Baptism Debate with a Roman Catholic, Part 1


Matt Slick debates a Roman Catholic on the topic of baptism and is it necessary for salvation. Apologetics Live 0015 This podcast is a ministry of Striving for Eternity and all our resources Listen to other podcasts on the Christian Podcast Community: Support Striving for Eternity at Support Matt Slick at Check out all of the great apologetic resources at Please review us on iTunes Give us your feedback, email us [email protected] Like us on Facebook at Join the conversation on our Facebook group at Watch subscribe to us on YouTube at Get the book What Do They Believe at Get the book What Do We Believe at Get Matt Slick’s books


Baptism Debate with a Roman Catholic, Part 2

Baptism Debate with a Roman Catholic, Part 2

Alright, welcome Matt slick Here and you're listening to apologetics live.
It is straight up six o 'clock and I was just talking to Charlie a friend of mine.
He's in the participation room with me For some reason
I don't know how it slipped my mind, but it did we've never got or I don't know how to get the The actual room
URL to the guy I'm supposed to be debating at night so all I can do is hope that he shows up and I'll get into the room link and then we can you know
Get an email address and I can email it to him and you can get in It's just an oversight of my part should have taken care of that earlier but as you guys know,
I've got a lot going on a lot going on and been difficult
Trying to keep track of everything. So let's see how many people are in the room right now, and I don't see anybody
So hopefully we'll be able to get We'll get him going There we go, we turn this down Okay.
Oh Man, 25 people are watching. So if you're one of the guys of the Catholic guy is listening
Email me We should have taken care of this. I just anyway just email me at info at calm org and I'll give you the
Address so you can get in check it out Actually, maybe I could just put it up on the whole site because Charlie you could just mute everybody so that nobody can
You can do that, right? Yeah, you can do that. You can just mute everybody and I think
I'll do that Yeah, if I have the controls, yeah, you have the controls, don't you? Not that I'm aware of Let's see
Okay, and I Share controls with Charlie. So you got them now.
Let me just go ahead and put the participation link up on the apologetics live portion and No, we'll do
Okay Okay dissipate There's that URL to watch or now they're already getting to it, but people are and And Come on, there you go.
Come on There we go And we'll just have to figure it out because if he wants to come in that he could do it that way
So let's go here and let's go There and we'll just save it Got it
So, there you go. All you got to do is Just click on the participation like like anybody does come in Charlie just automatically silenced them so they don't have any ability to Interrupt and in the meantime, what we'll do is we'll call this kind of fill the air and So if he doesn't show up what
I'll do is I'll read some Trent material on baptism and Then I'll go through the biblical position
On baptism and I'll teach on it. My baptism is not necessary for salvation. You should get baptized, but it is not necessary Water baptism is not necessary for salvation
I'll go through this for various verses and and things like that and discuss some of the issues if he doesn't show up I'm sure those things will probably be brought up anyway
So we got we got one Greg. What's his name in good. Amen. So he's in there and John Wilkinson, so we'll just see
Hopefully he'll come around now. This is supposed to be streamed out there in G3 a little bit
I'll probably on a table on a laptop people can watch if you're watching. Hello. We don't know how many people were on the table
Not out there g3. Why well, the main reason is my wife's health She's pretty bad off right now and What a problems a lot of issues
So I need to kind of be the caretaker a little bit and I'll be around while she kind of heals up And stuff so next year though.
I definitely want to make it out there. I wish I could be a speaker out there I'd be nice actually be a speaker and but We'll see what happens.
All right, so I think I'm going to do is update this the apologetics live thing and put the participate in red and The watch in red so that people could be drawn to be drawn to it hopefully and they can check it out and click on the link and there
I guess he's in and That you traditional Catholic yeah, hold on let me get this thing straight.
It's okay Hold on for a sec All right, so I'm going to take it off the site and the watch is there you already know
We don't want to be more people to come in Okay, oh
I think we lost he lost oh man Let's see if you can get back in. I had to put the link back up.
