Matt Slick Live: June 13, 2024
The Matt Slick Live (Live Broadcast of 06-13-2024) is a production of the Christian Apologetics Research Ministry (CARM). Matt answers questions on topics such as: The Bible, Apologetics,
Theology, World Religions, Atheism, and other issues!
You can also email questions to Matt using: [email protected], Put "Radio Show Question" in
the Subject line! Answers will be discussed in a future show.
Topics Include:
Limits to Christian Patience
A View of the Tribulation/Millenium
Discussion with a Polytheist
Are Christians Hypocrites
Email Radio Questions Answered
Will we see our sins in Heaven
More Email Radio Questions (Good Stuff!)
June 13, 2024
- 00:00
- The following program is recorded content created by the Truth Network. It's Matt Slick Live.
- 00:07
- Matt is the founder and president of the Christian Apologetics Research Ministry found online at karm .org.
- 00:14
- When you have questions about Bible doctrines, turn to Matt Slick Live for answers. Taking your calls and responding to your questions at 877 -207 -2276.
- 00:24
- Here's Matt Slick. All right, everyone, welcome to the show. It's me, Matt Slick. You're listening to Matt Slick Live.
- 00:30
- And today's date is June 13th.
- 00:36
- Oh, look at that. That's good. June 13th, okay, good. I just, statistics. I just,
- 00:42
- I had a screen and it was bad stats on Karm site. I just refreshed it and it went back to normal. So that was a good, nice surprise.
- 00:48
- Hey, if you want to give me a call, 877 -207 -2276.
- 00:55
- All right, now, so I can open this up. If you want to watch the show, you can watch me doing the shows.
- 01:01
- Not that big a deal, but you can. All you have to do is go to rumble .com forward slash
- 01:07
- Matt Slick Live. That's the best one because we have chat, live chat in there.
- 01:14
- And right now there's 14 people. Usually it goes to 50, 60, 70. And we have a good time.
- 01:19
- We got a lot of good folks in there, usually. Radio's low. Oh, it should be, everything should be good.
- 01:25
- Radio's low. No, everything's good. I don't know. I'll check. Well, give me some feedback there in the private chat.
- 01:35
- Make sure everything's right and all my settings are right. Because sometimes in the process, I click something, it doesn't go right.
- 01:41
- But no, everything's right. And so let me know, give me some feedback. All right, like I said, you want to give me a call, 877 -207 -2276.
- 01:51
- You can also email me if you have a question or a comment. That's easy to do.
- 01:58
- Just direct your email to info at karm .org. I sound good, good.
- 02:04
- Info at karm .org and in the subject line, just put in radio comment, radio question, something like that.
- 02:11
- Let me get to them. I got a bunch you can get to. We're also on Clubhouse and I think it's
- 02:17
- Matt Slick Live. And we're also on Facebook, Matt Slick Live.
- 02:23
- Isn't that what it is, Facebook? Is it karm .org Facebook or Facebook?
- 02:29
- Fill me in there. You know, I ask these questions. I should know this stuff. But I do so many things that that's my excuse.
- 02:35
- Age and I'm too busy, so I forget. But there you go. All right, now, last night, last night, karm .org
- 02:44
- and Facebook, thank you very much. So last night I was on Discord.
- 02:51
- And now I'm going to just tell you. You know, a lot of people tell me. A lot of people tell me that I'm very patient with people.
- 02:58
- And you know, I try to be patient with people on radio and discussion groups and things like that.
- 03:06
- And let me just tell you that sometimes there are people who just, I've had enough of them.
- 03:12
- And such was the case with a Mormon guy. This Mormon, he's an intelligent guy, but he's constantly condescending in his tone and his attitudes, really.
- 03:25
- And I mean, seriously condescending. And so he's been doing this for months and months.
- 03:31
- He's got a thing against me. He wants to follow me. He wants to make sure I look bad. And so I quoted
- 03:37
- Alma 527 to him. And I said, are you being sufficiently humble? That stopped him for half a minute.
- 03:45
- And then he started saying he was being humble. Are you kidding me? And so it was really interesting.
- 03:52
- So this guy, he'll talk to me. He'll say, well, Matt, you see, you don't understand.
- 03:59
- And just really condescending tone, like he's superior. And I've constantly had him, please don't talk down to me.
- 04:05
- Just talk to me like an adult, like a grownup, all right? And I've said this, I don't know, 100 times to him.
- 04:11
- And so yesterday I was talking to somebody and I said, what the cults do is they often make a verse say the opposite of what it actually says.
- 04:22
- You know, and I have said before that context. I said, you have to look at context. And sometimes verses can be difficult to understand.
- 04:28
- Maybe I know what they mean. And I've said that. And so he said, oh man, he goes to Romans 2 .13.
- 04:39
- I'm gonna read it to you, all right? And Romans 2 .13 says this. It says, for it is not the hearers of the law who are just before God, but the doers of the law will be justified.
- 04:49
- And he says, well, Matt, in light of your statement, you know, he's just arrogant. And he says, in light of your statement that sometimes people make things say the opposite of what it says, what do you say that means?
- 05:01
- Who are the ones justified by the doers of the law? Or who are the ones justified? I said, well, the
- 05:07
- Bible right there says doers of the law. I said, I have any problem with that? And I said, I can explain it.
- 05:12
- And he goes, no, we're done talking. You see, I go, wait a minute. I didn't make it say the opposite of what it says.
