

Pastor David Mitchell



Let's see, uh, let's see where we've been recently and we'll jump into. Continue along the way here.
Last time, a couple of times we talked about this really key passage in my viewpoint, in the book of revelation, chapter 10, verse seven, uh, very important, but honestly,
I've read just about every book I can read on the end time since I was, you know, saved at the age of 24,
I've never seen anybody discuss this verse with regard to the church because most have been bluffed into thinking the church won't be here by the time you get to chapter 10, uh, they think the church has gone after chapter three today, depending on how much time we have, you will see many places where you see the church.
And the book of revelation beyond chapter three, but here it is.
This is one example, but you have to understand, uh, the phrase or the phrase, the mystery.
But if you look at that word formula in the new Testament, it, uh, it's always talking about something that has to do with this mystery that God used the apostle
Paul to reveal to all of God's people for the first time in the epistles of Paul, and it is the indwelling of the
Holy spirit in the individual believer, but also in, in the church, the true church.
Right. And so that can have to do with the rapture. It can have to do with, um, just believers being connected to one another and to the father of the son, the
Holy spirit, all connected together. That is the great mystery that it's talking about, but predominantly, uh, it's talking about the church in general.
So when you understand that word formula, verse seven kind of pops, because. It says something very interesting in the days of the voice of the seventh
Trump, when it begins to sound. So you have to understand the trumpet sound is not like,
I mean, I think it is going to be a real sound, but it's not like you would just hear someone stand up back there and blow a blast on the trumpet and then sit down and it's over.
It represents things that happen for days and days and days and many weeks into months.
So the events, the second coming itself is, is many weeks and months of things happening.
And it's not just a blink in the, of the eye. And, uh, the rapture is the blink of an eye.
It happens in the, in the twinkling of an eye, but, uh, that's just one part of the second coming, which includes many things.
So we have to understand that, but, um, so this, what's interesting about this, it says when the angel begins to sound, so this is obviously the very front part of this last section of time, and when they asked
Jesus two questions in Matthew chapter 24, the very first of the chapter. First question is when will this temple be destroyed?
And that happened in 70 AD. So it's already happened. And Jesus answered that, told him about it. But the second question, a lot of people miss that.
It's two questions. The second question was tell us what the signs of the end of the world are.
That's a whole different question because the world did not end in 70 AD. Did it? So all of the answers to that question, none of those have happened yet.
They're all in our future. Maybe not too distant future. And so my friends who say everything in 24 has already happened or wrong, and they haven't realized it's two questions, not just one question that was asked and two questions were answered, not just one.
So think about it. That's just pretty logical, pretty simple to see as long as your mind is open to see it.
And may the Lord open the minds of my friends who don't see it. All right.
So, um, you have this angel sound just about to sound the seventh
Trump and that seventh Trump is going to involve these bowls of wrath of God poured out.
It's the worst part of the tribulation period. And the Bible itself says that it's worse than any time on the earth that the earth has ever seen.
That includes the flood. Think about that. Or anytime it shall see. And, uh, that if God didn't cut it short, no life would be left on the earth.
So that's, what's about to happen with the blowing of the seventh Trump, but it lasts a while.
I mean, the fact that it has seven bowls shows you it's not the instant. I mean, all that stuff has to happen and all that is part of the seventh
Trump. You see my point? And then, then it, it includes these, um, three woes kind of subsets of all this.
Those are going to happen. So the worst of the worst part is about to happen when this trumpet blows, there's some bad things have already happened.
If you remember from previous messages on the pre the sick first six trumpets, those weren't, those were not a picnic.
And we had one case where a fourth of all humanity was, was killed. And another one where a third of everyone left from that was killed.
Remember that? So now, now we're going to see the bad stuff. Think about that. Think about that.
But when, before all of this bad stuff happens, the worst of the worst happens at the beginning of the sound of this seventh
Trump, it says something really important. The mystery of God shall be finished. And you look up the
Greek word finished. It means mature, complete. And as he declared to his servants, the prophets.
So this is not, this is something the prophets looked into the old prophets looked into through a glass darkly, couldn't fully understand it.
They tried to understand it and couldn't. And, uh, as God reveals this to the apostle
Paul and to John and Peter and some of the people he used to write the new Testament, God's people can see things more clearly.
He says, I took the little book out of the angel's hand and ate it. And it was in my mouth, sweet, like honey, but also bitter.
And that's the same way we should feel right now as the world starts to fall apart in front of our eyes.
It's bitter, isn't it? And eventually they will begin to kill Jews and Christians just because they're
Jews and Christians for no other reason that is already set up. That's even for the first time in my life or our lives, it is set up in the
United States of America. And, uh, so we have to be prepared for this, but, uh, so it's bittersweet.
It's sweet in the sense that the Lord is coming back, he's coming back to bring us home. And this generation may be the only generation that does not have to experience physical death.
Isn't that exciting? And, uh, Dave knows what's coming. So he's taking the kids out.
So that's probably smart. They vote. Uh, I'm with you.
Yeah. She'll do it too. You probably just come on back in here. Just give her a microphone.
Keep growing up fast. Maddie is. Now this mystery of God should be finished.
Um, it cannot mean the rapture because the rapture cannot happen until after the first resurrection, there are only two resurrections and the first one happens at the end of the world, which means this age, the church age.
And, uh, so that's not what it means, but what it does mean is that the job of the church, which has been to be the salt and light of the earth is now over.
