Steven Furtick Takes Issue w/ Something in the Bible

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In this video Steven Furtick takes issue with the header for the text where Jesus gives sight to the blind men. He asks if they were given their sight why does the header still call them blind? He then claims this is what the devil does, to call you what you once were, and while it's true that the header is not actually part of the inspired text Matthew does quote Jesus under inspiration of the Spirit where Christ calls them "blind". More than that, God's word does this all the time, Hebrews 11:31 for example reminds us that Rahab was a Harlot. Furtick says this is what Satan does, when in reality th


Hello, and thanks for watching this video. I guess we could call it Stephen Furtick strikes again, because just just when you thought things couldn't get any worse.
They do did a video about Stephen Furtick about a week ago, where he was teaching the little
God's doctrine. And he said, whatever God is, you are too.
And it's like, let's see, God is omnipotent. He's all powerful. Like you're not all powerful.
God is omniscient. He knows all things. You don't know all things. I don't know all things.
God is immutable. He never changes. We change. And it's like, how is you?
How are you? Whatever God is like, obviously, that makes no sense. It's not true.
And it goes back to Stephen Furtick is a word, faith, charismatic.
This is a certain segment, a certain tradition within the charismatic
Pentecostal movement. Sometimes it's called word, faith, word of faith, name it and claim it.
Little God's theology, prosperity. It's all kind of tied up together. And Stephen Furtick believes all that.
And I did that video. And within what a week, Stephen Furtick comes out with something arguably even worse.
Justin Peters did a video on this. I'm going to play the clip in a moment. But if you see Justin Peters face like pop up on the screen for a second, it's because I edited it, took the video and edited it from his video.
So I didn't edit it as well as I could. So I think his face might pop up.
But anyways, I saw Justin Peters video and he had several good points.
And Stephen Furtick is basically rebuking the devil on stage, which the book of Jude clearly forbids that.
Matter of fact, that's a mark of a false teacher. Someone who openly rebukes and speaks evil of the devil as if you, you are going to have a conversation with the devil.
You're going to speak. You are no match for the devil. You just need to resist the devil.
Anyways, he does that. And Stephen Furtick, basically the thing that Justin Peters missed, he had a lot of great points, but I wanted to do this video because I think there's actually one thing he missed that Stephen Furtick, essentially, he attributes the words of Jesus Christ or he, he attributes to the devil, the words of Jesus Christ.
Let me explain it before I play the video. In the text of scripture that Furtick is twisting at Elevation Church, he talks about the two blind men, two blind men that received their sight.
And he says, oh, well, I submit to you that, you know, the two blind men, that's the header for this passage and the header is not part of the original text, which is true.
He said they, they just put that as someone who wrote a commentary or study
Bible, just put that in to let you know that it's a new section, which is true. And he said that they shouldn't be called two blind men.
That header is wrong. That label is wrong. They're not blind men anymore because Jesus gave them their sight.
Why are they still called blind men? And then he said, they're not blind men.
They're bold men. They should be changed to bold men instead of blind. How do you like that devil?
So what's he saying? He's saying that that's what the devil would do to remind them of who they used to be.
The devil, he's still, he's still calling them blind men, even though they have received their sight.
Here's the thing. Jesus actually calls them blind. So he inadvertently maybe attributes the words of Christ to the devil.
Now, did he intentionally do that? I'm not saying that he, it doesn't even matter really.
I wouldn't be surprised because he did go on stage and claim to be God almighty. Have a video about that.
He never retracted those statements. That's tied in with his little God's theology. So he has said probably more outrageous things and meant it.
But did he mean to attribute the words of Jesus to the devil? Maybe not, but it doesn't even matter because Stephen Furtick is deceived and he is deceiving others.
So let's just watch what he said. And yeah, he's, he's saying that the devil would do this thing, but actually
Jesus did it. So let's watch. In verse 34, it said they received their sight and followed him now all the way back to the beginning of the passage.
You see this little chapter heading right here. That is not originally in the
Bible. Okay. This is the part that is the word of God that was translated from the original language.
This is something somebody put in a study Bible to tell you this is a new section. It says two blind men receive sight.
