Pushy Homosexuality

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Homosexuality has become a big issue in our culture. So, what's the big deal anyway? Does Jesus ever condemn it? Does the Bible say anything about it? Pastor Mike and Steve explore these issues on today's show.


Welcome to No Compromise Radio, a ministry coming to you from Bethlehem Bible Church in West Boylston.
No Compromise Radio is a program dedicated to the ongoing proclamation of Jesus Christ, based on the theme in Galatians 2, verse 5, where the apostle
Paul said, "'But we did not yield in subjection to them "'for even an hour, so that the truth of the gospel "'would remain with you.'"
In short, if you like smooth, watered -down words to make you simply feel good, this show isn't for you.
By purpose, we are first biblical, but we can also be controversial. Stay tuned for the next 25 minutes as we're called by the divine trumpet to summon the troops for the honor and glory of her king.
Here's our host, Pastor Mike Abendroth. Welcome to Dare to Be a Daniel Radio, featuring your host,
Pastor Esteban Cooley. Yes, I've spent time in a furnace with lions. Yes, and who were those lions?
Eating seeds and vegetables. What do lions eat?
If they were going to go on a Daniel diet, what would they actually eat? Seeds and vegetables. The Dare to Be a
Daniel diet. Oh, that's good. Alistair Begg in studio today. Alistair, tell me how you've come over from Scotland to preach in Ohio.
Wrapped in the robes of Christ's righteousness. That's actually more Scottish than Alistair does.
Did you know that? You've out -Alistaired Alistair. Thank you very much. Yes, okay.
So today, if you're new to our show, welcome, thanks for actually tuning in, turning out, tuning out.
How do they do that? We're just thankful to have you. What number are we on the Sirius radio stations? We are one.
I can't tell them because it's just a preset. I think we're the square root of I. Yes, and then that mobile phone app, what's, how do you get that app of ours?
You go to the mobile app download store place thing.
All right, let's talk about a topic today after all this joking aside. The homosexual agenda is seemingly, in my mind,
Steve, in full speed ahead. It's accelerating. What are you talking about? Come on.
Gay, I mean, come on, a couple of things, like the president just endorsed gay marriage.
Now there's a gay comic book character. What do you mean there's a gay, there are all kinds of gay shows on TV.
Christianity, oh, well, that hasn't happened yet. Yeah, who knows what they're gonna say about that whole thing.
Steve. It is deep in our culture today. You are absolutely right.
Who knows if James White is correct. Some pastors in America who are alive now may have to go to jail for their stance about God's righteousness and how he hates unrighteous acts, whether they are heterosexual or homosexual, and hates those that perform those because the sin and the sinner are linked together.
Of course, there's forgiveness found for all kinds of sins in Christ Jesus. But now,
Steve, we are coming across as bigoted, as fundamentalist, as West Side.
Who's that church? What's that church name? Westboro. Yeah, those Westboro Baptists, those nuts in Kansas.
And what is it, Steve, about this push? Can you explain the push spiritually or psychologically?
I understand that people wanna have same -sex rights and they want to have equality, and I know why they try to say it's a civil right issue, but is there a spiritual thing that's going on behind the scenes that we can dive into?
Well, I think there absolutely is. If God created man and woman, and he did, in his image, and he did, in order that they might have a union, as it were, that they might have different roles and fulfill those roles within the covenant of marriage, then what better way for Satan, for those who are his children, to undermine marriage than to just completely turn it on its head and say, well, it doesn't have to be
Adam and Eve. It could be Steve and Steve, or Adam and Adam, or Eve and Eve, or whatever.
Yes, Steve, it's interesting to me, besides the issue of procreation, besides the issue of anatomy, think about the roles.
So if it's two guys, are they both, according to the biblical mandates of Ephesians chapter five and Colossians chapter four, are they both the leaders of the family?
What about Ephesians five and Colossians four? If they're two women, that means they're both submissive to one another.
Everything gets wrecked when you say, God, what you did in creation is wrong.