God allows us to retire so that we can hide. And, uh, that's what that's about.
And we'll see, we've already seen previously that, um, God has other witnesses that will take over and he will put marks on them where they cannot be harmed, but the church doesn't have such a mark.
We we're not like that. We can be harmed. So we have to hide. And he tells us that in scripture.
So his promise to protect us, you know, remember in Zechariah, where it says we'll, we may be hidden.
The reason it says may is because it's conditional promise. You got to do stuff. You have to obey him.
Uh, if you want to be hidden and that that's why, you know, I feel like in large part, the
Lord called me to preach and put me here and all this stuff we've gone through in life and in this church and to get to this point today is to give the message to the
United States of America in particular, because I'm an American. If it gets out to the world, great.
And the message is get ready and you need to be prepared and you need to be, you need to, to hide when the time comes.
Now we've got some time for that because they've got to build a new temple, which means they got to, something's got to happen to one of the, or at least one of the two mosques that are on the temple
Mount there, they're going to be gone. And that's going to create a small war or a big war over the middle East.
And there are a lot of things that are going to happen before that temple is built to get it built.
And then at exactly three and a half years into the seven year period, um, the antichrist will offer a pig on the altar.
That's supposed to be God's altar and profane that temple. You better be hidden in a good place by that time, because they'll find you if you're not at that point.
Um, they're, they're putting up, I'm not even allowed to say this. Nevermind. I mean,
I can say this. They're going to have ways to see you from satellites that they don't have right now, but they're, that's already planned and about to be put up there.
Like it's really interesting information that I, God gave me the ability to see it's, it's classified information actually.
But the whole idea is all I need to say is the
United States of America will have the ability to find Christians and Jews better than any other nation.
So maybe that's the clue that you might not want to be on this in this country towards that time.
That's sad though. Isn't it to think that our own country may turn against its citizens, but I think we should be prepared for that possibility.
All right. That's review. And then this one, uh, chapter 11 is sort of a parenthetical.
It means it's not necessarily chronological and it stops and talks about more detail about certain points in that chronology, but it talks about these two witnesses, uh, that will prophesy in Jerusalem, like street preaching for three and a half years.
My opinion, that's the last three and a half years, not the first three and a half years, it's the last three and a half years.
I will give power to my two witnesses. They will prophesy for 1 ,200, three score days.
That's three and a half years. These two olive trees, the two candlesticks.
Now there's the church where we chapter 11, that's well beyond chapter three, the candlesticks picture.
The church Lord told us that in the first few chapters of revelation, all you have to do is read, you just got to read the
Bible more than you read these books. And you gotta be willing to let the Bible speak to you rather than take the books and then believe the theory and then change the
Bible. That that's not honest. So we have to be honest. And the
Bible tells us the candlestick represents the church. The church is still there. And these two olive trees are two prophets who are
Christians born at one. They're probably Jewish believers. Like my mentor, dr. Freeman was, and they're part of the church, the body of Christ, which is still on the planet by in chapter 11.
And they're, they're going to be on the planet until the end of the seven years, because they're preaching during the last three and a half years.
So there's proof that the church is there the full seven years. Isn't that interesting? Well, that's different than what you've read.
Uh, pray for me. Cause I think Lord's led me to write this book, to write a book about this. I don't think there is one and I want to get it done this year, which is going to be really hard.
So Katie's going to have to help me with that somehow. That means Dave's going to be starting to do all the podcasts and, or Paul, how about you pick
Paul? That's really more than he would say. No, no, no, no. Paul is the one who directs them and records them.
He's always sitting right there telling me, helping me say the right things. And I said, my son, someday you need to be doing them.
No, dad, no, I don't want to do them. I'm kidding, Katie, who knows? But, um, maybe you can just help me manage my time where I can do everything
I'm doing and still write the book. Charlotte goes, that'll take more than just Katie.
I honestly want to do it. So pray for me. Cause I don't want to disobey the Lord. I don't want to not do it and feel really strongly about it.
Okay. So these are two olive trees that we've been talking about. Right. And then, uh, in chapter eight, verse one, we see the seventh seal, which has the seven trumpet, the seventh trumpet in it, and it all seven trumpets actually.
And when he had opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven. You remember that? So that's pretty, you know, that's pretty, um, pretty frightening or serious.
Let's just put it that way. I saw the seven angels, which stood before the Lord and to give them the seven trumpets.
So remember there were six seals. The first four were the four horsemen and then five and six.
And then the seventh seal has the seven trumpets. And that's kind of where we are in the chronology, the seven angels, which have the seven trumpets prepared themselves to sound, and then we're going to keep updating this, but, uh, we've, we've made our way all the way to the, uh, to the right side of it, which that whole right half is the seventh seal, which has the seven trumpets.
And we just read a passage, uh, about the beginning of the seventh trumpet, which is at the far right.
And you can see it says first vial, second vial, third vial. So you're going to have seven bowls or vials that are poured out, which is the wrath of God poured out onto the earth and, um, and so, um, you know, the, you, you have to be careful with words.
If you take the word wrath, it can mean several things, depending on the context that you find it in.
It can just mean anger. Can't don't you, would you agree, Bill? It can just mean God's angry at sin.
And if you, if you say those bowls or God's wrath poured out, it means his anger and justice is poured out on the earth, but there are certain contact texts where in the context, it just, uh, it talks about heaven and then it contrasted with the wrath of God.
