F4F | Dumpster Fire with Mel Bond, Isaiah Saldivar and Katie Sousa


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Welcome to another installment of Fighting for the Faith. My name is Chris Roseborough. I am your servant in Jesus Christ.
This is the channel that compares what people are saying in the name of God to the Word of God. Now, before we get started,
I want to give a shout out. I haven't done this enough and I ought to do it a little bit more. Did you know that Fighting for the
Faith is actually made possible by our crew members? Yeah, it's actually true. Now, it's true we run a tight ship here at Fighting for the
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I could do Fighting for the Faith without some employees and people necessary to support what we're doing, including video editor and other things.
That being the case, so I want to give a shout out to our crew members and say, thank you.
Thank you for joining us in the fight and thank you for making it possible for us to continue to put out
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And we are now running a promotion. Anybody who joins our crew, moving forward, we'll always have a promotion.
Whatever the promotion is on the website at the time, that will be the thing. What we're doing is we're making available a digital download of my photography.
These are my photographic compositions and the ones that I use as my desktops on my computer.
And so we're going to make all nine of these ones available. This is collection one available for you to download.
So anybody who joins our crew under this current promotion. So if you're watching this like, you know, three years from now and you're thinking, well,
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But anybody who joins our crew during this current promotion, we will send you a link to this digital download so that you can download these and use these as your desktop, your wallpaper.
You can use them on your digital devices, things like that. And so these are the nine compositions that we've chosen for collection one.
So anybody who joins our crew during this period, we will send you a link so that you can download these for yourself.
And of course, if you would like to just, you know, you're thinking, well, you know, I can't join our crew, can't join the crew, but I sure would love collection one for my computer to use as a desktop.
If you go to PirateChristian .com, click on bake sale. You'll note that we've made Chris Rosebrill's desktop wallpaper slash photo collections one available for purchase at nine dollars, ninety five cents.
And then after you finish the purchase, you will be sent a link to the download so that you can do it so you can support fighting for the faith.
And we do need your support by either joining our crew or, you know, purchasing collection one.
All proceeds go to pay our bills. And you'll note, I don't have a private jet or anything even remotely approaching it.
That's that's not how we spend our money. We try to run a tight ship so that the money we're taking in is pretty much the money we're spending.
And at the moment, we're trying to save up for some long term projects that we need to address at fighting for the faith.
So your support is greatly appreciated. And we thank you because fighting for the faith is made possible by our crew members.
Now, all that being said, we're going to do something we haven't done in a while, and we're going to do something called a dumpster fire episode.
As I go out there and I research and I collect up video segments for potential fighting's for the faith, there are there are some that fall through the cracks.
And what I mean by them is they don't exactly make for an extended episode of fighting for the faith.
And and as a result of it, by themselves, it just doesn't make sense to make an entire episode based upon just one really wacky thing.
But it's so wacky that it really should be addressed. That being the case, we save up those oners.
Is that what they are? They're oners? We save up these like kind of shorter segments and we blend them together into a longer episode called
Dumpster Fire. And that's what we're doing today. Today, we are going to be heading to Mel Bond's YouTube channel.
And oh, my word. Have you ever read in Second Peter chapter one where it says that we are partakers of the divine nature?
Yes, you probably have heard that. Well, there's some bad teaching out there. Robert Morris has got a recent series that he's doing on this, and we might have to cover
Robert Morris in depth. But Mel Bond recently discussed this on his YouTube channel.
And the name of the episode is Neglecting Signs and Wonders is Neglecting the Rapture Part One. And this is apparently a sermon by Mel Bond.
But he's going to discuss that oft misunderstood text from First Peter or Second Peter, sorry,
Second Peter chapter one about being partakers in the divine nature. And we'll actually show you how are we to understand what that text is talking about.
Is it saying that we become little gods or that we are divine? Nope. And the issue is, is that the word partakers, the one that gets translated as partakers in the
English, the Greek isn't so, it doesn't really kind of lend itself that way.
And so we'll show you how to unwind that one as well as talk about what do you do with the long ending of Mark, which oftentimes gets misquoted by people.
And by the way, the long ending of Mark probably wasn't part of the original autograph. So we'll explain that also.
Then we will be talking about, let's see here, I'm probably going to throw in Isaiah Saldivar.
