John 19:6-15 (They Became A Curse)


Instead of trusting in Christ to take the curse on their behalf, the Jews of the first century welcomed the curses to fall upon their own heads. Join us as we look at what that means and what harrowing events followed because of this.


Thank you for subscribing to the Shepherds Church podcast. This is our Lord's Day Sermon We pray that as we declare the
Word of God that you would be encouraged Strengthened in your faith and that you would catch a greater vision of who
Christ is May you be blessed in the hearing of God's Word and may the Lord be with you imagine a marriage where one spouse is perfectly faithful to the other loving committed
All the things that you would ever want while the other person is Repeatedly unfaithful the exact opposite betraying the covenant with a multitude of adulteries affairs and all kinds of sins
You can imagine the pain and the anguish that would come from such a covenant breaking behavior You would imagine the depth of pain that the person would feel who has experienced those covenant betrayals one
After another after another and this is exactly The place that we find the relationship between God and Israel in the
Old Testament God's laid out the terms in covenant clarity and as the
Jewish scholars have taught us Mount Sinai is a picture of a wedding scene. God drew his bride out of Egypt He entered into covenant marriage with her and over and over and over.
She played the Bible's words the harlot and sinned against God He laid out the covenant terms explicitly and as we talked about last week covenants
Have stipulations and if those stipulations are obeyed there's blessings and if those stipulations are disobeyed and broken and there are covenant curses and God throughout the
Old Testament is pouring out a portion of those curses on his people
He's letting them be destroyed over and over and over again through the book of Judges and enslaved and subjugated he's letting them be exiled their city burned to the ground in the exile when the
Babylonians came in and Ransacked the city and the prophets were sent by God as covenant lawyers
To remind them of their failure to call them to repentance and to forecast
The coming day of the Lord judgment if they do not repent because the story that we see in the
Old Testament is partial application of the curses of the Covenant today
We're going to see the very moment where the people of Judah evoke the totality of the curses of God This is the fullest application of God's curses
For the covenant betrayal behavior that has ever been poured out on man and This is an example to all of us
To be humble and to seek the Lord and to follow his covenant lest we end up in a similar position today, we're gonna see how the
Judeans evoked the covenant curses of God by standing before Pilot and signing their own divorce certificate by saying we have no king
But Caesar that was the treachery that brought upon the Jewish people the curses of Almighty God and we will see that profoundly today
Today we're going to look at the second half of the covenant curse motif last week We looked at the fact that Christ is the one who took the curses of the law for us
So that we no longer have to endure the fury and the wrath of Almighty God But we stand in the shadow of Jesus who took that fury and that wrath for us
And if you remember last week, we talked about how the violence of the cross was necessary because Christ was not only
Dying for our sins, but he was taking upon himself the wrath that was stored up for us so today
We're going to look at what does it mean to face God without Christ? To face
God without a mediator to face God as a covenant breaking participant
Where God is going to pull out the full fury of his wrath on you. This is what we see happens to Judah Now there's a few reasons why we're gonna do this number one
I want us to understand Curses because as I've noticed this week as I've looked at the passages that detail the curses of the covenant
It actually magnifies our understanding of Jesus's grace because if you understand Deeper and deeper and deeper what he did for you
It actually magnifies your gratitude because now you're not thinking that all I can get to heaven by just being a good person
You can't do that You're getting to heaven because he'd absorbed the violence of the fury of God on your behalf
That's the first reason that I want to do this second is because I want us to see how they evoked the curses of God I want us to see what covenant betrayal looks like why so that we don't end up falling into the same sort of sin
Now I do want to say that we will attempt brevity With what we're going to be going through today.
We will attempt brevity But there are passages that we must understand if we are going to understand this topic and I can't shortchange the journey if we want to understand it rightly
I Want us to feel the awful weight and the ugliness of the sin again
Not so that we can gloat not so that we can look at the Jews and say we're better than them by no means
But so that we look at Christ and Christ alone and see that he is our only hope
Now to do this, we're gonna look at four things today We're gonna look at what are the curses of the covenant?
