Matt Slick - Depresschatology Q&A 5-3-17




A lot of Christians suffered greatly. So, then we get into the issue when was Revelation written?
Before 60 AD, after 90 AD, around that time, there's more debates, more issues.
In other words, I don't know how to exactly answer that. There are just different options, and I'm not sure which one's the right one, to be honest.
But we do know after the Tribulation, Jesus very clearly says, after the Tribulation of those days, then the life will be gathered.
That's because they're going through it. So, when he says, keep you out of the Tribulation, he's talking to the
Church of Philadelphia. There's seven churches, and he speaks to each one specifically about certain issues.
So, it looks like he's speaking to that church about a certain issue related to that church. That's what it looks like. Then some people say, well, the seven churches are the seven dispensations.
Then they go through history, and they find seven dispensations, and they make it fit for seven dispensations.
And then they say, see, that's what this meant. People get into all kinds of things.
But one of the disadvantages of working through the Book of Revelation is it's so symbolic. That's not to say that it's not trustworthy, not to say we can't understand it, but it's so symbolic.
And if it's so symbolic, how literal can we take some of the stuff? In some things we do, in some things we don't.
Three unclean spirits like frogs go to gather for the people of Armageddon. That's literal. There's three unclean spirits.
Like frogs? What does that mean? Now, I wrote a novel called The Influence, and in there,
I described demonic forces. And some of them I described like frogs with skin tight, and you can see through their skins and open wounds, and they're evil, and things like that.
It's gross. So maybe there's a description that somehow there's a representation of them in this kind of a way.
Or frogs hop, one taking one's left, one taking one's left. Could it be that? Don't know. How literal are we taking these things?
Good question. And so at that point, I don't know what to tell you exactly. So what
I try to do is go to those things that are very clear. Because this study, I honestly don't see how anybody can refute it.
And I'm not trying to, hey, you know, I don't care what you say. You can't be refuted. No, how do you get around this?
You know, it's just what it says. That's what it says. And it goes right here. We're done. And so the other stuff in Revelation 3 .10
can't mean that we're gonna get raptured out. We just can't.
So there's a principle in interpretation of scripture. When we have a set of scriptures that can be divided in two basic categories.
It's just a principle. Clear, kind of not so clear. But they're about the same topic.
You interpret the not so clear verses in light of and consistent with the ones that are very clear.
So Revelation 3 .10, not so clear. But these other verses, clear.
So we have to interpret it in a consistent manner. What some people will do, however, is they will take a verse like Revelation 3 .10
or 1 Thessalonians 5 .9. God has not appointed us to wrath, but salvation in Christ Jesus.
See, Matt, it's not wrath we're going through, the tribulation period, but we're going, we're gonna get out.
That's a trip rapture verse. It's not a trip rapture verse, you know? And people will then do to the verses things that are, when it's not so clear, and then they'll insert things into it and then judge the clear verses based on things that are not that clear.
And that's when you know they have an agenda. So what I'll often do, you got me going here,
I'll often do is I, because I know a lot of scriptures, is what I'll do is I'm talking to somebody, I'll quote a verse. Without them knowing
I'm quoting a scripture to them. And one of the ones, examples I use is we're talking about predestination, election, damnation, reprobation.
And I'll say, you know, I do, I suspect that God will actually make everything, all people, even the wicked for the day of destruction.
I believe that. Oh no, he would never do that. I just quoted Proverbs 16 .4. And I do that all the time to people.
No, he would never do that. You know, I'm like, yeah, you know. Yeah, I just quoted you the verse and then you disagree with the verse.
And I got all kinds of stories that I'm thinking about in that way. But anyway, I hope that helps.
They've been a whole bunch. Anybody else brave enough to face the camera? Come on, you guys.
Come on down. We want people to be able to see online. That's why we're doing this. It's just so they can see online.
So they can see. Women look better than guys. We should always have women first. But, you know, he looked like he'd been mauled by a large dog.
Women look good. So we just went through the Bible study and I guess I wasn't even here listening. I just have a dumb question about, you said
Christ was going to return just one time and yet he ascended into heaven after the crucifixion and then he returned.
So you said he's only gonna return once and not once and a half or a half away.
So I just don't understand how he's gonna come back again. All right, so when
Jesus was crucified, three days later he was resurrected and he's the first fruits of creation in the sense that he's the first one born from the dead, first one resurrected.
Now Lazarus was resurrected before him, but not in a glorified body. Lazarus died again,
Jesus will never die again. Then for 40 days, Jesus appeared to different people in his resurrected and glorified body.
He appeared here, appeared there, appeared here, appeared there. And then Acts 1, 9 to 11, up into heaven.
From there to the return of Christ. He's not gonna be here in that sense till he returns.
And that's what's going on. So before that 40 day period, he was resurrected, he was appearing, but it wasn't his return.
The return, another term for that, I'll type it, I'll write it up here on the board. Man, where did
Chuck go? Here we go. Another term for that is the eschaton.
It's just a term that means the return of Christ. That period of time of the returning of him. See you guys, apostates.
You leave, you pay. All right. So the eschaton is just simply that word for the return of Christ.
So does that help, does that clear it up? He don't, he went up, he did not come back.
They saw him before he went up. Yeah, see, so here we go.
We had the cross. Yeah, and then we have 40 days where he appeared to people. Then he went up to heaven.
Now, and then later, he's gonna return. So this is when they saw him here.
No one has seen him in the sense of his being returned. However, people are seeing him in visions and dreams now, all over.
Okay? I understand that he was here walking on the earth, was crucified, and then came back.
So - No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. They saw him. No, no, no, he didn't come back. Okay. Crucified, died, rose from the dead.
That's where he was. He walked around here. There was no return. The return is here.
Then he went up to heaven after 40 days. He ascended here, but people saw him during this period.
Then he ascended. That's the chronology. Crucified, resurrected. They saw him for a while.
Then he ascended into heaven. That's it. Okay? That's the proper chronology. And then he'll return later.
And every eye will see him. It won't be VR with Sony. It's gonna be real.
Yes. Come up to the mic. More on the same gentleman's question.
Stand back just a little bit. Mind if I take this? Perfect. Here you go. More on the same gentleman's question.
So if he didn't return after he died, then where did he go to get his glorified body?
He didn't go anywhere to get it. It was in the tomb. You're saying that the glorification of the new body happened in the rising?
Yes. Thank you. There you go. Very good. The glorification happens in that resurrection.
Now Lazarus was resurrected, but he wasn't glorified. He died again.
Jesus is the first fruits of creation. The first born from the dead. He's the first one to be glorified.
He has a body. And when he was risen from the dead, Thomas said in John 20, 25 to 28, he said, look,
I'm not gonna believe unless I can put my hand and see and touch him. And Jesus appeared and said, put your hand into my side, your finger into my hand.
So Jesus retained the crucifixion wounds. He had an open wound in his side, open wounds in his wrist.
They weren't in his palms, folks. That's how they did it. This is considered part of the hand, the wrist was.
And that means his feet still had the holes in his feet and his brow was still beaten.
His face was beaten, beard plucked from his back and his back was ripped open. He's glorified in that state.
That's the body he has in heaven. That's soaring.
We think about that. He's forever gonna be in his glorified state. And he did this for us.
That's tremendously amazing. We have no capacity to understand what it is he did.
