Mishnah, Talmud, and the Ugly Rise of Side-B Nazism in 2024


Didn't pull any punches today, folks. When the Nazis come after you it is time to shoot straight in return. Took on some nasty players today, but had to provide background information on, for example, the origination of the Mishnah, Gemara, and Talmud, etc. Hopefully useful to everyone, and a warning for those trying to "sneak in" to the church with their hatred.


Well, greetings, welcome to The Dividing Line. I've already done a program today. I just recorded a
Sheologian's webcast, haven't been on Summer's program for a while, and we just did a program that will drop right before Christmas.
We were contemplating how different could things be on December 23rd.
We don't know who's going to win the election, if the country will be in the state of civil war.
Who knows? I'm just going to say it again. I'm just going to say it again.
I don't know that Donald J. Trump will be alive for the election.
I just don't. I just sorry when we've had as many attempts we've had and we'll see.
We'll see. It's all in the Lord's hands. But wow, what a world we live in today. I remembered my hearing aids today.
I had forgotten them in the last program and everything sounded very muddy, very bleh.
So anyway, here we are. Did a deep dive, went down the rabbit hole on Twitter again over the past couple of days.
And you know, that can be a depressing, almost frightening thing to do.
And it is amazing when people develop a bias, when they develop a prejudice or a hatred, it's amazing what they can end up thinking you've said or attributing to you.
It truly is. And there is a fellow out there on Twitter, at Defiant Baptist, that you would think all
Baptist, right? Well, no. Defiant Baptist, he put up a clip from two programs ago and made some comment that, you know, so often they do the feigned shock thing, but they don't go into details because if you go into details that requires work and then you can be refuted and you have to do your homework.
And if you don't know what you're talking about, then you're in real trouble. And I had said to him, do you have anything other than feigned shock to actually say to what
I said? And his response was, I didn't feign anything, Mr. White. What you said in the clip and the rest of the episode was shocking, especially coming from a
Calvinist. Do you honestly believe that rebel sinners require persecution in order to hate
Jesus Christ? Would the Jews only despise the Messiah a little bit if Christians had been nicer to them?
Finally, as my brother JD demonstrates, your entire argument is anachronistic. So what are we talking about here?
Well, first of all, let me just say, Baptist doesn't have a clue what he's talking about. Okay. Here's the point.
Ooh, right over that has no worthy idea. And it makes me wonder because anyone who knows anything about church history, anyone who has listened to this program more than five times, um, shouldn't have this problem.
So where's this filter coming from? Where's this bias? This I'm going to completely miss the most obvious stuff, uh, coming from.
And that's, that sort of depends because it was following those links that I then encountered the real ugly stuff.
We're going to look at a little bit later on, but let me, let me play for you. Uh, this is, uh, 90 seconds.
This is, uh, the clip from, uh, two programs ago.
I can remember because I remember which t -shirt I was wearing. Uh, and this, this is what he hears me saying is that the only reason that there is any
Jewish hatred of Christianity is because how Christians treated Jews. Now, let me just stop for just a moment and go,
I've been teaching the new Testament. Well, this ministry has been around 41 years. We have, uh, we have dealt with, for example, uh,
Acts chapter four and that particular text in regards to reformed theology, because I remember he even said, especially coming from a
Calvinist, I don't know if he's a Calvinist or an anti -Calvinist. I have no idea, but, um, we have talked about how in God's four ordained decree, uh,
Herod, Pontius Pilate, the Romans and the
Jews were used by God in the crucifixion of Christ. We have talked repeatedly about the encounters and exchanges between Jesus and the
Pharisees, Sadducees, the differing perspectives they had. We have,
I mean, I don't know how many hours we have spent on that.
We have discussed Jewish persecution of the early church. Um, the men who took the, uh, the oath to kill
Paul, um, who must've starved to death and kept their oath. Um, we, we've, we've talked about all this.
And then in addressing church history, I have said more than once that early on you had the division between the church and the synagogue.
Um, we've even addressed, I remember at one point we addressed the historical question. You know, a lot of people will, will attack
John's historiography because he says that the
Jews had determined to put anyone out of the synagogue who would confess Jesus as Messiah.
