The Here I Stand Theology Podcast Ep #8 {False Teaching}
In this episode we are doing a Biblical examination of a sermon from a local church that teaches falsely concerning what the Scriptures teach about 'Being filled with the Spirit and speaking in tongues'.
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- What's wrong with you people? I'm serious. I mean, this is what's wrong with the
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- Christian church today. We don't know who God is, and we don't know who we are. That was
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- R .C. Sproul, ladies and gentlemen, making the infamous statement, what's wrong with you people?
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- And then followed up by what seldom few hear is that it's the
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- Christian church that has a problem. It's the Christian church that doesn't seem to know who
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- God is. And I would have to agree with that statement 110 percent, because there are a great many churches today who fly under the flag of Jesus, and yet they do not teach what
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- Jesus taught. And so today we are going to be taking a look at a sermon, and the very purpose and intent of us looking at this sermon and to examine carefully what is said is because it is the responsibility of every
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- Christian believer, number one, I'll say this, to be a committed member of a local church body, and it is the responsibility of the elders of a local church body to teach and to preach, to proclaim the truth about what the
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- Scriptures teach. So therefore, simply to teach the Scriptures themselves, not to take it out of context, not to asegete into the text of Scripture something that's not there, but to exegete, to draw out of the
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- Scripture what is there. And that being said, there seems to be a whole lot of false teaching, even in what seems like to be some of the most solid churches around.
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- And of course, as we're going to examine today, we're going to see false teaching in what doesn't seem to be one of the most unsound churches that I know of, simply because they do not teach what the
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- Scripture says. And you'll note in this sermon, you'll hear them say that the
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- Scripture says certain things, but what we're going to try to do is, bit by bit, walk through this, listen to this, let their own words testify for or against them, and then afterwards, if you will simply weigh what you hear according to the
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- Word of God, not only what you hear the sermon that is being reviewed, but what you hear me say, weigh what
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- I say against the Word of God, test it. The Scriptures teach us to test the spirits to see whether they be of God.
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- And so, that's what we're going to try to do here today. So, let's bring in the video here, and again, this is a sermon entitled,
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- Being Filled with the Holy Spirit. And it is evidence of power, and it is basically about being filled with the
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- Spirit, what that, in their estimation, what that means, what that entails, and what that looks like, as well as their teachings on the doctrine of tongues in the
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- Scriptures. So, let's begin. Let's hear what they have to say, and we'll move throughout.
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- So, one of my objectives is always to bring you into an encounter with the
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- Holy Spirit. So, let's stop there. He says there, one of his objectives is always to bring you into an encounter with the
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- Holy Spirit. Now, the Scriptures tell us in John's Gospel, Jesus told
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- Nicodemus, the wind blows where it wants to blow. We do not bring encounters with the
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- Holy Spirit, because we are not God. If you encounter
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- Him, everything else is going to be just fine. Now, I can get you to memorize a
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- Scripture, and that Scripture is going to help you. It is the Word of God. But, you must encounter the
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- Living Word through the Holy Spirit. Alright, little bites, little chunks at a time.
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- If you will notice, and if you will listen to what has just been said,
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- Michael Brewer, James Abbott, those at the well, those in the charismatic movement at large, will devalue and minimize the
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- Word of God. He said plainly, I can get you to memorize
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- Scripture, but until you encounter the Living Word, you'll never understand it, and you'll never know it.
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- They are making a distinction between the true Word of God and an experience.
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- That's largely what you're going to see and hear in this sermon, is the emphasis upon an experience outside of the
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- Scriptures. I know people that can quote Scripture forwards, backwards, upside down.
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- They can tell me when I'm talking, they say, this is that Scripture, and they understand it, but lifeless, empty, dry, and when that happens, it begins to shift over into a very critical spirit of accusation and these things, and what it does ultimately begins to separate a person from the walk of the
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- Spirit of God. Alright, so let me identify there, because our charismatic friends who may watch this will automatically put us in that category of the critical spirit.
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- I am not being critical for the sake of being mean -spirited.
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- I am being critical because the Word of God is being mishandled, and the
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- Word of God is being misapplied. And to put it quite bluntly, in country terms,
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- I'm going to call a duck a duck, and in this case, I'm going to call false teaching on this false teacher.
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- When you think about this, the early church, they didn't have what we would call the
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- New Covenant Scriptures written. They were drawing on the Old Covenant Scriptures. That's true.
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- Let's give, let's put a positive, put a mark in the positive column.
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- What he said there is exactly true. The New Testament believers didn't have the New Testament as we have it today.
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- They had the Old Testament. The Holy Spirit was bringing life, so there was a continual revelation of the
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- Holy Spirit. When we talk about the Book of Acts, I want to position that book just a little bit for you around a covenant.
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- When God would establish a covenant with his people, around every covenant, there's what you would call a canon.
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- So we have the New Covenant established through Christ. So around the establishing of that covenant, let's just say the birth, the death, the burial, the resurrection, all in there, call that the establishing of the covenant.
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- We have the context of what life was like in that culture before the covenant.
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- All right. So as we move forward here, let's note something very, very important, and that is this, that words have meaning.
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- And if we try to make the definition of words fluid and we do not use them properly, it does not make sense.
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- It doesn't matter how many words are strung and connected together. What's happening here is a word salad is being tossed with a lack of understanding what the words actually mean.
