The Object of Prayer



welcome back brothers it is been several weeks since I have been with you all and I do want to say
I miss being there as set free and Lord willing this would be the last week that I come to you be a video hopefully if the
Lord so allows next week as I come in we're going to begin a three -month study on the major doctrines of the
Bible and that's going to become a new course that I'm writing it for the men of set free and that's going to become a 12 -week course and every 12 weeks it's going to rotate back through so if you come in and you miss a week then you'll be able to catch it at a later date it's going to be a rotating course for the purpose of ensuring that everyone who comes through the program is getting very basic doctrinal instruction that's a subject that I believe in and love to teach and believe in teaching and I believe it's very important so pastor mark and I have gotten together and worked out a way for me to make that my contribution to the ministry and so that's going to begin next week but today we're going to end our series on the subject of prayer and this really just came about as I was talking to pastor mark
I had ended Galatians and I knew there were several weeks before I was going to begin the new series on doctrine and so we were discussing what would be a good topic and we were talking about some issues that needed to be addressed and different things and and one of it came to a minus and you know what we need to really focus on is that most basic thing that we all need to be doing and that is praying and how to deepen our prayers how to become better in our prayer life as much as we need to become better Bible students as much as we need to become better disciples we also need to become better in our prayer life and so I hope that the last several weeks of lectures and lessons and sermons have all been an encouragement to you in regard to your own prayer life you remember the first week we talked about the reality that the
Bible says that God knows the future God has already determined what he's going to do and some people say well if that's the truth why do we pray and so we for the first two weeks we discuss that the sovereignty of God and prayer and then the third week we looked at the method of prayer and we looked at what
Jesus taught his disciples in Luke 11 when they said Lord teach us to pray Jesus gave them an outline for prayer a framework for prayer which we call the model prayer our
Father who art in heaven that's a that's a framework for prayer that can be used for for praying not just reciting but actually praying and then last week we looked at the attitude of prayer we spent a lot of time in Matthew 6 and we talked about the fact that some people when they pray they pray as a show and they only pray when other people are watching and they only pray when there's an audience and we said the danger in that is that you become a hypocrite and that your prayer the attitude of prayer begins on your knees alone before God the attitude of prayer the right attitude of prayer begins with a private prayer life your public prayers and your public participation and worship should be the outgrowth of the soil of your private prayer and devotional life if your private prayer and devotional life is non -existent then all of the stuff that you do in public is like artificial plants there's no real soil so it begins in the private before God with no one else
Jesus said go into your closet and pray to your father who is in secret and the father who is in secret will reward you so that is our that is our leading us up to this point that has gotten us through the attitude of prayer today we are going to look at the object of prayer the object of prayer and by object
I mean who it is we are praying to and how that ought to affect our prayer now
I've already dealt with this in some respect because we've talked about our father and we've talked about God being
Abba father that was in a previous lesson so rather than rehash that what
I want to talk about today is I want to talk about the importance of our prayers being an expression of our
Trinitarian faith and I'm going to write that down on the board Christianity is a
Trinitarian faith what does that mean it means that we believe in the
Trinity if you have your Bibles open turn with me to Romans chapter 15 in Romans chapter 15
Paul is closing out his portion of this letter and we know that there's there's another chapter that comes but this is this is a this is sort of a prelude to the end and we know that Tertius is going to add some points in chapter 16 he's
Paul's Emanuels he's the one who actually wrote Paul is dictating this letter and we get to chapter 15 and Paul says in verse 30
I appeal to you brothers by our Lord Jesus Christ and by the love of the
Spirit to strive together with me in your prayers to God on my behalf now it goes on to say that I may be delivered from the unbelievers in Judea he's actually asking for something but I want to focus our attention just really on verse 30 because of what he says notice it again and then
I'm gonna pray I appeal to you brothers by our Lord Jesus Christ and by the love of the
Spirit to strive together with me in your prayers to God on my behalf let's pray father
I thank you for your word I thank you for the beauty of it I thank you for the power and majesty of it but I thank you also
Lord that it instructs us in our time of need and Lord we have a need right now we need to know more about prayer and Lord today we're going to talk about the object of prayer which is you the triune
God and Lord you live and you have always existed father son and Holy Spirit one being three persons and when we pray we pray to the
Father through the Son by the Spirit and Lord our prayers ought to be
Trinitarian in nature because we worship and serve a Trinitarian God and so today
I pray that as we focus on praying Trinitarian prayers
