Alabama Has A Chance To End It! You Can Help!

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Hey everybody, welcome to the live stream right now very important moment here in the state of Alabama We are in Montgomery, Alabama in front of the
Capitol building here in Montgomery right across the street over there You can't see it in the frame. But there is like right in front of me is
Martin Luther King's Church original church here in Montgomery, Alabama Very amazing history in this state history in terms of important moments in the history of our nation
Important bills important movements for justice a lot has happened in this state and a lot has happened here in this
Capitol building behind me So we are letting you all know that there is a bill right now
HB454 here in the state of Alabama HB454 by representative Ernie Yarbrough very important bill.
It's a bill of equal protection in the state of Alabama This is so important for you guys all to wrap your hands and minds around Abortion is not abolished in the
United States of America though we are grateful that the Dobbs decision happens and that's abortion or sorry the
The the courts decree the courts an unjust decree with Roe versus Wade is out of the way
Of course as many things that are problematic with that decision, but now that's no longer an obstacle
Many people think that abortion is abolished in particular states in this
Union and abortion is not abolished We do not have equal protection for human beings from fertilization
Anywhere in the United States of America and so abortion is still legal across the
United States of America You may have states like Alabama and others who had trigger laws where it makes it difficult for their abortion mills to operate
However, abortion is still very much legal in that state We need to establish equal protection for all humans from fertilization.
And so we are here today EAN through your support and through your prayers and through all your efforts and work together with us
We're here in the state of Alabama for a bill HB 454 here in this state again with representative
Ernie Yarbrough And so we wanted to do this live stream so that we can inform you that we need your help
We've had this year because of the work of faithful organizations pastors and Christians and EAN We've been able to have bills over 15 bills of equal protection happening across the
United States of America This is one of those bills HB 454 and it's vitally important for you as a believer as a follower of Christ, of course to pray for the success of this bill
And for justice for the pre -born in the state of Alabama, but we need you to help us We need you to contact the legislators in this state graciously respectfully encourage them to support
HB 454 it's the bill of equal protection and abolition in the state of Alabama Contact your legislators let them know about the bill itself in case they don't already know
Encourage them let them know you're praying for them and you expect them to do the right thing to do the consistent thing and to establish equal protection for all children from Fertilization that's what's happening right now.
And so I want to just make sure that everyone understands what kind of moment we're in ten years ago
This movement the abolition movement the movement of the church to bring equal protection and justice for these pre -born children ten years ago
We didn't have what we have today with multiple states across the Union with bills of equal protection and abolition as a matter of fact the moment we're in right now over the
Last decade is unprecedented in the history of Roe vs. Wade We didn't have bills of abolition
Equal protection bills that were coming from the Christian Church and now just this first session of 2023
We've had over 15 bills of equal protection and abolition happening across the country
We are in an amazing moment as the church We're bringing the gospel into conflict with the issue of abortion.
The church is rising up with a consistent message Standing on the authority of Christ in the
Word of God with the gospel at the center Coming against the issue of abortion and you're seeing now more fruitful moves towards justice and righteousness
Because the work of the Christian Church without compromise without neutrality and so this bill
HB 454 Represents that faithfulness of the Christian Church pastors
Christians believers Organizations that are committed to the authority of Christ represents the fruit of their labor happening across the country
But here in the state of Alabama, so your bill if you are a believer in the state of Alabama your bill is in HB 454 is in we need this bill.
We have a short period of time left We need this bill to get a hearing and we need at this point as believers to contact the legislators here in the state of Alabama in the house
Encourage them be gracious to them Challenge them to do what's right to give this bill a hearing to allow equal protection for all humans from fertilization
Very important moments. This is a gift from God. And so I wanted to bring up here at the
Capitol Some brothers that will speak to you where there's numerous organizations and Christians and churches that have been working on this bill including end abortion now but I wanted to bring up Operation Save America Jason storms and Darren stead to talk about this bill and the importance of what's going on here in the state of Alabama.
