WLC & Molinism then More from Russell Moore's interview with Andy Stanley


James started off today commenting on the sudden death of a young woman, a mother of seven, from Apologia church. He asks for prayer for not only Apologia but specifically for the family. Then he plays a clip from a recent Reasonable Faith podcast regarding Molinism. Finally the fuller portion of Russell Moore's interview with Andy Stanley where Andy reads a letter from a lady who now considers herself to be "a part of" Stanley's church. The lady is an atheist.

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Well greetings, welcome to the dividing line unusual time unusual day. I just mentioned on Facebook basically,
I looked at my calendar and realized oops, I Sort of forgot how I had scheduled things.
It's you know, we got back just well less than 24 hours ago from the cruise in Alaska and so It's easy when you've been gone that many days to Completely become discombobulated as to what you're doing and when you're supposed to be doing it.
So I said, hey the nice thing about doing the dividing line is we do it when we want to do it and We don't have a network we have to contact and it all ends up in Serenadio and voila you end up with a
With the dividing line in your iTunes feed or however else you do it And I have to remind myself.
I need to talk a little more quietly today. Yes, I did I realized
I was picking up a little something on the boat, but I was fighting it and it didn't impact me at all
But once we got to the airport and stuff, I knew yeah, yeah, we're it's nothing major I still did a 50 mile bike ride this morning, but I can feel it it yeah, when you spend that much time in airplanes and on ships and shaking hands and Talking to people
You're gonna come down with something, but we'll hopefully fight it off fairly Fairly quickly, so I had so much that we need to get to Stay quiet James.
You don't have to talk so loudly. There's a microphone right there Since we have so much to get to it doesn't go any farther.
Oh, no, it doesn't If I pull it a farther it goes This does
Anyway We've been on the ship together too long, that's all
I can say just you know, you know, whatever too much to get to and couldn't allow some of these things to languish too much longer without getting to them, but Don't like to start off on on a negative note, but have to make mention
Ah One of the mornings on the on the the cruise
I got up and I Saw a notification on Facebook those of you who watched the
Presentations on Facebook that was not planned by the way, none of us had had the idea that the onboard
Wi -Fi would actually work well enough to You know, especially while at sea to make that happen, but that's what that's what we did and So some of you may have heard me discuss this briefly
On One of the last sessions. I'm not sure if you if it might have been the last session.
I'm not sure But I saw a notification from Jeff Durbin a lot of you know
Apollygia and the church over there I saw a notification when
I got down to my cabin one morning about the totally unexpected passing of a very young member of Apollygia Sarah Arrington I Immediately contacted my daughter and found out that yes.
She of course knew her. She was evidently just a servant servant just Seven children
And An infant that was only three weeks old and the theory is that it was a blood clot from the birth that You know, they don't know yet, but they'll make they may find out
Whatever it is the schedule Later in the week as to when we say we're gonna do a dividing line
Thursday or Friday that's gonna be totally dependent upon when that funeral is
I'm gonna do everything I can to be there and But just a just a
You know, I don't what you're supposed to say is just a tragic situation. What is tragedy? What what does that mean how do
Christians address something like this I I Contacted Jeff who also was out of town when this happened.
That's very difficult Both I think Jeff and Luke were up in Iowa as I recall and That made it very difficult for them.
I'm sure as well but You know what what can
I do in a situation like that and so I offered about the only thing that I can offer He's got a lot of work to do this week.
It's always tough when you're gone at all And then when you have something like this and all the arrangements and the funeral itself and just just wipe you out
So I will be speaking at Apologia on Sunday and at PRBC So I'm doing morning
PRBC afternoon Apologia evening Let's hope the traffic is good from Tempe to Phoenix in the evening because I'll be doing all three services and we'll be trying to address as best
I can the You've died and your life is hidden with Christ and God what how do we live that out in situations like this, so Please pray for the
Arrington family. There is a link if you do some searching. I May have already shared it on my list.
In fact, I did. Yeah There is a link for for helping out because obviously, mr.
Arrington seven kids and a three -week -old infants and I Times like that.
This is really where your theology will determine how you Deal with these situations. I'm not gonna
I don't have the energy to go into What I probably should at this time
You know, I wrote a book on grieving but it really wasn't meant to address this aspect it was very very practical it wasn't meant to be a theological tome, but How Well, our theology will determine our apologetics and our theology will determine how we view the providence and will of God and It's amazing how many times
Something like this will cause people who in the rest of their theology Don't have any room for the sovereignty of God And it's all about the autonomy of man
But you have something like this happen and all of a sudden we're quoting Romans 8 28 right and left well, there's a theology under Romans 8 28 and There's such a disconnect for many people to try to move from I live my life without believing the absolute sovereignty of God and the will of God and I live my life asserting the
Autonomy of man and then all of a sudden when I'm faced with the deep and dark and difficult times.
I Can't find any comfort in the autonomy of man because there isn't any there's no purpose.
There's no reason and You know when we talk about trusting
God even in the dark times why would you trust
God If he didn't see this coming, what are you trusting him for to just try to make something good come out of this
I Mean this here this especially is where I find open theism to just be repulsive to me
Can you imagine the open theistic God right now? Oh Man, what am I gonna do?
I I don't even know what to say about something like that. You have to live out your theology at this time
You have to you have to When you're talking about trusting God Trust him to do what
You know this is where you really you enter into the depth of the character of God in Having to recognize that there are depths to his purposes and his intentions that are beyond what we can begin to understand and that's where That the childlike element of the faith comes in that is based upon a commitment that his character is such
I'm gonna trust him even in these incredibly dark times but then it's also where the very depths of faith and maturity of faith comes in to know his character to know that we can trust him in that way and to see
Back as you look back through your life how many times? you saw his character being
Illustrated to you and how many times you learned the lessons that you? Said at the time you'd never forget and we often we often do so prayers for the
Arrington family Paula Guia for Pastors Durbin and Pearson and their their work amongst the people there, you know,
I Jeff and I are supposed to be in Australia The end of next month, you know barely
I think it's right out a little little over a month for me Well, it's what's what's yeah a month from tomorrow month from tomorrow
And I I've tried to tell folks Jeff Goes morning noon and night.
I don't know how he does it If he's not careful pretty soon he's gonna look older than me
Because he is going morning noon and night and with that beard he'll look like Moses.
Thank you rich How do you know exactly what
Moses look like you and you know this see speculation it's dangerous thing theological speculation going on on the other side of the window, it's a
Dangerous thing one of the things by the way that that summer told me was she never missed an episode of the dividing line and That means means the world to me and So our audience is lesser today than it was before so Appreciate Everything God's given to us appreciate every day
Appreciate every person in your life You just never know and the fact is folks.
