I want to warn you, and I want you to please take this very, very seriously. This episode, this, what you're about to see, is very, very disturbing.
You're going to see things right now that you will not be able to unsee. I absolutely assure you of that.
So I want to encourage you, if you have children around, do not watch this around children. Please do not take any risks.
With where you're watching this, what you're going to see is extremely disturbing. It is very hard to see.
You cannot unsee it. And I cannot communicate clearly enough the need for discretion as you watch this video and make sure, again, that you have no little ones around while you're watching this video.
I'm joined by a friend and a very special guest, A .J. Hurley. A .J. and I have been talking.
He is sort of in the midst of this situation you may have heard about in the national media.
I know that it's all over Twitter and other places, the story of the dead babies.
I'm just going to go ahead, and now that I've given you a warning, I'm going to show you some of what you may have seen already.
Here is one picture. This is an image -bearer of God, a child created in God's image, uniquely created by God, slaughtered via abortion.
And again, some of you may have seen this picture already. It's horrifying, and brothers and sisters, we need to see it.
Next, you may have seen this picture. This precious little boy had his life taken away via child sacrifice, abortion, and you need to see it.
We need to see it. I understand how heartbreaking this is and how hard it is to see.
But brothers and sisters, this is the reality of abortion in our world, in our nation.
This is it. This is the result of human depravity, of suppressing
God, of rebelling against God, of literally leading our own children to be sacrificed.
And this one, another child made in God's image, uniquely created by God, life taken away because of abortion.
So we're going to be talking about that. We're going to be showing you some videos. AJ, have these videos been seen in media yet?
Live action did release some of the videos, not all the videos yet.
I released one of the videos on my page. I've been doing my best to try to just be sensitive to everybody else involved, be sensitive to an ongoing investigation, and be incredibly strategic and wise about how this is released in order that, man, there's just so many things to juggle with this,
Jeff, between the police and their investigation that's ongoing, between the other people and parties and organizations that are involved.
And then also just to be sensitive to my friend who's been indicted in something that's connected to this.
And, you know, D .C. and the FBI have a very much a vested interest in skewing this and making us pay.
And so it's with a very, very heavy heart that I even come forward, knowing that myself and maybe even my wife could be, you know, they could be coming through the door at any moment, hauling me off to jail.
When you're doing the right thing, brother, by exposing this great, great evil, I'm grateful for you. AJ, can you just briefly tell us your background before we get into the story and show some of these videos?
Can you please tell us some of your background? Sure. I am a
I've been in the medical field almost 20 years now. I started right out of high school as an
EMT. I worked on the ambulance for just under five years, responding to 911 calls in Compton, Linwood, Southgate, Watts, Huntington Park.
Pretty much seen it all. I thought I had until until a few days ago.
And so I then went back to school, got a bachelor's degree in biology and then went to additional two years of respiratory therapy school and began working at one of the nation's best hospitals, definitely the best in the
West, called UCLA Medical Center. There I worked as a neopage respiratory therapist, putting very, very small babies on ventilators and life support, managing those babies.
And so such an incredible hypocrisy and incredible discrepancy between the babies that we're putting on ventilators and living and the babies that we are dismembering.
And no real difference, Jeff, between the two except for the fiat decision of another person as to what the intrinsic value of those babies were.
And so I couldn't be silent. My wife and I are from Los Angeles.
We went down to West Hollywood and started offering to adopt babies, offering to reach out and sidewalk counsel and save babies from death.
I made the mistake of thinking that my elders in my church and everybody would behind me initially.
And that was a huge mistake. And anyway, that brought me catapulted me into full time ministry into, you know, with the pre -born,
I was doing respiratory stuff on the side. And then due to the vaccine and everything,
I ended up getting fired from my job and that ended up being providential. God put me into full time work as a, as a, you know, missionary to the unborn.
And I'm now the director of Sorority and Abortion Holocaust. Right on, brother.
Thank you for that. OK, let's talk about this story. So these pictures have been floating around across social media platforms for at least a couple of days.
