The Often Inverted Morality of Gospel Coalition

AD Robles iconAD Robles



All right, welcome back to the channel. I hope you're well. We're gonna jump right into it in just a moment.
Before I do though, I am well aware that there's a lot of companies that for the last six months or so have either been announcing layoffs or actually accomplishing these layoffs.
And if you didn't know, I am a recruiter. So if you're on the market and you're looking for a new role,
I won't be able to help everybody. I don't focus on everything, but I do have a lot of connections, and so I'll help where I can.
Right now, I've got a couple of sales openings, both tech and non -tech. So if you're a salesman and you're on the market, let me know.
And also, I've got a couple of technical positions, intermediate, kind of junior intermediate,
JavaScript engineers, and also more senior level DevOps as well. Let me know if you are on the market in some of those skillsets, and I'd be glad to help out.
My email is adam at covenantrecruiter .com, adam at covenantrecruiter .com.
Let's jump into the video today. I was reading the Bible at dinner last night with my children, and something struck me, and I've read this before, and I don't know why it just struck me so hard.
But it's just amazing. The big
Eva gospel coalition style progressivism that tries to masquerade as Christianity, and I'm serious.
I think a lot of these gospel coalition progressives are really ex -evangelicals, but they don't have enough cojones to say it.
They're ex -evangelicals, but they don't have balls, right? So they pretend that they're still Bible -believing, gospel -centered
Christians, but the inversion that they do, the job that they do on the
Bible, it's not nuanced. They say it's nuanced, but it's not nuanced.
It's not even subtle. And so I just, I wonder to myself why it is that I don't see this as often as I do, like more often than I do, because the inversion is base level, like basic, obvious satanic inversion.
So often what they say the Bible says or the Bible is teaching is the exact opposite of what the
Bible is teaching. In other words, they've inverted the biblical teaching. They've turned it upside down on its head.
They've made it say the opposite of what the scripture actually says. What God says, what
God commands, they will smile at you and they'll have winsome tones and they'll speak oh so softly and eloquently, but they'll say the exact opposite.
They've got the language of the snake, of the devil, Satan himself.
They speak for Satan. And this is where it hit me. I was reading the story of Noah and the
Ark with my sons. And so we finished it. We've been reading it kind of slowly because my kids are young, so we're doing a little piece at a time.
And so we were finishing the story yesterday and this is where God makes a covenant with Noah after the flood subsides and all of that and his promise to Noah.
And just listen to what he says, right? So here's what he says.
He's talking about how he's gonna demand a reckoning for people. And so here's what he says starting at, this is verse five of chapter nine.
The word of the Lord, surely for your lifeblood I will demand a reckoning. From the hand of every beast
I will require it and from the hand of man. From the hand of every man's brother I will require the life of man.
Now pay attention. Here we go. Whoever sheds man's blood, by man his blood shall be shed.
For in the image of God, he made man. Now this is one of the verses where we understand what capital punishment is.
God says, whoever sheds man's blood, whoever kills another person, another man, by man his blood shall be shed.
This is the death penalty if you kill a man, right? So other men, just righteous men will come execute you if you decide to go murder somebody else, right?
This is the death penalty. This is capital punishment, right? And the way that he describes why this is the case, right?
Because he doesn't, God is so generous to us. He doesn't give us a rule off and then just leave us high and dry with the reasoning for why.
He's so generous. He often gives us the why. And here's what he says about, this is why the death penalty is a command from God.
He says, for in the image of God, he made man. So in other words, because man has
God's image, they're image bearers, God made man in the image of God because of that.
That is why you have to execute those who decide to go kill another person.
That's the reason. It's because they're made in the image of God. But what are these progressive, you know, big
Eva gospel coalition style people tell you about capital punishment? Well, we can't do capital punishment.
Why? Why do they say we can't do capital punishment? They say the reason why we can't do capital punishment is because those people are sweet, precious, they're image bearers.
They're image bearers. So therefore, how can we kill an image bearer because they're precious, the precious souls.
It struck me. I've read this verse before. And of course I never was against capital punishment because I've always known the
Bible commands capital punishment for a variety of crimes. But I've just never seen it.
