Equipping Eve: Crayolas and Quiet Time


There's a new trend making a colorful splash among Christian women. It's called Bible Art Journaling. What is it, and should you join the movement?


Well, hello ladies and welcome to another episode of the equipping Eve. I'm your host
Aaron Benziger. How is everyone? doing today it is a beautiful wonderful perfect day
To talk about the sufficiency of Christ and the sufficiency of his word
Isn't it? Of course it is every day is perfect for that And so we we like to start with little inspirational quotes around here not every episode
But every now and then I like to just you know go find one of those popular women
Bible teachers that everybody loves so much You know the ones
I'm talking about the ones who have their own shrines at the local quote -unquote Christian bookstore
Yeah, those ones You know those women are very
Inspirational and they say some very thought provoking things so I Thought I would share with you some words of wisdom from the ever -popular
Ever -compromising Rapidly becoming more and more
Wacky Beth Moore over at the website of James Robeson's Life Today Television program
Beth Moore appears on Robeson's program quite a bit and he is aired on TBN and actually
News just broke breaking breaking news. I believe it's on January 6th of 2016
Beth Moore will now have her own television show on TBN so Set your
DVR ladies you won't want to miss that now if you are unfamiliar with Beth Moore Or you're you're not really understanding why you hear a tone of sarcasm in my voice.
Maybe you're new to equipping Eve I do encourage you to go back into the archives of equipping
Eve and actually we will link to it at the blog and You can find the blog if you go to equipping
Eve org or comm you can find a link to the blog there and under Today's episode.
I will link to a previous episode where we have discussed some of Beth Moore's Bible teaching
And I believe that episode is called something to the effect of What happens when we see
Beth Moore teach the Bible? something like that and it's just a biblical critique of some of the teachings of Beth Moore and She's very popular among women and we need to test all things and all people against scripture
And that includes the ones who have a very happy smile the ones who are very energetic and engage us
We still need to test them against scripture and when Beth Moore's teachings are tested against scripture.
She fails her teachings fail and We will link to some articles as well that demonstrate that and compare her words to scripture
That is the key. It's isn't about Making fun of a person or critiquing a person or personality
It's about their teachings and saying does this hold up to God's Word if it doesn't you lose
God's Word wins Every time God's Word is true. It is inspired and errant infallible
It's pure perfect. Holy it is it is adequate to make one wise it is sufficient and That is why we test all things against it
But anyway on that note back to my Sarcastic use of Beth Moore to inspire you for the day
So anyway, I went to James Robeson's website here for his program life today, and he has devotional on here for For the day.
This was dated December 27th, 2015 and It is a devotional written by Beth Moore.
So that's rather interesting That he's he's allowing this woman to teach
So anyway, she ends her devotional the devotional is called audacious obedience
I don't know if she needs to pay a royalty fee to Stephen Furtick who over there at Elevation Church I think he has the the monopoly on the use of the word audacious
So I don't know what kind of fee she had to pay but December 27th, 2015
Audacious obedience by Beth Moore. I won't read the whole thing But I I will
I will share with you how she ends this and she says when you give your heart over to the outrageous
Occupation of the glorious love of God He will flabbergast your mind with a living breathing first Corinthians 2 9
What I did not see and ear did not hear and what never entered the human mind God prepared this for those who love him
So there you go If you give your heart over to the outrageous occupation of the glorious love of God He will flabbergast your mind the living breathing first Corinthians 2 9
I Don't know what that means. I feel like I say that a lot when
I Quote these teachers. I don't understand but you notice how she uses very vivid words
And these evoke a lot of vivid imagery in your mind And and so it just sounds very spiritual and uplifting and inspiring you give your heart over to the outrageous
Occupation of the glorious love of God. He will flabbergast your mind. I mean, hey, that's how you draw people in right there
But it really doesn't actually mean anything. I don't know now this looking here at the
At the footnotes is actually excerpted from her book, which is called audacious so, I don't know if Stephen Furtick knows about this, but he better get on that because we've got a lot of a lot of audaciousness
Audacity going on a lot too much too much going on here
Anyway, that's your inspiring quote for the day ladies Take that and do with it what you will.
