A Sad Survey, the Changing World of Mormonism, the Changing World of Francis


I was running the program alone today and forgot to get the music ready, so...not overly professional today! But, spent the first half hour on the survey that showed a huge percentage of young women voters whose primary concern is their ability to kill babies, and why this horrific reality is present in the West today. There is much to consider. Then we moved on to changes in the Salt Lake City Temple of the LDS Church, which is scheduled to re-open in 2026, and what they reflect in the changes in Mormonism as well. And then we briefly commented on more comments by Pope Francis that illustrate his heterodoxy as far as the historical position of Rome is concerned.


Skip the music. Let's not worry about it I'm doing all this on my own today, and I completely spaced it and I don't even remember the name of the program because on the other computer the name of the program to run the music is right on the front and It's not on this one.
So I'm not gonna sit here and try to go finding it. Welcome to the dividing line I'm running all this solo today.
Rich has got stuff to deal with at home. Please pray for his wife. She has
Broken her shoulder and that means Rich has got Rich has got
BB Warfield things to do if you don't know BB Warfield Probably could have written three or four times the amount of material that he did
But he had a sick wife and he took care of her he was committed to her and That's a good example to have and so he is not here and I just totally spaced
What is the name of that program? I'm not even gonna worry about right now I'll have to find it later and stick it in the in the thing and we'll
We'll go from there and and that means it'll be a quiet ending to the program as well Not quite professional, but that's that's the way things go anyways, all right, so There was a graphic and I was gonna have it up too.
And obviously I'm just not doing real well today. But here is here is that Yeah, I'm not gonna even be able to do that I didn't even try to get that set up Wouldn't even know how to right now
I posted the graphic on I Reposted a graphic on Twitter top issues for young voters and It divides it up between this is from the
Wall Street Journal divides it up between men and women and I suppose
I could go over to Here so that when I'm looking over there it a little bit closer.
There we go Top issues for young voters Economy for men is
The big one and and you know about half as much for the women these are young men young women
Democracy much more almost non -existent for women Not that I think most people today know what democracy is or the fact that we're not a democracy that's supposed to be a democracy, but Immigration real close to each other on that one
Inflation actually a little bit less Though still close to each other anti right -wing ideology
You know if there isn't a question of anti left -wing ideology, which I don't think the media admits exists or anything like that Anti right -wing ideology real small for men and and Actually about the same as immigration and greater for inflation than women
But here's the big one abortion abortion and for the women it's
It's they're more concerned about abortion for women
Then men are for the economy and in fact Far beyond any concern young women have been taught
That murdering unborn children is The most important thing they can possibly stand for and I posted this a lot of people commented on it
The the fellow who posted this that I bookmarked on Twitter Said for young men most important issue is to be able to get a job to support a family young women most important issue is to be able to kill their baby and You know when when the left initially started using language such as Reproductive rights health care reproductive health care these
Phrases that have no meaning No one is saying a woman has to get pregnant
Because see what you can't talk about And we're never gonna get anywhere until we can talk about it and I'll be honest with you given the state of the culture right now,
I there would have to be a Massive major Change in And I'm talking
War and not not just war where we're sitting You know, we've got guys sitting in darkened rooms in Florida blowing people up across the world
I'm talking about war here in the United States Bombs being dropped people dying starvation disease
The things that war is all about remember that remember that Star Trek episode the original
Star Trek series where They they go to this planet and these two planets have been in the state of war for like 500 years
But they've just made it so clean. It's all done by computer and if You're attacked
You know You just go to the disintegration chamber and say goodbye to your family and there's no blood no mess you walk in and then you're gone and They've been doing this
For 500 years and of course Kirk With his Shall we say limber flexible interpretation of the
Prime Directive You know messes it all up and eventually stops the war
Actually, he did so, you know, you got a you know, that was Kirk Kirk was just you know, he was that guy
Anyway, it's sort of like that in the sense that I Think most
Americans, you know war is something that happens Way out there and We pay for it by printing more money
Which which is a form of taxation if you're not familiar with that inflation is taxation because you have to pay more and more in taxes as the cost of everything goes up and Income is not keeping track with that as you well know as we all well know even though The entire
The entire Harris waltz election thing is to go the people our supporters are so stupid
That we can literally present the idea that we're gonna fix things Though we're the ones in charge.