There's two passages. You must understand if you're gonna understand covenant curses It's Leviticus chapter 26 and Deuteronomy chapter 28
So we'll understand what those are Number two, we're gonna understand when those curses came
We're gonna look at the prophets in the Old Testament Then a third part we're gonna look at John the Baptist and what
Jesus have to say about these covenant curses And then we're going to bring all of this together in John 19 and show how it was this very moment
Where the Jews welcomed the curses of God upon them and their children so that we turn with me to John 19 verses 6 through 13 as we read our passage and As we set our passage aside for a moment
While we dig into the depth and the background of all of this will come back to our passage at the end
But we need to see it. So if you will join me in John chapter 19 verse 6 through 15 passage says this
So in the chief priest and the officers saw him they cried out saying crucify crucify and Pilate said to them take him for yourselves and crucify him for I find no guilt in him
The Jews answered him. We have a law and by that law He ought to die because he made himself out to be the
Son of God Therefore when Pilate heard this statement He was even more afraid and he entered into the praetorium again and said to Jesus.
Where are you from? But Jesus gave him no answer So Pilate said to him you do not speak to me
Do you know that I have the authority to release you and have I have the authority to crucify you?
And Jesus said you would have no authority over me unless it had been given to you from above for this reason he who delivered me to you has the greater sin as A result of this
Pilate made efforts to release him But the Jews cried out saying if you release this man, you are no friend of Caesar Everyone who makes himself out to be a king opposes
Caesar Therefore when Pilate heard these words, he brought Jesus out and sat down on the judgment seat at the place called the pavement but in Hebrew Gabbatha Now it was the day of preparation for the
Passover. It was about the sixth hour and he said to the Jews behold your king So they cried out away with him away with him crucify him
And Pilate said to them shall I crucify your king and the chief priests answered we have no king but Caesar Let us pray
Lord the sheer blindness and the madness To stand before the presence of God in the flesh and To trade him in for the wicked
Caesar Lord, it's so hard to conceive because you've given us so much grace
Lord help us today to rest in that grace to be thankful and grateful for that grace and Lord, let us not fall into the same
Temptation sin and failure That the Jews fell into of the first century
Lord, let us not protect us father from the blindness That caused them to kill your son
Lord let there be no false sons here in our midst Lord. Let there be none here who think
That they have something that they don't Lord. Let us as your scripture says to make our salvation sure
To work it out with fear and trembling Lord. Let us realize How serious covenant breaking behavior is to you by seeing it as you poured it out on the
Jewish people? Lord, let us not walk away from today seeing an
Easy believism in this text let us not walk away from here seeing that that if I just pray a
Simple prayer and live like hell for the rest of my life, then I'll go to heaven Lord if You cut off the natural branches and threw them into the flames.
How much more so would you throw us out with an attitude like that? Lord let our hearts be set upon you
Let our thoughts and our emotions and our actions be set upon you and Lord.
Let us Take all the gifts that you've given us and use them for your glory
In Christ's name we pray. Amen In the passage the Jews say we have a law.
It's very fascinating that they would say we have a law They're appealing to the law. They're appealing to the
Conduct of behavior and yet that same law Details the covenant curses that go upon anyone who breaks covenant with God Yes, you have a law and yes, it is that law that will not condemn
Christ, but will condemn them Now in order to understand the covenant curses, we got to go back to the law we're gonna go back to the law that the
Jews appealed to in this passage and we need to see what the Mosaic Hall actually Has to say about it and I will tell you that these are some of the most difficult passages in the
Bible and I'm gonna do Maybe less speaking less commentary when we're on this section because I want the
Word of God to speak for itself but this is no mere hand slapping or Trifle warnings.
These are passages that God intended to pour out upon covenant breakers and after 1 ,400 years of covenant rebellion he did let's start with Leviticus 26 15 through 17.
This is what God says if Instead instead of obedience if you reject my statutes and if your soul abhors my ordinances
So as not to carry out all of my commandments and Break my covenant.