So this is Jason This is Darren So you can talk to everyone the main point today is to mobilize the
Christian Church, of course across states But particularly here in the state of Alabama with HB 454
Absolutely, and it's a pleasure to be here with you Jeff and appreciate the work into abortion now is doing the big loophole here
So what we are hearing from locals in the ground here This is a very pro -life state perhaps the most pro -life state in the country
And so a lot of people think that abortions already been banned here They think we've already done our job the abortion clinics have closed
We've banned abortion. So a law has been passed that went into effect after Roe vs Wade went down that did criminalize abortion in the state
But there's a major loophole as you've talked about as we've talked about The massive loophole is that women are immune from punishment so mothers who seek abortion who get abortion through chemical pills
They're immune from punishment. So mothers here in Alabama right here in the city of Montgomery can go and acquire abortion pills chemical pills
They can come right back to their home here in Alabama I mean they could they could do a live video of their own abortion
And they could shout that abortion and they could celebrate that abortion and they are immune from punishment that is perfectly legal here in Alabama so what our bill is attempting to do is to rectify that massive loophole and help educate the good pro -life people here in the state of Alabama to recognize that this loophole has made us that thousands of babies are still being murdered
Legally with impunity here in Alabama And so this bill needs to get a hearing and needs to get passed
This loophole needs to be closed these children need to have a voice and they need equal justice and this bill will do it
So Jason you made you made a good point and that is I'll just hold it right there You made a good point and that's that people don't understand
Christians don't understand many pastors don't understand That even though you have closed abortion mills
Abortion is completely legal for a mother to take the life of her own child in an unjust manner in the womb and you made
A good point that I hope will prick the hearts and consciences of pastors across this state is that a mother
Today in the state of Alabama could shout her abortion. She could film herself with a
DIY abortion at home She could take the life of her child in in broad daylight, right and no consequences.
She can do it with impunity Abortion is still legal in the state of Alabama for the mother to take the life of her own child
Nothing's changed correct and that has actually come unfortunately with the support of the pro -life
Establishment the pro -life industry itself has a doctrine or a belief system that says the mother or father
Who takes a life of the child in the womb? Collectively together or individually who takes the life of the child in the womb they can do it with impunity and they should be seen
As not guilty the mother should be seen as a victim herself equally with the baby And so because of that and it's true historical true
Heresy the heresy of the pro -life establishment and industry Abortion will always be legal in every state until the
Christian Church rises up and makes this about the truth of God No partiality equal weights and measures and we establish justice in a way that glorifies
God and is actually consistent and protects these children That's the main issue. Amen hundred percent. And so the pushback that will get from pro -life leaders in this state is gonna be well
Jason Mothers have been miseducated, you know mothers don't know what they're doing because they've been lied to and then the second argument
They're gonna make is they're gonna say well, you know in the court of public opinion. We won't win this battle If you're gonna try to prosecute moms
You're giving a weapon to our opposition and they'll beat us up and we'll lose Politically because we're taking a stand that the public is not behind us.
We have to first change public opinion We got to first change the culture then we can maybe advance a bill like this
The problem of that reasoning and what I would say to that type of reasoning is is the pro -life industry the pro -life movement even in General has to recognize.
Yes. Moms have been miseducated. There is this Prevailing sense in the culture that moms don't know what they're doing.
They're victims. But how did we get that? It's not just Planned Parenthood that's been teaching that it's the pro -life movement that's been teaching that we've been affirming this
This misrepresentation this misdiagnosis of the problem We've been telling mothers they're victims
And so the only way that that's going to begin to change in the culture is for us to stop doing that So long as we say well, we can't we can't make that move right now because the culture is not ready
Well, when will the culture be ready? Because we're just we're just kicking the can down the road. We have to draw the line.
We have to raise the bar We have to declare, you know, it's like I have no problem with people who want to say well We got it. We got to move the ball down the field, you know one play at a time
We can't just throw Hail Mary's to the end zone fine But let's actually move the ball down the field and if you haven't even defined what the end zone is
Then how are we ever gonna get the ball there? And so what the pro -life movement has failed to do for the most part sadly is define.
What is the end zone? What does victory look like for us? What are we actually trying to accomplish? That's equal protection for preborn children
That means that mothers and fathers who knowingly kill their own child. They have to be held accountable for that There has to be a penalty for that.
