6 - Lesson 2: Prayer, Part 2


Striving for Eternity Academy's School of Discipleship This class is the Introduction to Discipleship. This lesson covered the topic of prayer and how to pray. If you are going to start to disciple someone then this introduction will help to provide a framework in which to function.


7 - Lesson 2: Prayer, Part 3

7 - Lesson 2: Prayer, Part 3

Well, welcome to the
Striving for Eternity Academy's School of Discipleship. We are right now studying in our lessons on an introduction to discipling, an introduction to discipling.
We're glad that you are with us. We are glad to have you here. We welcome all of the new students that are following along, those of you who are watching live and chatting in the chat room and not paying attention to the teacher, but that's okay because I know that you'll watch with the rest of the folks on YouTube later when you want to really pay attention and take notes.
I understand. You know, this is the one advantage that you have actually of the new technology is you actually get encouraged to pass notes around in class.
Crazy, right? When I was in school, you used to get punished and in trouble for passing notes.
Now we have chat rooms open so you cannot pay attention to the teacher and instead just talk to one another.
Hmm. Yeah, I'm sure the technology has helped us somehow. No, technology has helped us because I can come into wherever you are and whenever it's convenient for you and we can teach these lessons.
And so we are glad to have the technology that we have. If you do not watch us live,
I would encourage you to think about it. One of the advantages of watching live, especially if you tune in right at eight o 'clock, you get to see, well, the students in the chat room try to stump me.
That's right. Because every time when we start the live class, before the class, about ten minutes before class actually starts, before we start recording that is, we interact with those in the chat room and they give me something that I am supposed to transition to the gospel.
Today it was a moonwalk, the Michael Jackson dance. Could you transition to the gospel?
Now if you're wondering how I did it, well, you should have been watching live. So, if you have your book, we are going through the book
Growing in Grace, Growing in Grace. And we're going through this book while we're looking at using this really as a way of discipling.
And so we have the Growing in Grace book. Did that thing just move? It looked like it just, okay.
It looked like, folks, did it just slide up or is it just my, are they just playing with me? Okay. I think it did.
I'm being told it didn't. So, what we're doing is going through this book as really as a way to facilitate how to teach you to disciple people.
Now if you've been paying attention, you know that we are saying this is not the only way to do it. Oh, someone told me it did move, ha.
It danced. It danced around. Ha, ha. I like that one. It danced around. See, I'm peeking,
I peeked into the real chat room for a moment to see because some folks here aren't telling me the full truth,
I don't think. Anyway, but I get that, danced around, it did the moonwalk. That's what it did.
The book did the moonwalk. It walked backwards. So, we're using this book as a way to facilitate discipling.
We want to use that just as a way of, it's something that we produce here. You can always go to the store and purchase it and if you want to just get several copies, use it at your church, at your home school, whatever, but it's available.
We use it as just a way to get kind of grounded in teaching people the basics of Christianity and what we've discovered is, you know, many people who've been in church for a long, long time, they don't know the basics.
This is a book that was developed by our church leadership at Gospel Light Baptist Church which no longer exists, unfortunately, but it was something that the leadership developed and I always encourage you to get your church to develop their own book that everyone should go through as a church so that when new believers come in, hey, this is what we teach you through and this is something you can study.
If you don't have something like that and want something like that, you can contact us and purchase some copies from us.
I can say that freely because basically at the rate we charge, we don't make any money off it. So, where are we?
We are going through the book. We will put up, let's put up the chapter lessons. There are the lessons that we're going to go through these.
You can see they're basic things, things that most Christians should know as they come into a church and we are going through, we are looking right now at the lesson number two on prayer, our access to God.
Now, if you were with us last week, when we should pray, when we should pray and we saw that we should really pray whenever we can.
There's no set time. Someone had asked actually after class, had contacted me and said, you know, is there a problem if, you know, some people argue you should pray first thing in the morning, others say, you know, that there's no set time, do
I really have to, am I somehow not giving God my best if I'm not praying first thing in the morning?
I would say no. I think it's important to pray. Now, one of the things I hope to do this class, which means we probably won't get through this lesson again if I do this, but what
I'm probably going to do is give you guys a little taste of my prayer list, which is why
I have my phone right here, because this is actually where I have my prayer list. And one of the dilemmas that I had is that my prayer list, because I use an iPhone and I have software that I've been using since 2010, really great app, but they stopped doing any work on it after 2012 and so it's like two years old now and it doesn't work with some of the new software and so I can't back it up.
