Sodomy: Encouragement for Those Resisting The Celibate-Gay Christian Movement?


Why has the celibate-gay Christian movement gained such steam? Who are some faithful voices who have resisted the movement? How can we encourage those who are weary with the fight?


Warning the following message may be offensive to some audiences these audiences may include but are not limited to professing Christians who never read their
Bible sissies Sodomites men with man buns those who approve of men with man buns man bun enablers white nights for men with man buns Homemakers who have finished
Netflix, but don't know how to meal plan and people who refer to their pets as fur babies Your discretion is advised of heaven the issue is that humanity is in sin and the wrath of almighty
God is hanging over our head They will hear his words.
They will not act upon him and when the floods of divine judgment when the fires of wrath come
They will be consumed and they will perish God wrapped himself in flesh
Condescended and became a man died on the cross for sin was resurrected on the third day
Has ascended to the right hand of the father where he sits now to make intercession for us
Jesus is saying there is a group of people who will hear his words They will act upon them and when the floods of divine judgment come in that final day their house will stand
Welcome to Bible bashed where we aim to equip the Saints for the works of ministry by answering the questions.
You're not allowed to ask Listen and enjoy this installment of iron sharpening iron as pastor
Tim answers your sincere questions. Here's pastor Tim On this episode of iron sharpening iron, we're going to be answering the question
What would you say as encouragement to the person who has been told even by professing Christians that it's not loving to speak out against same -sex
Attraction now one of the most remarkable things that I've witnessed over the past, you know five ten years or so is the rise of the
Celibate gay Christian movement in a lot of your big parachurch organizations like the gospel coalition like together for the gospel
Even you know individuals from my former seminary at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary The individuals in high places have basically put forward certain speakers like Rosario Butterfield Jackie Hill Perry Sam Albury These ex -gay
Christians and one of the things that has happened over the course of putting these individuals forward as experts on the subject
Temptations towards sodomy is that we've been given us given some rules to follow as it relates to these particular types of temptation, which in many ways are
Rules that We would not follow as it relates to any other sin at all
So one of the things you realize as you read through the Sermon on the Mount is that not only is adultery a sin
But the lust that gives rise to adultery is also a sin. And so it's not just That the case that you know, you're you can you know, it's okay to look but not to touch wink wink
As you know a crass person might say the problem is that there is there's lust that happens within a person's heart that will give rise to Particular forms of sexual immorality if a man looks on a woman with lust he's committed adultery within her with her and his heart
So one of the things that we've realized as it relates to every other kind of sexual Sin is that there is a behavior component to sexual sin
But then there's also a desire component to sexual sin and it's the desires that when they conceive give birth to sin
It's these desires when they're left unchecked that will grow and grow and grow and live give bring forth behavioral sin
And so there's sin that happens in the heart long before there's sin that happens in the behavior That's what we've learned with, you know, almost every other sin
And so one of the things that's remarkable is all the same voices that would tell us exactly what I just said as it relates to Heterosexual Sexual sins if you want to use an awful expression in loaded term or normal individuals with normal sexual attractions
These same voices have told us for years that you don't think that you're okay Just because you don't commit adultery if you commit lust in your heart you
That lust is the same kind of thing in seed form and it will give rise to the physical act if you don't
Get it under the control and so not only do you need to reject the behavior But you also need to repudiate and repent of desire now
But what part of what's happened is with the rise of the celibate gay Christian movement is you have Christian celebrities who?
were ex -gay as far as that is concerned being put forward who are basically telling everyone that People can't help
Homosexual attractions or the attraction stores deviant sexual desires They can't help those and they're fine so long as they don't act on them
And so it's not a sin to be tempted they say As long as you don't act on it and and and so part of the question is coming from this kind of framework
Which says hey? What would you say as encouragement to individuals who are trying to push back against this idea that somehow these same -sex attractions are neutral?
and like we're being told by our Evangelical leaders what you say is encouragement to individuals who are pushing back on that and being told that they're unloving well one of the things that I would tell you is that You know it's about ten years ago.
