Charismatic Con Artists


Testing the Spirits Podcast Episode # 102 -How should one view charismatic apologist Dr. Michael Brown? Is he defending a legit work of God or is he in on the scam? Clips taken from the following YouTube channels Justin Peters: Doctrinal Watchdog: American Gospel: Tags Nar Pentecostal Todd White Sid Roth Its Supernatural Benny Hinn Chris Rosebrough Fighting for the Faith Conmen Con man Steven Kozar Messed up Church Discernment


Hello, and thank you for listening to the testing the spirits podcast in this episode We're going to be talking about con men within Christianity con artists who operate within Churches within the body of Christ, and I've titled it specifically charismatic
Con men not charismatic as in hey this guy has a you know compelling charismatic personality
No, we're talking about a school of thought a system of theology called
Pentecostalism Charismatic ism okay charismatics in that It's people like Benny Hinn and Catherine Crick and Kenneth Copeland, and here's the thing their main
Apologist the guy who defends them and gives them some air of credibility is this guy named?
Michael Brown dr. Michael Brown now dr. Michael Brown is very intelligent You know you got to give them that and some people will give him props and Sam Storms and there's a few guys that sometimes even reformed
Calvinists who are into discernment you know and other Baptists who are very discerning they will give props and credit to dr.
Michael Brown and Sam Storms, and there's this handful of charismatics that all these people are you know?
They've done so much for the body of Christ And we think that they're okay and but they do defend these other people
And we don't understand it and actually Justin Peters who I really do appreciate he went on a podcast with dr.
Michael Brown and Sam Storms and He was sort of casting I think he was casting his pearls before swine because the case that I'm gonna make here is that dr.
Michael Brown is in on the con He is a con artist just like the rest of them so people are asking this question
I'm gonna show you clips and videos proving that there are con artists within Christianity and they're just in it to make money, and they're telling lies and it's obvious, but people say well dr.
Michael Brown you know he's okay. He's he's he's the good one there, but we just don't understand why he
You know won't admit the obvious. I'll tell you why because if dr. Michael Brown admits what we all know to be the truth the jig is up Because if he condemns if Michael Brown admits that Benny Hinn is a false prophet then
Michael Brown Exposes himself as a false prophet because he's done the same types of things Dr..
Michael Brown affirmed the ministry of Todd white and you know the leg lengthening guy the guy who's looks like he's on Steroids with the dreadlocks yeah that Todd white so if Michael Brown Admits the obvious then again.
He's exposing himself. That's why he doesn't do it so it's like the person who tells a lie and They keep having to tell more and more lies to back up the original lie.
That's dr. Michael Brown, so let's play this clip. This is from a podcast Uploaded to Justin Peters YouTube channel
Yesterday I believe last night. I started watching it, and I want to interact with this
Clip but here's Here's a clip of Michael Brown just last for a few seconds affirming
Sid Roth and his Crazy crazy TV show which is a con okay?
It's a money -making con run on the body of Christ But Michael Brown is going to affirm and defend
Sid Roth And then Justin Peters is going to talk about Sid Roth and we will interact with the video watch
You said Sid Roth is a charlatan I'm sorry to interrupt, but you said he's a charlatan and a huckster.
He's neither of those I know it for a fact just in case you're not familiar with Sid Roth and his YouTube channel or TV show it's supernatural
Want to just show you some thumbnails of some recent programs on his channel
These are all from within the last couple of years or so and I've had this slide in my presentation clouds without water for about that long so within the
Outside three years so all of this within the last few years Secrets to unlock wealth from the courts of heaven how to stop the corona virus in its tracks well
Guess what kovats still around I saw bored angels the reason will shock you
I saw skittles dropping from heaven Here's why? like seriously
Jesus came to me and said we must protest this Jesus sliced her open and then
Did who knows what? Are you kidding me Jesus sliced her open?