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- So he uses the term canon. It's very important, canon. And what he said is not at all what the word means.
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- The word canon itself is a general law. It's a general law by which something is judged.
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- It's a standard of judgment. So a simple way of defining that, of what a canon is, a simple way of defining that is that a canon is a measuring stick.
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- It's the measuring stick. It's like having a tape measure and pulling out the tape measure and measuring something and knowing that according to the standard on the tape measure, that is the length of the board that you're measuring to cut, so on and so forth.
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- When used in reference to the Bible, however, the canon is a reference.
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- Historically, the word canon in reference to the Scriptures is a reference to the authoritative list of the books of the
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- Holy Scripture. Now, as pointed out in the Westminster Confession of Faith, as pointed out in the
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- London Baptist Confession of Faith, the inspired canon of Scripture is the 66 books of the
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- Old and the New Testament. Simply put right there, open and shut.
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- The canon of Scripture itself is closed. God's not giving new revelation, nor are we taught anywhere in the
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- Scriptures themselves that new revelation is being given. However, this is exactly what's being taught and communicated here.
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- So, just that misdefinition of terms is something that's very important.
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- I would encourage you as Christian, as a Christian believer, as church members, for you, every time that the preacher preaches a message, test it according to the
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- Scriptures. Take what you hear, hold it to the Word of God, the context not only of a little patch of Scriptures that may be quoted, but look at that patch of Scriptures in the larger context of the text itself, the preceding verses in the chapter, the following verses in the chapter, maybe even have to read the whole book, and you'll find that ultimately that Scripture unfolds always and is always and in agreement with itself when you go from Genesis to the book of the
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- Revelation of Jesus Christ. That being said, we're going to jump just a little bit ahead, about a minute and a half ahead, to the 440 mark.
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- Let's see if we can get that. We'll go to about 434, and here you're going to hear him just describing his
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- Pentecostal roots, and we're going to see that he contradicts his statement.
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- One statement after another, he is constantly contradicting himself.
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- The Holy Spirit, honestly. It is how he interacted with the people.
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- So, I'm going to take us into this message, just being filled with the Holy Spirit as evidenced by power.
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- Now, my roots are in Pentecostal mainline, Pentecostal church, and I love them.
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- It's my roots, so I can talk about my roots just like it's my family. I can talk about my family.
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- You don't get to talk about my family, but I can because I'm in it. I live it. So, I can talk about Pentecostalism and understand it well because it was most of my life growing up.
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- But in the Pentecostal church, you'll hear, have you spoken in tongues, baptism of the
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- Holy Spirit evidenced by speaking in tongues. I want to give you a different perspective on that. So, the large swath of any of the teaching that comes from this charismatic
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- Pentecostal group is always about a new perspective. It's always a new angle.
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- It's always a new view. Some of the old -timers have rightfully said this about the
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- Scriptures, that the Scriptures mean what they say and that they say what they mean, that we don't have to read extra into it.
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- Nevertheless, here he goes. I'm going to say the evidence is power because I know many powerless tongue talkers.
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- So, the actual evidence is the power. That's what we're going to go after today.
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- I want you to experience this. So, the evidence of being filled with the
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- Spirit is power, whether or not you talk in tongues, because he said he knows plenty of powerless tongue talkers.
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- Yet, he is going to connect the two here in just a little while and still try to make them, though he tried to separate them there, he's going to try to put them back together in this jumbled up mess that we're looking at.
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- Take you a little bit deeper in that. About 25 years or so ago, some of our leadership people have been around.
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- They can tell my story, but I'm going to get to tell it again because a lot of y 'all have never heard it. I was in my bedroom.
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- It was 2 30 in the morning. I'd worked night shift for several years and I couldn't sleep that night.
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- I was off, of course. So, I'm laying there and I'm literally on my side. I mean, I remember exactly how
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- I was laying, where I was at. I remember laying there unable to sleep. I'm like,
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- I'm just praying. I'm just talking to God. All of a sudden, I was taken in this visionary encounter with the
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- Lord. I rolled out of my bed onto the floor and I'm just praying.
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- A groan begins to come from deep within me. I'm praying, but I feel like I'm being pulled into this.
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- I have language for it today. I didn't get it. But this encounter with God and the deeper
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- I go, there's this groaning that comes forth from me. I was, this is, this is him explaining what it means to be filled with the spirit based upon his experience.
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- Notice this Christians, Christians that are watching this, notice carefully that the, his, his explanation of the evidence of being filled with the spirit of God and the power of God is demonstrated and exhibited by a experience that he is having and that others have had.
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- And that if you get to be a super duperty spiritual Christian that you might one day get to have, let's listen as he, as he tells further.
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- I was told, you know, when I went to people, I'm like, help me understand what happened. I was told everything from you're dying to you're giving birth to you're doing all of these things.
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- I don't know what's happening now, but at that point, I mean, sometimes it's good to say,
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- I don't know what it was. So I'll just pray for you rather than feeling the pressure of trying to give an answer to a context you have no understanding about.
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- So I'm groaning. Next I'm on my back and my body is curling up as I'm groaning in the
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- Holy Spirit. The reason I was groaning moments before rolling out of the bed,
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- I watched myself in this visionary encounter speaking in tongues. I'd never experienced that.
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- I was watching something. I was watching myself, but yet I was up here watching myself.
