Becoming Better Theologians (part 29)

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Systematic Theology (part 30)

Father in heaven we thank you this morning That you are a loving God that you are a saving
God and that you would deign to Save such as us Father I pray that as we look to your word this morning what you've told us about yourself that we would just rejoice and Just be transfixed by your glory by your mercy and by your love in Christ name.
We pray amen Well, I thought I might start. I really do want to make a smarter Mark Schaefer sent me something this morning
I thought you know this is interesting because You're not
Intelligent if you believe in the Bible, that's what the world says, right? This is what the scientists have come up with and I think this is just spectacular.
I'm sure you'll agree with me This was from this week the Washington Post Researchers shed light on source of Earth's water
That's not easy to say Now here's the article it says
Water is everywhere on earth, but nobody is able been able to determine conclusively how it got here
Scientists know that the early earth was far too hot to hold water or water vapor
But then in relatively short geological time the oceans appeared aren't we lucky
In a discovery that researchers say Sheds important new light on that age -old question a
European team Reported Thursday that it has found a very cold reservoir of water vapor in space that could explain where the water came from The region they discovered is at the outer reaches outer reaches of a dusty disk surrounding a star 175 light -years away
Yeah, the scientists conclusion from the new finding and this is where you know, you really get smart
Life giving water almost certainly was almost certainly delivered to earth via comets and asteroids
Known to originate in these cold but water -filled zones, which were assumed to also be present when our solar system was forming
This is the scientist saying this he says our observations of this cold Cold vapor indicate enough water exists in the disk to fill thousands of earth oceans
Scientists have long and this is him again scientists have long suspected that there were these reservoirs of cold water vapor
Hiding in the outer regions of planet -forming disks, but now we've only found
Signs of water vapor until now. We've only found signs of water vapor in hot regions closer to the
Sun's Blah blah blah blah the logical extension He said is that the water has also been delivered to some of the billions of exoplanets known to exist beyond our solar system
Meaning that there are likely to be many ocean worlds throughout the galaxies Moving on here the earth formed 4 .5
billion years ago They have concluded and then was too close to the Sun to hold much water or water vapor
But around 4 .1 billion years ago a period of heavy bombardment When earth was pummeled by comets and cold meteorites both of which carry water from the outer
Anyway, that's that's all that happened in case you were ever wondering how we got water here on the planet
There you have it conclusively eyewitness accounts I Just read then
I'm going that is just so dopey I don't want to believe in a God who's you know who created all things and established the oceans or anything like that what
I'd like to believe is that the earth, you know formed as a hot rock and You know was then bombarded by asteroids and whatnot that were
Filled with water gee how to sell which is more likely
Genesis 1 or Asteroids and what was the last time we had an asteroid hit the world by the way that was filled with water.
I Don't know but there's your news for the day news that you can use we're gonna get back to our
Theology here today. I've had enough fun here for over the last few weeks We started talking about the attributes of God and I'm gonna get back to that today and We didn't get too far.
You know, can God be defined things like that? But today we're gonna start asking this question.
Can God's essence be made known? Can we know? God's essence
His substance as it were and of course, mr.
Culver answers that question for us. He says God is not noble in his essence except as he has seen fit to reveal himself in various ways
So we're not gonna you know, I mean, what's what's the truth about God? We can know God, but we can't know everything about him
Why can't we know everything about him just kind of review because we're not like him because he's infinite.
I Mean, that's a that's a great Response. Basically, we are finite.
He is infinite. We cannot grasp him We'll never be able to grasp all that he is How do we know something about God?
He revealed it to us in his truth in his word or what we would call specific revelation
How else do we know about God through creation through general revelation is what we would call it
We talked last year about Way back in the recesses of your mind We talked last year about some people saying that there is enough information in General creation to actually drive people to Christ to actually save someone
Anybody remember who would say that? Someone lost also known also known as a
Roman Catholic theologian would say that sort of thing that there's enough information in general revelation to To save someone and again, why do we know that that's not right?
What scripture could we look at and say? Well, it's it's that's not gonna work Okay, which would be
Romans Romans 10 verse 9 and then Romans 1 is also true, right?
Those are the flip sides. We need to hear the Word of God and Romans 1 says that people know about God they observe
His power they see his wisdom and just the way he set things up and yet what do they do with that information?