So what are we going to talk about? Today, I would like to talk about a movement a
I Don't know that it's actually that new I think it's kind of been going on for a couple of years But it's in a certain circle
Women, of course, I'm seeing this among women. I'm not saying men don't engage in this
Maybe they do it would be a little odd, but it would probably not be completely unheard of But there is a new
Thing, you know a new fad that is appealing to the creative side of women
And I think we need to talk about it at least take a surface level look at it and Consider the implications of Bible art journaling
Bible art journaling and again, this is this is
I think a bigger kind of underground movement than we realize the more I Google it and whatnot the more things
I find and it's getting a little concerning the directions this can go in So I had never heard anything about this
Bible art journaling. What is that? I you know when I hear the word journal I Cringe a little bit.
I know a lot of Christians journal Maybe they have a prayer journal or just write your thoughts down and and there's nothing inherently wrong with that some people like to do that ironically, even though I Consider myself a writer.
I do not enjoy journaling at all. I Tried to journal when
I was young. I tried to journal in high school. I tried to journal in college. I Can't do it.
It's just it's strange to me. It just doesn't flow and But perhaps you could consider a blog a journal.
Maybe that's how I know that's more of my journaling outlet I'm not sure. I guess I just feel like I'd rather focus on Truths that are contained in God's Word and truths that are outside of myself than to just talk about myself fill a book with thoughts of myself, so so journaling has never been my thing and I I bristle a bit at any sort of Christian Sort of journaling not because I think it's inherently wrong or sinful
But because I think it can be portrayed sinfully and wrongly and that is when
It is taught that journaling is a spiritual discipline that you must be doing and if you aren't doing it
You probably aren't spiritual enough. You might need to Examine your faith, etc, etc
And and I say this it might sound a little weird to you But when I was in college that sort of thought came across to me in the teachings of like our dorm
Bible study and some of the teachings that were available to us on campus and So again,
I tried to journal in college and I just couldn't do it and I thought well I'm failing as a Christian because I'm not
Journaling and so it's very discouraging It's like well, I don't like to journal and and I I don't want to journal but now
I'm failing as a Christian now I was not actually saved at the time looking back, but that that doesn't change my feelings about journaling
I don't want to sit down and journal my thoughts about a thing I just want to study the truth.
And so That's why I personally cringe when I hear the word journaling so it makes me want to look into something when
I see that and and ensure that it's not being taught as A command you must be journaling or your spiritual life is awful
And so then I see art journaling and I have not one artistic bone in my body
And so art makes me nervous crafty things make me nervous. They give me hives
So when I saw this thing called Bible art journaling, I thought what is going on?
What what are we doing? And so I clicked on this picture and up appears this picture of someone's
Bible and it's just covered in this A frou -frou fluffy flowery
Painting and words on the pages of scripture You couldn't even read the scripture.
It was just this woman's art And I was it was it was like graffiti in your in her
Bible I'm like what who who destroyed your Bible you poor woman someone got hold of your
Bible and destroyed it. That's awful And so I was just blown away I've never seen anything like this and looked into it and discovered this is a movement this
Bible art journaling and If you look it up, you'll see a lot of pictures you'll see a lot of colors and people are putting again flowers frou -frou very very girly
Things in their Bible and all over the Bible page and it's oftentimes them taking a verse that they liked
Out of context and then you splatter that verse or whatever picture Represents that verse to you all over your
Bible page and now you don't have scripture You have the one scripture you've taken out of context on that page and a bunch of colors and it's it's not
God's Word anymore, it's it's your art journal in your
Bible and so I I tweeted something out about this because I hadn't seen anything like it and My friend
Elizabeth over at the end time blog she She took a look into it and she's a more creative artsy person than I But she took a look into it and shared some of her concerns as well
About this particular movement and Will link to her
Her article on the blog as well She makes an interesting point without reading through her entire article it's quite lengthy
But she makes the point that Bible art journaling is ultimately a diversion, you know, so it's diverting you it's it's
Distracting you from the Word of God and she gives a good quote by Richard Baxter the
Puritan Who had a very high view of the Bible and Richard Baxter? Wrote quote the reading of the
Word of God and the explication and application Of it in good books is a means to possess the mind with sound orderly and working apprehensions of God and of his holy truths so that in such reading our
Understandings are oft illuminated with a heavenly light and our hearts are touched with a special delightful relish of that truth
And they are secretly attracted and engaged unto God and all the powers of our souls are excited and animated to a holy obedient life
And Elizabeth goes on then and Says I do not believe that painting butterflies on my
Bible's pages is an encounter with Jesus doing so incrementally adulterates it Alters it and then slowly degrades the high view we should have of it
The Bible is not an art project and I would give a hearty amen there to Elizabeth's conclusion
And so you're thinking yeah butterflies on your Bible people aren't doing this. This is this is wacky
You're you're making this up Google it no We're not making this up.