Isaiah Saldivar, I know you guys have a hard time listening to the way he preaches. Yeah, that's what he's going to be doing.
But man, he says something really blasphemous that it's worth passing along. So we threw it into this dumpster fire.
And then we're going to be listening to Katie Sousa talking about Python spirits, the enforcers of the devil who are going to squeeze your finances.
Yeah, so buckle up, bendy straws, duct tape and tinfoil pyramid hats, probably a good idea for this installment of Fighting for the
Faith. So let's begin with Mel Bond, shall we? And so he's talking about that we all need to operate in signs and wonders and that if you are a believer in Jesus, that means you also, you can operate in signs and wonders.
And he had just previously said that if you neglect this ministry of signs and wonders, well, the rapture won't happen.
OK, but watch where he goes from here. But who qualifies for signs and wonders and all the gifts of the
Holy Spirit? If Jesus Christ is the Lord of your life, you qualify. Mark in chapter 16, verse 17,
Jesus said this. He says, and these signs, supernatural miracles in the senses realm, proving that Jesus Christ is
Lord will follow those that believe. Now, here's the issue. That's from the long ending of Mark.
And for this one, I'm going to need to, whoa, hang on a second here. I don't want that.
I want, let's see here. There we go. That's what
I want. My desktop acted a little bit bizarre here.
I want Logos. So, by the way, I sometimes get questions. What's the software that I use?
When I am studying most of my theological library, my Greek texts, Hebrew texts and stuff like this, when
I'm studying personally and learning and preparing sermons and lessons and stuff like this, I'm in Logos.
This is where the vast majority of my theological library lives. When I am teaching,
I am in Accordance. And that's where I'm at. So, that's the other application that I use.
So, let's take a look at Logos here. In fact, hang on a second here. Is it me or is it, there we go, Accordance. All right,
Logos, here we go. So, we are going to look at the gospel of Mark and we are going to look at the long ending of Mark, and that's the proper way of discussing it.
And we're going to note what your Bibles say. And this is important. You'll note that Mark, in the oldest and most reliable manuscripts that we have of the
Bible, it ends at verse eight. Now, that seems like an odd place to end the gospel of Mark, but the reality is this, our earliest and best manuscripts don't include the long ending.
As a result of it, the reality is this, most likely the long ending of Mark was not something actually penned.
It's not part of the original. Therefore, it's not part of the Bible. When we talk about the inerrancy of Scripture, we are talking about inerrancy as it relates to the autographs, which is why textual criticism is so important because with textual criticism, we're able to look across the different manuscripts that we have and be able to have certainty regarding really what the originals would say.
The whole science of textual criticism is a friend to Christianity, not a foe. You shouldn't be listening to the
Textus Receptus KJV only group. They legitimately don't know what they're talking about. They're conspiracy theorists.
But that being the case, the earliest manuscripts do not include Mark 16 verses 9 through 20, probably added later by a copyist.
And as a result of it, we got some problems. But you're going to note here that it is on the basis of this long ending of Mark where you get some really aberrant teaching.
So, note what it says here, and these signs will accompany those who believe in my name, they will cast out demons, they will speak in new tongues, they will pick up serpents with their hands, and if they drink any deadly poison, it will not hurt them, and they will lay their hands on the sick and they will recover.
It is this long ending of Mark in that particular set of verses here which led to the snake handling
Pentecostals of Appalachia. Have you ever heard of these folks? Yeah, do a little
Google on this. In fact, you're not a true Christian unless you can handle poisonous snakes and drink strychnine and not die.
And many of them, sadly, have died from either snake bites or strychnine poisoning.
Things like this. So, you're going to note that this is most likely not part of the original text.
It wasn't. When Mark finished his gospel, that was not in it. How did it get later added?
I would point people to the work of James White of Alpha and Omega Ministries. He does a lot of work on the long ending of Mark, and I think he does some solid work along those lines.
I can't recommend everything that he promotes, but when it comes to a scholarship on the long ending of Mark, he knows what he's talking about, and it's most likely.
And most likely, like 95, 96, 97 % chance it was not part of the original.
So, you'll note, we should not be drawing our doctrine from this long ending of Mark.
It's problematic at best. And so, you'll note that how is
Mel Bond using the long ending of Mark? Well, he's basically saying that this means that you are going to, it's a promise to you that you're going to operate in signs and wonders, which is even more proof that the long ending of Mark is problematic, but watch what he does with it here.