I Took it out. I don't want people to come on in and he found it but now he's out So I may have to put it back in again, oh there it is he's back in okay, don't have to put it up great
Okay Okay, is everyone able to hear me am I coming in loud and clear yes you are
Okay, great. Oh good. All right Okay. Well, I'm glad I'm glad we we're gonna have this debate.
I've been looking forward to it all week good I got a question for you before we start Yeah What's your real name?
James, well, that's my middle name What's your real name giving out my name over the
Internet? I don't trust the Internet. I'm one of those that So it's okay for you then to hide behind in that anonymity.
Well, I risk my full reputation and everything here But no one knows your name right no one knows well my yeah, but my name doesn't prove okay fine.
My name is James Robinson Good. Thank you. Okay That was easy.
All right Yeah, but it doesn't really make any it doesn't really make any difference what my name or your name is because It has nothing to do with the debate
Well, I want to know who I'm debating and that's just that's where that is, so are you ready to start
I'm I'm ready. Okay, and so the debate topic is what you agreed to does the
Bible teach that water baptism is necessary for salvation and We did agree we did agree that I could cite early church of others as well
Well, you can do whatever you want with your time. It's your time But the debate topic is does the
Bible teach that water baptisms necessary for salvation So if you want to quote, you know a recipe book you do what you want in your time
But that's the topic. Okay, so I think it was I'm pretty fair about whatever.
I mean if you go over time, I don't care So we're talking about six minutes seven minutes. I thought it was right five.
What was it? I remember Well, you did say unlimited you didn't you didn't you said last week, you know, you didn't care it could be unlimited
So, I don't know if it's gonna go over six or not I think most of my statements will probably be around maybe three or four
But maybe it might go over six maybe one or two might go over six. I don't know I think maybe my statement is a little longer than the rest
Well, okay. I hope you you know, you're gonna do an opening statement. I hope it's not more than two hours and That I could respond to it and then we can go back and forth
I guess We'll just work it out and try to be as polite as possible. All right Sounds great. Okay Go for it.
You're up Okay, I'm glad Matt has agreed on having an Uninterrupted debate format since we've clashed numerous times in the past by talking over each other.
I Believe this type of exchange and discussion will be more edifying to the listeners and viewers I just want everyone to know that I'm just a lay
Catholic. I have no degrees There are Catholic apologists out there that I'm sure would do a far better job at debating mass like than myself such as Trent horn of Catholic answers
Brother diamond of Vatican Catholic comm or Jerry Matadix of Jerry Matadix org, but nonetheless,
I'll give it a go To begin my belief in necessity of water baptism is based on the traditional infallible
Dogmatic teachings of the Holy Catholic Church Which Jesus established 2 ,000 years ago as well as the
New Testament scriptures Which most Protestants admit was originally compiled and decreed by the
Holy Catholic Church as being the inspired Word of God in 395 AD Sadly, even though most all
Protestants agree that the Holy Catholic Church was the church that originally determined the canon of New Testament books
Those same Protestants refused to accept the Catholic Church's own understanding of what those books revealed to us so Protestants apparently accept the
Catholic Church's authority on one hand While refusing to accept the Catholic Church's authority on the other which is an oxymoron
The Catholic Church has always taught the necessity of water baptism for salvation.