So I see a lot of Websites linking back to a website called
Illustrated Faith And I don't know if this woman started this phenomenon or not
I can't quite go back to the original the originator of the Bible art journaling movement but at Illustrated Faith the
Owner over there, her name is Shanna Noel and She writes about herself.
I've always had a passion for capturing the little details I want to remember ten years from now when
I discovered paper scrapbooking through Studio Calico in the summer of 2012 I fell in love with the whole process
But it wasn't until I started using my journaling Bible that I really felt the meaning behind what I was creating
I was extremely nervous to share my new form of worship as I wasn't sure how people would react to it looking back
I'm so glad I listened to the whisper that God put on my heart. Does your heart have ears?
Why is God whispering to everybody's heart? I feel like this doesn't happen to me, and I'm very thankful Looking back.
I am so glad that I listened to the whisper that God put on my heart says Shanna Noel To share with you all because from the moment
I shared that first post on my blog in early 2014 has been a wildfire that just keeps growing
By sharing that I was documenting my faith right there in my Bible it turned the light bulb on for so many women
Yes, it's okay to use the God the gifts God has given you to glorify him
So God whispered on her heart to draw pictures of flowers and butterflies in her
Bible so Another website
Rebecca R. Jones calm And says this website helps you encounter
Jesus through creativity You don't encounter Jesus through your creativity you encounter
Jesus through the Word of God Do you want to know about Jesus don't sit down and draw a picture and maybe
God gifted you with artistic talent That's amazing share that absolutely you can glorify him with that That's not how you encounter him you encounter the
Lord Jesus Christ in his Word You want to know Jesus? He's given you a lot of pages 66 books.
Okay. There's a lot of them and They all point to Christ. Why is that not good enough for you?
Why do you have to get your crayons out in order to encounter Jesus? Why is the
Word of God not sufficient for you? Because that's what you're saying when you're saying that you need to encounter
Jesus through creativity So Rebecca R. Jones Says that Bible art journaling is part of the growing
Illustrated faith and Bible doodling movement where many are creating on the pages of their
Bible The idea is to engage more freely with the Word of God in new ways and to record
Personally inspiring scriptures in creative and artistic ways which serve to remind us of moments in our personal journey with God So here we are taking these verses out of context again
But it reminds you of your personal journey, so it must be okay and so Rebecca Jones has a
Bible art journaling challenge where you can Meditate on God's Word through creative play.