And we're going to be showing you some video. Again, I'm warning you, if you are just coming into this episode, what you're going to see here, you cannot unsee.
So if you're just jumping in, please know that what you're about to see is graphic, disturbing, and you need to make sure that you protect your little ones as we play it.
So, AJ, give us a quick, brief understanding of what is, what are we looking at here?
We have dead babies in buckets. We have children, as you and I talked on the phone before this, children that are of the age that you used to care for and give respiratory therapy to, to preserve their lives.
What happened? How, how is this possible? So what happened was, so, you know,
I've been, my wife and I have been on the road for the last 35, 40 days now doing pro -life work.
We happen to be at Margaret Sanger's Planned Parenthood in New York City, doing street activism and also doing sidewalk counseling there at the time.
And I got a call from a friend, incredibly frantic,
I've known this friend for quite a long time. And I know within two seconds, something was terribly wrong.
I had never heard her speak with this tone of voice before and just saying, hey, I need you here.
Where are you? I need you here right now. My wife and I jumped on a train, and from New York to DC we were there in about four and a half, five hours.
And I could never prepare myself for what I was going to experience.
So we were there for, since day one, we made arrangements, talked to legal team, everything, everybody was involved in this from day one.
There's a lot of misinformation going on in the media right now and a lot of slander, even from pro -lifers.
Who I'm ashamed to even be anywhere associated with in any capacity to bear the name pro -life, but have spread horrible lies about what's happened.
So anyway, so the gist of the matter is, two friends of mine who
I've known for a long time, we're sidewalk counseling, and out comes an employee and a truck outside from a company named
Curtis Bay. Curtis Bay is a medical waste disposal company, and this
African American individual, as far as I can tell from the photos, the African American individual came out, had two boxes and was about to load them up.
I wasn't there for this particular part of the story, so don't quote me line by line on this, but from what
I understand and what's been told to me, this individual had absolutely zero understanding of what was in those boxes.
My friend approached them, two friends approached them and said, hey, do you know what's in those boxes? And the guy was bewildered, he said no.
And they said those are aborted babies from the Surgis Center, the abortion clinic right now, and he was visibly disturbed.
You could tell he had been doing this for a long time and had absolutely zero clue what were in those boxes.
And they said, what's the name of the box to match your paperwork?
He's like, let me check, let me check, figure it out. And he's like, yeah, Washington Surgis Center, and he's like, yeah, that's the abortion clinic right there, those are dead aborted babies.
He was visibly, from my understanding, just very, in God's providence, was very disturbed by this reality and they proceeded to ask him, can we take a box?
And to which he replied, what in the world are you going to do with this box? And they said, well, we are going to give each and every single one of these babies a proper burial.
And he said, I've already scanned the box in, and I'm not looking.
My friend took the box, rushed it into her car, and drove to a place of safety and frantically called her lawyers, pro -life organizations, and people that have been doing this for 50 years.
To everyone's shock and awe, there was not just five, and this will come out,
I'm actually the first person, I think, and during this time right now, during the same time, this is all being revealed by the time this is going to be aired, but there's not five babies,
Jeff. There was 115 babies that were in that box.
110 of those babies were first trimester and five of them were what we believe to be third trimester babies.
At least two of them might have been late second trimester babies, but early third to two or three of them.
One of them particularly, brother, I can guarantee you that that was almost a full -term baby.
In fact, I called one of my OBGYN friends, and he dated that baby at 34 weeks.
These babies, I've taken care of in the NICU and the PICU, taking care of babies coming out of the
NICU that are way smaller than this, that could survive with little to no medical help, and every single one of those babies could have survived, and at least three of those could have survived with little to no medical help at all.
Pain -capable, viable children, and to my understanding, no one has really ever seen aborted babies like this in victim imagery to this far along in the stage.
It would shock the world to know that this happens in many states up to the very day of birth for any medical reason necessary, and that's definitely the case in D .C.,
and in D .C., actually, you'd be shocked to know that you don't even have to have a medical license to practice abortion in the state of D .C.
