Encouraging Words For Founders Ministry

AD Robles iconAD Robles


The power structure of evangelicalism has responded to the trailer with the quickness. Nothing gets them out of bed faster than a few aggressive sounding words in the name of biblical fidelity. Here are some encouraging words for the brothers.


Oh boy, a video on the fly. I just wanted to make a quick video just to encourage the brothers at the
Founders Ministry, all of the people that are on the side of truth in this debate regarding critical theory, regarding cultural
Marxism, regarding social justice and all of that. You know, I always find this very interesting. I was talking to my brother this morning and my brother finds himself, he's a minister in the
PCA. He finds himself in a bit of a tight spot because on the one hand, he's on the right side of this, he's on the side of truth, but he wants to make sure to be smart about things, make sure to be winsome, but at the same time, he wants to be faithful, right?
And so we were talking earlier about getting pushback from what we say and what we do, and oftentimes it's not the pushback that's actually the surprising thing or the most interesting thing.
You kind of expect what the pushback is gonna be, but what I find most interesting is what is it that gets someone out of bed?
You know, what is it that someone, that gets someone to respond with the quickness? You know what I mean? You know, there are certain things that people take forever to respond to.
This critical theory situation in the SBC is one of them. I mean, it takes people weeks and months and days and days and days to respond to something.
And then when they respond, it's like this very carefully crafted, carefully worded, ultimately nuanced response that isn't really of any value whatsoever, very political.
And it's just like, it takes forever and people find that frustrating. This is common in the PCA, their response time to dangers on the liberal side of the
PCA is annoying. And same thing happens in the SBC. The response time is, it just takes forever.
But you better believe it that when somebody uses aggressive tones, that someone responds with the quickness.
And that's what we have here. That's what we have here. Albert Moller, look, I consider Albert Moller an ally. I know some of the people on my side would not consider him an ally.
I get that, I get why you say it. I do, I think he's on the side of truth here. But this response is so interesting.
It's not the critical theory resolution nine that gets him out of bed to respond with the quickness. Nope, it's not revoice, it's not all these things, it's not the egalitarian that he responds instantly like it.
No, that's kind of stuff takes some careful nuance and careful reflection. No, it's what gets him to respond with the quickness is someone that uses some aggressive sounding words.
It's not even bad words, it's not even mean words. It's just a little bit of a masculine aggression. That's what gets him out of bed in the morning.
That's what's the problem. It's so hurtful when you use mean words and you make people look bad. That's what makes them respond with the quickness.
Wow, but let me just give you some encouragement because this is a good thing. I've often said this, this is
I think, did I get this from Doug Wilson? I get so much from Doug Wilson, honestly. I know a lot of you agree with me.
But here's the thing, man. Here's the thing, I'm sick and tired of playing this reactionary kind of game here where our side needs to react to what the crazy liberals are doing.
You know what, we're not locked in here with you. You're locked in here with us and we're gonna expose this stuff.
And if we have to use some harsh rhetoric, and so be it, that's not a sin. Using harsh rhetoric, that's not a sin.
And so look, I'm glad that we got this kind of a response from Elmore. This is exactly what we need to get.
That's right, this has some aggressive tones in what's going on. You know why? Because this is a war and they've gone too far this time.
This is resolution nine and all this stuff, teaching James Cone in their seminary. This is, they've gone too far.
And now it's time to fight back. And that's what we're gonna do. And so listen, all you people on my side of this, you're gonna be upset with Elmore, I can't stop you.
I get it. And Founders Ministry people, looks like you kicked the hornet's nest.
I think you knew that you were gonna do that with this thing, but I wanna encourage you. You're doing the right thing. We need some real men to lead this.
We need some real men to lead this and say enough is enough. And that's just all there is to it.
We don't play footsie with wolves, okay? We don't bring in poison into the church and say, well, if you only use it as an analytical tool, the poison's okay.
We don't do that. We say enough is enough. We need to be a man and say, this is not gonna happen anymore.
I'm grateful for you guys. God bless you. Keep fighting the good fight, this aggressive rhetoric and things like that.
It's all over the Bible. You cannot read the Bible and say that aggressive sounding words when people are bringing dangerous doctrines into your church is unnecessary.
It's just not biblical in the Old Testament or the New Testament. You guys, this is not,
I know you guys don't relish in this kind of stuff. You have friends that you're talking to and criticizing in this.
I get it, man. It's tough. It's tough stuff, but stay the course because you're doing good work. God bless you.
I'm praying for you, Founders Ministry. I'm praying for you. And I hope that God blesses your work and exposes a lot of the darkness that is sneaking its way in the back door in all of our churches.
Some men will let it happen and sit there and all of that, and some men won't. I'm grateful that you won't.
You see, the reality is, guys, and this is a final encouragement for you, no matter how nice your tone was, it would have been too much for them.
It's not the tone that they object to. It's the message. You could have been as nice as possible because I've done this.
I've done experiments with this in my own stuff where my tone is as nice as possible, and it doesn't matter. People still call you racist.
People still call you a hater. People still say your tone is aggressive. So let me just encourage you. Obviously, your tone is between you and God.
You need to make sure that you're striking the right balance. I'm not saying ignore it, but I want you to ignore the haters, the people that will criticize you no matter what your tone would sound like.