Lord that you would hear from heaven and that you would bless this time and Lord that you keep me from error keep me from cowardice and apply the truth of your word to the hearts of those who will hear thank you for set free for pastor mark and for all that they do may this be a blessing to them in Jesus name amen all right so first of all it is incumbent upon me because I know that not everyone has been taught the doctrine of the
Trinity some of you are maybe new to set free or maybe you haven't been in set free long enough to have received instruction on the doctrine of the
Trinity I think it's important that I at least take an opportunity to explain what the doctrine of the
Trinity is this is not going to be a full or explanation in our doctrine class that's coming
I am going to devote one whole class to explaining and defending the historic and biblical doctrine of the
Trinity but that is again going to happen several weeks from now so because of the importance of this today
I think it is important that we understand the foundational teachings of the doctrine of the
Trinity the foundational teaching of the doctrine of the Trinity is as follows number one there is only one
God and that is the basis of what we call mono theism mono means one theos means
God we believe as Christians that we are mono theists only one
God here O Israel the Lord thy God the Lord is one Lord Deuteronomy 6 the
Bible clearly teaches that God is one okay but this is the second thing there are three persons who are called
God there are three persons who are called
God those three persons are the Father the
Son and the Holy Spirit all three of these persons are called
God in John chapter 1 verse 1 it says in the beginning was the
Word and the Word was with God and the Word was
God the Word there is referring to Jesus we know this because later in the same chapter it says the
Word became flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld his glory the glory of the only begotten of the
Father full of grace and truth so we know who the Word is the
Word is Jesus so in the beginning was
Jesus in the beginning was the Word the Word was with God but the
Word was God and so three persons are called
God the Holy Spirit is called God in Acts chapter 5 when Ananias and Sapphira lie
Peter says you have not lied how have you taken this to lie to the
Holy Spirit you've not lied to men but you've lied to God you see Peter equates lying to the
Holy Spirit to lying to God some people believe
Jesus is not God in the flesh and some people believe that the
Holy Spirit is not personal but is rather a force I will deal with those arguments in the lesson in the future but might
I just say for you today for the sake of time I'm not going to go through the arguments regarding the the the deity of the
Sun and the personality of the Spirit because those are often the most debated here's the thing that we need to realize there is only one
God there are three persons who are called God the Father the
Son and the Spirit these three are co -equal co -eternal and distinct co -equal meaning they all have they are all
God they all have equal to being God they all are eternal there was never a time when there wasn't the
Sun there never was a time when there wasn't the Spirit the Father the Son and the Spirit have always existed
God did not create the Sun and create the Spirit God the Father that is did not create the
Sun and create the Spirit that is a misunderstanding the Bible describes Jesus and the
Holy Spirit as being eternal and so and we know this the book of Isaiah says that God spoke and he says before me there was no
God formed and after me was there no God formed so there wasn't as if God created another
God and called him Jesus that's not what happened there is only one God but there's three persons who are called
God and right there you say well that's a contradiction no it's not because we're dealing with two different categories because when we talk about the oneness of God we are talking about the being or the essence of God the being or the essence of God and when we talk about the persons we're talking about personhood so personhood and being are not the same thing
God is one in being but he is three in person you say that that can't be yes it can and I'll give you
I'll give you a little analogy that might help you if you talk about a rock like a rock that you pick up off the ground let's say you hold a big big rock in your hand that rock has being but it doesn't have person if you walk over to a fence post that fence post has being but it does not have person it has essence but it does not have personhood
I as a human being I have being and I have person and it's a one -to -one ratio one being one person and they exist
I am one God is one being three persons share that one being the father the son and the spirit share the one essence which is
God the one being which is God that is the heart of the doctrine of the
Trinity the Trinity has always existed as the Trinity and by the way this is what separates
Christianity from Islam and Judaism because the three largest monotheistic religions in the world are
Christianity is number one Islam is number two and Judaism is number three all three of those religions claim to be monotheistic but what distinct what distinguishes them what distinguishes
Christianity is that we are Trinitarian monotheists we are
Trinitarian monotheists we believe that God is one in essence that's our monotheism but that he is three in person that's
Trinitarianism and therefore the father and the son are distinct from one another and they can interact so the son can speak to the father the father can speak to the son but they share the essence the divine essence this is why
Colossians tells us that all of the deity all of the
Godhead dwelt in Christ bodily he was the God man that's
Colossians 2 by the way tells us all of the Godhead the fullness of the
Godhead dwelt in Christ bodily very important passage very important thing to remember
Jesus Christ is God and man he is
God in the flesh therefore when we talk about Jesus we are talking about a man but we're also talking about God we are talking about the