I in turn will do this to you. I will appoint over you a sudden terror
Consumption and fever that will waste away the eyes and cause the soul to pine away
Also, you will sow your seed uselessly for your enemy will eat it up I will set my face against you so that you will be struck down before your enemies and those who hate you
Will rule over you and you will flee when no one is pursuing you
Can you feel the fury there of Almighty God God is going to punish? Covenant breaking behavior and he says
I will punish you if you don't do all of my commands From the smallest to the largest
Devastation will be poured out upon that people invasion by enemies will be poured out upon that people
Subjugation and starvation will be poured out upon that people These are just a taste of what
God says in his Word These are the entry -level curses
Because it goes on the passage intensifies it says I Will also break down your pride and power.
I Will make your sky like iron and your earth like bronze Your strength will be spent
Uselessly for your land will not yield its produce and the trees of the land will not yield their fruit.
They will have humiliation They will cry out like the prophets of Baal and cut themselves and twist and turn and all sorts of different ways to get the
Sky to produce rain and God said no, I will shut it down It gets worse verse 21 through 22
If then after that if you continue if you act with hostility against me and you and you're unwilling to obey me
I will increase the plague on you seven times
According to your sins I will let loose among you the beasts of the field which will bereave you of your children and destroy your cattle and Reduce your numbers so that your roads lie deserted
Seven times of intensification here in this passage so that beasts of the field would be unleashed upon the people so they'll be bereaved of Their children so their animals will die.
It's not done It's going more It says and if by these things you are not turned to me, but act with hostility against me
Then I will act with hostility against you He's already been acting with hostility against them.
It's now more It says and I even I will strike you seven times for your sins.
I will also bring you upon a sword which will execute vengeance for you for the covenant and When you gather together in your cities,
I will send pestilence among you so that you shall be delivered into the enemy's hands
When I break your staff of bread Ten women will bake your bread in one oven and they will bring back your bread in rationed amounts
So that you will eat and not be satisfied yet If in spite of this you do not obey me but act with hostility against me
Then I will act with wrathful hostility against you and I even I will punish you seven times
It's the third set of seven Further you will eat the flesh of your sons and the flesh of your daughters you will eat.
I then will destroy your high places and Cut down your incense altars and heap your remains on the remains of your idols
For my soul shall hate you. I Will lay waste your cities as well and I will make your sanctuaries desolate and I will not smell your soothing aromas
I will make the land desolate so that your enemies who settle in it will be appalled over it
You however, I will scatter among the nations and will draw out a sword after you as your land becomes desolate
And your cities become a waste Have you read that passage before Definitely not one you receive on a
Hallmark card and yet here in John 19
This passage has not been fulfilled and it's full in the entire Old Testament Not a single moment the
Old Testament. You can see that this has been fulfilled and here in John 19 The Judeans who are standing before the very presence of God face to face with their
Creator They say we have no king but Caesar Their King came to them their
God the one who wrote the Covenant and signed it came to them and they said We want
Caesar rather than you and they killed him This is the greatest act of Covenant betrayal that's ever happened in History and because of that these things were poured out on them within a single generation
Jesus says in Matthew 24 34 all these things will come on this generation Matthew 23
At the end of the chapter He says that all of God's wrath that he's been storing up since Abel was murdered be poured out on that generation
That means Rome would come in and occupy them that there would be pestilence and if you have the stomach for it
This book if it were rated according to movies, it would be rated in c17 It's Josephus is
Jewish Wars if you have the stomach to read it Read about the Roman armies bringing absolute hunger and starvation upon the people as they sat outside the gates and Prevented them from eating food read as the men ate human fecal matter because they were starving to death read as there were women who roasted their infants in the fire and ate their children
These are historical events that coincide with the destruction God promised in Leviticus 26
He was not joking when he said I will pour out my wrath on that people they killed his son and Because of that they inherited the curse
Now Juno Leviticus 26 is not the only passage where this is laid out It actually is laid out in more visceral detail in Deuteronomy 28
Deuteronomy 28 is a picture of hell on earth Deuteronomy 28 is a picture of what every single person in this room deserves apart from the grace of Jesus Christ It's a long passage.
I will admit that but I feel like I have to read it in full So if you will bear with me as we read this passage together,
I'll start in verse 15 of Deuteronomy 28 But it shall come about if you do not obey the
Lord your God To observe to do all his commandments and his statutes
With which I charge you today that all of these curses will come upon you and overtake you cursed shall you be in the city and Cursed shall you be in the country?