So I was talking with an individual who I have the privilege of kind of discipling and working with last night and we were talking about prayer and talking about prayer apps and I saw there was a whole bunch of new ones so I'm trying some new apps.
I just don't know if I can get the old information off. But why would I encourage you to have it on, if you have a smartphone, an iPhone, get your prayer list on here, even if it's just in the notes app.
Some way of just keeping notes so you have it with you so you can pray throughout the day. Don't waste any time.
You'll find actually when we talk about when to pray, there's a lot of times you can pray. The reality is if you work at a site where I used to work at AT &T
Bell Laboratories, I used to have my prayer time, some of my prayer time was while I walked in the office.
I had a ten minute walk from my car to my desk. That's ten minutes I'm usually just wasting because I'm just walking.
I'm not thinking about anything specific. The reality is I want to not waste my time.
And so I end up trying to go and get my phone and I just take it out and everyone thinks
I'm texting or reading email and I've just got my head in my phone. What I'm actually doing is I'm praying. I'm praying as I walk.
Do that with your eyes open though please. But you can pray anywhere, anytime. And that's the thing that you could do.
And I want to encourage you to keep your prayer list with you as often as you can so you get in the habit of praying without ceasing because that's really, you want to know when to pray without ceasing all day long.
Now if you can do that, cool. Good on you. Alright, so let us look at now the next one which is how should we pray?
That is Roman numeral number two in your syllabus. How should we pray?
Well if you look in your syllabus or your Grown in Grace book, and remember I'm going to be going slower in this because I want to be teaching you how to teach this.
How to instruct someone else through this. And that's why we're not in a rush. This is about learning the lesson.
Learning the material. Not so much the material of the book but the material of how to disciple. What things do you want to point out with people?
And so because of that we go a little bit slower but the reality is you should be in no rush with the person that you're discipling.
And the more people you add to a group that you try to disciple, the less effective it's going to be and the more time it's going to take.
And so that's a thing that you want to take into note. Really you want to try to do one on one.
That's the best. So if we look at what you have here, Christ's disciples had the same question.
How should we pray? In their mind when they asked Jesus and said to Him, Lord teach us to pray.
That is in Luke 11 .1. Christ responded by giving them a model prayer.
Now we had started in this last week and we started in this by saying that there's two passages where you see this model of prayer.
And I'm saying it's a model for a reason. One is in Luke chapter 11 as I just quoted.
The other is in Matthew chapter 6. Now this is different because this is on the
Sermon on the Mount and we don't know that that was in response to the disciples asking a question.
It could be. But Jesus just like you and I often repeated
Himself and He did that. But why do I say this is a model? Let me read from Matthew chapter 6.
What is it before He gives us the model? Well He said this, when you pray do not heap up empty phrases as the
Gentiles do for they think they will be heard by their many words. Do not be like them for the
Father knows what you need before you ask. Pray like this.
First off, He says don't pray with vain repetition of words as New King James, King James or empty phrases.
In other words, don't just say things without thought. Sometimes we have a prayer, maybe a prayer that we have before meal.
My kids used to bust on me because I would always thank God before a meal for the food that we have and ask that the
Lord would use it to give us energy and nutrition. My kids would laugh because I would say that all the time and actually
I was out with a bunch of guys and we were at some fast food place and I prayed that way and they giggled and afterwards they said, you're praying that this is going to give our bodies nutrition?
Okay, maybe McDonald's and Burger King and things like that won't do that, but what is it that most people do?
They recite what they call the Lord's Prayer without giving it any thought. It's just empty words.
They're just reciting it and that is exactly what you should not be doing. And so here we have, we're going to look at Luke 11.
It's very similar, but there are model prayers. That's why Jesus says pray like this. He doesn't say say this,
He says pray like this. So let us take a look at what we have here. The first point that we started to look at yesterday is to pray reverently.
Pray reverently. We see this in Luke 11 too. When we pray, we are to remember that God's name is hallowed.
If you're taking notes, that's your blank there in your syllabus, hallowed. We are to pray and remember that God's name is hallowed.
The word hallowed means to treat as holy. Hallowed be your name.
Holy is your name. In other words, we're lifting God up on high.
We're lifting Him up and thinking and meditating upon Him. Now I know many people that pray and when
I talk to people and I ask, what's your prayer life like? What do you pray about? Most people spend a lot of time praying for the needs of themselves and others.