- 05:19
- And this guy goes, oh, yes, you did. You maybe, he, okay. It's like a childhood thing, all right?
- 05:26
- And so I just, I'd had enough of this guy. And for about a half hour,
- 05:32
- I ripped into him. Man, I really did. Oh, I was over talking to him.
- 05:39
- I was calling him out on his Mormonism. He said, my God was demonic. And I'm like, oh man, the gloves are off.
- 05:46
- And so we talked about God, the Mormon God coming from another planet and having relations with his goddess wife in heaven, making spirit babies.
- 05:53
- And I said, look at this. I said, you guys go into a temple. If you paid 10 % of your tithe to your church, that means you have to pay to get into the temple where God is, and then you bow down in there.
- 06:02
- And look what's on top of your temple. It's a golden image of Moroni. You bow down under a golden image after you pay your money to get into the temple.
- 06:09
- And oh man, I just went at it. So the reason, two reasons, okay.
- 06:15
- One is, hey, I try and be polite, but every now and then, the gloves have gotta come off.
- 06:20
- We gotta go. And the other one is, what happens a lot of times is people will take things that I say out of context, take a recording, and then they will just play it as though it represents me.
- 06:32
- And I get that. People don't like me. They belong to their churches.
- 06:37
- Their loyalties to their churches. Not to Jesus, it's their churches. And their prophet, and their prophetess, and their pope, and their magisterium, and their tradition, and their church fathers.
- 06:48
- It's always all kinds of stuff other than the Lord Jesus Christ. And so, you know, it's, and I call them out on all kinds of stuff, and they don't like it when
- 07:01
- I do it. But I'll tell you, it's rough. It's rough being me.
- 07:08
- So, it's rough being Matt Slick. You go out some place, you know, in a chat room, oh, you're
- 07:14
- Matt Slick, I got a question for you. Okay, what's your question? You know, and I go into these rooms, and they just, a lot of times, not all the time, but a lot of times, they just shut down the conversations, and go, okay,
- 07:24
- Matt Slick's here, let's just fire questions at him. Okay, if you want, I mean, I'm just listening. And they do that, oh,
- 07:31
- I got one. Like this guy comes in and he says, oh, I'm gonna destroy him and annihilate him. And I get a kick out of these guys.
- 07:39
- Man, there's so much arrogance out there. I'm gonna annihilate him. And that was, you know,
- 07:47
- I got issues, because I get a kick out of this stuff. That's why I love hate mail so much.
- 07:53
- I do, I love hate mail. Maybe we'll get some hate mail. All right, okay, now, that reminds me, speaking of hate mail and some stuff, let's see.
- 08:01
- So, I hope, if Eric is listening, Eric Johnson, if you're down there listening, or Terry's going,
- 08:08
- Eric, Matt's talking to you, call me up, and let's talk about what we talked about about an hour ago.
- 08:14
- Because I'm gonna be down there, Andrew Rapoport, he's a friend of mine, we're gonna debate charismatic gifts, and it's gonna be on Saturday the 22nd at 6 p .m.
- 08:25
- at the, I have trouble with this name, the Utah Christian Research Center, something like that.
- 08:32
- It's from mrm .org, and that's where it is.
- 08:37
- And so, I'll be down there on six. Now, he's gonna be down there Thursday, Friday, Saturday. He's gonna be teaching, and I don't know where or what.
- 08:45
- So, I wait for the information, and then I'll just talk about it, because I don't have any problem promoting Andrew.
- 08:52
- Mostly, he's pretty good. You know, except when he disagrees with me, that's where he's wrong.
- 08:58
- So, we're friends, so it'll be a good discussion, and we hope to fill the room out.
- 09:04
- It takes 35 people to fill it up. It's not that big of a room, but we'll see what happens. Maybe, maybe, if there's a big turnout, then we'll see what happens with the parking lot.
- 09:19
- I don't know. At any rate, there you go. Okay, I'm having fun, having fun, and there you go. Let's get to Luke from Nashville, Tennessee.
- 09:27
- Luke, welcome. You're on the air. Hey, Matt. Hi, how you doing? Oh, I'm doing okay, hanging in there, man.
- 09:34
- More hanging than in there, but I'm hanging in there. Cool. Yeah, so, I'm a reformed evangelical.
- 09:40
- I've been listening to you for a long time. Great stuff. Love the debates. I was curious, and I know you've talked about it before, but what eschatology view do you hold to?
- 09:50
- I'm a bit of a conundrum. I'm amillennial, so I believe that the millennial reign of Christ is now, and I have reasons for that, and I can explain them to you if you want.
- 10:01
- A lot of people just say that's ridiculous, but when I start showing them scriptures, they go, oh, I never saw that before, and I also believe that when
- 10:08
- Jesus returns at the end of the tribulation, I affirm a seven -year tribulation, I believe that the first ones taken are the wicked and not the good, and that at that point,
- 10:20
- I don't know exactly that minute or that hour, but the new heavens and new earth will be made. That's the view
- 10:25
- I hold, and I have reasons for it, believe it or not, okay? Yeah, yeah, absolutely. The church
- 10:31
- I grew up in actually held a all -male perspective, so I know pretty well where it falls in line with scripture.
