A Calling into Ministry


Sunday school from April 19th, 2020


Bible study for today, and let's see here, I'm going to crank this up just a little bit more, there we go, and let's pray.
Lord Jesus with us abide, for round us falls the eventide. Let your word, that saving light, shine forth undimmed into the night.
In these last days of great distress, grant us, dear Lord, true steadfastness, that we keep pure till life is spent.
Your holy word and your sacrament, through Jesus Christ our Lord we pray, Amen. All right, so at Kongsvinger we've been working our way through the book of Numbers, and so we'll just keep going with that, and I think it took us five years to do
Leviticus. I think that's what Duane said, it took five years. No, Sheldon, if you have a question, you can type it, or do you want me to unmute you, but I got to find you in the list here.
Good night. There you are, there you are. I'm gonna unmute you, as long as you don't talk about how great the weather is in Barbados.
No, not today, not today. The last part of the sermon about Paul's conversion, actually
I'm dealing with a guy here on Facebook, and he's using that argument the same way
Paul was converted, that he's called to ministry, right, before going through the process of being a pastor.
So he has himself out there as, let's say a Pastor Sheldon, and Pastor Sheldon was called because the same reason why
Paul was called, he was called to office. Okay, okay, that's, yeah,
I'm gonna mute you. I've got a, hang on a second here, let's see here,
I'm going to, so go ahead and mute yourself there, Sheldon, and I'll answer your question.
So here's the issue, he's right and he's wrong, and I'm already concerned. The reason I'm concerned is because, as you heard me say in the absolution today,
I'm a called and ordained servant of the Word. If somebody has to somehow say that I'm called in the same way that the
Apostle Paul is called, now I'm starting to get worried, because this sounds like it's flipping things, as if, you know, he's doing that to justify his authority over other people.
There is a very real aspect in, you know, when we talk about the Office of Pastor, that all pastors are truly called, but they're not called in the same way that Paul was called.
Paul was called by Christ himself, and I'll show you the distinction. I'm going to duplicate this tab here, and we're gonna go to Acts chapter 20.
Acts chapter 20. This is the Apostle Paul's final address to the pastors, the elders of the congregations in the city of Ephesus.
And so consider his words here. So now from Miletus, Paul sent to Ephesus, he called the elders.
These are going to be your presbyteroi, so these are your pastors. So he called all the pastors of the church to come to him, and when they came to him, he said to them, you yourselves know how
I lived among you the whole time from the first day that I set foot in Asia, serving the
Lord with all humility and with tears and with trials that happened to me through the plots of the Jews, how
I did not shrink from declaring to you anything that was profitable and teaching you in public and from house to house, testifying both to Jews and of Greeks of repentance toward God and of faith in our
Lord Jesus Christ. And now behold, I'm going to Jerusalem, constrained by the Spirit, not knowing what will happen to me there, except that the
Holy Spirit testifies to me in every city that imprisonment and afflictions await me. But I do not account my life of any value, nor is precious to myself, if only
I may finish my course in the ministry that I received from the Lord Jesus to testify to the gospel of the grace of God.
And now behold, I know that none of you among whom I have gone about proclaiming the kingdom will see my face again.
Therefore I testify to you this day that I am innocent of the blood of all, I did not shrink from declaring to you the whole counsel of God, and then watch these words then,
Sheldon, pay careful attention to yourselves and to all the flock in which the
Holy Spirit has made you overseers, and to care for the Church of God which he obtained with his own blood.
And so the idea here is that we do recognize that everybody who is a rightly called pastor, that God himself has called them into ministry.
But it's not the same as Paul's calling, because he was called not to be a pastor, and he was not called by the
Holy Spirit, he was called by Jesus himself to be an apostle of Jesus Christ.
And his experience is quite unique. So when somebody says, I've been called into ministry the same way
Paul was called into ministry, they're either in error or they're being heavy -handed in what they believe the pastoral office is for.
I am, as a pastor, called to proclaim the Word, and to administer the sacraments, and that's pretty much it.
I'm a slave to the congregation. So the idea then is that, then knowing that God puts men into the office of pastor, a congregation is sinning when they remove a pastor from that office unless they do so on biblical grounds.