And yet the first thing God says that we should be doing is lifting God up. And so, we should not approach
God in a flippant or disrespectful manner even though we can come to Him in a most intimate and personal way.
Though you and I can enter into God's throne room at any time, He's still
God. And we shouldn't be flippant. We shouldn't be quick about it.
We shouldn't have vain repetitions of words just saying things so that we have a long lengthy prayer.
Part of what I think also could get tied into that is people that always say Lord or Father or Holy Father or things like that repetitiously throughout their prayer, oh
Lord I just want to thank you Lord for everything you've done Lord and we don't speak that way to others.
And so, the first thing we want to do is lift God up. Now how do we do that? Well, this is where I want to go and show you, well
I can't really show you, but I don't know, can you see that? I doubt it. Yeah, that's not going to work.
On my phone, I'm going to read to you just some of my prayers and actually if you are an enrolled student, an enrolled student is someone that has paid for the year or you got a scholarship for the year so that you're enrolled for the year, you're going to be and then we're going to have your email address, excuse me, wow, and we'll have your email address and for that we'll send you something that's going to help with this.
Sorry about that. But I want to go through, we're going to send you two things, well one thing actually, what we're going to do is send you a sheet that you can print off that just has all the attributes of God and you're going to see, what you're going to find is,
I'm going to send you this sheet and it has 31 attributes of God that you can pray through.
When we say lifting God up and I know, yeah, I'm not going to get through this class, but that's okay.
Let me start by reading to you my prayer list and give you some ideas of how to pray reverently.
Now first thing I do, the first category in my prayers is
God attributes. I have several different categories for God because God, Thanksgiving, different things like that, but the first one is
God and His attributes. So I pray through the attributes of God. The first attribute, if you attended our academy class on systematic theology, the very first class, we went through all these attributes in those lessons.
So the first one is incomprehensibility. So I pray, I say, God you are greater than our ability to understand.
Now one of the things, I have this all written out in my prayer list here, but I don't just sit here and read it vainly.
I put down different ideas that are focused on God's incomprehensibility and I meditate upon each one of these.
And that's why it could take me up to 45 minutes just to get through the attributes of God because I have that much information if I just sit and read through it and meditate upon each of these points.
But God is greater than our ability to understand. And just because God is beyond my understanding doesn't mean that I cannot know
Him without certainty. God, your ways are greater than my ways.
Your understanding is greater than my understanding. And I do not have to understand everything about you
God to know you. I am just, I am responsible to obey that which you have revealed to me.
Deuteronomy 29 .29. I have verses with some of these that I've put in there. Lord, I know you to the ability,
I know you to my ability to know you not to your ability to be known.
You're greater than I am Lord. I have here one other point.
It provides me comfort to know that you are greater than my ability to understand you or to reason to you.
And I'm not reading all the things that I have notes in here for one of the things I may do as I transition is
I may put these into either a Facebook group or send these out to you guys that are enrolled students.
And so these are just, I'm trying to give you some ideas of ways to pray reverently. Omniscience, that's the next one
I happen to turn to. It's not the next one in order, that's actually attribute number seven in my list. God knows everything with a complete and certain knowledge.
The past, the present, the future, the real and the possible. Lord, you know all the things that could have happened.
You know all the outcomes of the things that I wanted to happen.
And yet, you knew that what did happen would bring you the greatest glory. Lord, you know my every thought, nothing escapes you.
When I sin, it does not surprise you. Lord, we are so arrogant in thinking to know that we know so much when in reality we know so little.
The Lord knows all with an infinite knowledge. Lord, you never forget.
An interesting thought. Most people think that he forgets our sin. The Lord doesn't forget anything, he's omniscient.
And I'll give one more, let me go to, I'll just flip to another one. How about justice?
Attribute number 20 here is just. Lord, you are just and right in all your ways.
We understand what justice is because we understand you. You are a just judge who's angry with the wicked every day, that's
Psalm 711. Lord, you determine right and wrong, just from unjust, from your very nature.
We know what justice is because it comes from your character.
So what you end up seeing is just some ideas, and I have, as I said, 32 different things, 31 different attributes of God that I pray through every day.
Because it's lifting God up. If I don't get to praying for myself and, you know, Aunt Millie's toenail or whatever,
I'm fine with that. If I spend all my prayer time just lifting God up, it helps me to refocus myself on the whole day.
And the reality is, is all those things I want to pray for because I want to think about and I want it to be about me, me, me, me, me, me.
You focus on God, you forget about me. Second thing that I have there, well actually we'll get to that in a little bit, so let me get to it.
