Shift Coming in American Christianity - Some Encouragement for Those Worried about #WokeChurch

AD Robles iconAD Robles


I think there is a shift coming in American Christianity. It may look bad now, but I think God is at work and the church will benefit! Let God be true though every one were a liar!


Alright everybody, time to put on your tinfoil hat, or you can be bald like me. I've heard that if you're bald, the aliens can't read your brainwaves, but it's conspiracy theory time.
Actually, it's really not that much of a conspiracy theory. You know, it's pretty much common knowledge that the mainstream media, a lot of people call it the legacy media now, because it's sort of like a walking dead, you know.
They're still doing things, they're still putting out media, but hardly anybody believes them anymore. If you look at how much people trust
Fox News, or MSNBC, or the Washington Post, nobody trusts these people anymore, because they've been shown to time and time again twist reality.
They have their talking points, they put them out there, and it's just, I love those montages where they're literally saying the same thing, they have the same script, and it's just really funny.
And obviously, it leans left and all of that stuff. And so, the legacy media is still there, but they're being very threatened by alternative media sources.
The people on YouTube, people that have just their own platform, they don't care about what their managers or whatever has to say, they're just putting out there what they want to.
And you get a mix of good and bad with that, obviously, but the point is that the legacy media is falling down.
And I think that we're seeing something very similar when it comes to mainstream sort of pop culture
Christianity. And I'm not saying that these people, I'm going to name some names for institutions, and I'm not saying these institutions are all bad, but I think that they're dying out.
I think it's the legacy way that Christianity has been going. And what I'm talking about is like the Gospel Coalition, and what I'm talking about is like the
ERLC, and these sort of big conferences that are sort of the gatekeepers of evangelicalism. I don't think anyone can deny that the
Gospel Coalition is a force to be reckoned with. It's not a church, it's not a denomination, but the agenda the
Gospel Coalition sets is accepted by a lot of the megachurches and things like that. And so what
I want to say to you today is that you should take heart, because that, just because the
Gospel Coalition has taken a strong turn to the left, and there's no question, the Gospel Coalition is full of liberals, there's no question about that anymore.
But don't worry about that, because here's what I think is happening. I think there's a shift that's going on, and I think the rhetoric is going to be ratcheted up in the coming months, the coming years.
They're going to start anathematizing people like me who do not agree with the woke Christianity. They're going to start to have more strong language for people like me and others.
There's plenty of us out there that don't buy into this stuff. And you're going to see that, and I think it's because they're going to find that their position is going to be threatened.
I think there is going to be a shift, and I think this is a good thing, a shift of who is in charge of evangelicalism in the
United States, and I think it's going to be a shift to the elders, the people that are actually on the ground, leading churches, preaching
God's word, small churches. I'm not talking about these megachurches where they have three campuses and they video in the pastor, the pastor's not even there physically, they're essentially listening to a screen preach at you.
I think there's going to be a shift away from that model to the small local churches, because I don't think the run -of -the -mill Christian is into this woke stuff.
I think the run -of -the -mill person in the pews, the godly people, the saints of God, they're not into it because they see how vacuous it is biblically.
And so I think that they're going to go into smaller churches. I think they're going to go into leaders who aren't beholden to the
Gospel Coalition Council of Elders, you know what I mean? And so don't fear, don't fret,
I know there's a lot of people discombobulated, all their favorite preachers are now all of a sudden saying crazy things and behaving in weird ways.
And I gotta say, look, it discombobulated me too, and even to some extent it still does, because a lot of these guys, I grew up on these guys, these guys were integral in my conversion.
Tim Keller, I mean I remember weeping after reading the Tim Keller book right when I was being converted.
And these guys have had an impact on me, so it's a little discombobulating to see them sort of go this way, to turn to the liberal side of things.
But don't fret, God has got this, His sovereignty is doing something here in the United States, and I think that we're going to end up with a much more biblical
Christianity, a more sanctified church here in the United States, and I'm full of confidence when it comes to this.
There are lots of pastors. And I know that pastors reach out to me all the time and they're encouraging me and they're telling me to keep it up, and some of them even criticize me a little bit.
And that's okay! You can criticize me. I'm not one of these guys that if you criticize me I'm going to block you. But there are a lot of pastors out there that are wondering, what are we going to do?
Brothers, just keep doing what you're doing. Preach the Word of God. Study these issues. Study the Word of God.
What does God have to say about this kind of thing? And that's all you need to focus on. That's all you need to tell your people.
Because your people are going to be confused, and so they're going to need someone who's studied and looked into the Word of God here.
And so that's my encouragement to you. If you're one of these guys, and maybe you're even in the Gospel Coalition, you write for the blog and you're concerned about this,
I would say, look, brothers, sometimes the legacy media is going to, sometimes it's just going to have to go.
I mean, the Gospel Coalition is not the Church of God. If the Gospel Coalition didn't exist, the Church of God would be just fine.
And so I would say, be encouraged, stand up for what you know the Word of God says, and I think you'll have a lot of support.
You might not get the next book deal, you might not get the next speaking gig at the Gospel Coalition conference, but that's okay, man.
You're not worried about impressing people, you're worried about impressing God. Also, this will be my last video for a few days, so I'll see you in a little over a week, and hopefully we'll have some new stuff to talk about.