In fact Protestants after the Reformation 500 years ago
Also believed in the necessity of water baptism for the forgiveness of one sins Even most
Protestant churches today still hold to that belief Yet a new type of Protestant belief has arisen within recent times
Whereby they no longer believe as the Christian Church has always believed with regards to baptism
Instead they reject the necessity of baptism for salvation They ignore the fact that for the most of the
Christian Church's history. It was unanimously believed that forgiveness of sins sanctification regeneration
Initial justification in true saving faith itself was conferred by God at the moment a believer was water baptized even with all the biblical and patristic evidence
These small number of Protestants will falsely claim that baptism is just a symbol or testimony
To a person having already been saved by their belief alone Protestants do something called quote one verse theology unquote
Which means they'll take one verse or one chapter such as Romans 10 and form their theology around it
While ignoring its context in relation with the rest of Scripture They'll cite verses whereby it says we're saved by faith or saved by believing such as Acts 16 31
Which says quote believe in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved unquote But notice however, this verse does not say only believe and you'll be saved
Yet those Protestants that cite this verse and other verses like it want you to think that's what it's saying in fact many of them
Many of them will cite this verse but deceptively refused to cite the verse shortly following it which says quote
Within that same hour he was baptized For Protestants to falsely claim water baptism is only symbolic
Then they are denying the fact that Scripture itself makes clear that God Reconciles us to himself by forgiving us of our sins through the waters of baptism
Which he himself instituted under his new covenant as we see in Matthew 28 19 through 20
The baptism Jesus received as we see in Luke 3 21 through 22 is a
Foreshadowing of the new baptism. He would give us notice the Father and Son and Holy Spirit all being present at Jesus's baptism and Then notice all three persons of the
Holy Triune God being invoked in the new covenant baptism We Catholics agree that there is symbolism in baptism, but nowhere does
Scripture claim baptism is only symbolic Instead Scripture makes clear that baptism signifies what actually occurs at the moment one gets baptized
Which is the washing away of one's sins thereby being seen righteous before God and thereby having a good conscience afterwards
Knowing that one's own sins have been forgiven This is why 1 Peter 3 21 says quote
Baptism now saves you unquote not one place in Scripture Does it say that a person is saved prior to being baptized by believing alone?
instead Scripture explicitly says baptism saves in 1 Peter 3 21 This is because Scripture itself tells us that baptism under the new covenant is
Directly tied to Jesus's saving grace through his sacrifice on the cross instead of taking a verse out of context as Protestants do in order to justify their false doctrine of Faith alone we
Catholics on the other hand correctly read verses in context with the rest of Scripture By doing it this way
It becomes crystal clear that three requirements must be in place in order to receive
Jesus's forgiving grace those three requirements are belief and repentance and baptism
The small number of Protestants that reject baptism will make the unbiblical claim that only belief and repentance are necessary however
Lately, I've discovered a new crop of Protestants that don't even believe repentance of one's own sins is necessary Instead they'll say belief alone is sufficient.
Notice how they just keep getting further and further away from the truth of God Matt slick is one of those
Protestants that rejects the necessity of baptism for the forgiveness of sins So again, he and I have agreed to an uninterrupted debate format whereby
I make my case with regards to the necessity of water baptism for salvation and he makes his case against it and That concludes my opening statement there
I had to unmute myself So that was that was six minutes on the not on the dot man. Pretty good.
I'll see if I can do six minutes. Okay? All right, so Well, I'm gonna get my notes
And I'll reset my timer here a little bit and try and follow it There we go Let's do let's do that ready
All right, well, first of all, thanks, I hope everybody watching is going to enjoy this I enjoy debating the biblical theology and So I took notes from what he was saying and Get somebody windows open hold on a second get to them so I can go down through what he was he said and Why is it that way
Okay Wow, okay, so He quoted acts 1631 and it was really interesting to see what he did
He did not establish that water baptism is necessary for salvation if something is necessary for salvation
It means that it cannot be an exception to it It's necessary that my brain function or me to be physically alive
There's no exceptions to that. I have functioning brain brain death is dead So when something is necessary there cannot be an exception to it.