Cursed shall be your basket and your kneading bowl Cursed shall be the offspring of your body and the produce of your ground the increase of the herd and the young of your flock
Cursed shall you be when you come in and cursed shall you be when you go out?
the Lord will send upon you curses confusion and rebuke and all that you undertake to do until you are destroyed and Until you perish quickly on account of the evil of your deeds because you have forsaken me
The Lord will make the pestilence cling to you until he has consumed you from the land where you are entering to possess it the
Lord will smite you with consumption and with fever and with Inflammation and with the fiery heat and with the sword and with the blight and with the mildew and they will
Pursue you until you perish The heaven which is over your head shall be bronze the earth which is under you shall be iron
The Lord will make the rain of your land powder and dust From heaven it shall come down on you until you are destroyed
The Lord shall cause you to be defeated before your enemies you will go out one way against them and you will flee seven ways before them and You will be an example of terror to all the kingdoms of earth
Your carcasses will be the food for the birds of the sky and the beast of the earth and there will be no one to frighten them away
The Lord will smite you with the boils of Egypt and with tumors and with the scab and with the itch
From which you cannot be healed the Lord will smite you with madness and with blindness and with bewilderment of heart and you will grope at noon as the blind man gropes in darkness and You will not prosper in your ways
But you shall only be oppressed and robbed continually with no one to save you
You shall betroth a wife, but another man will violate her You shall build a house, but you will not live in it.
You shall plant a vineyard, but you will not use its fruit Your ox shall be slaughtered before your eyes
But you will not eat of it your donkey shall be torn away from you and will not be restored to you your sheep shall be given to your enemies and You will have none to save you your sons and your daughters shall be given to another people
While your eyes look on and yearn for them continually but there will be nothing that you can do a
People whom you do not know shall eat up the produce of your ground and all of your labors and you will never be
Anything but oppressed and can and crushed continually You shall be driven mad by the sight of what you see
The Lord will strike you on the knees and the legs with sore boils From which you cannot be healed from the sole of your foot to the crown of your head
The Lord will bring you and your King whom you have set over you to a nation which neither you nor your fathers have known and There you shall serve other gods of wood and stone.
You shall become a horror a proverb and a taunt Among all the peoples where the
Lord drives you You shall bring out much seed to the field, but you will gather in little for the locust will consume it
You shall plant and cultivate vineyards, but you will neither drink of the wine or gather the grapes for the worm will devour them
You shall have olive trees throughout your territory, but you will not anoint yourself with the oil for the olives will drop off You shall have sons and daughters, but they will not be yours for they will go into captivity
The cricket shall possess all your trees and the produce of your ground the alien who is among you shall rise up Above you higher and higher, but you will go down lower and lower
He shall lend to you, but you will not lend to him. He shall be the head and you will be the tail So all these curses shall come on you and pursue you and overtake you until you are destroyed
Because you would not obey the Lord your God by keeping his commandments and his statutes which he commanded you
They shall become a sign and a wonder on you and your descendants forever
Because you did not serve the Lord your God with joy and a glad heart for the abundance of all things
Therefore you shall serve your enemies whom the Lord will send against you and hunger and thirst and nakedness and in lack of all things
He will put an iron yoke on your neck until he has destroyed you The Lord will bring a nation against you from afar from the ends of the earth as the
Eagle swoops down a nation whose language You shall not understand a nation of fierce countenance who will have no respect for the old show no favor to the young Moreover, it shall eat the offspring of your herd and the produce of your ground until you are destroyed
Who also leaves you no grain? New wine or oil nor the increase of your herd or the young of your flock until they have caused you to perish
It shall besiege you in all your towns until your high and fortified walls in which you trusted
Come down throughout your land and shall besiege you in all your towns throughout your land
Which the Lord your God has given you Then you shall eat the offspring of your own body the flesh of your sons and your daughters whom the
Lord has given you During the siege and the distress by which your enemy will oppress you
The man who is refined and very delicate a court among you shall be hostile towards his brother and towards the wife
He cherishes and towards the rest of his children who remain So that he will not give even one of them any of the flesh of his children to eat
Since he has nothing else left During the siege and the distress by which your enemies will oppress you in all your towns
The refined and delicate woman among you who would not venture to set the sole of her foot on the ground for her delicateness and refinement shall be hostile towards the husband she cherishes and towards her sons and daughters and towards her afterbirth which issues forth from between her legs and Toward her children whom she bears for she will eat them secretly
For lack of anything else during the siege and the distress by which your enemy will oppress you in your towns
If you are not careful to observe all the words of this law Which are written in this book to fear this honored and awesome name the
Lord your God Then the Lord will bring extraordinary plagues on you and your descendants
Even severe and lasting plagues and miserable and chronic sicknesses and he will bring back upon you all of the diseases of Egypt Of which you were afraid and they will cling to you
Also every sickness and every plague which not written in the book of the law The Lord will bring on you until you were destroyed in case he missed something.