We're not gonna run on our record. We're gonna run away from our record and Since the media is our sycophants we pay them they work for us
They won't ask us any of these questions, they won't force us to deal with any of these things at all, so we'll be good
It's working it's And and I've talked to some
Christians who are gonna be voting for Harris and it's frightening it really Really really is but anyway
Here's what does it take? This is what we can't talk about. Sorry. I'll get back to my point What is it we can't talk about and we will never talk about until some major thing happens that fundamentally changes the structure of the nation that brings
Destruction to infrastructure, which we haven't had since Well, we're not gonna count the
Japanese sub that surfaced off the coast of California and lobbed a few shells inland
Let's not count that Spanish -american war
So, you know civil war There just hasn't been anything in anyone's memory certainly where you had literal battles taking place in the
United States itself and That changes how you view the world that changes how you
How everything works? I Don't think we're gonna ever have a serious conversation about abortion
Until there's a fundamental change in our society that is brought about by some massive war nuclear war
Something along those lines and what am I talking about? You can't talk about abortion if you don't talk about fornication and There we don't have a category in Western society for adultery
Fornication, oh sure, you know Two people get married to a male and a female get married.
Well, you know, it's the funny thing is even the the fake marriages you'll see the
Tremendous anger of one person cheating against another cheating
What's what does that refer to? How can you even have a foundation a basis for talking about cheating?
And so We can't there's no Unfettered sexual relations with anybody you want to have them with is now the highest moral good in our society and So if something results from that like oh a life
Despite all of the Mechanisms that we have
Designed to stop that from happening, which is why the Japanese are gonna disappear, you know
Literally number of decades. There's gonna there could be any Japanese You realize that See most people don't even think about that.
They don't they don't recognize what's coming They don't recognize that once you get below replacement level once you drop below 1 .5
One for each woman if they only have 1 .5 children that society is doomed it will pass away
Will be replaced by somebody else everything they've built all their cultural heritage. Everything goes to somebody else
We're barely above that in the United States Mainly because of the influx of we're being invaded from the third world
So, I'm not sure that really counts but Japan's not being invaded by the third world And I think they are at 1 .1.
It may even be 0 .9 so far below replacement that There's there's no recovering from it.
And so That little aspect of cultural continuation
Of your nation continuing. It's passed out of the thought life of most
Westerners so Americans Australians Brits Scots, you know
Germans French if we can throw them in there if they don't fight with each other We don't even think about that kind of stuff anymore it's all about us
It's not about our kids our grandkids our great -grandkids Our nation is just all about us me me me me me me me fulfill me my desires and my sexual desires
And so I get to do whatever I want with whoever I want as often as I want and if there's unwanted
Consequences then I expect To have the absolute freedom to deal with those things as I see fit.
That's what abortion is Almost all the studies even by the people on the other side have demonstrated that Minimally 90 % of all abortions are just convenience things.
There's nothing there's nothing wrong with the woman. She's perfectly healthy. The child's perfectly healthy it's just I don't want to have a baby and I just didn't do the things that I need to do to keep them having a baby.
And so I'm gonna murder it and So when you look at the top issue for young voters for women and Abortion just out strips everything else
What does that tell you about what women have been taught about themselves that the very capacity that they have?
To Give life to nurture life.
They don't care about anyone What does it matter? I mean Feminism is such a poison and it has had such a massively negative impact upon women that literally they can
Look at the greatest gift. They've been given their ability to give life and to nurture and to to do the things that only mothers can do and They consider that a liability
Something that's negative. In fact, I was thinking about I've mentioned this before and and I you know,
I Can't prove it beyond all shadow of a doubt and all the rest that kind of stuff but in Romans 126 now, you know
Romans 126 127 key texts on homosexuality and you know, you can now publish entire books
Allegedly on the subject of human sexuality and not even not even bother
To deal with the normative teaching that's found in the page of Scripture But you know the text for this reason
God gave them over to dishonorable passions for their females exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural and The same way also the males abandoned the natural function of the female and burning their desire toward one another
Males with males committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error
So everybody can see verse 27 male Homosexuality the whole nine yards.