What would you think it would mean in that context? Like you have heaven and you have
God's wrath, it would mean hell. So sometimes it means hell. It, which is the ultimate wrath of God.
And God certainly has no intention of any of his children ever experiencing that wrath.
But you can't say that he won't allow his children to experience tribulation because all you have to do is read
Fox's book of martyrs. All you have to do is look at his son on the cross. And that's a ridiculous argument.
It can't mean that God won't let his children go through trouble, tribulation or the tribulation period.
It simply never says that anywhere in the Bible. So that's, that's a category as a lie, perhaps the biggest slides that have been told about Lucifer to the church.
And then now we're here chapter 12. Some of it is parenthetical, if not all of it, because it speaks of Israel and it talks about this man child, which came forth from Israel.
Who do you think that might be? And it says this man child came and then was taken up into heaven.
So that's Jesus, isn't it? So this is really amazing information. And she, but it is parenthetical in the sense that, uh, it kind of stops the chronology and talks about some detail here, although it's going to show us some time reference within the parentheses.
You'll see that as we go. And she brought forth a man child who was to rule all nations.
Who is that? The ruler of all nations will be Jesus. And he will rule them with a rod of iron.
And we know that's during the thousand year millennial kingdom, which is approaching because that happens after the seven years is over, doesn't it?
All right. And it says her child was caught up unto God and to his throne.
Well, that's the first advent of Christ, his death burial, and then resurrection. And so there he is.
Um, so you can kind of see, you know, it's not, it's not necessarily in the same timeframe we were just in, right?
Because now it's jumping back. Now it's jumping back 2000 years to when Christ was born.
And when he died, you see that, right? That's why I call it a parenthetical, but it's going to come back in and give us some other time reference that's in the future here in a minute too.
So the woman fled into the wilderness where she has a place prepared by God that they should feed her there.
A thousand, 200 and three score days. Now you, now you're, you just jumped back into the timeframe we were just talking about.
So maybe you call that a one verse parenthetical, uh, but that you see the days there, the, uh, thousand, 200 and three score days, that's three and a half years.
So for the last three and a half years of the seven year tribulation period, God's going to hide the
Jews. So isn't it interesting that to the
Christian, he says, you may be hidden. So what does that tell you? God's not going to hide you and me.
We have to hide you and me, but he will take care of us. If we keep the conditions and obey him, he promises to take care of us if we do that.
Pretty interesting. And there was a war in heaven. Now, some people have debated when this happened, like, did this happen right before, um,
Genesis, you know, when he came down and talked to Eve, so let's just read it in the context because since it's a parent, since verse five was a parenthetical, it could jump back out of time and just be talking in or you have to decide, or is it talking about three and a half years into the seven years,
Satan is cast down and all H E double L breaks loose on the loose on the earth, you tell me what you think.
So, all right, so here we have the woman is prepared. She's hidden in the wilderness for three and a half years by God.
Many people think that's Petra, which is in Jordan and, uh, Charlotte and I've been there, we wrote in their own either camels or nothing.
It was horses horseback. It's the one without the hump. That's the horse, right? Wake up.
All right. Okay. So, um, I like that joke. It was a good one. Um, or it was a sick horse or an old horse.
I don't know. Sharon, Sharon saying get moving, keep going. All right.
So it's, it probably very likely could be where he hides Israel during those three and a half years.
So it's talking about hiding Israel during three last three and a half years. And then the very next verse says, and there was a war in heaven.
Well, is that chronological possibly Michael and his angels fought against the dragon and the dragon fought and his angels and prevail not neither was their place found any more in heaven for them.
Now we do know that in the days of Joe, Satan was allowed to go into the heavenlies and speak to God.
But, and you, and that's been debated. Otis didn't even think that happened in heaven. He thought it happened on the earth where the sons of men met with God.
It, God came down and talked to him down here. He didn't let him in heaven. I think probably it was in heaven, but if it was that, that privilege stops here.
Satan can't do, he cannot accuse the brethren before the throne of God anymore. If that ever did happen, it ain't happening anymore at this point.
So he was cast down and, uh, was not found anymore in heaven. Well, that anymore in heaven implies he once was in heaven, right?
Well, we know that he was before he fell. So there can be debate on verse eight. I don't care about that.
What I care about is he's now on the earth and it's three seemingly three and a half years into the tribulation period.
And that would certainly make sense that that's why it would become the great tribulation at that point.
Doesn't it? Because, because look what it says. And the great dragon was cast out.
The old serpent called devil and Satan, which deceived the whole world. Is that happening now?
Why you think people can't think, right? You you're amazed, aren't you? And how people think you hear him talk on TV.
You hear certain political parties talk about what they think is real and what they think should happen and you go, how do they think that well, because they they're being deceived.
Now he will deceive the whole world by the time we get three and a half years into this seven year period.
And he was cast out into the earth and his angels were cast out with him. And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, now is come salvation and strength and the kingdom of God.
Now, don't you think that's interesting that at the same time, this horrible stuff's happening because we're still going to be here and Satan is going to be cast down here, which seems frightening and terrible, but they're praising
God about it. I heard a loud voice now is come salvation.
Now I want you to picture the arc for a moment. Can you picture the water? What that water must've looked like to people who had never seen rain even.
And God's eight people, the chosen remnant for the entire human race were put on that arc along with two of every kind of animal and several of certain kinds of clean animals.