Letter B in your syllabus, pray submissively. Pray submissively.
We pray for God's will to be done on earth as it is in heaven. That's your blank there,
God's will. Not our will. Jesus is suggesting that true prayer includes willing obedience to Him.
And if we're praying for God's will on earth, then we're also praying, or if we're praying for, if we're praying for God's will on earth, then we are going to be doing
God's will on earth. And that's what you end up seeing. Many people pray for our will.
Had someone recently that was trying to, I guess, encourage someone in saying that they were, had big questions.
They were kind of getting discouraged over being single and not having a mate and not having some things they wanted in life.
And here someone said, well just write all those things down on a sheet of paper and hide it away and then
God will give it to you. Well, that's trying to make
God submissive to us, not us submissive to God. Prayer is us submitting to God.
Now remember what I read in Matthew 6. God already knows these things. Are you thinking you're going to lift something up in prayer that God didn't know about?
It's going to surprise Him? Oh, I didn't expect you were going to ask me for that. Really?
That's why I look at the attribute on omniscience and I just, I'm like, you know, people that say, oh, well, you know, you can lose your salvation.
Really? Like, I surprised God? He didn't know when He, when He died on that cross,
He didn't know what I was going to do? When He saved me, He didn't know what sins I was going to commit?
He wouldn't have saved me if that was the case, if it was reliant on me staying obedient.
And so what you end up seeing is that we have to submit to God.
And that's really what prayer mostly is. Praying submissively is looking to see what
God's will is and doing that. Praying that God's will in our life.
So when people say, would you pray for so and so to be healed? So and so has cancer.
Would you pray for them to be healed? My prayer is, Lord, if it is your will to heal them, we would be glad of that.
And if it is not your will to heal this person, would you please help them to understand your goodness through this?
Now, there's a difference there, isn't there? I'm not just saying, God, we want you to heal this person.
We do. But that's not often the case. A lot of times God doesn't answer those things.
And so if that's the case, guess what? God, help us to be submissive.
Help us to accept your will. Because if I'm sick and I remain sick, then it's
God's will that I be sick. Because I'm sick. And God is sovereign. So what we want to do is pray that we would submit to His will and accept it.
Learn to find how it may glorify God. Look for how God can use whatever it is.
Be submissive. Okay? I'm going to get to some of those in my prayers in a moment.
Let's go to letter C there. Pray dependently. Pray dependently.
We should seek God for our daily provision. That's your blank there.
Luke 11, 3. We should seek God for our daily provision.
This attitude includes both reliance upon the provision of God and a contentment with what
He's given us. So let me go back to my prayer list. And when I'm discipling someone through this, I actually show them my prayer list as I'm going to try to show you guys.
But my second area that I pray under the category of God is thanksgiving.
Some things I thank Him for. I'll just give you a couple. God's word. I give thanks that we have
God's word. I thank Him. I'm just reading some of these. I thank You, Lord, that we have an absolute authority in this world.
I thank You that although the culture believes that everything is relative and there are no absolutes, we have an authority that we can trust.
I thank God that His word is so freely available in my country. Are you thankful that if you live in a country where you can get
God's word, you have that available? Imputation is another one that I have in my list for things to thank
Him for. Are you thankful for imputation? Are you thankful that God... what is imputation? Let me define it real quick.
Imputation is a theological term that describes the transaction where Jesus took our sin upon Himself and gave to us
His righteousness. 2 Corinthians 5 .21 He who knew no sin became sin that we might become the righteousness of God.
That is Martin Luther called the great transaction. We gave
God our sin. He gave us His righteousness. That is the doctrine of imputation in a nutshell.
I thank Him. I say I thank You that all my punishment of sin was laid upon Christ on that cross and He's laid upon me
His perfect righteousness. So that Lord, Father, God, You see me.
You see me through the eyes of Christ. You see me as Christ with the righteousness of Christ.
I have here, without Your gift of imputation all mankind would be dead in trespasses and sins.
You alone can offer the righteousness and take punishment of sin because You alone are the eternal
God, man. I thank Him for my daily provisions. I have some things I have here. I thank
God, I say, not only for having three meals a day but the ability to have a variety of meals that I can enjoy different meals three times a day for over a month.
That came out of the fact that someone I met from Africa defined he said that this is the definition of rich.
The definition of rich to this guy from Africa was that we in America can have a different meal three times a day and not have the same meal in a month.