We have none. Yeah. Sticking on these same lines with when he came back and who saw him, can you talk about when
Paul saw him? Yeah, Paul saw him in a vision. In Acts 7 .55 through 60,
Stephen saw him in a vision. And it was not the return of Christ. It wasn't the return.
It was not the eschaton. There's one eschaton, one return. But it doesn't mean he can't manifest himself in a visionary form.
And he's doing that today. He's doing it to Muslims all over the
Middle East. They're having reports. Thousands upon thousands are becoming Christians. They're tired of Islam, which is a horrendously bad religion.
Anybody else? You wanna come up to the mic? All right. Here we go.
This is good. So I like what you said, what you had. But I did have a question about in Revelation 20 where it does talk about the 1 ,000 year.
Those who didn't receive the mark, they come back to life and reign with Christ for 1 ,000 years. And the ones who didn't receive the mark, they don't come to life until after the 1 ,000 years is up.
So where does that all fit into this? There's some tough stuff. I haven't got that figured out yet. If we go to the issue of, and I can deal with the issue of what the 1 ,000 might mean, but if we go to the issue of what was he talking about?
Was he talking about the things that were right then and there at the beginning of that kingdom period, people were martyred, and they would not come to life until later towards the end of the tribulation at the resurrection.
Then that would make sense. Revelation 20 could be that period of time, which I believe it is, Revelation 20, the 1 ,000 years of people at the beginning of the tribulation were beheaded and tortured for their faith.
They didn't come back to life until the 1 ,000 years was over. What about Satan being gone during that time?
He's for a time. Let's go to Matthew chapter 12. I'll show you about that.
Come on, here we go. Matthew 12, 32. Okay. 22, actually.
That a demon -possessed man was blind and mute was brought to Jesus, and he healed him so that the mute man spoke and saw, and the crowds were amazed, and were saying, this man cannot be the son of David, can he?
But when the Pharisees heard this, they said, this man casts out demons only by Beelzebul, the ruler of the demons.
And knowing their thoughts, Jesus said to them, any kingdom divided against itself is laid waste, and any city or house divided against itself will not stand.
If Satan casts out Satan, notice Beelzebul, Satan, right? If Satan casts out
Satan, he is divided against himself. How then will his kingdom stand? If I, by Beelzebul, cast out demons, by whom do your sons cast them out?
For this reason, they will be your judges. But if I cast out demons by the spirit of God, then the kingdom of God has come upon you.
Notice what he's saying here. If he's doing it by the power of God, and the kingdom of God's upon you, he was doing it by the power of God, by God, the kingdom of God is there.
That's what he's saying. Verse 29, or how can anyone enter the strong man's house and carry off his property unless he first binds the strong man, and then he'll plunder his house?
Was Jesus carrying off the strong man's property? By casting out demons? So who's the strong man?
Context seems to be Satan. Says he's bound. So he's bound. Now, hold on one sec.
When's he released? Don't have a good, don't have a good, well, let me go back to, let me say that question just for one sec.
Revelation 20, I'm gonna show you something. Revelation 20, then I saw an angel coming down from heaven, holding the key of the abyss, and a great chain in his hand.
Okay, an angel, literal or figurative? Literal? Okay. Coming down from heaven, literal or figurative?
Come on, folks. Literal. Holding a key of the abyss, literal or figurative?
Figurative. And a great chain in his hand, literal or figurative? Figurative. And he laid hold of the dragon.
Figurative. And the serpent of old. Literal, I think, because the serpent in the garden.
Who is a devil and Satan. That's literal. And bound him for 1 ,000 years. Literal. And a great chain in his hand, literal or figurative? You see?
Who says it's literal? Who says 1 ,000 years is a literal 1 ,000 years? It might be.
Okay, it could be. But who says it is? This is what people do all the time.
Oh, it says 1 ,000, it means 1 ,000. That's what it means. Well, how do you know? You know,
Jesus died for the whole world. That means every individual. Really? That's what the word world means? Yeah.
Really? It means every individual. The word world occurs in five different contexts, at least five different meanings.
You know, Jesus came into the world, but the world did not know him. The world, the planet.
The world was made by Jesus. That's the planet. That means all the people? No. See, people have their assumptions and they come to the text and they just say, this is what it means.
And I ask people, how do you know that's what it means? And I've had people say to me, Matt, you're so stupid. Yeah, it's true.
So, but I'm still asking the same question. How do you know that's what it means? It's obvious it's what it means. Okay. And can you explain to me how it's obvious?
The word world means world. Like John 3, 16. I'll just pick on this for a second. God so loved the world and gave his only begotten son.
What's the word world mean? What does it mean? Nations, that's one option.
Every individual, that's another option. The planet, probably not.
There are options that we have, but people just come, that's what it means. Another thing people will say to me is,
God so loved the world that whosoever would believe. That means you have the free will choice to be able to choose in your sinfulness.
That's the word whosoever means? That's not what I see in the dictionary. Whosoever. The free will choice in your sinfulness to be able to pick
God. What dictionary is that? Incidentally, the word whosoever is not there in the
Greek. It doesn't exist. What actually it says is pasapistumon, all the believing ones.
Doesn't say whoever, which is the Greek word hos. This is the word for whoever in Greek.
It's either that or it's hos. Okay. I forgot which.
I'm not that good at Greek. So don't ever think I think I'm good at Greek. I'm not. All right. So I'm just trying to show people.
Hold on. I'm just trying to show people. People have assumptions. Get rid of them.
And just go for what it says. And then, and learn. And get rid of your traditional values.
I mean, traditional values. Values, clarification, heresy, idiocy. Get rid of these things that just, you know, just because your church taught them, maybe they're true.
But just because your church taught them, see ya. Just because the church taught them doesn't mean it's true.
Maybe it is though. But I'm saying just look. See what you're assuming. That's all
I'm saying. Just check things out. Okay, what? You want to come over to the mic? Back to Matthew 12, 22.
Okay. When he, you said that Jesus bound Satan. Verse 29.
Okay. Is it, and I'm asking, not stating, but is it not possible that he bound
Satan? I'm asking. He bound Satan in the context of that situation.
Not the world at large. That's a possibility. Okay, that's one of these areas
I think that's not clear that you were talking about. Kind of a gray area. Here's the thing. He's casting out demons.
In order for that to occur, Satan must be bound. So was Satan bound? In that instance, yes.
In that instance. Yes, and that was the only question that you thought that was a possibility. He's not bound afterwards?
Well, if he is. Can Christ cast out demons? Yeah. Is Satan still bound in order for us to do that?
Ask me the question again. Would Satan still have to be bound in order for us to do that? No, he wouldn't.
I mean, he wouldn't be bound because if he wasn't bound, then why are we still having an adversary? That's what I'm not understanding here.
I'm waiting for you to get to that because that's the real question. It doesn't mean, just because he's bound does not mean he's incapacitated.
So if you have a gangster in a jail cell, can he still rule his empire from the jail?
Okay, that's a good answer. Thank you. When I was in jail for that 10 years,
I was running a whole bunch of evangelism thing.
It was all evangelism stuff. You guys thought it was gonna be bad, didn't you?
That's right. That's right. What do you know? Oh yeah, thank you.
I forgot about that. Thank you. So when's he released? I can't verify this.
This is just an opinion. Toss it out if you don't like it. I suspect that he's already been released about 100, 150 years ago.
And the reason I say that is because it says when he's released, he'll bring the nations to war.
