What Do You Say When Christians Call Other Christians SJWs?

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Dr Ellis on SJWs.


Well, all right, it looks like he's about to respond to another really good question. So let's dive right into this one says this
What do you say when other Christians call others social justice warriors? What do
I what would I say that's let's answer this question before he does I Would say that it's appropriate at times and in other times.
It's not appropriate I think it's unfair to say that someone's a social justice warrior if they think that the Bible Should give us our standard of justice or righteousness
I don't think too many people are saying that now if you are saying that I think you're wrong So stop stop saying that And I do recognize that a lot of people use social justice warrior as sort of a catch -all
Pejorative and a lot of people accuse me of doing that. I don't think I do that, but that's fine So sometimes it's inappropriate
But other times it's very appropriate especially when a person is advocating social justice in a way
That is not distinctly biblical. That's not something that comes from the Bible so I think it's a totally appropriate to call someone a social justice warrior when they're trying to make some kind of economic equality or Some kind of economic equity a gospel issue.
That's a social justice warrior. That's a that's appropriate use of the term And if it bothers you well, then stop doing that So so yeah,
I mean I would say that it's it's I understand why people don't like it I realize I'm taking a risk every time
I say it But I use the term. I think it's a totally fine term. You can't control my language. Sorry But I do recognize that sometimes it's an inappropriate.
It's used inappropriately. Let's see what Carl Ellis has to say It could be true or it may not be true it might be a matter of perception.
Oh Good answer. Dr. Ellis good answer a lot of people that are not gonna like that answer
From the far left we get hate mail from the far right the far right accuses us of being social justice warriors or liberals in the far and the far left accuses us of being into Respectability politics or something like that Honestly, I've been caught you might not believe this if you're a critic of mine
But I've been called liberal and conservative as well. And so this happens to everybody It's all a matter of perspective.
And so I don't take offense to it you know, I think I Think that there's some people that really do take offense to it and the reason why is because they know it's kind of true
There's like a an epidemic of people that love to say that they're conservative, but they're just not conservative in any way
I don't know what it is I think there's like this idea that liberalism is is sort of an automatically a pejorative which in some ways it is
But anyway, let's let's just let him let's hear him out Mm -hmm
Sometimes it's a it's a perception a misguided perception Sometimes it might be true some of us.
I mean when I was younger, you know, I got dr. Ellis is in trouble now Stand human nature as well as I understand it now and there were times when
I would get angry at things and I you know, I'd say we need to start do this and And yet I did not
I wasn't as wise then as I I'm not saying I'm wise now But let's say I'm wiser probably wise
I would say he's wise But I think don't sell yourself short. Dr. Ellis can base what
I do and say on the Word of God Then I'm in pretty safe territory
The problem goes back to this that You have one side of the equation which
I will call side a now I'm not talking about gay and lesbian or anything else like that when
I saw my side a and side B I'm talking about our understanding of things side a would be things like What we should know about God side
B would be how we should obey God And the problem is side a and side
B must be compatible. Oh, yeah The problem is that we in the American Church have focused so much on side a we've neglected side
B and so people in desperation trying to get a side B they pick it up from from Non -christian sources and this sounds right and what happens is that they're incompatible and it causes dissonance and confusion
What we need to do is derive both side a and side B from the Word of God We have to do theology about these things and theology is the application of God's Word by persons in every area of life
So I think that's that's how we should that's how we should approach it. We must be biblical.
We will get criticism To that I say so what? Dr. Ellis just approved of my youtube channel.
I really appreciate that. Dr. Ellis because that's all I'm trying to do I'm trying to focus this conversation on the scriptures only and so when
I criticize you in the last video about saying this idea Though there should not be disparities or inequalities within the church context
I say then you have to demonstrate that biblically I don't think there is good biblical data that said that says that we should expect that there won't be
Disparities or inequalities within the church. They're absolutely it's assumed actually throughout the scripture that there's inequalities and disparities
Within the people of God all the way from the Old Testament to today and so I challenge you dr Ellis to show us in the
Bible where you're deriving that idea I think that you're deriving that idea from another outside source.
And so I'm not mad at you or anything. I don't hate you I don't think you're an unbeliever. But what I am saying is that this is where the conversation needs to go
This is where the conversation needs to go and I am begging somebody from the social justice side of this issue
To talk to me about bring me to the scripture. Show me where you're deriving this stuff and we can talk about it and we can we can
Agree on some things disagree on other things and I think that'll be very beneficial to the church. And so dr.
Carl Ellis I appreciate you saying that obviously, we would disagree on some of the implications but Somebody's gonna have to step up to the plate one of these days and talk about this
Biblically because so far in this presentation. I have not seen it And that's where it needs to go so god god bless what you're saying there dr.