There's more Then you shall be left few in number Whereas you were numerous as the stars of heaven because you did not obey the
Lord your God It shall come about that as the Lord delighted over you to prosper you and multiply you so the
Lord will Delight over you to make you perish and destroy you and you will be torn from the land where you were entering to possess it
Moreover, the Lord will scatter you among all the peoples from one end of the earth to the other and There you shall serve other gods
Wood and stone which your fathers have not known Among those nations you shall find no rest
There will be no resting place for the sole of your foot, but there the Lord will give you a trembling heart
Failing of eyes and disparity of soul so your life shall hang in doubt before you and you will be in dread night and day and You will have no assurance of your life
And the morning you shall say would that it would be evening and in the evening You will say would that it were morning because of the dread of your heart
Which you dread and for the sight of your eyes, which you will see and the Lord will bring you back to Egypt and ships
By the way about which I spoke to you that you will never see it again and there you will offer yourself for sale
To your enemies male and female slaves, but there will be no buyer horrific image of God's judgment and this happened
For centuries they were told that these curses would come if they disobeyed the Living God and for centuries they disobeyed him
For centuries they broke covenant with him for centuries. They tested him They like a child who is testing the patience of their father on and on and on said no
He will not do this to us and here in John 19 They have enacted the curse of the
Covenant once and for all they looked right in the face of God And they spit in his face and said we have no king but Caesar Everything that was just read in Deuteronomy 28 was poured out on them even specific details like the fact that they were shipped to Egypt and Put into slavery
Josephus tells us that of the ones that were left There was about a million people in the city when the siege of Rome started and there were tens of thousands at Most when it was over of those that were left
Half of them were shipped in ships down to Egypt and they were put in the salt mines and they worked out the rest of their days in futility and Brokenness the other half were brought to Rome and they were paraded before the city the
Ark of Titus Celebrates this fact you can look it up even today of the
Jews Jewish people Enduring the curse of a people like Eagles. Did you know the
Roman? Symbol was the eagle Deuteronomy 28 says it will swoop in like an eagle and pull them out.
It's exactly what happened in terrifying clarity Everything in Deuteronomy 28 happened when the
Romans came to town in 80 70 the extreme hunger we've talked about the walls falling the defenses crumbling the temple being
Torn apart stone by stone the fire of God breaking out against them Josephus tells us even that he saw this as an act of God's judgment upon his people
Josephus was not a Christian, but he said this must be the covenant curses from the
Old Testament Titus the Roman Joined Pilate and saying
You know Pilate said I find no guilt in Jesus Titus says I Find nothing but guilt in this people the
Jews Titus said this must be an omen from God Imagine the polytheistic pagans saying they must have infuriated their
God, which is an understatement to say the least madness and confusion descended upon them disease and pestilence overtook them and all of their pride was
Totally poured out now. We don't hear about this in the modern church We hear about that They say no king but Caesar but we don't hear about the consequences of the covenant which happened where they were crushed beaten broken and cursed
Deuteronomy and Leviticus tell us of a Incredible furious tidal wave of wrath
They came upon that generation and it's the same wrath that would fall on any of us except eternally.
