Welcome to Conversations That Matter


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Well hello, thank you for stopping by the YouTube channel for Conversations That Matter. My name is John Harris and I wanted to just take a moment to thank you and also just let you know a little bit about the content that we have on this page.
So I am passionate about the Lordship of Jesus Christ. I think it applies to every area of life.
I am a Christian. I am a conservative. And I have a degree in Divinity as well as History.
I'm pursuing a second graduate degree in History right now. And I'd like to think that my background though is more in apologetics.
I have a presuppositional apologetics curriculum that I've created that I like to teach at churches.
I'm the kind of weird guy who doesn't mind getting into a conversation with like a protester or someone who's very antagonistic to what
I believe as a Christian. And so you're going to find a lot of apologetics. You're going to find a lot of commentary on social, historical, even economic, political things.
And I'm going to try to apply what I understand to be the truth of God's Word along with the laws of logic to current issues.
So that's a little bit about who I am and what this channel is about. I do try to be unique.
If I hear someone else making a point, I'm not going to go out and parrot it. I do try to approach things from a unique angle.
And I also don't like surface conversation, surface level conversation. So I do try to take a little bit of an intellectual step backward and especially,
I guess that's the presuppositional background speaking here, but I like to look at the root assumptions and examine things based on their merits and principles.
So if you like what you see, you can go check out my Patreon account and support me there.
Or go to worldviewconversation .com and you'll find all the other social media platforms where you can stay connected.