Conspiracy Theories and Naivete - Christian Perspective

AD Robles iconAD Robles




All right, another Friday. I have had a great week. I hope you have had a good week as well.
It's been, there's been ups, there's been downs, there's been anger, there's been joy, there's been frustration, and there's been happiness.
I don't know, but I wanted to talk about something conspiracy theory related.
It's not about a specific conspiracy theory, but it's about my feelings towards a certain type of anti -conspiracy theory person.
And, you know, I'll just give you my take on it, and you can do with it what you please.
I took, I did a few interesting polls this week. I think they were interesting, and one in particular has yielded some interesting results.
Early in the morning, I said that, where was it?
I should have been prepared for this. Ah, okay. In your opinion, do you view modern evolutionary biology as a deliberate attempt to replace
God's creation account with a replacement myth? And almost 90 % of you said yes, you do.
You think that the story of evolution and the science of evolution is an attempt by the scientists to try to replace
God in the story of creation. They want to have a different creation story, and so they've come up with this science to explain how we got here and why we're here and all that kind of stuff.
90 % of you think that, and that's interesting because that would require a lot of scientists sort of, you know, seeing what they want to see.
You know what I mean? Obviously, if evolution is not true, that's not how we got here.
There's a whole lot of people making a whole lot of money and doing a whole lot of research that is ultimately incorrect, but they've got ways to make it seem really correct to a lot of people.
That's interesting. That is personally my opinion. I think clearly evolutionary science is an attempt to replace
God as the creator, and so the science is false and the conclusions are false and all of that kind of stuff, which kind of sounds strangely like a conspiracy theory to me, but I'm just a regular guy.
What do I know? 90 % of you agree, though, that modern evolutionary biology is a deliberate attempt to replace the creation story in Genesis.
Then later in the day, I asked the same question, except I replaced modern evolutionary biology with modern astronomy.
So I said the science of astronomy and some of the conclusions that they reach and stuff like that, is it a deliberate attempt to replace the fact that the heavens declare the glory of God with a different kind of declaration?
Now, I don't know what that declaration is. I'm just saying it's a replacement, and what's interesting about this is less than half of you agree that modern astronomy is a deliberate attempt to replace the fact that the heavens declare the glory of God.
That is interesting. There's a really big difference there, and I'm not really sure how to explain that or what to attribute that difference to.
It certainly feels different to me. Now, here's what I would totally agree with evolutionary biology as trying to replace
God in the creation story with a different myth. I do agree that a lot of modern astronomy tries to do the same thing.
Instead of looking up and seeing the heavens declare the glory of God, they're trying to make those heavens declare something else.
So I would have voted yes on this one as well, but it certainly seems different to me.
I don't feel as strongly about it, and I don't feel as sure about it, if that makes sense, and I think that is reflected by a lot of you.
You probably voted in both polls, and less than half of you think astronomy is the same way.
I saw a lot of people trying to explain this, and I liked all of your ideas. I thought there was some truth in a lot of your ideas.
If you want to find out why—because I asked, I said, why do you think there's such a discrepancy here on my Twitter? A lot of people had some interesting ideas.
Someone had a funny one. They said that Darwin had a worse PR department than NASA.
That was a good one. I like that one. I like that one. And some people said, well, in evolution,
Darwin's like a personified person that's kind of like an enemy of Christianity, so maybe that's it.
There's really no personification of astronomy in the same way. I don't know. There's a few different—I don't know what the difference is, but it certainly seems different to me as well.
I would have voted yes for both, but it seems different. The heavens declare the glory of God.
We look at the sky, we look at the sun and the moon, and we're just like, wow, God is amazing.
So many of us do that, but scientists have created something else up there.
They've created something else up there. Lots of vast, empty space, and then just distances that you can't even wrap your mind around.
They just mean nothing because it's just so vast and so empty.
It's just craziness. But at the same time, I heard Owen Benjamin say this.
It's so insane. There's just emptiness up there, but at the same time, everything's up there.
There's so much stuff up there at the same time that there's emptiness up there. So it's like this weird, almost spiritual thing.
There's nothing there, and there's everything there. And that certainly seems kind of weird to me.
I don't know. I mean, I don't really know what to make of it. But the Bible says the heavens declare the glory of God.
I saw some people say that the more we find out about space, the more it declares God's glory.
And while I sympathize with that, I kind of agree. Why couldn't the evolutionary Christian that believes in evolution say the same thing?
Well, the more we find out about the process of evolution, the more it declares the glory of God. And we wouldn't really buy that.
So many of us wouldn't buy that anyway. But yet they could say the same thing that we say about astronomy. So I don't know.
It seems different to me. But at the same time, I want to vote yes on both of them.
I think that modern astronomy does try to replace the fact that the heavens declare the glory of God with some other kind of declaration.
