F4F | Prophecy Open Mic: Checkmate Atheists!


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Welcome to another installment of Fighting for the Faith. My name is Chris Roseboro. I'm your servant in Jesus Christ.
This is the channel that compares what people are saying in the name of God to the Word of God. Now if you've recently heard
Michael Brown say we need both the Word and the Spirit and that apparently, you know, that what we need are manifestations of the
Spirit in order to prove that God exists. Yeah, we'll actually cover something he said to that effect on this installment.
We're gonna be doing Prophecy Open Mic. Go ahead and subscribe it down below. Don't forget to like the video.
Ring the bell. We're gonna head over to Glory of Zion. Yeah, Glory of Zion.
This is where Chuck Pierce, the Apostle Chuck Pierce, holds court and we're going to be doing a couple of Prophecy Open Mic segments.
We're just gonna run through this and we're just gonna ask the question, are these real experiences that these people are having with the
Holy Spirit? And is this what the Holy Spirit wants to do in your church in order to prove to people that God exists?
Yeah, I wish I was making that up. So let's get this up and running and all
I could say is brace yourself. These things are weird is the only way I can put it.
So this is from the New Holy Spirit Era service held at Glory of Zion on November 19th.
See if you can make heads or tails of this. Is there a
Disney song? No, it's not Disney. It's it's one of those claymation. Put one foot in front of the other.
Anyway, so this is the prophetic version of that song. Yeah, this proves
God exists to me. Yeah, I haven't even played Michael Brown yet, but we'll just keep going here for a minute.
Apparently, this is in prompt two. Kind of, you know, prophetic dance moving going on.
And the tribal music seems to be designed to put you into a trance of some kind.
And overtake, recover at all. Pursue, pursue. Don't overtake, recover at all.
Pursue, pursue. Overtake, recover at all. Just put one foot in front of the other.
Go to it. Just put one foot in front of the other. Go to it, to it.
Just put one Now, I'm going to pause right there.
I would like to let you hear what Michael Brown said on November 20th on his
Ask Dr. Brown program, The Line of Fire, why we need the
Word and the Spirit. Basically, I'm saying this is going to be a false dichotomy because all
Scripture is God -breathed. It's theanoustos. In fact, Scripture says it's living and active. And God, the
Holy Spirit, seems to be intimately attached to the preaching and teaching of the
Bible, the written Word of God. But Michael Brown is going to be making the case that, well, you know, we got to have both
Word and Spirit. So, you know, let's kind of let him spin this out. Do you believe the
Bible contains everything God ever spoke at any time? No.
Of course not. We do not have the complete compendium of all the preaching and teaching of the prophet
Isaiah or Jeremiah or any of the other prophets, even the ones who are not listed in Scripture.
In fact, the Apostle John makes a point of saying that if they had recorded everything that Jesus had done, that all the books in the world couldn't have contained it.
So, of course, we do not have the entire corpus of everything God has ever spoken.
This is clearly taught in Scripture. The obvious answer is no, of course not. Because the
Bible speaks of many prophets, but we only have the writings of a few prophets. The New Testament frequently speaks of prophetic words, prophetic utterances being given, and time outpouring is on all flesh.
Sons and daughters will prophesy. So there have been many things, hundreds, thousands, millions of things that God said at different points, but were not recorded in the
Bible because they are not the Bible. They do not have that unique place in human history, in revelatory history, in the dealings of God.
The Bible stands alone, nothing else, no book, no revelation, no insight, no dream, no prophecy, nothing compares with the
Word of God as God has chosen to give it to us for salvation, for edification, for education, for correction.
But if the Holy Spirit speaks to you today and lays it on your heart, you need to go into that store and share the gospel with someone you're going to meet in the wheelchair, and you think, well,
I just feel led to do that. And you get out of your car, you park your car there, and you go out, and sure enough, there's a person in a wheelchair, and you get in, boy, they happen to be wide open to the gospel.
And they tell you, just last night I was praying, God, if you're real, send someone to speak to me. That didn't add to the
Bible. That was what the Bible talks about in action. And look,
Leonard Ravenhill, who had a massive library, who was a deeply theological man, but even more a man of prayer and a man intimate with Jesus, he would often say, the man with an experience is never at the mercy of the man with an argument.
I just spoke with a woman who's PhD. All right.
So Leonard Ravenhill, you know, yeah, the man with an experience is never at the mercy of man with an argument. So, you know, you need these experiences.
This is the Holy Spirit in action, you know? She teaches this apologetics work, her
PhD dissertation focused on interviews with former atheists who are now followers of Jesus.
And the number one thing that brought them to the Lord was not intellectual arguments, but getting to know
Christians and getting to know the goodness of the Christian faith. In other words, they saw it in action.
