WWUTT 930 Q&A Response to the Game of Thrones Video?

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Responding to comments from viewers regarding the "Game of Thrones" video, in which Christians were warned about the kind of entertainment they subject their minds to. Visit wwutt.com for all our videos!


There are all kinds of things out there vying for our attention and Satan has many ways to try to woo us away from godliness and holiness.
We need to have the mind of Christ especially when it comes to entertainment when we understand the text. This is when we understand the text studying
God's Word to reach all the riches of full assurance in Christ. Thank you for subscribing and if this is ministered to you please let others know about our program.
Here once again is Pastor Gabe Hughes. Thank you Becky who is not in studio with me today. Becky got sick on Thursday and just could not find the energy to be able to join me for the podcast.
We will miss her dearly. God willing she'll be back on the episode with us next week.
Instead of going through this episode and responding to emails that I've received here's what
I want to do instead. I've just completed another video response to comments that we received on one of the what videos and and this particular video would be the one that I did featuring
Game of Thrones. Well mentioning Game of Thrones but but also having to do with other forms of entertainment that Christians should not indulge in.
And and so that video is featured on the new what channel which is www .uttext.
So go to youtube .com slash www .uttext which is like the extended it's the it's the extra material.
So I've done a video for that channel and I'm just going to post the audio right here and that's going to be your podcast for today responding to comments from viewers of the most recent what video.
So I'm gonna I'm gonna turn this over to myself and and hear the audio that I recorded for that video which you can also find at the other
YouTube channel. In the meantime if you would like you can still submit questions to our email address when we understand the text at gmail .com.
All right without further ado further ado here is my latest response video.
Greetings everyone Ephesians 5 10 and 11 says try to discern what is pleasing to the
Lord. Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness but rather expose them.
And that's what I want to do in this video which is going to be a little mature in content so you may want to watch this first before letting your child watch.
I would say the information is particularly relevant for preteens on up but you still may want to watch first and have a conversation with your child so they hear about this coming from you before they hear about it from some face on the internet.
This coming Sunday Sunday night Easter evening HBO is going to air the next episode of Game of Thrones and I am begging you pleading with you please do not watch this show.
Am I correct in assuming that this is the eighth and final season of Game of Thrones the stuff was was littered all over my
Twitter feed on Sunday night at one point every single trending topic had something to do with Game of Thrones.
There's only something like what seven or eight episodes left it doesn't matter if you've seen every single episode in the series thus far you are not going to watch this show anymore it is not okay for Christians to view.
After the show after the debut of this final season aired this past Sunday I released a video on Monday that mentioned
Game of Thrones but more broadly it was addressing any kind of entertainment movies or television that Christians would watch that has sex scenes in it or or eroticism of any kind that we should not be entertained by this stuff.
I want to play this video for you to refresh your memory and then I want to respond to some of the comments that I got as a result.
Would you stand at someone's window and watch them have sex? Whoa pretty shocking question right that probably took you by surprise yet it didn't bother you last night when you were watching
Game of Thrones or anything else with a gratuitous sex scene. Watching that is the same as if you were to pay someone to let you stand at their window and watch them have sex.
Unlike movie violence simulated with makeup and special effects sex scenes are real. Those are real people really getting naked and really doing with one another something that should only be shared between a husband and a wife in private.
Would you want to watch your spouse acting out those scenes with someone else? Would you watch your son or daughter?
Yet those persons in those scenes are someone's children they might even be married and you're part of their adultery.
You are a participant in what they are doing when you watch it. Jesus said I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lustful intent has already committed adultery with her in his heart.
You might say hey it's just art I don't lust when I watch these scenes. Well then you're a carrot you're certainly not a warm -blooded human being.
Exactly how much porn would you have to see before you're disgusted by it? Don't watch this garbage.
Jesus said if your right eye causes you to sin tear it out and throw it away for it is better that you lose one of your members than your whole body be thrown into hell.
Repent of your sin before Christ and you will be forgiven. Whatever is honorable whatever is pure find joy in these things when we understand the text.
After sharing that video Renee from Japan replied so well said thank you.
I've never watched the show but sadly some of my family members do. Thank you so much for making this video it's everything that I've been thinking.