They suppress it. They hold it down He goes on to say there is general awareness that God is great good wise
And this has really been driven home for me this question here. He says otherwise why the fear of meeting him in judgments
Why the fear of meeting him in judgment, you know for those of you don't know my dad was back in the hospital this week and There was a genuine fear on his part that he was going to die now
I don't know. I haven't been able to talk to him yet Since it appears now that he won't you know to see if he's had any kind of epiphany
But death is all around us death is a reality and sometimes when people as they get closer when they recognize that they're going to die
There's a sense in which they suddenly realize whatever they've thought before They know there's something else coming and they're afraid
Let's see, we also know God's attributes as they are stated and described in Scripture However, this knowledge is not complete.
It's not exhaustive. We just know that what we have in Scripture is enough to what?
What is Scripture sufficient for? What's that? Condemning us, right?
I There's enough actually and even general revelation to condemn us but in in Scripture What why do we know that we have enough information about God?
It's perfect Scripture tells us that what it is sufficient for everything pertaining to life and godliness
So we have everything that we need all the information that we need about God But He makes a good point here the attributes are not now this is gonna be this might seem a little convoluted so we'll
Go over it a little bit God's attributes are not parts of his essence in other words
You don't take all the various attributes put them all together and go. Okay, that is the essence of God Why not?
What's that? He's Incomprehensible and since we don't really do well here.
Here we go. True or false. We know all the attributes of God We've already kind of ruled that out, right? So the answer is no
So we even if we could exhaustively draw All the attributes of God out of the
Bible and put them all together and go. Okay. Here's the pyramid here It is and now I have this complete picture of who
God is and the answer would still be no you don't He's bigger than that.
He's greater than that. He's more than As it were the sum of his Attributes you can't say parts because you can't divide
God. There's no division there God is not essence and attributes but in attributes cover says
We understand part of him now, how are God's attributes related to him?
And here's where we're gonna get to the Bible here another problem frequently discussed from earlier Christian times has been
How are the attributes related to God and he says he goes on to say that God is you know?
Like there are many people in the human race when we say mankind we understand that that's a massive quantity that would be called a genus or a species of Being Well is
God part of a species is God part of a genus unlike You know our
Mormon friends who would say that there are an infinite number of gods We talked about that last week. There is only one
God and you know what? Let's let's look at Isaiah 43 You want to talk about a section of Scripture that just kind of blows away any idea that there could be another
God That there could be more than one Isaiah chapter 43 and this whole section where really
God is comparing himself to the idols of all the nations Around there and just saying listen, there is no other
God Isaiah 43 11 I I am the
Lord and besides me there is no Savior Isaiah 44 6
Thus says the Lord the King of Israel and his Redeemer the Lord of hosts I am the first and I am the last besides me.
There is no God verse 8 Fear not nor be afraid have
I not told you from of old and declared it and you are my witnesses There is no or he asked a question.
Is there a God besides me? There is no rock. I know not any 45 5
I Am the Lord and there is no other besides me. There is no
God. I equip you though You do not know me Isaiah 45 6
That people may know from the rising of the Sun and from the West that there is none besides me
I am the Lord and there is no other Isaiah 45 21 Declare and present your case.
Let them take counsel together Who told this long ago who declared it of old was it?
Not I the Lord and there is no other God besides me a righteous God and a Savior.
There is none besides me Isaiah 47 verse 8
Now therefore hear this you lover of pleasures who sits securely who say in your heart
I am there is no one besides me I shall not sit as a widow or know the loss of children or I'm sorry
Let let me just say it this way who say who say in your heart I am and there is no one besides me
I shall not sit as a widow or nor the loss of children. I Don't know how that fits in there.
I think that's just a different translation. Let's read 47 10 You felt secure in your wickedness.
You said no one sees me your wisdom and your knowledge led you astray and you said in your heart I am and there is no one besides me.
And so there the people are saying, you know, nobody knows but there is one who knows It's God.
It's always God. God knows everything God is everywhere and there is no There is no other
He goes on Culver does he just he says look He says a chair may be said to be a piece of furniture composed of a seat back four legs and designed for seat for sitting
But God may not be described in such a way Again getting to the idea that you can't take his component parts put them together and go.
Okay, that is God He says the attributes of God are like him
In fact, there are more than or they are more than like him because they are identical with his being
They do not conceal what in who he is, but rather reveal him the attributes are what
God is in some meaningful way They are identical with God's essence
And are not personifications as in polytheism and medieval Jewish speculation So what's he saying here?
