F4F | David Hogan and the Witch Doctor Who Turned into A Bat


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Welcome to another installment of Fighting for the Faith. My name is Chris Rosebro. I am your servant in Jesus Christ.
This is the channel that compares what people are saying in the name of God to the Word of God. No shortage of bizarre things being said out there.
Now, if you've ever been told by a missionary that they've raised many, many, many people from the dead, and that they witnessed somebody turning into a bat...
Yeah, I'm not making that up. Go ahead and hit the subscribe button down below. In fact, just go ahead and hit the subscribe button, even if you haven't had somebody tell you that they've seen somebody turn into a bat.
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So we're heading over to the YouTube account for Sid Roth, It's Supernatural, and I'm trying to think, you know,
I was thinking before the program today that we need to rename him, like,
Sid Schlock or something like that, but Schlock doesn't start with an
R, so I didn't think that would work. But you'll kind of get the idea of what's going on here as we take a look at his
It's Supernatural with David Hogan, special guest David Hogan. Here's Sid Roth to set up this particular episode of his program.
Here we go. Hello, Sid Roth here. Welcome. Welcome to my world, where it's naturally supernatural.
My guest has raised 37 people from the dead.
Now, color me skeptical. In fact, it's kind of old to say, color me anything. But when you make a claim like this,
I'm looking for eyewitnesses, I'm looking for medical documentation, we're looking for death certificates, we're looking for bonafide, non -doctored video where people are really dead and not just pretending to be dead coming back from the dead.
When somebody claims that, you know, that there's been a resurrection that has taken place, that we need real eyewitness testimony and things like that.
But see, here's the thing. In the charismatic movement, and particularly with Sid Roth, evidence never seems to be forthcoming or even necessary.
I mean, the more outrageous the claim, the more likely you are to make it onto Sid Roth's program.
And we note that Sid Roth and Dr. Michael Brown, they're buddies, they're close friends.
In fact, Michael Brown has been on Sid Roth's program to sell his
Miraculous Weight Loss book. Yeah, I'm not making that up, but let's continue.
His team has raised 500 from the dead.
Yeah, again, documentation, please. I'd like to see the evidence for that. I mean, we live in a day when people carry high -definition video cameras in their pocket.
They're called smartphones. If you have an Apple product, even one of the newer ones, not only is it high definition, it's like 4k, you know?
And so you'd think with all these video cameras out there in everyone's pockets, you know, with 500 people being raised from the dead,
I mean, they'd be able to start their own YouTube channel, and I mean, and the whole world would be believing in Jesus, apparently, you know?
Do you want to find out how? You may come handy someday. Yeah, you want to find out how to raise people from the dead.
Come in handy. See, I've been doing it wrong. You know, I'm a pastor, and every time somebody in my congregation dies, we bury them.
You know, who knew? What I should have done is, like, checked in with David Hogan and figure out how to bring him back, you know?
David Hogan has spent over 40 years helping unreached people groups in Mexico, and in fact, you were told the exact city you were to go to, region you were to go to.
How'd that happen? Alright, so I just love the dramatic recreations on Sid Roth's program.
This is just absurd. So in case you haven't noticed, it's this creepy thing going on.
There's, you know, some kind of angelic figure hanging out in the dark spaces of the doorway into his office.
An angel of the Lord came. It was, uh, I had a vision.
Worst looking angel of the Lord ever. 360, like an IMAX. And... Wait, wait, wait, wait.
IMAX is not 360. I've seen IMAX before. It's flat. It's just really large.
It's not 360. I mean, does this guy even know what an IMAX is? I was shown a mountain range.
Yeah. And then it was up to me to find it. Don't you think if the angel of the
Lord would, like, take his time to actually come and talk with you in your office, he might give you a little more information than showing you a mountain range and, you know, turning it into some kind of, like,
Indiana Jones quest, you know? Indiana Jones and the Lost Mountain of the Atlantis or something like that.
I just saw the mountain range. I don't know what it is. Isn't that the storyline, now that I think about it, isn't that the storyline behind...
The following Thursday. Close Encounters of the Third Kind. Yeah, that's right. They just saw, you know, a mountain range, the
Devil's Peak, and they couldn't figure out where is this thing? Didn't, like, you know,
Richard Dreyfuss, like, make an entire Devil's Peak with, like, mashed potatoes and, you know, leftovers and stuff like that?
I'm just saying, you know, this sounds like the plot line to that. Well, you found it.
I found it. You got there. Yeah, how'd you find it, by the way? I'd like to know what, you know, what was the process.
I made it. And you got shocked because there was, they were very different than the people you were used to.
I mean, witch doctors and demon worshipers and you had no paradigm for that.