That's the key Now to her credit she says this challenge is not about combining our devotional time or reading plans as a community
But she does give this challenge of drawing in your Bible So many days a week or whatever so That is all a means of encountering
Jesus through creativity She says that God is calling the many nations of his people to share his creativity with the world
Maybe God is calling us to preach the Word in season and out of season
But the time is coming When they will not endure sound doctrine
Another website that is all about this Bible journaling Bible art journaling
It's called thinkingcloset .com And the writer here says when
I first discovered the journaling Bible and illustrated faith hashtags on Instagram Instagram it blew my mind
You see since I got my first teen study Bible in middle school I've always written and doodled in the margins of my
Bibles I'm a visual learner And if I don't engage with a text or sermon by moving my pen chances are good that I won't remember any of it ten
Minutes later Seriously, it's like I have amnesia now. Let me pause here Ladies and say
I'm not condemning you if you underline or highlight or take notes in your Bible We do have to be careful of that and I say this from experience
You know you highlight a verse and you come back to it later and that verse is what stands out to you But the whole context the whole passage is important And we know that we need to be careful about taking verses out of context that being said
I do write in my Bible with pencil I moved away from using pen some time ago and Starting to doodle in your
Bible, I think maybe then indicates a lack of focus on the
Word of God At the same time some people retain things by doing something else
You know and to an extent I'm one of those people I can Identify with this woman who says that she does not engage with a text or sermon by moving my pen chances are good
I won't remember any of it ten minutes later. I take notes sermon notes largely because it helps
Reinforce the truths in my mind if I write it down by hand And I've even found in my my
College my undergraduate and graduate coursework when I take notes by computer by typing
I do not retain it as well as writing with a pen and things like that have been proven That's just how we retain information, so I I don't
I'm not trying to Disparage any any of that any sort of note -taking or anything to that effect
But this is concerning this mindset of these people who do this Bible art journaling now the same author here at Thinkingcloset .com
I want you to see how she Starts out her post She writes there's an artistic movement sweeping the margins of Bibles everywhere, and I'm joining in Now she writes before we go any further
I wanted to acknowledge that some of you may find the Bible offensive Or maybe you have an aversion to it for whatever reason or maybe you want to get into reading it
But it's a struggle to understand or even believe that's okay We're all unique people at different points in our life journey, and I won't judge you for that That's not what this is about but see she has just stopped there she has just Brushed past the most important thing if someone finds the
Bible offensive They are not saved if someone has an aversion to the Bible They are not saved or they're in Deep sin if they have been saved and are avoiding the
Word of God because they're convicted by it If you have a deep aversion to the Bible you very likely are not saved why those who are saved love
God's Word She says maybe you want to get into reading it But it's a struggle to understand or even believe the
Holy Spirit illuminates our mind to understand the scriptures So she's now brushed past those people need the
Word of God not to draw doodles Inside of it. They need to read what's already there.
What's been given to us by God and And and be saved They need to know the gospel and we know the gospel from from the
Word of God How how will they hear if if we do not preach the truth?
They need to know the gospel and the gospel is found in the Word of God It is the power of God unto salvation writes
Paul in Romans 1 She's just brushed past that that's okay. If you don't like the
Bible, we're all at different points in our life journey. Yeah, but But you need what what what have you what have you done?
I'm stammering. I can't even I have no words you have just Completely brushed under the rug the most important thing in the world
So that you can talk about your doodles She goes on she says who am
I to judge? I'm a hot mess when it comes to my relationship with God seriously She says for example
I've got major control issues stemming from a lack of faith and I've always struggled with false guilt about not sticking with a regular routine of Bible reading
So you're so you don't judge others because you're a hot mess It's time to examine our faith ladies if this is the flippant attitude we have towards the
Word of God and toward our own Faith or our own faith claim as the case may be
She goes on sadly Then says one thing
I'm learning right now is that if you look closely at scripture and how Jesus spent his time on earth He actually hung out with the hot messes a whole lot more than the religious leaders
He didn't ask people to get their act together before coming in coming to him But rather met them where they were and showered them with love and their adultery and their brokenness and their doubt and fear
He called them to repent Go and sin no more It wasn't just hey, it's okay.
I know that you are Sinning you're in adultery It's okay.
I'm just going to love you. It's fine Just be there where you are that that is not the
Jesus of the Bible and this woman does not know the Jesus of the Bible Or she would not write these things
But she goes on again sadly Right now I'm working on bringing my mess into my
Bible reading I hope each one of you can find encouragement and creative inspiration in these posts no matter where you are with or without God It makes no sense.