And here's my question. If this happened, why are they still called that?
Okay. Now, Justin Peters did make this point and I just have to repeat it because it's so funny.
Stephen Furtick says if they, if they received their sight, why are they still called blind men?
It's like, uh, cause they were blind. But what he does, what
Stephen Furtick does after saying that, why are they still called blind? And he's like, he like, he takes a few steps back and it's like, like, and you hear the people in the audience like, wow.
Oh, come on. Whoa. As if this is like the, the deepest thing they've ever heard.
I've, I've heard rumors and I'm not saying he pays these people to do it.
They're probably on staff. It's probably part of their job and I don't think they have to be told to do this, but it's pretty well established that there are people at Elevation Church that when
Steve, they are there to react. You ever seen those old
TV sets where, you know, the, the television show is being filmed before a live studio audience.
The audience is up here. And then when the, the character makes a joke, like a, a sign flashes, like laugh is telling people to laugh or applaud or, you know, moan or, you know, getting the crowd to react to certain there's people at Elevation Church.
When Steven Furtick goes like this, you know, he, he's so profound and deep.
I can't believe they're there to make him seem brilliant.
Oh, whoa. Oh, like that's, it's all part of the show.
Let's continue watching. Blind.
I would like to suggest that we retitle this passage. Don't change the passage.
Just call it what actually happened. Instead of calling this chapter to blind men, receive their sight because if they see they're no longer blind, but people will memorize how they met you and call you that for the rest of your natural days.
I would suggest that God is the author of your story. I would suggest that he is the
Alpha and Omega. I would suggest that it's him holding the pen. I'm smiling.
Abby. Do you see me smiling? I'm smiling because I know he turned it around for me. I'm smiling because I know it doesn't matter what they called me.
He did some things for me. Am I going to get in trouble in trouble? No, I don't think
I'm gonna get in trouble because I think we need to call it to bold men.
How you like that devil? I'm not going to call them what their condition said they were.
Okay, so the devil, that's what the devil does. The devil calls them blind with their condition said they were.
The devil calls them blind. Well, actually, Jesus calls them blind because in the gospel of Matthew chapter 11 verse 5, let me read it here.
Yeah, the blind see, Jesus says, go tell John the things which you hear and see verse 5, the blind see and the lame walk and the lepers are cleansed.
Jesus calls them blind. The blind men who received their sight, Jesus calls them blind. But according to Stephen Furtick, that's what the devil does.
Okay, so again, he's attributing what Jesus said to the devil.
Again, I don't think he intentionally is doing that, but he is so deceived that he can't just preach the text because what's this passage all about?
It's about Christ. It's about Jesus performing miracles that prove that he is the son of God.
That proves he's the Messiah, that he is, he is God in human flesh. That's what the text is about.
It should be a text that is used to exalt and glorify the Lord Jesus Christ.
But no, Stephen Furtick, he just wants to twist it into a motivational message about you.
It's all about you and the devil shouldn't throw it in your face of what you once were, you know, blind or whatever.
So Stephen Furtick should be preaching the biblical text accurately, exalting
Christ, but again, he's not interested in that. He's a motivational speaker. He wants to make it all about you.
One last thing. Here's what the book of Jude says. Jude identifies this as a mark of apostates and false teachers that they speak evil of the devil.
You never, and Justin Peters did make this point, you never want to get into a conversation with the devil. Don't ever talk to the devil.
Here's what Jude says. Jude verse eight, likewise, also these dreamers defile the flesh, reject authority and speak evil of dignitaries.
Yet even Michael the archangel in contending with the devil, when he disputed about the body of Moses, he dared not bring against him a reviling accusation.
But he said, the Lord rebuke you. But these, these false teachers, they speak evil of whatever they do not know.
And that's what Stephen Furtick is doing. He's, he's speaking evil of the devil and rebuking the devil.
And how do you like that, Satan? And he's not allowed to do that. He's no match for the devil.
And he's someone that needs to be avoided. Things, things just keep getting worse and worse.
Every time he opens his mouth, just twisting the scripture, false doctrine, and people need to stay away from Furtick.