And it looks like that's the case. Am I right? Maybe. Am I right? Maybe not.
And so I suspect that that's about what's happened. The nations have come to war with each other. He's loose.
I mean, look at what's happening in the church. It's going apostate. Look what's happening in the world.
Oh, it's horrible, the stuff. I mean, come on.
I mean, I'm watching TV and I see a commercial for claws. These women who are just attitudinally narcissistic wenches.
And this is what's offered as entertainment. I was like, what am I looking at?
And then the aliens prequel came on. Yes, now that's, yes.
I'm ready to get in the line for that now. Oh, it's my favorite sci -fi series is aliens.
The best ever. OK, sorry. So I think he was probably released, probably, you know, but I can't verify that.
It just seems to be the case because things are getting bad and he brings the nations to war, which makes sense in this millennial position, which means we're in a literal millennial reign of Christ.
A millennium is just a figurative of a length of time. Thousand just means like like a kabillion.
It just it's a long period of time. And so things are getting bad. I mean, one of the things
I think is interesting is I watch the TV and I watch these leftists who are not interested in free speech, not interested in morals, not interested in truth, but interested in anarchy, interested in anger, interested in self -righteousness.
This really is problematic and people don't stand up for righteousness against them.
That's really interesting to me. We have movies and TV's debauchery all over the place.
Things are just I mean, I watched once for about 15 minutes, Game of Thrones, never again.
And it's the number one show. I don't recommend you guys check it out. It's just porn. It's pornography.
Oh, yeah. And it's like, what the heck? And told my wife, don't even go near it.
And this is offered on TV as being normal. Hollywood is corrupted.
It's corrupt. It's corrupt. TV is horrible.
Anyway, so and that's just the rise of Islam, the demonic religion of Islam.
And the paganism in the world, evolution is a form of paganism and evolution doesn't work.
And science being elevated to replace God, more paganism. So it's just bad news.
And now you're depressed. Finally, I depressed somebody. Depressed catology.
Good. So, you know, it's just bad. And when I tell people we're going to go through it and we're going to go through the wrath, we're going to go through a lot of stuff.
You know, hey, no, I want to go to church. That's going to feed me what I want. You're tickling stuff and pre -trib rapture.
Where is pre -trib rapture in the Bible? And this study I did, there is no pre -trib rapture.
It doesn't work. Doesn't fit. Yep. Where is what?
We're going to get the idea. We're getting this wrong. Yes, they're getting it from people who see scripture a different way and then it becomes popularized.
I think it was a Schofield reference Bible that popularized pre -tribulation rapture ideology in the early 1900s.
And we were going through a major time of prosperity and some other stuff. I think I don't know which president it was after the
Great Depression. He he did what was biblical and did what was right economically.
And we had the roaring 20s. We had a bust and a boom. I was reading about this
Calvin Coolidge. Thanks. And things are going going really well. And so I think the psychological foundation for the church to receive comfort was was ripe.
And and I'm going to say this, but I think getting away from reformed theology is part of the problem.
I do. I think that the proper biblical theology is reformed theology and that if all churches were reformed in their theology, we'd be united and we would be politely aggressive in the world.
We'd be evangelizing and we wouldn't be fighting with each other. And Benny Hinn and Kenneth Copeland, the heretics and Joyce Meyer wouldn't be doing what they're doing.
And Joel Osteen. Yeah. Anyway. Not a question, a comment.
Where where did where did when the two go, they got raptured.
We're here and they were not here. I can tell you, where did the pre -tribulation rapture start?
Azusa Street, San Francisco, 1906. Study it very closely.
Now, there's two of the things that originated. Sure. Well, documentation for that. Yeah. Two of the things emanated from there.
Besides pre -tribulation rapture, I won't name it, but a great church doctrine originated from there.
And now I have a blank. There's three things that emanated from there in 1906 on Azusa Street.
Oh, guess what? Church is on Azusa Street in 1906. Church of Satan.
Well, that could be coincidental or not, but. So I've heard different things about the source of pre -trib rapture from a young girl that a vision told us somebody got written down.
But, you know, so I don't know. When I teach this stuff, I step on toes.
Sorry, but I'm not sorry sometimes. But this is just what it says. I'm interested in what it says.
I wish I didn't have to do everything I got to do. I could just study eschatology for about two months.
I'd love to be able to do that and just come up with stuff that I didn't know that. I think this. Well, I've got some interesting eschatological views, some really strange ones about some stuff.
Oh, no, I mean. Pretty strange. So anyway, next question.
I got some odd ideas, but like I said, the first one is taken when Jesus comes back with a wicked first one taken.
I never heard that. I heard it from one pastor years and years and years ago. He turned me on to the idea. And then
I started studying it. Oh, yeah, that's what it says very clearly. And then I was the only one I knew who was saying it other than him, which
I didn't hear him anymore. And that was it. And then now I'm starting to hear it more and more. So not that I'm doing it, but it's just it's good.
People are reading, studying. Yeah. All right. We have some questions online. This one's from Becky Fricks.
Hey, Becky. Revelation 20 has the great great white throne that is not figurative.
How can you think Revelation 20 is figurative when the battle between God and Magog or Gog and Magog is literal and the great white throne of judgment is literal?
But you think the thousand year reign of Christ is figurative. The verse is
OK. So Magog, is that literal or not literal? What is Magog?
Where is Magog? Who is Magog? It represents something. But what we talked about in the context of the word 1000.
Let me ask the question back. How could you think that 1000 is literal when it says an angel has a key to the abyss and a chain in his hand and lays hold of a dragon?
And then you say 1000 is literal. So I can turn the question back around. And if I could say, well, why would you think it's literal?
Well, because later on, something's literal. A great white throne judgment. Well, I have a question. Is it literally a white throne?
I don't know if it is. I have no problem with it being a white throne. And maybe it is. But what's going on here?
We have to ask these questions. And how many things are we assuming? So if she doesn't want to believe in a thousand or doesn't want it, if she wants to believe it's a literal thousand years, that's fine.
But look up how the word 1000 is used in scripture. God owns the cattle on a thousand hills.
How about a thousand and one? A day's but a thousand years, a thousand years, but a day. These are figurative uses of the word itself in various contexts.
Furthermore, if you want to say you believe in a future thousand year reign, then you better fit it into the study if you saw the study.
Because it can't fit into the study. Because when you go through what the scriptures actually say, the thousand year doesn't work.
It can't work. If I was Becky, I would answer, but I'm not.
She just ended with the verses, either literal or figurative, figurative. The verse was either literal or figurative can be both.
That's all she had left to say. No, there's figurative and literal parts in the pericope.
There's literalness and figurativeness woven in it. To say it can't be literal or and figurative is not correct.
You can have things in a certain paragraph that are literal and figurative woven in. So, you know, if we go to go to Revelation 20, then
I saw an angel literal coming down from heaven, literal holding a key of the abyss. Is it a key?
You go down to Kmart and you get a key thing made. That's not what he's talking about. Is it a literal key?
Of course not. Of the abyss. Abyss is probably literal in some sense. A great chain in his hand.
Is it a literal chain of metal to bind Satan? Of course not. He held hold of it, laid hold of the dragon.
That's figurative. The serpent of old. I think that's pretty literal from the garden. Who's a devil and Satan? Literal.
Bounded for a thousand years. Now we have the question, does the word thousand, is it literal or is it figurative?