So, I suggest I don't want to talk too long, but I'm open for questions. Yeah, absolutely.
I don't know where to proceed from now. Okay, so you get to the house. I'm going to go ahead and play for everyone one of the videos that you sent me.
Again, if you're just hopping onto this broadcast, I want to warn you. I've said this already before, but I'll say it again.
I want to warn you what you're going to see right now you cannot unsee. I want to warn you not to have any children around you.
My assumption, again, is people are jumping onto this and watching it live, so I want to give you a very, very stern and serious warning.
Be very, very cautious of where you're watching this and your surroundings, and we do need to see this.
I know that right now while we play this, there's going to be a flood of emotions and heartache and pain, but I want to encourage you all to watch it.
You need to see this because this is the true Holocaust that is happening every single day in our nation.
This is the reality of it. This isn't just theory. These are human beings made in God's image who have been murdered, and so here's the first video.
AJ, this is the baby who's in the bucket. The camera's here.
All right.
AJ, talk to us about this video. You get to the house, I'm assuming. You get to the house, and now you come upon these human beings who have been slaughtered.
Is this your hand in the video? Yes, it is.
So, Jeff, I just want to let everybody know that I'm speaking to this in a way that's a matter of fact.
I prepared myself to do this, but words cannot do justice, and I'm trying to do this without any emotion whatsoever, and I apologize that if it comes across as heartless, but I cannot explain to you the amount of horror that I experienced, my wife experienced.
I can speak to you and just tell you, we will never, ever be the same after seeing these babies.
It will never be the same, and I don't think,
I pray that the world will never, ever be the same. The horror of abortion is the most vile and demonic and unbelievably despicable thing that anybody could ever be a part of.
And we have to end this.
I worked in an ambulance for almost five years, and I saw many things, but nothing in my experience have
I ever seen such gruesome in nature and such despicable and wicked and abominable, demonic, diabolical that what
I saw for someone to do these, to do these things, to do these babies, what
I saw, it is, words can't describe it, and the video does not do justice, brother.
So that's pretty much all I can say about that. We need to talk just for a moment before I play the next video, brother, about what can provoke this kind of heartache and pain in other human beings.
You and I are coming at this, looking at this from the perspective of God's word, and God is the creator.
God is the unique creator of all human life. All human life, no matter how small, no matter what level of development, no matter where they're at, no matter the degree of dependence on anybody else, all human life is valuable because all human life is image of God.
And so we look at a horrifying video like this, and it is so unbelievably painful to watch.
I can't even imagine what you must have felt, brother, and we're praying for you and your wife. I imagine this was one of the most horrifying experiences of your entire life.
We are looking at this, brothers and sisters, from the perspective of God's revelation, and this is murder.
Murder. I mean, there's no difference in terms of looking at this than the piles of dead bodies that we can view and the old photos that we need to see of the
Holocaust and to be reminded of the kind of evil that's in people's hearts. And we're hoping, and brother,
I know you feel the same about this, we're hoping that this provokes Christians to finally be consistent and to speak prophetically to the world around us about sin, about righteousness, about God's holiness, about repentance and faith in Jesus Christ.
Because the only thing that's going to transform this nation or the entire world is reconciliation and peace with God, and that only comes through repentance from sin and trusting in Christ and in Christ alone for forgiveness and salvation.
God became a man, became a human being in the womb of his mother, grew up in the womb of his mother as a baby, as a child, just like this.
God incarnate lived the perfect and sinless life, died for sinners and rose again from the dead because we are so sinful.
And we might try to hide our depravity in the world today and hide it and make excuses for it and put all kinds of amazing things over it to make it not look like depravity.
But brothers and sisters, you are seeing the unveiling of human depravity right before your eyes right now.
I praise God. A .J., I know that you probably wish you never saw this, but I praise God that you did.