And there are certain commentaries and, and scholars who would say that that took place much later.
And so this demonstrates that John is not really being historical and he's writing this at a later time, maybe even second century.
We've talked about the fact that the division between the synagogue and the church, rather inevitable in light of the synagogue's rejection of Jesus as Messiah, had impact.
So for example, uh, there are very few people who had a major impact in church history, in the early church history, who, um, could read
Hebrew. And that inability, that early division to where the ability to read the
Tanakh, the Torah, the Nevi 'im, the Ketuvim, any original languages, you know, you only had
Jerome and Origen basically. And that had a huge impact. You can't interpret
Hebrews, for example, if you don't have the Old Testament background. And that meant a lot of people were limited only to the
Greek scriptures, to the Greek Septuagint, things like that. And this had, had an impact on, uh, many things.
And then once pretty much, uh, you can find, sadly, anti -Jewish sentiment being expressed in some of the, what
I would call lesser apostolic fathers. So there's elements, the early elements of an anti -Jewish polemic, uh, you'll pick up in phrases in the
Shepherd of Hermas, Epistle Barnabas. It's, it's muted. It's, it's not to what it's going to get eventually, but you can start seeing that now that that division is, is, is there, uh, warnings such as Romans 11, you know, don't, don't boast yourself against the branches have been cut off and that kind of stuff gets ignored.
And you start seeing this, what you're eventually going to see become a, just a horrific anti -Jewish, um, mindset that will lead to horrible things once you get farther down into church history.
And then once you have the peace of the church in 313, you have the Council of Nicaea, you have
Constantinianism, um, this starts to develop more fully and it's, it's never fully universal.
I mean, there might be some periods during the medieval time where you just get, it almost looks like it's universal.
Um, you know, nobody raised a huge stink when during the black death, um, some cities would take all their
Jews, uh, put them in a farmhouse on a, on a island, uh, lock the doors and burn the whole thing down, uh, to try to get rid of the plague because the
Jews were causing the plague. See, uh, you're not going to see a whole lot of major complaints about that.
Even during the crusades, some of the crusaders go off and ransacked
Jewish communities and kill people. And, and, and, but then there would be complaints about that.
And some prolettes tried to protect the Jews from some of the crusaders. And so it, it got nigh unto universal in, in some situations, but it, it got incredibly ugly, um, down the road.
And even in some of the, the greatest, uh, writings, you'll see
John Chrysostom. I mean, listen, look at, look at what's, um, uh, you know,
Calvin, he, uh, wanted to write a commentary on Chrysostom's sermons, but never got around to it.
He wrote the, the introduction, very interesting and helpful introduction, just never got around to write the book.
Um, and you know, he, he speaks highly of, of John the golden mouth and, and, but you'll find anti -Jewish stuff in, in him.
And, and then of course, we've talked over and over again about what happened with, uh, with Luther.
You can go online, you can see the lectures, the lecture I gave on Reformation Day in 2017 in Washington, DC, the two
Luthers. And I'm talking about, you know, Jesus was a Jew prior to 1525 and openness to evangelism of the
Jews and stuff like that. And then the peasant's revolt takes place in 1525. And after that, um, you know,
I remember sitting in the, uh, the church in Eisleben where he was born and died.
He didn't really live there almost any period of time at all, but he was born in Eisleben and died in Eisleben. And I was sitting right next to where one of the pulpits, you know, goes up around the pillar of the church there and listening to a lecture about those final sermons that he did there.
He had gone there to try to bring some unity between some
Reformed parties, Reformation parties that were warring with one another. And he, uh, preached a, just a horrific anti -Jewish sermon while he was there.
And, um, you know, I just remember looking up at that pulpit and thinking about what that would have been like to be sitting there and hearing that kind of thing coming from someone who in many other instances could speak so brilliantly of the grace of God.
So we have talked about this subject on this program.
Have you counted how many dividing lines do we have up there now? Have we hit 3000 yet? I haven't looked since we were on 2500.
I'm not sure if we're there yet or not, but, um, there are thousands and thousands of hours. Um, my, my church history lectures are online.
They're on YouTube. Um, there isn't any excuse for this kind of stupidity. There just isn't.