No, sir, there's not. Now, where I come from here in America, Louisiana, it's not there.
I don't know. I thought there were people who practice voodoo in Louisiana. I thought, well, that was kind of a thing down there, you know?
Hmm, weird. Yeah, maybe he grew up in the other part of Louisiana where there weren't anybody practicing voodoo.
Well, it's, what, tell me what is, you know, I have an idea.
Most people, if they weren't called and they bumped into that, their first exposure, they would quit.
What did you do? Jesus asked me to go.
That's what I did. Sounds so pious, yeah. You sure that was Jesus, you know?
Because so far, like everything that's been told here, no evidence to back any of it up.
Just weird outlandish claims. You can't even get the IMAX theater thing right and I'm pretty sure they practice witchcraft in Louisiana.
There's your answer. He asked me if I'd do it, so the answer is yes.
So you stuck it out, but what did you do? How did you pray? What did you do?
I mean, give us some practical tips, could you, David? What do you, for instance, let me give you an example.
Sure. He's talking to a witch doctor. Which witch doctor would that be?
Before his very eyes, now you, you, mostly you, you don't have a clue about what
I'm ready to tell you. You're, well, actually I've seen this already, so I know exactly what's coming.
You've never, it's never even crossed your radar. It hasn't crossed my radar.
Right. Okay. He really, what did he turn into? First time it was a bat.
Big. But you actually saw him and. There was a man. Yeah.
Turned a flashlight on to himself. Yeah. And went into a creature. He looks like he's from Louisiana to me.
I saw that with my eyes. Yes, sir. Yeah.
But my question is, were there sleaze stacks? Yeah. See, I'd be more impressed if somebody had actually turned into a sleaze stack, you know, land of the lost.
How did you get it into your head? You wanted to raise the dead.
All right. That's a fair question. Thanks. I was.
All right. I took the Bible apart, put it in notebooks where I could understand it.
Each man had his own notebook. Each section of God's Bible had its own notebook. I made a list of the miracles of the man's prayer life, the fasting, their marriages, their children, everything, how it was, how
God responded to them and how they approach God. And I chose out of the holiest of all the miracles down through the historical events of the
Bible. I chose dead raising. So this was a free will decision on your part.
You chose, you use your free will to choose dead raising. My wife, my wife asked me to, let's start lower, headaches, different things.
But I'm not that kind of human being. If God can do it, let's do it.
Yeah, he can. And on the last day when Jesus returns, everybody will be raised from the grave.
Dead raising is a very rare miracle in scripture. And yet you're, you're claiming that you have raised more people from the dead than all of the people raised from the dead in scripture combined and then multiplied by a very large number, you know, maybe, you know, 50 or something like that.
You know, you get the point. Well, David, how long did you contend for raising the dead before?
See, that's my problem. I haven't contended. Use my free will to contend to raise the dead.
You saw your first dead person come. All right, there you go. That was a four year fight with these witch doctors.
God, it's got to be awful because I mean, if they can turn into a bat, then they would gain air superiority over you pretty quickly.
And everybody knows that when it comes to warfare, you know, the group that has air superiority, they generally win.
So four years you, you know, you didn't have air superiority over them. Really bumpy for me.
I lost more than I gained during this time. And then I went out to a very normal day for me.
Get up, pray three or four hours, seek God, load up my four wheel drive, go out to the mountain and I get out of out of my truck.
And this man asked me, David, David, would you please come in? Would you please come and pray for my son?
And what's the matter? Well, he's sick. So I walk with him through the woods. I mean, you got to understand in my world, the twenty five or thirty pastors were walking through the jungle, the smell.
It's awesome to me, whereas other people would find it offensive. I find it great.
OK, so you enjoy the smell of the jungle, OK? And I started hearing this lady screaming and we went right to that hut.
I get there and it's a bamboo wall house, dirt floor, grass roof.
What was the name of the village? What was the name of the father? What's the name of the the boy who you raised from the dead?
What's the name of the mother? What other witnesses are there to corroborate this dead raising?
Look me right in the face, pointed his finger in my face. My son is dead. Now you do something about that.
Well, you see, I got to ask the question, if you haven't raised anybody from the dead yet, why would this guy come find you in the middle of the night in the jungle, the jungle that you like the smell of and then come and expect you?
My son's dead. I expect you to do something about this. Why would his expectations already be so high for you when pretty much all of humanity has very low expectations of everybody when it comes to death?
And usually when a pastor is called after somebody has died, it's for the purpose of consoling those who are mourning and grieving the loss of the person.
And I've never been called to raise anybody from the dead. No one has ever said to me, Roseboro, my family member has died.