And then the rain came. Now they're on an ocean that covers the entire earth.
Can you imagine what that water might've looked like? It was probably churning and rough waves and winds and cataclysm actually.
And, uh, and yet, you know, they were saved by the water.
It says in first Peter, the Greek, I prefer to say through the water because the
Greek word Dia can mean through often means more often than not means through rather than by, so I think it means they were saved through the water.
As they went through the water, they were saved because the lost world that hated them was destroyed.
So the same thing that destroyed the world saved God's people. That's the picture of what's about to happen here in a very different way.
Not by water. The rainbow proves that, but this time by fire. All right. So some of it,
I think nuclear actually. So now is come salvation and strength and the kingdom of our
God and the power of his Christ for the accuser of the brethren is cast down, which accused them before God day and night.
So that sounds to me like he did have access to heaven. Does it meet you brother bill? And it, and Joe, but it sounded very much like Satan still had access to heaven.
And some of the demons still did could come before God and talk to him. And what they always did was accused you and you and you and you and me and said, look what they just did.
How do you consider them? Save? Look what they just did. Right. How did that work for you this last week?
Think about that. And yet Jesus stands up at the right hand of God and says, no, they're forgiven.
I've paid to send that shut up to the other lawyer, which is Satan, you know, shut, sit down, shut up.
They're paid for. You have, you'd have no access to them. You can't touch them.
Isn't that awesome. He's our advocate before the father. Well, that's been going on for thousands of years and it stops at this point.
And Satan's cast down. He doesn't have that access anymore. So he's angry about it. So he goes down to the earth and guess what he wants to do.
He's going to kill every Jew and Christian. He can get his hands on. And that his people that he listened says he deceived the whole world.
So how many, how many armies and police officers and, and people that you thought were good people, will that be, that will be looking to kill you because they all belong to him and he's deceived them in the thinking they're serving
God. When they kill you, even the apostle Paul was deceived that way. Wasn't he? When he was
Saul, wasn't he going to kill Christians? He thought he was doing the right thing. Don't you think your neighbor can think that some of them probably already thinking it, so there we have it.
But look at verse 11. Now you say, you tell me this nonsense that you don't find the church.
I know. I don't mean you. I know y 'all don't believe that anymore, but we all used to believe it. But the writers of these books and the scholars and the theologians and the seminaries who, who perfect perpetrated this lie upon America and upon the whole world, look what this says.
And they, who, who is they? Who do you think that is the acute?
Let me ask you this. Who are the brethren in the phrase, the accuser of the brethren is cast down. Could you at least say that's
God's children, Jew and Gentile, right? Okay. So they are the brethren.
They overcame him by the blood of the lamb and by the word of their testimony. And they love not their lives and the death.
Do you not see them on the earth still being slaughtered because they're Christian, but you know who they overcame even in their death, the very one who was having them killed.
So the ones who do find themselves being killed will overcome. God will take them through that time in mercy.
And it won't be nearly as bad to the person that's having to, as it will look like to the people watching.
I'll promise you that. I don't know how God does it. I know he's built things in your body already, where you go into shock.
You can't even feel, feel anything. How many times have you heard stories of soldiers who just kept fighting?
They'd already been shot all the way through and they just keep fighting, they didn't feel it. Right. Because they're in shock.
And, uh, so it's not nearly as bad to the person that happens to, as it's going to look like it is to the people watching,
I know that, but I'll tell you what they will overcome Satan and the people that want to kill them by the blood of the lamb.
Everything is overcome by the blood plus nothing. And then you,
I shouldn't say plus nothing because it says, and about the word, so you, you, you actually wouldn't know about the blood if you didn't have this, right?
So the blood is what covers them. But the word of God is what gives them strength and power and testimony.
They will be testifying while these people are killing them, just like they did in the first century, when they were feeding them to lions, some of those soldiers were saved because the testimony that people, they were taking in there and they went in with them and were eaten because they got saved and they said,
I'm going with them. Can you even believe that? Fox's book of martyrs tells you all about it. These same things will be happening.
I love verse 11. It needs to be circled and taught to our children. That's kind of interesting.
It says they love, not their lives into the death. God gives you a certain grace at that moment when you know you're not going to be able to hide if you're one of those that's caught and you know, and you know you're about to die, you'll have grace, just like you've had in your life when a loved one passed away and you got through that and you didn't think you could.
I think most of us left in this room have experienced that and you can't, and and he'll give you grace to die for your faith.
In fact, boldness, you'll probably lead more people to Christ at that moment than you did your whole life.
Who knows? But that's a beautiful passage. So who is they? Well, you get my drift, right?
There's the church in chapter 12, well beyond chapter three of revelation. So that's a lie.
And when you say the church is not found in the book of revelation past chapter three. All right.
Now, therefore rejoice ye heavens and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabitors of the earth and of the sea for the devil is come down to you having great wrath because he knows that he has, but a short time.
So let me ask you, Bill, just let's think about this, uh, Paul and class, everybody.
We're trying to figure out when this casting down from heaven took place. And many have said in the early chapters of Genesis, but in Genesis, would you say he had a short time left to deal with people, but if you only had three and a half years left, would you say that's a short time?
So which do you think it is? Logically. Now I know from heavenly beings, maybe, you know, 8 ,000 years is a short time, but I know three and a half years is a short time.
So I lean towards thinking that that event took place right where it put it. I mean, it has chronology around it.
