“Biblical” Pro-Choice Argument Gets DESTROYED!

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Hey guys, Colin here, and welcome back to Fight For Truth, the channel where we bring you Christian commentary about the things that matter.
In today's video, we're going to be talking about a pro -choice argument from a progressive Christian named
Adam. In the video, Adam attempts to use the Bible in order to justify the pro -choice position, but as you're about to see, it simply doesn't work out.
Ultimately, Adam is merely manipulating the Bible in order to justify his patently unbiblical worldview.
So without any further introduction, let's get into this. Watch the video. Hey everybody, so this is true.
The Bible does not treat abortion as murder. In fact, the Bible doesn't talk about abortion as we do, but one of the closest places that it gets to in this discussion is in Exodus chapter 21, verse 22.
The Bible does not treat the destruction of a fetus as the destruction of human life, but as destruction of property.
Here is what this passage says. When people who are fighting injure a pregnant woman so that there is a miscarriage and yet no further harm follows, the one responsible shall be fined what the woman's husband demands.
Now, if this treated the fetus as a human life, it would treat it as life for life, but it doesn't treat a fetus as human life.
It treats it as property. Therefore, if it gets destroyed, there is to be a penalty, a fine to be paid.
Therefore, the Bible does not treat abortion as murder. Now bear with me here.
I know a lot of that may have sounded pretty concerning and even complicated at first if you're an Orthodox Christian, but I kid you not, virtually every claim
Adam just made is patently false, and that's what we're about to prove in this video. First, we need to understand something.
Adam's entire argument, and I say this without exaggeration, literally his entire argument hinges on this one fact, that Exodus 21 verse 22 can be accurately translated using the word miscarriage.
A miscarriage in this case would mean that the mother and her unborn child are prematurely separated such that the child dies.
The argument goes something like this. Exodus 21 verse 22 in the RSV translation, for example, says the following, "...when
men strive together and hurt a woman with child, so that there is a miscarriage, and yet no harm follows, the one who hurt her shall be fined, according to as the woman's husband shall lay upon him, and he shall pay as the judges determine.
If any harm follows, then you shall give life for life." Therefore, they conclude, the
Bible clearly says that the woman is a human being under the law, and the fetus is not human under the law.
Because whoever kills the woman is punished severely, but whoever kills the fetus only suffers a fine.
So there you have it. End of story. A grown woman is a life, and a fetus is merely treated as property.
This is the argument we're responding to here, and again, it is absolutely false. Let's dig into this.
As we mentioned previously, this argument hinges on one fact, that a quote, miscarriage occurs in the passage.
So let's investigate that specifically, considering it's the crux of the whole claim here. The Hebrew word translated as miscarriage in some translations is yatsah.
Yet translations like the ESV, for example, translate it not as miscarriage, but rather as, quote, her children come out, or are born.
In other words, they simply take it to mean that the child is born, that it exits its mother.
So what does this actually mean? Well, let's look at the facts first. The word yatsah can be translated in many ways.
This includes phrases like go forth, depart, exit, or come out of, just to name a few.
Fascinatingly, this very word can actually be used to indicate the emergence or birth of a living thing.
For one example, Genesis 124 says, quote, Then God said, Let the earth bring forth, or yatsah, living creatures after their kind, cattle and creeping things and beasts of the earth after their kind.
And it was so, end quote. Thus, the word can accurately be translated in a way that demonstrates a successful live birth, rather than a miscarriage.
According to an excellent article from Stand to Reason, which will be linked in the description, the word yatsah is used 1 ,061 times in the
Hebrew Bible. And as it is, only one other time is this word translated as anything resembling miscarriage.
Numbers 1212 is that example. It says, quote, Let her not be as one dead, whose flesh is half eaten away when he comes out, or yatsah, of his mother's womb, end quote.
Notice that the actual word is still translated as comes out, not as miscarriage.
The only reason we know that this refers to a dead child, then, is because the passage itself explicitly in context says we're talking about one being, quote, as one dead.