So you have the undermining of God's word, evolution is true, and then you have the undermining of God's image and creation made in his image and likeness, where it doesn't even, don't we sound like troglodytes and dinosaurs that we are the ones saying no marriage is between a man and a woman?
Well, true or false, Jesus affirmed marriage. He went back to Genesis to affirm it.
That would be true. So he not only affirmed it, he went back to Adam and Eve to affirm it. So thus he affirmed
Genesis. He said that that is the standard for his own time and certainly carries on today.
But the whole idea that somehow marriage is antiquated or here's the other thing too.
They say, well, look at the divorce rate. What does it matter if gays get married too, right? What does it matter if homosexuals get married?
Right, because they'll look at sin in a heterosexual marriage and they'll say, see what that got you?
And then that's how they try to argue against the divine mandate. Now, God says this is good.
Actually, he didn't come up with it on earth. It was designed in eternity past that Christ would love the church.
And so I think it's a slam on who Jesus is and how he loves the church. Steve, what do you say if someone says,
Jesus never condemned homosexuality? He never talked about it. Yeah, well, I say
Jesus in his earthly ministry never did, but the Bible speaks of Jesus Christ and it is his word from beginning to end.
Through the Apostle Paul, he did. Yes, he certainly did. So, I mean, there we have the bifurcation, the false bifurcation of, well, you have your black letter
Bible, but I have the red letter Bible and that's the one that counts. Right, here's another argument that the homosexuals use.
And again, what we're trying to say is, as they're trying to push this down the throats of evangelicals in society and they're not going to stop until they get what they want and it's probably going to happen.
We Christians have to stand firm and we have to tell sinners the truth. Every kind of sinner needs to know the truth that Christ Jesus alone is
God and he is exclusively the way to heaven and those who trust in his risen, trust in his work confirmed by the resurrection can have eternal life, no matter if you're a homosexual or a heterosexual sinner, you can have life eternal and have forgiveness of sins.
Steve, they also say that Sodom and Gomorrah was not a problem of homosexuality, but it was the gang rape aspect.
So one -on -one, two consenting adults, fine, but it was the gang rape thing. How would you respond to that one?
How would I respond to that? I'd say that that's just rubbish. I mean, I've also heard that it was a lack of hospitality.
That's another one they use. And no matter how you deal with that, I think it was better, they weren't condemned for gang rape.
That wasn't the issue. What is consistent is the condemnation of God upon homosexuality because it's a violation of his creative order.
He designed things to be a certain way and homosexuality, as I think you're about to read in Romans chapter one, is really the turning upside down of God's created order.
Steve, in Romans one, the homosexual advocate today will say, do you know
Romans one, God gave them over, God gave them over, God gave them over. He wasn't giving over homosexual people.
He was giving people who were really heterosexual but had some bisexual feelings.
He gave them over because they were going against their nature. Some people are born homosexuals.
If they don't go against their nature, God doesn't give them over. But if they go against their nature, that's the argument of Romans one.
Well, and that would somehow come from what? In other words, the idea that God creates people who are homosexual, that God creates people who are conflicted about their sexual identity.
I mean, it reminds me of this kid who, what is he, three years old or whatever, and his parents, he's a, she is a girl.
She wanted to be a boy. So her parents have treated her, the child is now five, like she's a boy.
And you just go, I mean, I think the child should be yanked out of that house. And I mean, that's just absurd.
No three -year -old is old enough to decide what they're gonna do about anything. That's what parents are for.
If you're listening today, we're talking a little bit about homosexuality and how it's just getting pushed and pushed and pushed.
Romans is clear, 1 Corinthians is clear. Steve, when someone says, oh, you just quoted
Leviticus about abomination and man lying with a man, but then it goes on to talk about how you can't mix clothing fibers.
Do we use the Old Testament to argue against homosexuality? And if so, how do we use it? Well, I think we just have to use it in a consistent way, just showing, well, you know what, you're right, but the truth is the
Levitical law is just reflection of the creative order, and it's also continued in the
New Testament. Homosexuality is never permitted. It's never permitted in the Bible.