It says there's three and a half years left when he's cast down and it's right there in the context all around it.
So I lean towards believing that is when that took place. And I do think he still had access to heaven when
Job was alive. And I think he did when I think he does now, I think he still accuses you and me right now in front of God.
And Jesus is our advocate. Why would the new Testament that Paul wrote, which is for the church, right? So we know that's for the church age.
Why would he say Jesus is our advocate before the father, if we didn't need an advocate? So I think this happens on this schedule here.
And when the dragon saw that he was cast into the earth, he persecuted the woman. Who's that.
Remember at the very first of the chapter, it talked about this woman that had a man child. So who's the woman that's
Israel. He persecuted the woman and brought forth who, who had brought forth the man child 2000 years earlier.
Right. And to the woman were given two wings of a great
Eagle that she might fly into the wilderness. That's allegorical, but it could be huge cargo jets or cargo.
Even they even have huge ones with propellers that can carry several army so they can carry literally hundreds of people.
And it's not the first time they've put hundreds of Jewish people on one of these planes and transported them out of harm's way.
They did that in Ethiopia. There was a whole group of, of black Jews who there, the
Muslims were killing. And, and Israel flew these huge planes over there, landed them right there. And stuffed them full of hundreds and hundreds, if not into small thousands of black
Jewish people and shipped them back to Israel where they were safe. Isn't that cool? Well, on a larger scale, that could happen here to get the
Jews out of Jerusalem, out of the surrounding areas of Israel and into Petra or wherever they're going, wherever God's going to put them.
So, isn't it, don't you find it interesting that from Paul's viewpoint, I mean, John's viewpoint, who had no vocabulary of the word airplane, not in his vocabulary, jet airplane or cargo plane, not in his vocabulary.
So what he's trying to tell us, what he saw, because this is a bit, he saw it happen, God, let him see the vision of all these things happening.
And he writes it down as the woman given two wings of a great Eagle. Well, that's a pretty big bird, isn't it?
That she might fly into the wilderness into her place. That means there is a sovereign, uh, sovereignty of God has chosen a designated place.
There's no chance they're going anywhere else. They're going to that place. It's already been chosen before time began where she is nourished.
She will have food. She will have water. And it's going to happen for a time and times and a half that's three and a half years, that's a representative of three and a half years, and there'll be protected from the face of the serpent, but that's not the church.
That's the Jewish people still alive on the planet. And a lot of them are not believers yet at this point, in my opinion, because I think all
Israel should be saved. I think that happens when they see him. What do y 'all think? I think they're probably thinking
Israel that their government's pretty cool government to protect them though, put them in those planes and protect them, don't you think?
And who knows if America is still on their side at this point, if they are, those will be American airplanes, but I just don't know.
I don't know. We're even still, even still there at that point or, or supporting
Israel at that point. Let's hope America is, but we just don't know that.
And the serpent cast out his mouth out of his mouth. Water is a flood after the woman that he might cause her to be carried away by the water.
Now, do you think that's real water or do you think that's allegorical? What is water?
Revelation 17. If you go forward in time, God tells us what this water is. So we don't have to guess at this one.
The waters, which you saw where the whore sit is now that's the false church.
There's two of them there. There's a secular one and a, you know, religious one, the religious one will be the false church.
I don't believe it's just Roman Catholicism. Like so many have believed. I believe it's Roman Catholicism and, uh,
Babto Catholics and Pinto Catholics and methodo Catholics. It's all the false church.
That's one of them. But the other one is the one world government in the seat of it. All right.
So, um, anyway, so it's allegorical and it says the waters, uh, which you saw that come forth from this, um, secular whore, the one world government are peoples and multitudes and nations and tongues.
So what is the water? It represents many nations who hate God and are coming to attack Jerusalem.
You see that clear, clear as day. Once you jump forward to chapter 17, you see what it means here in chapter 12.
So Satan riles up the leaders of the world who control the armies and say, go kill every
Jew and kill every Christian. It doesn't talk about the Christians yet, but you'll see it.
I mean, we've already seen it where from heaven, they were seeing their brothers and sisters killed. So it's, it's going to be worldwide.
It's not just in Jerusalem or Israel. It's worldwide. But, uh, here we see, uh, this is specifically focusing in on the nation of Israel and how they will be saved from this and that all the armies of the world will come to kill them.
God's going to transport them out to a place of safety for a seat for three and a half years. So apparently, uh,
Jews will still be in Jerusalem the first three and a half years. They'll even build their temple. Won't they thinking that it's going to be through the true
God, but you know how it said, Lucifer, uh, deceives the whole world. Don't you think that includes the lost
Jews? They're going to be deceived too. And so they're going to allow that temple to be used in the wrong way, wrong ways.
And that's why you'll see, if you may have already seen it, I think I get confused about my notes, whether I've already preached it or it's in what's coming, but where it talked about that they met, he sent, told him to measure the temple that already happened.
Didn't, did not talk to you about him measuring the temple, but don't measure the part where the Gentiles are. So they're just saying false, false religions going on in this temple.
And by the three and a half years into it, they sacrifice a pig. Satan does the antichrist does.
And the earth helped the woman that's Israel and the earth opened up her mouth and swallowed up the flood, which the dragon cast out of his mouth.
There's going to be a horrible earthquake that happens. And the earth will literally crack open.