We look at a situation like this and it's just oh a young mother and seven children every time any one of us gets into that rolling contraption of gears and Flammable liquids and plastics and metal and go hurtling down the road
We so take God's goodness for granted. We so take his safety for granted
And something like this happens. We say I'll never do it again Yeah, I've said that too many times myself you will you will so anyway prayers for the
Arrington family, please Another one of those incredibly difficult situations that Just you you don't know what words to say and at times like this to be honest with you the only words that avail at times like this were the words that were spoken and Taught and believed in the years before this
Now is not the time to be playing catch -up There will be time later on for application
There'll be time later on for questions, but the words that mean the most are the words you've come to believe before the tragedy strikes and I think that's an important thing to keep in mind.
So I Want to get to stuff that happened
While we were gone pretty much right as we left Some more stuff developed in the
Andy Stanley Frank Turek Norman Geisler What is the church?
What is apologetics? What is the relationship the church to the Bible those of you who know church history and Certainly as people are going to be
Maybe rereading some books or doing some fresh reading between now and October of next year over the next year for the anniversary the 500 anniversary of the
Reformation this issue will come up and If you read about the Reformation you will discover very very quickly
That much of what calls itself quote -unquote Protestantism non Roman Catholicism today bears very very little resemblance to the
Reformation Especially on foundational issues and especially regards the relationship of Scripture nature of Scripture And relationship
Scripture and the church what we are getting from the mere
Christianity folks the evidentialists from my perspective, here's my thesis if you have a
Unbiblical theology regarding the nature of God Which is what?
Arminianism is it's going to result in a sub biblical apologetic and Then that's going to decay the highest view of Scripture These things go together and the high view of Scripture that especially
Became part and parcel of the apologetic of the Reformation against Rome see vast majority of evidentialists never deal with Rome They never deal with Rome.
They don't deal with Rome's Best apologists they don't do deal with Rome's best Argumentation and I I don't think it's surprising that you know a number of the folks we're talking about now have connections to SES and You know
Norman Geisler has come out in defense of Andy Stanley and Where where did all those people convert to Rome from?
There's a reason for this. It's it's a holistic thing. There's connections. You know, you can you can try to dismiss them go
Oh, no. No, that's nothing to do with that. No, we no. No, that's nothing. It's it's there. There's a reason for it the high
In -depth view of Scripture that came out of the Reformation is not generally a part of Arminian synergistic
Stuff. I mean just look at Roger Olson. I Mean his view of Scripture is so low
How low can it go is really the question it is so low in comparison to even to be honest with you if you look at the clash the post -reformation class clash between the
Jesuits and The Calvinists basically or the Lutherans there were some
Lutherans out there Chemnitz was out there doing this thing, too, but You look at that the clash the view of Scripture was held by both sides considerably higher considerably higher than that Which is hold by held by Roger Olson by by a long shot and so Many times the
Arminian position as I said, the Arminians that the best the Arminians have to offer tend to be extremely
Philosophical in their orientation first and foremost and so they end up with a very much less than Reformation level view of Scripture and you'll see that if you will be doing some reading in preparation for The celebration of the
Reformation coming up so a Lot of this stuff developed
While we were away, and I haven't had a chance to address it, so I'm gonna get to that But first I wanted to play a clip
That I did manage to download while on the ship we had Gotta admit the the
Internet's gotten better and better It's amazing what I was able to do bouncing off satellites, that's
That's something um, but I I grabbed The Reasonable faith podcast questions on the moral argument and animal suffering
I Just happen to look over and notice that was title and I actually played this
I Played I don't remember if it was right at the beginning of a session or before a session
I don't remember which on the on the ship so some of you may have heard it But a lot of you weren't able to necessarily follow all that so Was it a part of a session?
Yeah, didn't do a long a Long period of time
I noticed that one of the Co -hosts of a particular podcast which will remain nameless is whining
In the in the chat channel It's not like and then he uses my Nick is exactly fallen over himself to tune into their webcast and I'm wondering if I have a video of the little the little violin playing anywhere
I'm not sure that I do, but I'd only play it for him his other co -host Well his other co -hosts trying to take over the chat channel so the two of them together
I'm not sure what's going on there Anyway having been distracted by Opening up the the channel there.
Oh by the way one last thing Thanks to everybody who was in the group on the cruise. It was a great group.
We had a great time together There was great questions. You know one night we had decided
That we were gonna Not have an evening thing. I forget what what what it was why it was or whatever, but I Said well, you know
I'd like to I'd like to do a little more. I'd like to talk about a particular subject a little bit more and So we didn't even have the room scheduled so we went out
Outside and it was raining and so we had to be undercover and had to get blankets out
I'd still say the vast majority of everybody came out even for that and Had great questions, and we're you know
I never got interrupted by a falling asleep even though the ship was sometimes rocking Though it was super smooth sailing
I mean in comparison to everything that bet in the past That was that was nothing we had one night where There was a little rockin and rollin going on and that was that was about it
I have to say in it was wonderful to kind of feel like you can just put a bookmark in the calendar and time stands still and It really was the
I feel the consummate definition of a retreat It was wonderful to be able to just get away
Look at the tasks in front of us before God and at the same time have wonderful fellowship
It was and I know Marianne absolutely loved being on on as well. Yeah Yeah, my son was along he went down a record -length zip line got some good pictures of that and Yeah, it was beautiful.
It was great and Lots of encouraging statements made to me yesterday as we were parting the ship about how much the ministries meant to people and made some good friends and Basically everybody came along found out that rich, and I are pretty much
What you see is what you get member of the old whizzy wig remember what whizzy wig meant what you see is what you get other than The utterly shocked looks on some people when
I did show up formal night in my kilt Formal kilt They thought that was a myth that that was a story
Oh, they're really shocked what happened and it's like new. Nope. I I have two of them and There are pictures on Facebook my wife and I and my son and that that that be a kilt that was made at McKenzie's menswear in downtown
Glasgow it is Formal and it is wonderful. Yes, sir that you actually came in afterwards and taught the next session
In that kilt was on Facebook and people were like I never actually thought that was real.
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, it's like It's the only time I ever get to wear it No one's asked me to perform a wedding in it yet Just wait till you get the first email says so You were
Scottish would would Would James White? Officiated our wedding and a kilt.
Yeah Well, we'd have to match the colors though. You can't have clashing tartans That would be that would be bad.
But anyways We got somebody in channel saying I got married in my formal kilt.