It's mutual. This isn't Older men younger younger men all the rest that stuff.
It's it's toward one another Males with males not older males with younger males
Indecent acts remember when Barry Lynn couldn't tell you what an indecent act was So if you haven't seen it in 2001
I believe it was I debated Barry Lynn on this subject and He he obviously had art by that point was already very very comfortable doing media appearances, which means he was never asked hard questions and So and he didn't think that you know a fundamentalist a
Baptist would be able to ask him hard questions well he also sued us to try to suppress the recording of the debate, but was unsuccessful in that because we counter sued and So the debates out there anyways, you'll you'll
If you've never watched the cross -examination of Barry Lynn on the subject of homosexuality,
I would look it up and Follow along in your
Bible or your Greek New Testament and watch as a Man who during the course that debate by the way a claim to receive revelation on the same level as the
Apostle Paul Watch during the cross -examination as that revelation ability that revelation ability collapsed pretty amazing anyway
We get the male homosexuality part in verse 27, but verse 26 for their women
They lie I It's it's a technical term it means females over against males they the
Greeks knew what the difference was even if we've lost that ability in our insanity and I can't it says
Hi, take our I can't prove that the
Best way to translate that is for even their women even their females
But I think that's what Paul's saying Because most people believe this is the only reference to lesbianism in in the
New Testament in the Bible and And Right after talking about path a
Otta Mia's Dishonorable passions for even their women their females
Exchanged this is this term had been introduced previously in Romans 1 the great exchange chain exchanging the truth of God for the lie and So this is an illustration of what that looks like and They exchange the natural function for that which is unnatural and when you think about the number of Examples we have down through history of mothers who gave their lives for their children the beautiful stories of women who put off Cancer treatment so as to give life to their child and then passed away as a result
Women who you know cover their children with their bodies and they are killed but the child survives and It's it you see it in the in the animal kingdom
Females will sacrifice themselves for their offspring. There is this strong drive and so it seems to me that what
Paul's saying for even their their women because the female drive is
You know, we used to talk about the biological clock. It's It's to have babies
It's natural it's good. It's appropriate and In fact in the
Bible the great heartbreak is when women don't have babies When they can't have children
You see all these women who are praying to God For the ability to have a child and so it's it's natural.
It's right. It's proper and So what Paul is saying is even their women who have that strong maternal sense
Given to them by God. It's good. It's right. It's honorable. It's just It's proper
Even they can become so twisted in the creator creation relationship in that exchange Where you exchange the truth of God for the law even their women
Exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural and that's what young women today
And I think this needs to be a regular element yes in in the preaching of the local church, but especially in Bible studies in the more personal
Situation where the older women can be instructing the younger women It needs to be recognized the goodness of God's gift
The Fulfillment that can be yours.
There's that some people have said it's a parody account. I don't know But there's this what 42 year old woman or something like that and she's always
Posting stuff about you know, I don't have any kids. And so this is what
I'm doing this weekend, and I'm so happy and I Saw someone say it's a parody account.
I I hope not. It's pretty disgusting if it was But you you look at it and you're just You're left going.
There's no there's no true happiness there. This person isn't fulfilled What's she gonna do when she's 83 years old and Is afraid of falling which is what takes a lot of older people out
You know you fall you break a hip and then it's the surgery and the surgery takes you out or whatever but you're alone and You have no one to call you have no family you have no children no grandchildren
Nothing and you're gonna you're gonna say oh, but man, I'll tell you I sure lived it up for a while You and I both know the desperate unhappiness
That comes with that kind of a short -sighted Not looking to the future and for Christians, especially
We shouldn't be the short -sighted people We should be the ones looking long -term
Because we know what God's purposes are and The the how to glorify
Christ in our obedience to him and So When you think about what this graph represents
It represents the fact that Feminism and Western culture today has taught young women that they're nothing but a sex toy
There's no That they should be willing to engage in sex with anybody who wants to have sex with them and This idea of waiting until marriage
Commitment covenant children family. Oh, please that was 1950s
You know, we're closer to 2050 than we are to 1950. It's just Think about that one a second.
In fact, my wife and I were talking We're driving home Sunday night after a
Long service I Did the week before I did the biblical foundation for presuppositional apologetics.