- 10:40
- Recently, I've been kind of going back and forth between all -male and pre -male. Obviously, pre -male's the most popular perspective, but I don't know,
- 10:47
- I've been doing a lot of research, and I feel like the Lord's been kind of revealing to me something which is pretty insane recently, but I feel like Donald Trump could potentially be that little horn in Daniel and the
- 11:00
- Antichrist. Have you heard of this or thought of that? Well, I always refrain from saying any particular political leader is a little horn or the beast or whatever, because if you wanna call what that is,
- 11:15
- I mean, we could get into some stuff, but the left is like a terrorist organization, the
- 11:22
- Democratic Party, and so we could say that a Democratic Party here in America is like that, but our party doesn't represent the whole world, and so it's always cautious.
- 11:35
- I always recommend that people don't attach things like that, okay? Sure, I've been noticing this growing narrative worldwide, this kind of Gnostic narrative, where there's a rising beast system, right?
- 11:47
- They call it the deep state, the Illuminati, whatever you wanna call it, they, and they're out to get us, and this is a growing narrative worldwide, and scripture tells us
- 11:56
- Satan masquerades as an angel of light, so there seems to be one man on the forefront of fighting this system, and it does seem to be
- 12:05
- Donald Trump, and again, from my reading, he does seem to perfectly match that little horn description in Daniel 7 up to 11, but I don't know,
- 12:14
- I've just been thinking about that lately, and I feel like the Lord's been revealing it. I read the book, Rise of the Little Horn, actually, know the author, believe it or not, but I don't know,
- 12:23
- I've just kind of been going back and forth seeing what he's thought, and yeah. Well, I mean, he's been saying some crazy things, too, in the years, like comparing himself to Christ, he's called himself the second coming of God for Israel, and you can look these things up.
- 12:38
- Yeah, I wanna see that. Yeah, look it up, he's retweeted, he's like the second coming of God for Israel. Yeah, show me the, yeah, you show me the documentation for that, because I'd like to see that, seriously.
- 12:50
- Yeah, if you just look it up on Twitter, you can go on your browser right now, and just look up, you know, Trump retweets, he's like the second coming of God, he's posted, you know, he's got these
- 12:59
- NFTs, or he's posted, you know, he's like the rule of the world, he's the white horse, he's said some crazy things as well, but I don't know,
- 13:07
- I've just kind of been thinking about it lately, and I kind of lean towards the all -male or post -male perspective, as well, and obviously those two are different, but I don't know,
- 13:15
- I've just been thinking about it a lot lately, and I feel like the Lord's maybe revealing it to me, and it's, you know, everything keeps lining in for him, and there's just so many coincidences, you know, he's been going through these trials right now, which seems to be like a persecution, you know, so he likes to mimic
- 13:29
- Christ in that way, but, and a lot of his followers, you know, compare him to Christ as well, you know.
- 13:37
- Well, yeah, people will do that in all kinds of things, you know, it's like if we say Biden is like the
- 13:42
- Antichrist, well, okay, it doesn't mean it is, we can say things. Tell you what, why don't you put together a list of stuff, the
- 13:49
- URLs and where, and send it to me, and I can take a look. Yeah, yeah, absolutely,
- 13:55
- I've been kind of researching in the last seven years, believe it or not, and there's just some of these coincidences that 99 % of people don't even know he's kind of doing behind the scenes, or saying, it's just jaw -dropping.
- 14:07
- I mean, another coincidence, he's created his own social media platform, you know, it's like, really, you know?
- 14:13
- So anyway. Yeah, well, I can see why, I mean, because he got kicked off of the one, it wasn't fair. So put the documentation together and send it to me, all right, that's what
- 14:20
- I'm gonna do. Yeah, appreciate it, thanks for taking my call. All right, God bless, buddy. Hey, folks, we'll be right back after these messages.
- 14:27
- Two open lines, 877 -207 -2276, we'll be right back.
- 14:43
- It's Matt Slick Live, taking your calls at 877 -207 -2276, here's
- 14:49
- Matt Slick. Hey, everybody, welcome back to the show. If you wanna give me a call, it is easy.
- 14:55
- All you need to do is dial 877 -207 -2276.
- 15:02
- Let's get on the air with David from North Carolina. David, welcome, you're on the air, buddy. Hi, Matt, it's me again.
- 15:09
- I talked to you yesterday about the sign of the gods. I have a question about karm .org
- 15:18
- in 2009. I recently found some printed material from debates on karm .org
- 15:27
- in 2009. And what I was curious about was back then, were you on karm .org
- 15:35
- debating atheists and skeptics and everything? Oh, yeah, yeah, the discussion forums.
- 15:42
- I was having written debates, and I got them recorded and stuff like that, yeah. Oh, okay,
- 15:47
- I may have actually debated you, but I don't know that for sure. Okay. But I just found some of the printed -out material from a debate that was going on there about three days and three nights and Jesus in his tomb and everything.
- 16:10
- And I was trying to remember the name of the female who did a lot of posts back then, but I haven't seen or heard from her in today's karm .org.
- 16:25
- Yeah, that's Diane. And I just wondered if she died or something. Yes, Diane passed away about four years ago or so, uh -huh.
- 16:32
- Yep. Okay, yeah, that was the correct name, Diane. Yeah. That's too bad, I'm really sorry to hear that.
- 16:39
- Was she your wife? No, no. Oh, I'm sorry. Diane, no, it's okay. But she just passed away.
- 16:45
- Her husband found her collapsed on a, if I remember correctly, on the kitchen floor, and that was it.
- 16:51
- And so I was on the East Coast, and I flew out for the funeral and spoke there and met a bunch of great people, and that was it.