Since the context has both. That's just the question I'm asking. If you want to say it's literal, fine, say it's literal.
And if you say it's literal, then fit it into this age and age to come. There's only two ages. There's only two ages.
This next question is from Alistair Jack. John Haggy is one of the most well -known people out there talking about the end times, etc.
Is what he is teaching biblically sound or is much of his or much of his views and speculation?
He draws big audiences and sells books. So clearly a lot of Christians believe in his interpretation.
That is true. Next question. I believe in some of what he says is good and some is not so good and whatever.
I mean, the question is so. See, here's the thing about asking questions. You see, a lot of people believe in what he says.
What do you think of that? Good, bad.
What parts are they talking about? What specific things are they talking about that he believes in? So a question like that,
I can't really respond to. There's no specificity in it. When people talk about in general terms, they say, what do you think of that?
Usually I'm not able to really respond because then what I do. Oh, I like what he says. Oh, you know what
Matt said three weeks ago? He likes what Hagee says and Hagee said this over here. That's not what I was referring to, you see. So I want specifics and I can respond to a specific issue.
OK, the next question is also by Alistair Jack.
The Bible warns of false teachers, prophets, etc. arising in the end times. Should we see that as a sign as the end is near, as there are so many now?
But people would say there always has been just they are more prominent now with TV and social media.
They are more prominent. And along with it, famines, earthquakes, plagues are happening.
And you can go to, well, we'll go to other stuff, tangents, tangents. But yeah, people have been saying that these things have been occurring for a long time.
And maybe we're missing the mark right now and we're not getting it. Maybe in 100 years, it's really going to be bad.
I don't know. But the thing is, it seems to be the case that it's fitting pretty well right now, more so than ever before.
Wars, rumors of wars, nations against nations. That wasn't the case 300 years ago.
It is now all over the world and all kinds of other stuff. Plus, the apostasy of the church is occurring.
Now, we could say that the Roman Catholic Church apostasy was representative of that, but then we had the
Reformation. But now a lot of the Reformation people are going apostate. It's it's hard to really nail it down, for sure.
Next question is specific and compares two different verses together by Cody Robbins.
How do I Cody? Oh, how do I know the term depression? Oh, OK.
Hey, Cody. How does your eschatological view fit with Peter saying Satan is here now and Revelation saying he will be bound for a thousand years?
Be sober minded. Be watchful. Your adversary, the devil prowls around like a roaring lion seeking someone to devour.
First Peter five, eight. And he sees the dragon, the ancient serpent, who is the devil and Satan and bound him for a thousand years.
Revelation 22. Does binding mean he can't prowl? What does it mean to be bound?
Does it mean that he can't do anything, that he's locked in a cell and he can't do anything at all? And so we don't know really what the binding means.
We do know in the context of casting out demons out of people that in order for that to be done, he has to be bound.
So he was bound. But it doesn't mean he wasn't still around. And so this is one I think is one of the weaker areas.
I honestly do of of all millennialism. How do we handle that very well?
Each position has its strength and its weaknesses. But what we would say basically is that he could be bound in one sense, but not in another, but at least in the sense of being able to occupy and being able to cast out by the power of the work of Christ.
So it doesn't mean he's bound. You could have someone who's bound with a chain and still have the ability to move around within a certain realm.
But he's bound. And so. You know, the definition of the terms. Yeah, yeah. You're going to add to that.
People assume that Satan is bound to a rock like Prometheus. Right. Bound to do a single thing.
Yeah, right. That's not our position. Right. He's bound. But in what sense is he bound? How much is he bound?
And then we don't have answers for that. Some people say, well, he's bound. He can't do anything. Really? Who says?
So we don't know. And also we could say that in Peter that we, you know, we can make the case.
I don't know how solid it would be that, you know, when an architect draws up something and has people build it, he built the place.
But he didn't. Bob and Frank are the ones who hammered. So Satan prowls around. His demonic forces could be the ones prowling around.
See, Satan's he's looking after the representative of. There's another way of looking at it. So anybody else?
Well, you got more. OK. Is it interesting?
Yeah. Yes. We're still here. There's one.
I'm not sure it's one by Byron Huff says, please touch on pre -wrath. Pre -wrath, what
I understand. I haven't really studied it. It just means that before the real wrath of God were taken up.
Was that real wrath of God? And I haven't studied that one in particular to see their varying views on it to see.
So I won't comment yet. All right. From Wayne French. May I ask what
Bible it is that you use? Just curious. Thank you. Yes, you may. Yes, you may ask.
But you want to know which one I actually use or you want to know if you can ask which one I use.
So he wants to know. Yeah. New American Standard Bible. We have another question from Alistair Jack.
The people that came out of the graves when Jesus died, what happened to them? Did they go on to live long lives or were assumed assumed into heaven soon after?
What was the purpose of them getting resurrected? You said the purpose of the resurrection of them was to testify the power of who
Christ was at that monumentous event. They all died later on. Jesus is the only one who's resurrected in the glorified body because that hasn't he's the first one.
The rest of it won't happen until later. At our turn of Christ, which we saw tonight. From Melanie.
Polico, I hope. What happens to physical time as we know it through dark time as in the tribulation?
It goes blue sideways. It weighs 10 pounds.
And then sometimes if you do this, then it goes straight. But I don't know.
I tried figuring that one out and it didn't work. I didn't much jacuzzi when I trying it and I couldn't get it.
All right. Mark and Jamie Bettis.
Will you explain John 20, verse 22, where Jesus breathed on them and said to them, yeah, receive the
Holy Spirit. And then in Acts two, one through four, where the disciples filled with the Holy Spirit, with Jesus, and then again in Acts as 238, you know, repent, believe and I mean, repent, be baptized.
You shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. The gift of what's the gift, the presence of the
Holy Spirit or a spiritual gift or gifts. They'd receive the Holy Spirit in John 20, 22. So, to be honest,
I'm not exactly sure. And I'm not sure because when I've seen this before, it's like, well, what's going on?
The Bible doesn't tell us. So all we can do is offer some conjecture. Now, in the Old Testament, David said, do not take your
Holy Spirit from me. So the Holy Spirit's there. In Job 33, for the spirit of God made me.
So the spirit is in the Old Testament, also in Genesis, Genesis one, the spirit of God is there now to breathe on him, to receive the spirit.
I have to ask questions. Receive in what way? Receive in an indwelling.
OK, receive as a charismatic power upon them. OK, I don't know. And I don't try and ask all these questions to say, hey, let's just figure a way out of this.
No, this is what I honestly do. What does this mean? I don't want to make assumptions. I have to ask several types of questions.
So they receive the spirit there. I'm going to just say they receive the spirit there. Also, in Acts two thirty eight, they receive the spirit.
Now, when Jesus did it specifically, he has the authority to send the spirit because he's God in flesh.
Later on, after his ascension, it's by laying on of hands and or the movement of God in a special way.
And they receive them there, too. So I don't see any problem. The Holy Spirit was given on these people in John 20.
This means given to every individual. So it could be several events where the Holy Spirit is given and received.
The next question is from terrorist Carlos and his wife, Natalie. Oh, terrorist
Carlos? Hey, terrorist Carlos! Hey, you! We really like terrorists. That's what we call them, terrorist
Carlos. Where else in Scripture are the figurative numbers or years? A thousand years is about a day.