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- So he said, I was watching myself, but I was up here watching myself. And he's says that he's saying that I was watching myself talk in tongues.
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- Although I wasn't talking in tongues. I watched myself speak in tongues, but I heard
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- God speak to me in my right ear. This is how detailed this was. Said I am calling you to ministry.
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- And when I heard that, as I watched myself speak in tongues, it overwhelmed me and I fell on the floor and I began to groan deeply.
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- This lasted about 20 minutes. So this was such an experience. My body was so sore the next day.
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- When I got back up on my knees, like a religious
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- Christian, right on my knees, got back up on my knees and I said these words,
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- I said, Con, if that experience had been speaking in tongues, I would have been okay with it.
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- But it wasn't. And I know enough, show me in your word what this was.
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- Because it was an experience completely outside my box. Here's another point.
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- If you, as a Christian, are going to the scriptures to try to find a passage of scripture to validate an experience that you're having, you're doing it backwards.
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- Experience does not dictate the validity of scripture, but scripture will validate or invalidate the experiences that you're having.
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- And I heard the Lord, get up, go downstairs, get your Bible, turn to John chapter 11 verse 33.
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- Notice what he does. In the context of that, it basically, Jesus coming to the tomb of Lazarus and the bridge, it was that he groaned within himself.
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- And that's all. I still didn't understand it, but I knew at least there was a scriptural basis for it that I wasn't getting to see.
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- So to the uncareful here, to the one who is just saying,
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- Claude, you're being critical. You shouldn't be saying anything about what he just said.
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- He had scripture to prove what he was, validate what he was saying. And I would argue vehemently with you and say, no, the scripture does not validate what he says.
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- Number one, because the scripture is talking about Jesus.
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- Contrary to what many popular Christians will teach today, we are not
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- Jesus. We are not little Christ and we are not little gods.
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- We are human beings, sin ridden, fallen humanity.
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- And the only hope that we have is to trust, to hope and to look to the grace and the mercy of our
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- Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, who alone is unique.
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- So his statement, his validation of that experience by going to the scripture that talks about when
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- Jesus groaned in his spirit, carries absolutely no weight.
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- That began to shift my life within a couple of weeks. Shift, that's a word if you watch
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- Chris Roseboro, you know that when they play Prophecy Bingo, shift is a big charismatic word.
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- You'll hear that shifting, the shifting, the shaking, the quaking, you'll hear all these buzzwords used.
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- I'm standing in front of a great church here in town and I remember walking forward into the altar.
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- It was just a normal Sunday night service. I was getting ready to go to work that night. I was sitting kind of back there.
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- I got out of the pew and I walked forward and about the time I got on the altar, my left foot,
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- I was taking a step, but I've yet to complete that step. As my foot was moving forward, the power and the presence of God hit me so strongly.
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- Beyond any experience I had ever had, I was pinned on the ground and I was praying in the spirit.
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- I was praying in a language I had never learned before. And during this encounter, it's like this is just flowing forth from me.
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- There was not another concern in the world as I was in awe and engulfed in his presence.
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- So, he was praying in a language that he's never known before and he was doing this because he was in awe and engulfed in his presence.
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- So, according to the teaching of the well, the evidence of being filled with the spirit is evidence by experiences that when examined and held up to the scriptures themselves are typically exhibitions of demon possession as opposed to recognizing the holiness of God Almighty.
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- If you check it out, look it throughout the scriptures. When we read of demon possession in the scriptures, you'll hear evidences of folks lying on the ground, writhing in agony, screaming and wailing and moaning and doing all of those things.
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- But when we see individuals in the text of scripture itself who are genuinely in the awestruck and in the presence of Almighty God, typically can't even lift up their head from their breasts.
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- And if they do express something verbally, it's a recognition of the holiness of God and the sinfulness of man himself.
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- So, let's move on here. We're going to jump ahead to about the 11 minute and 40 second mark.
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- Let's see if we can get that. Let's go to 1130. And what we're going to see here, a contradiction of terms that he makes.
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- Let's note here as well, the charismatic practice of the day of the last several years has been, again, it's really a grammatical issue, but a lack of the preposition the, or the lack of the article the,
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- I'm sorry, the article the, which makes it ascribed unto.
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- When you hear the charismatic in the Pentecostals, talk about Jesus, talk about the
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- Holy Spirit, they always want to leave off the. They just want to call him Holy Spirit.
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- They express the name of the person of the
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- Holy Spirit in a way that's impractical. And it just kind of makes the
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- Holy Spirit random, Holy Spirit, or the Holy Spirit is how the scriptures describe the person of the
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- Holy Spirit. Notice what he says here. It's very, very important.
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- Here we have the disconnection of the mind and the spirit is what is taught in these circles very much.
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- It's a disconnection of the mind and the spirit that if your mind is actively engaged and focused on the actual
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- Word of God, then you are practicing some sort of cold, dead intellectualism.
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- But friends, unless you understand it with your mind, it will not energize or excite your heart.
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- Your mind has to comprehend the truth before it will physically affect you.
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- So do not fall prey to this teaching. If you'll pay attention to your pastors as you go to church every week, listen for these things.
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- Because if you're hearing these things, you're hearing a man teaching you things that are leading you away from the truth of God's Word.
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- Now, I'll position that a little bit more. But while I'm speaking, Holy Spirit has never been bound to my permission to move.