There has to be justice not because you want to punish moms But because we value preborn children and the law functions as a deterrent if we hold this law high
It's not going to lead to thousands of mothers being mass incarcerated. That's not what we want What we want is a deterrent to bad behavior the law functions and one of its major functions is as a deterrent
It's a bad behavior to teach and so if there is a law that's presented it a law That's on the books that says if you kill a preborn child, whether you're the mom the dad the grandma a doctor
You're gonna be held accountable because we value that child's life. That's a tremendous deterrent
To cause moms and dads to rethink their behavior and that's what we're looking for And you brought up a good point that the law even biblically speaking is a tutor it teaches teachers the law teaches that instructs so if you want the the culture and community to be instructed as to what's right, you can't put bills of partiality and Inconsistent inconsistency and injustice in it doesn't teach anybody anything
God calls bills of partiality and abomination unequal weights and measures are an abomination in his eyes
And so a bill like HB 454 is a bill that actually instructs the culture it instructs them
What's in the womb is human life precious human life unique human life it must be protected equally as all other human lives and it doesn't matter what gender you are or Where you're at in the participation of that if you take the life of a human being of any of these human beings
Unjustly, then the state should do their duty before God as God's deacon as God's servant to protect innocent human life and to punish evil
And so HB 454 is a bill that is consistent and here's what's important It's a bill that's consistent with what all these pro -life legislators signed up for right?
They say what's in the womb is human from fertilization. All life is sacred deserves to be protected This bill says what they say 100 % this bill says what they raise funds for this bill says what the public expects them to stand on so this bill is nothing that is
It should be nothing confusing to the pro -life legislator. This bill says what you say you believe and so put it in force
That's the key issue, yeah, so let's have the debate let's have the discussion I think one of the things we need to speak to along the lines of what you guys were just talking about to here is
One of the misconceptions in the church is that legislation is always downstream from culture
So the culture always dictates a direction of the legislation and there's there certainly is some truth to that There certainly is some truth to that we got a counter protester coming by here
He was telling us that we're number one He's telling us we're number one out here you get a lot of that when you come do this work in the culture
There certainly is some truth to that. But one of the things I think Christians also also Fail to realize is that culture is downstream from legislation
And so part of the reason that we're having this fight people keep saying the culture is not ready The culture is not ready. The culture is not ready the culture isn't going to be ready until we start actively and Essentially and necessarily start trying to pass this legislation that establishes equal justice we're never going to get where we want to go if we just keep waiting around for the culture to Conform we have to establish a standard and then call legislators and culture to that standard
And that's one of the things that HB 454 does that establishes that standard and says this is the standard anything less than this and we have
Not established equal justice and equal protection for the pre -born and that's very very important This is an essential aspect of establishing justice what we're doing here right now
I also want to say one other thing here, which is I want to ask you guys to pray for Ernie Yarbrough who's carrying this bill? This is a godly brother
He's the best kind of bill sponsor. We could have he's the best kind of champion we could have He's a faithful brother who's been discipled well and lived to serve the
Lord over the course of his life He loves pre -born children, and he loves the Lord. He loves the legislators that are in the house with him
He's always praying for them. He cares very deeply about them He cares about this state, and he wants to see abortion ended in the state of Alabama So pray for him as he does this work we need to encourage men like Ernie Yarbrough to Continue to make this kind of a stand and encourage the legislators around him to support the work that he's doing
That's what we're asking guys to do today to reach out to the legislators here in Alabama and to lovingly and graciously
Encourage them to support this bill and to get behind Ernie Yarbrough as he seeks to end abortion in Alabama And abortion now
Operation Save America working together with organizations here and churches here and in the state of Alabama To get this bill of course a hearing and to once and for all establish justice for pre -born children in the state of Alabama Thank you brothers.
Thank you So one of the things that's often said is that we need as Christians to change
The minds of those who are in our communities and in our towns and in our culture And the truth is a
Christless conservatism will never change the heart and mind of Your community a
Christless conservatism has been as it robs people of what God says must take place
You must be born again. There must be a new heart and a new mind and that's something that is divinely given by God It's a gracious act of God, but it only occurs through the proclamation of God's truth and his gospel
And so we're never going to see our Communities change our cultures change without the
Word of God and the message of Jesus Christ And so what you're seeing happening over the last decade or so particularly with all these bills coming in is you're seeing the success of the
Christian Church Spiritual success of the Christian Church actually speaking God's truth into this issue
So this year this session over 15 bills of equal protection across the country. How did that happen?