God man so with all of that in mind with the issue of the triune
God the Trinitarian faith now let's talk about prayer because all of that was simply to build up to the idea that when we pray our prayers are to be
Trinitarian prayers our prayers are to be prayers that exalt the father and the son and the
Holy Spirit we worship the father and the son and the
Holy Spirit because they are all one God this is why we baptize what is the Bible say go ye into all the world and baptize in the name of the father and of the son and of the
Holy Spirit interestingly enough that that word name is in the singular the singular name of the
Trinitarian God the singular name of the father and of the son and of the
Holy Spirit because the name of the father and of the son of the Holy Spirit that is actually that the new covenant we that is how we express the idea of Yahweh because the father is
Yahweh the son is Yahweh the spirit is Yahweh or Jehovah whichever one you want to use
God is father son and spirit therefore when we pray we pray
Trinitarian prayers we pray to the and I want to talk about how you do that because notice what
Paul says here in verse 30 again going back to Romans 16 or Romans 15 he says I appeal to your brothers by our
Lord Jesus Christ and by the love of the Spirit to strive together in your prayers to God this is often the way that I describe when
I'm when I'm talking about my prayer life I always say
I am praying to the Father through the
Son by the
Spirit I am praying to the
Father through the Son by the Spirit because let's let's break that down if we think of the
Father Jesus said pray our Father who art in heaven and we are praying to the
Father but we are praying to the Father through the Son because the Bible says that Jesus is how we have access to Christ we cannot access the
Father except through the Son Jesus said I am the way and the truth and the life no one comes to the
Father except through me this is why when we pray we say in Jesus name people that that is not a magic formula the reason why we use
Jesus name in our prayers is because Jesus is the way to the
Father you remember the story of Jacob when he saw the stairwell to heaven and the angels were ascending and descending on that stairwell and then later when
Jesus meets one of the disciples Nathaniel and he says you
Nathaniel you will see angels ascending and descending on the
Son of Man what's the point what is Jesus making Jesus is saying that stairwell pointed to me
Jesus is saying that stairwell was a picture of what I am I am the bridge to the
Father I am the one you go through to get to the Father there's a great story from the
Civil War after the
Civil War was over one of the northern soldiers went back home and learned that his whole family had died and his property had been destroyed he lost everything so he wants he may put it in his mind
I want to go talk to Abraham Lincoln Abraham Lincoln is the president and I want to go and talk to the president
I want to tell him what has happened to me I just want to see him I just I gotta tell him I lost everything and he wants to go and have an audience with the president well at that time in history just like today the president was not an easy man to get a hold of it wasn't as if you could just walk into his office and have an audience with the president wasn't any more easy than that it is now and so the man he goes to the
White House he goes to the place of the president lived in and he goes there and he asked to see the president they won't let him in so he sits outside and he weeps and a young child comes to him and says sir what's wrong and the man says
I have lost everything fighting for my country I just want to talk to the president and they won't let me in and the little boy said that's easy it's my dad because the little boy was
Tad Lincoln the son of President Abraham Lincoln and Tad took the man by the hand he walked him through the courtyard walked him up through the doors walked him right past the soldiers because this is this this is the son of the president he walked him right into his dad's office and said dad this man is here for you and I love that story and I tell that story because it's a picture of us we are held back from God because of sin we don't even want to go to God because we are so sinful but Jesus comes and he takes us to the father he is the bridge he is the stairwell he is the ladder he is the one who who creates a way it said that Jesus came and died on a cross and took the wood from that cross and he built a bridge and now we can go to the father through the son so to the father through the son by the spirit the spirit lives within us and he is the empowerment of our prayer we pray by the power of the
Spirit of God by God's power we pray to God and it's the power of the
Holy Spirit if we didn't have the Holy Spirit within us we would not even want to pray and the spirit not only gives us the desire to pray but he gives us the ability to pray and so we pray to the father through the son by the spirit and therefore our prayers are
Trinitarian prayers and it is important I believe that we acknowledge all three persons in our prayer that our prayers never become over focused on any one of the three but that we always understand that we are always praying to and through and by the three some people only pray about the father they only talk about the father it's always about the father they never talk about Jesus or the spirit some people it's always about Jesus and they never talk about the father and they never talk about the spirit and some people and this is the most common error that I see in churches today some people are so focused about the
Holy Spirit that you never hear him hardly ever mentioned Jesus and never hardly ever talk about the father and all of that is wrong they are co -equal remember co -equal and therefore they are co -equally worthy of our worship and they're co -equally worthy of our prayers beloved our prayers are to be
Trinitarian prayers the object of our prayers is the triune