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- You heard what he said. Holy Spirit has never been bound by my permission to move. You know,
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- I have a goal at the end of this thing. I'll probably invite you up if you really feel hungry and you want to touch for God.
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- But Holy Spirit many times does not wait. I don't understand the etiquette he has, but I guess he figures it's his church and his family and he'll do it however he wants to do it.
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- So he's never asked me for permission. So with that said, I'd like to be aware of how he's moving.
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- Oh, okay. So he doesn't need your permission, but you'd like to be aware of how he's moving. So if you begin to really feel he's moving, uniquely moving, in through you, on you, you might not have the language,
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- I'll just use all of the above. If you begin to feel him touch you, I just want you to stand.
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- And I'm just going to acknowledge what he's doing in your life. And if you want to sit back down, but what that does, that begins to bring you further into a group.
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- You're beginning to acknowledge he is doing something very unique. So in order for the
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- Holy Spirit to do anything, you have to acknowledge it. And by the way, remember what he said earlier.
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- He said he wants to activate this faith in you. And of course you don't have to, but I'm asking you to, because I believe it's going to begin to unlock something.
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- So Acts chapter 4. Great persecution had risen against the people.
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- People began to go out. Here we have Philip. It says those who were scattered preached the word everywhere they went.
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- Philip went down to the city of Samaria and proclaimed the Messiah to them. When the crowds heard
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- Philip and saw the signs that he performed. Now what's a sign? It points to something.
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- It points to something. So here he is preaching Christ and the signs are pointing to him to authenticate that message that he was preaching.
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- So 13 minutes and 49 seconds into this, he has made two true statements.
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- This being second of true statements. However, he doubles back on this statement.
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- Let's jump to 1540. 1540 mark. When the apostles in Jerusalem heard that Samaria had accepted the word, they sent,
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- I don't know why I didn't put the whole thing in space. They sent the apostles down and when they arrived, they prayed for the new believers that they might receive the
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- Holy Spirit. I used to read that. I love the whole context. You know, words got back. They received. So now they are going down there to bring something in addition to what they had received.
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- Now the people were baptized. They believed in Christ. I believe they were fully born again. I believe the
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- Holy Spirit dwelt in them. But I think what was talking about here was the power of the
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- Holy Spirit consuming them. All right. Notice very carefully again right here.
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- He's making a difference and a distinction. He says, I believe they were very much born again.
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- I believe they were very much saved, but they did not have the power. They did not have the power and these are his own words.
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- Let's listen a little bit further. Philip brought a message. They believed and received that the apostles thinking was different than Philip the evangelist.
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- Again, the apostles thinking were different than Philip the evangelist. So in his estimation, he is stating that the apostles had a different angle to put on the gospel than Philip had.
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- Doing his work, he was doing the context of his anointing, but the apostles had a greater context of the body of Christ, how it would build.
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- So sometimes when things like that happen, especially evangelists, our eyes get fixed on the evangelist and what he's doing.
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- But the apostles had equipping and multiplication and kingdom advancement beyond just being born again.
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- So they're coming down. They're wanting to make little Phillips out of everybody. They're wanting everybody to begin releasing signs and wonders.
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- So the apostles come, they want to make little Phillips out of everybody. They want everybody releasing signs and wonders.
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- We do not see this in the scriptures. We do not see this at all.
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- Inconceivable! You keep using that word. I don't think it means what you think it means.
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- I do not think that it means what you think that it means. Let's listen just a little bit further here in this section.
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- Even the sorcerer had the context, right? He wanted to do it too, but he couldn't.
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- He was doing it out of a bad heart. So the apostles come down, and I would love to have their message transcribed.
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- I would say it goes something like this. Guys, what you have seen, what you have heard, came by the power of the
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- Holy Spirit in Philip. Philip was a man just like all of us, but God anointed him with power.
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- And I think you will... They are saying, amen. They are saying, come on.
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- They are in total agreement with this, but that is not at all what the scripture says.
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- As a matter of fact, there is the passage of scripture that says, actually, it is one of Peter's sermons that he is speaking in reference to Christ, whom
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- God has anointed. God's anointed one is
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- Christ. And on it said, you guys have believed in this
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- Jesus. You have believed. You have received baptism in water. You have been born in the newness of life.
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- But God is wanting to take what is on Philip, and he is wanting to put that on you. He is wanting all of you to be filled with the
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- Holy Spirit and power, that all of you, everybody in this new kingdom, they get to release signs and wonders and power among you.
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- So you heard it. You heard the exact phrase. It's for all believers to do these things.
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- No, it is not. He contradicts his own statement there, talking about earlier that the signs and the wonders pointed to Christ.
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- And now he's retracting that. He's recasting, recasting his own vision of what the scriptures say, and it is not the truth.
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- Because through those signs and wonders, it's authenticating your new life in Christ. It's authenticating the
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- Christ that was risen from the dead. So see, they had something even greater. By the way, the authentication that Jesus is the
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- Christ, the son of the living God, according to the scriptures, is not primarily in the signs and wonders that he did, though he did them and they were pointing to him.
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- It is in the fact that he rose from the dead on the third day, and that he ever lives to make intercession for us.
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- What he, what Brewer is preaching is a false doctrine. They were already activating them in ministry.
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- They weren't sending them to Bible school. They weren't doing all of those things at that time. They were sending them into the school.
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- Here we have, again, the diminishment of the study of the scriptures.