Well, very good I wish I had had one back then But I was only 19 and I didn't know anything about my heritage much at that point in time
So didn't have one but great folks. Thanks for the encouragement It was it was a great time
Michael Fallon got some incredible pictures. I got some incredible pictures I thought a lot of the pictures I took it at Hubbard Glacier and that I've been to Hubbard three times
That was the best viewing of Hubbard. I've ever seen that was we had some great calving and what people just don't
Cannot begin to conceive of they've never been to a 70 mile long glacier Is that that is one whopping piece of ice and when it cracks
My wife kept saying it's gonna rain there's thunder. No, dear. That's the ice seriously
I mean when you put your glass you put ice in a glass and you pour something over it you hear that little cracking going on make that ice cube 70 stinking miles long and it's like thunder and We saw a calving take place which is where you know
This part comes off. And of course, there's a sound delay but the the thing is 300 feet tall and So the chunk that comes down, you know this big old huge wave that comes off and then
I saw the the resultant explosion upward shoot ice above the top of the
So is over 300 feet in the air. That was amazing. Yeah, it's just just unbelievable I thought the second time
I saw Hubbard it was raining and foggy and it was just sort of So I was a little worried given the weather as we were sailing in but we got some
Sun came out and oh I was able to get a panoramic shot.
Yeah, I got a panoramic shot too. Yeah. Yeah, we got some good good shots. So Anyways, it was a great great time.
I have been instructed and this is this is important My My daughter
I Don't know how she changed that name there. That's interesting Anyways, my daughter wants to make sure that everyone understands that I wasn't talking about her podcast when
I was talking about these other people because They are not these there.
There's something that's different than the other Yes, one of these things is definitely not like the that's exactly right and So she's just started her own podcast.
And so I guess I'm doing what any good father would do in advertising that But she wanted to make sure we differentiate it between See someone just asked her you have a podcast now
So she will have to answer and and provide the link if there is a link yet It's so new so yes yesterday
I was not talking about you I want to make sure that You would realize I would never ever confuse you especially with that one guy in that one podcast
Who's huh? Yeah, I wasn't gonna necessarily say who but everybody knows anyway
All right on to serious things William Lane Craig I've been criticized
If you can believe that someone would actually criticize me. Actually, I'm criticized for breathing wrong by most people and I'm gonna have to Minimize Twitter now to just stay on track.
I have been criticized for some of for repeatedly reading
What's still posted from William Lane Craig? Concerning God's got to deal with the cards.
He's been dealt and the whole what's called the grounding issue in regards to the claims of Molinism and Well, you know
Either on the one side to get people well William Lane Craig. It doesn't really speak for all Molinists type thing Or what?
You're not really representing. Dr. Craig. Well, I think I am I really really do think that I am accurately representing what he's meaning there and I think he confirmed that in The most recent podcast right at the end of the podcast and again, this is the kind of thing
The link that was sent to me, especially given I was on ship and hence It's not as fast as Internet as I have at home
Obviously and there are times when it's faster and times when it's slower and things like that but Having a direct link so I can go straight to it and grab it quick and stuff really helpful
So whoever sent this to me, sorry, I don't remember who does it but thank you. You can feel good about this,
I guess I want to play Dr. Craig's comments at the end of Responding to a a letter and again, it's on the problem of evil
Theodicy and again, if you've heard that term before theodicy theos
God and Then dikayo the justification of God in light of the existence of evil.
That's what theodicy is and Theodicy is a key
Apologetic issue and if you want to one really clear way of differentiating
The camps in apologetics is how do they do deal with the problem of evil?
How they deal with the issue of evil. I remember last Not last week. Remember the week before last when we played
My response to David Silverman and my interaction with him on the subject of evil.
We've played Frank Turk's Why was there such a massive difference? It shows the difference between the two sides
And so This is a question on theodicy and especially For a oh it was
Jerome Hildebrand That's the Nick anyways Who gave me the credit who is claiming credit
For the Craig Lee I need to say claiming credit because I don't remember Someone else might have
I don't want 47 other people now jumping on Twitter going wait a minute I said that to you because I wasn't following Twitter overly closely while on the ship.
I couldn't it just wasn't really Possible to do I mean I do try to you know, sort of scroll through and see what's there but I Anyway, um, let's go ahead and listen to what dr.
Craig had to say here. I suppose I should listen long I just hate wearing this thing, but We're gonna find another way of doing it
He's talking about theodicy and other Star Trek terms, that's good that's that's Lane Lane's understanding of what's going on there and remember we blame
Lane for a lot of things, especially a recent non -debate That's another issue. Oh That would do it for the atheists if he could prove either a contradiction in the concept of God Which I've worked on to have a coherent view of theism
Or if he could show that the evil in the world made it impossible or improbable that God exists that would falsify theism now
Listen to the statement that's about to be made because I can guarantee you I could be biased
I Could be biased I admit it But I hear a very troubling
Philosophically oriented Dismissiveness in what is about to be said
You would never ever expect to hear me say something like this and you I Lord willing you never will hear
Me say something like this. This is this is a statement that really is quite
Indicative of the difference In our apologetic approaches. Here we go possible or improbable that God exists that would falsify theism
But you're not gonna falsify theism by pointing to Bible Difficulties or the theory of evolution and things of that sort that that just goes no distance to showing
God does not exist. I Think Craig talks too fast for 1 .2.
Yeah. Yeah, you're not gonna yeah Going down the road of Bible difficult. You got to understand this
Mere Christianity thing minimizing, you know, I'm not gonna we're not gonna talk about stuff in the Bible We're not gonna not gonna get into all that stuff.
This is a purposefully designed embraced tactic on the part of an entire school of apologists
Who at some point in the past got together at least the leaders did and said, you know To improve our debates we need to change what the very ground of the debate is and these atheists are are wasting all of our time dealing with biblical contradictions and issues like that and We're philosophers
You know, it's funny If You know the original language is pretty well you can answer most those things fairly quickly actually
I mean not all of them I realize but anyway You'll never hear me say that.
You'll never hear me say. Well, you know, it's a do with the existence of What do you really should say is a
God? Because once again, here is the foundational difference remember for the
William Lane Craig Approach the preponderance of the evidence points to the greater probability of the existence of a
God Then once you think you've won that debate good luck moving from a
God to the triune God of Scripture even
Even atheists have pointed out that's a big leap big big leap and And very rarely are we given a meaningful connection between the two so That's the you know, you can go with the a
God thing or the God thing that's the difference between the two sides, you know from the from the
Covenantal side the presuppositional aside the triune God Foundation of everything you live in his world you steal from him every time you
Contradict the fact you made in the image of God. That's the point of contact From the evidential aside the preponderance of the evidence.
And of course as soon as you use that term in this context, what are you saying? The rebel sinner is the judge the rebel sinner gets to be the judge
Good luck with that one Though many will say oh, but what we need the work of the Holy Spirit Yeah, but do you have a robust enough theology of the
Holy Spirit to? Recognize the Holy Spirit's necessary for regeneration before there can be true faith very very few on that side do but Anyway, all right.
We continue. I haven't even gotten to them interesting partner that just goes no distance to showing God does not exist
I get the feeling that Brian would like to ask about 15 more questions, but he asks one more here If God can create a world where the maximum number of free creatures come to him by choice
By having evil in the world Why couldn't he create a world where that same maximum number came to him freely without evil?