I did that in 57 minutes and then Jeff preached on the practical application which you would think might be a little bit shorter but it was almost an hour and 25 minutes, but anyways, we're on our way home after going to my daughter's house and Spending time with our grandkids and stuff like that, and I'm not sure we're gonna be able to continue doing that in the future for other reasons just travel reasons, but really enjoy it and get to spend that that amount of time and We're on the way home and we're both a little tired and so I'm looking at the music and I I choose the big band
Playlist, I have a big band and I know some of you know what? But I grew up playing big band music on a radio station in Sun City, Arizona So I still love
Glenn Miller Tommy Dorsey Artie Shaw Woody Herman yeah, there's even some guy
Lombardo medleys that are really cool, too and Greatest big band ever one
Miller in the Army Air Force Band, man I'll tell you he had the pick of whoever he wanted during during the war.
But anyway Something up -tempo and I mentioned to her and she thought about it, too
We're getting to the point where Some of that music was recorded as You know as early as 2829 1928 1929 a lot of us early 1930s, but we're just we're getting real close to where these songs will have been recorded a century ago and all these people that read that, you know, all the musicians you're listening to dead people and We're the first generation that has ever experienced that think about that.
We How could anybody have listened to someone sing who's been dead for 50 years
You know Nat King Cole greatest voice ever greatest voice ever Still love to listen that King Cole, but we're the first human beings in the history of the world.
They've gotten to listen to someone singing who's been dead for half a century and pretty soon full century at least as far as when
Stuff is recorded if they were adults. They've been gone longer than that So anyway, just a something to think about in regards to just how time passes and yet The unusual things about our generation and I don't mean all the boomer stuff or I said, so just the people are alive today
We don't realize just how different our experience is daily In comparison to how people live before us but young women have been have been robbed
That they haven't been turning young women and men is is not enriching for them.
That's not how God created them That that's not even from a Darwinian perspective of what wise thing to do
I mean, there's not a whole lot of morals and ethics you can necessarily pull out of Darwinianism, but that would be one
It's just it's just wrong whatever whatever direction you're going from and so the idea of Of being a mother a wife covenanted commitments of For life.
It's just not a part of our culture anymore. That's why that culture you know Sometimes we don't we don't ask the question.
Why should a culture even think that God Should continue it in light of our evident sins
What is it about culture that would make us go? Please have mercy on us and continue this culture and I would say
This culture doing what it's doing especially as represented represented by Kamala Harris the
LGBTQIA plus plus plus plus plus and P Diddy and Epstein And Everything else, you know just Every possible way to mutilate the body kill the baby, whatever
Mutilate marriage mutilate the family. Why should a culture that? celebrates that think that It should continue
It won't It won't nor should it. So what do we do?
We need to faithfully speak to especially for the young women, you know, I'm I am very thankful that My granddaughters are being raised in a godly home
Under the sound of the gospel I've Baptized all three of them and We have had the conversations with them about the beauty of womanhood
It's so beautiful to see them helping and raising ransom Our little grandson who is what is he seven?
There's seven years between him and the next and Janie. I think it's around like six seven years
It's a long time and I told him when he was born. You're you're doomed son. You have four mommies and You can tell that they just love
Taking care of that little boy. And that's that's because that's how they're made there.
That's They're getting practice for their own in the future and it's a good thing and it's the right thing
And it's it's a beautiful thing And so I'm very thankful that they are being taught that and That they have that foundation, but man my heart breaks
For the vast majority of the young ladies in this nation and in Western culture as a whole that are walking into government indoctrination centers
Monday through Friday and Being told the way God made them is not how they should live
It's you want you want misogyny you want misogyny Progressivism is misogyny in its fullest form in its fullest form.
It truly is So anyway Wanda make mention of that next.
Um, I had the wonderful opportunity yesterday so thankful to Christine an apology of Church Some folks at Grand Canyon University reached out to them and then she reached out to me put them together
I mean our offices are very close to Grand Canyon University and of course,
I'm a graduate of Grand Canyon College before it became University and I wouldn't
I wouldn't recognize the campus any longer. I can assure you of that There is
I think two buildings Maybe I think only two buildings on the campus that were there when
I was a student everything else is it's gone and been replaced multi -story and everything else
You know, it's great for Grand Canyon Hard to go back and go. Oh, yeah, I remember that Ethington theater is the only thing that's still there.