Quick, get over here and raise them up for you. I expect you to do something. I've never heard any pastor be told to do this.
Why should you? Why? Why would this guy and his family expect you to do something here? Look, I'm an eighth generation preacher.
I'm not my family's. I knew this, but nobody's ever been asked that question. Right? Yeah.
I don't know anybody who ever has. Why would they ask you that? And so I went in the hut, followed him.
And when I get in there, it's not like there's not angels. There's not awesome.
There's a little dead boy with a mama holding him, screaming. There's black magic warlocks. There's spiritist healers.
And there's bats running around that are witch doctors too. Yeah. They're my enemy.
They don't love Jesus and they hate me. I turn around, look at the mom.
Yeah. Whether they hate you or like you, that is kind of has no bearing on the fact you should be ministering here to the grieving family that has lost their child.
She backs away from her son. He's a nine -year -old boy. He's been dead for five hours. I kneel down over this boy.
I've never seen it before. I don't know how to go about it. I know that Jesus, Elijah, all these guys raised the dead.
All these guys. So you got Jesus, you got Elijah, you have
Peter and you have Paul. Okay. But I have no experience at all.
Nobody does. Just have biblical research for that. I laid my hands on this boy, tried to find a heartbeat, put my ear down, normal pressure points.
He's gone. He's still pigmented. His skin, his coloration is gone. That usually happens to dead people.
Started praying, prayed in tongues first because that seems like the best answer. Yeah. And the modern manifestation of tongues in the charismatic church, that's gibberish.
That's not tongues. Tongues is the supernatural ability to speak a human language that you've never studied for the purpose of proclaiming the mighty works of God in Christ.
It didn't work. Prayed in English. Of course, that's going to work. Didn't work.
Prayed in Spanish. That didn't work either. Yeah. God's going, no comprendo.
Yeah. Then I went into Indian and then I just started weeping and crying, asking
God for mercy because it was really hot in there. Probably 115 degrees inside the hut. It's probably an hour of prayer and just all of a sudden it was a heartbeat in the little boy's arm.
I had a hold of his pressure point and I felt a thump and then it stopped.
But what was the most important to me, which is all important, I had a little t -shirt on.
I saw that little t -shirt bounce. Boom. And when I did. Yeah, heartbeats don't cause t -shirts to bounce.
It really freaked me out. And I look up and the dad sitting there, he had seen also the little t -shirt bounce.
And I said, did you see that? He said, yes. I said, it works.
Yes. What works? It works. It really, it actually. What works?
Actually works. What works? To trust heaven and believe the name of Jesus.
In about probably three minutes, maybe five, on and off heartbeat.
And finally. On and off. So it took a while for him to actually, for the resurrection to kick in, you know, cause sometimes he had a heartbeat and other times he was still dead.
You know, it's kind of like starting a car. Got steady and strong and then his coloration came.
Then he got flexible again. And then his eyes. He got flexible again. Opened and he's raised from the dead.
Well, there you go. That's resurrection number one. Apparently he's dead raising. So, you know, it kind of begs the question, you know,
I don't know if you've noticed, it just feels like they're selling something here because, you know, it works. And don't, wouldn't you like to learn how to raise the dead too?
I mean, that was what Sid Roth asked at the beginning of this thing. And lo and behold, it just so happens that they are selling product along these lines.
So would you like to learn how to raise the dead? Like, you know, David Hogan does, you know, cause it works, you know, cause he likes the smell of the jungle and he actually saw somebody turn into a bat.
So let's check the commercial part of this program. And I think you'll kind of get the point.
Call now and get David Hogan's Supernatural Transformation Package, which includes eight pocket size booklets.
The anointing contained in these power pack teachings will cause. There's an anointing contained in the power pack teaching.
You to walk in the supernatural every day. This is the only written material available anywhere by David Hogan.
Plus you. Right. You see, you can't find this in the Bible anywhere. You know what he's revealing in this super anointed
Holy Spirit fire package thingy. Uh, but you know, it for what, what 39 bucks,
I'm pretty sure you can like, Oh man, you'll be raising people from the grave in no time.
We'll receive his anointed DVD message, Holy Spirit and fire. This is an exclusive offer for our rich supernatural audience yours for a donation of $39 shipping and handling is included.
Ask for offer number 9626. The eight anointed booklets include the supernatural keys.
He is gleaned from God on how to live a life of victory and power over supernatural keys.
He's gleaned from God for the forces of evil and witnessed the supernatural kingdom of God on earth in your everyday life.
The booklets include these anointed teachings, how to live a life filled with faith and power. Everything you need to know about healing and demons, how to walk every day with Holy ghost fire.
David's faith filled testimony of how I got to raise the dead, creating a demon free zone through pulling down stronghold.