And so the biblical grounds for removing a fellow from the pastoral office would include indolence, he is not fulfilling the duties of his office, two, he's teaching heresy, or three, you have an egregious moral failing.
And so those would be your three biblical bases for removing somebody from the pastoral office.
But oftentimes when a pastor has to make an appeal like that, they are overstepping their bounds.
So sometimes the congregation will say, you know, we're sick and tired of this pastor because he's always preaching the
Word, and we don't want to hear this much Bible, and not only that, you know, he's not interested in getting a disco ball and a smoke machine and a laser light show.
And so we need somebody who wears skinny jeans and is into those things. And so they capriciously come up with a pretense for removing that man from the pastoral office.
That's sinful on the part of the congregation. But likewise, if a pastor is using his call to the office as a heavy -handed way of basically exerting authority over a congregation to justify his decisions that are just out there, that's a misuse of the call.
That's a misuse of that altogether. Hang on a second here, I want to see what this is.
Okay, I don't know what that is. All right. All righty. Okay, so hopefully, does that answer your question,
Sheldon? Yes, no, maybe so. Okay. Can you hear me?
Yes. Right, he's using the call as, because I asked him, so what qualifies him to be, the qualification he has to say, well, he's a pastor and stuff like that, right?
Okay. He's using that argument to say, well, the same way Jesus called
Paul, that's how he was called. Okay, so is he using the direct call as a means of basically covering up the fact that he hasn't studied and showed himself approved, he doesn't teach sound doctrine?
Yeah, that's a misuse of the call. So note then is that when
Lutherans talk about a right call into the pastoral office, Scripture's clear in the pastoral epistles that a pastor is to study and show himself approved as a workman who need not blush with embarrassment, who can rightly handle the
Word of Truth. If a man has not done that, he's not qualified to be a pastor. And so you can sit there and say,
God called me to be a pastor, and God called me to be a pastor, but you couldn't rightly preach
God's Word if we actually just gave you a printout of a Martin Luther sermon, and all I had to do was read it.
You still seem incapable of actually preaching the Word correctly. And if they say, well,
I was called into ministry the same way Paul was. Yeah, that's a person who has demonstrated he has no concept what the call is, nor does he understand rightly how to handle the
Word of God, and he's trying to basically overcome the very obvious that biblically he's not qualified to be a pastor by basically trumping everybody and saying, well,
God called me to be a pastor. Yeah, that's a misuse of all that altogether. Okay, Jack asked the question, what would repentance on the part of a congregation that ran off a pastor?
Yeah, that's a good question. So unfortunately I've heard, you know, too many horror stories from good pastors who've been driven off, that a congregation has to recognize that they do not have the authority to run off a pastor, they do have the ability to remove him from office for grounds, and that if you're going to claim that you're removing a pastor from office for grounds, that there is a threshold then for the evidence.
You've got to bring two or more witnesses to establish a charge. If you do not have that, then all you have is lies.
And so the idea, and then coming back then, biblically, you've got the three primary grounds.
Indolence by not dispensing the duties of the office. A man who thinks that, you know, playing golf seven days a week is a good thing and, you know, it doesn't do with the duties of his office, that would be a guy, you know, that he's got to be removed.
Somebody who's had an egregious moral failing, and nobody seems to have a problem with that part. You know, some guy who's sleeping with the church secretary, everyone says, yeah, you got to get rid of that guy.
But it's the third one, you got to get rid of him too, if he's teaching heresy. You can bring him up on charges of heresy, he's not qualified to be a pastor, and we actually have a biblical basis for that too, so that you don't think it's just my opinion.
Because everyone says, well doctrine's not that important. Well, actually, Scripture would beg to differ with you, not me.
So in the third of the pastoral epistles, Titus, it says, this is why I left you in Crete, he's talking to Titus, so that you might put what remain in order and appoint elders, so these are your presbyteroi, these are your pastors, in every town, as I directed you, if anyone is above reproach, husband of one wife, his children are believers, not open to the charge of debauchery or insubordination, for an overseer as God's steward must be above reproach.
He must not be arrogant, or quick -tempered, or drunkard, or violent, or greedy for gain, but hospitable, a lover of good, self -controlled, upright, holy, and disciplined.
