They Tried to Block This Video | Paul Washer

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It was difficult to get this video past YouTube's filters. I was shocked to hear about Paul Washer, Mr. Beast, Charlize Theron, Megyn Kelly, Lady Gaga, Joel Osteen, Oprah Winfrey, TD Jakes, Voddie Baucham, SunnyV2, Matt Walsh, Michael Knowles, Brandan Robertson debates Apologia Studios, Joe Biden, Ron DeSantis, Mike Todd, Colin Kaepernick, Charlamagne tha God (Breakfast Club), Justin Trudeau, Sam Smith and Kim Petras at Grammy's, Taylor Swift, Ana Kasparian, Nashville Tennesee shooting manifesto, Bronte, and father at school board. YouTube demonetized my entire channel, so if you want to help fund the creation of more videos, here are ways to help. Thanks so much!! Patreon - PayPal - [email protected] Venmo - @TreasureChrist Subscribe to help spread Truth. Can we reach 1M subscribers by the end of the year? Only with your help :). Thank you so much for your support and encouragement!!!


We're not living in normal. He'd rather do the opposite and double down on his feminine image, showing up to the
Kids' Choice Awards looking like this, before making the announcement that he'd been doing HRT for approximately two months, which according to a quick Google search is the medical process for changing genders.
We are working in a culture, we are living in a culture that now, I believe, I will say it, the Western world,
Europe, United States, Canada. This is not normalcy. We love you, Queen. We love you, Queen.
We're in your corner and we've got you and I will f*** anybody up who's like trying to f*** with anything with you guys.
Because if you've ever seen a drag queen lip sync for her life, it only makes you happier.
It only makes you love more. It makes you a better person. Okay, not true.
And obviously just a blatant pander to the far left wokesters. We are living in a culture that is under divine wrath.
It's not professional. Oh, you look like a little thug. Your mom said that to you. Yeah, and those become spaces where it's like, okay, how do
I navigate this situation now? As a black man who used to be a black boy, black teenager, when
I had an afro and I was getting cornrows and stuff, same thing happened to me. And I don't have white parents.
That has been turned over to reprobation. And so what we're dealing with now is far greater than even what
I've described beforehand. And my daughter specifically stated that the teacher put up a wheel on the class board and it stated anal penetration, oral, licking of ear, kissing.
And he wanted them to write down the initials of a boy or girl that they would do these activities with.
Our nation has been turned over. So if there ever was a time not to circle the wagons, but to trust in the power of the gospel, it is now.
Nothing else is going to help you. The elites within Western culture today are in direct rebellion against God and the
Bible. And there is today greater rebellion against God than ever before. We are seeing absolutely insanity in the culture, particularly in the realm of LGBTQ activism.
And the normalization and even celebration of ungodly behavior points towards God's judgment upon the
West. But here's what I want you to see. When you see all the sins that are in Romans chapter one, do not do what most people do.
They see these sins and go because of these sins, God's judgment is going to come on America.
Bless God and bless the gays. No, if you see these sins,
God's judgment has already come on America. If you want to look at that and you would like to look at that.
This isn't an ultrasound. No, this is a nine week fetus in a petri dish. In a petri dish. It's just really ghastly to show a picture of a person who's been killed.
People such as yourself like to share propaganda about this issue. And I am here to try to present a medically accurate representation.
Of what a murder victim. Of what this issue is. But as evil as it is to call good what
God has clearly called evil, the greatest evil of all is not even these extremes that we see in Western culture.
Brother, the greatest evil of all is rejecting Jesus Christ. And who
God has revealed Jesus Christ to be in his word. That's what you have to understand because the sin here.
And this is what makes me so angry. The great sin here is not what you think.
It is not what men do to themselves or what men do to men. The great sin here is although they knew
God, they did not want him. And I'm also of the mindset that humanity led by the spirit of God is constantly progressing in our morality, which
I know you all would probably very much disagree with. But I believe every generation we're getting towards more of what
Jesus talked about as the kingdom of God. Where we have a society of justice, equity, peace. Even if we could solve the problem of Western culture celebrating sin and immorality.
Our solution would still mean absolutely nothing. If we are not also pointing people towards Jesus Christ.
Who is the ultimate answer to the problem of sin and evil in the world. You need to understand something.
There is nothing, no one more precious to God than is his son.
Everything God has ever done, he has done it for his son. Your salvation was done for his son.
He's gathering a people for his son. In the mind of God, everything has to do with his son.
This is why attacks upon and distortions of who Jesus is and what Jesus taught are just as serious, if not even more serious, than the moral degradation we see in our culture today.
You get up in the morning, you're in the shower, you're driving to work saying, you know what, Lord, thank you. I'm strong. I make good decisions.
I'm healthy. Just simple things like that. I'm looking forward to my future. Yes, yes. How can one element be three things at the same time and still be one?
It happens in your kitchen every day. Certainly, it's important to be engaged with the culture and with politics and to work to change the culture.
But if we merely convince people to become conservatives without also communicating the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ, then we as Christians have failed in our mission and duty.
So the great sin of America, the great sin of Europe, centuries of gospel preaching, rejection after rejection after rejection after rejection of the one who is most precious in the eyes of God, his son.
And that is why any attempt to make this country conservative again or great again or anything else will fail because God is concerned about one thing.
And it's not a thing. It's a person. It's his son. To be right with God, whether you're an individual or a nation, it has to do with loving his son.
Scripture tells us about how God judges nations. And what we see in Western cultures today is a mirror image of what we see described in Scripture.
Let's go to Isaiah and talk more about God's judgment upon the West. Verse 1 of Isaiah chapter 3.