You may say he can't force us to freely do something But if he knows ahead of time and creates the circumstances for which we will come to him in what way is he not?
responsible Now did you understand the question? because To get the the depth of the answer and From my perspective that the danger of the answer
Means you have to understand what's being said? Remember in Mullen ism. Okay. I know I didn't tell you to take your
Advil first. I'm sorry I keep forgetting to do that, but And for some people you really know
In Craig's Mullen ism God Because he possesses middle knowledge, which is a knowledge of what any creature would do given certain circumstances
However, this knowledge does not come from God's decree. It's not because God made them that way this knowledge
Comes from someplace else That if God were to create creature X it would do certain things not because of God's decree but because that's just The cards that have been dealt there's a cosmic card dealer someplace that determines these things we don't know who he is
I just find that every time I have to explain to somebody I just go And people go wait a minute.
I thought we were talking about a Christian theory here. Well, yeah, that's the problem but Because he has middle knowledge of any possible creature, even though it doesn't come from his decree
He is limited as to what he can do he can examine all of these possible worlds
That have You know 10 billion people or 5 billion people or 20 billion people
You can you can play with the kind of world And And of course, it's just think of how
Awesome God must be and we've played places where dr Craig is talking about just think of the wonder of God's knowledge.
He's able to do this. I mean he is a big computer Because that's what we're talking about here
That he can run all of these permutations of this incredible program where you put this person in this person
And let's try this person over here Let's have this person be born under these circumstances and this person be born of that circumstance
And so what he does is he runs all of these possible universes these possible worlds and Somewhere I guess they would assume from his character
You have to have you know, if you run a computer program we had some really smart computer people in our group on the on the cruise and Had some interesting conversations over dinner about Computers and theology and stuff and If you if you think about it all those different People and all the different places you can put them in you still have to have some type of ordering principle
What do you want the program to do? What if you're examining all these worlds? What's your goal?
And that's one of the big issues Because certainly the Bible doesn't talk about any of this kind of stuff. I mean, let's just be honest
There ain't no Molinism in the Bible This is a philosophical construct comes along 1 ,500 years later to try to make sense out of a couple things, but please
Please don't insult us by saying yeah, the the Apostles meant to communicate Molinism to us. No, they didn't
So, what's what are the goals well Um Maximal number of saved people
With the maximum amount of good or the minimum amount of evil. That's the idea
So what the guy writing in has said well if you can get The maximum number of people
X whatever that is With evil why can't God do it without evil and still get the same number of people, you know, it wasn't there
You know when he's running all these simulations, I mean, he's a huge Universe simulator is what
God becomes here but The the options given to him have been circumscribed by his possession of middle knowledge, which does not come from his own decree
That to me will always be the reason Why anyone who takes biblical theology seriously is gonna have to go.
Yeah, not really on on Molinism as popular as it may be Don't work.
So there's there's the issue we press forward the answer to the question is that it may not be feasible
For God to create such a world What people often don't understand is that you can't just sort of pluck out of this possible world
Those who freely come to Christ Now, did you hear what he said? the answer to his question is
That it would not be feasible for God It's not possible God did the best he could
Given the cards he was dealt. He didn't use that terminology here. That's what he's saying. It's not feasible and Now what he's gonna explain is well
Now think about this for a second the reason That the people get saved in this world is
Not because God set his love upon them in eternity past The reason that they get saved in this world is
Because in this set of circumstances that God chose to put them in They would be saved
But if you put them in a different world, they might not be saved think about what that means the ultimate
Decider is this impersonal Program running on the basis of the cards dealt by somebody else that we don't know who it is
There can be nothing personal God can't say from eternity past.
I choose to redeem this specific people in Christ Jesus Because the identity of the specific people depends upon which world he decided to put them into and if you put him into a different World, it'd be a different people
That's what he just said And every time
I do this people go They don't really believe that do they well, hey, you know what give dr.
Craig Credit at least he talks about it Mike my experience is a lot of Molinus just sort of mumble through they they have mumble
Molanism That's hard to say mumble mumble Molanism. They just sort of mumble through it and middle -knowledge and that's how
God God knows what people are gonna do it and They don't deal with what that actually means.
At least dr. Craig is open and says It's not feasible for God Appreciate it.
I find it absolutely bone -chilling, but I appreciate it and Put them in a world of their own and leave out all those who reject
Christ Because you see once you do that, you've got a new Possible world and in that world that same group of people might not come freely to know
Christ It may be that some of them only come to know Christ freely in the actual world because of certain things that happen in the actual world related to Evil or others rejecting
Christ or something of that sort? So the point is that it's impossible to just pluck these
Saved people out of this world stick them in a world of their own and expect everything to remain the same
That's not the way it works. And so there simply may not be the
Circumstances available to God in order to create a world of universal salvation
Catch that let let's let us try that statement. Once again, this is available to I didn't go far enough back
Let's try there simply may not be the circumstances available to God in order to create a world of universal salvation
How is that not the exactly what he said earlier about the car dealer? The circumstances available to God When was
God dependent upon circumstances? What are these circumstances the circumstances are the facts that of human autonomy human freedom?
Which come from this middle knowledge which come from somehow knowing what any non decreed
To create in the first place creature is going to do in a any given context You see this is again when you hear people talking about the grounding objection, this is what we're talking about Christian theism doesn't believe anything exists that God didn't create
Except what forms middle knowledge which then Creates the very range in which the divine computer program can run to figure all this stuff out
So the circumstances just made just hasn't been given what he needed to God couldn't save everybody's doing the best he can come on Be nice to him.
He's doing the best he can I'm not the one saying it.
I'm just I'm just playing it That doesn't have other overriding Demerits, for example, maybe
God could create a world of universal salvation That has only two people in it that only exist for two minutes and then they die
Well, right maybe in that world God achieves universal salvation But he couldn't achieve a world involving this much good as much good as in the actual world
But without also this many people freely Rejecting him and his every effort to save them that just might not be feasible for God given the nature of creaturely freedom there is the key
Given the nature of creaturely freedom. It's not feasible for God given the nature of human autonomy human freedom
Which of course is another way of saying that middle knowledge That men will do
X Y & Z given these circumstances This limits and circumscribes the range of God's actions of God's freedom
God's freedom circumscribed by man's autonomy Theology matters theology matters and There you go.
There you go So I know many people
I know many people who think this is just this is the way to get past the
Calvinist Arminian stuff just do the middle knowledge thing doesn't work and If that if that gives you that kind of a
Horrific type of theology You're eventually gonna debate somebody that's gonna push you on it.
They're gonna press you on it and they're gonna say hey, it sounds like what you're saying here is such -and -so and Why not?
Why aren't you saying that and he's got to come out and be honest, you know I just did with my phone. I know you all saw me do that What?
No, I turned it down a degree in here I Have there we have a program allows me to control the thermostat and it's getting warm in here
You know why because I've got to turn the fan on so Rather than get up and well, actually, you know what?
