Blessed Are The Peacemakers

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I think it's good to have a sermon on unity at least, at least once a year, if not twice.
It's an important subject, but some common advice, you know, if somebody is repeating something that's false doctrinally, you know, go to them.
Maybe you misunderstood. Maybe they just repeating something they heard, you know, go to them, be polite and have a conversation about it.
All right, start that way. But if somebody irritates you, normally churches don't have problems because of doctrine.
I mean, that's, if you're going to fight any battle, that's the battle to fight over false doctrine. But usually in a church, the problems that rise up are what?
Personal disputes, right? This guy just irritates me or this woman, you know, they get bothered.
If somebody irritates you, what do you do? Let it go. Let it go.
You probably irritate somebody at some point. Hey, if you can't let it go, if you really can't let it go and you think, no, this is a big deal.
I can't do that. Go to the person respectfully and just say, hey, you know, I noticed that you said this or you do this.
Just try to have a respectful conversation about it. Might not go well, but you know, if you really try and they see that you're trying to be kind and courteous, sometimes you come out of that stuff, better friends than ever, right?
Also, if you find yourself thinking or saying something negative about another brother or sister in Christ, try pointing out the positive things about them.
If feelings of bitterness start rising up against someone, make sure your prayers are rising up higher.
We're going to have to live together with one another in heaven for all eternity.