God so with that in mind
I want to draw to a close I know today's lessons a little shorter and I could go a lot further and go a lot of different directions but I want to draw to a close by by reading to you from a book this is a book entitled prone to wander this book is a series of written prayers it was written by the wife of a theology professor and she writes these prayers with a
Trinitarian focus you'll notice when we read the prayer that I'm going to read that she focuses first on the father and then on the son and then on the spirit and she she demonstrates an understanding of the
Trinitarian work in redemption see God worked in redemption through his
Trinitarian nature the father chose us the son redeemed us the spirit sanctifies us and and gives us the gift of regeneration so that the
Holy Trinity is always working in us to bring about our salvation and so I want to read to you
I want to read to you a prayer and I use this this is actually a personal devotional book my wife and I use this for our personal prayers and devotions because the prayers in here are so powerful and I want to read to you this is based on Genesis 17 she always if you if you look at this book and I know
I know some of you you can't have books yet or whatever I know but when you
I'm gonna talk to brother Mike there brother Mark this is such a powerful useful tool for me
I mean I would love to once you guys are in phase two or whatever and you have an opportunity and you want books this this is one
I would definitely recommend to help you with your prayer life but I'm gonna just read to you her prayer this is based on Genesis 17 which is when
Abram was 99 years old and God appeared to him and said I am the God Almighty walk before me be blameless and then
Abraham fell on his face and God said Abraham asked for your wife Sarah you shall not call her name
Sarah I but Sarah and you shall and she and I will bless her and I will give her a son and Abraham fell on his face and laughed and said to himself shall a child be born to a man who's 100 years old shall
Sarah who is 99 years old bear child that's the scripture that's Genesis 17 1 2 3 and 15 to 17 now
I'm gonna read the prayer that is based on that passage so just listen to the to the prayer and think about the
Trinitarian nature of the prayer Almighty Infinite Father we fall down before you today as glorious saints who love and worship you and as weak sinners in need of your forgiveness and grace like Abraham we are often far more ready to fall down and laugh at your promises than we are to fall down in awe and wonder at your perfect holiness and astounding love your call to walk blamelessly before you weighs heavily on our hearts some of us are very aware of just how far short we fall from this command and we are full of fear and dejected with disappointment in ourselves some of us are very blind to our sin and foolishly imagine ourselves to be doing quite well
Lord thank you that your mercy is more than a match for all our sins of self -hatred and self -righteousness as we struggle and fail to live lives of perfect holiness we thank you for Jesus who walked blamelessly in our place for 33 long years when
Satan tempted him to fall down and worship before him he chose to obey with absolute faith in you and spotless holiness with great love and confidence in your promises he took on all the blame for our disobedience and prideful self -righteousness by his goodness and death we are rescued forever from ourselves thank you for such a precious
Redeemer and friend Father fill us with your Holy Spirit and give us faith to believe your promises and live in joyful confident hope that everything you say is true when sin threatens to reduce us to despair show us the covenant your covenant love of your
Son crucified for us grant us the ability to fall down before the cross each day in confession and repentance and the grace to shake off our guilty fears and rise with great rejoicing may the
Lord's Supper be a sign and seal to us of your faithful covenant keeping on our behalf so that we may be strengthened by it to live as pardoned and reconciled sinners who are dearly cherished by their
Heavenly Father give us growing delight in the blamelessness we have in your wonderful Son and growing strength in to live in holiness and obedience to you in Jesus name we pray
I find that to be one just a stirring prayer
I find it to to be meaningful in regard to my own heart because there are so many things that are written in this prayer that are to me so true to my own life
I deal with self -doubt and I deal with self -righteousness I deal with doubt and I deal with pride and this prayer though I didn't write it really mirrors my own heart and this book is filled with these prayers this person having taken time to write out prayer after prayer after prayer and so may
I end this series on prayer with a with an encouragement to you one of the things that can be really helpful is to have a prayer journal write down your prayers write down the things that you're praying for write down the things that you're praying about write down the people that are on your heart and consider the fact that you have an opportunity every day to go before the
Lord in prayer and we should not waste that opportunity but remember the method of prayer
God has given to us he has told us how to pray he's given us the attitude to pray and he's told us to whom to pray we pray to him we pray to the great triune
God of scripture father son and Holy Spirit praise God from whom all blessings flow praise him all creatures here below praise him above the heavenly host praise father son and holy ghost let us pray father
I thank you for this opportunity to be in your word again I pray that this moment in this time will be dedicated to you and Lord that we would all seek that our prayers would glorify the
Blessed Trinity the father the son and the Holy Spirit the father who chose to save the son who came to save in the spirit who comes to give us new life we praise you blessed