Nobody has a problem with this part, okay? Yeah, so if you have a pastor who's quick -tempered, a drunkard, you know, not self -controlled, you know, and you know, sleeping around with a bunch of women or whatever, everyone says, yeah, that guy's got to go.
But note the next part, he must hold firmly to the trustworthy word as taught, so that he may be able to give instruction in sound doctrine, and to rebuke those who contradict it.
So that requires a pastor who have actually studied. So if somebody's in the pastoral office, and he doesn't understand sound doctrine at all, and he's miserable in how he handles the
Word of God, he's not qualified to be a pastor. Time to sit that fellow down, okay?
There are many who are insubordinate. By the way, the reason why sound doctrine is important goes on.
There are many who are insubordinate, they are empty talkers, they are deceivers, especially those of the circumcision party, these are the
Judaizers of Paul's day, and Scripture says they must be silent, since they are upsetting whole families by teaching for a sinful gain what they ought not to preach.
And then Paul does something very politically incorrect, he says one of the Cretans, a prophet of their own, said,
Cretans are always liars, evil beasts, and lazy gluttons. This testimony is true, therefore rebuke them sharply, so that they may be sound in the faith, not devoting themselves to Jewish myths and the commands of people who turn away from the truth.
So you get the idea. Now, so what would the congregation repentance...so
what would the congregation repentance look like, process, leadership? Okay, so if a congregation has sinfully removed a man from the office who did not meet the, you know, the criteria for a biblical removal from the office, repentance is going to begin with an acknowledgement that the congregation has overstepped their bounds, and recognizing that they did not make a proper distinction between the right and the left -hand kingdom, and as a result of it they made a decision that impacted the right -hand kingdom in which they do not have authority.
And so then confessing their sin privately and publicly is necessary, and then bearing fruit in keeping with repentance may have something to do with either restoring the man or getting a, you know, the next pastor, you know, instructing them, you know, on properly keeping, you know, in their bounds.
So the idea here is that when there is a vacancy in a congregation, the congregation makes a call.
They call a pastor to serve them, and that call is understood as coming from not the congregation, but ultimately coming from God himself.
A pastor who then accepts that call is installed into the office of pastor within that congregation, and then he is to dispense the duties of the office.
And if he's faithfully dispensing the duties of the office, it doesn't matter if you don't like his hair, if it doesn't matter if you think he has bad breath, it doesn't matter if his sermons are too long, it doesn't matter if, you know, all this other nonsense that people, you know, put around it, and you find him annoying, if he's faithful in proclaiming the
Word, he's rightly handling the Word, he's fulfilling the duties of his office, and he's not morally reprehensible, then the idea then is to remove him from office as sinful, and as an overstepping of the congregation.
But oftentimes what ends up happening, and often the mitigating circumstances in having a man removed from the office wrongfully, oftentimes has something to do with somebody has read a book about church growth, and they have come to believe that unless they stop doing all the faithful things that a pastor is called to do, that people will not want to come to their church.
And they really believe that they have to make the church appealing, and so they'll go to the pastor and say, pastor, you know, we've got to do something, we're not going to exist as a congregation if you don't change some things up, you know, tighten up those sermons, stop talking about sin all the time, and maybe we need to get rid of the creeds and all this other kind of stuff so that we can be more appealing to the youthful generation, or whatever.
And notice that when those types of, not requests, those are more like demands, are made on a pastor, and a pastor digs in and says,
I can't in good conscience do that, that's contrary to my ordination vows, that oftentimes that's where conflict will arise, and then the congregation will look for a pretense for removing that man.
So in a case where that has happened and a congregation recognizes that they were that they sinned in doing that, which is a very rare thing to have happen, they need to publicly and privately confess what they've done wrong, and then bear fruit in keeping with repentance, and stay within their bounds.
So much of church conflict today exists when a congregation has usurped their authority and has wandered into the right -hand kingdom to dictate to the pastor what they will approve and disapprove of what he's to do, which part of his pastoral duties they're going to approve of, and which they want to see go away.
A pastor doesn't have the luxury of picking and choosing which of the pastoral duties he will perform, he is to fulfill them all.