A day is about a thousand years. I forgot what I think it's like second Peter three, something like that. Nine, I think. I don't know. And then
God owns the cattle on a thousand hills. Wait, what, a thousand and one? I forgot what that is in the
Old Testament. So there's a sense there's other places where it is definitely figuratively used. Did you wait?
You had a what? What? The last chapter of Romans? I don't know. Is it? A thousand years?
I don't know. Maybe the last chapter of Romans. I read stuff in the Bible and go, hey, I didn't know that was there.
It still happens. It is. I'm like, well, I didn't know that was there. Something that I read stuff on my own website.
I wrote that? When did I write that? I don't remember writing that. Did you have a question or something?
Comment? I didn't know if it was symbolic.
That's a good question, though. Was it symbolic? Was it literal? These are the kinds of questions you have to ask. When I sit and I do my research,
I will sit and go, OK. So, for example, John 20, 22. They received the spirit.
OK. Who was it for? What was the time, the context? Was it a literal receiving, a permanent receiving, figurative receiving?
These are all the things I'll go through. How do you answer those? So when I write an article, I'm researching five things off in one verse, different options.
OK, OK. And then I'll write one paragraph after four hours of research. And a lot of times
I don't have any conclusions because I can't find a direct answer. And so here
I would assume, though, that's more literal. I think they did receive the Holy Spirit. But I think there's a verse that says something about.
You can't until I rescind you, the Holy Spirit cannot come until I ascend. But what is it?
But then what does that mean? That could be symbolic, and they're receiving it after, because he was still present.
It could be that also I had to look at the Greek. Is there a certain tense in the Greek which can be used, which implies a futuristic thing, which he said you will.
But generally, no, it doesn't happen. So there's a lot of questions that I'll ask and wonder and ponder.
And most of the time I don't have them answered. Could ask more questions than I think are available. But it's a good question.
But then, you know, you can't tell the Holy Spirit comes until he ascends. The Holy Spirit can't come.
Wait a minute. The Holy Spirit wasn't with Jesus because when Jesus was baptized, Holy Spirit came. So what's meant?
And so when I ask these kind of questions that I say to people, well, what do you think that means? I'm actually thinking, what do you think it really means?
Because I don't want to just assume something and then go in and start saying, well, it means this, like the word world, you know,
God still of the world. It means every individual. So I'm honest when I go, how do you know that?
It's a literal, serious question. How do you know that? That's how I learn. Maybe it doesn't mean that.
What if it doesn't mean it? What could it mean? Let's go look. That's how I study. And I teach people whatever
I think. The next question is from the YouTube account, Tulip Doctrines of Grace.
This question is, Matt, how would you define those who are an evident token of perdition?
Philippians 1 .28, also 2 Thessalonians. Oh, I don't understand the question. Yeah, OK. I don't understand the question.
How do you define... What? What? How would you define those who are an evident token of perdition?
What does evident token of perdition mean? Evident. An evident, OK. An evident token of perdition.
What is the... I don't understand what the phrase means. It looks like he got that out of Philippians 1 .28.
In no way are your opponents, which is a sign of destruction for them, but of salvation for you and that too from God.
So he means the sign of destruction. You have to use the proper version, the one
Paul the Apostle used, the NASB. It's just so obvious, you know.
It comes out of 2 Thessalonians 1 .6 -10. What was his question about? Philippians 1 .28.
He says also 2 Thessalonians 1 .6 -10. Well, I don't understand the question, though.
It's the same question as... What is the question? What's the question? OK, an evident...
How would you define those who are an evident token of perdition?
How would I define them? Just not the proper word of what he's trying to say. I think he means, what do
I think? Who do they think they are? Him, I don't know. I don't understand the question.
So. OK, somebody walk her out. I think she just went out.
If someone could walk her out. OK, what does he mean? Like this is a wrath.
I don't know. I'm serious. I don't understand the question. Yeah. OK, more specific.
So when people say, how would you define it? How would you define the word? So I'll give you a definition. That's what he's saying.
How I define that. I don't define that. That's an inappropriate word to use for that question.
So what does he mean? Then I have to interpret what he means. I'll miss questions.
OK, as part of my autism, too, I get literal sometimes. I sometimes miss stuff. This is no lie.
I'd go places with my wife. I would be having conversations with people and I'd go. And she would say he went to the store.
Oh, that's good. She would literally do that. And it helped me out because I was like, could you use too many pronouns without defining which pronoun is what?
She would go. It was a good thing. In fact, when we would do movies and I'd say, well, could you explain this to me?
Because sometimes she gets things I don't and vice versa. And I'd say, and she's learned how to do this now.
She'll explain. OK, the bad haircut dude with the gun. He went around the corner and saw the guy with the green hat.
And then the obstreperous jerk woman. She was the one who threw the rock at the guy in the black and white car.
Remember that? Oh, now I get it. But she says, Bob went over to Frank and then Frank like, what? Well, what?
Who's Frank? Who's Bob? So she has to describe them in these weird ways and then I can get it. So it's kind of fun for me.
OK, I got it. She's lucky to marry me. So you're lucky if you're alive.
She's lucky to be alive. I don't know if she's alive, but I don't know if she's alive. Can you go back to your
Philippians 1, 28? Yeah, he wants, after you read the verse, he wants to know, do they know their destruction is going to happen?
Do they know they're doomed? Or do they know? I don't know what the context is. I'd have to sit here and study it to see what he's talking about.
I am hard pressed in both directions, having the daughter to be with the Lord to depart, man to flesh, convinced of this. I know that I will remain, continue so that proud confidence only conduct yourself in a manner worthy of the gospel so that whether I come and see you or remain absent,
I will hear that you are standing firm in one spirit, with one mind, striving together for the faith of the gospel. Great verse,
Philippians 1, 27, in no way alarmed by your opponents, which is a sign of destruction for them.
What he's saying is that in our boldness, they will be convinced of their destruction.
Oh, I don't know. I don't know if it means that they're going to be convinced of their destruction, but it says it's a sign of destruction for them or upon them or to them.
You know, that's a good question, though. Does it mean that they're going to be aware of their own destruction? If I don't know if that's exegetically possible, but I'm not saying it's not possible,
I just haven't looked. And then it might be at the place where we just don't know. But then when we don't know, it gets interesting to ask the kind of questions like that.
Does it mean that they're going to be aware of their own destruction? And you know what? How many of you have ever talked to unbelievers who say, I'm going to hell,
I'm going to party with my buds, right? OK, so they're aware of their own destruction and they mock their own destruction.
So that could be a sign of judgment upon them that we manifested. So that's a possibility. It could be a sign for a sign of destruction for them.
Or, you know, I don't know if the word for here in the Greek means what, if it's gar or whatever. But, you know, could we look at it and say that we understand it's a sign of destruction for them?
So that's another possibility. But for salvation for you. So, you know, it's a good question.
I don't know. I don't know if the answer is to that one. I have to look at it and see. There's a lot of commentary on it.
Yeah, I'm sure there is. But yeah, these are these kind of questions I like exploring, you know, sitting there with my
Bible, my Bible program, my three 24 inch monitors. Yeah.
And going through and going, what does that mean? What does that mean? I like getting lost in the studies. And then three hours later coming out, what did
I learn? I don't know a lot of stuff. I'd make a conclusion. No, don't have an answer.
Go on. I like that. That's when my wife asked me important questions because I'm in that mental fog.
