Persecuted Christians | Apologia Radio Highlight


In this Apologia Radio highlight, we talk with Dennis Green, one of 10 Christians facing federal prosecution for holding a rescue at a clinic in Nashville. This is one of several cases where the Biden administration is going after Christians for trying to save babies. For more information go to... Be sure to like, share, and comment on this video. You can get more at : You can partner with us by signing up for All Access. When you do you make everything we do possible and you also get exclusive content like Collision, The Aftershow, Ask Me Anything w/ Jeff Durbin and The Academy, etc. You can also sign up for a free account to receive access to Bahnsen U. We are re-mastering all the audio and video from the Greg L. Bahnsen PH.D catalogue of resources. This is a seminary education at the highest level for free. #ApologiaStudios Follow us on social media here: Facebook: Instagram: Check out our online store here:


We are actually going to have on Mr. Green in a moment here. He is one of the many people who are being dealt with right now with a tyrannical justice system.
You guys may have heard about the people who were standing in the way of abortion clinics to try to preserve lives.
And I want to say, as as we get to this discussion, our position on this has been clear for many, many years, though we disagree with the methodology of the rescue movement of, you know, like blocking abortion mill doors and those sorts of things.
We don't think it's effective. We don't think that it's ultimately wise.
And what's happening here is is an indication of what we were getting at. It'll take you off the mission field unnecessarily.
You can do better, we think, outside of abortion mills by by following the law and still saving lives.
I mean, if you stand in front of an abortion mill front door, they're going to bring the girls to the back door. That's what they've done historically. So we don't agree with the methodology of the rescue movement and what they've done.
However, we believe that God is still glorified in the lives of these Christians who have given up so much to preserve the lives of the preborn.
And so we are standing with them prayerfully. We do think this is tyranny. We do think what's happening to them is evil.
It is unjust. And we know that God is pleased in terms of their heart and what they've tried to do.
And so we're going to have Mr. Green on. Mr. Green is actually Gabe, our tech right now in the tech room.
It's it's Gabe's dad. So Gabe works for us. Apology to studios. And this is his dad. We're talking to Denny Green right now.
Denny is one of how many, Denny? In Nashville, there was ten of us.
Ten. OK. And in D .C. Nine. Nine. OK. So you may have heard the news stories or read about the news stories about the
Christians who stood outside of the abortion mills and who are right now in a justice system that is now just simply punishing them.
So, Denny, could you explain to everybody what happened and where you're at right now? Sure. Well, what happened was we had what's known as a rescue called a rescue in Mount Juliet, Tennessee, in March of twenty one.
And where a bunch of Christians went into the facility that housed an abortion clinic and in the hallway worship, saying, prayed as our counselors spoke with women who would be coming to the abortion clinic.
And it stayed closed for about two hours. And the police ended up placing us under arrest.
And at this point, we have been convicted and we're awaiting sentencing
July 2nd and 3rd. And we'll see what happens. But right now we're charged with violating face and also a charge, which is crazy.
It's from the 1870s, I believe. Conspiracy against rights or conspiracy against civil rights.
There was a law passed to address the
KKK discriminating against and doing things to get freed African -Americans.
Goodness gracious. Like abortions. First ever. Exactly. That's amazing,
Denny. Well, first of all, we are praying for you, brother, and we're so sorry. This is happening to you. Can you explain everybody what the face act is?
What is that? Freedom to Access Clinic Entrances Act. And that was passed, I believe, in ninety four under the
Clinton administration. And if you remember back in the 80s and early 90s, there were close to 80, 90 ,000 arrests.
It was much larger, larger than the whole civil rights movement of believers going to the doors of abortion clinics and prayerfully sitting down, peacefully praying and shutting clinics down.
Face was passed to address that, to make it a serious crime.
And that pretty much crushed the rescue movement. Right. Not completely.
But it was it was tough. Yeah. Yeah. John Piper was part of that. And he was arrested, I think, 11 times.
Wasn't James arrested? I think. Yeah. And Pastor James was as well. Isn't it actually a racketeering law?
Isn't that technically what it is? The face? Yeah. No, there was also Rico.
Yes. That's what I said. Had been charged with that. But yes, that's with us. Gotcha. All right.
So I did see a couple of articles come down of some of the sentencing that's happening.
People are getting five years and more. Danny, do you know what you're facing? Facing up to ten and a half years.
The with the D .C. group, there were a different group than us, led differently, completely.
Only one individual was also in our group. She's a believer,
Heather Adoni. And they were charged the same as us, but they were said to be violent only because a clinic worker tripped and fell or or something like that.
They were not violent. But because that happened, they held them since last August.
They've been locked up for nine months. We're just sentenced. And they'll complete their sentences. With us,
I would you never know. You really don't know. But it is a liberal judge. She was a
I believe she was a Clinton appointee. She was clearly during the trial made it known that she was against us.
Didn't like what we stood for. But we didn't have that thing over our head of so -called violence.
So hopefully our sentences, all we can do is hope would be less than the
D .C. sentences. We do know that the Justice Department requested or what was the word they put in a get it right.
They put in a sentencing guidelines. They were requesting anywhere from six and a half years, two years to six and a half years for the
D .C. people. I don't know how that'll, you know, work its way over to us,
Nashville. All right. So what's the date of sentencing, brother? July 2nd and 3rd.
July 2nd and 3rd. OK. How can we be praying for you, Denny? Honestly, just pray that the father would be glorified in a big way.
We would hope that through what's happening, more light is shined on child sacrifice and more people will be aware of what's going on.
Not as concerned about us individually, but for the cause itself and that God would receive glory.
And of course, we don't want to go to prison. We all have families. But pray that we'll have short sentences or we won't have to do prison time.
But ultimately, the God would be glorified. Honestly, that's that's what I would ask. Absolutely, brother.
Denny, how many kids you have? Thirteen. Thirteen kids. How many grandkids? Thirteen.
Thirteen and thirteen. Right on. Well, we're praying for you, brother. And we're grateful for your commitment and passion to want to glorify
God, to preach the gospel and to to highlight the evil of child sacrifice.
We know that God is pleased with what you've put forth and and the reason that you've done what you're doing.
So we're grateful for you, brother. You know, thank you, bro. Thank you very much, Denny. That's a weighty way to end that.
Yeah. Yeah. So, listen, if you guys would make sure you pray for Denny and the other brothers and sisters who are involved right now with the
Nashville situation. You know, whatever disagreements are had in terms of methodology, you have brothers and sisters in Christ who have been trying desperately to save lives and to lay their lives down for the cause of Christ and for the sake of another.