And those armies will fall down into the earth and be destroyed. Not all of them, but enough of them be destroyed that they'll back off and they'll have to stop pursuing
Israel as she flees to this place. Is that, isn't that interesting? It's happened before in old
Testament times where the earth opened up and swallowed God's enemies or Moses enemies or whoever
God's people's enemies is going to happen again. And the dragon was
Roth with Israel and went to make war with the remnant of her seed.
Now, let me ask you if we're interested in every word in the scripture and even the little subtle hints that open up to us more and more, as we see the times approaching a lot of the stuff in this study,
I've never seen in 40 years of studying the Bible and preaching and teaching first time I've ever taught any, some of this, a lot of this, because I never saw it until this year, but notice this, it's talked about how he's going after Israel and pursues her to the very end until God opens up an earthquake, destroys a lot of his army and he has to back off and Israel's protected.
Right. And then after that, it says the dragon was so mad at the woman that he went to make war with the remnant of her seed.
Now, who do you think that might be? If you look at it from a spiritual viewpoint, who are, who are the seed of the nation of it, like in the old
Testament, Israel was the voice of God to the world, the witness, and who is now the progeny of those people, which is the
Christian, the Gentile Christians and the Jewish Christians, I believe. So let's look at this word remnant, the remnant of her seed,
Loy Poi, the word, the Greek word, Loy Poi literally means the remaining ones.
But if you, if you look at how it's translated at other places in the new Christmas and the new Testament, it means others are those which remain in other words, the rest of her seed.
So this is the part of the seed of what Israel started, which remains unhidden.
After Israel was taken to this place and protected, and that has to be the
Gentile church. So the remnant of the seed of Israel is us.
And then look at what it says. This remnant does. And the dragon was Roth with the woman and went to now he's already lost her.
God's already hidden her and swallowed his army. So now he's twice as angry and blames
Israel for what, for, for us. Yeah. I mean, half the people in this world don't have a clue.
The difference between a Jew and a Christian, they don't know. We're just people that believe in the one true God and they hate us.
Right? So the dragon was Roth with the woman and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which kept the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.
The Jews don't have that testimony yet. Do they? They're not followers.
Go over there. If you think they're followers of Jesus, you get up there close to that wailing wall and you do it the wrong way.
You'll come after you. They don't care. You're a Christian because they're not Christians. They think
Jesus was a cult leader today. They think that, and they think that here until the very end when he comes and then they see that he is who he said he was and they receive him and all of them are saved that are still left.
So that ain't Jews that have the testimony of Jesus. Those, those are Gentile believers.
That's the church. So here we see the church again in chapter 12. I've already seen her once.
So it's a logical conclusion that that is talking. It's not talking about Israel because they're already hidden.
So it's the ones that weren't hidden. That's us. And now we go into chapter 13 where the antichrist is revealed.
The non -elect take the mark of the beast. And there's more detail on that issue in chapter 17, but listen, you can't tell me that hadn't been set up.
It won't be many days before it'll be where you cannot go into a grocery store, a hospital, or get on an airplane.
If you don't have the vaccination, trust me and you're, I have to have proof of vaccination, which is going to be a chip in your forehead or your right hand, and if you refuse to get it,
I'm saying it's bad to get the vaccination. That's not the mark of the vaccination is not the mark of the beast.
The mark of the beast is the chip in your forehead or right hand proving that you took it. And it proves other stuff too.
It's not just that you took the vaccination. It'll, it'll have your entire medical history on it. It'll have your criminal history on it.
It'll how many speeding tickets you've had. So I ain't going to take the mark. I'm not going to take that chip because too many tickets.
I don't get tickets. I just get warnings. Anyway, Lord blesses me. So, um, and the new
Porsche helps a lot makes Charlotte nervous, but anyway.
Um, so there it is. And he causes all both small and great, rich and poor free and bond to receive a mark in their right hand and in their forehead, there's no exception.
Everyone will get this. And the Bible says everyone that takes it will end up in hell because true believers won't do it.
So it's kind of good practice now when the government tells you, you have to do something to, to buck against it.
Charlotte loves how I bucked against the mask. I went so far as to get my doctor to write a letter saying
I didn't have to wear it. And my governor wrote a letter saying I didn't have to wear it. If my doctor said I didn't have to wear it and I would show it to every body meeting me in that restaurant saying, well, to get to that chair over there, you got to put a mask on.
I tried saying I'll hold my breath. I tried saying I've already had it. I can't get it or give it to you.
I show them the letter. Nope. Still have to do it. I said, well, you're breaking the law. The governor says I don't have to know.
It's not a law. It's just our policy. Went into a, uh, a motel in Midland, not this recent trip, but about a month ago.
I didn't get there until after midnight because I had to work here and get everything done in six hour drive.
I got there really late, had my reservation. I walk up in this little prissy guy in a suit, little prissy boy, man, in a suit.
Says, sir, would you like a mask? I said, no, sir. Don't need one anymore in Texas.
He said, well, if you want me to process this credit card, you got to put a mask on. I said, tell you what?
Oh, I threw it up, threw my card up there. I said, I'll stand her back here and you can process it safely.
He said, sir, I'm not going to make this transaction take place till you put that mask on.
And he thought he looked 20, he was probably 30, but he looked 18, you know, look, kids standing there.
And boy, Charlotte was so glad she wasn't with me on this one. And, and I looked at him and I said, look, you know, can
I talk to your manager? Uh, yeah. And he threw a card at me cause she wasn't on the premises said you can email her tomorrow.
