The Test of Wisdom: Part 1



The Test of Wisdom: Part 2

2 We return to the book of James James chapter 3
James chapter 3 we're looking at verse 13 starting with verse 13 to verse 18
We are embarking here if you notice And I know the section in the
Word of God several weeks back actually
Think it's approximately Over two weeks ago. We finished
Going through a series on the taming the tongue that was quite a series
Cut me to pieces Thank God for healing as a healing balm and Gilead and I sure needed it after we went through this section about the tongue, but You know after you go through a section so strong and so powerful about the tongue so convicting
Isn't it isn't it fitting that we need heavenly wisdom from God of how to tame the tongue and how to have self -control
So James brings us right back to wisdom and he speaks of wisdom throughout the whole
Entire book, but here he is specifically talking about two kinds of wisdom
That there is and that's what we're going to be looking at for the next several Lords day I don't know how many parts it's going to have to it
I'm just going to take it verse by verse and and see how far we can go As the
Lord wills but Well the series I'll call two kinds of wisdom and the two kinds of wisdom.
We're looking at is from Scripture is Earth there's only two kinds. It's earthly worldly wisdom and Heavenly Wisdom and let me some other people's even said that earthly worldly wisdom is demonic wisdom
And that's very well, so because anything of the world is demonic So but anything from heaven is from God every good and perfect gift comes from above the
Father of light so that's what we're looking at so We're looking today on part one the test of wisdom the test of wisdom.
We're just going to look at one verse Because there's so much the Bible says about wisdom isn't it especially the book of Proverbs and go to Joe But we're going to look at some other passage of Scripture and we're going to talk about We're going to dig a little bit here about wisdom
God's wisdom wisdom that we all need from God so Starting with verse three here the word had their three listen to me 13
We could go back to three, but we won't go that far away Verse 13 verse 13 reading to verse 18 hear the word of the
Living God Who is wise and understanding among you good question
He starts the section with a question Then he says this he gives the answer
Let him show it by his good life Or his manner of life as old
King James says his conversation By deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom
But if you harbor bitter envy and selfish ambition in your hearts do not boast about it or deny the truth
Such wisdom does not come down from heaven But is earthly Unspiritual of the devil so it is demonic
In verse 16 for where you have envy and selfish ambition there you will find disorder and every evil practice
But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure then peace -loving
Considerate Submissive full of mercy and good fruit impartial and sincere peacemakers who sow in peace raise a harvest of righteousness
May God bless the reading of his word from our ears to our hearts this morning. Let's pray
Father we need your help as we pray to you recognizing
That We are only trusting the Blessed Holy Spirit to take your word into our hearts and change our lives
Father we all need this word We need to hear of what you have to say about wisdom heavenly wisdom not earthly wisdom
Lord help us by your Holy Spirit to discern between the two of what is
Almost right and what is truly right Lord, there's a line that is drawn and it's so fine
And Lord, we need your Holy Spirit Not only on not only to give us eyes to see but give us ears to hear and give us a
Mind to perceive but give us a heart to obey That's what really counts and when it comes down to obedience to your commands and to your word and Faith that pleases you so father.
It's only in Jesus That you are well pleased. So father Help us this morning as we look into your word
Lord help me to speak with clarity Hide me behind the cross Lord May Jesus be glorified
May you be exalted above the heavens and earth And may we leave here and say we just didn't hear another sermon, but we received the
Word of God in truth and We did not receive it as of man
But we received it coming from God Lord we desire to hear of thus says the
Lord That's our hearts desire. So we receive it as as the
Thessalonians Thessalonians Lord is they received it as from you
So Lord Be with us within this hour and teach us from your word and by your spirit in Jesus name
Amen, and amen well, we have a about us a great text chapter 3 here in verses 13 through 18 is an overview the
Apostle James is actually offers wisdom as a Still another test of living faith
Which is a godly walk that's really what he's saying
The kind of wisdom a person possesses will be revealed by the kind of life he lives
That's pretty much said and Summed up in verse 13.
Let him show it by his good life his godly life Those who possess this wisdom man of man
The wisdom of man Which is just knowledge not the knowledge of the truth
Necessarily, but just a great amount of knowledge thinking that otherwise they profess to be wise, but they're fools
The wisdom from below will demonstrate by their lives that they have no risk saving relationship to Jesus Christ whatsoever
It's that clear The Lord with the Lord, there's no gray areas he's straight down the middle black or white and The people that had this demonic worldly Earthly wisdom
I should say had no desire to worship or serve obey God whatsoever But those on the other hand who possess genuine authentic Real saving faith will manifest the wisdom of God.
That is the wisdom that comes from above. I Don't have many quotes here today, but I do have one for Matthew Henry I I had to write down because Matthew Henry has a way to really say it very clear and clarity with with simplicity of the truth and I desire to hear that don't you?
It's not clouded. It's I'm not waiting through muddle Matthew Henry, I really believe was anointed man of God a commentator a
Puritan commentator by the way Outside of the Bible itself as being the interpreter.