So If we turn from our covenant Lord Now it's not just the
Mosaic all that talks about these things the prophets also talk about these things as well the prophets God sent them
To warn them they had warning after warning after warning the prophets saw all these things were coming and the people rebelled and rebelled and rebelled
Ezekiel 16 and 23 tells them that they're the adulterous wife and they need to repent and love their husband from their youth
That they violated the marriage covenant between them and God Ezekiel 16 25 and 31 says you built yourself a high place on top of every street.
You made your beauty Abominable you spread your legs to every passerby and multiplied your harlotry
When you built your shrine at the beginning of every street you made your high place in every square in Disdaining money you were not like the harlot what he gives goes on to say is that he admires
The harlot because she at least received payment for her labor. He's saying that she voluntarily
Fled from her God and adulterated herself before every idol on every hilltop
The prophets foresaw the blinding that was coming upon the Jews for their covenant rebellion Isaiah 610 render the hearts of this people insensitive their ears dull and their eyes dim Otherwise, they might see with their eyes and hear with their ears and understand with their hearts and return and be healed
Do you see what's happening? Because of Centuries of covenant rebellion God says enough.
I'm going to make it so they can't even repent anymore I'm gonna make it so they can't see anymore here anymore perceive anymore
The judgment is going to be so palpable upon them. They can't turn from it. It's inevitable
Isaiah in the terror of this passage asked God how long
Oh Lord How long would this judgment be poured out upon your people and God answers and in verse 11 and 12
Until their cities lie in waste without habitation houses without people
Until the land is a desolate waste Zechariah tells us
Jesus is the shepherd who's going to come to this people But he's not coming to the people who are destined for green pastures and flowing waters
It says that he's coming to a people who are doomed Zechariah 11 14 thus the Lord thus says the
Lord my God pasture the flock. This is a passage about Jesus We know that as you read through chapter 11 everything that that is referring to Jesus as they sell him they betray him for 30 pieces of silver just like Judas did and then that money is thrown to the potter's field just like the
Pharisees did this passage is about Jesus. God tells him pasture the flock that is doomed for slaughter
So Jesus came and Part of the reason that he came was to save his people.
Amen the other part of the reason that he came was to shepherd those under the judgment of God to make sure that they went towards their doom and He would not die
Until he had accomplished both He died accomplishing the salvation for his people and he died accomplishing the rejection of the reprobate both
Isaiah 5 5 talks about how Israel that was considered a vineyard in the
Old Testament how their hedge is going to be removed and they're going to be utterly desolated Joel to Fascinating passage says that the armies are going to come and Joel 2 says that this is gonna happen when the
Spirit of God is poured Out at Pentecost. So after Pentecost the Roman armies come in like locusts and devour everything
That's what this passage is talking about Jeremiah 7 4 through 8 says the temple is not going to save them
Zechariah 11 1 through 3 it says at the end of the Old Testament era is going to come when the temple is burned to the
Ground that fire is going to consume the old temple and that men and women are going to wail
Because of it Micah 3 12 says that Jerusalem is going to be a heap of ruins
Zechariah 1 14 1 through 2 says behold the day is coming For the Lord when the spoil taken from you will be divided among you for I will gather all of the nations against Jerusalem To battle and the city will be captured the house is plundered and the women ravished
Daniel 9 24 says that it's gonna be a total end to the people of Judah that he's going to put an end of sinning
Daniel 9 24 says that that that the coming of this righteous one. He's going to die to put an end to the sin
Yes, he does that for the Christian He puts an end to our sin by dying on the cross But he also puts an end to the covenant rebellion of Judah the cyclical pattern of covenant hatred towards God He puts an end to it by destroying them
Malachi 4 1 says that there will be not stubble even left There will not even be root or branch that is left because God is going to snap
Their line so that not even a shoot or a root will grow up from it
Malachi 4 5 he says that they will be set ablaze There's the refining fire that happens in Malachi refining fire refines some destroys others
You think about metal precious metal you put it in the fire? Why do you put it in the fire to purify it to get rid of the dross?