- 17:01
- And the Lord's raised up others to kind of take her place. She was great. We were together, so to speak, on karma for about 17 years.
- 17:11
- So she was quite, she was very helpful. She was a very good woman, and God's raised up others to take her place, like Laura, who's really great.
- 17:20
- Laura, I remember that name, I think. Yeah, Laura and Joanne. I don't have the printed copies of my debates.
- 17:30
- Back then, I used to print them out and study them, and I don't do that much anymore, at least not on karma .org.
- 17:43
- But I just wanted you to know that I'm a polytheist, but I can't debate with you right now because I wanna listen to you for a few months and hear what you have to say, and then maybe
- 17:57
- I can discuss it with you. You're out of my league right now. So I don't wanna discuss it, but yeah,
- 18:04
- I'm a polytheist, not an atheist. I was an atheist in 2009 when
- 18:10
- I was on karma .org, and I can't remember the name I used.
- 18:18
- And one day, I would love to get on here and ask you some questions about my polytheism, see what you have to say about it.
- 18:28
- Well, I could give you a hint right now. It's impossible. And then I can give you reasons why it can't work when you're ready, all right?
- 18:38
- Yeah, but I'm not ready. I'm not ready now. That's all right. That's all right. I'm not in Russia.
- 18:43
- But I wanna listen to you, and maybe you'll come across some polytheists, and I can hear how you answer them.
- 18:52
- I'm just not prepared to debate someone of your stature and your experience.
- 18:58
- You know, you have a lot of debate experience, a lot. I've read some of your articles online, and you have argued and debated so many points.
- 19:12
- It just blows me away to see what you have done. And I'm not sure that Calvinism is true, but I don't believe in Calvinism, but if it was a biblical doctrine, it should be followed.
- 19:26
- And if it's not a biblical doctrine, it should be rejected. And so, you know, there's so many different people, like the
- 19:35
- Baptist religion. They don't believe in what Calvinism teaches about selection, you know, and predestined, and stuff like that.
- 19:44
- They don't believe that. But yeah, in 2009, I was - It's unfortunate because that's what the Bible teaches. Yeah, the Bible does teach it, though.
- 19:50
- They should believe it because the Bible teaches it. Okay, okay, I ain't gonna argue with you, but in 2009,
- 19:56
- I was an atheist, and I was already starting to deconvert when
- 20:01
- I was studying on carn. And the more
- 20:07
- I studied, the more I realized that atheism didn't have much going for it.
- 20:15
- The big thing for me was intelligent design. I came to believe in intelligent design.
- 20:24
- And therefore, I stopped being an atheist. Instead, I became a polytheist.
- 20:30
- And one day, I'll discuss that with you. I'm ready for you.
- 20:36
- And here's a hint. Study categories. I'm not saying one day I'll discuss it with you. Yeah, yeah, and study the idea of categories, okay?
- 20:45
- Universals and categories. And that'll prep you up for a discussion. All right?
- 20:52
- Okay. You take care, Matt. You too, and thanks for calling.
- 20:57
- All right? Okay, bye. Okay, all right. All right, hey, if you wanna give me a call, 877 -207 -2276.
- 21:06
- Let's get back to the infamous Alberto. Alberto, welcome. You're on the air, buddy. Yeah, good evening,
- 21:13
- Matt Slick. What about if a sinner accused Christian being a hypocrite, so we'll say to the sinner, okay, won't you accept
- 21:21
- Christ and show us hypocrite Christians how to live the Christian life the way you demand from us, then we'll give you a month to just prove yourself.
- 21:32
- Then we'll see at the end of the month who's a hypocrite. That's not a bad challenge.
- 21:39
- Why don't you tell us how to do it? Yeah, I like that. I've had atheists say Christians are hypocrites, and my general response is yes.
- 21:46
- What's your point? Because everybody's a hypocrite to some degree. No, sinners accuse
- 21:52
- Christians of being hypocrites. Yes, I know. So we're hypocrites according to them. So why don't you accept
- 21:58
- Christ and show us hypocrite Christians how to live the Christian life. We'll give you a month to prove yourself.
- 22:04
- At the end of the month comes up, then we'll say, well, who's the real hypocrite? So it's easy to demand and criticize people, but when it comes to themselves to live up to the demands, they can't live up to it.
- 22:17
- But who's the real hypocrite then? It's like people say all the time, well,
- 22:22
- I don't have a problem with Jesus, just with Christians. Of course, but if Jesus Christ was here in the flesh, I guarantee you these sinners will have problems with Jesus because he'll point out their sins and they won't like it.
- 22:34
- Yes, there's lots of comebacks and things we could say. I agree. So, yep.
- 22:41
- And that's another thing I gotta point out. People say they're atheists. They actually think they're atheists because God put eternity in every man's heart.
- 22:49
- The problem is it's not atheism. It's anti -theology or anti -theo of God.
- 22:57
- They're anti -God. That doesn't mean they don't believe in God, but God put eternity in every man's heart, so there's no excuse for man.
- 23:06
- If that was so, how come they're betting so God just to prove he doesn't exist? If that proves that he doesn't exist.
- 23:13
- Get my point? You think so? Yep. Okay. Hey, thanks a lot.
- 23:18
- There's a break, buddy. All right, so God bless, man. Thanks. Okay. All right. Hey, folks, if you wanna give me a call, 877 -207 -2276.
- 23:28
- We'll be back with Dee from North Carolina right after the break. It's Matt Slick Live!