He says, and these signs, supernatural miracles in the census realm, proving that Jesus Christ is
Lord, will follow those that believe. And so, immediately, when you accept
Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, that you have now been transformed from, or translated from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of God's dear
Son. And so, now you have a new lineage. You have a new DNA. New DNA.
What does that even mean, by the way? Where in Scripture does it talk about a new DNA? By the way, you know, this idea of DNA switching and stuff like that, that's how you get monsters and weird, really bizarre mutations.
Nowhere in Scripture does it talk about us as receiving new DNA. Now, you are a child of the living
God. And the Bible plainly teaches us that we're born again, not by corruptible seed, but by incorruptible seed, by the
Word of God. And the Word of God says in 2 Peter 1, verse 3 and 4, it says that we become partakers of His divine nature by the
Word of God. Now, listen to how he interprets this, because that's the problem. This is one of those tougher passages, by the way.
So, 1 Peter chapter 1, I think it's verse 4, this, you know, what does it mean that we're partakers of the divine nature?
This is a difficult passage to understand. And part of the problem is the linguistics regarding the
Greek word behind partakers. And I'll explain that in a minute. And so, now we are divinity.
No. No, we are not divinity.
But watch what he does with this. We're children of the Most High God. Now, that's true. We are adopted children of God, but that doesn't mean that we're divinity.
And if you'll notice in my book, and I would encourage everybody to read that book, how that all nine gifts of the
Spirit belong to you. Once you understand how they operate and that they belong to you, it's real easy to surrender to them and give action to them.
Surrender to the gifts, which is nowhere taught in Scripture. Now, let's clean this up, shall we?
All right. So, we're going to clean this up first and foremost by going to an Old Testament text, which is necessary for us to do.
And so, I'm going to find... Let's see. I need... What did I do with my Old Testament text?
I think I'll just hijack this one and use it for that. All right. We're going to go to Isaiah chapter 43.
Are humans divine? Do we become little deities? That's the question, right?
So, Isaiah 43, verse 10 gives us a clear, clear, clear text here.
So, here's what Isaiah 43, 10 says. You are my witnesses, declares Yahweh, my servant whom
I have chosen so that you may know and believe me and understand that I am He. Before me, no
God was formed, nor shall there be any after me. I, I am
Yahweh, and besides me, there is no Savior. In other words, any theological scheme that would tell you that you are a little
God or you become God or that you become divine, that's a lying, that's a lying religion, including in the mix, by the way,
Mormonism. Mormonism, the, the central doctrine of Mormonism is called the law of eternal progression, which teaches as man is,
God once was, as God is, man can become. Belogna, it says in Isaiah 43, 10.
Before me, no God was formed, nor will there be any after me. So, the one interpretation that is ruled out right away from the clearest passage on the path, on the topic is this idea that we become divine or we become little gods.
No, we don't. And I would, I would make a terrible deity, by the way.
So, the question is, what does it mean? So, let's take a look at Logos, shall we?
All right. And Logos is going to be super helpful for us here. And we are going to go over here and we are going to look at, well, what are our three rules for sound biblical exegesis?
Context, context, and context. So, in 1 Peter, 2
Peter chapter one, it says this, his defined power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness.
Through the knowledge of him who called us to his own glory and excellence, by which he has granted to us his precious and very great promises, so that through them you may become partakers of the divine nature, having escaped from the corruption that is in the world because of sinful desire.
For this very reason, make every effort to supplement your faith with virtue and virtue with knowledge, and knowledge with self -control, and self -control with steadfastness, and steadfastness with godliness, and godliness with brotherly affection, and brotherly affection with love.
So, when you put it in context, it's not saying that we become divine, that's not the point here.
But I would point out, using a good commentary, and this one is one that I find to be very helpful, and this is
Lenski's commentary. And in Lenski, he gets at the Greek word that is behind the word partakers.
The Greek word behind that word is similar to the word koinonia, but it's different.
It's koinonoi, koinonoi. So, koinonoi, it sounds similar to koinonia, which is where we get the word fellowship from.
And here's what Lenski points out in his commentary, which is actually a very good reference for us here.
The adjective koinonoi, which is derived from the noun for fellowship, we lack an equivalent
English adjective. Okay? Note, it's an adjective.
