Pope blessing same sex unions? Groundbreaking new letter set to change Catholic Church forever!

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Link to the article: https://protestia.com/2023/10/04/pope... Pope Francis affirms "Trans"    • Pope Francis Affirms Transgenderism?  


Hello. In this video, we're going to be looking at a headline from protestia .com. The headline reads, Pope Francis says he's now open to blessing gay unions in this new groundbreaking letter.
In a message sent to several retired cardinals, Pope Francis has said he's open to priests blessing homosexual relationships so long as there is no suggestion that they're blessing gay marriages, or that these ceremonies are likened to marriages between a man and a woman.
Okay, so gay marriage, the Pope isn't ready to bless that, at least not yet.
But gay unions, gay relationships, hey, no problem. So it's obvious what's happening here, and we've talked about this here on the channel many times.
False teachers need to lead people into error one step at a time. So the
Catholic Church can't go from being against gay marriage to being for it overnight. They need a step or two in between.
So if you want to lead people into deconstruction and apostasy, you need to do it gradually.
And that's what Francis is doing. He's been talking like this for, what, 10 years now? People have accepted it.
So now the Catholic Church looks like they're going to be moving in a direction where they will now bless same -sex unions.
And this is the process, right? Tolerance, then moves to acceptance, then to affirmation, and then finally celebration.
So once they bless same -sex unions, and they get away with that for a time, the next step will be to bless gay marriages.
The Pope wrote, the Church has a very clear conception of marriage.
It's an exclusive, stable, and dissoluble union between a man and a woman.
Naturally open to the beginning of children. Nevertheless, in our dealings with people, we must not lose the pastoral charity that must permeate all our decisions and attitudes.
The defense of objective truth is not the only expression of this charity, which is also made up of kindness, patience, understanding, tenderness, and encouragement.
Therefore, the Pope says we cannot become judges who only deny, reject, and exclude.
Okay, fine. You don't want to become a judge? Well, hasn't the Lord already judged this matter?
For the past 2 ,000 years, hasn't the Church already understood how to handle this?
The Apostle Paul, back in 1 Corinthians 5, he wasn't unclear regarding this subject.
So why is the Pope unclear? Well, Francis knows what the Bible says, he just doesn't really care.
He's intentionally trying to muddy the water with this rhetoric. Besides, the
Catholic Church doesn't follow the Bible, they follow the Pope. They follow tradition. They have other sources of authority.
So you have to understand what the Pope is doing, he's muddying the water with this rhetoric.
This is all the words of men. You could say this is man -made tradition being created in real time.
No quotes here from the Scripture. Well, let me give you a quote from the Bible. 1
Corinthians 5, the Apostle Paul says, I have written so that you do not keep company with anyone who's named a brother who is sexually immoral.
Paul says, do not even eat with such a person. So if a person is in the church and they are in a gay relationship and they come to the priest and they want a blessing, they come to the pastor, to the minister, and they want him to bless their union, what does the
Bible say? Yeah, that's not something the Apostle Paul would have ever considered doing.
He says, don't even eat with such a person. And he talks about this in 1 Corinthians 5. If they say they're a
Christian, they're to be put under discipline. If they don't repent, they're to be put out of the church. I mean, that's what Paul said.
I mean, I realize the Pope is saying something radically different, but who are you going to believe, the Bible or the
Pope, the Apostle Paul or Francis? Well, hopefully if you're a
Christian, this should be clear. So the Pope, he is now willing to consider blessing same -sex unions.
Jesus never considered that. The Apostles never would have considered that and they didn't consider it.
But the Pope, he is. Bottom line, the Pope is not representing Jesus and his
Apostles, obviously. And I could keep reading, but really the
Pope, his remarks, it's a bunch of mumbo jumbo. That's what it is. The Pope continues his anti -biblical agenda and the article makes reference to how
Francis affirmed the faith of Joe Biden. I think he called Joe Biden a good
Catholic, despite Joe Biden's pro -abortion stance, his pro -LGBT position, supporting gay marriage, along with the
President's insistence that adults are allowed to put children through trans surgeries, as well as chemically castrating them.
The Pope, despite all that, the Pope still offered Joe Biden communion when he traveled to Rome, insisting that all of that stuff, because people complained, said
Joe Biden shouldn't be taking communion when he's clearly in sin, promoting sin. The Pope responded and said that that stuff, it's just between him and God, nothing to worry about, apparently.
Why did the Pope respond that way? Well, it's because they work for the same team, if you get my drift.
Okay. So it doesn't matter to the Pope that all of this is unbiblical because the Pope doesn't follow the
Bible. The Bible is only there for him when it suits him. So the
Pope doesn't care what the Bible says. And let me just end this program by appealing to any Roman Catholics who might be watching,
Pope Francis is not someone you want to follow. First of all, he and the Catholic Church, the
Pope has a false gospel of salvation by faith plus works. The Bible says that Jesus died on the cross for our sins and rose again the third day.
And that is what saves us. The work of Christ on the cross and rising again.
Ephesians 2, 8 through 10 says, for by grace you have been saved through faith and that not of yourselves.
It is the gift of God, not of works, lest any man should boast for we are his workmanship created in Christ Jesus for good works, which
God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them. So we are not saved by works.
We're not saved by faith plus works like the Pope claims. We are saved by grace and Paul's letter to the
Romans. It's very clear Romans chapter four. The apostle teaches that if works are involved at all in our salvation, it can no longer be grace.
Yet the Roman church ironically teaches the opposite. Works do play a role in salvation and that you need to get baptized.
You need to get confirmed, confess to a priest, take communion, keep doing all of that, do good works.
And all the while, if you commit just one mortal sin, that is enough to send you to hell forever.
So you need to keep going back to the church and to the priest to get re forgiven. And that system keeps people enslaved to the
Pope and his false system of religion. The forgiveness that Jesus offers in the gospel is full and free.
And then we simply live out the Christian life, not trying to earn God's love, rather his love is what preserves us since we are now
God's children. So we are saved by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone.
And you know, I doubt the Pope even believes the Catholic system anyways. It's just a way to control people.
But the Roman Catholic doctrine officially, it says you can live your whole life and jumping through all the hoops the
Catholic church sets out for you. And after doing everything they say, still at the end of your life,
Rome teaches that you still can't know whether or not you'll go to heaven. Matter of fact, the best thing a
Catholic can really hope for is that when they die, they'll go to purgatory for 10 ,000 years to suffer as they have their sins purged.
My friends, that's not the good news of the gospel. That's not good news at all. The good news that the gospel offers, of course, gospel means good news.
The good news of Jesus Christ is that if you would confess with your mouth, the
Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
You are saved by your faith. You are saved by Christ, not your own good works.
Romans 10 verse 13 says for whosoever calls upon the name of the
Lord shall be saved. And that is certainly good news. And the apostle
John said in first John five, 13, these things I've written to you who believe in the name of the son of God, that you may know that you have eternal life and that you may continue to believe in the name of the son of God.
So according to the Bible, you can know that you're going to heaven. So that's my word to any
Catholic or unbeliever who's listening. You want to follow the word of God. You don't want to follow the
Pope. One last thing on him. He may be called the holy father, but he's not holy. Look what he's doing.
Look what he's teaching. And he's not even a father. There is only one, according to the
Bible, there is only one who we should call holy father. And that is our father in heaven.