This is the normal stuff on Sid Roth's program. Let's look at a few more What I saw in this angel sword will astonish you what this angel showed me in heaven will blow you away
Manifest your healing with this powerful revelation of pilots unexpected flight to heaven
Sid's guests are frequent flyers to the celestial kingdom I mean they they go to heaven with the regularity that you and I would go to the restroom
And I've heard Sid several times say, you know, I've never been to heaven and all my guests they just provoke me to jealousy and Well Sid, you know if all of your guests claim they've been to heaven and you keep asking
God to take you there And you haven't been Wise up God said spit on her tongue the sailboat vision a word for 2022
An angel took me to see hell and this is one of my favorites what this horse told me in heaven will melt your heart
So I guess Mr. Ed is up in heaven So you're getting the idea you could go on these television programs.
And by the way, it's this type of Christianity You know charismatic Pentecostal Christianity, this is what
TBN is it's a charismatic Television network you could go on these programs and say just about anything and they would believe you
Oh, I got over on this chairlift and I was going up the mountain I was gonna go skiing and this chairlift brought me directly into heaven one guy actually claimed that there's a video online
Look at look into that type in chairlift to heaven I think it might have been Jesse Duplantis or something like that But yeah, you could say anything and they'll put you on TV and they'll believe you and then
Michael Brown will defend Sid Roth in this program and it's just absolutely outrageous
And the biggest problem is this is the this is the fake form of Christianity that's on television so the average person will see this on TV and they'll think that this is
Christianity and It leads a lot of people away from the faith. So this has a real
Detrimental impact on Christianity worldwide and it's I'm not saying that all charismatics do this
But all the people who do this are charismatic. Okay, let's continue And I just went to his channel just now and looked and here is here's one from just a couple of weeks ago
Beware the dragon babies. Oh Yeah, gotta watch out for them dragon babies
Sid Roth week after week after week has the dumbest
Stupidest most outlandish most inane absurd guests on his program with Fantastical tales that no one to quote myself earlier.
No one with an eye theological IQ above freezing Would believe and all of these shows that Sid Roth does by the way
They are basically 30 -minute long infomercials He's selling you the books the videos of his guests with these absurd
Stories every program he does is a 30 -minute infomercial of lunacy
Okay, so that's the point these TV shows they are infomercials because it's all about making money
So Sid Roth will have you know, dr. Michael Brown defends Sid Roth Sid Roth is a good Christian.
He's faithful He tells the truth and then Sid Roth has on these Guests who lie and make things up some of them.
Maybe they really believe it's true and they're delusional who knows but it's obviously fraudulent so they will bring on these guests they will tell these stories made -up stories and Then it's all meant to sell and promote their book or their
DVD series So it's all an infomercial trying to get you to buy their product.
Okay, it is a scam It's a con being run on the body of Christ. And then when somebody does a
YouTube video saying hey, these are lies These people are con artists then. Dr.
Michael Brown comes along and says no. No, no, that's not true I know these people they're sincere, you know, they're they're telling the truth
And Michael Brown because he is a smart guy and he has his PhD Some people look at Michael Brown as being credible or Sam storms as being credible credible because they're not as crazy as some of These other people but then if you look at you know,
Michael Brown and the Brownsville revival of what 30 years ago 20 years ago Michael Brown, you know, he's had his moments too where he's done some pretty crazy things but he has this air of respectability about him and He lends his credibility that I don't think he has credibility, but people do he has his
PhD So people listen to him and then he defends Sid Roth and he defends his TV show.
And yeah, you get the point He's in on the scam. All right, let's continue You will understand how to partner with Jesus to pray prayers that hit the mark
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Okay, something just came to mind. Remember that guy Peter Popoff. Have you ever seen him? He used to do infomercials and Run them at like 2 a .m.
And a lot of these guys will run stuff like this at 2 a 2 a .m. 3 a .m. and they do that because Desperate people tend to be up at 2 3 in the morning
But I've seen the clips on YouTube, but that guy Peter Popoff remember he would sell his miracle spring water
Remember that yeah, if you've ever seen that that is an obvious scam
But what Sid Roth is doing is really no different Okay, it's not as insane if if miracle spring water is you know on a 10 a level of 10
With insanity Sid Roth is an 8 .5, but it's all crazy. So alright, here's where Justin Peters Talks about dr.