Maybe when this When the same -sex attraction movement started game gaining steam
There was a period of time where I'm listening to these sorts of individuals who are saying these sorts of things and that and I'm just Sitting there scratching my head and wondering when are all the famous.
You know all the big -name theologians gonna speak out against this nonsense Why is everyone promoting this garbage by Sam Alberio?
Why is everyone promoted this confused you know? Teaching by Rosario Butterfield Jackie Hill parrot
Why are we all just eating this stuff up when we know that it's contrary to what we would say in every other subject and there
Was there is years there? I was wondering like am I the only one in my own circles without my
Massive internet platform or whatever else am I the only one who sees the problem with this and and I would say that kind Of individual
I understand how it can be totally lonely to be the only one who seems to have their eyes open and to be
Aware that there are problems and one of the things to realize is that it was of great encouragement to me personally
Who is saying these things to everyone I could find? To all a sudden see you know individuals like Douglas Wilson pulpit and pin
Douglas Wilson might have been one of the first Individuals I saw who started speaking out against the same -sex attraction movement pulpit and pin
Or polemics report or whatever they were back then and they may have been shortly after and then you had
Individuals like James White all sudden start speaking out against that and then pretty soon.
You know you have like a g3 conference and Speaking all those predictable lineup
They're speaking out against it and everything else But but one of the things that I would say as a form of encouragement to you
Is that I remember a time where no one was speaking out against it, and I thought well man I'm absolutely crazy.
Am I the only one who sees this, but you know I my convictions to the scriptures Couldn't help me to say anything else
I mean It's just obvious like we're treating one sin for some reason and everyone knows why you're treating this one sin differently because of cultural pressure
And everything else, but then one of the things to realize is that when you're when you're living in a time
Where many many people are characterized by cowardice? One of the things that happens is it's just a little bit of courage just a little bit of courage
Is contagious and part of that's what happened with the whole Trump phenomenon? Trump for all of his flaws he had certain character traits about him that Although flawed were
Winsome in substance and so he was the kind of man who wasn't intimidated by PC culture and one of the things that you can
Observe in the Trump phenomenon, and you know there's plenty of things. I wouldn't recommend about him but one of the things that you can observe is that that kind of Backbone that kind of a spine that he had to basically just tell the news and tell basically everyone in the world he could care less what they had to say that kind of thing led to courage and led to many people being much more bold and You know his
Stand against CRT that may have be that be the most important thing that he did during his presidency
And he undermined that with plenty of other decisions. He made like the vaccine and the shutdowns and everything else, but that that was
You know a little bit of courage is contagious and one of the things that I saw when I finally saw some big -name
Evangelicals start speaking out against it Then you know basically they bore the the load of the wrath of everyone around them
But eventually it caught on and now it's much more socially acceptable to say the obvious and to say what the
Bible says Because you have a lot of individuals like that who bore the heat of the accusations
And you know wherever you happen to be I don't know that the vast majority of people and in your standard
American Church has any idea who any of those people are But you might have to you know you might have to bear with the shame and condemnation of the world if you want to honor
God and one of the things the Bible says is that That when you suffer persecution you should rejoice
You should rejoice that you're counted worthy to suffer for the name of Christ and one of the forms that that suffering takes is social ostracization being maligned
Being misrepresented having people called names Call you names and and and it can be pretty lonely when you take positions that are very very unpopular
But I would say that you know if there's any hope for our country if there's any hope for our society that that if there's any hope of repentance and deliverance from God's wrath
It's going to be that people are going to have to have courage and have to have spines and I'm gonna have to trust the Lord and care far more what their maker says than what the enemy says
This has been another installment of iron sharpening iron as always if you would like to have your question included in one of these midweek episodes
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Now go boldly and obey the truth in the midst of a biblically illiterate world who will be perpetually offended by your every move