Jake Meador - I Got Your Back

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Alright Jake, I Don't even know if you know who I am But if you do,
I highly doubt that you like me and I don't really like you So it's okay.
You can dislike me and I you know feelings mutual But I did want to say something to you
Jake and I I mean this from the bottom of my heart. I Got your back man
Seriously man seriously and it's not just in like a joking way. I'm serious.
I got your back I've done these kind of videos before with other people that get lied about in the media that you know
I don't particularly care for but you know at the end of the day, I got your back man
I really do I know you would never get my back. You would throw me to the wolves in Five seconds just because you know what?
I mean, that's the kind of guy that you that's what you project I'm not gonna lie to you But I got your back man, because what the salon .com
did to you was just not right. They you know strongly, you know implied You know implicitly explicitly, you know,
I don't really have enough education to know which one it is It's either implicitly or explicitly implied that you're some kind of a
Nazi, you know racist sexist the whole Nine yards and you know
I have no real reason to believe that you are and the evidence in the so -called article
That you were is the same kind of evidence that people use against me that I'm an anti -semi and I know that that's obviously not
Correct. It's pretty lame. And so Jake I got your back man, and I'm the kind of guy that'll tell you the truth, man
I I want what's best for you Jake. I really do and and you know, there's a couple things
I could tell you right now like you really do need to get a haircut. You should get a haircut You should maybe change the way you dress a little bit.
Look. I'm not the I don't I'm not the fashion expert You know, I can't tell you what to wear to highlight your best physical attributes.
I'm not gonna be able to do that That's not my thing. I'm not a I don't I'm not the best dresser myself
But there there are people out there that you could go to there are people and you don't have to pay anybody you could you Could just find someone to say hey, you know, here's what
I look like, you know, how do I? How do I present myself in as powerful and as a masculine way as possible given my physique?
And people will help you out, but I do know you do need to cut your hair because the hair is absolutely shameful
But anyway doesn't matter that's not what this is about. I can help you in those ways, too But this is actually just about getting your back man.
You know, people are are vicious, you know the media out there They've lied about you here. I don't think this is the first time that they've said this kind of stuff about you
Jake And it's not true. I want to just encourage you to keep on keeping on man
Like you obviously these kinds of lies should not hinder you You know what? I mean?
And and I I think you probably will keep on keeping on, you know That's that's a good thing people have lied about me too and never salon calm
But you know, there are some national Christian You know publications that have lied about me and said that I believe things or said things that I didn't say or believe in fact
The very opposite but but that's okay, you know, I don't get all bent out of shape You know, it's part of that comes with the territory.
It comes with the territory But Jake man, I got your back and and let me just give you some advice like like don't do this thing
Right don't do this thing because the very day that this stuff comes out You went out online and you did the very thing that they did to you to somebody else that you think is
More extreme than you and you use the same tactics too. It's just this guilt by association this
Assumption type stuff and you're like look those American reformer guys are totally
Nazis, you know, they're they're connected to Nazis Therefore they're not they they're probably sexist too and all that kind of thing
Jake I know that this was a way to kind of get the heat off of you to say see
I've got enemies on the left and the right and that kind of thing I know a Lot of people think that that works like like the way that you know
You're right is if you have enemies on the left and the right I make the liberals and the conservatives mad so many people fall for that trap where that somehow makes your message more legitimate and it doesn't
It doesn't it actually has nothing to do with it. In fact, I Would argue that if you have just as many enemies on the left as you do on the right
There's a near a hundred percent chance that you are completely jacked up that you're just you're just jacked up That's not to say that everything on the right is correct.
It's not not everything on the right is right But there's a whole lot of truth on the right and a whole lot of evil on the left
I'm not you know, listen, I'm not educated enough to know the exact percentages, of course, but that's the way it is
And so, you know, I know what you're trying to do You're trying to position yourself in sort of like this principled
Center But all that does is it's very transparent. We see what you're trying to do.
You're trying to to be Reasonable to the wrong crowd. Yeah, that's the thing You're trying to appear reasonable to people that you really shouldn't be appeasing at all at all
But you're trying to do it. I would suggest stopping doing it man. And also definitely get a
Freaking haircut. Honestly, you probably wouldn't even have to change how you dress I mean, I know you borderline cross -dressed too.
