Why Joel Webbon Is Wrong


Right Response Ministries recently released a podcast blaming dispensationalism for the deaths of millions of people including Americans. Webbon and his guest also gave their interpretation of the Olivet Discourse found in Matthew 24. Since I'm preaching through that right now I wanted to respond. My sermon series: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLdqA7iMo4tYwOLQ1x2AEBs_HXUGWJP6mv @RightResponseMinistries Tags Pretribulation rapture pre-trib dispensational John MacArthur Eschatology


Hello in this video. I want to respond to Joel webb and of right response ministries. He claims that Dispensationalism is responsible for the death of millions and millions of people including millions of Americans So this is
I believe an outrageous comment But let's hear what he has to say and then I'll respond and we will also talk about their
Interpretation of Matthew chapter 24 since I'm preaching through Matthew 24. I wanted to deal with this
So let's watch I am Absolutely livid I and I believe in a righteous way at very intentional nefarious players who who inducted and and you know
Injected with a syringe this poisonous doctrine. Yeah that has horrible global worldwide
Consequences now where you're talking about a doctrine that at the end of the day I can draw a straight line from dispensationalism to Millions dead
Ideas have consequences so does theology and I'm done with millions. What are you talking about Joe? I'm talking about war
I'm talking about endless wars. Yeah in the Middle East Okay, so he claims he can draw a direct line
Listen US foreign policy the foreign policy of the federal government has nothing to do with Dispensationalism.
Okay, George Bush did not start the Iraq war in the Afghan war because he's pre -trib that has nothing
To do with it. Yes people that are pre -trib and pre mill They care about Israel and yes, the
United States federal government or foreign policy cares about Israel but They're not connected because they care we each care about Israel for completely different Reasons again,
George Bush did not start the Iraq war because of dispensationalism That's that's outrageous, but they make more claims about Matthew chapter 24 in this clip
So let's watch when they returned to the Mount of Olives where they had been staying they asked him privately
What he meant by that when will all these buildings be destroyed? What is the sign of him coming in judgment on Jerusalem and on the end of the old creation
Okay, let's just stop there. That is not what the Bible says. It does not say the old creation It says the end of the age the
King James says end of the world new King James end of the age But that's just not accurate.
Let's continue again, it is crucial to understand that they are not asking about the second coming and Physical return of Jesus Christ nor the end of space and time
Remember the context they are specifically asking about the temples destruction
About his coming in judgment on that place Which is inextricably linked at the very center of the old creation
Okay, again, let's be precise. Here's what the disciples asked. Tell us when will these things be?
Yes, they did ask about the destruction of the temple, but they asked two other questions so tell us when will these things be the temple being destroyed and What will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age?
So that's at least two if not three different questions now We know that the temple was destroyed in 70
AD, but Jesus did not come back in 70 AD But Joel Webb and here's his claim that Jesus did come back in 70
AD and Well, how did Jesus come back Jesus came back and he destroyed the temple?
No, he didn't the Roman Army destroyed the temple. Let me explain this to you
Yes, the Lord destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah. Yes, the Lord destroyed the world with the flood.
Yes the Lord Tore down the walls of Jericho, but the Lord did not destroy the temple.
Those were supernatural judgments The temple was destroyed by the Roman military.
So Jesus did not come back in 70 AD They also claim that the tribulation the
Great Tribulation Already happened. It happened in the first century culminating in the destruction of the temple in 70
AD Here's why we know that the first century that was not the Great Tribulation now was there a
Contemporary fulfillment with the dual nature of prophecy. Yes, Matthew 24 does have application for the first century
But it all points ahead Towards the full and final fulfillment at the end of days
Here's how I know for a fact that the tribulation did not happen in the first century
Jesus says in Matthew 24 21 for then There will be great tribulation
Such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time no nor ever shall be so according to Jesus He says that the
Great Tribulation is going to be the worst thing the world has ever seen matter of fact It's going to be the worst thing the world will ever see.
Is that true for the first century the Jewish Roman War? Was that the worst time of tribulation the world had ever seen up until that point?
No, is it the worst thing the world has ever seen? Absolutely, not. So if you believe
Jesus if you interpret the Bible Literally at face value Joel webbins whole argument his post mill
Theology it has to be Rejected as John MacArthur says in the video that I just posted from a few days ago.
John MacArthur's theology explained For post -millennial Christians to be correct
And hey if you're post mill argue your points and all Argue back and we can be brothers in Christ at the end of the day, but I think this is a little
Unnecessarily divisive to say that dispensationalism is responsible for the death of millions and millions of people.
I mean, come on guys That's a let's go a little too far But let's argue our points
But as John MacArthur said for post mill and a mill people to be correct
Then that means the Bible the Bible simply doesn't mean what it says and if the
Bible doesn't mean what it says What does it mean? So this is problematic? I hope that Joel webbin will apologize to dispensationalists
I'm not holding my breath But no, that is not why the United States foreign policy is what it is has nothing to do with Dispensationalism, thanks for listening.