News Update: We Are Headed to The Supreme Court!
We have been able, through the help of our supporters and partners, to accomplish so much this year. We have not only seen our local church coalition work on the frontlines and save thousands of lives but we have been able to shake things up legislatively in numerous states. What you are watching in this video is a milestone at the Federal level. Watch as we talk to Bradley Pierce about an Amicus Brief being filed with the Supreme Court. That's right, the Supreme Court! Mr. Pierce informs us of what an Amicus Brief is and why this one is unique.
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- 00:00
- So, around 81 organizations submitted amicus briefs to the
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- United States Supreme Court, most of them arguing in some way or another for the court to overturn
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- Roe v. Wade and asking them to do that, like the pro -life movement has been doing for the last 48 years.
- 00:17
- Our amicus brief was quite a bit different because we came to the court asking them to do the same thing, that is to overturn
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- Roe v. Wade, but making a different argument, that is that they had a duty before God to do so, they had a duty under the
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- Constitution to do so. But we even went further than that and we said that if the court does not fulfill its constitutional duty and its
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- God -given duty, then it is the duty of the lesser magistrates, it's the duty of the states, it's the duty of governors and legislatures to do their constitutional duty, to do their
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- God -given duty and to abolish abortion regardless of whether the
- 00:58
- Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade or not. And in addition to that, one argument that we were making that very few people were making is that the same, what we call equal protection, in the 14th
- 01:09
- Amendment of the U .S. Constitution it says that no state shall deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
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- And so we were arguing that the court should go even further than just overturning Roe v.
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- Wade, it should actually enforce the 14th Amendment to hold that states are required to provide the equal protection of the laws to pre -born children from the moment of fertilization.
- 01:33
- So that the same laws that protect born people protect people before they're born instead of right now where there's discriminatory laws between those born and those who are pre -born.
- 01:51
- So in our amicus brief, which this is an actual copy of the amicus brief, this is the way that it went to the
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- Supreme Court of the United States, in our amicus brief we wanted to be sure that the court understood that it owed a duty to the
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- U .S. Constitution, but it ultimately owed the highest duty to the highest authority, which is
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- God. And so that's why at the beginning of all amicus briefs there is a table of contents and then after that there's a table of authorities.
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- That is, citations for the authorities upon which your argument is based. And in our table of authorities that we submitted to the court, we listed them in order.
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- And at the very top of that order is the Holy Bible. The Holy Bible, because other authorities are important, but there is no authority higher than that of God's Word.
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- We brought the gospel, that is, to teach nations to observe all that Christ has commanded us.
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- And Christ commands us to do that, commands us to teach nations to observe all that he's commanded.
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- And so we brought scripture to bear to the Supreme Court because we believe we're commanded by God to do that, and we believe that's what has the power to save.
- 03:04
- And so that's why our highest authority, as we told the Supreme Court, was
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- God's Word. None of us know the future, none of us know exactly what the court's going to do, only
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- God does. We pray that they would overturn Roe v. Wade, we pray that they would go further and establish equal protection for reborn children, but we don't know for sure.
- 03:29
- Based upon the makeup of the court, based upon what they've done in the past, based upon their focus a lot of times in furthering the power of the court, what
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- I would expect the court to do is to ultimately uphold the 15 -week ban in Mississippi.
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- I think that the court, if I had to predict the future, I think that they will uphold the 15 -week ban and give a victory to the pro -life movement.
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- However, I believe at the same time they will not overturn Roe v. Wade, and that they will double down on Roe v.
- 04:05
- Wade, and they will find a way to ultimately rule in favor of the 15 -week ban, but to do so without overturning
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- Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey. So while I believe there will be people who declare it as a victory, because hey, now we can protect children for 15 weeks, all that requires is for people to get abortions faster.
- 04:28
- Those same children can still be aborted if that's what the court does, and it ultimately does not establish justice.
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- In fact, that would just further legitimize the injustice since Roe v.
- 04:41
- Wade. So if I had to predict the future, that's what I would expect the court to do. So as an attorney,
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- I've had the privilege of being the one that actually wrote the brief. However, I was not alone.
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- The brief was through the Foundation to Abolish Abortion that I work with. However, it was supported both financially and in other ways through 20 other organizations that are listed on the front of the brief that the
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- Supreme Court got to see. And in addition to those 20 organizations, it was also supported by 20 legislators from states across the country who said,
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- I agree with that. I want to sign on to that. And so we're so grateful for that. And some of those organizations were
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- Action for Life and End Abortion Now, and we're grateful for the support of both of those organizations supporting the brief and for getting the word out there so that way the brief not just has an effect hopefully upon the hearts and minds of the