I've never, it's never hit me that the exact reasoning that these progressive fake
Christians use for why we can't have capital punishment is the very same reasoning that God uses for why we must have capital punishment.
They've taken what God has commanded and they've inverted it. And they do this all the time with the image of God.
They do this all the time with the image of God. The teaching that the standard progressive gospel coalition, big
Eva style teaching on the image of God is so often inverted. It's, guys, it's satanic at the most basic level of the word of what satanic means.
It's upside down. It's inversion. It's an upside down cross. If these people were honest, those that make that argument, those that make the argument that because of the image of God we can't have capital punishment.
If they were honest, they would wear an upside down cross is what they would do. It's pretty ridiculous.
And this is everywhere, guys. This is a serious video because I don't know why it just hit me.
It hit me like a ton of bricks. And maybe it's because I'm reading it to my children and I don't know what it is, but this just hit me.
Here's another one. This is something that I saw. I've talked about this before, but I saw Jared Sparks.
If you don't follow Jared Sparks on Gab, he's from the Shepard's Crook podcast. You can get his podcast outside of Gab, but if you're on Gab, follow him.
He's got some good content out there. But he was basically saying that the Bible very clearly says that there's not going to be a climate catastrophe because of overpopulation or whatever it is.
And this is one of the verses he pointed to, and he's right. There's all of these, again, this is a satanic inversion that they're trying to do.
And by the way, guys, we're going to talk about this. So all these people wringing their hands about how, because of the image of God, we've got to have climate change emergency policy and we have to, and all this kind of stuff.
Here's what God says. After he destroys the earth in the flood, he destroys the earth in the flood.
He saves Noah and his family and every animal. Here's what Noah does when he gets out of the ark.
This is the verses right before what we just read about capital punishment. Genesis eight, verse 20.
Then Noah built an altar to the Lord and took every clean animal and of every clean bird and offered burnt offerings on the altar.
And the Lord smelled a soothing aroma. And the Lord said in his heart, I will never again curse the ground for man's sake.
I will never again curse the ground for man's sake. Although the imagination of man's heart is evil from his youth, nor will
I again destroy every living thing as I have done. While the earth, listen to this.
While the earth remains, seed time and harvest, cold and heat, winter and summer, and day and night shall not cease.
This is a covenant. This is God that he's saying in his own heart.
He's making a covenant with Noah and his people. And he says, while the earth remains, seed time and harvest, cold and heat, winter and summer, day and night shall not cease.
If you talk to progressives, we're all going to die in a burning blaze of extreme heat where there's no more cold and the ice caps are melting and we're going to lose
Miami and New York and everyone's going to die. The United States is turning into a desert and all of this stuff.
This is satanic inversion. All of the people that are coming that are going to tell you that it's a gospel issue.
Climate change is a gospel issue. It's about the image of God and all of this stuff. It's another satanic inversion.
Let me show you a man who is going to be doing this. Pull up a picture here.
Sorry, I'm not ready. There you go. This is
Jake Meador. Oh, hold on. Lost the picture. Lost the picture.
Give me a second here. This is Jake Meador. He's a mere orthodoxy.
And this is a video from a good faith debate that the Gospel Coalition accidentally posted a few days ago.
They've taken it down now. This is about climate change. And here he is, and he sounds like a little weasel.
This is really what he sounds like. He sounds like the guy from Princess Bride. Inconceivable. That's what he, and he looks like that guy too.
And he was very concerned telling you how Miami's going to fall into the ocean. You know, those seas are boiling, 40 years of darkness, dogs and cats living together, mass hysteria.
All about climate change. And what the point is that he needs, we need progressive
Marxist policies to combat climate change, and it's a gospel issue, and all of that kind of thing.
This is, this guy regularly teaches satanic inversion.
It doesn't make sense to be nice about it anymore. This is what they're doing. They're inverting the biblical teaching.
God says that he will not curse the ground anymore. For as long as the earth remains, there'll be heat and cold, there'll be seasons, there'll be all this, seed time, harvest, all this.
And Jake is here saying, no, no, no, no, no. Miami's going to fall into the ocean, and so is New York. And maybe even
Los Angeles, for goodness sake. This is satanic inversion. I don't know where Jake stands on capital punishment, but editing
AD here. So I looked it up, because I figured, why not? And it turns out that Jake Meader is pro -death penalty.