He's one of the best commentators You can read He says this on James chapter 3 verses 13 through 18 quote these verses show the difference between men's pretending to be wise and They're being really so He who thinks well or he who talks well is not wise in the sense of the scriptures
If he does not live and act well True wisdom may be known as the meekness of the spirit and temper
So we mean self -control Those who live in malice envy and contention live in confusion and are liable to be provoked and hurried to any evil work
Such wisdom comes not down from above but springs up from the earthly principles acts on Acts on earthly motives and is intent on serving earthly purposes
He's saying it's so clear and he goes on to say those who are lifted up with such wisdom described by the
Apostle James is near to the Christian love described by the
Apostle Paul and both Are so described that every man may fully prove the reality of his attainments in them
It has no disguise or deceit It cannot fall into with those
Managements the world counts wise which are crafty and guileful, but is sincere and open and steady and uniform and consistent with itself and Then he closes with this made the purity the peace
Gentleness the teachable nests and the fruits of righteousness Abounding in our lives prove that God has bestowed upon us this excellent gift in quote and he says it in definition so clear there, but if you see in script not only in Scripture, but in the world in which we live
There is a there is a vast contrast or should I say? a vast difference of Those who possess knowledge and Those who are truly wise
Unto God There is a great difference You know this as well as I do in the world in which we live
There are very very smart heathens They are cunning
They are crafty They possess intellectual knowledge and scripture basically says knowledge puffs up, but love builds up It's not the love of the truth that they have
Because scripture speaks about the love of the truth There is a vast difference The love of the truth is having the knowledge of the truth and that knowledge of the truth is those who love the
Word of God because we know who the truth is the living truth is the Lord Jesus Christ who says
I am the way the truth in the life and the truth of the Word of God and it's almost as people are like Pilate the governor and Jesus stands before Pilate and then he's asking the question.
What is truth and Truth was standing before him See that's the world in which we live they they attain intellectual knowledge
They again scripture says they profess to be wise, but they're what fools But here
James 1 5 now, let me tie this in a little bit the Apostle encourages
God's people Mainly, who is he speaking to his audience was the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad
There were Jewish people that was being persecuted but also he speaks to the church the church in general and to the church he speaks and He's he's bringing this word to them and he is given courage to them and It's almost like if you go back to Chapter 1 verse 1 if any of you lack wisdom notice what he says here
He right there he's talking to people that are in serious persecution and I say serious persecution far more that seeds anything we've seen and He says you lack wisdom.
Well, actually he's talking about this is what you should pray for when you're going through a trial How should
I respond? Yes, we need strength from God. We need grace from God, but we need wisdom from God and how to respond to God and react and Take it through this trial and he says if you like wisdom
Let him ask of God that give it to all men liberally bountifully It means and up braith it not that means it does not chide
God does not taunt and it shall be given to him and then he says in verse 6
Let us then he tells us how to ask for this kind of wisdom He says the wisdom that is from God above and he says this but let him ask in faith
We're not the waiver nothing wavering without doubting No hesitation whatsoever
For he that wavered hesitates he doubts and he's in James says that person is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and that's tossed
So it's important for us to to see that is the backdrop in which
James is speaking of so He goes a lot a lot of commentators believe that he in verse 1 he is speaking to teachers verse 13
James uses two words to catch our attention knowledge and wisdom really understanding
Depends on your translation same thing Two words to catch our attention knowledge and wisdom and knowledge carries the meaning of a person having the knowledge or an expert wisdom carries
The definition has to do with the knowledge and the practice of living it out that is required to live a godly life and that means to walk in holiness and godly living being
God fearing and Holiness basically means not only morally pure which is very important But also a fear of God in reverence to God.
I like what Warren wears be how he summed up Puts it this way the difference between knowledge and wisdom
Yeah, and this is really wise. This is a good definition If you got your pen and paper, this would be one more to type taken knowledge enables us to take things apart
Wisdom enables us to put things together And that's exactly right.
Yes, sir. He put it very very clear Knowledge enables us to take it apart, but wisdom enables us to put it back together
And that's a lot of wisdom behind them. Well, who is wise? Sophia Sophia's I believe
I said that right Sophia's wise it means furnished with Christian wisdom spiritually enlightened
Knowing discreet intelligent experience one having the knowledge of An expert that speaks of knowledge and understanding among you who is wise among you
Then he says let him show that word show means to demonstrate it to prove it to give evidence a proof of something
Which is good, which is good that which is good means beautiful by reason a purity of heart and life
Morally good the old King James uses the word conversation here Which you don't you know as well as I do if you did a study on that doesn't mean we're having a
Conversation with our mouths. It's speaking our manner of conduct It speaks of our manner of life the way we live the way we demonstrate and that's what
James is getting to He's talking about in this way You're good works
Demonstrates what's really within you? It's the test of faith So that's what he's talking about and the manner of life is speaking of our behavior the way we act
The way we conduct ourselves and scripture says it time and time again the way we walk
It's our walk with God That basically demonstrates whether we're
Christian or not. It's not how we talk It's not what we say notice James says this if you read the whole book.
It's not what you say It's how you act it's it's your walk.
It's your conduct That's measured by the standard of faith and righteousness and then he speaks about meekness
This is a wonderful word in the Greek. It means gentleness kindness mildness humility
Humility goes right along with meekness not weakness But strength under control that's what it's talking about and then he speaks of the wisdom
The sophias and Sophia Sophia Can I say I said Sophia?