And in English, we don't have a word that actually is a one -to -one relationship with the word koinonoi.
So, the idea then is that it is inexactly rendered then in our
English translations by the word partakers. We should keep the idea of fellowship, lest, as Becer warns, we end up decorating ourselves with a foreign feather.
I'm a little god, right? For this divine nature is not substantia, but qualitas.
We are partakers. We have fellowship with the divine nature, and that's a quality, not a substance, right?
It is more than imitatio. It is rather the imago Dei, as a foreigner is naturalized.
So, we are fully transplanted into God's kingdom, and then we are naturalized in it so that what is in that kingdom is properly ours.
We are to be children and sons of God, begotten again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible through the word of God, which lives and abides forever, and ours is then, you'll note, this is what
Peter's really getting at. As Christians, we have the restoration of the divine image, the imago
Dei, and it's not perfect in this lifetime, but also note that we are indwelt by the
Holy Spirit. That is another way that we are in koinonoi, fellowship with the divine nature.
So, what's being described here is the Christians, the Christian, the new person that you are in Christ and the restoration of the image of God in you.
Now it's begun, but not perfected until Christ comes. So, when Peter says that we are partakers, it would probably be better translated, koinonoi would probably be better translated as we are fellowshippers of the divine nature.
That's a little closer to what's going on here. Partakers in the English makes it sound like, well, we become divine.
Uh -uh, we don't. So, this idea of theosis, you become little gods, that's just not what
Peter's getting at at all. And it contradicts Isaiah 43 .10, which basically makes it clear.
Before me no God was formed, nor will there be any after me. You're not going to be a deity, so don't even bother applying.
That position's filled for eternity, and there's nobody going to be coming up through the ranks that can say that they are gods.
So, just pointing that out. So, we've got a big problem here, and that is, is that Mel Bond has totally biffed it regarding how to properly understand what
Peter is getting at here, and now he's making the claim that he's divine. And he's going to extrapolate from his misunderstanding of what
Peter wrote, and holy smokes. Well, if you're divine, well then, doesn't that mean that you'll never die?
Well, watch what he does. And so, as a child of the living God, you qualify immediately when you accept
Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. It's the same thing as rich billings.
When you were born, physically, immediately, you didn't earn it, but you got the name billings.
You were born into that family. You can't buy it. You were just born into it.
And so, when we accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, we are born into divinity.
Now, I was talking to Mick about this a couple— No, we're born again with a restored image of God.
Think back to the beginning of creation. Well, nights ago, and so, I'll give you something to chew on, and maybe—I've never talked about this before because most people, they say, oh, you know, that's just so heavy, but it's really not heavy if it's in the
Bible. It's just, people need to know the truth. And the fact of the matter is that when we become partakers of His divine nature, death is gone.
You can't— Is he saying what I think he's saying? Yeah, he's saying it. Watch what he says here.
This is really delusional. Kill God. You can't kill God. And so, what happens is people, they start expecting to get old, and they start expecting these—no, no, change your way of thinking.
Is it just me, or does Mel Bond look old? He doesn't look like a spring chicken to me.
But apparently, he's been engaging in some stinking thinking here, you know? And that's probably the reason why he got so old.
But don't worry, he's no longer embracing this idea that he has to get old. Watch where he goes. What?
Yeah, you can see why this is a dumpster fire. Yeah. No, you're not,
Mel. You don't look like you have much time left. You need to repent. This is nonsense. All right, moving on in our dumpster fire episode here, brace yourself for some heavy breathing.
We're going to be listening to Isaiah Saldivar, and he's going to say something that is really blasphemous, and he's going to say
God is saying. All right? So, listen to this. I've heard other preachers preach like this, but this is the most recent example
I've heard of it. So, he's preaching at some kind of, you know, a rally, a revival rally of sorts.
And this is also not only blasphemous, it's delusional when you think about it.
But listen. Devil's never met a Christian like you. No, I am not.
I have to pray every day as Jesus taught me to pray. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.
I pray it every single day. Note that when Jesus taught his disciples how to pray, the Lord teach us to pray like John the
Baptist taught his disciples how to pray. Jesus said, fine, all right, when you pray, say. Here's what you say. Our Father in heaven, hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread.