Anyway, I Got to go and I thought I was just gonna be talking to maybe 10 -15 students
They asked me to address Mormonism and it's a Christian group on campus and This lecture room was packed out
In fact, they had to turn kids away. It was filled. I ran out of tracks. I had only brought certain number with me
I'll know better next time but it was There are a couple things that made it really really enjoyable first of all, these are just kids
I mean that It's It's wonderful to see kids and they've got interest and things like that And look,
I mean these folks were tuned in for the whole hour we went all the way to the
Cut -off time and then a bunch of kids stayed afterwards and had me going forever afterwards, which was great.
They were interested It was really exciting to get to see that. It was great for me because It's Mormonism and My long -term my long -term memory is still working quite well,
I Can still quote journal discourses volume 16 page 46 off the top of my head and numerous other
LDS scriptures And it was just like second nature To be talking about it again, and I think it's one of the reasons that the kids enjoyed it is
I didn't have a presentation It was all top my head Whenever they ask a question,
I could give them quotes stuff like that so in other words, they know this is someone who knows their stuff excited about their stuff and that excites them too and it was
Super super enjoyable. It really really was and I think they're gonna have me back. I hope so There's other things we could talk about obviously, but that was really neat to see
And to be around those young people. It's always very energetic when you're around Kids that are
Well, my well, my oldest will be 15. So they'd only be you know, five six years older.
So Right around that same same time time period age age group but what's interesting is
I Was sent a article By Jason Wallace up in in Salt Lake City and We're gonna be doing well,
I think for 2025 I'm simply gonna go If God wills and If God opens the door, you know, sort of like what we were saying all the time in 2020 and 2021 because of government stuff
Depending on what happens you know if if a miracle takes place in November and And to me the miracle would be not only at the
Marxist lose But that the non Marxist survives to January to take office and then continues to survive after that That would be
I would consider that a miracle early would But if that were to happen and then
I'm gonna be all of a sudden Planning a lot of stuff and one of the things we hope to be doing is a conference up in Salt Lake City August 2nd,
I believe is the date That makes for a really long trip
Colorado Utah Those areas around there. I mean really long as in super duper long as In a month and a half probably too long
I'm not sure how I'm gonna make it work because there's a Church that I ran into in Dolores this last trip.
I want to do something with them and I'm not sure how to make it all work. I haven't gotten that far yet, but Hopefully we'll be doing those things next year, you know, if not
Well, we'll see so everything for 2025 is we want to try to do this But we recognize that The nation may not be in a situation
To do that. I mean literally literally the people in charge this country are trying to drag us into a nuclear war with Russia so Yeah, you know the first the first nuclear bomb goes off pretty much anywhere in the world and The economic wheels fall off and everything changes everything changes so Got a got to make plans but write them in to use an old person analogy write them in pencil
Fortunately, I just realized probably most of the kids I was talking to yesterday wouldn't get that Write it in pencil.