- 23:36
- Taking your calls at 877 -207 -2276. Here's Matt Slick.
- 23:42
- Everybody, welcome back to this show. The number to give me a call is 877 -207 -2276.
- 23:50
- You can also email me, info at karm .org. Info at karm .org. And just put in the subject line, radio comment, radio question.
- 23:58
- Let's get to Dee from North Carolina. Welcome, you're on the air. Hello, Matt.
- 24:03
- How you doing today? Hanging in there, man. Hanging in there. What do you got, buddy? All right, hanging in there. What I got for you,
- 24:10
- I want, could you give me the scriptures, or you want to tell me who Zeus was in the
- 24:16
- Bible? Well, Zeus is not in the Bible except on the mentioned. You're breathing into the phone.
- 24:21
- Okay, so move your phone away from your breathing. I'm kind of excited, man.
- 24:27
- Yeah, that's all right. And so, just that he's a pagan god, but not promoted in the
- 24:34
- Bible at all. And in Acts, you know, Zeus is mentioned, along with Hermes, or Mercury.
- 24:42
- So, it's just as pagan gods, okay? Okay, that's what I was thinking. He was a pagan god that the people worship.
- 24:52
- Yes, it was Greek. So, a lot of the Greeks would worship pagan gods. And they did.
- 24:58
- The Greeks, all right. It's just gods that, yeah, uh -huh. All right, okay, then. Okay, then. I heard on another station, they were talking about him, and I remember somewhere down the line that I heard this in a sermon somewhere, but I'd forgotten all about it.
- 25:15
- And that conversation didn't agree with the one that I was thinking about.
- 25:21
- So, that's the reason I called to ask you. Yeah, it's just that they were mentioned.
- 25:28
- In fact, it's Acts 14, 12, and 13. And they began calling
- 25:35
- Barnabas Zeus and Paul Hermes because he was a chief speaker, because Hermes, also known as Mercury, a little bit of research during the break, was the chief speaker for Zeus.
- 25:47
- And Paul was unassuming, but he was a good speaker. So, they referred to him as that.
- 25:52
- And then the priest of the Zeus temple wanted to offer sacrifice. And he said, no, no, okay. Okay, all right, then.
- 25:59
- Thanks a lot. I'll read that whole chapter and get the understanding that I'm looking for. And I sure appreciate you taking -
- 26:06
- Well, what are you looking for, though? I'm curious, what is it you're trying to find? Well, what
- 26:14
- I'm looking for, this conversation was, and they were saying that what
- 26:20
- Zeus had, they gave him a color hair that he had, and some things that he believed in.
- 26:28
- In other words, dealing with our politics today. That's what this conversation was.
- 26:35
- Yeah, I wouldn't know how to put Zeus into politics today, except to say that there's a false god,
- 26:42
- Zeus, and there's false leaders in our government. So, that's quite a stretch there, but okay, you can do it.
- 26:50
- All right, in other words, what you're saying, what they were, what I'm saying, too.
- 26:57
- But they did bring Zeus out of it. That's the reason I wanted to know what it was. How Zeus was in the
- 27:03
- Bible. Yeah, he's mentioned in Acts 14, 12, as well as Hermes.
- 27:09
- But Paul also referenced Epimenides, Manaster, and Eratos, which are pagan philosophers.
- 27:18
- So, they're mentioned also, but it doesn't mean they're true. Right, all right, okay then.
- 27:24
- Hey, I appreciate your information, and I thank you for everything, my man. All right, sounds good, man.
- 27:30
- Okay, good, go ahead. Okay, mm -hmm. Okay. Hey, folks, we have wide open lines if you wanna give me a call, 877 -207 -2276.
- 27:41
- A lot of people are surprised to know that pagan things are mentioned in the
- 27:47
- Bible. There's like Moloch in the Old Testament and Zeus in the New Testament. And this is the reason, because the
- 27:55
- Jews and the Christians lived in a real cultural context in real time. And so, occasionally, the false gods and false philosophies would be mentioned and dealt with.
- 28:06
- And that's just part of apologetics in the defense of the Christian faith. That's what happens. So, there you go, all right.
- 28:12
- If you wanna learn more about where that is said, Zeus, it's Acts 14, 12, and 13.
- 28:20
- That's all it is, not that big a deal. Okay, we have nobody waiting right now, so what I think I'm gonna do is get over to some radio questions and radio comments.
- 28:30
- Let's see if anybody's putting more in right there for, no, no, get right there. And there's a radio question.
- 28:37
- I'll just jump into this one, because it's right there. Oh, there's another one. I'm a Christian, but recently, I've been wondering something.
- 28:44
- To be saved from sin and hell, must a Christian believe that Jesus died for the sins of those he loved, or must the
- 28:49
- Christians believe that Jesus died for their sins specifically? Neither one is necessary. What you are to believe is that Jesus died on the cross for sinners, and that he rose from the dead three days later, that his sacrifice was an atoning sacrifice by which we are then made right before God.
- 29:07
- The blood of Christ cleanses us, and what we do as Christians, we put our faith and our trust in the sacrifice of Christ, and not in our works, or not in a combination of God's work and our works.
- 29:17
- And that's all you gotta do, okay? Person goes on and says, I firmly believe that Jesus is Lord, and that he died for the sins of those he was sent to save.
- 29:25
- Great, okay, I agree. However, what if I have trouble believing he died for my sins specifically? Well, it has to be that he died for your sins specifically, because 1
- 29:35
- Peter 2 .24 says that Jesus bore our sin in his body on the cross.