And by the way, every one of the petitions in the Lord's Prayer, these are petitions, they are not declarations.
Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.
Right? This is how Jesus taught his disciples to pray. Notice Jesus didn't tell his disciples to pray. And when you pray, know that who you are in Christ and become the devil's worst nightmare so the devil fears you.
This is nonsense, okay? Beware, your adversary, the devil prowls around like a lion seeking people to devour, okay?
So don't think that you've got it all together. Humbly ask God, the way Christ has taught you, deliver us from the evil one.
But here, Isaiah Saldivar, it looks like he's eating a microphone there. He is, nom, nom, nom, nom.
He's basically saying, oh, you're the devil's worst nightmare. This is also delusional dumpster fire material.
Let me back this up. Have you ever met somebody that knows who they are in Christ? You are the devil's worst nightmare.
The devil wakes up in cold sweats because of you. No, he doesn't.
The devil gets migraines because of you. No, he doesn't.
I don't know where we come to as a church, but we were afraid of sickness.
I'm not afraid of sickness. Sickness is afraid of me. No, it is not.
Seriously, I'm positive. We would take like, you know, the flu virus or maybe the cold, the rhino virus, stick it in a
Petri dish and, you know, put a microscope up to it and bring Isaiah Saldivar in the near vicinity of it, just standing right next to the dish.
The little observation thing. And we were to pull our microscope and look at it.
The virus wouldn't sit there and go, it's Isaiah Saldivar. No, this is just nonsense.
So he said, I don't need a vaccine. He says that COVID needs an Isaiah Saldivar vaccine.
Seriously, dude, you're exalting yourself and not Jesus? Really? The devil is afraid of me.
No, he's not. You're doing his work here, by the way. No, you're not.
Seriously, the devil's cracking up at your hubris. Well, that's true.
Jesus will destroy the devil, throw him into the lake of fire at the end, not Isaiah Saldivar. But we need to exercise our power.
Jesus taught us to pray, to ask God for things. We need to exercise our authority.
No, we don't. We need to take our rightful place. You have to stop looking in the mirror and seeing a grasshopper.
You have to stop looking. I see a creature. I'm not a deity. Looking in the mirror and seeing a defeated, weak, anemic, pacifier
Christian. Right. So you're going to know this is a false dichotomy. If you actually believe what the
Bible says, you have to, you pray and you ask God to protect you, right? That is weak, pacifier
Christianity. No, it's not. It's the actual biblical Christianity that the apostles left us with.
It's found in the Bible. Do you Bible, dude? You should, you should Bible more often. The domesticated cat of the
American church. Get false dichotomy here. Now, this is the part that's really blasphemous.
Notice how it says, because God says, let me back this up so you can see the transition. The cut is a hard cut made by his people.
God keeps saying, why are you asking me to do things that I gave you the power to do? Scripture tells us to ask
God for things. That's what prayer is to humbly petition, to ask God. That's what a supplication is to humbly ask
God, but watch what he says. This is what Jesus said.
Now, I don't know. This is what he said to his apostle. To trample on snakes and scorpions.
Oh, okay. Now you're quoting the long ending of Mark without pointing out the fact that it doesn't appear in the earliest manuscripts.
Probably not part of the Bible. Also, by the way, that story of the, the woman caught in the act of adultery doesn't appear in the earliest manuscripts either.
Yeah, probably not part of the original. To heal the sick, to raise the dead, to drive out demons.
So we have to stop being these begging Christians. We have to stop being begging
Christians. Wow. Wow.
Yet we pray daily. Give us this day our daily bread. Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.
Lead us not into temptation. Deliver us from the evil one. Oh, according to Isaiah Saldivar, Jesus is saying you need to stop being begging
Christians. Proof that whatever spirit is talking to Isaiah Saldivar isn't the
Holy Spirit. God would never say to his Christians, to his children, to his adopted children, stop being begging
Christians and stop asking me for things. Nowhere in scripture does it teach this.
This is horrific. Horrific. Yeah, more proof. Isaiah Saldivar is a wolf.
I mean, he doesn't really hide his wolfiness very much. He's right out there with his wolfiness.
A little bit of sheep's clothing, but he's a wolf to be sure. All right, next part of our dumpster fire,
Katie Sousa. It's been a while since we've taken a look at Katie Sousa, and we're going to take a look at what the scripture says regarding the spirit of Puthona.
