Worst thing I've ever heard from a pulpit?

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Billy Graham's grandson "Pastor" Tullian Tchividjian uses a sermon to advocate breaking the 3rd commandment - using God's name in vain.


Hello, just a short video here. This has to be the worst thing I've ever seen, ever heard coming out of the mouth of a pastor.
I've heard a lot of bad things taught from a pulpit. This is probably the worst, and it's
Tullian Teviggian, grandson of Billy Graham, and he is using
God's name in vain, arguably blaspheming the name of God and then defending it and all doing it while wearing a blouse, it looks like.
Maybe it's not a blouse, but what he said is pretty bad. Watch. To keep this commandment, you have to do four things, and he shows that taking the
Lord's name in vain is a much broader thing than not shouting God damn it at your kids, okay, when they make a mess, or yelling
Jesus in your car at bad drivers. Let me give an apologetic for the word God damn it, okay, which is my favorite cuss word, okay, by the way, hands down my favorite cuss word, and that may be alarming to your ears, but here's why
I think it is the most theologically accurate cuss word on planet earth. It's actually a prayer.
Something bad happens, something that you don't like, something that needs to be corrected. You say
God damn it. In other words, what you're saying is, God, you are the only one that is capable of cleaning up this mess.
Okay, so this is a clear violation of Exodus 20 verse seven, which says you shall not take the name of the
Lord thy God in vain, and not only does he do it, he does it repeatedly, and then he defends it, and it's like he's encouraging others to do it.
Let's all do it. After all, it's just a prayer. Well, it's not a prayer. This is sin.
Sin is, according to the Bible, sin is the violation of God's law.
He's breaking a commandment in a sermon and encouraging others to do it. This is really, really bad, and this is just more proof that Tullian Tevigian is a guy who should be avoided.
He was kicked out of the ministry years ago for adultery, I believe it was, back when he took over the ministry of D.
James Kennedy. I don't know why they hired him. Well, I do know why. He's Billy Graham's grandson, and a lot of people idolize
Billy Graham. But yeah, this is the worst thing I've ever seen in a sermon. I think it's evidence of the great falling away, and it's just proof that we are living in perilous times when one of the most popular, or he was at one point, one of the most popular pastors around, that he's doing stuff like this, and his church supports it.
So, thanks for watching, and just a piece of advice. Let's keep God's name holy, and if you're going to use the name of God, Jesus, the
Lord, if you're going to use God's name, you need to actually be talking about the Lord. Never bring it up in a flippant way or just invoking
God's name willy -nilly. If we use God's name, the name of Jesus, we need to be talking about God or the
Lord, and if we talk about Him, we need to do it respectfully with reverence.