I'm probably mispronouncing that but it speaks about the Enlightenment the knowledge and the practice
For godly upright living and that's what we need to talk about Now this is what's so critical and this is what we don't see very much of today
I got a little story here a little illustration is so true about the honesty of Of Integrity that concerns about godly living and telling lies and so forth and Out of all things.
It's an illustration the story about a pastor Boy preach it to myself but listen to this a pastor was walking down the street when he came upon a
Group of about a dozen boys the small boys All of them between 10 and 12 years old of age and the group surrounded a dog now, this is interesting
I don't know if it's true now. Okay, but it brings out a point There's a group surrounded a dog concerned and concerned least the boys were hurting the dog
He went over the pastor went over and asked. What are you boys doing with that dog? And one of the boys replied well, this dog is just a neighborhood stray and All we really want him.
We all want him, but only one of us can take him home So all of us can't have them
So we decided that whichever one of us can tell the biggest lie We can get to keep the dog.
Oh Wow, here's it. Now. This is a pastor here. That's Hearing these boys tell this so After they said that to the pastor, of course, the pastor was scandalized
I mean he's appalled by this and he said, you know you boys Shouldn't be having a contest to tell him lies
He exclaimed and being very sanctimonious at the moment and being an older man and experienced pastor
Then he launched into a big 10 -minute sermon. He basically gave him a little sermonette
Against lying and what the Bible says about lying and and then he says don't you boys know it's a sin to lie and then
And ending with well, why when I was your age, I Never told a lie
And there was just a dead silence there for a few minutes and these kids are not as dumb as the they seem to be and They seem to be there'd be silence and then just as the pastor began to think he got through to them the smallest boy the youngest
Said him with a big sigh. All right, give him the dog
Now is that some wisdom or what I gets right down to the truth That Pastor was the biggest liar out of all
Saying that he never told a lie Even the youngest knew that Well, well, actually that's the heart of what
James is telling us here the proof of wisdom It's in a person's life, isn't it?
It's shown when control was gained in their lives and comes out in the gentleness of wisdom when dealing with people
And if our hearts are right with God, then we he can use our words to produce the right kinds of fruits in our lives words are important, but wisdom wisdom tells us how we are to manage our words, right and be skillful and Graceful and Gentle, we're gonna look at that.
It's not enough to just talk the talk. Is it we know that we must walk the walk So that's important Proverbs 16 32 says he that is slow to anger is better than the mining and he that rules his spirit
Then he that takes a city self -control meekness Proverbs 3 13 happy is the man that finds wisdom and the man that gets
Understanding now God wants us to have understanding He wants us But what
God and what James I believe and I would say of course the Holy Spirit The God is looking for in each and every one of us as Christians and let's bring it down to a practical way in a practical
Level, he wants us to have understanding. He doesn't want us to be ignorant
My people perish because a lack of knowledge He wants us to have the knowledge of the truth
But along with that he wants us to be wise as serpents and harmless as doves
So that's what we want. You know, do you have some Christians one without the other right?
But we got James is basically saying now you you need to have this wisdom that comes from God But you also need to have knowledge and understanding of the truth.
So That's what we're going to look at so if you look at verse 17
James speaks of the wisdom from above in verse in chapter 1 if you go back to chapter 1 and We and I actually preached the whole sermon on that and it's very critical now
He's talking about every good gift and every perfect gift is from above coming down from the father of lights in whom there is
No variableness. No shadow of turning with God Faith comes from God the faith that we have is a measure of faith for each and one of us to lay hold of God That's a gift from God even the ability to turn from sin and to repent is a gift from God Isn't that amazing those
I believe those are twin gifts their Faith and repentance and if you do a study you always see those together
Faith and repentance faith they are twins. Amen, brother Keith there are twins that is it's like they're they're right together and So is wisdom the wisdom is a gift from God and you know about Solomon.
He asked out of all things he asked Of God he asked I need wisdom and how and I believe
God was pleased with that And he used that wisdom and how to lead the people of Israel and you can read about that so God is pleased in his
Immutable way that he's he doesn't change He gives all gifts that come from him and It is for his glory.
We never ever should worship the gift, right? We should always worship the giver that and Calvin says that's what idolatry is is when we start worshiping the gift
Above the giver we always look to the source. It is God himself that abound to Philly Lovingly gives us the gifts all the gifts that we have think of that that's awesome in it that the believing in him and faith in him and and Repentance and you and I can do nothing without God this morning
It's all him and all glory to his name and even if he gives us wisdom and how to make the right decisions in a hard situation and God gives that Heavenly wisdom.
Yeah, that is from him and for his glory So we always need to keep that in mind right that God is the one is the source of The gift so chapter 3 he starts right off with a question who among you is wise and understanding
Let him show by good behavior his good deeds and the gentleness of wisdom now again interpreters some public interpreters believe that among you means refers only the teachers
But I would I would be apt to say that it he would be speaking to all
Christians here Yes, most important to teachers that teach the
Word of God. Absolutely. They they need to have a baptism of wisdom I would
I would really say that but I just don't think it's to to the teachers alone
He's speaking of it seems more probable that the that the intervening section and the reason
I say that like speak of as the tongue In verses 2 through 12, but this section on wisdom in verses 13 through 18
Applies to everyone to all Christians and to all church churches
Alike to whom James was writing not only the teachers now James is writing to true believers, of course, but Kind of like the writer of Hebrews.
