UFOs and Socialism - Lets Talk Urban Perspective

AD Robles iconAD Robles


Brothers from Urban Perspective....lets have a little chat shall we?


Well alright, another video. It is a wonderful snowy cold morning here in Vermont and I was planning on spending a little bit of time watching videos about UFOs.
I don't even know why this didn't get much more play but if you remember this video was leaked by the
US government. There's a DOD guy who recently left the government, this guy right here
I think. His name is Luis Elizondo. He was in a program that tracked
UFOs for 5 years and even beyond that. There's a video here, I don't know if you've ever seen this one, but it's like this really strange anomaly.
They've got a target lock on this craft and it's moving kind of like suddenly, not like a normal airplane, not like a helicopter, sort of like a helicopter but just much faster and it rotates while it's moving.
Freaking weird. But anyway, I was planning on watching some of this stuff. I like watching UFO content, it's a little bit of a guilty pleasure of mine
I will admit. I don't necessarily believe in aliens but the phenomenon is definitely crazy. Look at this thing, how it moves very quickly and it'll like rotate while it's still moving in the right direction.
It's just crazy. But anyway, this is what I was planning on watching today and I had a
Twitter friend recommend that I watch an urban perspective video about, look at this, look at this, you see how it rotated?
What is that thing? Really crazy, I'll pause this. But anyway, an urban perspective video called
The Miseducation of Marxism and Socialism and I'm gonna watch it, I definitely want to but I put it on hold because I wanted to just take a break today and watch some of this
UFO stuff. But anyway, so on one of my other videos, I posted the final video of the
Woke Church Review. One of my commenters who comments on most videos, she's really good, I would recommend you look at Carmen's comments, always, they're always helpful, anyway, told me that Pastor Eric Mason posted this video from urban perspective and in the video, one of the brothers,
I think just one of them, maybe both of them, say that Marxism and socialism are actually good ideas that were abused or implemented incorrectly by people in the past.
That is an amazing statement, an amazing statement. And so I decided, hey,
I gotta stop watching this UFO nonsense and watch this video. And so I started to watch it and I got about four minutes in and I decided to put a pause on it because what
I want to do is I want to have a conversation with one or both of these brothers. And so this is not a debate challenge,
I want to have a discussion, I want to do it on video, I think it would be very helpful for the body of Christ to see two perspectives.
One of the sides that says Marxism and socialism are actually good ideas, they're just implemented incorrectly in the past, and one side, this is my side, that says socialism and Marxism are anti -Christ.
They are anti -Christ, they're not biblical in any way, in fact, they are the opposite of biblical and if you want to cause horrors of unspeakable scale, then you implement
Marxism and socialism. That's my perspective. It could not be more strong against Marxism and socialism. However, I absolutely think that the other side is worth a hearing.
So I want to have a discussion, not a formal debate, just a Google hangout. It doesn't even have to be one -on -one or one -on -two, we could have a group discussion where we all talk about the biblical basis of economics because the
Bible is chock full of economics. Most of the parables involve economics, lots of the law involves economics, the
Bible is not shy about talking about economics, and I think it's so clearly not socialistic or Marxist that it's amazing that you would say this.
So that's what I want to do. I want to hopefully reach out to these brothers and see if they'll be willing to talk with me or somebody else or me and somebody else, and my recommendation to you, if you like my videos, please reach out to these brothers.
Don't be rude, don't be mean, but ask them if they'd be willing to talk because I think the body of Christ desperately needs this.
They need to see both sides able to sort of talk to each other and hold each other to the scriptures and ask questions and things like that.
I think that would be so helpful. I've done a video like this, brother, Jerome, I've done a video like this with the people at Native Speaks.
It was a great video in my opinion. In fact, I think that the brother said at the end that it went a lot better than they thought it would.
I'm a nice guy. I'm a nice guy. So let's do the conversation. I think it would mean a lot to the body of Christ, but let me just play the first few minutes of this.
I wanted to respond to this and just show you a little something here. But rather than those who are saved, want to see human flourishing.
And so social justice is a form of that now. Human flourishing. I know everybody says this.
I don't like that term, but it's fine. I know what you mean, but man, is that a buzzword?
Man, is that a buzzword? I want to see regenerated hearts and I think regenerated hearts would lead to a regenerated world and a regenerated culture.
But the thing is, not everything that people would talk about as flourishing is necessarily flourishing.
So in other words, I think the death penalty increases human flourishing. But I don't think a lot of people who talk about human flourishing would say that.
I say, look, I want a regenerated heart and I want a justice culture and I want God's people to flourish and I want evil to be restrained.
And I think that that's part and parcel of the law of God. Evil should be restrained through different mechanisms like the death penalty, through like restitution, things like that.