I'm sorry. I don't have any respect for it. I'm not going to, not going to play games and I can try to be nicey -nicey.
If you're going to post clips like this and demonstrate you don't have a clue what you're talking about,
I'm going to tell everybody you don't have a clue what you're talking about. That's just all there is to it. Because it's, this stuff is, this stuff's vile.
And since this is being used by people to promote that vile stuff, I'm going to deal with it.
So here's the clip. Here's, here's, uh, here's what I said. And, and just by the way, just to give you an idea, a guy named
Jason Dixon, at Kinnisman on Twitter. Yeah, I'm naming names.
Yeah, I'm naming names. If you're going to, you're going to say stuff about me, I got a big audience. I'll talk about you.
Uh, at Kinnisman, Jason Dixon said, James White has gone right over the edge of sanity. This is what happens when infected by the alienist mind virus.
We're all learning new words. So now there is the alienist mind virus.
Um, and then guy we're going to be looking at later on, uh, Gustav, uh, at Gustav 774418754.
Someone said you should never respond to anyone who has more than four letters, four numbers in their, in their
ID, but he has a bunch of them. So Gustav, who I believe is German because, uh, he posts in both
English and German, and most Germans are able to do that. Uh, he responded to what
Jason Dixon said by saying we're at the point where it is safe to assume that Jude White, Jude White, I've told you people have, um, photoshopped my face under Jewish rabbis and stuff like that.
Jude White is possessed or heavily demonically oppressed for the sake of our souls.
We ought to avoid him entirely. Well, I'll tell you what Gustav, I'm telling everybody else you need to be avoided entirely.
Okay. Because just, I was, uh, he also says later on rabbi
Jude White's attacks on Roman Catholicism were simply a thinly veiled attack on Christianity.
Okay. He then says, Jude White is so blasphemous. He needs to be behind a gore warning.
And then some guy named American quintillion at a quintillion responded.
It's truly a sight to see. He should just become a messianic Jew at this point. Okay. Look, I, I realize every single person
I've quoted here, utterly irrational. There's, there's nothing going on here. I get it. But these people,
Oh, look at this. Let me look. He is a
Calvinist. Interesting. Well, you're the worst
Calvinist I've ever met. Um, here's a, here's something else.
In fact, Oh, I can't pull it over here. Cause I, I maximize the screen. Let me hold on a second here. Here's something else that Gustav posted.
If you'd like to, uh, put that up. Um, Oh, well you can't read, you can't read the, uh, yeah.
If you don't go full bore, here's Gustav. Uh, notice the numbers, 1483, 1933.
So 1483 is when Luther's born and 1933, the rise of Adolf Hitler and the
Nazi party. And in Fraktur, I had to ask my German friends for some help here because one of the
Fraktur capital forms, I just couldn't figure out. It didn't make sense to me, but what it says is
Hitler's battle and Luther's teachings are the good defense of the
German people. Now, of course it's, it's Hitler's Kampf und Luther's Lehr des
Deutschen Volkes Gute Wehr. So it's, it actually in German rhymes doesn't so much in translation, which obviously happens a lot.
Uh, so this is our Gustav. He is, uh, he's a Nazi. I mean, that's just, that's what else are you going to call someone who posts something like that?
What other term is there? Then he is a Nazi. So clearly though, he claims to be a
Christian Nazi. Um, that's what we've got going on here.
So here's the clip that insane, oppressed, demonized, um, alienist, mind virus, um, uh, uh, shocking coming from a
Calvinist, all the rest of the clip, the, the history of Christian persecution of Jews is that is really is, it can't be denied.
Um, shouldn't be denied. Uh, it's, it's just everywhere.
Um, and again, it was sacralism. Um, that was very much a part of that.
Um, were there sacralists, were there Roman Catholics who tried to protect
Jews like from the crusaders? Okay. And by the way, obviously
I'm talking here about the middle ages because you don't have a sacralism in the primitive church or before Constantine or stuff like that.
So I was talking about that particular thing. Yes, there were, unfortunately they were normally in the minority, not in the majority.
Um, but yeah, bad, bad, bad, bad stuff happened, uh, in history. And that's, that's a reality.