- 29:41
- Sin is breaking the law of God, 1 John 3 .4. And so sins can be transferred.
- 29:46
- They can be imputed. So he bore our sins. So sin is a legal debt.
- 29:52
- And when Jesus said, our father, heart, and heaven, hallowed be thy name in Matthew 6 .12, he said, forgive us our debts.
- 29:59
- And Luke 11 .4, the parallel, he said, forgive us our sins. So Jesus is equating debt, legal debt, with sin.
- 30:07
- Paul the apostle also does this in Colossians 2 .14, where he says, Jesus canceled out the certificate of debt, nailing it to the cross.
- 30:15
- So the certificate of debt is the Greek word kairagraphon, which means a handwritten IOU of legal indebtedness.
- 30:22
- And it's due to our breaking the law, that's sin. So he specifically bore the sins, the legal debts that you and I have incurred through our sin, through our lying, cheating, stealing, lusting, whatever it is, that is breaking the law of God.
- 30:37
- And our specific sins were imputed to Christ. Now, 2 ,000 years ago is when this happened.
- 30:44
- And we're now. So God knows all sins exhaustively and specifically of all individuals who have ever lived, and he imputed, reckoned to the account of Christ, our sins.
- 30:56
- So those sins are paid for. Now, here's the thing. Since sin's a legal debt, if a legal debt's paid for, can you be held responsible for the legal debt?
- 31:05
- The answer is no. If a legal debt is paid, it's gone, doesn't exist anymore. If Jesus bore our sin debt, and he canceled the certificate of debt at the cross,
- 31:15
- Colossians 2 .14, then the sin that is paid for cannot be held against us anymore. Some people make the error of saying, well, you've got to apply it to yourself, and it becomes real when you apply it to yourself by faith, and that's when it becomes real.
- 31:28
- And they don't understand that that's just not true teaching because the reality of this crucifixion, which is a propitiatory sacrifice, was finished at the cross.
- 31:36
- He canceled the sin debt at the cross. It's not canceled when you believe. You're justified when you believe.
- 31:41
- It's canceled when Jesus died on the cross. This is biblical theology, and that's what the Bible teaches.
- 31:47
- So you don't have to believe all of that. What you do need to believe is Jesus Christ, God in flesh, died on the cross, rose from the dead three days later, and that you put your faith and trust in his sacrifice on that cross so that you can be saved from the righteous judgment of God.
- 32:02
- That's the basic, that's what you gotta believe. I hope that helps. All right, let's get to another question.
- 32:07
- We've got no callers waiting. We've got another couple of minutes. Hey, Matt, why is it that cultic groups like Witness Lee's local church movement seem to always get by with making bogus claims about other ministries?
- 32:20
- Because no one fact -checks them, and they know what they can say and their groups are listening to them.
- 32:26
- Anybody even remotely familiar with the teachings of T .A. Sparks, which I don't know who he is? Local church recently conducted their annual shindig.
- 32:37
- I like that word. In Bellevue over the Memorial weekend, and yeah,
- 32:43
- I can't go into that or read stuff like that, so I won't do that right now. But that's interesting. Let's see, let's see.
- 32:49
- Anybody else? I'm looking in there before I move into the category of, here we go, radio questions.
- 32:57
- All right, we got a caller coming in. Let me get to this question right here. I've been told that the
- 33:04
- King James Version of the Bible was written in such a way as to minimize the roles of women in the church. I've never heard that.
- 33:11
- If that's the case, it's news to me. Please show documentation for that, but nevertheless, the person goes on.
- 33:19
- However, this was taught to me by an elder whose wife is also an elder. Well, and she should not be an elder, and she's a false teacher in that regard, because she should not be an elder.
- 33:29
- The Bible clearly says women are not to be elders. Anyway, in a church where the pastor calls himself an apostle, oh boy.
- 33:39
- Oh, so much heresy, so little time. So now we have a pastor, I'm an apostle, and then they have a woman who's an elder, which, gee whiz,
- 33:49
- I quit that church. Once I found it, he called himself an apostle. I mean, could you imagine? I mean, say
- 33:54
- I'm at a conference someplace, and I come walking out, I go, hi, I'm Apostle Slick. Where you all going?
- 34:03
- Man, oh, there's the music. Okay, we'll be right back after these messages, please. Stay tuned, we'll be right back.
- 34:23
- It's Matt Slick Live! Taking your calls at 877 -207 -2276.
- 34:29
- Here's Matt Slick. Good morning, welcome back to the show. If you wanna give me a call, all you have to do is dial 877 -207 -2276.
- 34:41
- All right, let's get to Ed from Virginia. Ed, welcome, you are on the air.
- 34:48
- Hey, what's up, Slick, how you doing? I'm doing okay, hanging in there, man, hanging in there. What do you got, buddy?
- 34:53
- I'm out delivering, so I hear you on the radio, get my Slick fix tonight. So are you familiar with Chick Tracks?
- 35:03
- Remember Jack Tricks? Yeah, yeah, back in the day, yeah. Yeah, yeah, your producer dad, no idea.
- 35:09
- Yeah, I know about it, uh -huh. Yeah, so that was a very powerful one I read as a kid that probably had a part in my salvation was this was your life.
- 35:20
- And I don't know if you recall, but the guy dies, goes to heaven, and angels take him up, and he says, you know, your soul's required of you tonight.