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- They wasn't sending them to Bible study. Friends, if we are not preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ as it is in the word of God, we are preaching another gospel.
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- And according to what the Apostle Paul told the church at Galatia, be damned anybody that proclaims another gospel of the
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- Spirit. They was going to shift everything in their life. So can't you imagine?
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- So there you hear the word shift used again. Let's jump on ahead just a little bit more so we can get through.
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- We're still not going to get through this entire sermon. Nevertheless, we're going to get as far as we can.
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- Let's jump down to about the 20 -minute mark.
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- There we are. I mean, unless we're just all seizures, how do they know? Something had to shift, change, visible here.
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- Something happened. It says, when Simon saw the Spirit was given at the laying on apostles hands, he offered the money.
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- Forget the money portion. He saw something happen. There was an expression, somehow, some way, there was an evidence of the
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- Holy Spirit touching his people. It was practical. So let's take a look at the text for just a moment here.
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- And while we do that, I'm going to actually enlarge this. Let's take a look at the book of Galatians.
- 39:40
- So according to this false teacher's word, the expression and the demonstration and evidence of the
- 39:49
- Holy Spirit is that there will be a physical manifestation of power.
- 39:56
- But let's go to Galatians chapter 5 and let's go to verse 16 to take a look at the actual text itself to see what the text actually says.
- 40:08
- So Paul, the Apostle Paul, describes to the Church of Galatia what it means to be filled with the
- 40:16
- Spirit, what it looks like to walk in the power of the Spirit. He also contrasts what it looks like to walk in the power of the
- 40:24
- Spirit with what it looks like to do contrary to the
- 40:30
- Spirit of God. And he says this in verse 16, But I say, walk in the
- 40:36
- Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh. For the desires of the flesh are against the
- 40:42
- Spirit, and the desires of the Spirit are against the flesh. For those are opposed to each other to keep you from doing the things you want to do.
- 40:51
- But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law. And then he says,
- 40:57
- Now the works of the flesh are manifest, are evident, sexual immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, rivalries, dissensions, divisions, envy, drunkenness, orgies, and things like these.
- 41:18
- He said, I warn you, as I warned you before, that those who do such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.
- 41:27
- Notice carefully the Scripture here, Galatians 5, 22. But the fruit of the
- 41:33
- Spirit, fruit is what is born of a Christian. The evidence of being born again is that the
- 41:39
- Christian loves, that the Christian has joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self -control against such things.
- 41:51
- There is no law. So the plain teaching of the text of Scripture here does not in any way resemble what this man is teaching.
- 42:08
- What this church proclaims, it does not compare at all.
- 42:17
- The church, the church's message, the church's teaching, and the church's preaching should align with the
- 42:25
- Scripture. The Scriptures should not be maligned or twisted to match the church's perverted, this church's perverted view of the
- 42:38
- Scripture itself. Evidence there. Let's go to that next slide.
- 42:47
- So I want to take you out of that story, and I want to take you into a story of Paul. Because we're in the book of Acts, and we're jumping around the book of Acts.
- 42:55
- So he's jumping around the book of Acts, he says. So let's go to 2205 in the sermon.
- 43:32
- So over my head and beyond my experience that I'm in deep trouble if I don't depend on the
- 43:39
- Holy Spirit. I mean, that's where I want to live. I want to be fully aware if I find myself in that situation where he's not.
- 43:49
- Because I assure you if Holy Spirit was removed from my life, I would be dead in moments.
- 43:58
- Because I've confronted way too many demons that would love, love to kill me.
- 44:11
- I've confronted way, way too many demons that would want to kill me is what he said. Doing church.
- 44:18
- Churches have lost their power. I'll say this, churches have lost their power because they have left the
- 44:25
- Word of God itself. So I want to live in that place.
- 44:31
- Let's jump to 2230. So over my head and beyond my experience that I'm in deep trouble if I don't depend on the
- 44:40
- Holy Spirit. I mean, that's where I want to live. I want to be fully aware if I find myself in that situation where he's not.
- 44:50
- Because I assure you if Holy Spirit was removed from my life, I would be dead in moments.
- 45:04
- They answered saying, we don't know. There is a Holy Spirit. I'll say, what were you baptized in?
- 45:10
- They said John's baptism. So we know what John did. John's baptism was a baptism of repentance saying that they should believe on the one who is to come, the
- 45:22
- Messiah who is to come. I want to give you some context to that because we just read through those few statements right there.
- 45:28
- But what we fail to understand, and that's approximately 20 years after John's baptism.
- 45:38
- So we don't have the whole story, but these guys are, they hear John preaching.
- 45:43
- All right. So right there, very important here, whether intentional or unintentional, understanding proper context, understanding the dating of the books of the
- 46:01
- Bible is very important because even if you in ignorance, in the true definition of the word ignorance, meaning unintentionally misinterpret something, not having a correct knowledge of something based on not looking for it.
- 46:26
- Even if you do that, certainly the book of Acts was written probably around the year in the,
- 46:36
- I think it's dated in the 50s, AD 50s, maybe a little bit before.
- 46:45
- In any case, that would have been 20 years after Christ. But what's being written is not talking about 20 years after Christ.
- 46:54
- The account that he is referring to did not take place 20 years after John the
- 47:00
- Baptist. It didn't take place 20 years after Christ. So he is misapplying the date and therefore misapplying any principle that he communicates after that.