And when they say, well, Jesus himself never talked about it, I'm going, I'm pretty sure that they didn't have
West Hollywood, they didn't have Provincetown, they didn't have a raging homosexual community in Jerusalem because still being under the
Old Testament law, they would have taken them out and stoned them, you know, so that they weren't sashaying down the street.
Romans 1 says, therefore God gave them up in the lust of their hearts to impurity, to the dishonoring of their bodies among themselves.
And here's the reason why. I find this interesting that Paul gives us insight into the cause, the motivation, because they exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and then because you do that, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the creator who is blessed forever.
Amen. For this reason, God gave them up to dishonorable passions. For their women exchanged natural relations for those that are contrary to nature.
And the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error.
And see right there, it says that they gave up their passion, their rightful passion, and they didn't, you know, so this isn't a matter of, this isn't just simply a matter of people being born homosexuals or whatever, whatever their wigged out idea is.
The bottom line is, God created things to be in a biblical way.
You know, a man and a woman together forever in marriage, as long as they both shall live. And he never intended for homosexuals to, well, he never intended to ordain the practice of homosexuality, to approve of it.
He never did. If he did, then that would be one thing, but there is not one scripture that anyone can point to that says, yes, homosexual activity is okay by God.
It's not a sin. Steve, I understand completely evolutionists and secular people and those in the media and in the arts and entertainment.
I understand why they are pushing for homosexuality. It strikes me odd though, that those in Christian mainline denominations, they're also pushing, but they have different reasons for pushing.
And so if you just say, well, listen, we've come out of goo, and if you've got an urge, fulfill it.
If you get hungry, eat. If you want to have sex with another person of your own sex, then go ahead.
That part I understand, but those that torque the Bible, I think it's even more debasing to try to make
God say the opposite. To say, forget you, God, I don't care about you. We'll do what we want is one thing, but then how much more condemnation is heaped upon the heads of the modern day scribes and Pharisees at Princeton and Yale and Harvard and in the
PCUSA and in the United Congregational Church. What they do is even worse.
Yeah, it's interesting that you mentioned the UCC because I just saw an article, I think it was in Detroit, where a pastor announced that he was now in favor of gay marriage and lost 2 3rds of his congregation.
And they're like having to raise $200 ,000 to keep the building and everything. And I'm like, well, at least 2 3rds of the church had enough sense to do that.
Steve, when I read something in the Bible that rubs me the wrong way because of my conscience, because of my actions, because of my mindset, because what
I was taught as a child, what was I taught by someone else in the faith?
Well, I have one of two choices. I can either say I'm under the scriptures or I am over the scriptures.
I guess you could say you're equal to the scriptures. Or you can look for a loophole. That's right. Jesus never talked about that.
I think I'm okay. Oh, there's no hospitality. But at the end of the day, it's just so clear.
Let's use our blue collar hermeneutic again. If you're a sheet metal worker and you read the Bible and you would read through the
Bible and finish the whole thing, you would say to yourself at the end of the day, well, you know what?
Homosexuality is okay. As long as you love the other person and are committed. You would never come to that. You would not say it was righteous.
You would never come to that. So what do we do as pastors when we're now supposed to say homosexuality is righteous?
Steve, some denominations, if you're living with a girl as a male pastor, you can no longer serve because you are sinning by the sin of fornication.
But if you are in a same sex relationship as a man and you say you're committed, you can then continue to be a quote unquote pastor.
Oh, that's fine. That's absolutely fine because you know, in most states of the union, you can't get married. So what are you going to do?
You know, you're a pastor. What are you going to do? Go to Massachusetts, get married? The church's mandate in the
Bible is to be a husband of one wife, manage your household well, et cetera. It doesn't say the wife has to be a woman.
Oh wait, in the Greek it does say that. It doesn't say that in that manuscript that I forgot about. Well, I mean, the word for wife, husband of one wife, is it a wife or a woman?