That's how he defined rich. It's something to think about. I put it here, I thank God for all the different tastes, textures, flavors, colors that we have in our food.
You think about that? Think about all the different differences that you have in food. God can make us eat mud. Just, boom, there you are.
And that's what we eat. It tastes the same. We eat the same thing every day. I mean, animals do that. They eat the same thing all the time.
God could have made us to do that, but no. He's a great God of design who gives us different flavors and textures and tastes.
Smells, maybe some of you can enjoy the smells, but you know, my nose doesn't work so well. So, you know, even though it's this big, huge thing, it doesn't work so well.
And a lot of your enjoyment of taste comes through smell. But we have that. I thank him for my daily provision.
I thank him for the preparation that my wife usually who prepares my food or if I'm out somewhere.
I pray and thank God for indoor plumbing and electricity.
Do you think about that? That's our daily provision. I mean, we live in a country, most of us here in America at least, we live, we have electricity.
You're watching me because you have electricity. I'm just told that the, okay, sorry.
We just went off air for a split second. Don't know what happened there with the glitch.
Hopefully it won't happen again. All right. So, where was I? Electricity. We are grateful.
I mean, if you've ever been in a third world country where they have no running water, you'd be grateful when you get to realize what it is like, oh, wow,
I can have indoor plumbing like a bathroom. You really don't appreciate indoor plumbing until you don't have it.
I'm just saying. Electricity and things like that. I mean, you really want to be able to think about and the fact that we have many, many things that we take for granted.
I don't know about you, but I try not to. When I think about my brothers and sisters around the world who don't have these things, it causes me to be grateful for my daily provision.
And so, that's how I pray dependently. You want to pray dependently because that's exactly where God wants you to be.
If you want the reality, God wants us to be dependent. People ask me, why do you think God allowed this trial in my life?
I have this temptation. Why do you think? Well, probably the reason it's there is so that you depend upon God.
Do you ever notice that when you go through trials, you struggle through those things?
That as you're struggling, you tend to rely upon God a lot more? Yeah, you do.
So, let us look at letter D here. Pray honestly. What do we mean here?
Well, I say here, to what extent can we expect Jesus to forgive our daily acts of sin?
Well, the answer is, as we forgive others. That's your blank there. As we forgive others.
That's how he says it here. I didn't put up the verse. Thank you. I should have put that up.
Thank you. Let's look at Luke 11, 1 -4. Now, Jesus was praying in a certain place.
And when he finished, one of his disciples said to him, Lord, teach us to pray, as John taught his disciples.
That's what a discipler would do. And we talked about this last time. A discipler would teach others to pray.
And so, he said to them, when you pray, say,
Father, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, give us each day our daily bread, and forgive us our sins, for we also forgive everyone else who is indebted to us, and lead us not into temptation.
That's the passage that we're going through in this. And what you see with that is, that we are to forgive others.
Okay? We should be, as Christians, the most forgiving people toward other people.
Why? Because we've been forgiven so much. I have here in your next paragraph,
Christ taught that we should ask God to forgive us as we forgive others.
When Christians sin, when a Christian sins, he should confess his sin before God.
We have that in 1 John 1 -9. Do we have that? Yeah. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
Now, you should always have the person you're discipling read those. Don't read it for them. Okay? So, I hope you are reading out loud as I read this.
Okay? And so, we want to make sure that you guys are kind of reading it when
I say it. But you want to have your student read it. So, you want to get the Word of God into them.
The more repetition, the more they're going to know the Scriptures. Okay? If a
Christian has sinned against another person, they should seek the forgiveness of that person.
So, here's the situation. Before we look at Matthew, we have a situation where we are going to sin.
I know there's some people who try to argue that nobody sins. Now, if you're talking to someone who's a new believer, you may want to get into that.
But you want to give them the assurance, look, every Christian is going to sin. Don't think that now that you're a
Christian, you somehow have to live a perfect life. You shouldn't make an excuse for sin. But if you blow it, don't beat yourself up over it.
Alright? You want to give them that comfort. But if they do sin against another person, we have two passages of Scripture.
Have them read these two. One is if you know that your brother has sinned against you. There's someone who has an issue with you.
Matthew 5 comes into play there. Now, if you look here, Matthew 5, verse 23 and 24.
So, if you are, if you are offering your gift at the altar, and you remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there before the altar and go, be reconciled to your brother and then come with your gift.
And so, what you see there is, one of the things I do whenever I would do a Lord's Supper, a communion,
I would challenge people, if you know that you have an issue, if someone has an issue with you, let the elements go past you and go reconcile with that person.