Is that not our nation? Is that not the West? People with no dignity, with no sense, no rationale, no reason, no ability to use reason, rule by emotion.
Well, this is just completely unacceptable. And also incoherent. They're investigating a crime committed by a dead assailant.
And the person is thankfully dead. But there's no conceivable reason, at least not any valid conceivable reason, why that investigation would be impeded by allowing the public to see these documents.
But my point is they're saying we can't see any of it. We can't see even a single line of it. And that doesn't make any sense. We have a right to know why this happened.
In the West today, we have evil rulers who promote and celebrate wickedness and sin. What's going on in Florida is, as my mother would say, close to sinful.
I mean, it's just terrible what they're doing. Earlier this morning, our government introduced a bill to end conversion therapy in Canada.
It's past time to put a stop to this unacceptable, discredited practice that has hurt far too many
LGBTQ2 Canadians. However, the reason we have evil leaders like these is because of the vast number of people in these nations who support and elect these leaders.
Generally speaking, our leaders are evil because the people are also evil. But don't think for a moment that the people are victims of the rulers.
No, the rulers are God's judgment on the evil of the people. Sam graciously wanted me to accept this award because I'm the first transgender woman to win this award.
Just want to thank all the incredible transgender legends before me who kicked these doors open for me so I could be here tonight.
And the reason why the people are evil is because they have rejected Jesus Christ as the foundation of life and morality.
And they have rejected the Bible as the source of ultimate truth. And then you can make for me a long list of all these individual crimes that you hate so much that are flagrant in our society.
And I will erase them all and tell you there's one particular thing that stands out exponentially above everything else.
And it's the way we've treated his son. That's what brings reprobation. It's the rejection of God through the rejection of his son.
But no matter how hopeless things appear in our culture, this is not a time to retreat and hide, but rather a time to stand firmly against the blatant hostility towards Christ that we see today.
I don't care about your religion. I'm so tired of having nonstop conversations about what the
Bible says. The question is, what will we do? And there is no place in the older New Testament that tells me that as ministers of Christ, we're to circle the wagons and hide.
But we are to go forth. We have a king who goes forth conquering and to conquer. And those that ride behind him are under his sovereign control.
And those who will not deal rightly with him will have to deal with them. There was never such a time as this.
To stand. But with one banner. There are many Christians today, including Christian leaders, who have chosen not to stand firm against the evils of this culture, but rather to try to compromise with the culture.
If I was there, maybe I would have told him, is there something in the middle you could do? Like kind of a like a little maybe if somebody while I was born like this,
I don't know how I feel. I feel you. And I wish that there was an option of other in the kingdom.
Will a gay person be accepted into heaven as you see it? Well, I believe they will. What are we going to do? Make a truce with culture?
Work ourselves to death to try to prove to them we're not as dumb as they think we are? Are we going to be like reeds shaken in the wind?
People like that belong in palaces and with politicians. But these are not the kinds of Christian leaders we need in the church today.
What we need are leaders who boldly refuse to bow down to the ungodly pressure that the culture is exerting upon Christians and upon the church.
Leaders who will lead their people to unashamedly proclaim the truth of Jesus Christ and the gospel to this lost and broken generation.
What we need today are prophets. We need men who stand behind a pulpit and not just in a pulpit, on the street and in the jungle, who cry out,
Thus saith the Lord, not because they've received a vision, but because they have the text and they know
God. The power of the Holy Spirit is not needed for Christians who compromise because the world loves those
Christians and they face no persecution. When you hold on to your history, you do it at the expense of your destiny.
Oh my God, that just hit me. Did that hit you? That hit me. Wow. Whoa. There's a pump moment right here.
But for Christians who will be hated and persecuted for proclaiming the unpopular truth of the gospel of sin and salvation, the only hope of success is power that comes from God.
We need Christians today who depend upon God's power to stand firm in the midst of a generation that hates them and their
God. Power is not needed for protected men. Power is not needed for safe men. Power is needed when you go out there and throw yourself in the middle of the enemy.
When like Eliezer, you grab that sword and you swing until your hand is cramped to it.
Sometimes I go on the internet and I watch these boys going out on the street preaching. Some of them, they do not have the biblical knowledge
God gave a goose, but they're preaching. Give me a bunch of those men. That's how you change the world.
As Christians, we have hope and confidence in this battle because we know that God is sovereign and will accomplish all of his good purposes.
So Christians, let us not shrink back when the enemy threatens and attacks us, but rather let us trust in the power of God and the gospel and win souls to Jesus Christ through the power of the
Holy Spirit. Is there anywhere in the scripture that says that we can't take the gospel to the nations? Is it anywhere?
No. Is there anywhere in the scriptures where it says that it can't be a revival, that nations cannot be turned?
No, it doesn't say that. Don't say it does. It doesn't. This is not a time for tiny men with small hearts and tight spirits.
This is not a time to watch the news and Instagram and become depressed. Why? If he wants them to live, they'll live.
He'll live. And he tells me that he wants a very large people for his son.
And it's our job, our task to go get them, to go get them. As Christians, we were created for this very purpose, to live for Christ and to be
God's ambassadors here on earth. This is a high purpose and calling, one that we should embrace and be honored to have.
Most people have no reason to live. We have a reason to live and to die. And as Christians, our job is far more important than winning a culture war.
Our job and our fervent desire is to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ and to see souls turn away from sin towards faith and submission to Jesus Christ, who is
King of Kings and Lord of Lords. You want to see God move and you will not be satisfied.
You will not be happy. You'll take hold of the horns of the altar and say, give me this thing, give me souls or I die.