Otherwise he's not fulfilling his duties as a pastor, and he's unfaithful to his ordination vows.
So, all right, there you go. Okay, so we've had some interesting questions here.
MJ says, some pastors make it the point where you can't question them. Run. Any pastor that does that, run.
Okay, anybody can ask me any question about anything, nothing's off bounds, out of bounds or anything.
I mean, you know, theology, what I preach, you can even ask me about my life, you know, my life's an open book.
So the idea here is that when you got a pastor who's saying, you can't question me, I am the man of God, thou shalt not touch
God's anointed, run. Run, you're dealing with a wolf.
She says, I've never been in a congregation where the congregants get such a voice or make such a call, this is so new.
Interesting, in my current situation the congregation does not get a voice at all. There's a small board of pastors and they decide if any congregants disagree, it's enforced by the pastor not to question authority.
Good gravy. Holy smokes. Okay, so the idea here,
MJ and I'll just kind of point this out, okay, so we Lutheran pastors who follow the human tradition, and I have no problem saying that, of wearing a clerical collar, okay, it's a uniform, it's designed to make us all look the same, number one.
But number two, there's a bit here that you need to know. The reason why we wear a clerical collar is it's supposed to invoke a slave shackle.
I am not the master of the congregations that I serve.
I am the slave of the congregations I serve. I'm the waiter, I'm the, you know, my job is to slave for y 'all, and I'm not to rule and to reign over you,
I'm not a king, I'm a slave. And so my job is to slave for you.
That means, since you all are disciples of Jesus, and if you're learners, that's what a disciple is, you need to be able to ask questions.
How are you supposed to learn if you can't ask questions, okay? And here's the thing, I have no problem saying, you know what, from time to time
I'm gonna get it wrong. I might say something in my sermon that isn't clear, or could have been stated properly, and I stated it improperly, and in that situation you have every right to say, you know, pastor,
I disagree with what you just said in your sermon there, because of this text in the Bible. What do you have to say about that? I'll say, that's a good point,
I was wrong, you know. So, you know, and the best part about being a slave,
I got no kingdom I'm trying to build. Christ builds his kingdom, I'm not building a kingdom to myself, so you get the idea here.
Okay, so right and left hand kingdom. Somebody says, I don't understand what that means. Okay, so right hand kingdom.
So in Lutheranism, we talk about the right and the left hand kingdoms. So think of it this way, if I were to ask you the question, which did
God create? Did he create the Church, or did he create the government? The answer is yes. Okay, he made them both.
Okay, so when we talk about the Church, the Church we call the right hand kingdom.
The Church is given the commission of doing what? Making disciples of all nations, baptizing, teaching all that Christ has commanded.
There you go, right? So the Church, the Church has this job, to preach the gospel, make disciples, baptize, and we're only allowed to teach what
Christ has commanded. By the way, have you ever noticed that somebody sits there and says, you know, you people who believe in Sola Scriptura, you can't point me to a single passage in the
Bible that teaches Sola Scriptura, so you guys are weird. You know, I always come back to the Great Commission and I say, well
Jesus said we're only allowed to teach what he commanded. Where do I find that? Okay, so you know, and if I'm feeling pretty saucy,
I do it with that facial expression too. You know, it just kind of depends, but you know, so it's like,
I'm only authorized to teach what Christ has commanded. The end. I mean, so my opinions are out, okay?
This is Jesus's Church, it ain't my Church. I'm, you know, I'm an under shepherd of the Good Shepherd, and so the idea then is his right -hand kingdom is the
Church. Now what is the left -hand kingdom tasked with doing? Answer, punish the evildoer.
Ta -da! Okay, so you get the idea. So when we talk about right and left -hand kingdoms then, we talk about Word and Sacrament ministry, right -hand kingdom.
Then when we talk about paying the bills of, you know, keeping the lights on, making sure that the roof doesn't leak, and things like that, that's all gonna be left -hand kingdom stuff, okay?
So the idea here is that within a Christian congregation there's always a man then who is called to fill the pastoral office, his duties are all right -hand kingdom, okay?