Oh, yeah. And she says later, but you said, OK, all right. The brain's gone.
She's smart. She knows when to ask me questions after I've been studying really deeply. Yeah. Can I ask you a question?
Oh, yeah. Go for the mic.
This question is for everybody in this room and you, but you are our answer person today, so I'll let you answer.
All right. Well, that's very good. You know, he's not answering for me. Jesus uses the words near often in the
Bible. And for a lot of you, you've probably walked for a long time. I have about 40 years.
And one of my frustrations as a Christian at the low times of being a Christian is being frustrated with God and saying, couldn't you have used a different word other than near?
Because I know that I'm only here on earth a short time, but I'm still flesh. And when you've been waiting for Jesus since you were 21 and I'm 60 now, it's like,
Lord, this doesn't feel like near, not even remotely. And so I was just wondering how you handle the use of the word near or your thoughts and feelings on it.
I learned a long time ago. I want to know what a word means. I go find what's called the semantic domain.
I'll go look at a word to find out its various usages in various contexts. I've done that with the word world, for example.
And so I can do that. And I haven't done it with the word near in relationship to eschatological issues, because you're going to have that shoe is near the door and it can be just an issue of proximity.
OK, but then we have the issue of duration. Apparently, what we see is that the mind of God is different than us as far as time goes.
When he says something's near. Why is he saying that? Now, there could be different reasons.
What if he said? I will come back on in three thousand eight hundred forty two days, five hundred forty maybe above.
And we knew exactly where that was. Well, then what would that do to us if we knew exactly the day of his return and been literally exactly?
Would we then become lazy? Would we stop doing what we're going to be doing? But maybe the word near might go.
It's near. Better get busy. And so everybody throughout history, you're getting busy because of the word near.
So maybe there's something to that as well. So why did he do that? Because he knew what he was doing and we don't.
And I don't have a great answer. But there's you know, I think we could offer possibilities.
And that was a good answer. And thank you for answering it. The reason the other reason that I brought it up was in relationship to all of this thousand years as a day conversation, because we just don't know.
But we don't know. Thank you. Yes. Appreciate it. In these last days and acts to 1617,
I think it is in these last days, last days, a few days, right? Three, four or five days.
It's been 2000 years. These last days. So God considers them differently than we do.
Just like does God know everyone? No, he does not get away from you.
I never knew you, Matt. Matthew seven. Twenty three. OK, so you know everyone?
No. Does he know all people, who they are? Yes. OK. Symbolic.
Yes, you can. God wants it in here. It'll be in here. So, yeah, thank you.
So, yeah, I've often wondered about these things, gone through and looked, and I don't have any great answer is don't.
I mean, there's a lot of things I don't have great answers for. And I just say, you know what? I don't know. I see the pattern, but I don't know what it means.
Particularly when it comes to eschatology. OK, I'm back.
We have a question from Paul Stephen. Quick question. Will there really be one hundred and forty four thousand elected
Jews who will turn to Christ in the last days? And are the Jews saved right now?
Will there be? I don't know. What I believe is that there'll be one hundred and forty four thousand male virgin
Jews who are going to be anointed by God and they're going to go out and be evangelists. That's what
I suspect will happen. And that view may change as I study. But I think that's what the case is right now.
So will there be I can't say what will happen, but I can say, well, I think this. And what was the other question?
Are the Jews saved now? Yes. No, because they're they're in Israel, not saved. Which Jews?
All Jews. The Jews of present rabbinic Jews. You don't know what you're making.
That's your assumption. See, that's why I teach people how to answer. Ask questions. Are the Jews saved?
Which Jews? What time? What era? Do you mean over in Israel?
Do you mean here in America? So be specific. Do you think, Matt, Matt, do you think that the
Jews in Israel right now are Christians? You know, be obviously no. Or but the implication is all
Jews. Because some Jews are Christians over there. So this is why
I actually get a little anal like this. And I'll ask questions drives my wife crazy sometimes because. What do you mean this?
You mean that? You know, she's rubbing her forehead again when she started right after her honeymoon.
Just start rubbing her forehead a lot. You know, but I died. But she goes, what have I done?
What have I? She was stuck. She's married to me. Poor Anik.
That's my wife's name is Anik and slick. Anik slick. What a name.
Go to the mic again so people can see you, please. Couldn't that last question be kind of a generic reference to the natural branch that's going to be grafted in later?
I forgot the question. About are Jews saved? The Jews, the Jews saved. Again, the question is not specific enough for me to be able to answer it.
That's why I said it in a broad sense. No, they're not, because that's the natural branch that, you know, was cut off and the
Gentiles were grafted in. Could be. Yeah. I like more specificity with questions.
Yeah. Yeah, it could be. There's generic things. This is the problem with eschatology in that there's a lot of generic answers that can be given in different views.
But what I presented. It's not generic. That's specific. That's why
I like it. Because obviously I'm right. You take it off.
Good. I am glad. That means you were listening. You said you were offended.
You guys got to leave. Nice meeting you. See you. OK, anybody else?
Questions, comments? Can I yell it? It's complicated. OK, it's complicated.
You want me to read it? You want to? It's a long question.
All right. Just so you know, it'd probably be best if I finished the whole question. Then you don't talk to me like I'm that person.
You watch out. I mean, go ahead and then I'll say I don't know what. All right.
This is from John Doe in regard. That's what it is.
OK. Oh, boy. In regards to Israel, Jews, do we worship the same
God? I believe and worship Jesus as the Christ. I know that they don't.
But since I am a Trinitarian and believe that the Holy Spirit is God along with Jesus, the son and the father, do they believe in the
Holy Spirit? Please explain the difference between our God and theirs. OK, yeah, they don't believe in the same
God we do. If they did, they'd be Christians. Because our
God's a Trinity father, son, Holy Spirit, Jesus is God in flesh. They believe in the same God. They'd be Christians.
They'd be believing in Jesus as the Messiah, God in flesh. They don't. Their idea of God is non -Trinitarian.
And our God is Trinitarian. They are blinded and they're lost. And just because they're
Jews, covenant people doesn't mean they can't go to hell. And I don't say that with joy. It's just that's just a fact.
And so they need to repent and come to faith and to a living God. One of the things that's happened to them is a hardness on their heart and their unrighteousness.
They've been hardened. There are a lot of Jews who are atheists and are just culturally Jews. And there are some
Jews who really believe in the Old Testament stuff and they don't believe in the true and living God. The problem is that we see an overlapping of so many things.
They'll believe in the God that did this to Israel and that to Israel and this to Israel. But the Mormons could say the same thing.
The Mormons could say, look, we believe in the God of the Bible, just like you do. He did this and this and this and this. But when they define God, he's an exalted man from another planet who has sex with his goddess wife and having mixed spirit babies.
That's the God of Mormonism. That's not the God of Christianity. Their doctrine of the Trinity is three separate gods.
So in Judaism, God is not a trinity. There is no incarnation. So the same
God, just like they actually believe in a God closer to Islam.
And structure and purpose and things like that, because both believe in the supremacy of God, the majesty of God, the omniscience of God, the power of God, and that he's not
Trinitarian and Jesus Christ is not God in flesh. But I may use that with the the Muslims sometimes say, man, you sure are
Jewish in your theology. You know, Allah Akbar, Allah Akbar. I know how to beat them over there.