Michael Brown and Sid Roth some more. So this is important that I'll come back and comment watch
And I've heard dr. Michael Brown say that there are six people on staff at Sid Roth Sid Roth's program is station ministry, whatever that vet the guests before they're allowed on He said what's interesting is we don't have a fundraising department, but we have a six -person team who just vets guests
If these are the people that make it through the vetting process These people make it through Can you imagine who doesn't
I mean, it's just absolutely Astonishing it boggles the mind
And there's only a couple of possibilities here If Sid Roth believes his own guests if he believes these fantastical stupid stories
Then he's got the discernment of a lug nut and he has absolutely no business being in ministry period end of story if he doesn't believe his own guests
Then that makes him every bit the charlatan and con artist that I've said that he is
Because he is knowingly selling stuff to his own people theological garbage and honestly theological
Stupidity and as bad as it is that he is leading his own guests astray
Theologically what is worse? What is exponentially worse? Is that he is putting words in God's mouth that God did not all all of it 100 % of his guests claim that they hear from God regularly.
God talks to them all the time. God is this Heavenly chatty
Cathy doll just talking up a storm So so he is he is putting words in God's mouth that he did not say ascribing things to God that he did not do and that brings incredible reproach upon God in Christ in the gospel and quite honestly when lost people look at his channel
They mock Christianity and it's hard to blame them because that's what they think
Christianity is is this Lunacy that they see okay, and that's the main point of this that people watch this stuff.
They see the charismatic insanity on TBN or on these
Infomercials or on YouTube because all this stuff gets played on YouTube as well people see this and Charismatic Christianity is the only form it's the only
You know, whatever theological group that is continuing to grow and grow
Basically because they're exporting the prosperity gospel over, you know into Africa which people over there are poor.
They're desperate They're buying up the prosperity gospel So charismatic Christianity is growing so they own all the television networks a lot of the radio
Radio stations are run by charismatics. Even our local station is run by a charismatic
Pentecostal pastor Most of the books at the Christian bookstore the best -selling books.
Anyways, like Joel Osteen and that stuff Joyce Meyer It's all charismatic. So charismatics dominate and people look at this and they think that this is
Christianity the average person The average unbeliever and they think this is this is nuts and it gives
Christianity a bad name So that's my biggest issue with all of it. And again, dr
Michael Brown is right there with his PhD in his scholarly, you know attitude.
I called the Line of fire I think is his podcast. I actually called one time.
I objected to something he was saying about Messianic Christianity or Messianic Judaism because You know,
I think there are problems most of the Messianic Denominations require circumcision you can't be a part of that church unless you're circumcised and like how does that not go against what
Paul? Wrote in Galatians and I called and I objected and I talked to Michael Brown one -on -one
Well on his podcast in front of a big audience, but he he's good at deflecting
I mean he is he knows how to you know, shift the conversation and talk his way out of things
I'll give him credit and but the whole problem is he uses that intellect It's like he's a
I don't want to say he's an evil super genius But there are people that are very very smart, but they use their their mind
For to do bad things and that's what Michael Brown is doing. So I want to bring a little scripture
Into this so a passage that definitely applies is 2nd
John 9 through 11 Here's what the Apostle John writes because some people are gonna say well, you're you know, you're just Speaking against him or you're condemning him.
I'm not condemning anybody as far as somebody's soul Yes, Todd White is a false teacher
Benny Hinn is a false teacher. That's obvious But as far as judging their eternal soul who goes to heaven who goes to hell that's
God's job I'm not condemning anybody. I'm just warning the body of Christ against obvious false teachers
So I'm not condemning anybody but people will say oh you're condemning someone you're you're just doing the guilt by association.
No Michael Brown Endorses these people it's not that he spoke with them on the same platform one time
I wouldn't do a video if that's all it was no he endorses them He defends them and here's what we read in 2nd
John 9 through 11 the Apostle John Writing about false teachers and every
New Testament epistle deals with false teachers except for Philemon But it's a major theme throughout the
Bible as I often like to tell you Just because a lot of people don't know that but we need to let them know by 2nd
John 9 through 11 The Apostle John says whoever Transgresseth and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ.
