Responding To Critical Comments! | Ep. 6

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Hey guys, Colin here, and welcome back to the channel where we bring you Christian commentary about the things that matter.
As ever, please know this video isn't a sinful attack, but rather a Biblical critique. This video is episode 6 of our series called
Responding to Critical Comments. This is where we read real, unedited comments from this channel which disagree with the positions we take, and we respond to them.
The first comment here comes from our recent video on Mike Todd, link in description. And in that video,
Mike can be seen making promises on behalf of God, which God never actually makes in His Word.
That's bad. He even suggests that God might promise to give you multiple houses, for instance.
Of course, this is nothing more than prosperity gospel teaching in action. Here was what the commenter wrote, quote,
End quote. So let's break this down. The commenter suggests that I'm trying to, quote, Here's the funny thing.
The fact that Mike Todd is black has literally never once been used by me in any video ever as any sort of critique.
It's never even come up. I have only ever corrected his doctrine, his teaching, because it's unbiblical.
And his skin color has never been a factor at all. Not even once. Romans 16 -17 tells us to mark and avoid anyone who teaches unsound and unbiblical doctrine.
And of course, this is regardless of their skin color, because it doesn't matter. But this is the world we live in now, isn't it?
If you call someone out for false teaching about money, or the Trinity, or prophecy, and that person happens to be a minority in the
United States, you've officially committed a hate crime. You're a bigot. You're racist, they say.
The actual substance of your correction doesn't matter at all. Just the skin color of the person you critiqued.
Everything boils down to race with these people, and frankly, it's really boring at this point. Eventually, you're going to have to make a convincing argument, rather than just screaming racism at the top of your lungs and shutting down the conversation.
Obviously, in the video they commented on, link in description, my entire critique of Mike Todd was theological, and his skin color never entered into the conversation, because it's totally irrelevant.
And more than this, I have criticized white false teachers like Stephen Furtick, Joel Osteen, Brandon Robertson, Beth Moore, Bill Johnson, the list goes on and on, that's just a few.
So this comment really has no evidence to back it up, but it does bear all of the hallmarks of an angry social justice fanatic who makes everything about race.
The next comment comes from our video about Chelsea Smith, wife of Judah Smith. In that video,
I noted that Chelsea is a pastor at their church, and this is a violation of 1 Timothy 2 .12,
among many other passages. It says this, quote, I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man, end quote.
And then Paul here roots his argument in creation, saying, quote, for Adam was formed first, then
Eve. And Adam was not deceived, but the woman was deceived, and became a transgressor, end quote.
So there's really no question as to what Paul means here, and to whom he is speaking. But in response, the commenter says this, quote, women can be pastors, and no, that is not contrary to the passage you mentioned in 1
Timothy, end quote. This really isn't an argument, and in their defense, maybe it wasn't meant to be.
I mean, it's basically the equivalent of saying, no, you're just wrong. And then when someone asks you for a reason why they're wrong, you just say, well, because you are.
But in all seriousness, the passage clearly says that women cannot, quote, teach or exercise authority over a man in the church.
The office of pastor requires both teaching and the exercise of authority in the church. So obviously, according to the passage, women cannot be pastors.
First Peter 5, 1 -2 says, quote, so I exhort the elders among you as a fellow elder, shepherd the flock of God that is among you, exercising oversight, end quote.
So by definition, again, women cannot be pastors, because a pastor is one who exercises oversight over the congregation, which is something that Paul says women can't do.
But the comment isn't done there. One of our subscribers kindly questioned this person, offering a slight correction.
And here was their response, quote, show me that in Scripture, God shows a woman to tell the men that Jesus was risen, end quote.
So first, it is very interesting that they say, quote, show me that in Scripture. And yet when we did show them that in the
Scripture of 1 Timothy 2 -12, they simply responded by asserting with no evidence whatsoever that the passage didn't prove our point.
So they want us to prove our point with Scripture, but they refuse to accept any of the Scriptures that prove our point.
Do you see the problem here? This is the stage in the debate where you should graciously leave the room so as to avoid a brain -melting headache.
But the second statement they offer here is that women can be pastors because Jesus used women to proclaim the resurrection.
And that's true enough. They're often referring to the story of Luke 24 -10, which says, quote, now it was
Mary Magdalene and Joanna and Mary the mother of James and the other women with them who told these things about the resurrection to the apostles, end quote.
This is a passage that progressive and feminist Christians love to quote in favor of female pastorship.
But it really doesn't prove that point at all. Let me explain why. In John 11 -25, Jesus says this, quote,
I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall live, end quote.
So every single Christian believes in the resurrection and proclaims it as true. Jesus himself is the resurrection and the life.
And it's because of that that we can be raised up with him and have eternal life with him. And again, this goes for all
Christians, quote, whoever believes in me, says Jesus. So if proclaiming the resurrection of Christ gives you the right to be a pastor, then literally every single
Christian in the entire world has the right to be a pastor. This would include even ten -year -old
Christians, for example. So the argument that women can be pastors because women were the first ones to testify to Jesus's resurrection, that simply doesn't work at all.
Ironically, this commenter rejected a passage that specifically and directly deals with the issue of female leadership in the church, and they instead opt to use a completely unrelated passage to prove their point.
The goal here is, of course, not to follow the word of God, but rather to simply promote the feminist agenda at all costs, whether the
Bible agrees with it or not. In summary, both of these comments represent the disturbingly popular trend of both identity politics and radical feminism.
We must be able to spot these things out in the church and refute them biblically, because many people are trying to bring them into our denominations and our churches wholesale.
Some denominations have even been fully and completely hijacked by these things. So let's be on our guard against the race agenda and the radical feminist agenda coming from the secular culture.
These are not biblical, and they do not accord with the Christian worldview. I pray that this has been a blessing to you, and please know this,
I do not offer any of this correction from a high and mighty position. I am nothing but a wretched sinner saved by the grace of Jesus Christ.
So let's pray for the people entrapped in these secular movements, that they would develop a biblical worldview by God's grace and turn to the truth of God's Word.
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