It's more important than partaking of the elements. But we, if we know someone has sinned against us, go to that person.
That's hard to do. And quite frankly, sometimes they just deny. I've had that multiple, multiple times.
I've had it where people that will say things publicly about me, when
I go to them privately, which is the way we're supposed to do it, as we'll see in a moment, they totally ignore it.
Oh, no, that wasn't you. No, that was someone else. No, hey, I've got no issue with you.
You know, they'll say things to others, but they're not willing to say it to me. Well, in cases like that, what do
I do? Well, I can't do anything more. I tried to reconcile. They're unwilling. I have to leave it there.
But if I have done something, what Matthew 18 says, if your brother sins against you, go to him.
Tell him his faults between you and him alone. If he listens to you, you've gained your brother.
But if he does not listen, take one or two others along with you, that every charge may be established by the evidence of two or three witnesses.
If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church. If he refuses to listen to the church, to even the church, let him be as a
Gentile and a tax collector. Truly I say to you, whatever you bind on earth is bound in heaven, and whatever is loosed on earth is loosed in heaven.
Two or three gathered is not a prayer meeting. It's a church discipline.
But there's a pattern to follow. If you want, you can go to our store and you can pick this up.
This is our process of reconciliation. It's two -sided. It's a nice, hard stock, glossy thing.
And what you see here is steps that you can follow in recognizing, okay, if somebody is sinning, what's the process that I go through?
I'd encourage you to get a student one of these. And you can walk them through this so they know, hey, if you've got some struggles, you're going to struggle with people.
This is what you do. So feel free to pick that up at our store if you want that. But what are we talking about here?
We're talking about the fact that we pray with confession of sin. Okay? So, I'm not going to get into specific details.
Okay? But I have a section, my next section after I speak of God is confession of sins.
And I have some specific things that I struggle with on a regular basis and some things that sometimes just happen to come up that I struggle with.
And I have these things listed here for things that I need to ask
God for forgiveness for. And so, what we end up doing there is, following that,
I pray for my own spiritual maturity along with that. But I recognize, and notice,
I haven't even gotten to my family, myself, my friends, my church, the ministry, none of that stuff yet.
Okay? I haven't even gotten there. And, you know, this could be an hour before I even get here in prayer.
But notice where my focus has been this whole time. On how great God is and how little I am.
And that's where you want to drill into your disciple -ly. You want them thinking that way. You want them thinking,
God is good, I am not. Okay? You want to lift God up on high. Too many churches nowadays, they want to lift up man and put down God.
They want to sing songs about men, to men, not about God, to God.
And so we want that preaching is to men and their felt needs versus to God. When we sing, when we pray, when we preach, it is unto
God alone, first and foremost. And the rest may get benefited from it, but it's to God.
And so we pray, we want to pray honestly. I mean, admit our sin before God. If we're going to try to cover up sin, we're going to be in a heap of trouble.
And you want to help people understand that. You want to guide them through that. Okay? Because human pride, they're going to think, like,
I can't tell anyone that I have this sin. What? Like you think no one else struggles? If a person tells me they don't struggle with a sin, they're not the type of person
I'm going to go to when I struggle with something because they're not being honest with themselves. And it's okay for you.
You don't have to get into too much detail. And maybe for an example of this, what are some things that I have here?
Some general things that I pray for as far as confession of sin is I pray that the Lord would keep me from pride on a regular basis.
I pray that. I pray that God would keep my eyes pure, that I wouldn't look at things that I shouldn't be looking at.
I pray for things that the Lord would help me with Scripture memory because I'm horrible at it.
Ever since I got out of the New King James, I was talking with a brother last night about this, ever since I switched from New King James to the
ESV and now Holman, my Scripture memory is just shot. I know many people have had that same experience.
I'm having to relearn to memorize Scripture and so I'm planning to try to memorize it and go back to memorizing books of the
Bible. But I pray for that. And when you're discipling someone, be honest with them and let them know where you struggle because the reality is when they know that you struggle and where you struggle, it helps them to feel that they can come to you and share with you what they're going through.
Now you don't need to get into detail. Ephesians 5 warns about this.
Ephesians 5 warns not to get too graphic. I've had people, I've had men that came into my office counseling and they would just explain things that they're struggling with and they'd explain things about their...