He's saying that we know God by describing his attributes by looking at his attributes, but that's not all that he is
It just means that for example, he discusses righteousness and he says Righteousness is an aspect of God's being
God is righteous God seen from a certain perspective all of God in That aspect or perspective and so on for every biblical statement about God what the
Bible says Or when the Bible says that God is righteous It means all of God God in every respect is righteous every positive attribute of God In here's of all of them in all of them.
In other words, his love is righteous His justice is righteous. Every part of him is righteous and then you could go on and say his love is
Just his mercy is just and all these kind of all of them are true about each other all the positive attributes
Now this is an easy question Do words apply to God? Mean the same as when they are applied to human beings
Do words applied to God mean the same when we apply them to people
No, why not? Brian said pride
Peggy, right?
We we try to do something we We work at being holy or we try to be righteous or we try to be just or we try to be loving or we
Work on all these things And you know what really our focus is on what one or two things at a time?
I'm going to be a better husband. I'm gonna be more loving in the way. I talk to my wife I'm gonna be am I confessing we work
We work on you know We we just kind of set our minds and we fix on one thing
But God doesn't God isn't anything like that. Why because he is all of his attributes all the time
Constantly without effort now, there is a sense or he's talking about he says there is a partial correspondence
There's a way that we can relate We might say if somebody he is
That man really knows how to keep his tongue or that man is self -controlled or that man is
Whatever he is or that woman is you know godly or however we say it and we might think you know in a certain
Sense they sort of reflect God, but how do they do that? They do it imperfectly and they do it by the grace of God even as Brian and Peggy were saying
Pam Yeah, that's a great point.
I mean God's attributes are inherent. They are who he is and anything we have. How did you say it? Would be derived from him.
There are a blessing from him. So that's exactly right Now, how do the attributes of God relate to one another?
Mentioned that a little bit but he develops it a little further how the attributes related to one another holiness to love mercy omnipotence
To infinity and time and place and so on is one attributes More important to sound sound theology
Than another I hear some nose.
Well, so what Culver says he says there is a considerable variance of views Why would there be why would be there?
Why would be there? Why would there be a difference of views? among theologians
Steve Nelson Okay Absolutely.
Pam says well, what about holiness? You know, can we not place that before all of his attributes and say that that's the overriding one if we look at Isaiah 6
What do we see? Holy? Holy? Holy why? To emphasize the holiness of God we never see in the
Bible You know, God is love love love God is just just just we do see God is love
What we don't see is you know What people tend to practice in the Christian Church today or in evangelical churches they tend to say love is
God You know, they make that one -to -one correspondence. God is love. Therefore. Love is God that we have love is all there is
Yeah, Charlie, right.
We are not absolutely not Equally we do not equally receive God's attributes
All of us do not some of us will receive his will all receive his justice as Charlie said, but we'll receive it in Different ways those who are in Christ will receive
I guess you could say that the Justice of his mercy while those who are not in Christ will receive the justice of his wrath
And certainly those who are not saved do not receive his love in the same way They receive a general sort of love, but they don't receive his specific his saving love
But there is a there is a difference in views. No one can read Leviticus and Isaiah or Ezekiel without reserving or without observing the emphasis on holiness
And so he says well, let's leave that question open at the stage and he wants to move on so we'll move on what is the meaning of a
Phrase that we probably don't use too often the simplicity of God's being He's gonna explain this
Orthodox theologians generally affirm that the being or substance of God is simple
What do you think he means by that? I'll take that What is what is the meaning of the simplicity of God's being
Charlie okay.
He's always simple in the extreme of his attributes other thoughts before I give you the definition He's immutable
Okay, he cites bobbing here and he says
Every attribute is identical with God's being by reason of the fact that every one of God's virtues is absolutely perfect in God Interesting we haven't really mentioned the perfection of God.
Let me say that one more time every attribute is Identical with God's being by reason of the fact that every one of God's virtues is absolutely perfect in God and That gets back to what
I was saying earlier. You know when we when we say God is holy. We mean that well, we mean a lot of things.