It would be either one, right? Well, that was written a long time ago and the trajectory that we have now in the
New Testament is, I'm reading that book, by the way. Let's talk about this for a second in the realm of homosexuality, the forgivable sin, of course, because every sin is forgivable except the blasphemy against the
Holy Spirit. Steve, when people say I was born gay, so how can, here's what they mean by that.
God made me this way. Here's what they're forgetting. God made man and woman upright.
That's what Ecclesiastes says. Genesis chapter one says the same thing. Adam and Eve were made. And then
Adam fell. We fell on Adam. We got Adam's fall credited to our account as well.
Consequently, we're all sinners. But God didn't make broken people. God didn't make sinful people.
God made upright people. And therefore, you need a savior because all of us outside of Christ Jesus are fallen and broken and sinful and corrupt and unable to respond to God.
And so I wasn't born a homosexual, Steve. I was born a fornicator. I was born an adulterer.
That is to say I had illicit desire for people of the opposite sex. It's sinful and illicit because I wasn't married to any of those people that I either looked at or anything else.
And so am I not held accountable for sexual sin because I was born that way? Yeah, God can't judge you because he made you.
God don't make no junk. So that argument holds no water. Steve, furthermore, the scientists that did this whole are you born gay thing and looking at the thyroid and the hypochamys or campus and all these other kind of things.
And the upper lip. Yeah, it was 10 gay guys and blah, blah, blah.
The study is very spurious. That is true. But even if I concede
I'm born a heterosexual, you are born with a desire for other same -sex relationships.
It's still not righteous. And the Bible says the wrath of God is revealed on all unrighteousness.
And you need to have Christ righteousness so you're not enveloped in the wrath of God forever.
Let me take it a step further. Let's just suppose for a moment that this is true, that you're genetically predisposed toward your sexual orientation.
Well, let's say somebody someday decides that they are sexually predisposed to be a pedophile.
Well, that's where the argument's going. You can't stop there. It absolutely is going. Animals, people, three people in a marriage.
I'm not the prophet or a son of a prophet, but I told my daughter today, I said, you wait. I said, your children are gonna be fighting the same battle against pedophiles that we're having today about homosexuality.
That that's just the way our society is going where you're not gonna be able to say, and I'm sure there are people listening right now going, that will never happen.
Go back 40 years ago and you ask yourself would they ever have been talking about homosexual marriage?
Not a chance. Not a chance. In the early 60s, it was considered a mental disorder.
And now it's just right as rain. Well, Steve, what about Christian campuses? Recently, the
Biola campus, Bible of Los Angeles, I think that's what Biola stands for.
It's a campus now down in La Mirada and Talbot is the graduate school there.
There's an underground group of homosexuals who are anonymous, but they're starting to post things online with all bravery, of course.
What do we do at a school like Biola where they have a statement of faith and then you have some kind of, what do they call those things if you have to sign?
An affirmation of obedience or? Yeah, some kind of morals thing. I won't get drunk.
If you're at Bob Jones, I won't go see movies. I won't hold a girl's hand. I won't chew tobacco.
I won't. Right. I won't have Pete's coffee. So they have these.
All the biggies. Yeah, they have these pledges. And by the way, I think they're fine. And some I disagree with in terms of fundamentalism and liberties and legalism.
But if a school that is private wants to say, this is what you have to sign to get in here.
And if you don't do these things, you could incur discipline. Is there anything wrong with that? Nope. And so I agree not to have sex outside of marriage.
I agree not to drink. I agree to uphold the Christian faith. And if I don't, I have to drop out of school.
There's a variety of things that these things say. Well, now you have this pledge and these students don't want to do it.
They know they're going to get kicked out if they come out of the closet. Cedarville has the same thing. Well, it was interesting.
I was on Cedarville's website and they actually have a thing on how they deal with homosexual students.
And basically they're referring to counseling and things of that, you know, to help them, you know, see things in a scriptural light.
And I'm like, really? You know, in other words, it was just kind of like one more sort of way of accommodating them.
It's really just kind of a process we have to walk you through and... Are they all say like they're doing here with Biola?