But look some of that stuff is cultural I get it If you just cut your hair, you would actually look a lot more masculine and you would appear a lot more respectable
And quite frankly you ought to cut your hair That's what the scripture says you ought to cut your hair because it's shameful the way you present yourself
And I'm trying to be your friend here I'm trying to help you and I'm totally serious cut your hair and I got your back man
It wasn't right for them to lie about you like that. It really wasn't right But yeah, I mean he immediately gets online and he and he starts
Saying things about American reformer. I don't read American reformer. You know what I mean? I have no ties to American reformer
I don't have any animosity towards them either so maybe that's why I can see this for what it is and he starts saying that American reformers in business with a
Nazi when Number one the person that they're saying this about is he a
Nazi is he not who knows because they lie all the time about This stuff but let's just say that this person was a
Nazi American reformer is not in business with him and that is very obviously factually correct
There's a different entity a different business that is potentially in a deal with him
It's not American reformer, but Jake meader. It was so desperate to say. Oh, there's somebody worse over there
And so he just you know, he says whatever he wants to say and this is the thing like it's not necessarily
Irrelevant who you're in business with I'm not gonna say that it is it it's definitely it says something
I don't know what exactly it says, but it says Something this has nothing to do with American reformer, by the way, obviously
Jake, but you were just in Desperation mode to appear reasonable see I've got enemies on the left down the right like that doesn't do the work
You think it does Jake the mindset that thinks that does a lot of work. That's pretty outdated at this point
You know, I know you're trying to present yourself. I remember 1020 years ago.
I was I'll never forget where I was. I was reading a book by a scam artist it might have been
Robert Reich and it was about the principled Center or something like that and I thought
I was very sophisticated. I remember I was on the roof I had an apartment in New York City with a view of the
Empire State Building beautiful the best apartment I've ever I ever had in New York and I had a fireplace in a wood -burning fireplace with the view of New York City in New York.
That's Probably the darkest time of my life. It was a great apartment, but probably the darkest time of my life anyway, so So I was on the roof
It was summertime and I was just sunbathing on the roof You know taking a look taking all the sights into the city the sights and the sounds, you know
Drinking a few beers and I was reading this book. I thought I was very smart smart and sophisticated It's about how to be a principled
Centrist and I'm reading this book and I'm like see I have enemies on the left end there This is like 15 20 years ago.
I have enemies on the left and the right. I thought I was so smart As I'm reading this book.
I'm like, oh, this is just a leftist And that's always how it is these people that I've got enemies on the left and the right
I'm a principled centrist They're always on the left. That's all that's always what they are. They like to pretend they're on the right.
They're on the left It doesn't do the work, but I'm not a smart person for noticing this This is just something that everybody knows now
Jake you gotta stop this Everybody can see that for what it is. Nobody that's truly conservative will ever ever say that that's just how it is
You think it's doing this work. It's not doing everyone sees how transparent it is
Stop doing this, but it's not to say that You know you do business with someone that's a questionable.
Let's just give them the whole thing You know this guy raw egg nationalists is totally evil. Whatever. Let's just give it the whole thing
It's not totally irrelevant who's in business with who that that's actually that does that is meaningful. I'll never forget this
This is you know for all you baseball fans out there Last year the New York Mets were in first place at this point in the season
But they were they were falling fast and the the Atlanta Braves were catching up to them You know more and more and more last year in August And I remember
I never I'll never forget this because I knew that the sky was falling for the Mets, right? I knew that we this was not good
Mets were not as good as everyone thought they were I knew that I'm a Mets fan. I knew that But the announcers for the games on SNY which is the
Mets you know TV network They kept they kept saying this it was like it was a drumbeat.
They kept saying it's not really that the Mets are tanky They're playing pretty well, but it's just that the
Braves are so good You know don't get me wrong the Braves were playing good But I could I have eyes too.
I could see the Mets were not playing very well I mean they were winning games, but they were winning games That in in ways that were they were not
Authoritative wins they were just like falling into these wins and so they were playing okay according to the record
But if anyone who had eyes to see and knew a little bit about the game of baseball knew there was a big problem in New York at the time.
I remember thinking why do they keep saying it was propaganda It's because SNY the announcers for SNY they're fantastic announcers
Keith Hernandez Ron Darling Gary Cohen They're the best in the business I think hands down, and I don't even think
I'm biased because I have not liked the Mets announcers for all time The best in the business, but they are in business with the
New York Mets. They work for the Mets They're in business with the Mets and so it was in their best interest to spin it a certain way
It's not really that the Mets are playing badly. It's that the Braves are playing great No, no the Mets were playing badly
And I knew that and that's how I was able to predict that this year was going to be I I can't prove it
But I had a phone call with my brother before the season started after the offseason And I said
Matt every other team in the division got better. We got worse We maybe stayed the same at best, but we probably got worse
We are going to the only question in our season is not if we're going to the playoffs or not We're not going to the World Series.