He is otherly. He is perfect He's without sin. He's different than us if we say that God is just he is absolutely perfect in his justice
If we say that God is love we mean that God is perfect in his love. He is perfect in every single attribute
There is no I guess we could say there's no shadow. There's no attribute of God where we go. Well, he's ninety nine point nine percent
Fill in the blank. It's always perfection Father Son and Holy Spirit the triune
God are not three parts of God. I'm gonna be talking about that tonight Not three parts of God the three persons of the
Trinity are one simple Divine essence we do not divine the substance of God the nature of God is common to the three persons in the
Godhead But they are not communicated from one to the other they each partake of them and possess them as one
Divided or undivided nature. Sorry one undivided nature in other words all the fullness of the
Godhead dwells in Christ and So also in the Holy Spirit and so also in the
Father The attributes, of course are each the whole undivided divine apps
Essence viewed in a particular way or in relation to differing objects. In other words same thing.
He's been saying, but why would we ever want to? classify the divine attributes
Why would theologians want to classify the divine attributes and some of you might say so they have a job.
Otherwise, what would they do? Well, I think there are at least what are some classifications that you've heard maybe of the attributes of God.
I Think there's what there's one, you know set of Classifications that I think
I've heard fairly frequently Anybody think of any? Okay, communicable and incommunicable, which means what you know, if you have a communicable disease
Yeah, and if you have an incommunicable disease then I'll give you a hug because you're you're fine, you know
But here's what here's what people typically say, you know, they're Hacking and coughing and you know, the nose all red from sneezing all day and they go
I don't think it's catchy really I digress
But communicable and incommunicable meaning Not like a disease because an attribute of God it's not a disease
But how do we how would we say something as communicable or incommunicable? he's able to impute it to a creature can you think of an
Incommunicable attribute of God something that we cannot possess
Okay creator Perfection self -existence is a great one. I Will never stand up here and say of myself
I am that I am yeah All right, it's it's incommunicable
Omniscience omnipresence Although, you know, I I always liked what I My kids like I liked him to think that I was omniscience
Remember once I caught one of them, you know go to a movie and boy that was fun There was a movie.
They weren't supposed to go see so Supposed to be somewhere else entirely and dad caught him. How does he do that?
I don't know. It's I Have my ways. Yeah, Charlie Like would sovereignty be considered in other words the fact that we have a will that we have volition that we make choices would that be a reflection
An extract a portion of God's sovereignty. I don't know.
What do you think? Harry yeah,
I I mean I I would have a hard time saying I I would say that Yeah, I I would say the fact that we make choices
Is not necessarily a reflection of God's sovereignty. I think there are communicable What are some communicable attributes?
Holiness right, but and we have to keep in mind that again, we're not gonna manifest any of these perfectly, you know, so Because whatever we get is derived from God or is directly attributable to him you know some other attributes that we would have our
Well Imputed righteousness. Yeah, I don't know Other things that you know,
I I think maybe Love would be one. But again, these are not things that you know,
I mean if we think about God's love I mean, here's an amazing thought because Is God capable of loving and hating a person at the same time?
Yes, and you know that's something it's tough to wrap our minds around because that's just not how we are and you know
I need go no further than Facebook to figure out that there are people who you know Set their affections on people and people who hate people and they're you know, there really isn't a you know
I love him, but I hate him. Well, no, you don't you you you're either one or the other But God hates sinners and yet Loves them enough not to damn them immediately and for some he said his eternal
Affection on them and he's just in time going to bring that about Here's what he says about the classification of divine attributes he says this will really
This will set you thinking the Reformers were disgusted with the fruitless efforts of late medieval scholastics to explain essence and attributes and sterile controversies about them hence
Calvin has a single chapter on the Trinity three on God's unity and Spirituality, but there is nothing like any effort to organize the biblical references to attributes
Why do you think that would be? It's limitless, but I think to what you know, if we if we look at the
Reformers, what are they where they focused on? Justification by faith or the gospel right and what had been happening?
I mean, I hate it. I hated it in seminary when we had to read Not Augustine, but what's the other guy it starts with an a
Aquinas Aquinas, I think would would be at the heart of His kind of thinking would be at the heart of what the
Reformers would just kind of go enough of that you know, how many literally how many angels can dance on the head of a pin and all these kind of Infantesimal arguments that don't amount to anything
Nothing. They don't help us to understand God in the slightest. They're absolutely of no value at all and He goes on to say that Melanchthon wrote a book
That discussed the Trinity and unity of the Godhead, but has nothing specifically in attributes
So they weren't really big on that one search is almost in vain for a satisfactory history of classifications and then you have
Bovink who wrote a book called the doctrine of God Bovink in common with most Orthodox authors puts or places a saiyan
II God's being as being primary. Now, what does it say to you if I'm saying it right or it could be a
CD? You know, I think it's a saiyan II Anybody know what that is? Let me spell it.