Well I appreciate that Renee and I hope that the video is helpful for you to share with your family members and hopefully convince them that this kind of entertainment is not okay for Christians to partake in.
Dylan from Evansville Indiana he does not agree he says I don't think you understand these actors aren't actually having sex that's a point
I'm gonna come back to a little bit later on if you would see behind the scenes footage you'd know they use skin suits and things like that they use weird camera angles during those scenes for a reason plus the sex scene was only on screen for like a minute of that oh okay so just a minute of adultery well that's alright stop watching porn
Dylan no these are not people just wearing skin suits these are actual naked bodies miming sex on a screen that's what it is that they're doing and they create this stuff so that you will watch it listen to me liberal publications understand this the
Huffington Post when you agree that Huff Poe is a liberal publication here is what they say about Game of Thrones sometimes the show uses sexual scenes to shed light on a character but quite often it shows naked women because it can an article in the
Washington Post frequent and often outlandish the shows eroticism overshadows or distracts from the actual story it's not just me after the copious amounts of tea and a during the show's first season reached a level of absurdity with a now notorious scene involving two prostitutes pleasuring each other and you think this isn't porn
Onion AV Club television critic Myles McNutt was moved to coin the term sex position to describe the way the show's producers often arbitrarily shoehorn sex into the narrative as a way to cover up potentially snooze inducing exposition in other words they like showing sex scenes in this show the show's creators are all about it and the actors they even want you to watch they set all this up to film these scenes so that millions and millions of people will watch it and they will come back to watch more of it if billions of people would watch it the creators would be elated if they could beam it into outer space and there would be some alien race somewhere watching this show they would show it to them they create this stuff so people will watch it and Dylan you keep coming back to it over and over again and you have no idea that you are being deceived and likewise deceiving others see the thing about leaving comments on Facebook is
I can go to your Facebook page and see what it is that you've been sharing and four out of your last eight posts were about Game of Thrones so you're not only watching the show and being entertained by pornography which even the liberals liberal publications know that this is porn and you're not only being entertained by it but you're encouraging other people to watch as well look folks this is
HBO HBO's been doing this for decades they create this kind of entertainment with with sex scenes and pushing the language barrier and extreme violence this is what they do in those programs and you have to pay a premium in order to watch it it's what we call the premium networks there's
HBO their Showtime Cinemax which also has the name skin a max for obvious reasons and paying to watch these programs on those shows which you already know in advance are going to be filled with nudity because that's what they're known for paying for it is the same as if you were to go to a strip club and pay a stripper there's really no difference the actors that audition for these shows they have to take their clothes off to audition and they sign contracts agreeing that they are going to appear nude on screen or they are going to be involved in sex scenes and if they're not willing to sign that contract they don't get the job this is how
HBO creates their shows and all of their shows have been like this for years and years the the Sopranos Westworld which i think is another show that they have on right now
Deadwood these and not have not seen a single episode of any of these shows and it's because I know what's in them but don't think
I'm coming at you as being holier -than -thou here I used to be involved in this kinds of stuff when
I was chasing after the youthful passions of my flesh Paul says in 2nd Timothy chapter 2 flee from youthful passions and pursue godliness and holiness well before I was pursuing godliness
I was chasing after the the desires of my body and my mind and I would go to the video store and I would rent
DVDs that I knew had these kinds of scenes in them I would turn over the back of the DVD and I would be looking for the
R rating because I want to watch stuff that is going to be titillating and is going to please my flesh and that's why they create this stuff and they know you keep coming back to it you might think that the the nudity and the sex has nothing to do with you watching the show but HBO knows better than you do and even the liberals who are writing about these shows say hey they just throw naked women in there because they can and you're gonna pay for it and you're gonna keep paying for it and if you don't think that this stuff is affecting you then as I said in the video you are a carrot
Bryce from Ohio says I'm a proud carrot Miguel from New York City seriously that's slander against asexuals look understand the comment understand the reference to being a carrot when you see this kind of sexual immorality on screen would you agree with me that it's sexual immorality that people taking off their clothes for money or or showing sex on screen that this is sexual immorality do you agree with that okay so when you see that and you have no reaction to it how cold is your heart you are gonna respond to one of two you're gonna respond in one of two ways either you're gonna see that and you're gonna be aroused by it or you're gonna see that and you're gonna be disgusted by it the