Yeah, and I'm going to argue there that if they saw it in action, then they were seeing
Christians doing their good works. Yeah, that so, yeah, you're basically taking
Christian good works, you know, the fruit of the Spirit, love, patience, kindness, gentleness, self -control and things of that nature.
And Christians loving people for the sake of Christ, loving them, meeting their needs.
And he's equating that with what we're seeing at the glory of Zion. In a similar way, if you will go around the world today, and this has been for several years, you will find the number one reason that Hindus come to faith, that Muslims come to faith, that Buddhists come to faith, that people of other religions come to faith.
It's an encounter with God. Yeah, no, actually, it's not. Scripture's clear on this.
In fact, let me pull this up. Romans chapter 10, Romans chapter 10.
And what I mean by that, listen, having an experience with God is not the reason why people come to faith in Christ.
This is absolutely patently false. Scripture says this. Romans chapter 10, verse 11,
Scripture says, everyone who believes in him will not be put to shame, for there is no distinction between the
Jew and the Greek. The same Lord is Lord of all, bestowing his riches on all who call on him. For everyone who calls on the name of the
Lord will be saved. How then are they to call on him whom they have not believed?
And how are they to believe in him whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching?
Yeah, preaching. Right. Right. So and how are they to preach unless they are sent?
As it is written, how beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news? But they have not all obeyed the gospel.
For Isaiah says, Lord, who has believed what he has heard from us? So faith comes from what?
Hearing and hearing through the word of Christ. So I hate to say it, but Dr.
Michael Brown is basically saying that it's the encounter with the
Holy Spirit, these experiences that cause people to become Christians. Scripture disagrees.
Faith comes by hearing, hearing by the word of Christ. And, you know, and so I would note that prior to the
Pentecostal and charismatic movements, how were people brought to faith in Jesus without all these experiences, encounters and stuff and thingies?
And I would note that the Apostle Paul was quite miserable when it came from time to time, when it came to, you know, encounters with God.
He performed a miracle one time in a pagan town, and they thought that he and Barnabas were like the
Greek, you know, the Greco -Roman gods in the flesh. And and and so when
Paul says, no, no, no, no, we're men like you, they ended up stoning him, you know. So just saying so something's way off here in in Michael Brown's soteriology, because in his soteriology, apparently an experience is a core, vital thing.
But Scripture's clear. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of Christ.
So let's go back to Michael Brown as he continues out his thought here. A healing, a miracle, someone set free from demonic power.
Okay, I'm going to back this up. So he's into power evangelism.
Apparently miracles are necessary for people to become Christians. No, faith comes by hearing, hearing by the word of Christ.
That people of other religions come to faith. It's an encounter with God, a healing, a miracle.
Someone set free from demonic power. One of these things happened. And because of that, the people realize
God is real. This message from the Bible that's being preached is real. And they now go to the scriptures, they meet the
Lord, they get saved, they get changed, they go to the scriptures, the Holy Spirit fills their lives, and now they see the living
God in action, just as Scripture says. Okay. All right. So word and spirit, man, you got to see the spirit in action, man.
So, yeah, one of the big NAR churches, but don't tell Michael Brown because he doesn't believe the
NAR exists, but Chuck Pierce is an apostle there. So this is the
Holy Spirit in action. This is to prove to your pagan neighbors that God exists, you know?
So let's continue with this demonstration of the Holy Spirit. Just put one foot in front of the other.
Go to it, do it, yeah. Go to it, do it, yeah.
Yeah, this will convince any atheist out there. I'm telling you right now. Holy Spirit in action, man.
In fact, if your church isn't doing this, you are stifling the Holy Spirit, putting him in a box, keeping him from what he really wants to do, you know, to demonstrate to your friends and neighbors and the atheists that God is real.
Move it, move it, stir up a whirlwind. Just move it, move it, stir up the whirlwind.
Fire goes before you, it burns up all his enemies. Pursue it, go to it.
Yeah, if your prophecy doesn't have fly girls, you know, what's the point? So one of the first things
I saw with this chapter is when Paul got bit by the snake. And it was, it wasn't just that he got bit.
It was the reaction of the people on the island. And immediately their action was, he has to be a murderer because he's in chains and he got bit by a snake.
And funny enough, Paul did happen to be a murderer, a forgiven one, just saying.
And it's the judgment, it's the pre -judgment in their situation. But his situation does not define him.
Your situation does not define you. What you are going through doesn't define you. But the Lord is taking the attacks of the enemy and he's throwing it in the fire.
So Lord, right now we declare that your situation in your movement, in your place of establishment,
Lord. Your movement in your place of establishment is not defining your people right now.
So there's prophecy number one. Apparently they're reading Acts 27. OK. One of the things that the
Lord showed me regarding that, he said the prodigals are returning, but they're shaking off some things that we make sure that we're not like the prodigals are returning and they've shaken off some things.