And I praise God that you're allowing us to show the world because you're right. This is murder. It's an abomination.
It's a dramatic evil, and it needs to stop. We need to stop compromising with this evil.
We need to stop pretending like it's not as evil as it is. We need to stand up as Christians, speak against this with the word of God, God's law and the truth, and call the world to repentance and faith.
We need to work on equal protection for all human beings. A .J.,
I will be so transparent with you right now. You know, there's like a...
You know, Jeff, while you're taking a second, I think
God has revealed to me why this is important to him.
My wife just had to step away and is bawling in the background. I think believers know why this is so important that we get involved in this.
And the forces of darkness know why this is so important to them and why they want the blood of children.
And it started back in, you know, in the garden. The seed of the woman would end up crushing the serpent.
And from Herod and everything, Satan wanted to destroy this seed that would destroy him.
And he is remaking the universe. He is remaking humanity.
And as the gospel goes out, brother, and as the gospel transforms society and his seed is now image bearers of God are reconciled to the
Father. And now as we are being made and created in his image and producing a godly lineage of children who in which is seen as Satan will crush your head under your feet is what the
New Testament says, right? And so that not only did the seed come. But now humanity is being remade in the image of God who are united to him in faith.
And we as image bearers of God reconciled to the blood of him and united in him in our resurrection and new life are now undoing the work that Satan in the garden that our first Adam did.
Now the second Adam is doing that through his church and the gospel is going forth to the ends of the earth and the nations will one day bow and Satan is terrified of the work that is being done in his church, even in a day that is dark as today, brother.
So it is vitally important that believers stand up and use every aspect of the vitriol that they feel, the godly anger that they feel inside to storm the gates of hell and bring the gospel until every enemy is under the foot of Christ, the last enemy as death.
Amen. I was trying to say that, you know, we've been saving children from death at abortion mills, thousands and thousands of children.
We've been a part of raising up and helping churches to do that work at the abortion mill this year.
We have put in a number of bills. We're putting more in bills of abolition and equal protection for all human beings to criminalize and have the civil magistrate do its duty before God and that's to protect these children and establish justice.
And what I was going to say was it's such a hard balance to strike. In your life, if you dwell on this evil and you look at these vivid examples of depravity all day, every day,
I just don't think that our minds are even capable of containing that. So it's this weird balancing act in this ministry that you have to try to strike to remain joyful in God, to continue to rejoice in the
Lord always, and to fight against this great evil and injustice, and to honestly not just feel so overwhelmed by the darkness of it.
So it's a balancing act of even, you know, the fighting and fighting and fighting, but also trying to remain joyful and not trying to meditate too closely and too deeply and too constantly on the great evil because I think, again, the human mind isn't capable, the
Christian mind isn't capable of constantly taking in this evil because you want to try to remain joyful in God and worship
God, but also fight against this dramatic evil. And so it's such a hard thing and seeing these videos, it just makes me, it made me have a lot of self -reflection of am
I fighting hard enough? But I know that we're saving thousands and I know that we have bills of equal protection going into numerous states.
We have one rally coming up in Louisiana at Baton Rouge on the 30th of this month, a bill of equal protection in Louisiana.
I hope that everyone in Louisiana will join us for that so we can provide equal protection for all humans and establish justice there.
I know we're fighting hard, but AJ, I just don't know if we're fighting hard enough. And, you know, seeing these pictures in these videos is a vivid reminder of every single day because here's the craziest thing.
We're looking at just a few pictures and a couple videos, I mean two videos we have before us here, but upwards of 3 ,000 human beings, image bearers of God are being slaughtered every single day in our country.
And it's so impossible to even fully comprehend that and contemplate it, but we're just looking at a few.
And if this provokes within you as a believer in Christ, if it provokes in you this righteous indignation and this desire to fight against this great evil, then praise
God, get involved, start speaking to the world around you about Christ and repentance and faith.
Go to these abortion facilities, preach the gospel, save these children, go to your legislator, demand no more compromise, demand immediate justice, get involved.