It makes no sense. There's no gospel here There's no gospel She goes on and she writes about the
Bible that she is using for this and I'm finding this is a common denominator And many of these
Bible art journaling websites, they recommend the ESV journaling Bible now I Obviously the
ESV journaling Bible maybe not obviously But I assume the ESV journaling Bible was not designed and published so that people could paint
All over the pages of the Word of God It has extra wide margins with little lines so that you can take your notes in your
Bible This seems to be the Bible of choice for these Women I've only found women so far who are engaging in this
Bible art journaling so There's that that is not a commentary on the
ESV journaling Bible. It's just an observation but this notion of drawing and and painting in your
Bible It is saying that scripture is not enough something interesting
That Elizabeth observed in her article on the Bible art journaling was kind of the link to Another activity that is becoming quite popular and that is coloring books
We are seeing a lot of coloring books for adults, and it's it's been invading subtly the quote -unquote
Christian realm and this is a Spiritual thing that you can just sit and color and encounter
Jesus through your coloring and I think we talked about that once here before on the show and Elizabeth observes that Bible art journaling and this coloring that's going on this spiritual coloring is actually mimicking the coloring of Hindu Mandalas She even points out that there is a coloring book available on Amazon where you color the actual
Hindu mandalas this coloring book it takes these these
Hindu pictures these Hindu mandalas and then Overlays it with verses from Christian hymns.
And so now it's a Christian coloring book. Really? What are we doing? But this
Bible art journaling is as Elizabeth says melding With this coloring of this
Hindu practice of coloring these mandalas. She gives this quote about the mandala coloring book and says for the unfamiliar a mandala is a sacred symbol in Hinduism and Buddhism made from a nest of squares and circles that represent the cosmos as The Asian Art Museum put it mandalas are not just images to view but worlds to enter after recreating the image in their mind's eye
Meditators imaginatively enter its realm and then she goes back to the quote from from Rebecca Jones that we just actually read where she writes that Bible art journaling is part of the
Growing illustrated faith and Bible doodling movement The idea is to engage more freely with the Word of God in new ways and record personally inspiring scriptures and creative and art
And artistic ways serve to remind us of moments in our personal journey with God. It sounds very similar, doesn't it?
And so now we've got this Bible art journaling which is kind of I don't know if it's a spinoff of the coloring or if the coloring is a spinoff of the
Bible art journaling But I came across this article on the website for a quote -unquote
Christian magazine for teenagers ladies Teenagers guard your teenagers.
The website is devoseen and so the address is devoseen .upperroom .org
and The article is entitled color yourself closer to God and it's written by Robin Pippin And she writes as an adult
I am sometimes embarrassed about how much I like to color when my children were little I enjoyed having an excuse to sit down with Them they're coloring books in a box of crayons
I love the relaxing and contemplative motion of filling an empty space with splashes and scribbles of colors in these moments
I felt as if I were allowed to be a child again in The last few years while working with the children's spirituality program called the way of the child
I have discovered the practice of coloring mandalas Which has added a whole new dimension to my coloring
The purpose of coloring mandalas is spiritual in nature designed to bring me closer to God and to help me get in touch with my heart
What are we why are we getting in touch with our heart? What does that mean? You mean the heart that's deceitful and desperately wicked and sick and who can understand it that one?
I'd rather not get in touch with that one. Not too closely. I'd rather that God purify it
Mandalas this article goes on our designs with a center based on a circle It means circle in the
Indian language of Sanskrit this This article kind of conveniently leaves out the fact that it's
Hindu It does acknowledge that other religions use this practice, but it kind of leaves out that it's a
Hindu practice She does write mandalas are used in other religious traditions and were around long before the
Christian era But they've also been used by Christians through the ages. She says Hildegard of Bingen a 12th century
Benedictine nun. Well, that's not Christian created beautiful mandalas to express her visions and beliefs
Okay, the labyrinth is a mandala the center of which represents the heart of God many
Christians walk the labyrinth As a way of praying with their bodies walking inward to the heart of God and walking back out into the world
No, no, no, no, no, no. No, that is not how we pray Pray then in this way
Walk the labyrinth until you get to the heart of God. No not in Scripture ladies, no
The article goes on why color them? Why color the mandalas in this hurried world focusing on one thing is relaxing even if we are experts at multitasking
We all need times when we can allow our minds to rest So we can listen for the still small voice of God For some people coloring mandalas is a liberating way to pray
While the hands are active and creative the mind has a chance to rest and to focus on God But our mind should be active when we're praying
Do we not see the examples of prayer and Scripture and we're running?
