Why Audience Questions Should Be Banned


I have often complained that audience questions provide the slow death of an otherwise clear and good debate. Here is graphic evidence of the truthfulness of my statement.


a father is only perfect God yet God the son is perfect God and perfect man either he's greater or he has a defect.
Alright, thank you. Yes sir, your question. Yes, good evening. I would like to be able to say
I greet everybody in the blessings of peace. I raised up in my household as a good
Christian. Who is this addressed to please? It's addressed to this gentleman right here. Dr.
White? Dr. White. My mother up to the day she's still a good Christian and I was raised in the church as a young man and for some reason or another while I was coming up there was some kind of thing that came over me.
I wanted, one day I was reading and I wanted to know what was the color of Jesus?
Now, not to say Somebody assist him with that mic.
I can answer. I wanted to know what was the color of Jesus because the reason why because from the time
I was a little boy and I raised up in the Virgin Islands I always had a beautiful white Jesus in my house with long hair, beautiful and everything and my parents they raised me in a real good manner but every time we went to church there was always a white
Christian church and a black Christian church. So I wanted to understand when was going to be the relation coming together but let me just go on to really conclude what
I'm really trying to say. Please ask a question. Yes I am. He made a statement he made a statement that nowhere in the
Bible it said that God is one but here what it says of the 10th commandment.
It says Moses summons all of Israel and said hear oh
Israel the decree and law I declare in hearing today learn them.
This is the Bible now. Learn them and be sure to follow them. The Lord your
God made a covenant with us at Herban. It was not your father that the
Lord made this covenant but with us with all of us who are alive today.
The Lord spoke He said face to face. Your question sir? Okay let me ask you. It says again I am your
Lord God who brought you out of Egypt out of the land of slavery. You shall have no other gods beside me.
Amen. Finish hold up because it didn't say I don't see you say Jesus it said beside me and this is before Jesus was born.
This is the laws of Moses now okay before Jesus was born so he couldn't be talking about Jesus. Okay please ask a question please don't teach.
Okay let me go on to the next part. What I wanted to say again I'm almost there.
I'm almost there. I'm almost there. Just give me a minute. I'm almost there. Am I gonna have to call a bouncer? Ask the question sir.
Okay. Alright. I want to know again was Jesus as you say he's the
Son of God was the Son of God a black man or a white man? The Son of God Jesus Christ was a
Palestinian Jew sir in response to the other passages I believe the Shema I asserted the
Shema in my opening presentation Christians are monotheists as I pointed out there is a difference however between oneness of being and oneness of person and when we allow all of scripture to teach us when we don't determine that well one saying
God is one means that I'm going to reject everything in the Bible that teaches me that the Father the Son the
Spirit are one and they're sharing that divine nature when we allow scripture to teach us we recognize that Jesus did eternally exist
John 1 1 in the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God the scriptures plainly teach that and in fact they so plainly teach it that my opponent this evening has to say those passages were not originally written under the inspiration the
Holy Spirit but when we allow scripture to speak for scripture Christians believe the
Shema they are monotheists but since we accept all that God says and not just a part we recognize that the scriptures teach us the doctrine of the
Trinity and as far as what his color was as I said he was a Palestinian Jew sir I'm sorry you had a white