I think the key reality here for us is this, is you have to get involved, brothers and sisters, you have to speak the word of God.
This has to be about the gospel. We have to call people to repentance. Otherwise, this is just this perpetual cycle of injustice and evil that will never, ever end.
Because you can watch something like this, and you can be provoked to anger, you can be disgusted by it, but I just want to say it's not going to end until you stand up as the church of God and get involved to fight against this.
And I'm going to play the other video here. This is the video of the baby who was not in the bucket.
And I'll go ahead and play it for everyone now. All right,
I'd like for you just now to, if you could just video me. Okay, AJ.
What is the next step? What's happening with this investigation?
Do you know where this is going at this moment? I did watch a few news clips regarding the investigation.
And what's the next step? Yeah, I'm really glad you asked that because a lot of people have railroaded one of my friends, a dear girl, a dear friend who is,
I mean she has, I don't hardly know anybody who has sacrificed more for babies.
She's a Catholic girl. She has saved over 700 children just herself.
And she's had 19 women leave the abortion industry just from her own work on the sidewalk.
And to see her be maligned, and I'm going to name names, by a woman named Abby Johnson is deplorable.
Such vicious lies, it's just unbelievable. But basically what's happened was,
Lauren, the whole entire time was working with the authorities and working with her legal team, her lawyers advising her.
She had her legal team arranged to have these babies picked up.
But the way the media and other pro -life organizations are smearing this. That's not how they told it.
No, not at all. I saw some clips. That's not how they told it. They're saying that such vitriolic lies that she had been named as a co -conspirator to bomb an abortion clinic.
There's no, even a smidgen of truth in that. And making fun of the way she dresses.
But what happened, and this is just to give an understanding behind this and what
I think behind it is, her lawyers contacted DC police, and it took
DC police almost 24 hours to show up. I had begged her lawyers, the lawyers involved, not to send basically the police to the house.
She didn't even know that at the time. I didn't even know at that time. Afterwards, I'm like, what the heck are you doing?
I begged them just to release everything immediately. It's a very long story about that.
But basically what happened was Lauren had did a
Red Rose Rescue. Are you familiar with Red Rose Rescue? I heard about it. Yeah. Yeah. So Red Rose Rescue is a group of Catholic people who are very, very diehard.
They had a movement where they go and do sit -ins inside the abortion facility, give red roses to the women inside, and barricade themselves inside and accept release in order to shut the clinic down.
Two years ago, she had did what's called a lock and block where she locked the doors and barricaded themselves inside, risking all just to shut the clinic down and save babies.
She had never been charged by any federal charges until this moment.
And what I think happened, if you're asking me, is that D .C. contacted the FBI. And for all of the times for her to get indicted, it was hours before D .C.
picked up these babies. So the federal government never went into her house. They never raided in her house and found any babies.
She never harbored any babies in her house. She literally worked with her legal team and the
D .C. PD the entire time to have these babies delivered over to the authorities.
And without her knowledge, her legal team arranged to have these babies picked up while we took the other 10 babies to a safe place in order to be buried and given a proper
Christian burial. All of a sudden, without her knowledge or consent at all,
D .C. PD is showing up at her house to take these babies at her house.
And she had no clue. I would have dropped these babies off at the police department. But for some reason, they made the decision without her to drop these babies off at the house while we were gone, taking the other first trimester babies to safety.
To be buried? Yes, to be buried. OK. So the investigation at this point,
Jeff, D .C. PD took the babies. The medical examiner examined them.
They ruled that they were aborted according to D .C. law, which is terrifying and unbelievable.
But we expected that because in D .C. you can abort up to the day of birth.
But they are refusing an autopsy. And an autopsy is incredibly important.
It's vital to this investigation, dude. If we don't have an autopsy, no federal crimes will be revealed.
And that's exactly what needs to happen. Because I can tell you right now, there is evidence,
I don't want to say definite, but definite evidence of probable born alive abortions and infanticide and partial birth abortions.
