Personal Thoughts on the Shot


Like many, I’ve had to make a decision on whether or not I will take the shot. NYS is now mandating it for health workers and denying religious exemptions. Here are some of my thoughts on it.


Hey everyone, good morning. I hope you're all doing all right out there I know there's a lot going on in the world and in the
United States, and I hope you're all in prayer Especially for the situation in Afghanistan, which is just heartbreaking
I wanted to do this video because I haven't really done anything directly on the kovat shot
And I've had people reaching out to me asking me even people from the military and the medical field about what they ought to do
Should they take it? Should they not take it? If it's forced what they should they do and I don't have all the answers to all those things
But I I have we've all made a personal decision on this by default if not actively and I have done my utmost to try to understand the issues as best
I can with the time that I have and I have come to my own decision on this. And so I just wanted to share that with you.
I'm not a doctor I'm not coming to you because I've done some kind of a scientific experiment or a test and determined Something with one way or the other whether this is a good or a bad thing
I've just had to I've had to go on a lot of we've all had to go on a lot of Different things because this these quote -unquote vaccines did not go through the normal process that a vaccine
Goes through with animal tests and operation warp speed for for everything that Trump did that was
Probably one of the things that for me was the least attractive about his policies and I I Just can't put my faith in What I know and then more than that what
I don't know what I don't know probably Has me more concerned than what I do know So I'm gonna share some of this with you and my rationale and I would encourage you to do your own research
This is just where I come down on it. And this is for people who have asked Various questions.
I'm hoping to get most of them answered in this video so that you know, at least kind of where I stand I'm thinking of possibly
Having some some experts on I don't know exactly what that would look like yet It's just not directly related it is indirectly related but it's not directly related to what
I've been focusing on lately So I haven't really done much on it But but I'm open to so if you really want more, you know
Let me know you can put it in the comments if you want, but there are a lot of resources out there This is not something that's unique to me
There's there's of course a lot of the resources that would be skeptical about the shots are censored but you can still find them you can use search engines like duck duck go you can go to the
Bear great Barrington Declaration and find some of the resources from some of the people who have signed that frontline doctors would be another one so anyway,
I'm just gonna talk to you about My personal decision here and my rationale walk you through that and I did it in two little
Facebook Gab slash gab posts and so I'm just going to read through that for you.
I may stop and start but But here's my statement. I've tried to carefully word this
Honestly, I'm trying to love my neighbor by not taking the shots Here's my reasoning if the shot is both
Detrimental to my long -term health and the occasion by which tyranny is forced on my friends in the business and medical fields
My resistance to it can only help myself and my neighbors my concerns are as follows number one
There's a question as to whether the shot contributes to infertility and in females miscarriages
My wife and I are a young couple who'd love to have kids It's not loving to my future children to risk harming them or contributing to their death number two
There's a question as to whether the mRNA technology weakens the immune system in the event of a variation of the virus
Attacking the body. I'm not loving the people who rely on me by taking a risk that may prevent me from working or kill me
Number three my friends who are in danger of having the shot forced on them are facing manipulative peer pressure right now
One of the metrics used to convince them to take the shot is the percentage of people who have taken it already
I don't want to contribute to that number Number four there are many other concerns including the ethics associated with the pharmaceutical companies
Manufacturing the shots and the political agendas behind potentially forcing the shots I do not agree with using cell lines from aborted fetuses or the government imposing an untested shot on such a large scale
In short the risk is associated with contracting kovat or a kovat variant Especially for my demographic are relatively low the risks associated with a shot are relatively unknown
And that's the best case scenario. I believe it's more loving for me to not take the shot
I also believe it's not very loving for others to question my motives for making this choice based on risk assessment
Accusing people of being selfish or unloving because they won't take the shot assumes They believe the shot is necessary to save others and yet knowing this they refuse to take it
It's either an arrogant or ignorant Assumption and not a very loving one if you're failing to attempt to understand or respect their conscience
And here's a follow -up to this post that I wrote. I said that There are some frequently asked questions that I would like to expand further on number one
Do you think kovat is serious and should it be treated my answer? Yes I do believe if you have pre -existing conditions, especially kovat is serious
I would not trust anyone who says the whole thing is a hoax in the sense that there is no real virus if Anyone like that still exists
There are treatments that in the right doses do not come with a high risk
But seem to treat kovat well, the most famous of which is the HCQ hydroxychloroquine
Number two, did you or someone you love have kovat or die from kovat? Yes, I believe
I had it very early on many of my immediate family had positive kovat tests and one person had a bad case
HCQ worked very well for that individual in my experience those who had more trouble were those with Pre -existing conditions or older.