So for instance, okay, you know, I sit when Kongsvinger Lutheran Church has their church council meetings,
I'm there. I'm there as an advisor, by the way, and when Emmanuel Lutheran Churches is an LCMS congregation that I serve, when they have their church council meetings,
I'm there, you know, as an advisor, too. But for the most part, this is really boring stuff, because you know what they're mostly talking about?
Like, you know, how do we fix the the shingles on the roof, who's gonna mow the lawn, you know, in the summertime, and stuff like that, and my eyes are glazing over and going, right?
Because none of that's my responsibility, okay? It's the congregation's responsibility to make sure the lawn is mowed, the buildings painted, you know, that the driveway has snow removal and stuff like that.
I'm called to do the Word and Sacrament part, and the congregation's that. So there's where your distinction of right - and left -hand kingdom is.
So the congregation is out of bounds when the congregation comes to me and says, you know, Pastor, you know, it's just way too much
Bible in your sermons, and you know, you're driving away seekers, you know, there's a lot of people who would really love to hear about Jesus, but you talk about him way too much.
And so what we really need you to do is to talk more about, you know, like rainbows and unicorns and things like that, that a little bit more, you know, more widespread accepted, you know.
Now, you know, so you get the idea. And unfortunately, everything
I said there is not exactly parody. There's a lot of truth to it.
So that's when the congregation has slipped into the right -hand kingdom, and they do not have that say, okay?
So there's particular things I've been called to do, and there's duties laid out in the
Scripture, and I, listen, I always like to tell people, on the Day of Judgment, we pastors have been told, we have a stricter judgment, okay?
That being the case, this is Jesus' church, it's not my church. He calls the shots, I don't get to call the shots.
And when somebody tells me to do something different than what Jesus told me to do, I tell them, you ain't the Lord of the church,
Jesus is, and if you have a problem with that, take it up with Him, and as soon as He tells you it's okay for me to relax on the things
He's told me to do, then I'll stop, okay? But until then, I'm gonna keep doing what Jesus told me to do, because I got a stricter judgment coming, and I don't want to upset
Him, okay? Things generally go bad for people who run contrary to the
Word of Christ. So, all right. Oh boy, we got a lot of questions today. This is great.
Okay, all right, so let's see. So Josh says, that's how the Roman Catholic Church is too.
Okay, so should you be re -baptized if you realize you were baptized in a oneness Pentecostal Church, but have since come to a true knowledge and understanding of God?
The answer is yes, okay? So let me explain why, okay? So if you were to ask me this question,
Pastor Roseborough, I was baptized by Rick Warren at Saddleback Church.
Do I need to be re -baptized? Because I've realized that the guy's, his theology is like wingnut wackerdoodle.
I would say no. Rick Warren baptized you in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. I know exactly how he baptizes.
He baptizes in the name of the Triune God. And so under no circumstances would
I say that you need to be re -baptized if you were baptized by Rick Warren, or Stephen Furtick, or anybody like that, who still is baptizing as Christ has commanded, in the name of the
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Oneness Pentecostals are different, though. And they fall into the category, the same category as Mormons, as Jehovah's Witnesses, and what is that category?
They're a cult. And so oneness Pentecostals deny the doctrine of the Trinity, and when they baptize you, they baptize you in the name of Jesus.
And as a result of it, it's not a Trinitarian baptism, it's not as Christ has commanded, and as a result of it, it's not a valid baptism.
So in a situation like that, I would say you have not been baptized. And so the idea here, then, is you need to be baptized, because Christ has promises to give you in baptism, and get to it immediately.
Find a pastor to baptize you in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and get to it.
So the idea, then, is we only call for re -baptism when you've been baptized by a heretical sect, like the oneness
Pentecostals. Now, by the way, I'll show you this, since we're supposed to be doing Bible study today, this is great.
Okay, duplicate tab, I'm gonna show you something here as to how you can understand that the oneness
Pentecostals, in their baptismal formula, their claim is you have to be baptized in the name of Jesus only.
But remember what Jesus says in Matthew 28. As you're going, make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the
Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Christ says to baptize in the name of the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit. But in the book of Acts, there are a couple of places where the shorthand for Christian baptism is they were baptized in the name of Jesus.