You've got mere professed believers among You gonna have some unbelievers.
It's almost like any church you go to you're gonna have terrors among the wheat So that's what James is speaking of and then sometimes he gives a strong charge of repentance and but he's really the the letter is to the
Christians to the to the believers in Jesus Christ, so He's speaking is he's seeking to identify who is truly skilled in the art of Holy righteous living living a godly life
So in what way are you wise he asked and he's saying in the fact that in effect that this what we
What way you are? understanding The answer to that question will reveal not only our inner character
But the spiritual condition of our soul beloved Now that's very critical now
If you if you want to get wisdom wisdom, all you got to do, you know, you read the scriptures
So, where do we go to we go to the book of Proverbs? Now this is not the original
Time the first the original time the first and foremost time I should say and then you hear about Wisdom, we're gonna go to the book of Job, which is the earliest manuscript.
We'll look at that later but it's very clear right here in chapter 1 that he begins right from off the cuff in Chapter 1 of Proverbs notice who he says the
Proverbs of Solomon son of David king of Israel I like what brother Keith here.
He said that's a sermon right there in itself Not only does that Solomon was the son of David We know who the true son of David is and where who is our wisdom and then he says he at that time
Solomon was the king of Israel, but we know who the true king of Israel is as the Lord Jesus Christ But here he's introducing himself and notice what he says for attaining wisdom and discipline for understanding words of insight for acquiring a discipline and prudent life
Doing what is right and just and fair for giving prudence to the simple knowledge and discretion to the young Let the wise listen and add to their learning.
That's how you learn and Let the discerning get guidance for understanding proverbs and parables and Sayings and riddles of the wise and then verse 7 is key
It's really the key to this chapter because right here he says the fear of the
Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and Discipline don't do we see this in our age today?
They despise Wisdom they don't want to hear it. They got all the answers
They think and there's no discipline in their life. No, no, there's no order in their life
There's nothing but confusion and look at the way they live There's laziness abounds.
They don't want to hear you. They don't want to listen to you and You me tell you why because there's no fear of God There's no fear of the
Lord. It's not that they don't respect you They don't respect God and that's really what it comes down to the fear of the
Lord is the beginning of it It's the beginning of knowledge and actually they say as in many other
Verses of scriptures that is the beginning of wisdom. So wisdom and knowledge is like twins
So what is the fear of the Lord the reverence all? God's power and majesty and his holiness produced and produces in us a holy fear
That we have transgressed against his holy will we transgressed against his law we have broken his law so that it gives reverence and an essential is essential to gain a heart of wisdom and respect of just reverence in God And this is what we need to see now.
That's it's so much more We're gonna we're gonna jump around a little bit So in essence the Apostle James is speaking about the faith that produces wisdom and both gifts is from above father from the father of lights and Jesus spoke
Comes from our Heavenly Father God Jesus always pointed to the father and gave glory to the father
He submitted to the father even though he was God in the flesh but he was God the Son and He submitted to the father's will he always said that I do everything those things that pleases the father
If the father says it he says I'm doing it. I'm about my father's business
So the he's the father God the father the father of lights ultimately the father and Jesus came to reveal the father to us and He gave that gave us that great revelation and his works and his deeds and all that he did perfectly
James 2 18 says yes a man may say and profess you he has faith
He says and I have and and have not works show me your faith without your works
And I will show you my faith my faith by my works That's what he's saying.
James is saying that he can show you his faith by his life and beloved that should be us
It should you know, we should be able to the only if you think of it We as born -again
Christians are only the only thing is holding back the tide of evil by the power of the
Holy Spirit within us Because you are the salt of the earth You're the light of the world and you take away the
Christians in this on this planet Earth I mean hell is gonna break loose and everything it has because By our prayers by our lives and by actually it's not our power.
It's the power of the Holy Spirit That holds the tide back of evil and if you take that away think of it
It's going to all collapse Paul the Apostle says in Ephesians turn with me close very quickly to Ephesians chapter 5.
Let's jump around a little bit And now what's he talking about wisdom here Ephesians 5 speaks a great deal about this
Chapter 5 wonderful passage chapter 5 look at verse 15
By the way, if you see this it's broken up and how to walk in the light how to walk in wisdom how to know the will of the
Lord and Then he says right here In verse 15 be very careful be very very careful see then that you walk circumspectly
Then how see how you live in other words not as unwise
Not as unwise who's the unwise like fools. That's what he's saying. Don't be like the fools
But be wise be wise and then he says and then and you can ask the question why well
Why am I to be wise so he answers that? Because we're to make the most of every opportunity.
We are the redeem the time Because the days are evil.
We know this don't we look at all the shootings that's going on The days are very evil Violence is filling the earth
People don't care about human life anymore There's no respect for God. There's they
They they have and get this there's more there's more sources ever Resources I should say of Knowledge, that's then we ever have had but we have intellectual fools
We have cunning fools And then you have thieves on the internet you've got you got murders and how people they and then what they're doing they're thinking about how they can get away with this stuff and Usually it's for the love of money or just for just or people are just absolutely insane
And that's that's exactly what they they are in many respects because they're fools and for what purpose well
Going back to the question of what Paul is saying for what purpose the days are evil. Well, but he says verse 17
Verse 17 says therefore do not be foolish but understand
What the will of the Lord Lord is now that's very critical What's he saying when he said not be not to be unwise the
Greek word for unwise means don't be mindless Don't be stupid
Actually, that's what the Greek says Don't be mindless. Don't be stupid. Don't be ignorant. And also it says don't be egotistical
Don't be morally Unbelieving and that's what a fool is
He's morally unbelieving but then he goes understand What the will of the
Lord is that's key right there. So what is the will of the Lord? Oh That's another sermon
But let me tell you just in short Romans 12 to and be not conformed to this world.