I have not lost anyone close to me by God's grace Number three, did anyone you know have adverse effects from the shot?
Yes, a small part of the reason I do not want to get the shot is seeing some of the negative reactions experienced by people
Of varying ages. I know personally who experienced blood clots immediately after receiving it
I know at least in some hospitals. This data is not being categorized as a potential result of the shot
Correlation does not always equal causation But if there's even a small chance these things are correlated Which they appear to be the shot could be a greater risk to me than kovat
Which I've already probably had Number four, you're not a doctor. What gives you the right to give advice on kovat treatment?
And here's my answer. Don't take this post or what I'm saying now or the previous one as advice
I'm simply explaining why I personally arrived at the decision I did. Many have asked me and I want to put an answer out there for future questions rather than replying to everyone individually.
That being said We should evaluate the claims made by medical the medical industry the same way we do the news media and other outlets
I'm very skeptical of the majority of the conclusions historians and many theologians reach though I have a master's degree in both fields.
It is a very Possible is very possible for an entire industry to accept a narrative when it's accompanied by peer and political pressure
Hundreds of thousands of doctors do not agree with the alleged consensus You can check out the
Great Barrington Declaration if you want proof Number five. Do you think it's a sin to get the shot in and of itself?
I do not I also do not treat anyone differently who has it I'm dead set against the political circumstances under which this issue has come to be
I'm also dead set against the globalist and totalitarian agenda behind much of the reaction to kovat
This does not mean I think everyone who chose to get the shot is in favor of mandates
Single -payer health care or shutting down churches and businesses Some are many aren't those who chose to get the shot simply made a different decision than I did
Based on their own risk evaluation and I defend their right to do so Number six.
What's your main reason for personally opposing the shot? Well, there is much I know that makes me skeptical
My major concern is related to what I do not know the mRNA technology used did not go through the same trial
Processes other actual vaccines go through and they have not been out long enough for studies to show what the long -term effects are
My friends in the political and medical field who are against the shot Seem to think the most adverse effects will start happening six to eighteen months after getting it
Add boosters and variants to the mix and I'd rather not be part of what appears to be an experiment
It's also an experiment. I don't need to be part of given my age health level and the fact
I already likely had kovat so this is my reaction to People who have asked me some of these questions about the kovat shot and all
I'm really talking about in this video is my personal Decision I've had to make that for myself. And of course my wife and I talk about this my wife has worked in the medical field for the last few years and so we've had to cross this bridge and And I have a great many
Nurses in my friends and family. So all these things are Things I've considered and had long conversations about I just haven't gone public with a lot of it and It's because I think there's other sources out there that you can go to but I know people want to hear
My take and so I want to give you at least my personal Decision and why I came to it.
So I hope that's helpful for all of you out there who are trying to make this decision yourself One thing
I didn't put in here that I want to add is if you're in the military or in the medical field and this Is being forced on you or in the business field?
There are options. I'm not sure what they all are I know I got an email this morning from someone in the military who said to send people his way
Who have questions who are in the military about it? but I do know there are religious exemptions and it's kind of kind of terrible that we have to Even think about having a religious exemption to this there should be it should be a safety net that doesn't include that But for those who are seeking religious exemptions,
I think most of them focus on the cell lines that were used from just tracing back to aborted fetuses and that kind of thing, so You may want to look into that and I'm not sure what other options are all out there but I'm sure there are exemptions that you probably can get and You should probably look into it.
It may take work. It may take research But if you really don't want to get it, you shouldn't just out of laziness choose to To get it because you don't want a fight on your hands if it is negative if it is bad for you, and if it could cause blood clots and infertility and some of the things that it's supposedly has caused then you want to do it not just for yourself, but also for others and So that's my two cents for now, that's what
I feel comfortable sharing for now with you I hope that helps God bless and enjoy the rest of your day more coming later this week.