I'm about to play a video. So voila. I'll be I'll be cooler here in a moment because I can get up and Go from there.
All right Did it did it did it did it did it Yes Casey it is confusing and believe me.
You are not the only one to say that. All right now How long ago was it?
That was it pulpit and pen or polemics report Wanted to they have too many peas one or two posted the brief clip of Dr.
Moore and Andy Stanley and when
I played it One of the things I I I've been informed was this is only a part of the interview couldn't find the whole interview and as a result
It looked like dr. Moore was just sort of sitting there Doing his thing and Wasn't really interacting with Stanley and challenging him
But I had been told that in fact there had been Challenged in the back and forth before this and then in fact
Stanley was upset by the way he was treated You didn't see that.
And of course, dr. Moore took a lot of heat on The basis of just that one thing.
I did find it somewhat ironic that dr. Moore had Unfortunately retweeted the false attacks upon me as a racist without actually knowing what he was doing but I'm not gonna return the favor and So I pointed out we played it
What other people were saying and that there's obviously more to this and I wonder why they haven't posted it yet And I'd really like to know what the rest of the interaction was, etc, etc, etc well, it was posted while we were at sea and The only way
I could grab it was by playing it streaming it and using
Some software I have on my laptop to grab it that way that's what I did and What I want
There's a lot of important stuff here and you might be saying I should be dealing with you know Islam or dealing with you know a textual critical issue or you know,
I did a lot of textual critical stuff on the ship yes, but What this
Andy Stanley thing is allowing us to To discuss and to focus on is really the the intersection of so many of the things we talked about where a synergistic non
Lordship salvation Non -reformed hence I believe and have argued many times sub -biblical theology
Joins together with a Man -centered you're the judge you get to judge
God. Here's some evidence a form of evidentialism Which I believe is non apostolic together with the
Minimalization of the faith the mere Christianity movement make the target as small as possible
You start putting it all together and now you can understand why Andy Stanley is staying up there saying it's
Christianity He's not depend on the Bible Christian. He's just a long before the Bible and we're all sitting there going. What are you talking about?
The the Apostles would never have said that you're redefining Bible You're ignoring the the
Tanakh the centrality that it had in New Testament the centrality that the the preaching of the gospel was
First Corinthians chapter 15, which is what's really funny here because The people that he is relying upon in the apologetics area
They love to talk about how there are certain scholars that identify that fragment of the early kerygma the first Corinthians chapter 15
You know, I've delivered to you which also lived to me using the language of Tradition passing on of tradition and it's the
Fundamentals of the gospel. It's not all of the gospel. It's the fundamentals of the gospel the death burial resurrection
Jesus Christ What does it say over and over again? over and over according to the scriptures according scriptures according scriptures according scripts over and over again and If that was in fact from within literally
Months weeks. I mean I would say that's just that's that's apostolic proclamation, but months or weeks of the resurrection event itself
Okay, so it's extremely early tradition love that terminology. That's great. That means the most extremely early tradition was based very firmly and totally upon saying according to the
Scriptures the very thing that Andy Stanley in this interview with dr. Moore is saying now
I wouldn't say that not in our culture today so in other words apostolic example needs to be trumped by cultural example it's what your goal is and he'll say that and And I I he's a smart guy,
I think he fully understands We've decided to do something completely different here and we are not bound by biblical parameters and what we're doing what we're doing is different and our goal is different and we'll go ahead and Own up to it and he does and So I think it needs to be just plainly stated
This is not a New Testament Church, and it's not pretending to be Well, it might be pretending to be but it's it's admitting we have a different definition of Church, and we're not gonna bother with the
Substantiation of that from the New Testament text itself That discipline stuff and and you know the involvement of the elders and people's lives, you know
You know the centrality of the preaching of the word Fact that yeah, the
New Testament teaches that it's a holy bride of Christ and it's a place of worship and and Really?
That's what the people get together to do and if unbelievers come in amongst them they
They're it's not it's not there for them For these folks they get together on Sundays for unbelievers.
It's it's a massive evangelism rally It is not worship in the sense of we are gathering to as the body of Christ to repent of our sins to call each other to repentance and a life of holiness and To gather to hear
God speak by his word. No No, that's that's not why you that's that's not what they want to do and this comes out very clearly at the beginning of the interview when pastor
Stanley reads this letter from an atheist that many many people are
Going oh, this is wonderful This I mean, this is an atheist doctor a female
Atheist doctor and she's been attracted to what Andy Stanley is saying
Well seems like she has been And don't get me wrong. God can draw a straight line with a crooked stick.
There's a bunch of people in my audience that You know, you well know That the circumstances in which you first came to hear the gospel and first made a commitment to Christ and weren't exactly ideal and you had to you've gone through a lot to Move on from there and to learn and to be discipled and to grow and you've had painful experiences where you've had to actually leave the places where you initially encountered the gospel proclamation and The reason you had to do so was because you as you came to know the
Word of God Realized that even the people that God had used to bring that message to you weren't Weren't crossing the
T's and dotting the I's and they they were not Walking straight in accordance to the truth of the gospel
That's a biblical phrase Walking straight in accordance the truth of the gospel.
It's the exact terminology that Paul uses of Peter So for those of you saying you shouldn't be criticizing
Andy Stanley, well Peter criticized Paul criticized Peter Publicly to his face because he was not walking straight in accordance to the truth of the gospel
That doesn't mean that Paul didn't think Peter was a Christian It doesn't mean that Paul hated
Peter but it does mean that Paul had a higher priority than whether he was number one on Peter's Christmas card lift and That was the truth of the gospel the phrase the truth of the gospel should be one of the greatest possessions that you have
Because God's gone through a lot to make sure you have it Really has martyrs and everything else so pastor
Stanley Reads this Letter and It simply illustrates
What the real fundamental issues are here. Does the
Bible actually tell us what the church is about is Scripture normative for defining the church or is culture normative for defining the church.
Do we have just a extremely broad basic thing regarding what the church is and then we can just Fill in You know as long as it has just a couple little things then
We look at our culture and go this is what's gonna be the the most effective. I'm not sure how you define that But the most effective in our culture is going to be to do this this and this and the
Apostles may have done that But you know what? That's Not in our culture anymore. Like look at look at how our culture hates truth
So are what you're saying is we need to find ways to sort of sneak truth into them you know sort of Sneak up on them.
Those are some of the issues that come up So let's listen to this You got it all up over there.