And so they say, see, there you go, you only have to be baptized in the name of Jesus. I say, au contraire, you're not paying attention to the details.
So Acts 19 helps us out in this regard. So Acts 19, it says, it happened while Apollos was at Corinth, Paul passed through the inland country, and he came to Ephesus.
There he found some disciples, and he said to them, did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed?
Okay, now, a little bit of a note here, this is a legitimate question, because at this time there were people who didn't even know that there was a
Holy Spirit, they only knew of the baptism of John the Baptist, and these fellows here in Ephesus are that stripe.
So they said, no, we've not even heard that there is a Holy Spirit. And watch
Paul's next question. Well, and to what then were you baptized? Okay, all right, so the expectation is if they were baptized in the name of the
Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, they would have heard of the Holy Spirit.
So they go, no, we didn't even know there was a Holy Spirit, no way! Okay, and Paul's going, no, what do you mean there's no
Holy, you'd never heard of the Holy Spirit? How were you baptized? And so they say, we were baptized in John's baptism. Paul goes, ah -ha, ah -ha.
So John baptized with the baptism of repentance, telling people to believe in the one who was to come after him, which is
Jesus. On hearing this, they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus. So when the book of Acts talks about the shorthand of being baptized in the name of the
Lord Jesus, it means to be baptized the way Christ has told us to be baptized, in the name of the
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Otherwise, what Paul says here, and his surprise that they never even heard of the
Holy Spirit, wouldn't make any sense. So you get the idea. Okay, let's see here, since we're doing, you know,
Stump Pastor Roseboro Day, bring up scripture about a sermon, I perished the thought.
Oh Bruce, I know you're doing that tongue -in -cheek. Okay, Thomas was mentioned in Fox's Book of Martyrs by John Fox, got it.
Okay, so let's see, Paul speaks of people who preach the gospel for selfishness.
This is in Philippines, by the way. But nevertheless, the gospel is being preached. What happens ultimately to that teacher that is preaching?
Okay, so now this is a, you're gonna have me go beyond the text, so let's do this.
Alright, so let's talk about this, Philippians 1 .18, and of course I spelled it wrong.
Way to go, Roseboro. Alright, Philippians, hang on a second here, Philippians chapter 1, and I remember when
I was in Nazarene, this was a text that challenged me, because I couldn't imagine that the gospel had power to operate in and of itself if the person preaching it wasn't sincere.
So here's the text in question, and let me, in fact, let me apply our three rules for sound biblical exegesis.
They are context, context, context. So I want you to know, brothers, that what has happened to me, so Paul is writing from prison, has really served to advance the gospel, so that it has become known throughout the whole
Imperial Guard and to all the rest that my imprisonment is for Christ.
And most of the brothers, having become confident in the Lord by my imprisonment, are much more bold to speak the word without fear.
So you're gonna note here, alright, so Paul's in prison, and what's happened is, is that more brothers now are emboldened, they're gonna go and preach the word, they're gonna preach the gospel too.
Now, then he says this, some indeed preach Christ from envy and rivalry, but others from goodwill.
Okay, so get that. Okay, so there's guys out there, I want to tell you about Jesus. You do?
Yes, he's bled and died for you, and he rose bodily from the grave. Oh wow, that's amazing, I believe.
And then he asked the guy, so why are you telling me this? Because I want to beat that guy over there who's teaching the gospel too.
What a lame reason for preaching the gospel, man. But here's the thing, okay,
I mean, so let's talk about, I mean, why are you doing this? Because I'm jealous of Paul, man, I'm jealous,
I'm jealous, I'm gonna tell you about Jesus because I'm jealous about him. Okay, now let me show you another text in this context, and that'll help us out here.
In Romans chapter 1, okay, we get these words from the Apostle Paul, we need to pay very close attention to them, and here's what he says,
I am not ashamed of the gospel, okay? So note, he says, I'm not ashamed of the gospel.
For it, what is the it there? The gospel. The gospel is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes.
To the Jew first, also to the Greek. For in it, in what? The gospel. The righteousness of God is revealed from faith for faith, as it is written, the righteous shall live by faith.