Come on, man But be you transformed a metamorphosis must take place. There's a transformation what transforms us the gospel
The power of the gospel through the Holy Spirit be transformed by and then what are we to do to renew our mind?
We got it. We got to reprogram this thing because it's depraved You may have a new heart that's been born again, but your minds got all that cluttered
It's got all that junk. What's the old saying about a computer? Geo, what's it been geo and gee?
Gee garbage in and garbage out GI and geo, I'm sorry. I've heard that I don't know how popular that is
But it's what you put into it's what you're going to get out of it You program it like that your brain socket computer, but what does
God say you got to renew your mind? So he gets to what the will of God is that ye may prove
What is that good? Acceptable perfect will of God Now what's the will of God God is
God's good pleasure? It's the thing it's it's that one thing that pleases God What pleases
God Colossians 4 5? Walk in wisdom. This is the parallel verse of Ephesians 5 16 walk in wisdom
Toward them that are without that's the heathens Then he says redeeming the time again
He says the same thing, but he says it in in a kind of a different way, but same thing Now again, what's the will of God?
very clear We know this 1st Thessalonians Paul says in chapter 4 verse 3, but this is the will of God even your
Sanctification what sanctification? How can I be purified? How can
I be cleansed? How can I be holy? Yeah mention this to the world today mention this and see what kind of opposition you get
Hey, you mentioned this to so -called Christians today and you get opposition Amen that you should abstain
What's that abstain means to hold oneself off? Away from it you divide you separate yourself from fornication
That means parlan a idolatry Sexual immorality, that's what it says right there in the scriptures.
So we are to abstain. That's God's will for you and me God says you are to be sanctified.
This is the will of God I like what Spurgeon says and he was talking to preachers young preachers when he said he said
I don't know what you're called What you think you're called to but if you're not called to holiness, you're not called
Hey, I'm telling that needs to be preached Because there's people out there calling themselves to the ministry
To be somebody to make a name for themselves Yeah, I don't care how good they are intellectually and knowledge if they're not called to be holy in Jesus.
They're not called Well that includes myself as you know as well
I mean and any of us because if we're not called that's what God's called us into is to be holy
To reflect the image of Jesus Christ if you want to know what holiness is look at the life of Jesus That is holiness
God because he is that he is the last Adam. He's the second Adam He is the Adam that was perfect and Jesus is saying this is the way man is off to be it should be
He perfectly demonstrated imperfection Well first Thessalonians 518
Here's another one that's concrete Gives us what God's will is and everything give thanks and everything and everything
Now I say it doesn't say for everything, but it says in everything There's a difference you see not for everything because in if you're in it
You give God things Now that changes my perspective of everything and everything you give thanks
God I'm gonna. Thank you For this trial because you're teaching me something if there's suffering that I'm going through you teaching me to be more like Jesus This suffering is the hurt.
It's painful yes It hurts, but I go to God and it's helping me to trust you more and not lean on that arm of flesh
Hey, it becomes personal doesn't it amen sister sister Lillian knows and miss Linda knows and all y 'all pretty much know but That's what suffering is suffering is a gift from God a lot of people says hey
Don't deliver me. Hey deliver me from suffering Hey a lot of times when a godly Saints and suffering said let me suffer more give me grace to make it through it
Now God will deliver you Eventually to put your trust in and it's only for a season because look at the sufferings of Job It was only for a season
God was testing him And why was he testing him if he would trust God We know that he didn't see the other end of the revelation didn't but he believed in God It's personal isn't it was
I have a holy heart to having a thankful heart and all this wise Living is all about our conduct
Whatever happened to this. That's the way we conduct ourselves The way we behave ourselves the way we live in righteous living that's being wise
You had the opposite Unwise is living like a fool. You know what the with the Greek word for fool is moron
That's right. It means moron. You ever heard the word moron. Yeah, well, that means fool Well, that's exactly what it means
It's hard to find a self -perfect fool, isn't it? Most people have an elevated and unrealistically high opinion of their own wisdoms, although they might not say so They believe they're just as savvy as the next person and if you notice everybody's every time
I meet people even the lowest of the low and People on the streets that are raging that everybody has a story that's better than you
They got something they've been they've been through something worse than you and they always have a high opinion of themselves
Now once you start hearing a person that they're broken and they're nothing Those are the people that will take the seeds of the gospel beloved
They've been destitute and they come down to nothing. They're bankrupt That's that's the people
Jesus went after the brokenhearted. Come on He didn't hate hey and he blasted hard to hide that the the so -called wise
Pharisees and the scribes see Hey, everybody has a higher opinion than everybody else.
So in this day of relativism Always relating to somebody. Yeah Such perception is virtually universal.
You see it everywhere Psalm 14 1 what did God say? The fool has said in his heart.