- 47:14
- John baptized them and apparently they were John's disciples. And John sent them out ahead of Jesus, just 22 years ahead.
- 47:24
- Jesus has now come, but they're out in the field. They're on the mission field. They're, they're preaching.
- 47:30
- The Messiah is coming. The kingdom is among us. He's, he's coming. He's about to be, they've been faithful with everything
- 47:39
- John taught them. They had gone out preparing the way for the Messiah. That was
- 47:44
- John's primary message, prepare the way, prepare the way, a forerunner. They're saying, Hey, the
- 47:49
- Messiah is coming. For 22 years, they were faithful with the message.
- 47:55
- The Messiah is coming. So now they don't know he has came, died, rose again.
- 48:04
- And the spirit of God has been poured out and the kingdom of God has fully been birthed on earth and is now expanding in all directions.
- 48:12
- So here's Paul's like, guys, you guys have been faithful. I mean, I can imagine the humility in Paul's heart.
- 48:19
- These guys, and Paul's probably going, I'm glad you didn't meet me because I would have killed you. But he's been faithful.
- 48:25
- He's honoring them, honoring them. And then he's bringing them up to the present truth.
- 48:33
- Peter spoke to the present truth that you may be established in the present truth.
- 48:39
- They were established in a truth, but the truth had matured since then.
- 48:47
- Oh my goodness. So let's, let's jump to, um, 29, the 29 minute mark, uh, just to move through this and what we're going to note and listen very closely to what he says, uh, again, uh, this is the common practice of the charismatic movement to disconnect the mind in the spirit, which they both go together.
- 49:18
- We as human beings are created as a dichotomy of body and spirit.
- 49:27
- Um, soul is used interchangeably with spirit. We are a dichotomy. However, the constant and incessant, uh, reference to disconnect and anything intellectual is wrong is, it's something that you need to flee from.
- 49:46
- If you hear, if you hear a pastor saying, just put your mind in neutral and just, uh, feel the spirit flow in the spirit, then you might be hearing a false teaching.
- 49:58
- You need to weigh it very carefully, but here he makes a reference to the fact that he doesn't, he doesn't debate.
- 50:06
- I just want to demonstrate that you are something now that you were not before.
- 50:14
- That's the drastic shift that takes place. Now you want me to break that up. I can't, I can only say experience.
- 50:21
- This is an experiential gospel. It's not an intellectual gospel. It blows our minds.
- 50:27
- And oftentimes we find ourselves with the inability to express experience in our natural language.
- 50:40
- A gospel that is not both intellectual and experiential isn't the gospel.
- 50:53
- It's just, I can't always have that saying, demonstrate, don't debate.
- 51:03
- I always have that saying, demonstrate, don't debate. I'm not even going to go there.
- 51:15
- So let's go to the next statement. Um, and notice again, it's always something different.
- 51:23
- It's always a different angle. It's always a different view. Let me take you into, uh, into a different way of looking at something.
- 51:34
- Let me take you into a different way of looking at something. Evidence is the power to be a witness.
- 51:42
- So let's go to 1 Corinthians 14. The reason I want to talk about some of this is the whole issue of tongues.
- 51:48
- People get tore up. One camp, everything's tongues. The other camp, it's all demons.
- 51:55
- And somewhere, people just get it all jacked up and tore up.
- 52:02
- Everyone of y 'all speak tongues if you want to, but I say right now. There's not a further thing that just has to happen.
- 52:12
- Okay. So here, he, uh, gives the church permission.
- 52:21
- Everybody just go ahead and speak in tongues when the scripture clearly prohibits that practice.
- 52:31
- And he will, of course, double back, contradict, refute
- 52:39
- God's word, and say what he wants to say. And everybody just nods their heads and amens, and come on, and all of these things.
- 52:50
- We ought to amen the word of God. We ought to say come on to the preacher when he's preaching the truth.
- 52:56
- But when you're getting fed a line of garbage like this, the thing that you should be doing is turning your head and going the other way.
- 53:09
- You don't get part of the Holy Spirit and the rest of it. What happens, I believe, at the field with the
- 53:15
- Holy Spirit, baptized in the Holy Spirit, sanctified by the Holy Spirit, all of those terms come from multiple meaning denominations of how they explain it.
- 53:26
- I mean, we've got Baptist denominations that literally describe the the same encounters that Pentecostals describe, and they explain it with a different language and a different set of scriptures.
- 53:39
- But when you read the experience, they have the same experience. So I don't get too tore up over that.
- 53:47
- I just say experience. Experience Holy Spirit and the life -changing, because when that experience happens, you glorify
- 53:54
- Christ. The experience that this man needs to have and the experience that anyone needs to have if they are going to experience true peace and joy is to be born again.
- 54:12
- That is what the scriptures say. It is not about a personal experience in your life as far as a physical manifestation.
- 54:25
- In everything that you do, there's a power that's released from it. But I do want to address the tongues for a moment, because sometimes there's four different expressions of tongues in Scripture.
- 54:38
- False. So what he's going to do is he's going to go on and demonstrate.
- 54:47
- Well, I'm sorry. He's going to go on and say, without actually demonstrating it from the text itself, that there are four expressions of tongues in Scripture.
- 54:59
- Those expressions are unknown tongues, known tongues, prayer language, and some other one.
- 55:09
- I don't know what it is. But in any case, what it all boils down to is this.