OK. And God showed you this. OK, I'm going to fast forward a little bit here.
More of the Fly Girls. Actually, I think we already saw those.
Hang on. There we go. OK, this is from 11 -18, so November 18th.
Also the New Holy Spirit era service there at Gloria. He's a mighty one of Israel and his voice will be heard.
His voice will be heard. He's a mighty one of Israel.
Yeah, more demonstration of the proof that God exists. You know, it's good to know that if you, you know, did tall or short flags in band in high school and you need to pull those things out and use them again, you know, you could just join
Glory of Zion and you'd fit right in. I think that's one of the continuing things.
All right. More prophecy now, proof God exists. This is the spirit of action, because we need the word and the spirit, you know, all the way through Acts.
In this case, it's true as well. You cannot fear their faces. You have to state what the
Lord is saying and he will put the the rightness of the testimony.
He will support his word. He will make a way for you when you prophesy something, when you've heard the
Lord say and you say it and you don't compromise, you just say it, then it will it will rule in that place long after you've gone.
I know I've heard Marty and. Anyone know what she's saying?
I have no clue what any of this Janice and any of you others here say something and I think, oh, that was
God. I need to obey what that was. It doesn't matter where you are or what you are.
It's like, how do I obey something that doesn't make any lucid sense? I know
I heard God through that person. So we're always looking for the voice. So if you've got a voice, somebody is crying out for the truth that you have, that the
Lord has released in you. People are crying out in the world for the word that comes from the voice that moves through you.
The world's crying out for this. And no, no, no, no,
I don't I don't think so. So, Lord, I decree right now we're going to be more aware of your voice, being able to go to where you're sending it, not necessarily in front of a big group of people, but in the community, in every place we step in, everybody that we come in contact with, we're carrying the light and we're carrying the voice.
And Lord, I say I decree now that we will be quick to release what you have for us.
All right, so they're going to be quick to release a voice. All right, let's see.
And just like God told Paul, I've given you all these people on this ship.
Jesus was standing before God in the garden, he said, all you've given me,
I'll lose none of them. Now, by the way, this is a demonstration of the existence of God.
This is this powerful signs, wonders, prophetic word stuff is going to bring your neighbors to their knees going, there is a
God, you know, at least that's how Michael Brown thinks about all that you have given me.
I lose none of it. I feel like the Lord is saying that you need to begin to claim those that he has given you.
I need to claim those that God has given me. OK, so I'm going to lose none of them.
I'm going to lose none of them. I'm not giving up a single one. If one falls over the cliff,
I will leave the ninety nine like Jesus did and I will go out. I don't think the parable of the ninety nine in the lost sheep, that the sheep went over a cliff.
Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's not in the. And I will find that one and bring them back. But we say of all you have given us, we lose none of them.
We I mean, Jesus, all of those whom the father has given,
Christ loses none of them. Why are you making this a wee thing? And the god of peace will soon crush
Satan underneath its feet. Oh, no, is he going to do a rap? And the god of peace will soon push
Satan underneath it, and the god of peace was such underneath his feet and the god of peace was so unsacred to underneath it.
Of all you have given me, Lord, I lose no one.
Of all you have put in my charge, I lose none of them. Of all you have given me,
Lord, I lose none of them. Yeah, this will bring any atheist to his knees in repentance.
I'm pretty sure they're passing off the mic here. Yes, yes, yes.
More here.
Let's see what this is. In Acts 27 and 27, it says that the sealers sensed that they were coming to grind.
They sensed it, but they were fearful. So in Acts 27, it's the account of the
Apostle Paul being transported to Rome via ship, and there's a shipwreck and stuff.
It's a historical narrative. What are you doing with this? And it was dark, and they put down four anchors.
Who knows that four means an open door? They left down four anchors, so that means four means an open door.
I believe God is opening an effectual door for the church of Jesus Christ in this season, and they cried out, and they prayed, they dropped anchor, and they prayed that the day would come.
And who knows that God moves in seasons and cycles. And I ask the Lord, these dark days,
Father, where are we? And we have come in full cycle, and I heard the Holy Spirit say to me, We're back into the days like the days of judges, where everyone was doing what was right in their own eyes.
Yeah, kind of like in this church. And who knows when you start to do that, there's only one who's good.
God is the only one who's good. The devil started with Eve in the garden, and he said, Take up this tree, that the fruit,
I know, will show you the difference between good and evil, but there's only one good. And no matter how good it seems to man, there is only one who's righteous.
And the Lord says there may be dark days, and just like those sailors praying for the day, this is the day for the bride of Christ to rise up.
This is the day that those that you're journeying with will look to you, and we will find the security as we drop the anchor in prayer, and God will give us direction in the days that are ahead.
And in the days of the judges, they cried out for a king. And the Lord says to me, Sharon, there's a king coming.