Uh, the result of that is that Talmudic Judaism, um, developed a deep detestation for Jesus.
Um, it's very clear that the
Muslim view of Jesus is much higher than the Talmudic Jewish view.
I mean, they, they, I mean, Jesus isn't even at the top level when Muhammad visits heaven, uh, but he's at least considered a prophet and he's at least up in a level of heaven.
Uh, whereas Judaism, no. The, okay.
So evidently what certain rather daft people came up with was that,
Oh, what he's saying is that up until Christians started persecuting, um,
Jews, that everybody would, flowers and hugs and everything. And it was only because the mean
Christians persecuted the Jews that they started not liking Jesus. How do you do that?
How do you even, I don't know. I don't know.
And the number of people that believe it, the prejudice, the bias, the filters going, it's just so absurd.
It's, it's hard to even know how someone, well, we have people voting for Kamala Harris, so I guess it's just a day of insanity everywhere.
Um, but it's going on here too. Um, look, here's the point.
The division had taken place long before and Talmudic Judaism.
Well, let's, let's talk a little bit about two things. I grabbed a couple of volumes from my library and I can pretty much guarantee you these folks don't have these volumes in their library because I've had these for years.
Um, a couple of volumes from the Mishnah. Okay. The Mishnah.
Now what is, what's the Mishnah? Why should you care what the Mishnah is? The Mishnah, uh, was collected, uh, in the centuries after the time of Christ, pretty much comes together by about 250.
So you're, you're talking, you know, prior to the Council of Nicaea, but this is amongst the
Jews. And of course this is after the destruction of Jerusalem, after the Council of Jamnia. Um, there's, you know, it's a difficult time for Judaism, um, given what has happened with the
Romans and all that. So what makes the Mishnah particularly important for New Testament scholars is that it's the, the closest contemporary collection we have of the traditions of the
Jews that are referred to in the New Testament all the time. Now, you can't just assume that the
Mishnah is identical to the traditions that were held by the scribes and Pharisees at the time of Jesus, but we can tell that there is a tremendous amount of overlap that, that yeah, in many instances, that's what you've got going on here.
This gives us, you know, so, so the Mishnah records for us the
Korban rule and, you know, we're, we're given that specific term.
I think it was Mark that gave it to us, but, uh, Matthew, Mark record Jesus is going after the
Korban rule and saying, you, you invalidate the word of God by your traditions.
And so we can, we can find that in the Mishnah. And so it's extremely valuable in giving, you know, all the insights you can get as to the context of not only
Roman, uh, culture and time, you know, in that, that time period, but man,
Jewish traditions, extremely, extremely useful, very, very helpful in being able to do that.
So what happens is you get the Mishnah. So you're talking two and a half centuries after the birth of Christ, and then you start getting commentary being written on the
Mishnah. So you have various of the rabbis and the
Mishnah gives credence to the idea that there are unwritten traditions that were passed down outside of scripture from Moses down to the rabbis of that day.
Sounds familiar. Um, and so other rabbis now start commenting on the content of the
Mishnah. Um, and so what eventually happens, you know, about 700 years, uh, after the time of Christ is you get the
Talmud coming together. Now there's sort of different versions that didn't happen over. And it's not like we'd like to be able to say on October 17th, you know, it doesn't work that way, especially in the ancient world.
These are a couple of volumes from the Sensino Talmud. You've got the Babylonian Talmud and, you know, some of the critical additions will give you variations and differences.
Uh, this set is 22 volumes long. It's been in my library for many of my years.
I, I don't know how in the world we paid for it because I, I got it when
I was in seminary. Uh, I took classes on, uh, Midrash and I, again, why?
Because in doing apologetics, having background information for the
New Testament is vital to be able to defend the biblical text from people who are trying to decontextualize it and attack it on that basis.
And so, uh, I spent a lot more time than most seminary students did looking at the
Jewish documentation, Jewish material. So when you take what, what develops after the
Mishnah is called the Gemara, the sayings, it is interpretation of the
Mishnah. You put the Mishnah and Gemara together, you have the
Talmud. Significantly longer, fuller, uh, than, uh, the, the
Mishnah, of course. Then the Talmud becomes the foundation for the development of the religious system that we call
Temutic Judaism today. And sadly, in most instances, the teaching and content of the
Talmud has significantly greater weight in the formulation of that religious system than the scriptures do at all.