Holy Spirit that is in your heart is gonna convict you you're gonna realize as a Christian desiring and pursuing holiness
I should not be partaking in this what I'm seeing on screen is exactly what the Holy Spirit of God says the
Lord will judge first Corinthians chapter 6 verses 9 and 10 the sexually immoral will not inherit the kingdom of God Hebrews chapter 13
God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterous Revelation chapter chapter 21
I believe it is 19 or 21 where it says that the sexually immoral will not inherit the kingdom of God they will be cast into outer darkness they will be cast into the hell of fire do not participate in this the
Lord will pour out his wrath on these things and yet you're watching it and saying that it doesn't affect you then you're a carrot and now and now understand
I believe that you are a human being and you do have a soul which means if you're saying that this stuff doesn't affect you you're actually lying you'll either be aroused by it or you will be disgusted by it and if you are completely indifferent to it that is frightening that should scare you that itself should bother you that you are so desensitized by a set by sexual immorality that you actually don't have any leaning to it one way or the other or you would or you would blow it off that way that means your heart is hard and you need to come quickly before the
Lord and beg for repentance that you would have eyes to see and ears to hear those things which are right and pleasing to God and those things which
God hates and you would go after the things that you know are pleasing unto the
Lord James from Rockford Illinois he says I'm gonna have to disagree with your video although there have been scenes throughout the series that are borderline pornographic and as as I've seen as I showed you earlier two prostitutes pleasuring each other is borderline pornographic he says that is not why a large majority of people watch them yes it can be graphic okay so it's either pornographic or it's not you say they're borderline pornographic yes it can be graphic which is it
James yes it can be graphic but it's also easy to look away from those few moments you made it seem as if we are deliberately watching
Game of Thrones because of the nudity also I believe those scriptures were stretched to fit your opinion and used out of context
I take it you have never watched no of course I've never watched this show because I know what is in this show now you say that there are only a few scenes in the show that are like that even though I've never seen an episode of Game of Thrones there are tons of websites out there that actually chronicle all of this stuff they will show you exactly how many swear words are said in an episode how many nude bodies appear how many sex scenes there are how many people die by very violent means how many people die of old age how many times the word the has been used
I mean people just get so wrapped up in this stuff that they devote themselves to it they create these fan sites so I can actually go and find just how many sex scenes in this show there are now one site in particular that I found had gone through 67 episodes which is the first six seasons we're in the eighth season now isn't that correct so in the in the six seasons first six seasons of the show 67 episodes there were over 70 nude and sex scenes that's more than one scene per episode and we can even tally up the bodies season 1 there were 30 naked bodies people complained about that so in season 2 they pulled it way back 16 naked bodies just 16 and season 2 in season 3 there were 19 at naked bodies oh we're climbing back up again season 4 there were 23 naked bodies season 5 28 naked bodies season 6 22 naked bodies bringing the grand total to 70 nude and sex scenes 138 naked bodies and again that's over the course of 67 episodes a hundred and thirty -eight naked bodies in 67 episodes and it's just kind of there it's just a few not really all of that much not only does this show display nudity eroticism sex scenes but it does so violently and even the secularists once again the liberal publications understand that the stuff that's in this show is really really bad and yet there are
Christians not only watching it but they're excusing it that's not that bad it's just a few scenes
Dave Itzkoff of the New York Times rape has become so pervasive in Game of Thrones that it is almost background noise a routine and unshocking occurrence rape is so frequent in this show that it's not even shocking anymore
Christopher or of the Atlantic the show's creators have gone out of their way time and time again to ramp up the sexual violence well beyond their source material in other words
Martin's books which the show is taken from does not even convey the sexual violence the way that it is portrayed in the show new characters have been invented in order to become victims or victimizers and existing ones have had their sexual cruelty amplified look folks once again the liberals understand that the stuff in this show is really bad not okay for anyone to be watching how much more so should it be for the
Christian who has the Holy Spirit of God in them how much do you have to suppress that in order to watch this and enjoy it
Richard from well I'm gonna skip Richard's comment here Sia from the