There is no God Now there's another Translation to that and it says the fool has said in his heart.
No to God He says no God And that's that's basically atheism to the core.
Amen. Come on, but God knows how to deal with him That's out of our hands, but God can take them.
Hey, he knows how to humble them See, this is corruption. They've committed abominable deeds
There's none who does good that's what scripture says Abominable deeds they do not they morally corrupt
They've corrupt through and through and we know that this corruption is in the heart. It's a depravity problem.
Oh He professes to be wise, right? He thinks he's smart He's a fool
God calls him a fool verse 13 Back to James, although two terms seem to be used synonymously here wise and understanding
They carry a shade of difference in the meaning the wise
Sophists is in the general word often used by the Greeks to designate or speculate knowledge theory and philosophy
But for the Jews it was another another situation To the
Jewish people and this is why James knew exactly what he was doing He carried the
Jewish people would carry this word in a deeper a deeper a deeper level
It had a deeper meaning of careful application of knowledge and personal living
It was more than just head knowledge. It's the way you lived it out That's in the
Jewish the Jewish people had it, right? They they learned this down through the years through the law through the scriptures through the word of the testimony understanding
Appears only here in the New Testament the word understanding and carries the idea of a specialized knowledge
Such as that of a highly skilled tradesman or a professional someone that was endured endued with knowledge knowledge of The truth now in verse 13
He says let me show let me I don't you love that. Let me show it. Let me demonstrate it
This translates the imperative making the verb a command me show if you claim wisdom and Understanding he is saying show it first by your behavior
Show it first by your godly conduct. That's what he's saying so this means in conversation and I and I kind of like the old
King James Word here because If you if you just add the definition of conversation your manner of living to it demonstrated
This means your exemplary Lifestyle is with faith Wisdom and understanding there are not
If it's not demonstrated and righteous and holy and God to live in it's to be it's one that is completely devoid of the truth so Second, let's look at What more specifically
James admonishes here his readers to show their wisdom and understanding by their good deeds by all the particular activities and endeavors
That they are involved in what are you involved in today? See what kind of company do you keep?
How do you act? For I like what Paul says in first second. I'm sorry second
Corinthians 1 12 Second Corinthians 1 12. He says is for our rejoicing is this
Notice what he rejoices about and this is the Apostle Paul the testimony of our conscience
I Could stop right there And go all day Do you have a clear conscience before God and before men?
the test he's talking about the testimony of our conscience and what does he say it is that it that in simplicity and Godly sincerity
Simplicity Godly sincerity and notice what he says not with fleshly wisdom
But by the grace of God we have had our conversation our manner of living
The way we conducted ourselves among you Paul was saying that he and he said in many respects
He said I did not come to just take money from the church. I Was it that I was there to give to impart a spiritual gift.
I was there to give He was the father of many of these churches. They planted greatest missionary the world's ever known and He says it's the testimony of our conscience that we're clear
That everything that I've done and everything that I said, I'm clear before God That's what he was saying and that's when he said in Acts Chapter 20 there.
He says I've not held back to preach to you the whole Council of God the whole plan of God and in simple and they said he speaks about the simplicity that's in the truth
There's a purity about the gospel and that's why you know if we add or subtract anything to it we pollute it
That's why Paul said to Timothy you preach the word you let it go out in its purity you let the gospel out
Yeah, you let the lion do its work It doesn't need our help
I mean, I mean praise God it has a purity to it of itself
And then and he said we don't need in other words where he said, I don't need fleshly wisdom over here I don't need the help and he even says even in my weakest points
God can work. As a matter of fact, he says in them and when I'm weaker God is stronger
He says but I lift myself up. Yeah, the gospel is not going to have the power to it
Say because it's too much arrogance and too much too much flesh. Oh It's it's beautiful the way the gospel
So a lot of times when you think you're not getting across in your weakness, or if you're you think you haven't done anything
Just a small word of God the Holy Spirit can drive it to the heart. Oh, it's beautiful Well, there's so much more to be said
But it's our godly manner of conduct that counts in the world more than and then he says and it's more abundantly to you ward
Godliness was demonstrated in the life of the Apostle Paul when next would be Believers are to demonstrate wisdom and understanding by an attitude of meekness and gentleness
People who are wise in their own eyes are generally arrogant. They're full of pride. They're haughty.
They're leaning upon their ingenuity They're leaning upon their intelligence Now God doesn't want us ignorant.
I'm not saying that But what about having wisdom and letting God work in simplicity of the truth?
Oh, I long to see that To see the simplicity of the purity of the gospel do its work
Remove our all our gimmicks and all our pragmatic ways
Say we we we we don't need that It's made clear in the following verses sell selfish ambition.
He speaks of is a very common companion of arrogance But the Greek word here used for gentleness is the same word for meekness
Gentleness and meekness and I like what one minister said meekness is not weakness It's actually it's actually strength under control.
I mean, that's what it is It's almost like a you have an illustration of a strong horse
Where we get the word horsepower You've got a strong animal now you take that strong animal.
That's like a Mustang out there running wild He has to be tamed But you take that animal that's thousands of pounds and tame him.