We'll talk about that. What is that really actually referring to? She has completely spun this bizarre satanic narrative that the python spirit is the enforcer of the devil sent to wreck your finances, which is not what any biblical text says at all.
But watch what she does here. It's entertaining, blasphemously so, but listen in.
The residual effects, the witches and the warlocks and the sorcerers, they really built their altars during this last month, and they're not...
All right, she's talking about during the Halloween season. The witches, they built their altars during Halloween. ...operating up the power of those altars to continue to try to curse us.
And one of the things they do is they release a curse, and people don't understand this. They release a curse, and then the serpent is the enforcer that carries out the curse.
So let me see if I have this straight. So during the Halloween season, witches and warlocks create altars, and then they pronounce curses on Christians, and then serpent spirits are sent out as the enforcers who carry out the curses of the witches and the warlocks.
Says no biblical text anywhere. Do you have a biblical text for this? Because it sure does sound like mythology to me, and doesn't even sound like a remotely accurate understanding of either the demonic realm or how the occult works.
Okay, now where's the proof of that? Well, serpents and witches always work together. In Leviticus, it talks about, thou shall always stone a witch.
And then in the Derby version, it says, a person operating in a serpentine spirit. What does the
Hebrew say? Okay, so you're going to know, the text in question is
Leviticus 20, 27. And at Bible Gateway, you have this ability to look up a verse and then see how multiple translations handle it.
And of course, they don't give you the Hebrew behind it, because this is not really a
Hebrew resource. So, let's take, let's pull this up and we'll go to Leviticus 20.
I think that's where we're going. Hang on a second here. 20 verse 27. And we'll see if there's any serpentine spirits mentioned in the
Hebrew text, which is the original language of the book of Leviticus. And so, we'll scroll down to verse 27 and see if we can make any sense of this.
The Hebrew is a little small. My eyes are old. All right, let's see here. All right. A man or a woman who is a medium, okay, or a necromancer, all right, shall surely be put to death.
All right, medium. So, the word here is ov, and that's, it's not, that's not referring to serpents at all.
Skin, bottle, a necromancer, you know, some, okay, necromancy. Talking about diviners and things like this.
No mention of divine, of serpentine spirits here in the Hebrew. So, a medium or a necromancer, and let's take a look.
This is also the word for spiritist, somebody who uses familiar spirits, either as knowing or wise, acquainted with the secrets of the unseen world.
Okay. A soothsayer. Nothing here about serpentine spirits at all.
So, a man or a woman who is a medium or a necromancer shall surely be put to death. They shall be stoned with stones.
Their blood shall be upon them. All right, we've checked the Hebrew. No mention of the serpents at all.
Not even in passing, which also, by the way, does it shock you that Katie Sousa doesn't know
Hebrew? So, you know, so, I'm just saying, you know, it's just one of those things.
So, let's take a look. So, the King James 20, 21, or the King James 21, a man or a woman who hath a familiar spirit, who is a wizard, shall surely be put to death.
They shall stone them with stones. Okay. All right, let's see here. Let's, so the
CSB, a man or a woman who is a medium or a spiritist must be put to death. Got it.
And I'll look at the, we did take a look at the ESV, a man or a woman who is a medium or a necromancer shall surely be put to death.
Right. Okay. Every man or a woman who is a medium or a psychic must be put to death. I mean, that seems to be universally across the board.
And then you get the Darby translation, which kind of heads off into the weeds. If there be a man or a woman in whom is a spirit of Python or of divination, they shall certainly be put to death.
They shall stone them with stones and their blood is upon them. This to me sounds like taking something from the
New Testament and reading it into the old. Okay. And you'll see why in a minute.
But in the Hebrew, it doesn't say anything about a spirit of Python. There is no Seraphim or Nechash mentioned here.
So as a result of that, this, the Darby stands out. This is not right.
In fact, this is anachronistic. If I were to say to you that Jesus's favorite food when he was growing up as a kid were microwave burritos, you would sit there and go, there were no microwave burritos at the time that Jesus was a kid on earth.
Okay. That's an anachronism, right? Taking this idea of a spirit of Puthona and then reading it into the
Old Testament is equally as anachronistic. That's what Darby has done here. And of course,
Katie Sousa, she's not the sharpest biblical scholar in the bunch. In fact, I would never,
I would never accuse her. I would, in fact, I would be slandering her if I said she was a biblical scholar.