All right, here we go Oh, it would help to do it this way. I asked Dr. Moore if I could share this in the context is we're gonna talk about preaching and cultural engagement and one of the things that we are commonly criticized for is
Misunderstood for is our approach to church and cultural engagement and church being not just the preaching part
But the whole thing and if I think of a sermon series like a three and a half hour sermon So nobody wants to sit through a three and a half hour sermon
So we spread it out over a bunch of weeks So if you show up at the introduction week You might think do they use the
Bible if you show up at the last week? You might think do they always have people stand up and pray to receive
Christ? So you have to come for about six weeks But anyway, so this two
Sundays ago, we started a new series called who needs God and in the fall I often try to throw the net as wide as possible and the focus of this particular series is the nuns
The those that are just not affiliated 25 % population 35 % of Millennials Mostly male mostly left -leaning politically you guys know all that So I'm thinking okay the
I want to go after the people who they're not atheists But they're just they just are not affiliated don't know don't care and don't need to know
Now what's interesting to me is in the actual sermon series He's not talking about the nuns.
He's talking about people who used to make a profession of faith there is a biblical category for such individuals and there are
Biblical parameters as to how you're to deal with such individual of course those biblical parameters
Were written to churches that actually engaged in something called church discipline so you actually had objective standards and There was a concern for souls and things like that, you know today's culture someone just stopped showing up and it's just like Whatever, you know and but things would change but I find this interesting that it's just the general nuns
But in the sermon series, it's if you've rejected it because of some problem you have the Bible then you haven't had the right reason
Anyway series was about and so as a result of that I received a letter Monday and I just would read it real quick And the reason
I want to read the letter to me This is the bullseye on the target if you're wondering what are you trying to do?
And when you know when you're preaching what are you thinking about? This is it and I get great letters all the time. This one came
Monday. So I thought that's recent. It's relevant So here's a this is from a physician Okay, so this is what this is what
Stanley wants. This is what the Stanley's saying This is what we're about this is what we want
We want people to respond this way to us. Okay Dear, mr.
Stanley. This is just an email to the general mailbox dear miss Stanley One of the thing I have to say when we do wide end of the net preaching and services we de church
So on this particular Sunday, there were no prayers. There was no worship music. There was no corporate singing.
There was no offering There was something else we didn't do it was like Just I mean if you showed up on that Sunday, you would judge me harshly as a pastor and a preacher and that's okay
We we would rather be criticized by our friends that are all going to heaven with and people are trying to reach but that's a different Topic for a different day, and I'm perfectly it's not a different topic for a different day.
This is this is absolutely foundational. We de church we change the purpose
That is defined by Scripture For why the people of God are to meet in the worship of God for our self -defined
Goal of evangelism. We'll call it do that on a Monday do that on a Wednesday. Don't call it church
I would really I wanted to ask someone I know someone who might be able to find out for me
I would love to know What the Lord's Supper looks like? At this
I don't know what to call I'm sorry, but if you've got multiple campuses with screens up I Just don't see the connection between that in the
New Testament Church. I I'm sorry. I just don't I Mean if we only had a few pastors left on the planet, okay,
I might see it We got we got enough It would be okay to have somebody there
But what does the Lord's Supper look like? Because again, you know going back to that silly Reformation thing there were certain signs of the church
That that people really argued over for for important reasons and and one of them was the the right administration of The sacraments as it was discussed then in Latin I prefer the term ordinances, but bid as it may the
Lord's Supper and baptism I would like to know what does does
Andy Stanley Have sort of like this broad hey Anybody partake type view or does he see any necessity whatsoever to warn?
Against unworthy participation in the Lord's Supper based upon Paul's words in first Corinthians if anybody knows
I'd like I'd be really interested in knowing Because we have a fun here's where the the dividing line is we de -church
Okay Chapter and verse maybe from their perspective don't need it.
Don't need it This is what we have found to be effective and What will keep coming up over and over again in this conversation is what you win them with is what you win them to What you win them with is what you win them to there
It's it's a nice saying But a lot of people are discovering. They don't really believe that that you can win them with a bait and switch technique
That this is what church is and Then once you get them in well actually you know we need to do some more of this holiness and sanctification thing
And they're gonna put up with that Hmm Okay Trouble with that and partly is because I'm a preacher's kid right things don't bother us sometimes.
Okay, so having said that here's the letter Sorry, dear. Mr. Stanley. I am an atheist. I have always been an atheist
There have been no deconstruction of faith or particular incident that has led me to lose faith. I've just never believed
I will admit to praying to God when I was being towed behind a boat as a teenager And I definitely prayed for snow when
I was in high school and hadn't finished an assignment But that was the limit of my relationship with the church I have been the guest of many different types of churches synagogues temples, etc
But it's never been my thing upon moving to the south from the west coast I found out how taboo it is to label oneself atheist.
Okay. Hold on. I was sent a link in channel. Thank you very much This is interesting.
This is from communion in community group from inside North Point org
Many have expressed a desire to celebrate communion more frequently than the few times we corporately share in it
We believe that a community group is a great place for this to happen The following paragraphs are meant to give you some guidelines to make this a meaningful celebration within your group so evidently
It's done a few times in the public services and Then encouraged to happen in the small groups.
Now, of course, I've always said, you know They're into this small group circles are better than rows thing He's gonna talk about this later on circles are better than rows
So the the circle a small community is better than in the in the pews the rows of pews
I've been in a megachurch and I saw it happen the
Bible studies became churches and the leadership of the Bible study Ended up functioning as the pastors because that's the way it's designed you
You know at Dr. MacArthur's Church, they do this purposefully they have the groups and they have elders who are qualified Pastoring those groups because they realize you can't
John MacArthur cannot pastor 20 ,000 30 ,000 people he can't be in their lives in that way.
So you have a multiplicity of elders you put the people into Those groups and the natural thing that happens is those small groups become churches
And I saw that happen in the megachurch. I was in the thing was every year because they didn't want that to happen
So what they do is every year they break it up and they'd ship you off someplace else Which just tore people apart you start building natural relationships and then you know, they're gone
It was a mess. It was a Southern Baptist Church. It was a mess along those lines. Just anyhow so Let me see here
The primary purpose of communion is to take time to remember all the Lord has done for us It's time remembrance initiated by Jesus just for his death
Then you have first Corinthians 11 personal examination Where and how often
Well, this is interesting We believe that communion is a good thing for believers to celebrate not only at church or in the church building
But also in homes and appropriate places around the city So is this a church function?
Well again, let's start redefining church. That's interesting God invites to celebrate as often as we feel is appropriate.
So is the we here the church? The elders of the church because I believe the
Lord's Supper is is The people it's it's a church thing You don't just get together with some friends and break break out the
Ritz crackers and some grape juice Okay Any person who has believed and entrusted the
Lord Jesus Christ alone for his or her salvation May take communion. This means it is possible that some members of your group
May not want to participate So are you telling them to warn them not to it sort of sounds that way
We believe is important to take time to get to know one another before participating communion together Groups could share communion as early as the first six months of their group cycle group cycle sounds like Biology or something.
It's very weird How to do it some passages and that's about it
I didn't say anything specifically about warning Unbelievers or anything like that?
So yeah, okay. I appreciate I Appreciate the provision of That document.