I know how to beat them easily. Just take pigs, kill them, take the blood in public, spread them all over the weapons, all over the bullets, put them in the guns, go out after them.
Or if ladies, I could say that, but you know, but if women kill them and do it, that's even worse. Because women, if a woman kills a man in Islam, you basically are hosed.
You should smoke a toffee because I can hardly hear you. So next time.
Do you have a card to go with that? I wish I did. Yeah, there's a report
I read on here, so it might be apocryphal, where there was a village up in Iraq or Afghanistan where some
ISIS fighters were attacked by some wild pigs and three of them got killed by them.
Yes, they go to hell. Yeah. Now, Islamic theology is whacked.
I could teach on it sometime if you guys want to do a course on it. But if we do, we're going to have to have armed people and.
And stuff like that, and. I don't trust Islam. I got to I just remembered
I got to be on a BN satellite, Aramaic satellite TV on Islam tomorrow. I got to get my schedule right.
Just for an hour and a half talking about something I forgot. But let me know. Oh, I got to figure it out. OK. All right,
John Doe, do they at least believe in the Holy Spirit as God? I don't know what they believe.
Now, the Jews, do they believe the Holy Spirit as God? What do you mean by as God? Divine quality, divine aspect, divine personhood.
If they believe in personhood, then they'd be at least by Terrians, not Trinitarians. So they couldn't say that the
Holy Spirit had to be something like the Jehovah's Witness theology of a force or presence.
The breath. I just didn't want to interrupt. What's that? I wonder if you were going to allude to that, because they also don't believe in Trinity.
Right. And that's the argument I get into with them every time. It finally boils down to that. And they don't want to talk to me anymore because they don't believe.
Well, sometimes I'll do a J -Dub teaching and I can show you witnessing techniques of the Jehovah's Witnesses. OK, see you guys.
God bless. All right. We are delaying the way out. Well, you're safe with them.
The last question is from Paul Steven. Can people be saved right after the rap or after the rapture?
Well, depends if the rapture happens and the earth is immediately destroyed and remade.
No. If they got 20 minutes and they're pleading for mercy, maybe. So I don't know the exact minute timeline of this.
I just say the last day. How long is another question we haven't gone through? How long is the last day? The last day.
Now, you know, I just now thought of this. This would be interesting to throw in the mix.
So in the Old Testament, ordinal numbers. First, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh.
One of the arguments for 24 hour creationism is that each time Yom in Hebrew occurs with an ordinal number, it means 24.
24 hours. But the seventh. Doesn't the seventh day doesn't have its morning and evening, doesn't have evening, just it goes on without end.
That's the last day of creation. I wonder the last day, could it be longer? Oh, I don't know.
I just refuted myself. Darn. So, you know,
I start wondering, I wonder if that could be. I don't believe it, because when was the last day of creation? Sixth day.
Yeah. He rested in the seventh. So the last day would have to be the sixth. I don't know.
I probably not then. But it's fun to take tangents and go nowhere and realize what a stupid idea.
And I get a lot of them. I just don't tell you too many of them. Some. Any more questions, comments?
Go ahead. You just touch a little bit on predestination and free will. Yeah. You know how why we pray for people.
You know, we've got us being a sole winner if they're going to be chosen anyway.
I'm just a little foggy on that. Yeah. Well, predestination is that God for ordains whatsoever shall come to pass after the council of his will.
Ephesians one eleven. So nothing can occur unless God has ordained that it occur. And even our free will choices are permitted and ordained to occur.
But yet they're also free. We're free. I can go and present a study on that sometime if you want. But we're free.
See you. Thanks for the pizza. God bless.
OK, so God predestines what server shall come to pass good things and bad things.
Yet he's not the cause of evil. In spite of what Isaiah 45, six, seven says, they go through that.
But. So we we have free will.
First of all, we got to define our terms. Free will is the ability to make uncoerced choices.
That's what freedom is. Now, you can only choose what you're aware of.
You can't choose to do something you're not aware of. So if I were to say to you right now,
I'm thinking of something, but I don't tell you what it is. Thinking of two options, I'm going to tell you what they are and pick one.
Go ahead, pick. You can't choose what you're not aware of. So you have to be able to conceive of something to make a free will choice.
So I was thinking of eating ice cream or pizza. And it should be both. What? Well, I'm just giving
I'm laying down some foundations. I'm saying that in our foundations about stuff. So that's what free will is, the ability to make those choices.
Yet God is the one who is in charge because you ask predestination and free will. Right. And evangelism.
God ordains whichever shall come to pass. But we're free. Yet God has ordained our free will choices that we freely make.
And yet somehow they influence him because James five says the prayers of a righteous man avail much with God.
How can God ordain something to influence him? I don't have the answer to that question.
So what I do believe is that we get into the issue what's called anthropomorphism, that there's just certain things that God speaks to us in a certain level that when his majesty is so great, it is filtered through this little filter for us.
We get a dribbling of the truth and we go, well, I don't get it because the answer is up here and we can't get it.
I think that's fair to say. Now, I believe in predestination, election, limited atonement.
I'm very evangelistic and I look for opportunities to witness all the time. One of the reasons is because it's possible that I don't understand all these things properly and I'm missing the boat in some areas.
Just because I believe in five points doesn't mean I'm right. So because I believe I could potentially be wrong about some things,
I'm going to witness because God said to, which is the real reason he said to. I don't know how it works.
He hasn't told me how it works. I just witness. How do you keep your mouth shut about Jesus?
How do you? Well, it's predestined, so I'm going to keep quiet. So God predestined you to not give the gospel?
That doesn't make sense. But in one sense, he ordained it, but you know, it gets complicated. So I just say this, look,
I say. We're commanded by God to evangelize, so we've got to go do it. And the funny thing is, the more we evangelize, more people get saved.
And yet God predestined it. So what we do is we say, good, I'm not going to worry about his end.
That's his concern. I'm going to worry about mine. He said, go witness, go evangelize, and we'll all be corrected.
We get to heaven. And that's it. I can answer a lot of questions about that kind of stuff.
But you know what? Nobody can answer all of them. And so we in reformed theology say
God ordains the means as well as the ends. And he can ordain that we. Pray for someone's salvation.
Like I have a wayward daughter and I pray for her every day. I try and calm
God. Lord, you know, if you save her, you know how good you'll look and stuff like that.
Of course, he sees through all that. But, you know, I pray for her salvation because it's God who opens the heart of the mind to receive the scriptures.
You know, Luke 24, 45, to understand the words spoken of by the apostles. Acts 14, 16.
So it's God who does that. He grants repentance. Second to you, 25 grants. We believe that there's one twenty nine.
Our believing is the work of God. John six, twenty, twenty nine. What cause to be born again? First Peter one, three. Born again, not at our own will.
John one, thirteen. He chooses us for salvation. Ephesians one, four and five. But he says, pray,
OK, OK. You're bigger than me. I don't get it. Pray. OK, you got it here.
OK, that's all right. We need to have a guy walk you out, though. All right. I want to say thank you.
Oh, yeah, I want to be gone. I can't, but I'm not.
OK, you've got a lot of information. And as always, thank you. Oh, good. Great job.
I want to say what I thought you were going to say. You're a real thought provoker.
Yes, I am. OK, I call it a thought stirrer. Yeah, I call it a thought stirrer.
That's OK, because I make people think. No, exactly.