The dross is utterly consumed and yet the metal is purified and perfected under the fire this is what
Jesus came to do he came for a two -part purpose to save his people and To utterly destroy those who rejected him the book of Hosea Gives the shocking pronouncement the book of Hosea is about a man who
God told to marry a prostitute as a Metaphorical as a metaphorical picture of who
Judah in Israel had become She is the prostitute who would not follow her
God And do you know what happened to the child of Hosea and Gomer the prostitute?
He was named not my people that was his name You won't find that in one of the baby name books you imagine not my people
Langford The People who the prophet
Hosea was speaking to their children the generation that would one day come
We're going to inherit the title of not my people You hear so many people today talk about God's chosen people the
Jews when Hosea says no the title That they have inherited and their rebellion against Christ is not my people
The people of God The chosen people of God we said this last week are those who bow the knee to the
Lord Jesus Christ Both Jew and Greek both slave and free both male and female
There is no bloodline that gets you a magical status with God. It was severed by this curse
Hosea says you are not my people and I am NOT your God. There can't be any statement more clear than that But it's not just the prophets
You get to the New Testament. Everybody says ah the Old Testament got so angry and the New Testament. God is so joyful Well, let's test this thesis
John the Baptist the final prophet Matthew 3 7 and Matthew 3 10 says to the
Pharisees you brood of vipers Basically, you're of your father the devil who was a serpent from the beginning
You brood of vipers who warned you to flee from the wrath to come the obvious answer is everyone
Even the axe is laid at the root of the tree You may not be a lumberjack to understand but you don't need to be to understand this
The root of the tree is at the very core of it at the center John is saying that the axe has been chopping you for centuries and It's now at the root of the tree one more swing and you are done
One more swing and you're destroyed one more swing and you will be tossed into the fire He even goes on to say that his that's
Jesus's winnowing fork is in his hand and he will clear his threshing floor and gather his
Wheat into the barn, but the chaff he will burn with an unquenchable fire See in those days you had a winnowing fork when you were doing threshing
Which is you were separating the plant of the wheat from the from the chaff. The chaff was unusable
It was worthless So you would toss the wheat into the air and the chaff would break away from the husk of the wheat and it would fly away into Nothingness and you would do this process over and over and over until you had nothing left, but wheat
John the Baptist is saying that he has come So that nothing will be left on this earth, but wheat
And everything that is not wheat will be destroyed Jesus himself calls down curses upon them.
He calls them a wicked and adulterous generation which goes back to the book of Deuteronomy He says that your kingdom is going to be taken away from you and given to a people who will bear its fruit
Matthew 2143 he says that their city is going to be surrounded by the same armies that Deuteronomy 28 prophesies
Luke 21 20 He says your city is going to be set on fire Matthew 22 1 through 14.
He even says that your house is going to be left to you utterly Desolate that all of God's wrath would be poured out on that generation
He says that the skies are gonna be filled with vultures and your streets are gonna stink with death
Matthew 24 30 or 28 Jesus saying all the same things that Deuteronomy said and in Matthew 23
Jesus isn't having a bad day. He didn't forget to eat his breakfast when he gives seven covenant woes
Woe upon you Pharisees. Woe upon you. Woe upon you seven woes.
Do you remember back to Deuteronomy? Where God says if you don't listen I will bring upon you seven times the punishment and here
Jesus gives seven covenantal woes marking them out with an X That this is where the wrath of God will be poured
Jesus predicted the destruction of Jerusalem in Matthew 24 a passage that's very misunderstood a passage that many will say has is not happened yet and is
At some point way into the future Jesus says that the curses were going to come upon them that earthquakes were going to happen to them that they were going to be destroyed beaten bruised and They were gonna be left in heaping piles dead just like Deuteronomy 28 says
He says that the vultures will swarm the city just like Deuteronomy 28 says for 1400 years the wrath of God was being stored up against this people and they had the audacity to come and strike the cornerstone and The wall fell down and the dam broke and the flood fell on top of them
Now that leads us to our final part let's bring this back to John 19 John 19 is where the people of God asked
God For him not to be their king and for them to have a king like all the nations
Do you remember that scene in the book of Samuel? where the people say We don't want
God to be our king We want a king like all the nations give us a king like these other Nations and then you'll remember that God gave them
Saul who was a curse upon them And God even says to Samuel Samuel was heartbroken.