Yeah. So I forgot to create a demon free zone here in North Dakota. I don't know what I was thinking. The foundation for a miracle lifestyle, how to access the foundation for a mirror.
It's all up to you. Yeah. It's all up to, by the way, uh, scripture actually talks about this.
Um, let's take a look. I'm going to have to duplicate a tab here because I don't want to lose this one.
But in, uh, the book of Galatians, uh, chapter three, uh, the apostle Paul talking about, uh, the, um, well, the false theology of the
Judaizers and rebuking the false doctrine and theology and the self -righteousness of the
Judaizers asked this kind of interesting question. He's kind of rebukes them and says, oh, you foolish
Galatians, who's bewitched you? It was before your eyes that Christ was publicly portrayed as crucified.
So let me ask you this. Did you receive the spirit by works of the law or by hearing with faith?
By the way, the answer to the question is number two, by hearing with faith. And you can kind of throw into the general category of works of the law.
You know, did you receive the spirit because you applied David Hogan's, uh, anointed teaching keys to experiencing supernatural spirit fire and creating demon -free zones and building a foundation for a miraculous, uh, life?
You see, because that's all based on things that you've got to do, right? He says, are you so foolish having begun by the spirit?
Are you now being perfected by the flesh? Did you suffer so many things in vain, if indeed it was in vain?
Does he who supplies the spirit to you and watch this, work miracles among you, do so by works of the law or by hearing with faith?
The answer is the second one, by hearing with faith. So already the whole foundation of, you know, this product that they're selling here on, uh,
Sid Schlock's program, David Hogan's supernatural anointed, you know, teaching series, you can't find these anywhere else on planet earth.
The whole foundation is based upon false doctrine. Says moment by moment, the glory and power of the
Holy ghost. Learn how to walk in intimacy with God through his life changing booklet. You need
Jesus through these power pack booklets. You will clearly understand the origin of sickness and God's provision and God's designated authority for healing your body, mind, and spirit receive proven keys.
So you can receive your who's proven these keys. Has the better business
Bureau, uh, given their seal of approval to these proven keys healing and your miracle.
And when you call, you will also receive David Hogan's powerfully anointed DVD message,
Holy spirit and fire. David prays for you to receive your miracle, your healing, your breakthrough.
Don't miss out on getting David Hogan's supernatural transformation pack. Yeah. It's got all the charismatic buzzwords containing powerful keys to overcome any attack by the enemy, including sickness and disease poverty.
And yeah, eight pocket size booklets, powerful keys to overcome any attack by the enemy, you know, including, you know, like the common cold, you know, rickets, just start naming the things that can go wrong here.
Arthritis, heart disease, and more. The anointing contained in these power pack teachings will cause you to walk in a supernatural every day.
This is, I would like to see a testimony from somebody who's purchased this anointed teaching series and can now demonstrate with evidence and documentation that they are now walking in the miraculous daily is the only written material available anywhere by David Hogan.
Plus you will receive his anointed DVD message, Holy spirit and fire. This is an exclusive offer for our supernatural audience yours for a donation of $39 shipping and handling is included.
Ask for offer number nine, six to six call, or you can send your check to Sid Roth. It's supernatural.
Yeah. So invite somebody on spin yarns, you know, tell tall tales, don't provide any documentation for any of it.
And then claim that for only $39, you too can walk in all of this supernatural stuff.
And because you can glean from him the keys that he's been given and they're proven, they're proven by somebody somewhere.
We don't know who, but they've been proven to work. So you too can walk in the miraculous.
This is nonsense. If you believe this, I would like to sell you a bridge in Brooklyn. It's really inexpensive and I have some magic beans.
I can also sell you as well. You know, I've sneezed on them myself. So they're really super anointed and stuff.
Yeah. I think you get the point. Uh, this is a teaching for shameful gain, things that ought not to be taught.
And this is the kind of stuff takes our eyes off of Christ and puts it on Sid Roth and David Hogan.
Yeah. The one thing they did say that was true. You do need Jesus, but the Jesus they're preaching.
Yeah. He's just there to empower you to be amazing rather than bleeding and dying for your sins and calling you to repent and to be forgiven.
Yeah. Sid Roth. Yeah. Sid schlock. I don't know. You kind of get the point. So if you found this helpful, all the information on how you can share the video is down below in the description.
And of course, there's also links on, uh, and information on how you can support the ongoing work of fighting for the faith and pirate
Christian media, becoming a crew member, uh, supporting us by becoming a patron on Patreon or sending in a one -time donation.
So, and of course we can't do what we're doing here without your continued assistance.
So until next time, may God richly bless you in the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ and his vicarious death on the cross for all of your sins.