Again, we can draw parallels to, to many other situations. Uh, it's, it's happened with Roman Catholicism and their traditions and their canon law and all the rest of that stuff.
Uh, it's, it's happened in Islam. Um, the
Sunnis have their body of Hadith. Uh, the Shiites have theirs.
It's just seems to be a common element of man's religions, uh, that this kind of thing is going to be taking place.
And so once you have the Talmud in existence, then you begin to develop
Talmudic Judaism. And this is now 700, 1000 and farther after the time of Christ.
And so sadly, um, persecutions have already begun. Now that means that the interpretation of these documents is going to be more and more and more, uh, biased.
Uh, they're going to see in these documents more and more that is opposed to what they understand to be the
Christian faith. That's one of the problems here is there's a lot of misunderstanding of the
Christian faith, just like there's a tremendous amount of misunderstanding the Christian faith amongst Muslims. And Hey, you know, when, when you've got
Crusader armies coming and the Crusaders are ignorant of Islam and the Muslims are ignorant of Christianity, uh, the chances that either side is going to be overly concerned about having accurate knowledge about the other side is very, very little.
And what that ends up doing is leading to even more misrepresentation, even more straw man and less and less possibility of any type of serious conversation as to conversion or anything like that.
Almost all the conversions for a long, long, long period of time, um, are forced conversions or conversions of political context.
Um, you know, you're, you're holed up in a city, the city comes under siege, and one of the options given to you is to convert to the other side's religion.
And Christians did that to Islam. Muslims did that to Christianity. Obviously, I would say that from an
Islamic perspective, they can't complain about that. That's from, from Muhammad's viewpoint.
If you say the Shahada, they can't question the sincerity of that. And you need to be treated as a
Muslim from the Christian perspective. We're just like, we should be, if we're biblical in our understanding of things, we should be going, uh, uh, that's not how you get converts.
But, um, that's one of the problems. That's why you needed the Reformation to take place.
So the persecution of Jews by Christians is not a questionable reality.
It, it took place. It happened. I hate seeing that there. I, we need to, we need to zoom that in somehow.
Just put it someplace else. Um, it's just too wide.
I, I don't, you can see way too much there. Yeah.
Well, it's just, just too many, too many wires and stuff there. Anyways, um, the, the persecution of, of Jews by Christians is a historical reality.
If, if you try to deny that you're just a flat earther. Okay. And I don't have any respect for flat earth.
Um, are you trying to zoom in? This is the,
I suppose this is supposed to be something like customer service, but, um, anyways, so, but yeah, see, now
I can do this and cut my head off. So that, that, that's not going to work. Anyway, see, see what
I put up with. See, see, what was I talking about?
Moses was in the bulrushes. Um, yes. Thanks, Rich. Quit, quit playing around the cameras now and, uh, put them, put them back.
And now that's quit putting the screen up while you're at it. Okay. Um, the
Jewish persecution of Christians in the early church is a historical reality.
Uh, you can't read the book of Acts. You can't read second Thessalonians. It, it, it's there.
I've even, I've even pointed out to folks that after the
Holocaust and after World War II, there was, um, a tremendous embarrassment in primarily
German and European New Testament scholarship about some of the things
Paul said about the Jews. Um, I've told the story how many times?
Of when the passion movie came out, how they had to take out, they didn't take it out.
They, they took out the, uh, subtitling where the
Jews say his blood be upon us and upon our children. They still said it in Aramaic, but they just took out the subtitling because you just can't, you can't quote that.
Matthew, you should never, that's terrible. No, you, you cannot avoid what the New Testament says.
There was persecution by the Jewish leadership, not by every single Jew, but by the
Jewish leadership of Christians in the early years. There's no question about it.
Um, but Christians have their own scriptures telling them don't boast against those broken off branches.
One body, we have the book of Ephesians. There was no excuse ever for someone holding this book in their hand to do what they did ever.
Stop pretending you believe this. If you think that there was okay, just get rid of it.
Okay. So it's like, we can look at the terrible things that Muslims did to Christians.