He said Samuel. They're not rejecting you. They're rejecting me They don't want to be ruled by me
They want to be ruled by a pagan king and here you have that moment in the book of Samuel that sets about a cycle of disloyalty where the people
Refuse to be ruled by God and want to be subjugated by men by pagan kings and then you look at John 19
Where God himself comes in the flesh? They're looking at him and they say we don't want you
We don't want your rule God. We don't want you We want
Caesar That's what they're saying The history of the
Jewish monarchy began with them rejecting God for a human king The Jewish monarchy will end in the exact same way with them rejecting
God for a human king they renounced their covenant and they asked
God for a divorce and within 40 years a single generation
That entire people would be obliterated by the wrath of God Again, I challenge you and encourage you to read
Josephus I think he's trying to put it mildly and it is gut -wrenching
Brothers and sisters. I know that this is a heavy passage. I know that there's a lot going on in here
But the only thing I wanted to do today Was I wanted you to know that these curses exist in the
Old Testament and they're real and they're poured out upon the people who disobeyed God and I wanted to remind you
That we have been given more light than the Jews The Jews had the
Old Testament. We have the entire history and canon of God How much more obligation do we have today to obey him having seen all that he's done for us
Paul even says in Romans chapter 11 for us not to be prideful for us not to be prideful
For us not to look at ourselves and say we are the chosen people of God That's exactly what the
Jews did in the first century and they thought they were untouchable Romans 11 20 through 22 says quite right
They were broken off because of their unbelief, but you stand by your faith Do not be conceited brothers and sisters, but fear
God For if God did not spare the natural branches, he will not spare you either
Behold the kindness and the severity of God to those who fell
Severity to them but to you God's kindness if you continue in his kindness
Otherwise you will be cut off. There's a theological problem that happens in a lot of reformed churches that I want to end with We have this beautiful doctrine called the perseverance of the
Saints Where if God has saved me I will remain saved once saved always saved.
Amen You didn't earn it. You can't lose it I get that but do not dare take such a glorious and beautiful doctrine as the perseverance of the
Saints and say That because God saved me I can do whatever I want. I can live whatever kind of hellish
Sinful existence that I want for the rest of my life and God is obligated to bless me
If that is you you reveal that, you know, nothing of the covenant of God Because the covenant makes you not only
Love the one who obeyed it makes you love to obey it makes you want to be like him
Brothers and sisters do not trifle with the living God fear him learn to love obedience
Learn to love him and please him in all your ways There's great assurance and great safety in our salvation for those who fear the
Lord and There is absolutely no hope and no safety for those who say with their lips that they believe in him and with their hearts and with Their bodies act like nothing is different That man that woman should be terrified
Because what we saw in this passage will come upon them But for those who are truly in Christ let
Jesus's words in John 14 be your words if you love me You will obey me if you love me, you will keep my commandments if you love me, you will do what
I have said and Let us be unlike the people of Judah who said we have no king, but Caesar Let us be the people who are only creed our only anthem
Our only pledge is we have no king but Christ all of Christ for all of life for all the world
Amen, let's pray Lord we thank you that you have carved out a safe place
For us that Christ took the hellish wrath that we deserve
So that we could find safety and peace with God Lord, let us not despise his grace
By living as If nothing has changed Lord, let us be the kind of people who?
Look to the cross look to the agony look to the brutality look to the fact that you turned your face away from your own son and to not
Use that as a means to sin all the more Paul says may
God forbid that Lord, let us be a people who grow in grace
Let us be a people who rest in the gospel of Christ and who grow in the Sanctification that will make us conform to the image of Christ Lord let us be a people
Who see the weight of these curses and yet at the same time are not sullen and are not
Broken and are not fearful in a in a sinful way Butter but turn from the ugliness of all of that to the cross and See the one who took our stains and our infirmities and our sins and Lord Let us be the only kind of people on earth who can read
Deuteronomy 28 and read Leviticus 26 and have joy Because our salvation is not based on our performance but based on your performance
Your faith your obedience your grace your mercy Your kindness and love
Lord let both these things be true for us. Let us fear you and let us enjoy you forever. It's in Christ's name