There's nothing up there, but then there's everything up there as well. That's a weird kind of a spiritual statement that doesn't really seem to jive with what
I hear from the scripture. Now, I can't talk about this stuff without talking about conspiracy theories.
Lots of people are very scared to be labeled a conspiracy theorist. And that's an intentional thing.
The whole idea of labeling something a conspiracy theory is to make the person that you label that discredited.
And a lot of people are very afraid to be discredited. I'm definitely at this point not afraid to be discredited.
People have called me all kinds of things that are not true. I'm used to it at this point. So I'm not afraid. Well, let me be honest, though.
I'm not afraid to a certain degree to be labeled a conspiracy theorist or to be labeled a racist or whatever.
But at the same time, there are lines that I don't want to cross myself. And I don't want people to say things about me of certain degree.
And I can't help it. There are certain things that do get to me. You don't get any ideas. You know, Christine Pack and R.
Scott Clark and Jules Diner, nothing you say bothers me. But anyway, so listen,
I don't have the same aversion towards conspiracy theorists as a lot of people do. But there are there is something about conspiracy theories that bugs me.
And it's when somebody is so against conspiracy theories that they can't even admit when something is really weird, like it raises all kinds of questions.
They won't even admit that. Like, I'll give you a perfect example. I was talking to Matt Williams last night. And you know,
I'm sure you know about moon landing conspiracy theories. People think that the whole
Apollo program was just faked, right? And there's a lot of interesting reasons why people think that if you've never looked into it, it's definitely interesting.
You should look into it. But I don't need you to be a conspiracy theory theorist about that.
But I do need you to admit that there are some weird things that don't really seem to have legitimate explanations.
And doesn't mean that we didn't go to the moon. It's just something that you have to admit. It's weird. I'll give you a perfect example with the moon landing.
The official story is that we went to the moon. But since then, we've lost all of the data, all the telemetry data, and we destroyed the technology that got us there.
And it's too hard to make that technology now for us to go back. And also, we don't really want to go back.
What would be the point to go back? And that's the official story. Like, we lost and we threw out the telemetry data somehow, or we recorded over the tapes or something.
We just don't have it anymore. You have to admit that's a little weird. And then, of course, the idea that we wouldn't want to go back to the moon.
Oh, it's just a dusty, you know, it's just like Arizona. It's just dusty. There's nothing up there. Why would we want to go back up there?
That's a little weird thing to say from people who will simultaneously tell you that us getting there was the most important achievement man has ever accomplished.
Like, those things don't jive. That's very weird. And if you can't admit that it's weird that we threw out our data, and we don't have the technology to do it, if you can't even admit that that makes you ask questions, that's a little strange, then you're not operating in reality.
You're not operating in reality. You are a slave to authority figures. Like, you just aren't thinking clearly if you can't admit that that's bizarre.
You know what I mean? And another perfect example that I've been using is the Epstein stuff, you know?
If you don't think that, like, this guy gets caught for being a pedophile, he's got all these important friends, people that have a lot to lose that were with him on his pedophile airplane in this pedophile island, then he gets thrown in jail, and then he mysteriously, the cameras don't work, and he ends up killing himself, right?
Like, if you don't think that that's a bunch of coincidences, that's a little strange, it makes you want to ask some questions, like, that's not something that raises eyebrows for you.
Like, you're not operating in reality. You're just not. And so when it comes to conspiracy theory, you don't need to be a conspiracy theorist with me.
But if you're so against conspiracy theories that you can't even admit that something's a little strange, like, you've got some problems.
You just listen to daddy a little too much, you know what I mean? You just believe everything that you're told, you're naive to the highest order.
I think this is about atheists too, you know? People that don't believe in God. And you're telling me that the sun is way bigger than the moon, but when you look at them in the sky, they're like basically the same size, so much so that we can have eclipses, that the moon passes in front of the sun and it blocks out all the light.
Like, that's a pretty big coincidence that you're telling me these things are different sizes, but yet they look exactly the same in the sky.
And the reason is, of course, that the sun is, you know, 400 times further away than the moon, even though it's 400 times bigger.
So the ratios are almost perfect. So they look exactly the same size in the sky.
I'm going to relate this to my social justice content and the SBC content. You're going to tell me, if you're one of these guys that heard about, you know,
Al Mueller firing these conservatives and then trying to twist their arm to sign an NDA by kind of withholding benefits unless they did, if you're not even willing to be honest enough to say, that stinks, that's weird that a
Christian would fire someone and then want them to sign an NDA in order to get benefits.
Like, if you're not even willing to say that's a little odd, we should probably look into that. You're not operating in reality.
You're not operating in reality. Please come join us. It's fun to operate in reality. It's really relaxing to know that you don't have to lie about things.
When things are strange, you can say, yeah, that's strange. You don't have to come up with weird theories and stuff like that.
You can just say, guys, can we get to the bottom of this? That's actually a really nice place to be. Can we just get to the bottom of this?