Long on our time here ladies, or we would go to them, but you know, look at Matthew 6 with me
Matthew 6 9 pray then in this way our Father who is in heaven How would be your name your kingdom come your will be done on earth as it is in heaven
Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our debts as we also have forgiven our debtors and do not lead us into Temptation but deliver us from evil.
This is a prayer where your mind is very active ladies and this is not one that we have to Repeat in a rote manner, but this prayer that Christ gives us as an example shows us
You know, what do you do first in prayer? You acknowledge the one to whom you are praying our Father You're in heaven.
You are high and lofty and transcendent Acknowledge God and acknowledge his attributes and praise him and worship him
Then after we've acknowledged God then, you know, then our priorities and prayer kind of realign we may go with a bunch of needs and wants or things we think we need and think we want and when we focus our
Mind on God and on Christ the one who saved us our prayer kind of windows down, doesn't it?
And then we pray for our daily provision, which we know God will give to us. It's just there later in the same chapter
The discussing God's provision from from verse 25 on and verse 33 6
Matthew 6 33 Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness and all these things will be added to you. God will provide for his children and so We focus our prayer on God the
Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit our triune God And then we come to him with our needs and we confess our sin before him
That's an active prayer your mind is not resting when you are praying it is active
Read John 17 sometime the high priestly prayer our
Lord's mind was active But Robin Pippin and her article about coloring mandalas to get closer to God says go ahead pick up a crayon and color yourself
Closer to God. It's really okay. It might be fun ladies remember this is in a magazine for teenagers
She ends this and says if you enjoy coloring mandalas consider making this practice a regular part of your
Devo time. Really? Huh, you know because I feel like no,
I don't feel I know That our devotional time should be spent in the
Word of God and in prayer active minds active in prayer to our
Lord reading his word because his word is sufficient and All of this what this all comes down to all of this jabbering that that I've been doing about this
Bible art journaling Ladies and now going on to the coloring Yes, we're looking at this this mandala thing is connecting
Hinduism with Christianity. No, that's wrong That should not be happening. And then this
Bible art journaling is kind of feeding into that same movement It's all we're going with the arts and that just makes us feel all warm and fuzzy and creative inside It is saying that the scriptures are not sufficient
I'm not condemning art I'm not condemning painting or even coloring.
I know a lot of people who like to color on a rainy day But doing it as a spiritual practice.
No No, no, because we have what we need Christ is sufficient for us pray to him actively pray to him.
His word is Sufficient and when you want to add to that word with pretty colors and pretty pictures of butterflies and flowers and Unicorns in your pages with paint and crayons
I mean there there are lists of the supplies that you need to do this Bible art journaling
Stop finger painting and start reading your Bible reading it Don't just pick out a verse you like and then draw draw it all over your page
Why? Because there's more verses around it there's so much truth in here.
This is truth Sanctify them in the truth. Thy word is truth John 17 17 this book ladies and this is
God's Word It is sufficient John MacArthur writes the written words of Scripture are binding
Apostolic preaching was equally equally binding for those who heard it from the Apostles own mouths Beyond that Scripture lays no burden on anyone's shoulders
But thank God his own word assures us that Scripture is fully sufficient to bring us to salvation
And to equip us spiritually for all that God demands of us He says we have the
Bible's own assurance that it is a sufficient rule of faith for the Christian Scripture alone says
MacArthur is sufficient to lead us to salvation and fully equip us for life and eternity Therefore we may know with certainty that every essential aspect of the apostolic message is included in Scripture You don't need to pick up your crayons to hear that still small voice from God He's spoken in his word ladies, and it is amazing
Open it read it cherish it love it, and I feel like a broken record because we say this every show
There are so many Fads out there that are distracting us from the
Word of God And they look and sound so biblical because you're in your
Bible Well, what could be more biblical than that you're ignoring the Bible and you're splattering it with you
Please just stop it God's Word is enough
And pray that he would show you that so that you would be content with this amazing gift.
He's given us On that note ladies
Until next time get in your Bibles Get on your knees and get equipped.