What? You can't write on an iPad with a pencil and never mind So all of that to say
I saw I read this article and And it's about The fact that the
Salt Lake Temple right now Some of you may not remember I was gonna look up the date and I forgot but About what was it about six seven years ago now there was a
Major earthquake in Salt Lake City. In fact, if I recall correctly, I think Jason told me it magna had like 80 or 120 aftershocks and stuff like that some major seismic activity up in Utah but there was a big earthquake in Salt Lake City and Remember Moroni fell off the top of the temple
Basically what we've learned since then is it's amazing that thing didn't fall over it was so badly damaged
The Salt Lake Temple, that would have been amazing and So it has been they have been spending
I don't think anybody will ever know how many billions with a B of The money they have stored away
Mormons store stuff away for a rainy day or an earthquake, I guess
The amount of money they have spent basically rebuilding From without knocking it down and that's what that's what makes so expensive it probably would have been cheaper if it had just fallen over they reuse the granite and Rebuilt it from the bottom up probably a lot cheaper, but they didn't and What's fascinating is what they have changed
What they have changed what do I mean well You're probably not aware of this unless you have studied
LDS church history and things like that, but you you'd have to you have to have connections
To get into the LDS the Salt Lake LDS Temple regular old people
Go to other temples, but you sort of have to have connections because you know, that's the granddaddy of malls it's the original at least
Utah and You know big people get married in their stars and stuff like that but Mormon stars anyways
But one of the things that made it made it special is The original
LDS temples and Someday we you know, maybe they're talking about an open house in 2026
That it will reopen and so they will have an open house and man I'm gonna tell you I'm not sure how to get tickets for that But I'm driving up there for that if I can get there that's for sure
And if they'll let me through the door they might not but I'd love to get to tour the
Salt Lake Temple and They will be letting people in to do that And then once that's done they tear up all the carpet or they'll make us wear booties one of the two
Because you're profaning that which is holy because you're Gentiles and then they will
Dedicate it make it holy and then only people with temple recommends can get in. But anyway
When the temples first started being built they're very large structures and You would you would go from room to room and actors would act out
Various scenes and terrestrial room, you know the the garden room the fall of Adam and Eve you eventually are going toward the celestial room where you have to go through the veil and you have to give all the signs and handshakes and passwords and stuff like that to get in very heavily influenced by the
Masonic Lodge and stuff like that and But it was you would you would move from room to room in your temple garments and And there would be live actors doing these things well over the past number of decades
That has changed to where the only temple left in the world to my knowledge
That was still using live actors was the Salt Lake Temple and that's what made it special to get your endowments there or Be sealed there for time and eternity and internal marriage ceremony or whatever else
Because it was unlike anyplace else where they had gone to Projecting first they use projection systems and you know a movie basically a film and In the in the old style, you know, so all the walls would be painted
You know for the garden room and stuff like so it would be it'd be all matching is what would be showing on the film
Or what would be acted out? initially well much to my surprise
In reading this article and to the disappointment of a lot of Mormons as well They are they're not going to They're not gonna have live actors anymore they have
Rent in the renovation in the changing of everything they're changing it back so that it's now like all the other temples and It will be done by a video screen now
And so you don't have to move from one room to another they can change the scenes on the walls
You know, okay. It's more efficient I suppose The celestial room they've rebuilt and they've tried to keep that as much as possible like the original
Up there, but they're making real changes in the Salt Lake Temple to make it more efficient and I just I keep thinking back it was 1999 and I had for some reason gone early over to the food court
At Crossroads Plaza, which is likewise one and they had the general conference on the video screens in the food court and Hinkley was speaking
And he was talking about this major push to build more and more temples
More and more lots and lots of temples, which means they're not gonna be as big. They're not gonna be as fancy and Hinkley was also the one that pushed the we're
Christians to Let's start some of the ecumenical dialogue type stuff and I think he had a major major impact in I think derailing
Mormonism Because you know when Mormonism was standing on its own
When Mormonism was emphasizing the first vision saying we're the one true Church All the churches are abomination.
Their creeds are corrupt At that time in the 1980s they were growing When I first started saying
Mormonism, I've shared this number and this statistic a number of times there was a year in the 1980s where the average
Southern Baptist Church had 274 members and in an average week 273
Southern Baptists became Mormons. That's one church per week 52 churches per year converting to Mormonism and People actually appreciate a religion
That stands for something. I Think that's something that for example, Pope Francis doesn't understand
Liberation theologians do not understand. They don't get it If people want to actually believe something even if it cost them something and Mormonism has abandoned that You talk to Mormons today and there there's always been a
Very subjective element To Mormonism, you know spirit testified to me and I prayed and that That was the opening through which
Has come The poison That can now explain why the majority of the
Salt Lake City City Council is LGBTQ Why there are
LGBTQ organizations on campus at BYU Why Utah is not nearly as reliable a red state as it once was and it's because this subjectivism there's
You know Mormonism has a gendered God The God of Mormonism is a physical male
Who has through sexual intercourse begotten billions of Spirit babies, he's a busy guy
So the idea of Homosexuality transgenderism all the sexual revolution stuff.