- 55:17
- When you go to the Scripture, you can go from the
- 55:24
- Old Testament to the New Testament. And every time you see the word tongues used, let's say, for example, that you just want, we just want to look at it, we'll just look at it from a
- 55:40
- New Testament perspective, we'll just type in tongues. I'm using blue letter Bible. So you type in the word tongues.
- 55:47
- And so we see that in the ESV, the word tongues occurs 33 times in 31 verses.
- 55:55
- And we see from the Old Testament to the New Testament, there are other examples as well in other versions.
- 56:03
- If you look at King James, you'll see that word used. But let's just say we go to the
- 56:08
- Old Testament for a moment. We'll go to the interlinear so that we look at what the Hebrew says concerning the word tongues.
- 56:16
- Now, if you're not aware, the
- 56:21
- Old Testament was translated into, which is Hebrew, is translated into Greek.
- 56:29
- And that version of the Old Testament that's been translated into Greek is called the
- 56:34
- Septuagint. It is the Greek version of the Old Testament. So in the Septuagint, when we see the word tongues, we see these words, we see this word mentioned, leison.
- 56:46
- In the Greek, that word is translated as glossa. So let's go back to that so that we can demonstrate that from the text of Scripture.
- 56:56
- So we'll go to the New Testament, and we'll see in the, actually, we'll go to the
- 57:03
- Book of Acts. So when we go to the Book of Acts, we'll go to interlinear, and we see the word tongues there in Acts 2, verse 4.
- 57:15
- It's the word glossa. And that word glossa is the same exact word that is used from front to back in the
- 57:27
- Bible itself. It is the same exact word, glossa. And what that is, in true context here, it is the language or dialect used by particular people distinct from that of other nations.
- 57:43
- It is a literal language. It is the known language.
- 57:49
- In the Old Testament, when God punished his people for going off into sin, he sent them to Babylon.
- 57:57
- In Isaiah, it talks about how that he will put them in the midst of people that speak different tongues, a different language.
- 58:05
- It's not a blessing. It's not something to be practiced.
- 58:11
- In the Old Testament, it is a judgment. In the New Testament, it was the mode of communicating the gospel to men and women who were not able to understand in their own language.
- 58:26
- It is not in any place, in any spot in the Scriptures, Old or New Testament, a prayer language.
- 58:34
- It's not a secret language. So, notice that as we go back to the sermon here.
- 58:40
- We're thinking one way, but it's been expressed differently. We kind of go, that's wrong.
- 58:46
- I want to get away from that. But then we see it expressed this way. We're like, I don't like that either.
- 58:51
- I just like it this way. But there's actually four different tongues that's explained in Scripture.
- 58:57
- So, 1 Corinthians 14, 14. All right. So, we've demonstrated that there are not four different types of tongues.
- 59:04
- Glossa is the word used for tongue throughout. In the Greek Septuagint, the
- 59:10
- Greek version of the Old Testament, as well as the New Testament, the word is exactly the same.
- 59:18
- And the meaning does not change in any wit. So, let's see what he's got to say here.
- 59:28
- Wow. Yeah. So, this is going to be just a minute and 10 second long clip.
- 59:37
- Notice what he says and what he's going to do. He's going to say that basically
- 59:43
- Scripture is beholden to experience is what he's going to say in this short clip.
- 59:54
- Because sometimes there's four different expressions of tongues in Scripture.
- 01:00:00
- And when we're thinking one way, but it's being expressed differently, we kind of go, that's wrong.
- 01:00:05
- I want to get away from that. But then we see it expressed this way. We're like, I don't like that either.
- 01:00:11
- I just like it this way. He calls me. He's like, I was praying for these guys that's trying to get me kicked out of my church.
- 01:00:23
- And while I was praying with them, I felt an overwhelming, compassionate love consuming for them.
- 01:00:30
- And the next thing I know, I am praying in a language that I couldn't understand. Praise God for that.
- 01:00:37
- Now let's look at these scriptures. He's like, yeah, I've never saw it that way. So, that's why you can't always explain.
- 01:00:45
- This is a realm of faith that we step into. After the experience, he's like, oh man,
- 01:00:50
- I get it now. But before he would look at it and go, I don't understand that. Because you can't.
- 01:00:57
- When you literally walk up to a tomb and there was a dead man there, and you walk up again, and the dude's standing there, you can't get it in your intellectual mind.
- 01:01:07
- Jesus was risen from the dead. He was dead. And he got up. That can't be explained intellectually.
- 01:01:14
- And that's the foundation of our entire gospel. Do you see how sprinkling in bits of truth throughout a sermon full of sewage spilled out makes everybody happy.
- 01:01:38
- This is in truth, an affirmation of the text in scripture, where Paul warned young Timothy to preach the word, to be instant in season and to be instant out of season, to approve, to rebuke, to exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine.
- 01:02:04
- What the scriptures teach is what needs to be taught. The whole gospel, everything.
- 01:02:13
- So now he's like, my mind didn't get it, but I do. Experience over scripture.
- 01:02:20
- My mind didn't get it, but I do. Can you logically explain that?
- 01:02:30
- What kind of sense does that make? My mind doesn't get it, but I do. You're not going to understand anything unless your mind understands it.
- 01:02:40
- Good night, people. What's wrong with you people?
- 01:02:48
- I'm serious. Let's go on. We're at a minute and two. We're going to try to do just a little bit more.