Cause she's not. Okay. So, okay. So swing and a miss,
Katie Sousa. There's nothing in the Hebrew text in Leviticus 20, 27 about serpentine spirits.
Okay. In Job 3, Job says, let those who are skilled at cursing, that's witches, curse that day.
Let those who are skilled in rousing up Leviathan. Witches are not only skilled in releasing the curse, but.
Yeah. I'm not going to get into a discussion, big writing a Leviathan. Leviathan is a sea creature.
They're skilled in rousing up the serpent, Leviathan, one of the most powerful. No, no, no, no, no, no.
You are like way reading stuff into Job here. I mean, so this is like taking passages out of context, proof texting in order to create this doctrine.
This doctrine doesn't exist on its own. And you legitimately don't know what you're talking about here at this.
Powerful principalities and Python and these other service to carry out the curse. They're the enforcers. They're the enforcers guys.
Okay. And I understand that. Serpent spirits are the enforcers guys. You got to be careful. They're going to come and ruin your finances.
I used to be the enforcer. Somebody would say, go, go. By the way, she's talking about her time as she used to be a drug dealer.
I think she was like, she was like one of these people who's like probably a character on breaking bad.
She would legitimately was making crystal meth and working in a lab and, and doing criminal activities collection, you know, and I would go to that person that owed money or whatever.
And I would enforce that decree to do a collection on that person. Amen. Okay. So the witch's curse, but the
Pythons and the, and the Leviathans, they carry out the curse. Now we're going to talk about Python today. Okay. You are sure a fast talker there,
Katie Sousa. You're going to talk about Python here, but you haven't actually rightly handled a single biblical text at all.
This is all fantasy stuff made up in your brain. And you'll see the connection even more between the witches and the Pythons and what they're doing to us.
Okay. We're going to go to Acts 16. Okay. Here's what we'll, we'll, we'll, we'll get ahead of her. In Acts chapter six, 16, it legitimately talks about a girl who had a spirit of Puthona and there's an actual historical context for this.
So Acts chapter 16, and let's see, they came to Derby, the
Macedonian guy. Okay. Then we got the conversion of Lydia in, in Philippi, Paul and Silas are in prison.
All right. All right. So here, let's see here. So here we go. As we were going to the place of prayer, a little bit of a note here in the book of Acts, you're going to note that this portion of the book of Acts includes a, the word we, that means the author was along for the ride.
He's an eyewitness of these accounts. That's Luke, the guy who wrote the gospel of Luke. As we were going to the place of prayer, we were met by a slave girl who had a spirit of divination.
Greek word here, Puthona. And let's see if I can, yep, this actually talks about where this comes from.
So if we were to look it up in Bidet, so Putho, the region in which this is the city of Delphi lay.
Okay. Now, if you're not familiar with what this is referring to, this, this idea that she had a spirit of Puthon, that means that most likely this girl was somehow connected to the oracle at Delphi.
Okay. If you're familiar with your, with your ancient Greek history, like Alexander the Great before he heads off in his conquest of the world actually visits the oracle at Delphi.
Delphi in Greek is the word dolphin, and it has to do with the temple of Apollo that was set up there because apparently the god
Apollo spoke to these sailors from inside of a dolphin. It's really convoluted.
But the idea then is that they set up the temple of Apollo, which became known as the spirit, the oracle at Delphi, and it was built over a volcanic fissure.
So in the ancient world, if you were to visit the oracle at Delphi and you were to inquire of the gods, right?
They're not really gods, you know, regarding your fate or things like this, what the priestesses would do at the oracle of Delphi, they would stick their face over the fissure, the volcanic fissure and breathe in the volcanic gases, which were spewing up and the inner sanctum of the temple there was right over that volcanic fissure.
And they would breathe in these volcanic gases, which would basically make them high. And they would go into an ecstatic state and speak in tongues.
True. And then the male priests would then interpret the tongues that the priestesses were speaking.
So this is then the practice of divination, if you would. And this girl in Philippi is described as having a pneuma puthona, a spirit of puthona, which connects her to the oracle at Delphi.
She may have actually been somebody who was wrapped up in all of that and where she got her demon from, okay?
So that's what that's all about. But you'll note that the word itself, puthona, sounds like Python.