I've been, I've been, I've been reading thousands of pages on the crusades over the past couple of months now, thousands of pages, including stuff by people who are clearly apologists for the crusades.
And what's missing in all of it is we are held to a different standard.
Yes, Muslims have done horrific things to Christians down through the years, and we don't have the right to become hateful as a result.
Not if you read Jews, not if you read Paul, not if you read that new testament, you don't, you don't have that right.
Can't do it. Can't do it. And so Jews did terrible things to Christians in the early period.
They persecuted people. I mean, Paul's, Paul's a Jew, going and killing people. That is not an excuse to do the same thing.
They did it to us. We're going to do it to them. Nope, doesn't work that way. Doesn't work that way. And in fact, if our goal is to bring the gospel to these people, if you can sit there and go,
I don't see there's any really command to bring the gospel to the Muslims or the Jews. Again, just quit playing the religion thing.
You're not a Christian. You don't believe the Bible. Stop it. Just quit.
You're a hypocrite and you're bringing disrepute upon Christianity. Stop it. If you literally sit there and say, we're under no, no, no, we don't need to worry about, you know, loving
Muslims or opening the door for communication. And those Jews, they've just been cast off.
So we don't, I'm sorry, I'm not going to have anything to do with you. And there's a real good example of what a church has to be able to go.
If you have someone in your church who says that there are people that you should not bring the gospel to, they don't belong in your church.
They don't believe the gospel. They don't believe the gospel. Stop it. This, this was all completely inarguable.
It wasn't even controversial just a few years ago. I just can't believe I'm sitting here having to talk about this.
I really am, but it's where we are. It's where we are. So anyway, there's some background to how, just some of the factors that led into Talmudic Judaism having, as I said in the clip, a lower view of Jesus.
I mean, they have the scriptures in their hands, but they have a lower view of Jesus than the Muslims have.
That's sad. It's, it's based on prejudice and bias and ignorance.
And sadly, centuries and centuries, not only of Christian, quote unquote
Christian, I mean, people wearing a cross who didn't know the gospel, they didn't know the gospel.
That's the point. Persecuting Jews, killing
Jews, and then that becomes amplified, amplified, amplified, amplified over and over again.
Okay. Now, if you want to call that blasphemous, that I should become a messianic
Jew, that's the American quintillion dolt, right over the edge of insanity, infection by the alienist mind virus, not a one of you could stand in a public debate and do anything other than drool on yourself.
If we tried to debate this, you couldn't, you couldn't, and you know it.
So like I said, I do this, go down this rabbit hole and I wish,
I wish, I wish, I wish that this stuff was not an actual threat to the church.
I really wish that it wasn't. But do you remember this epistle that found the
New Testament called Galatians? Remember that? Not the most popular.
It's, it's not politically correct at all. But in Galatians, Paul, who was just clearly off his rocker at this point, right?
I mean, he's just, he's just being so bombastic and he's anathematizing people and oh man, just not loving at all, just so arrogant and prideful and oh, it's just, it's, it's just terrible.
That's pretty much how Barry Lynn characterized it in our debate, you know, a quarter of a century ago.
He is talking about, he's writing this epistle and he's writing it in his own hand.
So he knows it's going to be read in the church. The church is going to gather for worship and this is going to be read.
And the people he's talking about are going to be sitting in the congregation. Now they don't have church buildings back then.
It would be large houses or maybe out in a field someplace or something. And he describes these people who are wishing to distort, to twist, not to deny, but to twist the gospel.
The term he uses is like, and I've had this happen more than once, you get a lock that gets hard and difficult or the, you know, here in Arizona during the monsoon season, which we sort of skipped this year, it's just, it's just decided to become super hot forever here.
We're never going to cool down here. 15 days of record highs in a row.
15 I mean, it's just a blocking high that's just parked there and it doesn't want to move.
When it does, we're going to get all of a sudden, we're going to be freezing to death.
But sometimes when, when doors here in Phoenix get, they're normally dry, dry, dry, dry, dry.
So they were aligned to open and close while it's dry. Well, you get a few weeks of moisture in and they suck up some of that moisture because they're dry and they swell.
And so you'll get locks. It'll become next to impossible to turn. And you've got to be careful.
