God Remembers - Don't Forget

AD Robles iconAD Robles



All right, well I wanted to leave you with a few quick thoughts for this week. No, this is the only video for this week. I actually recorded one yesterday that was a follow -up of the video
I did last week that got so much pushback. The one about, not the fishing one, although that did get some pushback, but the one about reading your
Bible and stuff like that. That got a lot of pushback and I did want to kind of clarify a few things on that so look out for that on Monday, that'll drop.
But I did want to just leave you with a few thoughts today. So yesterday
I was reading the book of Exodus to my sons and allegedly, because I know a lot of you guys think
I don't read the Bible. Anyway, so we're in chapter 2 and at the end of chapter 2, if you don't know, it talks about how
God hears the cries of his people and God saw and he knew. And it also talks about how he remembers the covenant and the promises that he made to the patriarchs of Israel.
That is such a beautiful thought, a beautiful line. And I thought about it again today because I went fishing this morning, which
I probably shouldn't have done because now I kind of feel a little bit run down. I hope I don't have that long COVID, you know what I mean?
But anyway, I was in the water this morning and I caught a couple fish and I was thinking about something
John Harris said to me when I told him earlier this week that I had
COVID and that I was starting to feel a little better. And his response is, how are you alive right now?
Pretty funny, pretty funny. And so I had a little chuckle on the water about that. But then
I started thinking, you know, honestly, here in 2022, you know, it's August 19th, 2022, and I think it's worth taking a moment and just remembering how faithful God has been to you, how good he is.
Like Satan's minions, they're always out there doing stuff. They're always out there with their new lies of the time and they're trying to trick people.
The Bible says he's like a lion, a prowling lion looking for someone to devour.
So Satan and his demons are out there all the time. But man, in the last few years even,
Satan has baited the hook in so many ways. And if you look around, people are falling for this stuff every single day.
You know, the tranny stuff, and then the homosexuality stuff, and then just really the rampant state worship that's out there.
You know, your help comes from the state, and if the state says it's too dangerous to go to church, well then you listen to the state.
Like Satan has gotten so many Christians to accept faulty premises, lies from his pit, from the pit of hell, and he's baited the hook in such a way that it's just attractive enough that legions of men are buying into this stuff.
There's just so much garbage out there, theologically speaking, and with people who profess themselves to be
Christians. I think it's worth taking a moment and just kind of remembering how much
God has brought you through. You know what I mean? He's been so faithful this entire time, and if you're still here, and you're standing on your own two feet, and God's carrying you through this, and maybe you're not standing on your own two feet, maybe you're kind of down and out, but you're still loving the
Lord, you're still faithful. There's been so many times in my life where Satan baits that hook with the sin that I'm on the precipice of just giving into it.
I don't mean in the moment, like one sin, one day kind of thing. I mean just saying how these revoice people must feel when they just give themselves over to their homosexuality.
It's like that moment when you say, not only is it not a sin, but it's actually a good thing.
It's a good thing. Being at that crossroads must feel so weird.
I've been at crossroads like that before, never with the homosexuality thing, but with other issues.
Honestly, it's just so... God is faithful to the promises
He made you. He's made you promises, guys, and He's always going to keep those promises, just like in the book of Exodus.
He sees, He knows, and He remembers the covenant that He made.
These are huge deals. These are huge deals. There's going to be so many evangelical leaders that not only will they jump at the chance to believe any horrible lie about you that the media cooks up, but they will condemn you and they will join the lynch mob like that.
They won't even think about it. People have been bringing up the Roy Moore situation with Al Mohler, how he said
Roy Moore was credibly accused and stuff like that. Well, it turns out that Roy Moore won a defamation suit.
Obviously, he didn't do what they said he did and all of that. He won like eight million dollars. That's just a precursor.
There's going to be so many Christians, all these gospel coalition goons. They would believe any lie about you.
It doesn't matter how insane, how crazy. If it's in the media, they're going to believe it and they will jump on the lynch mob as well.
There's going to be so many opportunities for you to just give in and join that mob.
God is faithful. God is faithful. Look, if you're sitting here in 2022, August 19th, maybe you're bruised up a little bit.
Maybe you're beaten up a little bit. Maybe you had to leave your church. Maybe your church kicked you out. You're a pastor.
They kicked you out because you didn't close for COVID. Something stupid like that. Maybe you're bruised and bloodied and stuff like that, but you're still loving
Christ. You're still leading your family and providing for them. Praise God.
God is faithful. Don't ever forget that. Don't ever forget that.
He sees and he knows and he's got your back. He's promised to and there's no way he can renege on that promise.
That's just not who he is in any case. I just thought about that.
John's joke was a joke obviously because COVID obviously doesn't kill most people that get it.
It's nice to survive so many scams.
So many things that have been kind of thrown one after another at us. One after another. One after another.
So many temptations that Satan throws at you. Praise God. Praise God. Stay vigilant out there.
Guys, I hope God blesses you in your weekend and have a good Lord's Day. I probably won't be at church on Sunday, so unfortunately
I'll have to miss out unless I have some kind of miraculous recovery. In any case,