Some are saying, well, we need to dialogue a little bit and have a conversation with these guys. They can't because they're all anonymous.
They're so brave that they're anonymous. But conversation, no, I'd like to converse with you to try to convince you to not think that way and to think biblically.
But to have a dialogue, a give and a take, and back and forth. Once dialogue begins with a subject like at the
PCUSA, should we ordain women or not? Should homosexuals practicing homosexuals be a clergy or not?
Once you ask the question, it's over. It's over. So good job, Biola. I might disagree with some of their tenants, but good job,
Biola, for not kowtowing. Here's what the president, Barry Corey, told students regarding not changing its policy.
Quote, to fit increasingly accepted ethical or moral norms. In particular, we don't need to modernize or bend our biblically based position on sexual ethics.
I'm glad for that. Good job, Barry. Yeah, although he'll probably get fired. Oh, sorry. Here's what the group said, the group that launched a website around Biola as the underground people there.
We want to bring light to the presence of the LGBTQ community at Biola, despite what some may assume there are lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transgender, and queers at Biola.
We are Biola students, alumni, employees, and followers of Christ. We want to be treated with equality and respected as another facet of Biola's diversity.
When do we not treat homosexuals as equal image bearers and as people who have souls and who are real people?
Of course, there's some loons out there, but Steve, no one that I know, no one that's ever taught me the
Bible has ever said, people who struggle with homosexual sin or people who call themselves homosexual are not humans and they are different than somebody else and they are -
That they're worse or that they're beyond the forgiveness of God. Treat them poorly, treat them without manners, treat them without love, avoid them at all cost.
Not one person has ever taught me that. No, but the issue always is homosexuality is not, you can't be a quote, follower of Christ, which is the cool way of saying a
Christian. You can't be someone who says, well, I follow Christ. I love the Lord Jesus.
I believe in his perfect life, his death in my place and his resurrection on the third day.
I believe in those things and I'm a practicing homosexual. Those two things are incompatible.
Because 1 Corinthians 6 is clear, those who practice such things show that they don't have the transforming power of the
Holy Spirit in them to overcome those sins. Now you can have struggles, you can have desires, but those who practice these things,
God has forewarned us, they will not inherit the kingdom of God. And those who come across as homosexual and say, you know what,
Steve, some of the people in the group said, we have a lot of guilt for being homosexual.
I'm glad for the guilt. You ought to get guilt so then you realize how can my guilt be assuaged by the
Savior? Yeah, I mean, what are some of the other groups that are gonna come out there at Biola? Strippers, what else?
All kinds of little sinful groups that are, we're kleptomaniacs, but we're followers of Christ.
And these things just don't make any sense. Oh, we're kidnappers for the cause of Christ.
No, you're not. You can't take sin, a practice of sin, and say it is compatible with Christian living.
One of the reasons why the homosexual or any sinner wants to have the sin declared as righteous is so they can have their guilt assuaged, their conscience can be clear.
But no matter what you do, you cannot change your conscience and you cannot change the word of God.
And so if you're struggling with the sin of homosexuality and what the Bible teaches, then we encourage you to run to the sinless
Savior. Imagine Jesus Christ never sinned sexually, never thought wrong things, never did wrong things, whether it's heterosexual or homosexual, we have a
Savior who saves sinners. And if you are a new creation in Christ, you need to put off the old man and that would include homosexual practice.
And thinking silly thoughts that homosexuality is righteous. Amen. No Compromise Radio with Pastor Mike Abendroth is a production of Bethlehem Bible Church in West Boylston.
Bethlehem Bible Church is a Bible teaching church firmly committed to unleashing the life transforming power of God's word through verse -by -verse exposition of the sacred text.
Please come and join us. Our service times are Sunday morning at 1015 and in the evening at six. We're right on route 110 in West Boylston.
You can check us out online at bbchurch .org or by phone at 508 -835 -3400.
The thoughts and opinions expressed on No Compromise Radio do not necessarily reflect those of WVNE, its staff or management.