So what he would be saying is The necessity of water baptism means that without it you cannot be saved it's necessary and furthermore
He would teach that the bet that the Bible teaches that necessity and it doesn't teach that necessity nothing. He Showed us taught any necessity of it and I'll go through some of the verses next 1631
They said I believe in the Lord Jesus and you'll be saved in your household and then he quoted later where they got baptized
And we're all baptized the next verse in verse 32 Okay, I like those those sets of scriptures the next 1630
Let's read the whole thing and after he brought them up He said sirs, what must I do to be saved and they said believe in the
Lord Jesus and you will be saved You and your household so the text right there says that believe in the
Lord Jesus and you will be saved What's the answer to the question sirs, what must
I do to be saved the answer the question is Believe in the Lord Jesus and you'll be saved you and your household and they spoke the word of the
Lord to him together with him In the house, they took that very night the hour and washed their wounds immediately was baptized
He knows a household that's verse 33. So they were baptized later After they were saved which is consistent
I can hear you mean you want to mute your mic because I can hear you breathing and making noises
And so to be you know to show something else that's consistent with that. We go to X 10 44
Through 48 now while Peter was speaking with these speaking the words the Holy Spirit fell upon all those who are listening to the message all the circumcised believers who came with Peter were amazed because the gift of the
Holy Spirit had been poured out on the Gentiles also for they were hearing them speaking with tongues and exalting
God then Peter Answered surely no one can refuse the water for these to be baptized to ever see the Holy Spirit just as we did
Kenny And he ordered them to be baptized in the name of Jesus. So they were baptized now Where where were they where they receive the
Holy Spirit you go to Acts chapter 2 when Pentecost occurred? They received the Holy Spirit now what he had said was
That you don't find any instances where people are saved before baptism yes, you do X 10 44 through 48 people are there with the
Holy Spirit had fallen upon them and They were speaking in tongues. They were glorifying God and speaking in tongues as a gift cares meant a gift to the
Christian Church They were exalting God now we know from 1st Corinthians 2 14 and Romans 3 10 11 and 12 that the
Unbeliever cannot understand that or receive the things of God and he does not do anything
That is good and that includes praising God and exalting God. This is done by the power of the Holy Spirit within them So they've already received the
Holy Spirit just as Peter said he already had received the Holy Spirit and then they got baptized so what James sure would have to be saying is that These people here who were who had received the
Holy Spirit just as Peter and were speaking in tongues and glorifying God We're still unsaved. We're still weren't saved.
We're not forgiven because they hadn't gotten dunked in water. That is a problem for him He went to first Peter three 321 and twice
Quoted only a small section in order to get it to I guess I don't know
To support his view He said baptism now saves you and you want to know something after the verse says that just now saves you now there's a an important concept here and Dealing with scriptures.
We need to read the context of things just like I did in in Acts 16 30 and 31. Let's do that with first Peter 3 20 and 21 starting verse 20
Those who were once disobedient when the patience of God kept waiting in the days of Noah during the construction of the ark in which a
Few that is eight persons were brought safely through the water Safely through the water that means the water was the means of destruction and death to people and Peter confirms that later on but nevertheless
And corresponding to that Baptism now saves you not the removal of dirt from the flesh But an appeal to God for clean a good conscience to the resurrection of Jesus Christ Corresponding to what the
Greek word there is anti to pawn. It's a it's responding Of course money is something that came before the antecedent of that baptism.
Now. Here's a question What it does baptism correspond to well baptism saves you what saved
What saved Noah was it the water or was it the ark? Well, it was the ark now there are some debate
Among scholars about what the antecedent is of Can you know baptism according to that that is is it water and some say the ark?
I hold a position that is the ark because that's what saved Noah So that's why I believe
Peter says corresponding to that baptism now saves you not the removal of dirt He goes not this issue of the water on you
Had the dirt removed from you but an appeal and this is what he's doing the word baptism is used in different contexts different ways throughout the the
New Testament and So we can see that It's not always just simply talking about water baptism
There are other instances of it and other things baptism of the Holy Spirit and things like that, but that's another topic So the verses he has quoted don't prove his point never his point is to prove
That water baptism is necessary for salvation. He's not done that and that is six minutes.