I said, well, that's not going to help me tonight. Is it? And I said, are you a liberal like she is?
And he just took off. He was so angry. So I picked my card up, got in the car. I drove less than a block, half a block to a nicer motel and they had a mask on cause they still had to, but they didn't even mention that.
I didn't have one. They checked me and I got a better room. But there, before I left, there was another man standing there watching this whole thing.
Kind of, kind of a stocky dude, a little younger than me, maybe 50. And he was on my side.
I could tell he was like, he's rooting for me and he wanted to buy a snack. So when, when this was still going on, he steps up and the kid took, looked at him and said, you got to put the mask on if you're going to buy that snack.
And I saw him look at me and he went like this and I said, sir, that's how we lose our freedom right there.
I said like, you just give into this and that's how you lose your freedom. And I walked out.
That wasn't very nice, but it was true. So like you, you need to start resisting that sort of thing now, because if you don't, you're not going to resist it when they want you to take the mark of the beast, like you've got, if they tell me you've got to take the vaccine,
I won't take it. Now, if they give me the choice, I may or may not right now,
I'm still looking at the science behind it, but, um, you know, so this is, this is it.
And this happens in chapter 13 and that's three and a half years into the tribulation period, perhaps.
But, um, I'm not absolutely sure, but I'm pretty sure that's when it happens.
So I think prior to this event, long before we get to three and a half years into the seven years,
Satan will already have people used to doing, to obeying stuff like that. Don't you? I mean, it's not like he's just going to pop up and say, okay, all of a sudden you're all under communism.
And you just got to do this because people wouldn't do it. He'll have everybody already kind of used to it.
And that's what's happening now. Okay. And that no man could buy or sell unless that he had the mark or the name of the beast or the number of his name.
Now that word by is interesting right there, because it literally doesn't mean by it means to go to the market.
It doesn't mean by it does not mean you can't buy. It means you can't go into the marketplace.
Now think about that. You won't be able to go into the marketplace or the hospital.
If you needed medical care or get on an airplane, if you need to go somewhere or cross a border in your car, if you don't have that mark, you won't be able to sell.
That doesn't mean sell. That means to trade or to, to barter or to sell can mean all three of those things.
So, um, there will be laws against anyone selling you anything. If you don't have that mark and they'll be persecuted if they sell you something and it's found out.
So, you know, you, you gonna have to learn to fish, you know, learn to hunt with a 22 is the best probably.
And, um, you don't need, need to learn to forage. I talked to a young man at this meeting that he has a hobby of foraging for, uh, mushrooms, the kind you can't can eat.
And that's a great hobby, but you better not be colorblind like me because you might pick the wrong one.
So I ain't doing it, but Charlotte could do it. My grandbabies could do it. So we have to have some skillsets like that.
And here is wisdom. Let him that has understanding count the number of the beast for it is the number of a man and his number is 600, three score and six, six, six, six, and the bar codes on everything you buy have that number encoded in it.
Yeah. If you'll look at the bar codes, they have two long parallel lines and then a bunch of short ones. Two in the middle, a bunch of short ones, two on the right side.
Those are sixes. Those stand for sixes. It's been that way since the eighties or seventies, when
I went to Jerusalem back in the eighties, every taxi cab started out with a number six, six, six.
So that number has been moving around the world already and used in, in the systems, the processing systems for computerized things and for food and all the products.
Every product you buy has that number on it already and has since the late seventies, witnessing is no longer carried on by the church, which is now hiding since the very first verse we started out with this morning where it said the, the, the mystery is finished or mature or complete.
So the church's job is over. She is not witnessing any longer. She's, uh, this is not carried on by the church because the church is told to hide at this point.
But witnessing is carried on by the 144 ,000 Jewish evangelists that we've already talked about in earlier chapters, their evangelists telling the gospel to the whole world.
Excuse me. And then also there's one that we haven't gotten to yet, but we'll see it is
God actually sends an angelic being. Who encircles the entire world witnessing, telling the gospel to the whole world.
So that's the grace of God, isn't it? Well, let's call it mercy. It's the mercy of God because no one's going to listen to it.
Probably by this point, some still will, but they'll come a point when they won't anymore.
They won't listen to it anymore, but they're going to hear it anyway. Cause they're going to be what judged by it. Everyone will be asked, what did you do with Jesus?
When you heard the message and they'll say, well, I rejected him. And he'll say, depart from me. I never knew you anyway.
So an angel witnesses around the globe and the two witnesses in Jerusalem are also witnessing street preaching every day.
It's on all the media. The whole world will see him for three and a half years. So you got the 144 ,000 witnessing.
You had the angel encircling the world, witnessing, and you have the two witnesses in Jerusalem and the church is not witnessing.
She's now hiding until the end. The harlot is destroyed in a day described in detail in chapter 18.
So let's look at a little bit of this. And in their mouth was found. No guile.
This is the 144 ,000 for they are without fault before the throne of God. And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven.
So verse five alludes to the 144 ,000 virgin Jews who are evangelists and they're spotless they're, they're, they're walking before the
Lord and not walking in the flesh at all. And they've been prepared by God for this job.
So all they're doing is their whole life is just to witness. And they have a mark on their forehead that protects them.
Nobody can kill them. Even if they try, they cannot kill these people. And that's something, but see, the church doesn't have that.
That's why we have to hide. And that's why God released us from the duty of witnessing. You can't both witness and hide.