Although, of course, he's very concerned and troubled about the racialized way that the death penalty is carried out, and it's racist and just.
So, you know, there's, of course, that. But I will give him credit where credit is due. He does understand that Genesis 9, obviously, is a pro -death penalty command from the
Lord of Glory. Credit where credit is due. But people like Jake, these kinds of Big Eva progressive, they wanna really pretend like they're really solid
Bible -believing Christians. They will say, yeah, yeah, yeah, I know God says that because of the image of God, that's why we have to have the death penalty, but no, actually, the truth is, it's because of the image of God that we don't have the death penalty.
That's the real truth. These guys are, it doesn't make sense to play nice with them anymore. Does it mean that you have to be mean to them?
You don't have to make fun of them? You don't have to make fun of them. But it's okay, especially when they present themselves like this, and they're telling you that Miami's gonna fall into the ocean.
You can make fun of them if you want to, you don't have to. But it doesn't make sense to pretend like this is not an inversion of God's word.
This is an inversion of God's word. It's not like a little off, it's not like, oh,
I can see it's nuanced, it's not like, because that's the thing, they present themselves as nuanced, and I think this is a tactic, by the way.
They know full well that they're inverting God's teaching. They're speaking blatant lies.
They're telling you the opposite of what the Bible says. A lot of these guys know full well they're doing it. So they have to present themselves as nuanced because they know they can't trick
God's people that easily. So what they say is, oh, you know, it's nuanced. But what's actually happening is not nuanced.
It's not humble. There's no humility in saying, well, I'm not so sure what the Bible teaches about capital punishment.
That's another thing. They'll often say, well, I'm not really sure. I can see it both ways, and they present that as humble.
Guys, there's nothing humble about not being sure about the things God has taught surely.
That's actually very arrogant, to hear a straight word from the Lord where God says, because of the image of God, that's why everyone who kills another person has to have the death penalty.
Because of the image of God, I have spoken. It's not humble to say, oh, I'm not so sure.
That's not humble. That takes arrogance to do that. This is a supremely arrogant man on your screen.
He's an arrogant man. The way he presents himself is arrogant. This is an affront to God.
This is an affront to God, and he's presenting himself as if he's teaching the word of God. He's not. This is an inversion.
His presentation is an inversion. And so, you know, it just doesn't make sense to play footsies with this anymore.
And by the way, this inversion stuff, this is everywhere. I saw somebody share a meme where the
National Institute of Health, the CDC, or something, it was one of the others, either the NIH or the
CDC, they were like ranking the health of certain foods, right? And they've got eggs with butter, you know, eggs fried in butter.
Butter is one of the healthiest foods that you could eat. Eggs fried with butter is like on the bottom of the list, totally unhealthy.
Egg substitute fried in vegetable oil, that's at near the top of the list. That's way healthier than eggs fried in butter.
People have been eating eggs fried in butter for generations, but no, what you need to do is eat egg substitute and vegetable oil.
Cheerios were above eggs. It's just unbelievable. Cheerios, honey nut, not even the disgusting
Cheerios, honey nut Cheerios. Lucky Charms was above eggs.
A bowl of Lucky Charms in milk, according to the NIH, is healthier than an egg fried in butter.
This kind of inversion, it's so in our faces all the time that we almost like, we don't even, it's like, it doesn't even register with us anymore.
Like, I think maybe that's why this hit me so hard. I'm reading to my kids and I'm trying to read slowly enough and clearly enough that they can understand because they're still young.
And it just hit me like, it's just the opposite of what you hear in gospel culture.
It's the opposite of what you see from the CDC. The truth is the opposite of that. And when they just do this opposite land thing to you, guys, we'd be fools to think it doesn't affect us.
We really would. So the whole point of this is just don't lose, because I feel like I've lost this sometimes, don't lose the gag reflex on how inverted a lot of this gospel coalition stuff is.
You need to save that, man. You need to hit it. You need to come to terms with it. They are teaching the opposite.
This is a satanic inversion. They are speaking the lies of the devil. This is not a nuanced thing. This is not like, well, maybe a little bit off, a little bit, we're kind of on the same page.
No, we're not. No, we're not. This is an inversion. This is something that needs to be dealt with.