So everybody in English sits there and goes, oh, it's a serpentine spirit. That's really not the point.
The spirit of puthona is something you pick up. It's in relation to the oracle at Delphi, okay?
Just saying. So as we were going to the place of prayer, we were met by a slave girl who had a spirit of divination.
This is why we don't say a Python spirit, because that means, you know, a spirit that has to do with fortune telling and things like this.
And they brought her owners much gain by fortune telling. She followed Paul and us.
So this is a demonized woman. And she was crying out, these men are servants of the most high God who proclaim to you the way of salvation.
And this she kept doing for many days. This sounds almost like an orthodox statement, but it isn't.
Listen, you don't want the demons proclaiming Christ, because they're going to be off just enough to lead you into egregious error.
So note what this demonized girl is saying. Oh, these men are servants of the most high
God. And in a pagan and polytheistic context, that makes it sound like Jesus is like one of the gods, and that he may even be higher than Zeus, but Zeus is real and stuff like this.
So it's not an accurate statement at all when you consider what it is this woman is saying, okay?
These men are servants of the most high God who proclaim to you the way of salvation. This she kept on doing for many days,
Paul having become greatly annoyed, turned and said to the spirit, I command you in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her.
And it came out of her that very hour. But when her owners saw that their hope of gain was gone, they seized
Paul and Silas and dragged them into the marketplace before the rulers. Right? So that's what that text is about.
But let's take a listen to what Katie Soos is going to do with this, because this is imaginative, but not accurate at all.
That's the best way I can put it. Here we go. Acts 16. And in that story, there's a woman, the Bible says that she had a spirit of divination.
Okay, now the word divination there means Python. No, it doesn't. You legitimately don't know what you're talking about.
Go look it up. If you don't believe me, look it up in the. We already did. You know, in the.
That fact, let's relook it up, shall we? Okay. So let's double click here. And then, of course,
I kind of make this bigger because of my eyes. Okay. All right. So the Python, okay. The serpent or dragon that guarded the
Delphic Oracle. It lived at the foot of Mount Parnassus and was slain by Apollo. Later, the word came to designate a spirit of divination.
Then also a ventriloquist who were believed to have such a spirit dwelling in their belly. Yeah. Okay.
So again, this has to do with the origins of divination as a practice, going back to the
Oracle of Delphi at Mount Parnassus. You understand what I'm saying here? Okay. So, no, it doesn't mean
Python. You don't know Greek. Thiers or the Strong's Concordance. And you'll see that it means
Python. No, it doesn't. That means that this woman who had the spirit of divination, she was walking around and said that she got for her master's much gains.
Right. She made money as a fortune teller. Remember Miss Cleo? Okay. It's the same idea.
Got for her master's much gains. See, a Python is in charge of bringing their master's illegal gains.
Okay. So what if a Python is able to manipulate and control money and bring illegal gains for witches, warlocks, sorcerers, people in the world that are pagans, unbelievers, evil people, evil people running nations, running countries, whatever.
What is Python going to do to a Christian, to a believer? They're going to squeeze out your gains. Wow. That was quite a jump of logic.
I mean, man, evil Knievel could not make that jump. What on earth?
So Python spirits are out to get your financial gains. Oh, save us Katie Sousa. This sounds a lot like the same logic from Monty Python, the
Holy Grail. How do you know she's a witch? Well, if she weighs less than a duck, it's that same convoluted litany of non -logical stuff strung together.
Because that's what a Python does, right? It literally squeezes the life out of you. It squeezes the life out of you.
It stalks its prey, drops around its prey, wraps around its prey, and just slowly starts squeezing.
So since this woman that had the spirit of divination brought for her masters much gains, and that word divination is witchcraft, by the way, and the word divination means
Python. So the witchcraft is working with the Python. So if witchcraft is cursing you right now, it's going to send out a
Python to enforce that curse and to do what? Squeeze out your gains. Oh, no!
Gasp! Are your finances... Are you struggling financially because you have a
Python spirit sent out by witches and warlocks to squeeze your gains? Oh, no!
Thankfully, if you just send in your check of $49 .95 to Katie Sousa Ministries, she'll break that Python spirit right off you.
I think you get the point. Yeah, it's been a while since we've done a dumpster fire. Man, I think you get the idea.
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