What does Jesus save us from?


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Matt Slick of www.carm.org explains what Jesus saves us from.


Jesus is the most important figure in all of human history. He is God in flesh, John 1 .1 .14,
Colossians 2 .9. He is physically risen from the dead, Luke 24 .34, John 2 .19 -21.
He is a Savior, Acts 5 .30 -32. He came to die for sinners, Romans 5 .8.
He came to deliver people from the righteous wrath of God upon us. Now I ask you, are you a sinner?
Have you ever lied, stolen, lusted, coveted or been angry with anyone unjustly? If so, then you have broken the law of God.
God has said, you shall not steal, you shall not lie, you shall have no other gods before him, you shall not murder.
That's Exodus 20, go check it out. He has given us the standard of righteousness and if you have broken any of the commandments of God, then you have fallen short of that standard and are under the inevitable judgment of the
Holy Lord. Now when you die, you will face him on the day of judgment. He will punish sinners.
He will punish all sinners. If you do not like this teaching, then throw away your Bible and turn from Christ, for this is the message of God's word, that Jesus came to die for sinners and to save them from the wrath to come.
Jesus is the one you need. He alone. Not your works, Romans 3 .10 -12,
Isaiah 64 .6. Not your sincerity. Not your goodness. You have nothing to offer
God except your sinfulness. It is only by the love and grace of God found in Jesus and his sacrifice that you can be delivered from the righteous wrath of God upon all who have broken his law.
Jesus saves you from God. On the day of judgment, God will judge all people for their sins against him.
He will judge all who have lied, stolen, cheated, lusted, dishonored their parents, etc. He will do this because he is holy and righteous.
God must punish the sinner. God cannot and will not ignore the person who has broken his righteous law.
The law is a reflection of the character of God. Therefore, to break God's law is to offend
God and deny the holiness of his character. He will be vindicated. He will judge.
The Bible says that all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, Romans 3 .23. That means that your sins have caused a separation between you and God, Isaiah 59 .2,
and the result is death, Romans 6 .23, and wrath, Ephesians 2 .3.
The only way to be saved from the wrath of God is to be saved from it by faith in Christ, Ephesians 2 .8
and 9, Romans 5 .1. You must trust in what Jesus did on the cross to forgive you of your sins and not trust anything else, not even your own sincerity or works.
It is Jesus, and only Jesus, who can turn you from the righteous judgment of God.
The gospel is that Jesus died for sinners on the cross, that he was buried, that he rose from the dead, 1
Corinthians 15, verses 1 -4. His death was a sacrifice that turns away the wrath of God, 1
John 2 .2. This is the only way to be saved. Jesus is the one who died for the sins of the world, 1
John 2 .2. He is the only way to God the Father, John 14 .6. He alone reveals
God, Matthew 11 .27. He has all authority in heaven and earth, Matthew 28 .18.
It is only through him that you can be saved from God's wrath, Ephesians 2 .3. He can forgive you of your sin,
Luke 5 .20, Matthew 9 .2. He, Jesus, can remove the bondage of sin that blinds your eyes, weakens your soul, and brings you to despair.
He can do this because he bore sin in his body on the cross, 1 Peter 2 .24,
that all who would trust in him would be saved. If you are not a Christian and you want to be delivered from the righteous judgment of God that is due to you because of your sin against him, then come to the one who died for the sins of the world.
Come to the one who died for sinners, Matthew 11 .28. Turn from your sins.
Believe and trust in Jesus. Receive Jesus, who is God in flesh, who died and rose from the dead, 1
Corinthians 15 .1 -4. Trust him as your Lord and your Savior. Ask Jesus to forgive you of your sins.
Receive Christ, John 1 .12. Only he can wash you clean from the sins that you have committed.
Only Jesus can deliver you from the righteous judgment of a holy and infinite God. Pray to Jesus.
Seek him. Ask him to save you. He will. I would like to note that the
Jesus of Mormonism, the brother of the devil, the Jesus of the Jehovah's Witnesses, an angel made into a man, and the
Jesus of the New Age, a man in tune with a divine consciousness, all of these cannot save you from your sins.
You see, faith is only as good as who you put it in. Only the Jesus of the Bible can do that.
The Jesus of the Bible is God in flesh, the creator. God is a trinity and Jesus is a second person of the trinity.
Now, if you have prayed and you have asked the true Jesus, the Jesus of the Bible, to deliver you from your sins and save you from God's wrath, then please email us at Karm and let us know.