He hath not God he that abideth in the doctrine of Christ He hath both the father and the son
So you need to be teaching the true You know the proper doctrine of Christ not false doctrine the true doctrine of Christ And then the
Apostle John says again 2nd John verses 9 through 11 He says if there come any unto you and bring not this doctrine
Receive him not into your house neither biddeth him God's speed For he that biddeth him
God's speed is a partaker of his evil deeds in other words If you affirm false teachers if you defend false teachers if you aid and abet
False teachers, and you say hey God bless you and Michael Brown did that to Todd White and to Sid Roth and to all of these
Charismatic false teachers he's done that so if you say hey God bless you and you Promote them and aid and abet them you are just as bad because you are now a partaker of their evil deeds
I really came to Realization about a year ago.
I was Dealing with a local Pentecostal pastor And he was defending this arch heretic in the area like all the churches
Wrecking you know with the exception maybe of two or three, but almost all the churches in the area
Bible -believing churches they all Recognize that this teacher who is going around trying to get into churches.
They all recognize that this guy is a wolf But there was one Pentecostal pastor that was like no
He's a brother in Christ And he was defending him and I want him to be able to be welcome in our church
And we need to support him, and we can't turn him away, and I realized that this Pentecostal pastor
Yeah, he's seems like a nice guy and all the rest, but he is openly affirming
Not saying he affirmed everything this guy taught But he was affirming him as a brother, and he was defending him and he was running interference for him
And I realized you know it all just sort of clicked that yeah, this is this is what these guys do dr.
Michael Brown, you know he can't admit again. He can't admit Todd white is performing fake miracles
He can't admit that Benny Hinn is giving false prophecies because as soon as he does that He's been right there.
You know defending these guys and this stuff for years He exposes himself and this local
Pentecostal pastor if he you know admits the obvious Then he has to admit that he was wrong and he's been sinning all this time and these people are just not willing to do
That because they're unwilling to repent so really the only solution is to separate from these people
I really appreciate Justin Peters and This is not a criticism of Justin Peters and the other guy who went on that roundtable there's a clip of it in that video, but Justin Peters sat down with Michael Brown and Sam storms and You know maybe you say well,
I'm glad he did that and confronted him honestly. I think he's casting his pearls before a swine
Just avoid these people Dr.. Michael Brown included yes mark and avoid
Benny Hinn This is what Paul clearly teaches and Romans 16 verses 17 and 18
Mark them and avoid them don't get into conversations with them
Don't sit down with them for an hour don't bring them on your YouTube channel No, the Bible says mark them and avoid them because through their deceptive words
They are able to deceive the hearts of the simple -minded that's what
Paul says see the Apostle Paul knew if you give these people an audience if you give them a Platform, and I'm only showing them just to prove what
I'm saying because someone inevitably whatever I say You know on a video like this
You know some charismatics gonna come on and claim I'm lying or something so I only show you just to prove that what
I'm saying is right that this actually happened But yeah, you should not promote their material at all mark them and avoid them because if you start listening to them
Over time okay over time you will start to see things their way That's what happens if you start listening to a
Catholic priest And you listen to two or three sermons a week from a Catholic priest in six months.
You're gonna start thinking more Catholic That's the way it goes if you start listening to Pentecostal preachers.
Oh well 95 % of what he says is right, and you know even Benny Hinn 90 % of what he says is true
Yeah, but if you start listening to Benny Hinn you know six months from now You're gonna start thinking like Benny Hinn, that's the deception
That's why we're told just mark and avoid don't do not listen to them because yes
Even you could get sucked in even I could get sucked in that's why we don't listen to false teachers
We mark them and avoid them alright Thanks for listening, and if you've never put your trust in the true gospel of Christ crucified and risen
Believing that every word of the Bible is true if you've never done that I hope you'll do it today
Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved, but you need to listen to sound teachers
Okay, sound teachers not false teachers. Yes a broken clock is right twice a day
But don't listen to them listen get into a good Bible believing Church alright Thanks for listening until next time may the