It's a s e I t y and it's
Latin and it means or it the Latin in root and it means from out of self or Self -existence it refers to God's self existence
So again when we if we were to look at it Exodus 314, you know, Moses says who shall
I say has sent me and God says I Am you know tell him
I am sent you And then again in John 8 58 Jesus says
I am that I am they all pick up stones. I want to kill him And he says that that is central
Though he calls a saty and attributes He means to say that it is in a class by itself prior to the other attributes and Culver agrees why?
Why would he say that that is the primary attribute of God? Yeah, you can't be anything.
Yeah, I'll use the wrong tense too. You can't do anything unless you Be to be unless you are which he says
God says I am and you know, we think about Some of the things he says even in Isaiah when he's describing his own
Existence and he says look I I give and What I lose no enter.
I mean, there's no end to God's energy. He doesn't diminished when he does something
There's another prophetic reference where it says that his power is
Or the Sun is the the hiding or the shadow of his power you know
God is infinitely powerful and He is self -existence his
He never loses any of his I mean he sustains everything and there's never any of it that is gone
It's never you know, I was I'm not as good as I used to be God continually is and he never loses any of it
He says that it is only because these attributes pertain to God in an absolute altogether unique Sense that they are divine attributes
Hence in that respect a saty absolute essence being may be called the primary attribute of God Bobbing says this we must therefore assume affirm
God's a saty That there is nothing above him. Hence wisdom grace love etc are identical with his being
Bobbing said is saying attributes are attributes of something. They are attributes of an essential being
So the attributes in here in God's being that he is absolutely
Perfect and he is ongoing now there are
Different ways of viewing the attributes of God and I'm going to give you a few of them here The way of affirmation or looking at them positively
We see the perfections or the excellencies of God in nature and in ourselves Intelligence for example, right?
Why why is God? Reflected in human beings.
Well, first of all because we're reasonably intelligent to varying degrees, of course, we do stupid things but Sinful things
But we're intelligence You know, I always find it fascinating that they're trying to prove that you know
This dolphin or that monkey or this dog, you know is almost as smart as people Answer intelligence
Really, you know and I just go hey if the whales are so smart how many cities have they built
But You know as we reflect God we can just think okay if we're able to do this and we're smart
How much more smart how much more intelligent is he? He goes on to say we cannot conceive of God.
Otherwise, and if there were not a single specific Bible verse Affirming God is intelligent.
We would affirm it as Christians Because he's greater than us and if he's greater than us and we're intelligent then how much more intelligent is he?
That sustains us that keeps everything together that has planned this all out Even as Harry was saying from the beginning so that would be a way of affirmation a positive way of framing things
Another way then the way of negation We reflect on the finiteness and imperfections of all creation hence we infer immensity infinity immutability and the like to God why
Because as we look and what we see is finite then we go Well, there must be something bigger than that so that it would be infinite
We see everything changing around us and we presume that there must be something that does not change and that would be
God So this is kind of the and to me that sounds kind of Roman Catholic And I he's just giving us the different ways of doing this.
However Look at this. The Bible sets a standard for negative statements about God. For example, let's look at James 1 17 because these these are pretty interesting statements about God and James 1 17 and what somebody has that would they read it, please?
Go ahead Casey Okay, so what
What attribute of God would we get out of that passage? I'm sorry
Well, you could frame it as his sovereignty. I mean, there's a more Specific term that's used
Steve Immutability is correct. Give that man a Free donut, so that would be one and and what does he say?
He doesn't say God is immutable He says what the God does not change Look at Hebrews 6 18
So there is a way of looking at God's attributes in a negative way to understand what it is We are to understand about him
Hebrews 6 18 who has that go ahead
Bob Okay, if it is impossible for God to lie then he is a
God of truth okay, and If we looked at 1st,
Timothy 6 16 We would see that he is
Alone immortal which would give us the idea that what he cannot die. And so there are ways that Because that's what it means.