You turn that key hard enough. And those keys are meant to be, you know, they can't be the hardest thing on the planet.
And you'll twist them to where they'll become unusable. That's the term that Paul's using.
They want to twist the gospel. They want to change it just enough to where it becomes something else because he says it's not another gospel.
It's a false gospel. What term does he use to describe these people? Pseudodelphoi, pseudodelphoi, false brothers, false brothers.
Now, why would he even have to say that? Because they look just like us. They come into the congregation.
They act like they're a part of the congregation. They use our words. They sing our songs.
They profess to be followers of Jesus. As far as we can tell from Galatians, they didn't deny other central doctrines like resurrection or the deity of Christ or ascension to heaven, anything like that.
They changed the gospel just a little bit. And he calls them pseudodelphoi.
And what's the term he uses to describe them? They snuck in. They snuck in.
They didn't have a band announcing them, here comes the false teachers. We've come to bring you a new message.
No, they snuck in. They were devious. They snuck in. And that's what we're seeing happening, is we have groups and people out there that are seeking to sneak into the church, destructive, divisive ideas.
In this case, full -on, full -blown Nazism. I mean, this
Gustav, he's a Nazi. You don't post the swastika with Luther and talk about Hitler's work.
That's what makes you a Nazi, for crying out loud. That's the definition. Okay? They're trying to sneak in.
They're trying to poison minds. And they're taking advantage of the fact that we're living in a day when the
West is collapsing. The West is collapsing. We have embraced our own self -destruction.
God's bringing judgment upon the West. We have so much blood dripping from our fingers that to even try to profess innocence is just ridiculous.
And so, they're taking advantage of the timing. And there's all sorts of people looking.
They're looking around, grabbing on something, because nothing seems certain anymore. And so, let's ask questions about everything.
Now, these folks aren't asking questions. Gustav's not asking questions. He's making assertions. But those that are asking questions, they're more than happy to say, hey, we'll give you answers.
Doesn't seem I'm the only one that's run into these folks. Were you going to?
I wanted to join in here just a little bit, because when I hear that last part of that talking about you might as well be a
Messianic Jew, I don't understand it. As you know, I've been teaching through the book of Acts in my church, and this last time around, it really impacted me, the significance of what happened in Acts chapter 2.
We want to argue verse 38. We want to argue about the Holy Spirit coming. But the first confrontation in Solomon's portico is an exchange where Peter lays it out cold to the masses.
There's thousands of people present. They're Jews, every one of them. And he lays it out for them, and they go, they're pierced to the heart.
They realize what they've done. They realize what they've done, and they ask him, what should we do?
What are we supposed to do now? He doesn't condemn them like these guys seem to.
He says, repent! And what did they do? Because the promise is for you and your children, the
Jews, and for all those the Lord our God shall call the Gentiles.
We just want to make sure, because some people's Bibles have a different version. Yeah, you know, it's like they got the exacto knife, and they took that part out.
Yeah. But I just, I don't understand, because that first wave of conversions were
Messianic Jews. It's just, I don't understand this. These people repented.
Hey, I've seen, a month and a half ago, when that thing happened with the guy who had been at Apologia, he went to another church.
Right, right. It was in that, going down that rabbit hole, that I saw someone saying, well, once Jew, always
Jew. They don't believe, they don't, they do not believe the gospel, because they do not believe the gospel can change anyone's heart.
No distinction there, and what I don't understand is that where the conflict starts, is when they get dragged before the
Sanhedrin. And when you look at what Stephen charged them with, what
Peter charged them with, it's, you guys sit in the place of the rulers that came before you, who killed the prophets.
You're the same. And he preached to them, and their response to Stephen is the perfect example.
They haul Stephen out, and they stone him to death. But the distinction between the rulers and the people.
Yeah. Well, Jesus made that distinction. There's no distinction in Matthew 23.
Yeah, yeah, exactly. Yes. Matthew 23. You, how often would
I have gathered your chicks, but you would not. They don't see the distinction. And I, because we've covered it so often, when
I covered that passage, I went right there, because it's like, hey, you've got to make the distinction. Jesus made it in Matthew 23.