Philippines he issues a good rebuke I think it would be a good follow -up here some of you say that Game of Thrones is not full of nude and sex nudity and sex only a few scenes you will say some of you say that you don't watch
Game of Thrones because of those scenes we should be very careful guys please do not play with fire if we all are really desiring sanctification and we are persevering unto holiness we shouldn't be exposing ourselves too much to things that might tempt us to fall into sin amen to that Sia and thank you for your comment but I would go even further than what you said not only is watching this show tempting you to sin it is sin once again this is sexual immorality that is being portrayed on the screen and you are a participant of it when you watch it which is what the creators want you to do and they throw this stuff in there to even keep you coming back and you are not even yet disgusted enough by it that you keep coming back scene after scene after scene poisoning your mind and your heart no godliness is being achieved by this you are not growing in holiness and you're continuing to subject yourself to it this is very serious and you need to take it seriously you are participating in sin when you watch it have nothing to do with the unfruitful works of darkness
Liam from New Zealand he shared Psalm 101 3 I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes
I hate the work of them that turn aside and do wickedness it shall not cleave to me thank you for that passage
Liam from Dallas Texas she said I agree with some of what was said but I disagree with much it's not actual sex scenes there we have that comment again same comment that Dylan made earlier they aren't actually having sex in these scenes as long as intercourse isn't actually happening that it's not actual sex look you don't actually believe that let me put it to you this way would you be alright if your spouse were to get naked and get together with another naked person and they rub all over one another in an erotic way you're alright with that that's that's not actual sex you wouldn't call that adultery of course you would come on now don't excuse this stuff don't play this off as being like no big deal do you really want to stand before the judgment seat of Christ and say to him look
God your holiness just wasn't enough for me I needed to watch
Game of Thrones in order to get pleasure out of life is that the kind of conversation that you want to have with God on Judgment Day that God's ways simply were not good enough so I needed to partake in the world's sexual immorality do not stand before the judgment seat of God over a
TV show a TV show this is entertainment don't subject yourself to this kind of stuff don't don't play it off as being no big deal it's very serious and you're compromising your own morality by saying it's not really sex so it's not really that you wouldn't be okay if your spouse did it and so you shouldn't be okay when you see it displayed up on a screen like that Lamar from the
UK question if Game of Thrones is terrible because of quote unquote real sex and murder among other things surely reading the
Bible must be in the same box as it is full of many of the things mentioned in this video if there was to be a biblical film worth watching it it would not be far off of Game of Thrones Lamar you don't believe that you don't believe that reading something is the same thing as seeing it well and you know first of all in the
Bible it doesn't go into erotic detail when it says that someone like a man went into her or he knew her or he took her or something like that that's like the extent of the scene that is conveying that sex has taken place it's not describing those things happening yes there's some very dark and serious things that will happen in the
Bible but those things are told to us so that we will not do it we will repent from it we will stay far away from evil and wickedness of this kind that is why those things get talked about in the
Bible it's not to entertain whereas Game of Thrones is entertainment and furthermore there is a big big difference between seeing something on a screen and reading words on a page once again even the liberal writers understand this or of the
Atlantic going back to his article video is simply a hotter more immediate medium than the printed word witnessing atrocities is inevitably a different experience from having them described on the page so even he understands it's different to witness it with your eyes with your ears and your senses more senses than it is to just read the words on a page and then have to imagine it for yourself
Ross Douthat of the New York Times he says the following the image is simply different from the word and to describe a particular act is different from depicting it from both an aesthetic and a moral perspective the power of film lies in realism and immediacy it's a medium of effective recreation in which real people enact what's being portrayed in the viewer is given the illusion of experiencing the story firsthand and in fleshed so the sense of being implicated in what's happening in a story even of participating somehow is almost always stronger with an on -screen adaptation than with the book that it's based on even if the two stories are identical in shape which is not to say that books cannot be pornographic and exploitative of course they can but the experience is different the threshold is different and the audience reaction is inevitably different as well so it's not enough to defend whatever the