That's for sure The only question in our season is do we finish fourth or fifth did the
Nationals get that much ground on us? That's the only question that's up for debate and here We are a year later when the
SNY New York Mets you know Broadcasters who are in business with the Mets they they spun it for the
Mets We're saying with a Mets aren't playing that bad a year later The only question is are we gonna finish in last place or not because we're only a half game out of last place
Nobody saw that coming. I did I would be I just was I'm calling it like I sees it
I didn't want it to happen. I just knew that the Mets were not a good team and so The whole reason
I bring bring this up is because SNY the analysis for SNY Gary Keith and Ron They're in business with the
Mets so you can't necessarily take what they're saying as a hundred percent truth It does not mean that they're lying
They could have been telling the truth, and they could really have had that opinion, but when people are in business with each other
You can you can you can read something into that does it mean that new founding is?
Really a Nazi because they're going to business with raw egg nationals. No of course it doesn't mean that It's not irrelevant though.
It's not totally irrelevant, but Jake you can't do this thing that Salon did to you
It's it's the same thing that they're doing to you they use the same tactic that you just used
It doesn't do you any good in the eyes of the world to get lied about and slandered in the media
And then to use the exact same tactics of lying and slandering to those on your right to say see
I'm not a racist those are the real races That's what you did Jake, and I got to be honest with you
It makes me not want to get your back, but the thing is I'm a principled guy I'm a principled guy Jake you might not be a principled guy, but I'm a principled guy
And I'm also I'm also very compassionate. I I was where you were at Jake Not that long ago.
I Was where you are at? Not that long ago. I never dressed like a girl
I never wore my hair long because I don't even have any hair and man You should cut your hair at the very least just get a haircut.
That's it I would suggest finding someone that knows how to dress It's not gonna be me, but you can dress better and present yourself better There's a commercial that always comes up on YouTube about these shirts
I've never bought one they're called the true classics as opposed to Accentuate your biceps and make sure you know hide your gut a little bit to make you look more appealing you could do that Jake You really should
You shouldn't wear blouses, that's for sure And for goodness sake and when you're gonna be on video in a debate don't wear flip -flops for goodness sake nobody needs to see
Your feet nobody. I'm here to help you Jake. I got your back man
That was not right what salon did to you, but you got to understand. This is something that everybody has to understand
That in the eyes of the wacky world out there look the whack -a -doodles the powers -that -be the the leadership
If you're a Christian that in any way deviates from the current narrative
You are an evil Christian nationalist, and you need to be destroyed every single one of you
It doesn't matter how much you hate Christian nationalism if you do not go along with the entire
Program that the demonic powers -that -be of the world are pushing at the time the principles and the principalities
Whatever they're pushing at the time if you're gonna push back at all You are a Christian nationalist, and you need to be defeated and destroyed doesn't matter
How much you signal that you're not one you are one? You're on our team man, and we got your back, and it would be nice.
It would be nice That while some of us are trying to get your back That you weren't trying to kill us at the same time because that's what's happening right now like we're sure we're going in And we're you know we throw you over our shoulder
We're like no dude You know we got you, and you're over there behind us trying to stab us in the back like We could do without that We could do without all of the friendly fire but a
Lot of us care a lot more about you Than you do about us, and that's a fact
Jake and I gotta be honest with you Jake I've got your best in for interests in mind and when I say I'm praying for I am praying for you, man
I am because that wasn't nice And it can't be easy, and I got to be honest like when when I got lied about in national media you know
I Rejoiced like I'm commanded to you know I made a funny video about it and things like that And I was grateful for the opportunity to be slandered for the name of course
But it's not easy. You know what I mean. It's not like an easy thing When people say such vicious things about you, it's not easy to swallow.
It's not fun. It doesn't get fun Automatically you have to find the fun in it you have to find you have to be committed to finding the joy in it
And it can take work sometimes And so Jake I understand that you're probably sweating it out a little bit.
I get it I Understand that there may be a blood pressure rose a little bit.
I get it Brother Resist the urge to do the thing that you're doing
I would just maybe take a pause right now stop Take a deep breath just like the
Daniel Tiger song take a deep breath take a step back Ask for help, and you'll get it man.
Just think this through don't do the thing to you know American reformer that salon did to you
Don't it doesn't win you any points with anybody we see through it Salon doesn't care at all and your centrist little fanboys.
They don't care at all either Okay, because your fans like you hey, they're they're they're easily just like you so nobody cares
It doesn't benefit anybody doesn't benefit you that's for sure and of course Crisis displeased with that kind of thing as well when you're lying about brothers in the
Lord He is extremely displeased about that kind of thing so here's my advice for you
Jacob number one I got your back. You got your best interest in mind cut your hair Get a real haircut a man's haircut
Probably find a stylist to help you out. It can't be me. I don't really know how to dress either find a stylist and Don't do the thing to those on your right that salon is doing to you
It's evil it doesn't help anybody it doesn't help anything Just stop it, but I got your back buddy anyway
Hope you found this video helpful Jake. I'm serious reach out to me. I got your back I've been through this rodeo before I'm sure you have to but I'm I think
I can encourage you I provided much encouragement for many people in your position in the past reasonable guy the reasonable