And when the king comes this time, there's judgment. But the same king that's coming is the same
Boaz that was in the field for Ruth. Boaz and Ruth now are making an appearance in this nonsensical prophecy here.
And I say to you, the bride of Christ, your provider, your kinsman redeemer, is in the field for you in this season, and you have not to be afraid.
And he wants this bride to rise up, and God is going to stretch me right now, but I feel
I have to sing something over you. Can I sing something over you? No, no, please don't.
No, no. Can I sing something? Can you just bring it to me? Stop! Stop! No!
Rise up, my lovely, my fair one, my bride.
Now is the time to walk by my side.
The rain, it's all gone, and the winter is past.
The days of singing are here at last.
Come away, come away, come away, my love.
Come away, come away, come away. The sound of the turtle does herd in our land.
The fig tree is green. Yeah, I see atheists repenting in droves after they see this on the
Internet. What a powerful demonstration of the existence of God.
And the wine makes us glad. Out from the cliffs and the mountains he comes.
The voice of my true love, the voice of the one.
Come away, come away, come away, my love.
Come away, come away, come away. What I heard the
Lord say is that you are the fire. You are the fire.
You are the fire. And I'm putting some things in the fire. I'm putting some things in the fire.
I don't want God to put me in a fire. No, that's hell. There's a lake of that stuff that you want to avoid.
You don't want to be put in it. That's bad. I'm putting some things in the fire.
I'm putting some things in the fire. Let the fire rise.
Oh, let the fire rise. Let the fire rise.
Let the fire rise. I mean, you'd think if God the
Holy Spirit was behind this inspired prophetic singing that at least he'd pick a good melody and give these women some musicality so that it would be, you know, impressive, you know.
I see it. You are the fire. You are the fire.
You are the fire. Is that a demon manifesting in front of them? Oh, the Fly Girls are coming back.
Sorry, sorry. You are the fire. Hey! You are the fire.
You are the fire. You are the fire. You are the fire.
Let it rise! Come on, let it rise!
Let the fire rise. Let the fire rise. It sounds like the tongues of Mordor there, you know.
All right, let's fast forward a little bit more.
Let's see here. Okay, I'll fast forward past that.
Let's take a look at this last segment here. Things have settled down now here.
We've gone from angry tribal to something a little bit more calm. They're throwing bridal veils around or something like that.
Let just be the
Lord would say it. Stay on the ship. What?
So you feel the Lord would say. He's not saying it for sure, but he would say it, that we need to stay on the ship.
Apparently their inspired text is, you know, from Acts 27, the shipwreck on Malta. As you read on at the time where the sailors were afraid and prayed for the daylight to come.
There's nothing worse than being in a storm in the dark. Yeah, it's terrible.
And I just sense that in this season, it's going to be a bumpy landing for the church.
As we come into what God has for us. We may not just come into the harbor, glide in nicely, park up and climb up the steps.
I'm not on a ship. What God has for us. But he just encourages you today.
Stay in the ship. I'm not on a ship. I don't need to stay in one.
In the ship, it's not just the voice of Paul. It's the voice of our captain, the Lord Jesus Christ.
It brings calm and direction. And I think as a body of Christ, we've got to encourage one another in our churches.
Look out for those who look like they're about to jump ship. All I can say is if you're a
Gloria Zion, jump ship, leave immediately. We'll be there to catch you. Get around them, encourage them and say no matter what your storm is, we're in it with you.
We're going through this journey together. And none of us will perish. Yeah, so I think you get the point.
And Michael Brown is convinced that we need both the word and the spirit. And this kind of stuff that we just saw here, it demonstrates the power of God and will lead and convince atheists that they need to repent on their knees and cry out to Christ for the forgiveness of their sins.
Yet scripture says faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. And none of these people said anything. In fact, the only time we ever heard
God's word was in the small bits, and I mean tiny bits, where they actually said something from the book of Acts correctly.
Those were the bits we were hearing the voice of God. The rest of the time, that wasn't
God speaking. That was Looney Tunes. So anyway, I think you get the point.
Scripture is very clear that all scripture is God -breathed, profitable for correcting, for teaching, for rebuking, for training in righteousness so the man of God may be equipped and complete for every good work.
Yeah, Christianity needs this kind of stuff as badly as you need malaria.
So hopefully you found this helpful. If so, all the information you can share the video is down below in the description and a reminder, as always, fighting for the faith.
We're supported by the people we serve. That's you. So if you're finding that this is a resource that is beneficial for you in teaching your discernment, properly understanding the word of God, and how to refute those who have drifted from it into strange, weird, man -made doctrines and myths, then please join our crew and support us.
All the information on how to support us, again, is down below. So until next time, may God richly bless you in the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ and His vicarious death on the cross for all of your sins.