- 35:31
- And he's put in front of a giant movie screen, and everybody sees his sins, and all his sins are accounted for.
- 35:38
- So I'm like, that's really not how it's gonna work, is it, it's like God wouldn't show everybody everybody's sin because there's no sin in heaven.
- 35:46
- I don't know that that is the case, that everyone's gonna see our sins,
- 35:56
- I'm talking on a big board, I don't know. Because God's the one who sees our sins. In order for people to see our sins, then the idea would be that it had to be some sort of a display for every individual, millions upon millions and millions of people.
- 36:13
- And what about the sins that are in the heart that aren't on display, they're not something we did.
- 36:19
- So you see that, it just doesn't really make sense to say that, okay? Right, right.
- 36:25
- But it's a powerful track regardless, because as a kid it was a little scary, it's like, everybody's gonna see my wrongdoing.
- 36:34
- Yeah, well, God's gonna be the one who sees it, and that's big enough for me.
- 36:39
- Yeah, absolutely. Well, he's already seen it, you know, took it at the cross, so.
- 36:45
- Yes, he has, and you know, all I can say is I'm gonna be hiding behind the robe of Christ and say, yes,
- 36:53
- I'm guilty, but I'm with him. That's right. That's all I got. That's all I got, that's all
- 36:59
- I got, there's nothing else. Nothing else at all. Nothing else, that's right, so.
- 37:05
- Yeah, grace on grace. Yeah, all right, is that good?
- 37:11
- Yeah, that sounds good. I mean, like I said, I just thought it was, you know, it's probably hard to tell what, because the Bible does say that all will be revealed.
- 37:20
- Okay, yeah, that's true. That's right, and it's gonna be revealed and I don't want it to be revealed.
- 37:30
- I don't want it to be revealed. Oh, man. But that brings up the question too, is he talking to the judgment of the unsaved because all our sins have been covered.
- 37:44
- Yeah. So ours is just the bemissy of rewards and non -rewards, right? Yes, and yeah, yeah,
- 37:53
- I think I'm gonna end up with a mop on the outskirts of heaven and it'll be a. I'll be cleaning the dung heap outside the gate.
- 38:03
- Yeah, yeah, well, you and I can have a conversation then about how fortunate we are to be there.
- 38:09
- Yeah, because that's how it's gonna be. That's right. All right, man, you have a good night, sir.
- 38:16
- You too, man, God bless. Okay, God bless. All right, hey, we have nobody waiting.
- 38:22
- We have about 10 minutes left in the show. If you wanna give me a call, 877 -207 -2276.
- 38:31
- And I was gonna get back to some of the emails. And so yeah, before the break, the church guy calls himself an apostle.
- 38:42
- I just did a research, I wrote an article and released it yesterday, I think it was, where Peter's the apostle to the
- 38:49
- Jews and Paul was the apostle to the Gentiles. The Gentiles.
- 38:56
- And I guess I was joking, if Matt Slick was an apostle, what would
- 39:02
- I be the apostle to? Believe me, the doofus is, I could accept that one because I could lead that.
- 39:09
- That one I could lead. All right, I was raised in the worldwide church of God, he says, it's the email from before the break,
- 39:16
- Herbert W. Armstrong, who called himself an apostle. Yep, it's a cult. There was a time when I believed that nonsense, come to his senses,
- 39:23
- I'd love to hear him expand on it. Been a listener off and on for several years. Okay, Billy. Well, hey man,
- 39:30
- I'm glad that you had the discernment to leave the false church, the worldwide church of God, that it was a cult.
- 39:37
- I hope you are affirming the doctrine of the Trinity, the deity of Christ, justification by faith alone, and all those essentials.
- 39:43
- So that's good. And so it says, I'd love to hear you expand on this.
- 39:49
- I'm assuming you're gonna hear it on the radio. So, yeah, women are not to be pastors and elders, and I'll just offer this again, in my nasal, whiny voice, that if anybody wants to debate me on this topic, does the
- 40:06
- Bible support women pastors and elders? Not just some guy, you know, who just became a
- 40:14
- Christian two weeks ago and his church says whatever. No, an elder of a church, a pastor of a church, I would love it if the representative of a denomination were to accept a debate challenge.
- 40:25
- We'd actually have a debate. I'd fly out there and do it as long as it could be moderated and filmed.
- 40:32
- I don't have any problem. Now, I've been offering this for about 20 years on the radio. Guess how many people have taken me up on that offer?
- 40:41
- None. Why is that? Do you think it's because they don't wanna deal with God's word?
- 40:49
- That's what I think. And a lot of false teachers out there. So, what is
- 40:56
- Paul's meaning in Colossians 1 .24 when he mentions about filling up was lacking in Christ's afflictions?
- 41:02
- Okay, that's a good question. Generally, what people understand it to mean is that we have to go through things that Christ hasn't gone through.
- 41:12
- There are particulars that we are gonna go through, like a father, for example, whose wife might have died during childbirth.
- 41:22
- Okay, Jesus didn't experience that. He had varying sufferings. And there's different kinds of sufferings that people can go through in different categories.
- 41:30
- And Jesus did not experience every single one. He's experienced sufficiently the suffering for our sin and being beaten and being crucified.
- 41:38
- So, that's generally what's understood is the lack in Christ's afflictions is not that his sacrifice wasn't sufficient, but there are other areas of suffering which he did not undergo, which we do.