That's what I want to do. I mean, you know, it's way, way, way to write it off as I am. People have to think. So, yeah.
People enjoy the. The next one is from Dodie Mendoza.
Hi, Matt. I'm from Canada. Hey, my question is, did you watch the debate of James White and the
Iglesia Ni Cristo? No, I didn't. But get this, someone just this week, finally, after they looked for two months, they found the
Iglesia Ni Cristo. Manual PDF form. And I got it. Yes.
I want to print up and rub it in my chest because it's a bunch of heresy and I like heresy. Do it while I'm watching aliens.
All right. David, Dave, please. Did Moses know of the concept of the
Trinity when he wrote, let us in regards to the creation of the world? Who was he referring to?
I don't know what he knew. People ask me, did so and so know this? How do
I know what he knew? Well, if he didn't write it down, we wouldn't know what he knows. Furthermore, inspiration means that God can bring someone to write something they may not completely understand.
So did he understand the Trinity? I don't I don't know. Did he have insight that we don't know we don't have?
Perhaps. I don't know. And since he doesn't tell us, we can't answer the question. So he said, my best guess is
I don't know. That is speaking of the Trinity, though, not. Right.
Oh, yeah. Let us be men in our image, Genesis one twenty six. We know that's not the angels, because God says in Isaiah forty four, twenty four that he makes all things by himself.
So the angels didn't help him make anything. So it had to be by himself. The US has to do the plurality of the Trinitarian.
Plus you go to Genesis eleven, seven, let us go down and confound our language. So the
US there is also a sense of the plurality. Plus you can get in some other stuff we won't get into. When what about when people use the royal?
We want to be in that. There's no royal we be. All right.
Last one on here is John Doe. Please speak on six, six, six and the mark of the beast.
Six, six, six to mark the beast. All right. I've done so far. I'll do it again. So six, six, six has to do with the
Demetrius market, the beast. Beast is the Antichrist, most probably. And so we have in English a
B .C. one, two, three. So we have alpha and we have numeric in Greek.
It's like this alphabet, gamma, delta, epsilon. And so this is one, two, three, four, five.
These are the same numbers. The number and the letters are the same in Greek. So where we have two sets, they have one set.
Their set is just simply what we look at as the words. So when you write a word, for example.
I don't do it like that. Icthus, which is the word fish.
It's mathematical value. One thousand two hundred twenty four. OK, this is what it is.
It's so it's called a Gematria. I think it's one. I don't know how many M's it is.
Gematria. It's a mathematical totaling of the letters. OK, so that's what that is.
So fish is one thousand two hundred twenty four. All right. This is Jesus Christ in Greek, folks.
Whoops. OK, Jesus Christos, all right.
Jesus Christ. So the total is eight hundred eighty eight.
OK, how many people were in Noah's Ark? Eight. What day of the week was
Jesus raised on? Eighth day. First day of the week.
What day was a infant circumcised on? Eighth day. Eighth is the number of new beginnings.
So six, six, six. Notice the three. What day was man made on?
Sixth day. Mockery, the trinity of man,
Antichrist, his name in Greek, whatever it will be, adds up to six hundred sixty six.
That's what it means. The Gematria of the Antichrist name in Greek will add up to six hundred sixty six.
Some say Nero. Now there's some textual variants, say six one six.
That's another thing. OK, we're done.
No more. That's it. Well, there's more questions.
Good. If not, we're done. We're done. You can make up some questions.
How do you make cookies crispy so that when you bake them? I like crispy cookies, chocolate chip, a little bit crispy.
I love chocolate. No way.
I want a little bit of crunch in there. I want a little bit of crunch in my cookies.
A little bit. Those are those really nice chocolate chip thin ones. Oh, yeah, those are good.
There's crispy, crispy. That's what they're crispy. All right.
Yeah. So we do one more. Then we'll go after you. Yeah. One more for you.
All right. So I've been having a conversation with a friend concerning who Jesus died for. And he says that Jesus died for everyone.
And then he states that Jesus speaks in parables. So to make things simpler, so everybody can be saved.
And I'm hoping he's washing with that. So if you can kind of touch on that, who Jesus died for. He didn't speak in parables in order to make things simpler so people could understand.
He spoke in parables often to make more difficult so people would not figure things out. That's what the parables were to the
Jews. The Good Samaritan is a parable like that. The prodigal son is a parable like that.
And he speaks in parables so people will not be forgiven. That's Mark four, 10 through 12.
Mark four, 10 through 12. They ask him why he speaks in parables. He says, oh, people will not be forgiven. That's a specific answer he gives.
So he's not correct on that. Who did Jesus die for? My opinion is he only bore the sins of the elect because he literally bore their sin in his body in the cross.
1 Peter 2, 24. And if he did that and the wages of sin is death, Romans 6, 23. And he died.
Therefore, the payment has been made. Jesus said on the cross, John 19, 30, it is finished, which is a
Greek word to telestai, which means a legal debt paid in full, basically. And it's been that word's been found at the bottom of ancient tax receipts signifying a legal debt paid.
So he paid that legal debt. Some say, yes, but you got to believe it's going to be applied. Yes, it does. That's right.
You got to believe it's going to be applied. And it is. That's called justification. But did he actually bear the sin of everybody ever lived?
I think not. John 3, 16. God saw the world and gave his only begotten son. The world means every individual ever lived.
How do you know it means that Jesus was only sent to the lost sheep of the house of Israel? Matthew 15, 24.
He was not sent to the world. He was only sent to Israel. But he got us out of the world. All the nations.
First, John 2, 2. He's a propitiation not only for our sins, but the sins of the whole world. God is the one who's propitiated, not us.
Propitiation means a sacrifice. It turns away wrath. Did he turn away the wrath of everybody ever lived from God?
No. So it only makes sense that according to Colossians 2, 14, he canceled out the certificate of debt at the cross.
The certificate of debt is the chirographon. It is the the legal debt that we owe to God through breaking the law.
And Jesus equated legal debt with sin. And our father, who art in heaven, hallowed by the name Matthew 6, 12.
Forgive us our debts. And Luke 11, four, forgive us our sins. Jesus equates sin with debt. Sin's breaking the law of God.
First, John 3, 4. So it's a legal debt. Legal debts can be transferred. He bore our sins in his body on the cross.
First, Peter 2, 24. And we have a righteousness that's not our own. Philippians 3, 9. Because the righteousness of Christ is imputed to us upon our belief.
Philippians, excuse me, Romans 5, 1, Romans 3, 28, Romans 4, 5. So who do you bear the sins of?
I believe you only bore the sins of the elect. There you go. There you go.
And God didn't make any mistakes. Absolution, partial absolution for the other.
It didn't flicker too much, did it? I think I wasn't sure about coming on. All right. OK, we're just done.
I guess I'll just take a night. Thanks. Next week, I don't know if I'm going to be able to do. I'll let you know on the radio show.
I'm going to be able to do the study on the apostasy of the church because I'm going to be gone Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday.
That's four days I would use to prep for it. I'm coming back Monday night. I'll be tired because we're going to a wedding in Texas.
I'm going anyway. And so so maybe next week
I'll figure it out. I'll let you know on the radio what's going to happen. If I say I don't have time,
I might just come in and do a Q &A period or just say, well, just postpone it one one thing.
So we'll say maybe a Q &A period might be good for people. Nathan on the radio.
Yeah, it'd be interesting about Glock's. It would be all political. All right.