At least one of the babies, maybe two of them were aborted via partial birth abortion.
One of them was what's called an in -call abortion, that it was still in the amniotic sac, which is a very rare thing.
But a lot of times these women are induced into labor with a drug called misoprostol.
And they'll give up to 600 milligrams of misoprostol. And they'll actually cause these women to go into hard contractions and expel these babies out.
So this baby is literally in the amniotic sac and is blue because it was left to suffocate in its own amniotic fluid.
And even according to federal law, this is evil.
It's a crime. Santangelo is on record saying deplorable things.
He's such a bad, Jeff, he's such a bad, horribly known abortionist that NAF will not even have him in the abortion federation.
He's that deplorable of a human being. He's not even accepted among the murderers.
Yes. And so, I mean, every one of these babies has just been totally brutally dismembered and brutally, brutally murdered.
And there's definite evidence of partial birth abortion and infanticide.
So, you know, according to acts, there's the federal partial birth abortion act and the live birth infant protection act.
It's a federal crime to not give necessary medical aid to an infant that's born alive in abortion procedure.
And Sprook Santorum's partial birth abortion act makes that a federal crime also.
And they are covering this up and don't want any investigation on this, which is only possible if an autopsy is done.
We need an autopsy of these babies. I will be doing a huge rally at the at the medical examiner's office on Friday.
I invite anybody and everybody who wants to come to to call for justice for the five.
That's the hashtag that's been going on justice for the five. These justice, I mean, justice for every baby in the world.
Right. So, but, you know, yes, in order to to bring a light to what's going on and get to shut this clinic down and to shut to just.
Yeah, we want justice that's already in place to to be enacted. Well, thank you, brother, for all you're doing.
I want to encourage everybody to continue to pray for AJ and let's pray for the
Christian witness and gospel proclamation in the midst of all of this, because we cannot simply allow these images and these videos to provoke us just to anger and just be disgusted by it.
We actually have to stand up and we have to do something about it. You know, you all have heard the stories of when the the concentration camps were exposed.
They even forced the surrounding neighbors to come through the concentration camps to view what was underneath their noses the whole time.
You should have done something about this. This is one of those moments, I believe, cultural moments. And these pictures and images have been around for a long time.
But here it is right now, fresh, right in front of your face. It's in the national media. This is the reality of abortion.
These are image bearers of God who are being slaughtered. And God tells us in his word, he tells his people in his word that he does not even want their worship.
Isaiah chapter 1, read it. He doesn't even want their worship. He's weary of bearing it because they sit there with bloodstained hands and injustice all around them and they'll do nothing about it.
And so God tells them to establish justice, to correct oppression, and to give justice to the fatherless.
These are fatherless children. You saw images of children who are fatherless, abandoned by their fathers, or without the protection of their fathers.
And they are slaughtered children. It's a duty of the Christian church, the bride of Christ, to speak to the world with the gospel, but also to call down this evil for what it is.
I want to encourage you all, pray for AJ. Pray for his team, everybody who's working with him in this.
Pray especially for peace. Pray for Christ and for Christ alone to be the source of peace in the midst of this.
But also, please, if you're provoked right now, if you're provoked and say, I want to get involved,
I want to do something, you can start now. If you go to endabortionnow .com, we don't want anything from you.
Go to endabortionnow .com, go get the free training and free resources so you can go to the abortion mills, you can preach the gospel, you can offer help and hope, and you can save some of these children from death.
And also, you can work in your state to have your legislators put in bills of equal protection, all human beings from the moment of conception protected equally under the law.
That is a bill that would end abortion. No more compromise. Let's speak as Christians, let's speak faithfully, let's speak with the gospel itself, and let's say absolutely no more compromise, period.
We want justice established now for these pre -born children. AJ, thank you for making time today, brother.
Thank you, brother. I appreciate you, man. Thanks for all the work you do. I appreciate you. Thank you, brother. And I'm sure we'll probably have you on again to get an update, okay?