- 41:49
- And so, that's basically what it's meant, how to say it. So, Colossians 1 .24
- 41:56
- says, now I rejoice in my sufferings for your sake and in my flesh. I do my share on behalf of his body, which is the church, in filling up what's lacking in the afflictions of Christ.
- 42:07
- So, afflictions of Christ. So, as Jesus represents the body of Christ, and the body of Christ is afflicted, then this is another sense in which this is to be understood.
- 42:24
- Christ went through so much, and the Christian church is being afflicted.
- 42:29
- For example, there are Christians who have been beheaded. Christ wasn't. They have been burned at the stake.
- 42:36
- Christ wasn't. So, that's what he's talking about, is that the other areas that people have suffered and gone through that Christ specifically hasn't.
- 42:47
- All right? Hope that helps. All right, now, let's see, let's get to this one.
- 42:53
- Ooh, my goodness, that's a humongous thing. I can't get to that. When we say
- 42:59
- God is sovereign, what are we really saying? Sovereignty means that he has the right to do with his creation as he sees fit, and that his authority is the final authority, so he has that sovereignty, that he is the final judge, the final arbiter, and the final executor of what it is that he says ought to be done and what ought not to be done, okay?
- 43:23
- And so, yes, he's sovereign over our salvation as well, which is why the Bible says that God grants that we have faith,
- 43:30
- Luke 129, and as many as had been appointed to eternal life believed, Acts 1348.
- 43:36
- And the email goes on, as Carrie asking this, so we're sovereign over every action people make on this earth.
- 43:42
- Yes, he's sovereign over those as well. He's sovereign over how many hairs we have numbered and how many days are in our lives, and so nothing occurs without the sovereignty of God.
- 43:55
- So Ephesians 111 says God works all things after the counsel of his will. This means everything that occurs.
- 44:02
- It does not mean that God causes evil things to occur, but that he permits evil things to occur, and all of those things that he permits are within what we would call the permissive will of God.
- 44:16
- He desires to permit them, though he may not exactly want them, because he may say don't lie, but he permits you to lie.
- 44:23
- So he's sovereign over both, all right? How does free will sin work?
- 44:29
- Free will is the ability to make a choice consistent with your nature that's not forced on you. So sinners have free will, and they make free choices, and their freedom is restricted by their sinfulness.
- 44:41
- Christians make free will choices too, except we're not as restricted as the unbelievers are.
- 44:47
- They can only choose that which is sinful, but we can choose to honor God as well as sin. And God is sovereign over our free will choices.
- 44:56
- It does not mean we don't have free will, as some like to say. Well, if God knows that you're gonna choose, you're not free to choose anything different than when you start to choose it.
- 45:03
- Well, the point is you're making the choice, so you're the one restricting your choice. And God knows this, and we can get into some particulars about causation, secondary, and all that.
- 45:11
- I'm gonna get into all that right now. So that's not an issue there. Is God the author of evil? No, he is not, okay?
- 45:17
- He permits certain things to occur. We call that proximate causation, where he puts in place certain events or conditions by which other events and conditions arise, but they are the result of man's choices, okay?
- 45:35
- Or is it that from free will sin is any broken, fallen world? I'm not sure what that means. So there you go with that.
- 45:42
- All right, let's get to the next question. I already got to that one.
- 45:48
- Let's try this one. When did Jesus get the Spirit? Well, if you mean the
- 45:53
- Holy Spirit that was at his baptism in Matthew 3. So the Holy Spirit came upon him, which is part of the requirements of fulfillment of entering into the priesthood.
- 46:03
- He's a high priest after the order of Melchizedek. And if you go to the Old Testament chapters of Leviticus chapter eight, numbers four,
- 46:09
- Exodus 29, you'll see many of the things described for entering into the priesthood that Jesus did.
- 46:15
- He didn't do all of them. I think the writer of the Gospels, Matthew, he picked a representative number of items to show that he was entering into that priesthood after the order of Melchizedek, Hebrews 6 .20,
- 46:28
- Hebrews 7 .25. So the Spirit came upon him, which was symbolic, representationally speaking, of the
- 46:35
- Old Testament requirement of anointing with oil. And the oil is also representative of the
- 46:40
- Spirit because you can go to 1 John 2 .27, you've received an anointing from God, and when he comes upon you, it's a
- 46:48
- Holy Spirit's reference. So there you go. That's what that is. Let's go to another one. Hello, I am a new
- 46:55
- Christian. Something is confusing me. What happens when a Christian sins unknowingly or believes they aren't sinning when they do something and therefore never confesses that said sin?
- 47:03
- If you do a sin that you don't know is a sin, it's still a sin. Now, our repentance and confession are part of the
- 47:11
- Christian life. But if it was the case that we needed to confess our sins, whether we knew about them or didn't know about them, if we had to confess them in order to be saved, then we would never be saved because our salvation is not dependent on our ability to confess something.
- 47:28
- That would be a conditional salvation based upon our goodness and our performance, and that's not the case.
- 47:34
- God forgives us. We're out of time here. Let's wrap this up. God forgives us, and all of our sins were borne by Christ Jesus on the cross 2 ,000 years ago.
- 47:43
- You gotta put your faith and trust in him. May the Lord bless you. There's the music. I gotta go, and by his grace, we'll be back on here tomorrow, and we'll talk to you then.
- 47:53
- I hope you all have a great evening. So God bless everybody. Talk to you later. Another program powered by The Truth Network.