Yeah Now you got something You got strength under control. That's what
Jesus is what he was strength under control. Look you and I know this he had the power to speak the word and He could and he even said this he said don't you know, you have no power over me
He even told Pilate that now there was times when Pilate was speaking Jesus wouldn't speak back a word
Because he knew better to throw truth at a swine But he also said this you had no power over me when he says when
Pilate Opened his mouth like a fool and unwise He said don't you know I had the power to release you and Jesus spoke right then he said you had no power over me
Unless it's given from above And then what did he say? He says and Jesus basically says
I had the power to lay my life down. I had the power to take it back up again That's power You put it you put a person you crucify him and put him in the grave and he has the power
To come out of that grave. I don't know anyone else that's done that But isn't it amazing
Ain't it amazing you even see the Trinity in that the father by the father's power raised him up It also says by his own power.
He raised up the Holy Spirit rose him up It shows you God was working right there
So he has all power Jesus said that all authority all powers given unto me That's power well
Strength under control it was an adjective often Yeah, actually it was adjective right here used of a wild horse that was broken and made useful to his owner
That's what it is for believers Gentleness is to be willingly under the sovereign control of Almighty God Now I tell you what
I can sit right there and drive that home that's the way we are to be under submissive and meekness under the authority of God Numbers 12 3 says described
Moses was a very meek man Above all the men which were upon the face of the earth at that time
Yet if you think of it that same Moses could act decisively and he flared up in anger when provoked and he and he was not a you know, he was not allowed to enter into the promised land because of that and He had great patience, but his patience say he he wore was worn out that day and He you know the story he hit the rock and Paul says that rock was
Christ He said you don't do that Moses the man of God was not allowed into the promised land all that time
That shows you God shows no partiality in that sense Well human frailty no doubt is depraved and we definitely need the
Spirit of God and by the way, meekness gentleness is a fruit of the
Spirit of God Galatians 5 23 It's it's never bitter malice self -seeking is it's never self -promoting is never arrogant
It's never vengeful, but it is the fruit of the Spirit. Well I'm gonna have to stop right there
And I need to drive home some application very quickly and I don't have time to get all this application in but I do want to say one of the applications of that it's important for us to to get a hold of in this is
Humility and meekness now. I want to say more about this later on because it's so important It's so critical for us to understand that this is one of the basic tenets of being conformed into Christ likeness.
I Don't know that that's our goal and and and it is to be like Christ And by the way it's God's goal for you to be like his son the
Lord Jesus Christ and Jesus says you come unto me all your labor and Heavy laden and he says I am meek and lowly in heart
He said learn of me now Don't you know that we would learn more about meekness the one that says
I am meek and lowly in heart He is the one that is meekness personified
It is that trait that which makes us teachable and allows us to be more like our
Lord Jesus Christ To acknowledge our sins our faults our failures our shortcomings and through this we can then come before our
Lord Jesus and submission So that the Holy Spirit may work in us in this area in our lives
And I'm personally convinced that this is one of the most lacking Characteristics that you see the
Christian churches today and the beloved I tell you I'm pointing the finger to me, too I need more meekness
I need more humility because so many times we could get on a platform and think we're something
We better take heed least we think we stand we're gonna fall We have to stay on our faces before God and be transparent
Lord bring me down I want to be meek Like he's me. So our lack of humility and our lack of submission in other words is our pride
We find division we find conflict and we must be willing to set ourselves aside for the sake of our
Savior the Lord Jesus Christ who said come unto me all you weary and Heavy laden and I'll give you rest from your souls
Take my yoke upon you and learn from me and then he says it I am gentle in other words meek and humble and heart and what did he say?
You will find rest for your souls for your souls Yeah, it's inner strength folks
For my yoke is easy and my burdens light we need to yoke up with the Lord Jesus Christ.
Amen Well this you know, Jesus said that the greatest among you will be your servant and and brother
Keith quoted this earlier for whoever exalts himself will be humbled and whoever humbles himself will be exalted and And what in that context there's so many different contexts, but in that context he
The disciples actually asked him who's the greatest in this kingdom of God was Jesus do he brings a child?
And I picture this in my mind probably about Claire's age or Felicity's age
He brings a child before them and says for such as the kingdom of God Yeah, right
For such as the kingdom of God, what do you see in a child? You see sweet pure innocence you see?
Yes, they accepted there are so trusting there and that's the way Jesus is saying. That's the way you to be like You to be like that child
He says whoever exalts himself can be brought down be humbled whoever humbles himself
Will be how exalted God said and Peter takes up on that too
He says humble yourself before the mighty hand of God that he may exalt you in due time in God's time
So, you know, there's so much that could be said about that. If you look at Luke 14 1 through 11 Jesus ends that That I think it's pretty much a parable
I believe but he speaks of that in Luke chapter 14 I like what first Samuel 2 6 & 7 says the
Lord brings death We don't hear a lot of people quoting that do you the Lord brings death and makes alive.
I mean, he's a he's sovereign You know, you don't hear in the prosperity Gospels Quoting that one.