So that's why I don't like human flourishing. It's kind of, I'm not saying you brothers are using it as a weasel word, but a lot of people use it as a weasel word because like, well,
I'm not really flourishing if I can't express my homosexual love for my partner. And it's like, well, I know you guys aren't saying that, but a lot of people do say that.
So I don't like human flourishing. I like regeneration. But, you know, not a criticism, just kind of a pet peeve.
I know people want to try to try to label it different things. And so what we've been labeled, those of us that would say, as a result of my salvation,
I want to care about human flourishing. Therefore, I'm anti -police brutality. Therefore, I'm pro -gender equality.
Therefore, I want to care about human flourishing. Not at the expense of the biblical exegesis, not at the expense of the gospel, but at the outpouring of it.
And so we get labeled social justice warriors, meaning that we don't understand biblical justice.
So it's not about, so this is the thing, like this is why we need to have a conversation because what you just said, it sounds really good in a monologue and your followers will eat it up and things like that.
But I have to stop you there. I have to stop you there and say, no, it's not because you're against police brutality that you're called social justice warriors.
Because here's the thing, you might be surprised that this is the case, but lots of people on my side are against police brutality too.
I'm against police brutality. So it's not that. We have different definitions of police brutality and we have different assumptions about police brutality.
In other words, people on my side, I don't assume that every time something happens between a cop and a citizen, if that citizen is black or Hispanic, I don't assume that it's police brutality.
It very well could be. And there are some of the shootings that I would agree with you guys about it where I'd say, yeah, that doesn't seem very justified to me.
However, there are some of the shootings that I would disagree with you or I say, yeah, that sounds very justified. That's the thing.
So like we want to have some nuance there. Not every claim of police brutality is police brutality. It's not that we're for police brutality, as you kind of sort of implied there.
No, it's not that. It's that we don't just make assumptions about things. Yes. Gender equality.
That's why we call you social justice. We know it is it. No, it isn't. Because here's the thing. Every person on my side believes in gender equality under the law.
Now we have different views about egalitarianism, complementarianism. I think that clearly the
Bible has different roles for women. I think it's inappropriate for a woman to be a pastor of a church. I think it's inappropriate for a woman to do all the activities of a pastor, but just not hold the title pastor.
I think those are inappropriate biblically. And we can talk about the exegesis there. But again, to paint this as, well,
I'm just being called a social justice warrior because I'm against police brutality and for women's equality.
That's that's just so simplistic. Again, it sounds good when you're on a monologue and your your audience eats it up.
But it does no good for the conversation because the people on my side know that that's not what they believe.
They don't believe in. And so, you know, my point is, this is why we have to have a conversation, because, you know, with respect,
I wouldn't let you get away with something like that. I'd say, well, that's you need to have more nuance there. You know, if we if you if you think we don't believe in as much of the police brutality as we should, then let's talk about it and talk about the evidence and things like that.
If you don't think we don't believe in women's equality as much as we should, let's talk about that. But let's not just say we just don't believe in it.
That's incorrect. That's a misrepresentation. And that's why we need to have a conversation. I don't look. Both sides do this, by the way.
Both sides do this, by the way. And so that's why we need to have a conversation so you can hold me accountable for my words, like the brothers at Native Speaks did.
And I can hold you accountable in love for your own words. He talks about human flourishing.
We're against everyone who signed the social justice statement is against human flourishing. Well, as I said earlier,
I don't like the term, but that's just a misrepresentation, man. Let's let's stop doing these monologues. If I would be happy if I never did another video alone again,
I talked to the camera. I've had like 200 videos online and most of them are me doing a monologue. And you know what?
People like that. People like your monologues and whatever. But the problem is that it doesn't push the conversation forward inside the church.
The two sides of the church that are disagreeing on this fundamental thing. I think we would all agree this is fundamental.
Let's have a conversation, man. Let's do it. I. I don't know why so few on your side are willing to have this conversation.
And I'm not saying that you are unwilling. I haven't asked you yet, but let's do it, man. Let's do it for the church, man, for Christ.
Let's do this conversation. Let's have a conversation about this stuff. Anyway, I hope this is helpful, guys.
Again, if you want this conversation to happen, please reach out to Jerome Gay. He's a pastor. I think he's on he's definitely on YouTube.
I think he's on Twitter as well. Reach out to him. Be polite. Ask him to have this conversation. Be honest with him.
This is an important issue in the church, you know, and and you want to hear this conversation. I hope this is helpful.
God bless. Check this out,
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