I'm not sure it answered all my questions. But anyway, we move on seem to associate the word with soulless Moralist heartless ways of living.
I became immediately uncomfortable when asked what church I was a part of and honestly
Because I don't feel like I'm a bad person And the reactions I get from people when I tell them that I'm an atheist turn me off even further from the church
It cemented the idea. I had already formed about the hypocrisy of religious people and made me even more reticent to reform that opinion
Now what we have here is your standard atheist with your standard Atheist hypocrisy.
I'm not a bad person Yes, you are and so are all the rest of us and then we're gonna get a list here of the you know
Hypocrisy, she's seen amongst religious people Again, every one of these excuses not gonna fly very far before God That's what's what's gonna be coming remember when my grandfather was dying of cancer
My uncle told my mother that her father was going to hell because he was Jewish He told a grieving daughter that her dad now if he said because he's
Jewish, that's pretty stupid, isn't it? That's not why anybody goes to hell So so bad theology and that's that that's the church's fault.
Well, you know if the guy wasn't taught Then yeah But you know what the funny thing is it would be in surface level churches where people are never really taught theology
That they would make such statements like that, isn't it? The hell what the God I wanted to believe in loved everybody and people and held people accountable for the type of life
They live not some not what they blindly believed a good person Selfless and kind loving and generous would go to hell if they weren't baptized infants that die and there are stuck in limbo for all
Eternity I once had a Catholic friend who was so sad for me because I was going to hell
She shook her head sadly over her pregnant belly She was unwed and single confident that she could just go confess and be absolved while I went to hell
Wait, what? This girl who just stopped doing cocaine while at work and was pregnant by some fling was telling me
I was going to hell Because I hadn't accepted Jesus Christ. Anyway, these are a few of the bricks that built the wall between religion and myself
That is how the broader culture perceives us That's it. It's just you know, it's not fair, but it's true something to be fair and True at the same time obviously
I write this because something changed I have a dear friend and this is so important who is a member of Browns Bridge Church That's the church.
I'm currently pastoring in our network of churches in Atlanta She knows that I'm an atheist and she pesters me constantly to attend church with her
I love her, but she was driving me crazy. I begin to resent her a little bit every time she brought it up I have beliefs.
They're just different from hers. Not better. Not worse just different upon further reflection I realized that while it would only take one hour out of my life
It would make her so happy to have me by her side and then she'd leave me alone. I finally relented She told me about the atheist series.
Well, that's not the name of the series, but the week before You know one of the things we tease our series and so I said hey next week, you know
The title of the message is atheist 2 .0. That was the name of the message next week atheist 2 .0. She told me about the atheist
She told me about the atheist series and I agreed to go once if she bought me coffee and then shut up about it
We got to church and I dragged this is awesome. I got to church and I dragged my three soulless children with me.
I Put them in their respective classes and Marveled at the gorgeous hallways and friendly helpers everywhere
So what we do the sermon I said this all time the sermon begins in the parking lot and it's continued in the hallways and It's continued when you check in children.
The sermon begins way before we ever opens our open our mouths. Anyway, okay Did you catch that the sermon begins in the parking lot now?
There's When you have lived your entire life in mega churches and We know what
Andy Stanley has said about small churches Really doesn't think that they Much much usefulness, but when you've lived your life in mega churches
Look, like I said, I can at least draw from the experience I had in a mega church Yeah there was all sorts of stuff about You know greeting the people properly and the looks of the grounds and the aesthetic and and the whole nine yards when you start defining
The sermon which is where the Word of God Empowered and enlightened by the
Spirit of God is Presented to the people of God as Their communion with their
God that grows them and matures them and grounds them with the faith when you start confusing that with how your hallways look and the aesthetic
That is pleasing to a self -righteous rebel atheist You took a you took a turn
I'm not gonna be taken with you you you turned someplace Somewhere back there.
You got a different road. I I can't get on that road with him Can't get on that road with you and and I Really wonder how you got on that road
Friendly helpers at least they would have fun and I had iced coffee Our seats were saved by our other friends front and center.
Yay This is a rip. Have you noticed how good a communicator
Andy Stanley is? He is a very Very good communicator. He's very good at communicating humor and irony and all sorts of stuff like that.
Very very good I Double -check to make sure somebody didn't just make this up and send it to me I promise that this was
I was so skeptical and it gets better Yay, I had my arms crossed and my skeptical face fixed firmly on I was so uncomfortable
You could not have picked a better song to kick off the series with we kicked off the whole series with the
Mumford and Sons Songs Mumford and Sons song called believe and the refrain is
I don't know if I don't even know if I believe I don't even know If I believe I don't even know if I believe it was amazing. The music was amazing.
The talent was surprising Okay, I will confess never heard it. Don't know what it is, but I'm assuming it's a secular song
I You know, we we don't want to offend the atheist amongst us by you know
I'm saying a worship song or something like that about the Lordship of Christ. I mean It's got to be really careful.
I stuff like that. I mean, here we go I remember thinking how are they going to ruin this song by Jesusing it up?
They kept they kept true to the song and I was so grateful Guard lowered slightly full house loud music.
It does wonders I have to say the sermon you delivered was so incredibly on point I felt completely understood as an atheist not at all judged and I felt my way of thinking challenge, but not aggressively
There was no gotcha moment and I was expect there was no gotcha moment that I was expecting and I love this line
No sales pitch for God and no bids for my soul That's how truly unchurched people think and perceive us we're making a bid for their soul
Which we are, but anyway She can't say which we are but we need to be real
We don't we can't let them know about that because you know We're trying to trick them into doing something that they don't really want to do see
You know, we can't trust the Holy Spirit of God like, you know, regenerate somebody so we do No, don't challenge.
Oh, not in this culture. No gotta got to use the culture to overcome the culture I Don't agree with everything you said, but it was enough that I wanted to hear more.
I wanted to come back I felt good when I left in the next day I was excited to tell my co -workers and patients about my
Sunday morning now pause on that If you know when I talk about what's my goal for preaching for a sermon
My goal is for people to be so excited when they leave they want to come back the next week and bring a friend That's it.
That's that's the win. So she wouldn't so there's there's the goal So excited you want to come back next week How many passages of Scripture Would you have to skip over in preaching to accomplish that because the fact the matter is if you're gonna be a physician of souls, which
It's what's supposed to be happening in the church You're supposed to be preaching the entire
Council of God. Otherwise, you are guilty of their blood remember Acts 20 There are just so many passages that you're gonna have to present they're gonna make people feel really really bad
Not excited about coming back next week, they don't want to come back next week Again We have two completely different definitions of church.
I Don't know how Andy Stanley reads Acts chapter 20 and compares it to what he's doing. I Don't I don't know.