Can you time you tell them, Hey, you know, Jesus, I mean, golly, you, you're, you, you have, you have a death wish.
If you would do that in this time. And the nice thing is throughout 2000 years, God never gave us permission to not witness
Diddy. And that's why we have Fox's book of martyrs. They weren't hiding it, but he's going to allow us to hide it.
Would you call that grace? I would, I would call that the grace of God for his, he loves us more than you love your children.
More than you love your grandbabies. He loves us more than all that. So he allows us to hide. Just like you would allow your babies to, in fact, you would instruct them to hide and you tell them where to hide.
I believe he'll do all that. So I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven hat.
Now look at this. So they got 144 ,000 virgin Jews witnessing around the whole world.
And I saw another angel flying in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth and to every nation and kindred and tongue and people.
There's the angel I told you about. How does that happen? I don't know. Is he, is he in a flying sauce?
What's he in? I don't know, but I know, I know this, he is encircling the earth, telling the gospel to every single man, woman, boy, and girl.
And maybe that's something only an angel could do. Think about that. We haven't been able to do it as the church. Have we? We've tried.
We've almost every dialect we've taken them, the gospel saying with a loud voice fear.
Okay. That tells you one thing. I don't know what kind of vehicle he is or isn't in, but I know he's using his voice and he's saying with a loud voice, fear
God and give glory to him. For the hour of his judgment has come. Worship him that made heaven and earth and the sea and the fountains and the water of waters.
And that is the mercy of God right there. They're giving, they're giving a chance. They've never had an angelic being saying it in such a loud voice that no person on the earth misses this message.
And there followed another angel saying Babylon is fallen. It's fallen the great city because she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication.
And I think the secular Babylon could be New York city and, uh, wall street.
And I think, you know, the religious Babylon is probably Rome on seven hills and we'll see,
I'm not convinced. So that's my opinion. So I'm not saying that's the Bible. 17, 12 says, and the, and the, uh, 10 horns, which thou sawest are the 10
Kings, which have received no kingdom as of yet, but they received power as the
Kings for one hour with the beast. So the antichrist gives power to certain national leaders who weren't very powerful at this time in history.
And he gives them great power. And, uh, these have one mind and she'll give their power and strength to the beast.
So all of the governments, the leadership of every government of the world will be satanic. Is that being set now in place?
Yes or no. Look at them. Look at the stuff they say,
Jesus said, you know, by their fruit, look at what they say and do the leaders of every nation of the world. It's already been set up.
These have one mind. They think just like Satan, they shall make war with the lamb and the lamb shall overcome them for.
He is Lord of Lords and King of Kings. And they that are with him are called and chosen and faithful.
Who's that? That's us. That's his bride, the church. So that part will happen at the very end, the seventh trumpet.
It happens at Armageddon. It's not the very end, but it's closer to the end.
And he said, and to me, the waters, which thou saw where the horse sit as our people and multitude and nations and tongues.
So that's the water that Satan sends out to try to destroy, uh,
Israel. And ultimately Jesus Christ with a sword from his mouth, destroys the enemy armies and in the
Valley of Megiddo and the blood will be as high as the horse's bridles when he's killed them all. So that's coming later.
All right. So we've made our way through a lot of the chronology, the 10 horns, which you saw upon the beast.
These will hate the whore. Now think about that and she'll make her desolate and naked and she'll eat her flesh and burn her with fire.
So that's probably a reference to the religious whore, which is probably led by the
Roman Catholics, but it'll include all false religion. And so the antichrist used religion to gain power for the first three and a half years and to bring peace on earth by, by going forth to conquer and to conquer, conquer, that's the first horse.
And several of those horses kind of pictured that happening. Uh, and so now he turns on the religious leaders and begins to kill all of them too, even the false religious leaders are going to be killed.
Anybody that has anything to do with Christianity, even the false ones are going to be killed, even the
Muslims, even the Buddhists, all of them will be killed because the antichrist is about to set up a new religion and a new
God. That must be worshiped or you'll be killed. And he's called the God of forces.
So I'll leave you with that pleasant thought and we shall meet together again, the
Lord willing. So let's stand and have prayer and we'll be dismissed, Lord.
Thank you so much for your word. Without it, we wouldn't be in utter darkness. And thank you that you say we persevere by the blood of the lamb and the word of testimony.
And Lord help us to be under conviction, to seek the things you're wanting us to do in the day that we live in these days.
We still have time to prepare for our families and we don't shut down normal life as we know it yet.
And we will have signs to watch for knowing when it's close to time to do that. And thank you for that.
Thank you for showing us these signs and for telling us that we will not be in the dark concerning these things like the world will be, you don't come as a thief in the night to us, that's to the world.
He doesn't know how to watch for you, but you give us all of the warning that we need to prepare.
Thank you for that. Help us to prepare for our children and our grandchildren and our spouses and their families.
And help us to be excited as we prepare. Help us to be like the men of old who built the wall in Jerusalem with a sword in one hand and a trowel in the other, and help us to be more apt to fight spiritual warfare as we have attacks on our minds and our hearts and our thinking and our families to try to keep us from working and getting the work done that you have for us to do.
Help us to fight through that and to help one another to fight through that. And Lord, uh, thank you that you give us each other and that you said in these times that your church ought to gather.
I love that word. Thank you, Lord, because we have to draw strength from one another and Lord, thank you for the fellowship we're about to have blessed the meal in Jesus name.