Most Modern Christians Would CANCEL Charles Spurgeon!

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Hey guys, Colin here, and welcome back to the channel where the Bible and critical thinking meet to give you real
Christian commentary about the things that matter. Thanks so much for watching, let's get into the video. So Charles Spurgeon was an
English Reformed Baptist preacher who preached in the late 1800s. Now, many evangelicals, even those who attend seeker -sensitive and hyper -charismatic churches, they say that they love
Charles Spurgeon and that they deeply appreciate his teaching ministry. But I will make the case for you in today's video that they usually only say this because they really have no idea what
Spurgeon actually taught, for the most part. Or at least, they haven't been confronted with Spurgeon's most controversial teaching.
When it comes to the majority of solid preachers who preached during Spurgeon's time, I don't think most modern professing
Christians would like them much either. So let me show you what I mean using three examples. Let's just compare some of the actual quotes of Charles Spurgeon to the prevailing beliefs of most modern churches.
That will tell us the answer here. Number one, Charles Spurgeon is quoted as having once said the following, "...there
is dust enough on some of your Bibles to write damnation with your fingers." This is not to say that reading your
Bible is what saves you, and it should not be read that way. What Spurgeon is saying here is that there are many professing
Christians who seem to have little to no interest in reading or following their Bible. And these people should be deeply afraid of their situation because they seem to have lost respect for the
Word of God, the Word that they claim to believe in. After all, John 14 -15 says, "...if
you love me, you will keep my commandments." And in Joshua 1 -8, Joshua is told the following by God, "...this
book of the law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it."
So my question is this. If you claim to love the preaching of people like Charles Spurgeon, would you honestly say that you approve of what he said in this quote?
I'm here to inform you, ladies and gentlemen, that this kind of comment from Charles Spurgeon would not be allowed in probably over 90 % of churches today.
If this was preached at Stephen Furtick's church, or Joel Osteen's church, or T .D. Jakes' church, for example, the person who preached it would most likely, and I am making an inference here, but they would most likely never be allowed to preach at that church ever again.
They might even be asked to give a formal apology. They might even have to make a public statement redacting what they said.
And I don't say this on the basis of no evidence at all. Rather, I say it on the basis of the fact that these ministries really don't have a habit of preaching things that would be unpopular or convicting.
And this brings me to example number two. Charles Spurgeon is also quoted as saying the following, quote, concerning homosexuality, this once brought hell out of heaven on Sodom, end quote.
Here he directly condemns homosexuality and he even emphasizes the fact that it's a sinful behavior and like all sinful behaviors, it is worthy of a severe punishment from God.
In the city of Sodom, the whole society was overrun with homosexuality and other wicked sexual sins.
In response, Genesis 19 .24 says that God, quote, then rained on Sodom and Gomorrah sulfur and fire from the
Lord out of heaven, end quote. The Lord utterly destroyed the city. So in response to the
LGBT movement, Charles Spurgeon would most definitely have said that, quote, this once brought hell out of heaven on Sodom.
And this kind of harsh rebuking of sin is entirely biblical when offered with a pure heart.
But again, this kind of preaching is just simply not welcome in probably over 90 % of evangelical churches out there.
If your pastor said this, would everyone say yes and amen? Or would people probably come up to him after the service and accuse him of being a legalistic jerk?
Chances are, if you attend a church in the modern United States, the second option is much more probable. And the irony is that many of these exact same churches want to make the case to you that they love the teaching of Charles Spurgeon, but that's probably not the case for most of them if they actually read these quotes.
I believe that most seeker -sensitive churches and trendy churches today would have completely cancelled
Charles Spurgeon and removed his platform. This brings me to point number three. Spurgeon is also quoted as saying the following, quote, a large part of the professing church is nothing better than the world, wrongfully named with Christ's name, end quote.
Here Spurgeon tackles the serious issue of false converts in the church that so often pop up.
He says that many of these people can be identified simply because they're no better than the world. They look like the world, talk like the world, dress like the world in very sinful ways and don't even seem to care that they're not representing
Christ well. Again, my friends, I ask you, would this message be welcome in your church on Sunday?
Would your pastor ever preach something like this? And if he did, what would be the consequence? Most churches, even the ones who claim to love
Spurgeon's teaching, would never dream of preaching such a convicting message. This kind of preaching would be considered too harsh, too unloving, too hurtful to ever preach to a congregation of modern
Christians. But let's not forget that this message itself is entirely biblical. Matthew 7, 21 through 23 says this, quote, not everyone who says to me,
Lord, Lord, will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my father who is in heaven. On that day, many will say to me,
Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and cast out demons in your name and do many mighty works in your name?
And then I, Jesus, will declare to them, I never knew you. Depart from me, you workers of lawlessness, end quote.
Charles Spurgeon's message about false converts echoes that of Scripture. But the truth is, the average seeker -sensitive megachurch would avoid such a message like the plague while they swear up and down that they think
Charles Spurgeon is great. It's also worth mentioning that Charles Spurgeon did not just preach convicting and harsh messages.
He preached the whole counsel of God's Word, as he was required to do as a pastor. So what's my point here when
I highlight these convicting quotes and harsh quotes specifically? My point is this. There's a whole lot of doublespeak that happens in the modern professing church as a result of the sinful flesh.
People say that they respect teachers like Charles Spurgeon. People say that they want to believe all of what the Bible says.
But when someone actually arises who teaches the Word accurately like Charles Spurgeon did, they inevitably decry him as a
Pharisee and a harsh man who's not loving and not compassionate. If Spurgeon was alive today preaching what he preached, chances are that most of the people who claim to appreciate him so much would never associate with him at all.
Preachers like Spurgeon are usually not invited to speak at most modern popular churches today, or invited to speak at their huge Christian conferences.
These people are cancelled and told that they need to change their approach to become more likable, more loving, and more compassionate.
So I want to offer an encouragement here. As Christians, let's believe all of what the Bible says, and let's follow all of what the
Bible says without apologizing. You and I are not innocent in this matter either. As Christians, we know that our flesh will always be fighting against us on this side of eternity, trying to prevent us from hearing and following the entire
Word of God. Galatians 5 .16 says, but I say walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh.
We are all prone to ignore parts of Scripture that would force us to change and adapt to a more biblical worldview or lifestyle.
So next time you hear someone preaching a harsh message, don't let your personal traditions and preferences and emotions get in the way of you listening.
Actually pay attention and see if this message is biblical, and if it is, then believe it and listen to it eagerly.
So let's pray that there would be a reformation in most modern churches, that we would stop ignoring parts of the
Bible that we see as unloving or unpopular when these passages are all still true. Pray that all professing
Christians would turn from any fleshly error and believe the truth of God's Word. Thank you so much for watching.
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