HBO adaptation depicts by saying well there's worse stuff than this in Martin's books or well there's worse stuff than this in actual medieval history it's not at all inconsistent to criticize the show for what it shows and how it shows it while declining to be outraged when similar events are described on the printed page so once again in liberal and secular publications they understand what we see what we've what we see depicted on a screen is different than what we read on the on the page and furthermore
Lamar you know the difference as well you're just making excuses you are just trying to find ways to excuse that watching this kind of thing is okay and you should be ashamed of yourself you should be convicted about this and you should go before the
Lord and beg for his forgiveness and desire a heart that desires holiness that wants the things of God that wants to do what is pleasing unto
God would any Christian actually say that what is being displayed in this show is pleasing to God that you can actually watch that and participate in it in a holy way in a way that sanctifies you not being disgusted by it at all
Norleen from Wyoming says the more I study God's Word the less appeal or redeeming value
I find in most TV programs movies etc leaving me more time to study God's Word amen see the more that we have the mind of Christ the less we're gonna desire stuff like this and Paul said in Philippians 2 verse 5 have the mind of Christ in Philippians 4 that whatever is pure whatever is honorable if there is anything worthy of praise think about these things we need to be devoting our minds to the things of God not chasing after the passions of our flesh the temptations that are in this world following after the prince of the power of the air as Satan is described in Ephesians chapter 2 and and is this not one of those ways the airwaves that Satan gets his message through he is deceiving you if you think that you can watch this stuff and not be affected by it it is poisoning your mind and your heart to be less and less like Christ and more like the ruler of this world who is
Satan you should be very concerned about that Gary from Springfield Missouri says as I understand scripture one who is strong enough to eat meat should keep it to themselves and not rub it in the face of those who won't flipside those who aren't to scream how could you to those who are those who won't aren't to scream how could you those that are anyway
God gave us brains to evaluate situations I find this issue one where those who won't eat meat are berating those that will
I first turned on Game of Thrones because I have always loved fantasy dragons knights and all of that yes it is adult
I am an adult seeing nude people should not turn an adult into an adolescent child well
I hope you're not letting your adolescent child watch this stuff Gary that is absurd for you to compare the
Romans 14 principles that Paul gives regarding days and food to sexual immorality hey if you can if you can eat what you want to eat and it not cause you to stumble then you should be able to witness and enjoy and watch sexual immorality and not have it affect you are you serious first Corinthians 6 when
Paul says flee from sexual immorality the Holy Spirit says to us flee from it what do you think that means do you think that means you can turn on a movie with a sex scene in it and enjoy that and it's fine and it doesn't affect me do you think that's what that means that God did not also mean in that that you would not be a partaker in it in watching it should you go to the temple of Aphrodite and watch a man take a priestess prostitute on an altar to this false
God and stand there and watch it and and and say hey I'm being unaffected by this that is pleasing unto the
Lord for your entertainment hey if you watch Knights and medieval stuff and dragons and all of that and you enjoy that there are other shows out there you can watch that's not
Game of Thrones it doesn't matter how good the storytelling is it is polluted with this filthy garbage and we as Christians are to have nothing to do with it and I hope that this video has helped convince you a little bit more
I hope it's convicted your heart that you have nothing to do with this worldly stuff but you pursue godly things that please your
Savior who died for you he bought you with a price as Paul goes on to say in 1st
Corinthians 6 so honor God with your bodies that includes mind and heart
Romans chapter 12 verses 1 & 2 in view of God's mercies present your bodies unto the
Lord as a holy and pleasing sacrifice to him this is your spiritual act of worship do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world and this stuff
Game of Thrones all these movies and stuff with sex scenes in them this is worldliness have nothing to do with the pattern of this world don't be conformed to it any longer but be transformed by the renewing of your mind and then you will be able to test and see what's what
God's will is for you his good and pleasing and perfect will consider these words from Psalm 119 starting in verse 33 and I'll conclude with this teach me
O Lord the way of your statutes and I will keep it to the end give me understanding that I may keep your law and observe it with my whole heart lead me in the path of your commandments for I delight in it incline my heart to your testimonies and not to selfish gain turn my eyes from looking at worthless things preserve my life according to your word may the
Lord bless and keep you may the Holy Spirit guard your heart from unrighteousness and lead you in paths of righteousness for his name's sake this is when we understand the text with Pastor Gabe Hughes there are lots of great
Bible teaching programs on the web and we thank you for selecting ours but this is no replacement for regular fellowship with the church family find a good gospel teaching