I Would think wouldn't have a ghost of a chance in Mormonism and yet it's making great headway because the system
Was never designed to be able to provide the foundation for Morals and ethics because without one creator
God You don't have a foundation for morals and ethics an exalted man from another planet is insufficient as the foundation for objective morals and ethics, so You know,
I I didn't see that as a younger person because we weren't facing the same things we're facing now
But that's I think is what has taken place up there so I really wonder what the impact of this
Fundamental Changing of the temple ceremonies because I've thought about it. Why do people keep going because you know back in the olden days the
Initially what Joseph Smith taught and if you haven't studied Mormonism, I can understand why this would be a little bit weird
But what Joseph Smith initially taught was that exaltation to godhood was like a train
Back then a coal -powered train, but a steam engine a train and so You're not going to be able to be exalted farther than those who are before you on the train who are your ancestors and So the idea is to do that genealogical work to do that studying.
That's why You know the Mormon Church spent all that tithe money
Buying everybody else's genealogical library if you want to get genealogical information today
You got to get from Mormons. They own all that my family all that stuff. They're all yeah, and They did that With the idea that I can't become exalted unless my ancestors well, there's one major problem that the early
Mormons really hadn't thought about and That is even in their day how much documentation was there
Not a whole lot and and once this message goes outside the United States Then it really struggles because you go to a lot of lands.
They have no Nothing like that all they may have an oral tradition, but they don't have any way of Tracing anything back and by now,
I would assume that the vast majority of the doable Genealogical work has been done and the vast majority of the baptisms for known individuals
It's already been done So if you do your genealogical work and then turn your names in you know
The computers could come back and go well That person was baptized for this time and in this temple by this person and they've got all that stuff
That's one of the fascinating things about going through a temple. I've gone through two temples and The modern temples
The baptismal font and the the room where you laid the hands on the head to receive the Holy Spirit You can see you can see
When you went through before they were dedicated and opened up You can see where the desks were going to be and you can see the network connections that it's it's all computerized now back in the old days, it wasn't
I get it, but they've they've computerized all that stuff and I just don't understand how anybody would have you used to go in and be baptized like 50 times
In a session. I don't know how you could come up with 50 people Anymore to be baptized for I just I don't even see how you could do it
Without without going. Well, we're repeating things now. I Suppose it might allow that. I don't know.
I haven't asked anybody about that They may might be a little bit slow to have a discussion about that but You It just makes me wonder they're still building a lot of temples
What's the participation rate what's the what's the percentile of LDS people today
Who are actively seeking to be involved in doing temple works. I mean after you'd after you receive your own endowments as a male
Wonder how long before that'll change and being sealed for time and eternity
You know Maybe you could do some of that for some Relatives because it's one thing to be baptized relatives another thing to go through the whole marriage ceremony.
You know, that's that guy I just wonder what the what the attraction is any longer and You know the the temple here in Mesa, Arizona Much much larger than for example a little teeny temple that I I went through out
In I could have gone through the Mesa temple when they did dedication, but I didn't get a chance to but the one out north on happy Valley Road that I Or is that pinnacle peak?
Anyway, one of the two They're little I mean that one out there is not much bigger than a stake
Center and At least the one in Mesa in the olden days. That was the only temple in in Arizona and So like if you were a
Mormon in Mexico and You wanted to be sealed or do baptism of the dead you traveled from Mexico to Mesa, Arizona To do that kind of stuff.
It was a big deal. It took some some commitment to do that kind of thing if you make the temples something that are
You know, there's always gonna be one within 20 miles And they're just not all that special anymore as far as what they look like and things like that.
I just wonder How much participation there's gonna be? And you combine that with the fact that it's become so subjective and and many of the
Positive authority claims that were once something that drew people they're not making them anymore
In fact, they're discouraging their people from making them so I Don't know what the future of Mormonism is gonna be.