Now, a quick question, all right, so let me put you on the spot. Where do I go to find how the
Bible defines the gospel? Okay, because if you were to talk to like emergent guys like Tony Jones, you'd say, all right, so define the gospel for me.
They'll say, well, you know, the Bible doesn't really define the gospel. The gospel is defined as the kingdom, or something weird like this.
All right, so 1 Corinthians 15, correct, that's the place to go. And Paul says, what
I received I delivered to you as of first importance, that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the
Scripture, that he was buried and raised again, you know, from the grave on the third day according to the
Scripture. This is, you know, so that's the gospel. Now here's the question, where did, who did Paul get that gospel from? Who gave it to him?
Answer, Jesus. He received that gospel via direct revelation.
So let me give you another cross -reference in Galatians, and let me fast forward down in here.
Here's what Paul says in Galatians 1 .11, I would have you know, brothers, that the gospel that was preached by me is not man's gospel.
I did not receive it from any man, nor was I taught it. I received it through a revelation of Jesus Christ. So there's a fellow, okay, there's a fellow, he's out there, and he's preaching the gospel.
I'm here to declare it to you that Christ died for your sins, and that he rose again bodily from the grave so that you can be forgiven.
Repent and believe the good news. What's the reason why he's doing it? He's doing this because he's jealous of Paul and he's envious.
So he wants to be like Paul. But remember, the gospel is the power of God.
So in the mouth of that preacher who's preaching out of envy and rivalry, does
God the Holy Spirit still work through that gospel to bring people to repentance? The answer is, yeah.
Okay, and so the idea here is that coming back then to Philippians, all right, so he says that some indeed are preaching
Christ out of envy and rivalry. Others are doing it from goodwill, because they want people to be saved.
But he says the latter do so out of love. The people who are doing it out of goodwill, they do it out of love, knowing that I'm put here for the defense of the gospel.
The former proclaim Christ out of selfish ambition. So here's the thing. There are legitimately, there are men who are visible in the church, and the reason why they preach the gospel is not out of love for their neighbor, but because of selfish ambition.
They want to build a little empire to themselves, and so they're kind of like corporate sales guys, you know.
They want to get their monthly quota and they want to get the Rolex at the end of the year because they had the greatest sales and all that kind of stuff.
You know, I get that, okay. So the former proclaimed Christ out of selfish ambition, not sincerely, but thinking to afflict me in prison.
So others are sitting there going, well, I'm gonna keep preaching the gospel so that I can incite people so that Paul will stay in prison.
So there. So I'm gonna tell everybody about Jesus in order to upset the Romans so that no one will let Paul out of prison.
Paul's sitting there going, way to go, keep going, man, keep going. So he says, what then? He says, only that in every way, whether in pretense or in truth,
Christ is proclaimed, and in that I rejoice. You want to keep inciting the Romans by preaching the gospel and upsetting them?
Keep preaching, telling everybody about Jesus and what he's done for them. I'll sit here and rot, I don't care.
That's his point, okay. So you get the idea. And then, so what happens to the people who preach out of selfish ambition?
Now, some of them are gonna be saved and some of them are not. Let's just say that we pastors do the dumbest things, and the reason why is because we're still sinners.
It's a mess. Anyway, so the idea here is that Christ will sort all that out. Okay, and I will say this, that in 1st
Corinthians, it was this... let me find this... fire.
Hang on a second here, I gotta do a word search in 1st Corinthians. I'm gonna search for the word fire. Okay, hang on a second here.
This is, I want a word search, and I want it in the Epistles. Very good.
Let's see, there it is, 1st Corinthians 3. I want you to consider this then, okay. This is talking about what happens to pastors.
All right, so I don't like to do things out of it without text, because I can't do theology without text, it's impossible.
Otherwise, we're just doing opinions. And so 1st Corinthians 3, so here's what
Paul says. Brothers, I could not address you as spiritual people, but as the people of flesh, as infants in Christ.
I fed you with milk, not solid food, for you are not ready for it, and even now you're not ready, you're not ready, for you're still of the flesh.
For while there is jealousy and strife among you, are you not of the flesh, and behaving only in a human way?
For when one says, I follow Paul, another says, I follow Apollos, are you not being merely human?