He brings down to the grave. Hey, and he raises up Now God's sovereign overall the
Lord sends poverty and wealth He and then he says this he humbles and he absolves
Isaiah 26 5 he humbles those who dwell on high and he lays the lofty city low and he levels it to the ground and Cast it down to the dust
Can God do that? Absolutely Job says God can do all things You know
Psalm 45 for in your majesty ride forth victoriously on behalf of the truth
Humility and righteousness let your right hand display your awesome deeds Proverbs 11 to when pride comes then comes disgrace but with humility comes
Wisdom. Hey, there you go. Well very quickly. I just want to speak about I'm gonna pick up on this more but the the fear of the
Lord That's another Point that I believe that we should take a hold of Look at this whole chapter in your devotional time, but joke 28
Verses 12 through 28. I want to close with this behold the fear of the Lord that that is wisdom and To turn away from evil is understanding.
You notice that wisdom and understanding wisdom and understanding wisdom and understanding and I wish
I had time to go into that a little bit more But I'm gonna pick up on that Lord willing next week But we need to take a hold of that don't we and I really believe the application here is believers in the
Lord Jesus Christ that each of everyone as we are believers We claim to have true wisdom. And by the way, our wisdom is
Jesus Christ So what does it say in 1st Corinthians 130 but of him?
Are you in Jesus Christ who of God is made unto us wisdom and righteousness?
Sanctification and redemption you look at all that You have grace upon grace
You have the doctrines of grace there The challenge for us is to live out the true wisdom in our everyday living, right?
You know what? I'm talking about. You are faced with all kinds of opposition You're faced with a world of fools but we can claim
We can claim as James says to have outlined true wisdom and what it looks like in a person's life but it's how we put that into practice that matters and Again, humility is one of the great virtues.
We need to have but the fear of the Lord's the other the fear of the Lord is key
To have that I Wrote down my notes.
We don't have it. Look look in Genesis chapter 22 in your your time Abraham feared
God Because he offered up his son Isaac. He feared God. That's what it said
He knows now that he feared God in chapter 22 Genesis chapter 39
Speaks about young Joseph. He was a good -looking man. The Bible even says he was you know about the story of Potiphar's wife
And she actually went after him took a hold of him and Tempted him and Scripture says the literally the lie with her
But he refused and you what did he say? How can I do this this wicked sin against God?
Why did he say that because he feared God? Oh He went to prison for it. But hey, look at what
God did in that man's life God did something Wish I had more time on that.
Maybe I pick it up Lord willing next week, but you know Solomon By the Holy Spirit gives us instruction to how to be wise.
Let me close with this go to Proverbs chapter 2 Chapter chapter 2 verses 1 through 5.
There is so much here beloved. This is a sermon in itself But 1 through 5 basically gives the moral benefits of wisdom
He says this my son if you accept my words that's receiving the
Word of God Store up my commands within you that is hide and treasure
God's Word in your heart Turn your ear to wisdom if you listen to God be slow to speak and quick to listen
Notice what he's saying Turn your ear to wisdom apply your heart to understanding that means to practice
God's Word be doers of the word And if you call out for insight that's calling on God in prayer
Cry aloud for understanding that's calling on God and if you look for it as for and as for silver and Search for it as a hidden gold.
In other words you go for it like a pearl the great price In other words you must be hungry and thirsty for the fear of the
Lord You got a hunger for you got to be thirsty for it and the knowledge of God and this is in Jesus Christ With a pursue and to go after him with all of our heart and then he goes on then
Notice what he says in verse 5 then you will understand the fear of the Lord and find the knowledge of God You can grant it right there if you do what that Word of God says you will
Understand the fear of the Lord and find the knowledge of God May it be so with us.
Amen. Let's pray father. We thank you so much Lord I wish
I had more time to To lay this out, but Lord if you give us another day, we'll we'll look right to it
But Lord what's most important is we look to you Lord we need to fear you and reverence and humility
Lord, this is so much lacking in the church and may we look in ourselves as well. This is lacking in us
This is Lord how Only by your help and grace. Can we have wisdom from above Lord?
May we search for it light as a silver Pearl of great price
Lord, which is only in Jesus Christ who is our wisdom? our righteousness our salvation our sanctification our redemption
Heavenly wisdom from above God help us and our daily conduct our lives the way we live father,
I pray as your word says you do not delight in the sacrifice just mere religion performance
Matter of fact Father you're through your son on the
Sermon on the Mount. They even before we come to worship He even said lay down the gift and get it, right with the one we may have strife against or envy against or Unforgiveness, then we come altar then we come to the altar and offer the gift but Lord, we need we must be right with our brothers and sisters and Ultimately be right within we must be right with you
My father we as as the psalmist said if you if you did you do not delight in the sacrifice or he
He would bring it You do not take pleasure in burnt offerings. But what do you?
What do you delight in father? Sacrifices of God of a broken spirit
Break us Oh God a broken in a contrite heart. Oh God, you will not despise this
So father humble us or should we I say we need to humble ourselves before your mighty hand
As your word says in Isaiah 57 15 for this is what the high and lofty one says
He who lives forever Whose name is holy? Lord you live in a high and a holy place, but also with him who is a contrite lowly in spirit
And then you promise to revive the spirit of the lowly the lowly and to revive the heart of the contrite father
Revive us again Lord bring this back alive to us make it real to us in our everyday living that we may glorify you in everything that we do
Lord because you're pleased with this kind of living a life that glorifies you and and that's a life that lives godly
Lord we mean that may mean we may have to separate ourselves from bad company Lord give us the courage to do that and and we should do it for your gladly for your name's sake
But Lord help us in all that we have before us There's so much that says in your word about the wonderful benefits of wisdom