Christian asks Mormon Tough Question

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Summer Jaeger witnesses to a couple Mormon Missionaries, she asks a tough question that they cannot seem to answer. She asks, "If Jesus is supposed to be Lucifer's Brother, why in Colossians 1:16 does it state that Jesus made all things?" Andrew Soncrant then ends the conversation in prayer. Apologia Church is planting a church in the state of Utah. Would you consider partnering with us to bring Christ's Gospel to the lost there? Let's see His Kingdom grow, brothers and sisters. If you'd like to support what we are doing, please go to to see more of what God is doing or to donate. You can also check out our Facebook page:


Try to be better. How are you doing today? What's up guys? How are you doing? Doing well. Good. Just gonna listen. You know, we love - No, no, no.
What? Just gonna listen. Yeah, yeah. No, we love Mormons. That's why we're out here. This is not gonna be mean to you at all because -
Have a good night, guys. You guys get one of these? Yeah, we did. Okay, cool. We're out here. Thank you. Thank you. We believe -
I promise I'll send him my numbers. He'll do. Yeah. Love you. Drive safe. Don't forget to send him your numbers.
Yeah, I will. Yeah, send him the numbers. We always forget. At the end of the day though, we believe that you guys have a different gospel than we do.
And that's why we're out here. Because we love you guys. We have a heart for Mormons. And we want you guys to know the
Jesus of the scriptures. I know you guys would say - You would testify that you believe in the Jesus of the scriptures.
And that's why we're out here. Because it's actually really important. It's like dire that the
Jesus that Joseph Smith talked about in the Book of Mormon is not the same Jesus that we read about in the
New Testament. And we want you guys to have that Jesus. The Son of God. So that's why we're out here.
Is there any questions that we can help you guys with? Anything that you want to ask us? Anything that maybe Google can't tell you?
Anything that's been bugging y 'all? Anything that we can help you with? Sure. Hopefully it's something
I can because I'm not super smart. Okay. Ask me simple questions. I would love to know -
You guys would say that Jesus and Lucifer are spirit brothers, right?
Yeah, so we are all brothers and sisters. And I think that would be the best way.
So in Colossians 1 .15, Paul says that Jesus created everything.
Thrones, dominions, rulers, authorities. And that he is supreme over all things. So if Jesus created everything, and that would include all of the angels, and that would include
Satan, how could they be brothers? That's a great question. Yeah, that's a good question. Thank you.
Honestly, I'm not 100 % sure on everything because we don't know - Because you're human. Yeah, like you said, because we're human.
We're still learning just like you guys are. I've been a member of the church for 19 years.
In my 19 years, I grew up in the church. But I still feel sometimes a lot like I don't know enough.
And I try to learn. And that's something that I hope to learn someday.
But I don't have a great answer for you right now because I don't know everything about the life before.
Hey, see you, Andrew. Hey, later, man. Bye. Have a good night. Is that Steppen? Yeah, Steppen.
Steppenwolf. Steppenwolf, California. Yeah. I'll never forget. I'll never forget you, Steppen. I love that guy.
Yeah, well, we would love to look a little bit more into that. Yeah. That's a good one. I guess what I do have is my testimony.
I appreciate what you said earlier about how you guys love and care about us. It's a lot. I really do appreciate that.
I mean, that's our goal in coming out here as well as missionaries is Jesus Christ has done so much for me.
I felt his love so much, and I want to share that love with other people as much as I can.
And I do it imperfectly. Of course. Always. If you all find any keys, could you tell us, please? Yes. Keys?
You got it. So if you could help us or something like that. Yeah, we'll be right there. One sec. But I'll read through Colossians 1.
That would be great. Yeah. Great place to start. Something you should for sure look at, especially if you were wanting to bring the gospel of Jesus, and the question is, is the
Jesus that you guys have the one that the New Testament blew up? Okay. And that's something that you have to reconcile if you guys are going to be leading people in that way, right?
You have to know who he is and what the gospel is in order to keep doing that with a clear conscience, and I know you guys want that.
I absolutely do. And I also want to make sure you know that we do read the New Testament and the
Old Testament. I'm not going to lie. The Old Testament is harder to understand, but I do try to read it, and I do read the New Testament too.
We found them. Thank you. Oh, you found them? We're good. Thanks. The eyes of an eagle, Anderson.
But yeah, but I'll go read Colossians 1. I'm not a Bible expert, but I'll try to become better.
That's good. Would you guys mind if we offered to pray with you before we leave? You know, man, so I have more missionaries in my house every week, and I just have to be,
I want to say this with the most respect possible. I don't believe we have the same God, so if you guys want to pray, that's fine, but I can't join you because I just don't believe we're praying to the same
God. And I mean that with the most respect. That's why I'm here. Okay. Would you pray for us?
Yeah, I can pray for us. I'll be good. Yeah? Dear Heavenly Father, we come before you today.
We're just so thankful to have this time to speak to these two elders here, that they take their time out of their busy lives to speak with us right now, to speak with Summer.
Father, we know that you are the eternal God. It says in Psalm 90, verse 2, that you have been God from everlasting into everlasting, that you are uncreated, you are the first and the last, the alpha, the omega, the beginning and the end.
Jesus, that you, you, Lord, are the same yesterday, today, and forever, that you are the creator of all things on heaven and on earth.
And Jesus, we know you say in your word that unless you believe that I am, that we will die in our sins.
This is the divine, eternal name of God, the uncreated God who created all things visible and invisible, and visible, whether thrones, dominions, rulers, or authorities.
All things were created through you and for you, and you are before all things, and you are the one who holds all things together. So we pray that,
Lord, that they test their prophets to Scripture, like 1 John 4 commands us to test the spirits, to see whether or not they are in the true faith and know the true
Jesus. Lord, we pray that you open their eyes. We pray that you be with them and give them protection as they ride their bikes home tonight.
Holy Spirit, you are so good to us. You apply to us the righteousness of Christ, so that when we die and stand before the
Father, we don't present our own righteousness. That's nothing but filthy rags before you, God, but instead you present the righteous sacrifice of the true and living
God, Jesus Christ. God himself, who came, he lived a perfect life and died on the cross, the death that we deserve, just so that we could stand justified before the
Father. Lord, by your righteousness, Jesus, and yours alone, that we could worship you in spirit and in truth.
We praise you for this encounter. We praise you for all things that you have done. It's in your name we pray, in Jesus' name, amen.