- 01:03:06
- The spirit man's beginning to be awakened within him. So what shall I do?
- 01:03:12
- I'll pray with the spirit, basically saying I'll pray in the spirit where my mind doesn't understand.
- 01:03:17
- And I will pray when my mind does understand. That's what he's saying right here.
- 01:03:23
- He's like, I'm going to pray in a language I've never known. And I'm also going to pray in a language that I can understand.
- 01:03:30
- Did you hear them? Wow. I'm going to pray. Shall I do?
- 01:03:38
- I'm going to do both now. I will pray with my spirit, but I will also pray with my understanding.
- 01:03:45
- I will sing with my spirit. I will sing with my understanding. The reason he's contrasting because he is making it abundantly clear.
- 01:03:53
- He is going to sing with understanding, and he's going to sing where there's not understanding, he said in the spirit.
- 01:04:05
- There's a term for this, and that term is asinine. He just completely twisted the scripture.
- 01:04:16
- The scripture is communicating the importance of understanding with your mind so that you can rightfully worship
- 01:04:28
- God. Context of that. When he's saying in the spirit or with my spirit, he's talking about in a spiritual language he had never learned in the natural mind.
- 01:04:41
- He's reading into the text something that is not there.
- 01:04:50
- I'm going to do both now. Go to that next slide.
- 01:04:59
- Let's just drop down to verse 17 because I'll be on this a long time. You're giving things as well enough.
- 01:05:08
- All right. Let's go to 37. Then shall we say, brothers and sisters, when you come together, each of you have a hymn, a word of instruction, a revelation, a tongue, interpretation.
- 01:05:22
- Everything's got to be done so that the church may be built up. He's saying paramount when the church comes together is the equipping of the body, the building up of the household of God.
- 01:05:35
- If anyone speaks in a tongue, or two, three at the most, one at a time, someone must interpret.
- 01:05:42
- Now we're starting to see something shift here. Earlier he was talking about when he prayed.
- 01:05:50
- I'll pray with my understanding. I'll pray without it. Now he's talking about when you're all together so that the church may be built up.
- 01:05:58
- If one or two or even three people speak in tongues aloud in the church.
- 01:06:04
- So basically if we were sitting here and somebody just starts coming out in tongues, Holy Spirit would put that in order with us.
- 01:06:12
- That's the context he's saying there must be an interpretation. Now, how would they know if there's an interpreter?
- 01:06:27
- There must be some relationship there, some understanding of the unique giftedness in that body.
- 01:06:34
- So that's telling me it's not just an outsider walks in because see in the context of that day and in sorcery and witchcraft, they pray in tongues all the time by the power of demons.
- 01:06:44
- I have to tell them to stop. Often. Hold on, let's hear that again.
- 01:06:51
- Okay, so that's an outsider walks in because see in the context of that day and in sorcery and witchcraft, they pray in tongues all the time by the power of demons.
- 01:07:01
- I have to tell them to stop. By his own testimony again.
- 01:07:08
- Talk about shooting yourself in the foot. Talking in tongues is common in witchcraft and sorcery and demons.
- 01:07:15
- I have to tell them to stop all the time. By your words you will be justified and by your words you will be condemned.
- 01:07:29
- I don't know if I can go on much further. One more little clip and then we're going to stop right here.
- 01:07:40
- Often. Okay, so that's a common practice in that realm.
- 01:07:46
- So he shifted from prayer language, praying and singing in the spirit, to if the body's gathered together and one, two, or three speak aloud addressing the church in tongues, that's when we need an interpreter.
- 01:08:00
- If there's not one, don't do it. What he doesn't say is crucify the one that stood up and spoke in tongues.
- 01:08:08
- Okay, give some grace. Give some grace. If I'm doing it, usually if I'm there,
- 01:08:14
- I'll interpret. But if there's a place and somebody speaks in tongues and there's no interpreter, it's not the end of the world.
- 01:08:19
- God's not angry. It's an opportunity to say, hey, there just wasn't one here to interpret that.
- 01:08:26
- So praise God for that. Maybe he'll send somebody to us to interpret. All right.
- 01:08:32
- So on that statement, I'll close with this. Basically, the careless and the frivolous attitude about worship and the things that take place in worship, as a matter of fact, which
- 01:08:46
- God clearly addressed in the passages that he's trying to teach from, the word of God says, let everything be done decently and in order.
- 01:08:58
- It doesn't mean it's cold and dead and dry and emotionless. But what it does mean is this, that when your flesh gets carried away and you are disconnected mentally from the truth of God's word, that will inevitably always lead you, it will always lead you into heresy.
- 01:09:26
- And this, and I say this unashamedly, this is heresy what's being taught.
- 01:09:37
- And those who are subjecting their friends and their families to this, those adults who are subjecting their children to this and raising their children up in this are leading their children away from the truth of the scriptures themselves.
- 01:10:04
- One hour and 10 minutes, and we got a little over halfway through it, but that's all that we can do.
- 01:10:14
- So, I hope that you will take the time to consider carefully all that has been communicated in this video to you.
- 01:10:23
- I hope that if you're watching this and you are in a church where this kind of heresy is being taught on the regular, that you will leave that church and that you will find a church that teaches and preaches the scriptures as they are to men as they are.
- 01:10:46
- Thanks again for your time, and here's the copyright disclaimer.