Did it happen through the massive pro -life establishment and pro -life movement? No, as a matter of fact two or three weeks ago
I was in Missouri standing for one of our bills in the state of Missouri The bills that church the
Christians put into the state of Missouri I was testifying on behalf of the Bill of Equal Protection and Abolition and the two
Opponents to the bill that sat down before the legislature were the two leaders of the of the pro -life
Establishment in the state of Missouri and so Planned Parenthood was there that day Planned Parenthood was there that day and they were on The books to speak against the bill and when they saw that two of the largest pro -life
Groups were there to oppose the Bill of Equal Protection and Abolition They realized they didn't even need to speak or sit down and so Planned Parenthood let the pro -life
Establishment speak for them and they opposed the Bill of Abolition in the state of Missouri And of course, we know there's they're actually opposing it here in the state of Alabama.
And so here's the key issue brothers and sisters Nobody changes
Truly changes has a change of mind and a change of heart that is meaningful and transformative apart from the message of the gospel
That's what we believe as Christians We need to take that truth into the legislature because those are image bearers of God there, too
And the only thing that's going to change their mind is the Spirit of God Being confronted with the truth of God and being challenged to consistency and that has to come from the
Christian Church It's got to come standing on the Word of God And so that's what you're seeing take place across the country and here in Alabama is the work of the
Christian Church Against the issue of abortion. This is not the work of the pro -life establishment Unfortunately, of course, we say that unfortunately
But the problem is is they have an actual worldview and doctrinal position that prohibits them from actually once and for all
Abolishing abortion or establishing equal protection. And so that's why we're here again working with Operation Save America and The Abbott's come on up.
This is these are the Abbott's Paul and Paul and it's easy to remember excuse scooch They're right there.
So let everyone know who you're with and what you're doing Yeah, so I'm Paul Abbott the second my dad Paul Abbott senior.
I'm representing end abortion, Alabama We are a 501c4 here in the state dedicated to abolishing abortion here in Alabama And what do you need everybody to know?
About of course what's happening here and what they can do to support you guys because this is where you're at This is your home and you need the backup of Christians and churches.
So what do you need from everybody right now? What do you want them to know and what can they do to help you? Yeah So the first thing is we need you to go to end abortion
Al org our website and sign up for our email list also go to Facebook and follow us on there follow us on Twitter Again, that's end abortion
Al org, so you can just receive updates about what we're doing currently situation is we finally for the first time ever have a bill
Just introduced about three weeks ago here in our state. It's called the Equal Protection Act It is House bill 454 that is representative
Ernie Yarbrough from Lawrence County north of the state near Huntsville He's the sponsor of that bill. We also have four other co -sponsors currently
But we need a lot more. We need a lot more co -sponsors There are a hundred and five members of the state legislature of the state house
I should say And we need every one of you to be contacting your own local representatives and asking them to support the bill
It is currently in the Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Hill That is up to mr.
Hill whether or not this book gets the hearings we need be politely reaching out to him and to the committee and asking them to Schedule a hearing for this legislation and something you just mentioned
It's really important right now at this stage of the battle where you're out in Alabama. You mentioned contacting him politely
We mentioned contacting calling being gracious Encouraging giving challenges be consistent give this bill a hearing at this point
We don't have a target or a face over enemies in terms of those who are opposing the bill Here and we didn't we need to as the church.
Let him know we're praying for him Encourage them to do the right thing put this before the Lord stand and do what's consistent establish justice
I mean I'm praying for you will support you We will help you with this process the church needs to contact who again
It's chairman Jim Hill is the Judiciary Committee chairman Okay And as you said there's there's some people in the state who have been unfriendly towards this but no
Organizations have officially come out and opposed us. This is again a new thing We just introduced a few weeks ago. So people are still learning about it.
Certainly Chairman Hill. I have not spoken to myself I don't even know yet what his position is on this bill.
This was just given to him He's not really taking a stand one way the other on pro -life issues in the past And so when you approach him as someone who may not really know what he's dealing with yet He may just think this is an average run -of -the -mill pro -life bill or he may have had someone tell him already, you know
Whispering is there? Oh, this is actually gonna hurt our movement This is gonna set back abortion laws in the state trying to come to him
Educating him not assuming that he's just our enemy from the get -go. That's right and called Be a be a friend to be an encourager graciousness politeness respect, but also
Challenge be consistent do what's right for these children. Give this bill a hearing HB 454 brother.