Okay, watch what Paul says. What is Apollos? What is Paul? Okay, let me update this a little bit to a little more modern lingo.
Who is Roseboro? I mean, for real, come on, okay? All right, and note the word that he uses here, he says they are servants, okay?
They are servants. Now this is not the same as slave, but this is, they are ministers, people who are servants of you, okay?
They're not rulers, they're servants. Through whom you believed as the Lord assigned to each, I planted,
Apollos watered, God gave the growth, okay? So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything.
So if you think I'm anything, oh, you've got that wrong, I'm nobody, right? Okay, only God who gives the growth.
So he who plants and he who waters are one, and each will receive his wages according to his labor, for we are
God's fellow workers. You are God's field, you are God's building. Now listen, watch what happens next here.
So according to the grace of God given to me, like a skilled master builder, I laid a foundation.
Someone else is building on it, so let each one take care how he builds upon it.
So note as the Apostle Paul, he recognizes that the Apostles lay the foundation of the
Church, okay? So now I'm coming along, and so Roseboro, 2 ,000 years later, is taking the foundation of the
Apostles, and he's building on it, all right? And here's the thing, every pastor is building on that foundation in one way or another, but the question is, what are they building with, okay?
So now if anyone builds on the foundation with gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, straw, each one's work will become manifest, for the day will disclose it because it will be revealed by fire, and the fire will test what sort of work each one has done.
If the work that anyone has built on the foundation survives, he will receive a reward.
If anyone's work is burned up, he'll suffer loss, though he himself will be saved, but only as through fire.
So here's the picture here, okay? Legitimately, there are guys who are pastors, the reason why they're in it, it's all about them, okay?
And yet they do believe, you're sitting there going, but man, you guys have missed the whole point of what being a pastor is all about.
Being a pastor is all about being a servant, it's about being a slave, okay? So to build on the foundation with precious stones is to do so for the purpose of love towards neighbor, use
Philippians then as your cross -reference. Other guys are out of rivalry or selfish ambition, they're gonna be out there preaching the gospel and stuff like that.
They do believe, but here's the thing, all the work gets judged at the end, all right?
So you take, you know, pastor, vision -casting leader guy over here who is building an empire to himself for some stupid reason, but he's preaching the gospel, right?
Okay, so he's building on the foundation that Paul laid with really flammable material.
It gets put on the foundation and there's Jesus, all right, here's the stricter judgment part, because this is what pastors get to go through, all right?
Let's take a look at your ministry there, pastor. And so Jesus pulls out a torch and it goes, all right?
And if there was anything precious there, it survives. All the selfish, ambitious part gets burnt up, and the fellow then, at the end of it, he's still saved because he's a believer, but he's only saved as going through fire and he suffers loss because he gets to have the embarrassment of everything that he did for his own selfish ambition being shown for what it is.
Yeah. Yeah, you see, you get the idea here. So does that answer your question?
Yeah? All right, very good. Which, by the way, was a great question. It's a great question here, which is all of our reason.
It's like, we pastors just need to keep our head down, mouth shut, and keep preaching the word, administering the sacraments, doing our duty, and recognize that we're only the current guy in the current, you know, in the current congregation, and the other guys are gonna come in behind us, and he who plants and he who waters are nothing.
It's God who gives the growth, the end. Right? So there you go. All right, so, okay, well,
I'm looking at the time here. Yeah, I've gone way late, so, um, so I think we didn't get the numbers, but you know what?
This is normal. This is normal for us. So, but usually it's Bruce Burns who, you know, he's the one who's responsible for this, so I can't blame him today.
I don't know. So, all right, well, so just wanted to let you all know just a couple of things, and that is that we have catechism classes on Thursdays, noon central and 7 p .m.
central. If you don't want to be like, you know, go through a catechism class, you can do so, and if you would like to know, get the information on how to attend, send an email to the
Kongsvinger website, and we can we can set you up so that you can receive information and email reminding you about those classes.
You're welcome to attend, and then as long as we are continuing to be in obligatory social distancing and cannot, and the country hasn't opened up again, we will continue to hold our divine services here online, and so, and again, you guys are welcome to attend.
So, but in the meantime then, peace to you brothers and sisters, and we will see you next time.