I remember one specific gentleman that said something that he struggled with about his wife and he he's getting into detail and he's asking a question and he got into way too much detail about his wife and I could not view his wife without thinking about the graphic thing that he had said and it was a split second thing that he said but every time
I'd go to church and see his wife, I'm just thinking this picture and I don't want to think that picture.
You've got to be careful what level of detail you're going to go to and when I counsel people I usually warn them, don't give me too much detail.
You don't want to cause someone else to struggle or to fall into sin and even as you're discipling someone, warn them, hey if I don't have a need to know,
I love... I was talking to a sister in the Lord this weekend who's struggling and needs counsel and I loved it because she knows me well enough that she said to me you know, she's asking for advice on the handling son and she says,
I know you don't like to know the details and know more information than you need to know so I'm not going to share with you some of the things
I want to share with you because you don't want to know it and I appreciate that she knows me well enough that I don't want to know the things
I don't need to know because I don't want to have a stumbling block in front of me.
So pray honestly. Lastly in this section, how to pray, pray preventively.
Pray preventively. What do we mean by this? Verse 4 of Luke 11 We are to ask
God to lead us away of any type of evil or temptation. That's your blank there.
Evil or temptation. We ask God deliver us from this. Keep us from this.
Christ taught his disciples to ask God to direct them away from anything that would entice them to sin.
And when we pray we should ask God to keep us from impure thoughts or actions.
That not only involves asking God to do something but putting some feet to that. It may mean you go to bed at a certain time.
Look, I know there's many men and women that struggle with pornography. Okay? I understand. It's a huge issue.
One of the things I found from many, many years of counseling is that most people struggle with it late at night.
Especially when they're alone. Especially when they're on a computer late at night in the dark all alone.
So guys, girls, you know what you do? Go to bed early. Don't be alone.
Put the computer in an area where everyone is. We had for years, we had our kid's computer was right in the kitchen.
Then when we moved it, because they started doing the homework, it was in a den but it was an eye view site from the kitchen.
So we could always see what's on their monitors. But we would do that. Okay? My monitors are kind of tilted so that anyone walking in my office could kind of see.
But you get some software on your computers so you have an accountability partner to redirect all your websites you go to to somebody else so they can see where you've been going.
Do these things. Set up boundaries for yourself. One of the things I used to counsel guys that were addicts was find out what is it that triggers you to go and go to whatever it is that's your addiction.
Some guys would actually create fights with their spouses so that they could argue that they need to get a drink.
They need to get out of the house and have a drink. But they started the argument. Very common. Let's read the last part of this. Make a list of the things that you are tempted with that you know the
Lord wants you to change. And pray every day that the Lord will lead you away from those temptations.
1 Corinthians 10 13 We don't have that one.
But you can read that. You should read that. You should have read it as you filled in the blanks. But what you have there
Someone said you can have a proxy that has passwords that you don't know.
There's a way we have set up in the house when my kids were here was that my kids
I knew a password that any website they went to I got a list of it. My wife knows every one of my passwords.
She has access to everything and everywhere that I go.
So that she can see. So we have nothing to be hidden. There's no one that's going to keep me more accountable than my wife.
But make a list of those things that not just a list of I struggle with this.
Try to also find out when is it? What are the triggers? What triggers you to be tempted with that sin?
Because sometimes we find it's a certain day of the week. A certain time of the day. Maybe it's a thing that happens at work or at home that's a trigger.
Okay. Once you figure out what that trigger is pray preventively. Pray to put a barrier up and avoid that.
Okay? Try to set those things so you're not giving over. You want to set up boundaries so that you don't fall into temptation.
Alright? So we want to pray preventively.
Alright. Now I'm not going to get into does God answer prayer this week.
Alright? Next week we're going to ask the question does God answer prayer?
And what are some of the things you should be praying for? We're going to look at that next week because I spent a lot of time going in so what's the rest of my prayer list?
The rest of my prayer list is I have days of the week certain days where I pray for the church and church issues.
Certain days I pray for our ministry, Striving for Eternity. That would be Monday so Sunday I pray for the church.
Monday I pray for Striving for Eternity. Tuesday I pray for other ministries.
Okay. Around the world, ones I'm connected with. On Thursdays I pray for the government and my local leaders.
On Saturdays I pray for unsafe people that I've come in contact with and evangelized.
Alright. On Monday, Wednesday, and Friday I pray for my extended family.
Alright. And every day I pray for my immediate family. And so that's the structure that I have.
In my app, a good Bible prayer app allows you, as mine does, to set up pray for this every
Monday, pray for this every Wednesday. So let me give you the apps that I use actually. That's a good point.