Yes let me just urge also as a minister as an evangelist and a resident here of Alabama if you are a
Minister a pastor an under shepherd an elder we would urge you some of you that are afraid of politics
This transcends what we just call politics. This is a biblical issue. This is the law of God This is murder by all biblical standards
And we would urge you to get involved to explain to your church the truth that abortion is indeed murder and that these women are
Not victims and that this must be stopped in our state It's not over here just because abortion mills have ceased to operate as it did before Does not mean that abortion is ended here
So we need you we need you if you're if you believe in the Trinitarian God if you believe in salvation by faith through grace
We believe you're on our side as we would urge you to get involved to get behind this bill
To show your people the truth of what abortion really is and what? Christian people can do with not only their vote
But with their phone calls their emails their visits to the Capitol a couple days left We would urge you to take advantage of that before it's too late
Very important sometimes you'll see something like this as a Christian your hearts in it. You're zealous about it.
You're passionate You're like the absolutely Lord. Please bless that we need you to move beyond the prayerful
Please bless that do that, please But get on the phone Take take 20 minutes to get on the phone and to contact legislators here in the state of Alabama Encourage them to learn about HB 454, but also to support it and to give it a hearing
We have really a limited time left to get this bill a hearing. Let's ask God to part the Red Sea Let's ask
God to bless this bless our representative here bless this bill, and we want justice established in the state of Alabama This is about the glory of God And it's about the lives of these children and it's going to take the church
To stand up and be the helpmeet of Christ to serve him and to establish justice around the world on any issue
But it has to be done with the gospel with an eye on the authority of Christ And so that's what this is all about. We have
Christians Christians Christians Standing with allegiance to Jesus Christ and to God's Word standing against this and look what's happened
People have said in the past, you know, if you use the Bible if you're talking about Christ You're not going to get anywhere on this issue.
You need to be a centrist You need to stay in the middle You need to compromise a little bit But look what's taking place when the church
Abandons compromise and starts standing on the truth as you get this one session over 15 bills of abolition across the country
Because the church is being consistent This wasn't happening at 50 years of Roe vs. Wade this sort of thing hasn't happening and look what
God does When the church plants that mustard seed of faithfulness, it starts to develop into a tree and that's what we're seeing here
This is going to be abolished. It's going to be abolished Christ is going to put this under his feet
But he's going to do it through his church Encourage you to get involved that means get on the phone make the worshipful sacrifice of Getting on the phone to contact who you need to contact here to say hey give that bill a hearing
I'm praying for you. Do what's right before God give HB 454 a hearing
That's what we're asking you guys to do today here in the state of Alabama. Thank you brothers for being here. So Operation save America website, where do we send them?
Operation save America org, we got to find a shorter website domain for them and then
Paul And abortion al org and of course you've got end abortion now dot -com
These are the sites you can go to to learn more to get connected I want to say thank you to everyone who came out here today in the
Alabama heat. It's wet here Holding signs. That's the bill
HB 454. Please be a part of this This is a work of the Christian Church Paul said a moment ago.
This is transcends the issue of politics This isn't about petty partisan political fights.
This is about the gospel. It's about the truth of God This is about the witness of the church What we're doing is coming into the culture saying you need to turn from the sin of abortion
You need to establish justice for the pre -born. This is a work of the Christian Church Saturated with the gospel.
That's what it's all about So if you want to be a witness in this culture as a Christian a faithful Christian glorifying
God Then we want to encourage you to be part of this movement get involved support the team that's here in Alabama Support operation save America all the wonderful the work they're doing support and abortion now and all these organizations and churches that are present here
We're working together. We're working together. This isn't my bill. It's not our bill. It's not their bill
This is a bill that comes from the Christian Church That's what it's all about and so be a part of this we want you to join this movement with us if you have any questions contact the
Abbott's if you have Anyway, you want to support and help message call contact and most importantly what we need you for right now
Is we need your hands your ears your mouths your fingertips to contact these legislators?
Encourage them be gracious Encourage them to give the bill a hearing HB 454
Thank you all so much for all that you guys consistently do to give and to support and make these things possible
And especially for your prayers, but now we need your feet in your hands, so please join us Thank you guys so much for watching this and please do share this across your social media platforms
If you know pastors in the state of Alabama send this message to them put us into contact with your pastors
We'd love to help them encourage them and support them here in their own home state and in establishing justice for the pre -born