I really really really don't know But the changes in the Salt Lake Temple do make you make you wonder
Real quickly as we wrap up here Just within a matter of weeks
After The Discussion by the
Pope talking about You know
All these different ways to God he has made further comments That demonstrate really beyond all doubt
That he is a staunch inclusivist minimally and again probably
Here he says it's God's will that there be all these different religions now We can talk about the decree of God But he's using that in not
God's He's not talking about he doesn't hold to the decreed of will and the revealed will the law and Then what
God intends to do in his own creation by his decree he's literally saying that's how
God wanted things to be and Again anybody who knows
Roman Catholicism knows that's not what the church has taught for so long and and You see you just keep chipping away at that You know a little bit here a little bit there doesn't have to be a big thing
You run your Pope's planers out and they go. Well, you know, this guy said this this guy said that you get away with it
But this is all happening at the same time that That The Pope has appointed a
Consultor to the Dicastery for the doctrine of the faith the caster doctor faith is the old Inquisition. It's the ultimate doctrinal authority within the
Roman Catholic Church to Joe Fernandez the wild crazy man in charge of all of that again put there by Francis but father
Maritza Chiodi Like that Maritza. Maritza. Come here
Maritza. Maritza Chiodi Has been appointed This was
September 23rd Yesterday um as a
Consultor to the Dicastery for the doctrine of the faith. Why is that relevant?
because everybody keeps saying All the Pope hasn't changed any doctrines the
Pope hasn't changed any doctrines you change doctrine most effectively by changing What is taught regularly in the schools and in the regular?
functioning of a religious organization you take over the seminaries you take over the schools and That's how you change doctrine
The everything will follow from that this guy has
Now it's interesting. He's made the argument there that there might be circumstances in which homosexual relationships could be licit and could be appropriate
Not that all of them are you see that's how you do it. Just a little bit here okay, that gets established and you do a little bit here and then a little bit here and 50 years later, you're now over here when you used to be over here.
And so when people Say over and over again off yet. Come on. You're just too hard on Francis.
He's not changing anything if You are assigning these people to these high -level positions of authority
You are changing the teaching of the church and if you can't see that it's just because you're dull
That's the only way to put it I'm sorry You're just not thinking and you're not seeing how this has been done in church after church after church of church elsewhere
That's what's going on. That's what's going on They've learned you don't just come out and go.
Hey, I'm gonna change everything here We've always used to believe this now we're getting no you do that Slowly, that's how the
Jehovah's Witnesses You know, they they blew it in the 1970s and they had their you know
Christ is gonna return and it's good, you know, but and they lost a million people a million people
Ten years after that false prophecy a million people were missing they're gone. Sadly they all
Became the religiously abused they didn't go to any of the church But they learned their lesson.
So they're changing the Jehovah's Witnesses are changing their theology right now They're getting rid of all the 1914 stuff
It used to be central to their theology, but they didn't come out one day and say, you know what we blew it
We're gonna we're gonna change that. No, no They're doing it one little step at a time just by Letting it just pass into the mists of memory to be forgotten
That's how you do it and if you want a good example of how effective that is
I'll close with this You wonder how effective that is. It was only literally a matter of months ago
You know, maybe 30 36 months ago that we were sitting around going never forget what they did to us
Never forget the masks Never forget the mandates Never forget and now the news is filled with studies about aggressive cancers and myocarditis
And all this kind of stuff. It's all over the place Did it even come up in the debate?
Is anybody talking about it? I mean,
I know why the Republicans aren't because Trump took credit for Operation warp speed that kind of stuff.
I get it but for the rest of us It was the
Biden regime that locked us down that talked about the long winter of death and Forced many people who did not want to get them
To be inoculated with poison Who cares anymore
That's so long ago. That's so 2021 See how that works
So you can put these guys in the positions of authority in the Vatican and You just move a little bit a little bit a little bit a little bit and four years later
You don't remember where you were four years ago There's been a big change
But nobody cares. Nobody even thinks about it That's how it works.
That's how it works. If you don't have us an unchanging standard to appeal to That's what's gonna happen to you
So anyway, I was gonna talk a little bit about the do no harm act look it up sometime It'll give you an idea.
Maybe we'll talk about next time but give you an idea of where Kamala Harris Is coming from she was one of the primary sponsors of that bill in 2019 to give you an idea that religious liberty is
Nowhere on her radar screen. Well, okay. It is as something to attack not something to defend and Every single one of you call yourselves
Christians. They're gonna vote for that Marxist mess I Just don't even know what to say
We will have lots to talk about in the gulags When they put you there along with all the rest of us and you're wondering what in the world happened
Yeah Okay, so as I said the top of the program
I have no earthy idea Wait a minute. Hey, I wonder if this
No, no, nope. Nope. Nope. Nope Just have to look around I guess