All I can tell you is I couldn't do that. I Can't do that and Andy Stanley say that's why you're in a church with 55 members and you always will be
Yeah, okay Okay, but as Paul said Hands clean hands clean no blood on my hands
And one of the one of the best places to go to hell from is the seats of a Baptist Church One of the best places to go
Atheist went to tell her patients about this church experience. I had the Mumford and songs Mumford and Sons song stuck in my head for three days and I got up willingly this
Sunday to attend again So she came back second week Today was a little more churchy there was praying and Church songs and yet I felt accepted and welcome it felt good as you wrapped up and led the ending prayer
This is this is so awesome as you wrapped up and led the ending prayer.
I Started to cry. I don't know why and I was horrified
These talks have sparked something inside of me and as you said in your prayer now, listen Here's here's where here's where we'll probably wrap up May may finish a little bit earlier than a jumbo
But you need to hear this Catch what's being said here. It stirred my heart
I'm so grateful to my friends for sharing their church with me. Now. This is so huge if your
Church people are not comfortable bringing their unchurched friends to church You just need to think about that and that not it may not even be your goal
But we create churches unchurched people love to attend. That's what that's what we're about That's why we we create churches that unchurched people love to attend
So what's being proclaimed there? What's the purpose of that? So what's an unchurched person well
Isn't isn't that someone who's in rebellion against God? And her friend knew if I can just get her there.
They're not gonna screw it up for me They're not gonna screw it up for her kids. They're not gonna screw it up for me Thank you for putting these talks of sparks and things out of me
Da -da -da -da I am so grateful for my friends for sharing their church with me and accepting me despite our differences Thank you for putting up so much time and research into your sermons and for acknowledging that atheism is a complicated belief system based
Upon unanswered questions, which is how I talked about atheism Is that what atheism is?
based upon unanswered questions Think about the entire Theology and anthropology that lies underneath what
Andy Stanley just glibly said That's not what atheism is It's not based on unanswered questions.
Now. Are there atheists who have questions that haven't been given good answers? That's true
That's not what atheism is How can anyone pretending to be
To have any fidelity to scripture say that atheism is About unanswered questions.
It's about rebellion against God. It's about suppression of truth It's sin
That first thing Totally different perspective on what man is and that's what leads to this.
What's gonna lead to what's about to be said I'm humbled by your congregation and the love that has been given to me.
So freely now I can say I am atheist, but I belong to Browns Bridge Church Did you catch that?
I am atheist, but I belong to Browns Bridge Church and Andy Stanley is not upset about that because he says
Now Two sermons in a row no scripture we get there this week maybe
And again, if you had dropped in on any one of those Sundays with your church filter on it, I understand this I really do
You may have misjudged us But it all depends on what you're trying to accomplish your goal should determine your approach and you should adapt your approach
Towards your goal. So that's kind of the context for preaching now Remember when we listened to the beginning of the first sermon we reviewed
He specifically talked about doing church whether you're a follower of Jesus or not and so What Andy Stanley has done is he has redefined the church and so once you've redefined the church as just a get -together of people
To talk about sort of religious things, but just to just to have some good time together you know
Once that's the church It's pretty easy to redefine other things too like Bible and relationship between church and Bible and All sorts of other issues along along the line, but this is this is not the
New Testament Church. I'm sorry. You could not defend this culturally conditioned
We did some surveys and this is what really works Definition of church, but and I know
North Point's North Point and all the rest of them I guess North Point's just sort of the umbrella over all these other campuses and all the rest of time
I realize it's not Southern Baptist Church, but to my Southern Baptist friends you birthed this
I Watched you birth it as a teenager. I Watched you birth this as a teenager
When the numbers Were all that mattered When the numbers of baptisms the numbers of people in the
Sunday school Numbers numbers numbers numbers numbers when you birthed this Because you have to redefine things
To make the numbers work That's all there is to it This was birthed in that culture, and I know there are some
Presbyterians and others that do similar things, but you birth this Guess I'll use the cough drops as I have over there
Unless it sneaks up on me. I think it's not there. He has no problem He has no problem with an atheist saying
Part of your church because he you know I imagine what he would say is well Now you know hey if she feels
Wanted and accepted She'll eventually get it She'll eventually hear it when is her self -righteousness and her rebellion
Going to be directly challenged When we think of First John to they went out from us, so it might be demonstrated.
They're not truly of us If you are desperately trying to keep unbelievers in how does that work anymore doesn't seem like you have the same
Priority that the Apostle did who thought it was really good idea that they do go out from us because we don't want people to be confused
What you have here is pretty simple a
Brother on Twitter just said church comes from the word Ecclesia which means those who are called out something
Andy Stanley needs to understand well Sorta That's a common error actually it's repeated over and over again
Ecclesia Ecc and Kaleo put together yes, but does television mean far -seeing?
no television has a specific meaning in our day and nobody thinks of far -seeing and By time writing a new testament no one thought of called out as the meaning of Ecclesia it meant a gathering assembly the idea of calling out again, it's just a just something
I've mentioned it many times before and not trying to pick on you, but It's There is everything in the
New Testament about the fact that the Ecclesia is Made up of holy people who are called to be different from the world around them.
It's not dependent upon the word it is dependent upon the teaching of the New Testament as to the nature of the church and That is something that Andy Stanley has abandoned and I think he would defend
The abandonment on the basis of it works in our
Culture and look at the 40 ,000 people watching me on Sunday as proof of that That's the reasoning
That's not biblical reasoning. The question is where are these people going to be 20 years from now? Where are they going to be 20 years from now?
When Andy Stanley is not there or something happens to Andy Stanley His theology goes off into even a wilder direction.
Where are they gonna be? Are they being grounded? What about the sheep that come to this place?
Well, they they get the food in the small groups. Then that's the church, isn't it? Not this big
Thing Very troubling especially because so many have come rushing to his defense come rushing to his defense and We'll take a look at some of the things that have been said in defense such as Frank Turk's cross -examined org article and Norman Geisler's article and There's some more in this video too after the letter
That actually was the shortest part. There's actually a longer part. I'm not sure how much that we're gonna watch but But the fact is despite the fact that dr.
Moore has not been very nice to me. I really You know what he did earlier this year was just really low fact matter is
I can't return the favor he pushed back and he pushed back appropriately and he pushed back in an orthodox fashion and There are some people who just don't believe he can do anything, right?
Just like it sounds like he doesn't think I can do anything, right? But again, sorry wish wish wish that wasn't the case
But I felt like he asked some good questions and the interaction between he and Stanley is actually educational
So we'll try to take a look at some of that as well tomorrow afternoon
Hopefully around 6 p .m. I've got a I've got a knee I'm gonna need some wiggle room tomorrow 6 p .m.
Eastern Daylight Time. I don't know when the is that November that it changes or something I forget when who knows when when people go play with their clocks we don't care but we do care because we end up missing things because you all play with your clocks, but Some all someday someday you all need to Do it like we do.
But anyways, we'll see you tomorrow sometime in the late afternoon Evening, depending on where you are here on the dividing line.