So this means that the other 1 ,060 times the word yatsah is used in the
Hebrew Bible, there is no clear indication of a miscarriage. In light of this mountain of exegetical evidence, it seems only fair that progressive
Christians should have to offer overwhelming evidence in favor of their argument about Exodus 21 if we're going to take it seriously.
But when you look at their actual claims, you will find that they don't have anything resembling hard evidence.
This brings me to the second reason to disapprove of the word miscarriage being used here.
Indeed, there are two Hebrew words that Moses could have easily used here to accurately and more specifically indicate a miscarriage.
The first word is nephel, and it appears in Job 3 .16 which says this, quote, Or like a miscarriage which is hidden,
I would not exist as infants that never saw light, end quote.
The context here clearly points to a child who has died, or as the passage says, a child who has never seen the light of day.
And it's worth noting this word is not used in Exodus 21. The next word that could have been used to specifically refer to a miscarriage is shakol, which is used in Exodus 23, verse 16, saying this, quote,
None shall miscarry or be barren in your land. I will fulfill the number of your days, end quote.
We cannot ignore that the context here includes the word barren, which makes the word miscarry an even more compelling translation as it continues on the same topic.
But in any case, there are several other passages where shakol is used to indicate a miscarriage clearly.
So here we have another interesting fact. Moses, who wrote Exodus 21, used a specific
Hebrew word for miscarriage in Exodus chapter 23, just two chapters later.
And more than this, there was another, second, more specific word for miscarriage available to him in the
Hebrew lexicon. Yet neither one of these words are used in Exodus 21, and instead, the author uses a more general word that is consistently translated as, quote, come out or birth.
So let's go over this. The entire progressive Christian argument here hinges on that word being translated accurately as miscarriage.
Yet there is little to no evidence to prove that this is the proper translation of the word. In fact, there is a mountain of evidence to the contrary.
And here's another reason to disapprove of Adam's statement in the video. If you recall, in verse 23, the passage talks about, quote, if there is harm or injury, then you shall pay life for life, end quote.
And what we're talking about here is the Hebrew word ason, which means mischief, harm, or again, injury.
That's true enough. Yet there is absolutely no indication in the text of Exodus chapter 21 of who the injured party is, the woman or the fetus.
This is yet another essential part of the progressive argument, that the woman specifically was the one who suffered the injury for which the punishment is life for life.
But again, it's completely unsupported. So let's go over this. Progressive so -called Christians assert that the word miscarriage is the proper and correct translation of Exodus chapter 21.
Meanwhile, there is no clear evidence for that at all, either in the text or otherwise. They also assert that the injury described in the passage is an injury involving the woman specifically.
This too has zero clear evidence to support it. So instead of using an interpretation that has no evidence to support it, let's use a more common sense reading of the passage, which would be this.
If two men are fighting and accidentally strike a pregnant woman, and this woman gives birth prematurely but successfully to a living child, the man responsible must pay a fine.
If, on the other hand, he strikes the woman such that there is harm to either the fetus or the woman—remember, the passage does not specify which—then he is to be held to the standard of life for life, tooth for tooth, etc.
In other words, a plain exegetical reading of Exodus chapter 21 does not support the pro -choice argument at all.
Rather, it lends infinitely more credibility and support to the pro -life position. You see, the fact is, progressive
Christians are proponents of an evil and unbiblical worldview that finds no support in Scripture.
Most of them, as you can clearly see, are just radical leftists disguising themselves as Christians unsuccessfully.
We can clearly see what they're up to, and it has nothing to do with Biblical, historic Christianity. As long as God allows this channel to do it, we will emphatically demolish and destroy the incredibly deceptive arguments that are coming out of the progressive
Christian movement. I pray that this has been a blessing to you, and please know that this video isn't meant as a sinful attack, but rather as a
Biblical critique. Please pray for this channel and for anyone discussed in the video. And if you're looking for teaching resources or trying to find a new church, check out the teaching ministries and church networks that we have linked in the description.
And by God's grace, let's move forward joyfully, holding to the truth of God's Word. Thank you so much for watching that video.
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