He cannot die or To put it positively. We would say that he is deathless that he it is impossible for him to experience death
And then there's another way of framing God's attributes the way of eminence These perfections we see about us, especially in human beings we refer to Or we infer to be also existing in an infinite degree in God We refer to this as God's image in his creatures
Mentioned that a little bit if we have love for one another then God's love Would exist in an infinite way in a more perfect way in a fully perfect way and he loves in ways that we cannot
So that would be the ultimate way of looking at it Calvin after asserting in that Quote in his essence
God is incomprehensible went on to say Quotes, but upon his individual works.
He has engraved unmistakable marks of his glory Therefore the
Prophet very aptly exclaims that he is Quote clad with light as with a garment
What does he say that you know that he's? Dressed that he's robed
With light as with a garment. What does that do when we read that sort of thing? He wraps himself in light as with a garment.
What does that mean? What does that conjure up for us Gives us a picture of God as a being of light
Perfection as stated earlier the attributes of God have been classified both positively negatively and Then communicable and incommunicable
Relative to other things and absolute transitive and intransitive Metaphysical and moral all these different ways that they can be explained
He says no one as far as I know thought of classifying the attributes in this a seventh way here
Here's how Alva J McLean? Described them as great attributes and good attributes
But he says by whatever terms they are designated all the attributes of God fall into these two classes of great and good in theological writing whether the theological writer be
Roman Catholic Reformed Lutheran or other Orthodox Writer this arrangement seems to be kind of an ecumenical consensus
Let's see We'll just finish up here systematic theology can never be simple proof texting however important Or however important biblical documentation of beliefs and religions must always be for Christians.
Let's look at just a few of these Affirmations first. I'll just do one right here easy.
What what do we know about God? John 4 24 God is Spirit right he doesn't have a physical body
He goes secondly Deuteronomy 439 let's go there
Let's look at Deuteronomy 439 since we probably won't all have committed that to her how many of you have memorized?
Deuteronomy 439 this week is your scripture memory verse So it's good to look at this one who has
Deuteronomy 439 Okay, Brian.
Go ahead again this idea that there is no other
God And you know it we were in Isaiah earlier. It's just fascinating that whole section there between 40 and Basically 47 is kind of when that when that ends maybe 48 it goes to But just talking about again and again again that there is no other
God and that there can be no other God Okay, what does that do to the people who think that they might become a
God? I think it sort of shoots that all on the foot, but There you have it again. The Lord is in heaven above and I'm beyond the earth or and on the earth beneath there is no other
Thirdly second Chronicles 2 5 second Chronicles 2 5
And this is an important one for At least one good reason that I can think of right off the top of my head
Second Chronicles 2 5 who has that go ahead Charlie. Now.
Do you suppose there that he's saying that there are other gods? No Let me just answer that emphatically.
No, why is he saying that? Because there are all these surrounding gods all around the
Israelites and everybody considers them a God and he wants to say lick whatever you believe about These other so -called deities our
God is the greatest and in fact, we would see over and over again that there are no other gods Fourthly Oh give thanks to the
Lord for he is good. Where's the Bible say that? Anybody know what book that would be in Oh give thanks to the
Lord for he is good Psalms Psalm 107 He is good
Fifthly the name of the the name of the Father the Son the Holy Spirit Matthew 28 19
And he says each of these scriptural captions is used as a heading for each of the
Chapters immediately to follow so that's what we'll be doing for the next several weeks as we talk about God's attributes both good and great and we will close there as we just study and focus and think about How awesome
God is it's good for us to be reminded That his ways are not our ways and that he's far above us
Father in heaven We thank you for this time as we've looked to your word as we've seen what you have Revealed to us about yourself father.
I pray that in the weeks to come even as we consider Your goodness your holiness your righteousness your love your mercy your justice your
Power your a saiyan All the things that are true and that are presented to us in your word father that we would not think boy
This is some dry academic study, but that we would think this is the God who is who in spite of or because of Actually because of all that he is
Would send his son to redeem a sinful unholy
Ungrateful people and to make them grateful to him to so transform their hearts that they would love and worship him
That you would take us from haters of you to lovers that is incredible power
Not in a physical sense, but in a metaphysical in a spiritual sense You are a great
God and there is none beside you and Lord We just praise you it just pray that the rest of this day would be to your glory and honor in Christ's name