Thank you. I use and you can't get this on your iPhone anymore, and they have different ones for iPhone and Android, but I use what's called
Pocket Prayer Pro. You can't get that anymore. Now let me give you the two that I'm evaluating. Right now
I'm looking at one called Prayer Notebook. I'm really, I'm liking that one.
I'm leaning toward that one. But I'm also testing Prayer Notes. I didn't like Prayer Notes because I didn't think
I can edit the categories, but the developer just contacted me just before class and told me that I could.
I like having one that I can have categories, and with those categories, I like that I can set up a schedule.
Prayer Notebook allows for a schedule, but Prayer Notes does not. So I'm still looking. Yeah, that's right.
Thank you. Someone just said praying for different brothers and sisters, someone in China, I guess.
Yeah, the thing is, I do have, on Fridays, I pray for the
Church International, for those who are being persecuted for the Church.
So thank you. So I like having it where I can have a schedule. I have it categorized, and that way
I can go through it. I like having an app where I can just check it, and it takes it, so here's your prayer list for today, and you can check it, and it removes it for that day.
So you can just, I can pray for maybe 20 minutes in the morning, and then 15 minutes later in the day, and throughout the day,
I get to pray. If you have any questions from this class, or any class, or anything, actually, you can email us at academyatstrivingforeternity .org.
Remember, you can go to our store, and you can buy the book, the Growing in Grace book, if you care to buy that.
You can go to strivingforeternity .org, and register as an enrolled student, and you'll be able to get that, get the benefits of that.
You can see our, what we have on, as far as different things that are out there, audio lessons, things like that.
I want to let you guys know a couple things real quick before we end, and one is really exciting, and that is Amazon Smile.
Amazon Smile is something new. You go to smile .amazon .com, slash whatever that is at the bottom, but go there, jot that down, go there, register
Striving for Eternity. Actually, I think if you go to that exact site, you get set up for Striving for Eternity, and you, everything you spend at amazon .com,
not Amazon, but smile .amazon, so you have to go and log in at smile .amazon .com.
Same log in as your Amazon account, but what they do is they are basically taking that, and giving half a percent of everything you spend, and sending it to us.
And it is a way for everything that you may buy, you're helping support the ministry. So jot that down, smile .amazon
.com. One thing I don't have a graphic for is coming up in just two weeks is the
Fall for Greenville. I want to encourage you to come down. If you're watching this, this Fall for Greenville will be
October 9th, I think is when I fly down. So it's October 10th, 11th, and 12th. I will be speaking.
Still up in the air, pray for me. They basically said I could speak on anything that I want. They didn't give me a topic, and I've been kind of bouncing through a couple different topics.
Thinking on speaking on the topic of prayer, or I may preach on the title of a message,
You Are Not the Holy Spirit. Whose job is it to convict people on the streets?
So be praying about that. Be coming down to Fall for Greenville if you can. It's a beautiful place, great event.
Been doing it for a couple years. Lastly, as you know, we want to encourage you to encourage others.
So I want you to encourage someone this week that maybe you don't get to know all that well. It's the brother who got me looking into the
Bible app that I was talking about earlier and studying it out, and that is
Isaiah. Now, he doesn't have a website, so I put his Facebook, which means if you don't have
Facebook, well, I guess you can't really talk to him. Well, contact me and email us, and we'll find a way if you want to send him some encouragement.
But contact him through Facebook. Add him. Get to know him. He's a brother who
I've gotten to know for years. Up, lives north of me quite a ways, and I've gone out on the streets with him several times.
He's come down for Jersey Fire. But just a guy who really has gone through some theological transformations from where he grew up and whatnot.
And just be lifting him up as he is a father, as he's a husband, a father, as he serves in his church, as he serves on the street.
He's someone who has served faithfully, goes out to abortion clinics, which is hard to do. Don't enjoy that one, but he's really a man who is trying to honor
God and serve God. And so if you would encourage him this week, and why do we do this?
We do this because most people don't say nice things about one another until they're dead. Let's beat that and say it while we're alive.
Don't just encourage Isaiah. Do encourage Isaiah. Encourage him every day this week if you can. But don't just encourage him.
Encourage a person every day. Let's start using Facebook to encourage people. Wouldn't that be a radical change?
Using Facebook to encourage people instead of tearing people down. That would be crazy. Let's do it.
We're Christians. We're supposed to be different from the world. And until next week, remember to strive to make today an eternal day for the glory of God.