It's made here by Luke, in numerous, three different places, as the interaction between the people and the
Sanhedrin happens. I just don't understand how these guys cannot possibly see the distinction.
They don't want to, because their hearts are filled with hate. I wanted to make sure, before I forget this,
I'm going to go to a tweet thread here for a second. I want to make sure
I got this. This Defiant Baptist, is Defiant Baptist still around? Okay.
Put this up. He said on this tweet, finally, as my brother
JD demonstrates, your entire argument is anachronistic. And what did JD say? Quote, even the best of Gentiles should be killed.
Abba Dazara 26b, which I assume is probably from the Talmud, from the
Mishnah. I'd have to look it up. That was written about 1400 years for the Holocaust, about 1100 years before their mass deportations in the
West began, and 600 years before any persecution in Europe. Okay. You, again, have to be daft.
Okay. You have to not be listening, to lack the capacity to do logical thought.
To think that what I was saying is, there was never any dispute between Christians and Jews until, oops, until the
Jews started, the Christians started persecuting Jews, which they started doing, sadly, shortly, maybe contemporaneously with, but shortly after the formulation of the
Mishnah. So my entire argument is not anachronistic. Your ignorance of my argument, misrepresentation of my argument, whatever else it might be, is just silly, foolish, and embarrassing.
But what I said was not in any way anachronistic. So what I want to do is, Doug Wilson.
It seems Doug's running into the same people that I am, for the same reasons that I am.
And I thought he put out a fascinating thread. Did you read it? No, okay.
Yeah. Fascinating thread. Today, what was it?
7 .30 this morning. Here's what he, I'm gonna have to read it for you, because I didn't,
I'm actually reading it from Twitter. I recently wrote disparagingly about revoice for Nazis.
Now, okay, you gotta explain, you know,
Doug sort of assumes certain background issues. Revoice was the
Presbyterian attempt to mainstream homosexuality into the
PCA. And it, one of the terms that sort of came out of that time period is that of side
B Christianity. So if you want to see what that's all about, see the debate that I did with Greg, somebody, about a year and a half or so ago, we dealt with that particular issue.
He being a proponent of that idea. The idea being that the desire is not sinful.
The orientation is not sinful. God can actually make you homosexual, but the act is the only thing that would be sinful.
And so here's,
Pastor Gabe says you should post a link, a link to what? A link to Doug's, Doug's thing?
Just go to Douglas Wills and probably the last thing he posted. Anyway, if he's listening right now,
I'm not, I'm not sure, but he may be talking about a link to the program, which I should have a link. I'm not even sure how to do, how do you know how to link to the program on Twitter?
When I, when I post, when I say that it's about to start, I always used to put the YouTube thing on it.
Now I don't know how to do that because we're on Twitter instead of YouTube. You'll show me.
Okay. We'll, we'll, we'll fix that in the future. All right, back to Douglas Wilson. I recently wrote despairingly, disparagingly about, maybe despairingly too, about revoice for Nazis.
What was that about? What am I going on about now? Not counting the
FBI bots, there has certainly been a recent upsurge in what might be called online side
B Nazis. That's why I just explained side B. Okay. Side B Christians would say you can't engage in homosexuality, but you can have the desires of homosexuals.
So not counting the FBI bots, there has certainly been a recent upsurge in what might be called online side
B Nazis. Not entirely on board with death camp extremes, but certainly sympathetic to the claim that the
Jews were being a problem. And maybe the whole death camp thing was exaggerated anyhow.
Others, not of this mind, but very aware of how badgered young white men could have gotten to such a dark place, have wanted to win them back by being, you know, winsome, understanding, not harsh.
This is structurally how the whole revoice thing was pitched to us. It is identical.
Kid grows up in the church, suffocated by pick one, one purity culture, two post -war liberal consensus.
And that is why I felt I had to leave the church. These lost boys are thought to be winnable because they are willing to reject actual same sex behavior.
Or if we are talking about this new round of revoice, actual death camps.
In both instances, they're willing to reject overt sin, but for some reason want to remain sin adjacent.
They don't want to have sex, but they do want to cuddle. Those who want to reach them are sympathetic because they know that many of them really were treated horribly by their parents, their home churches, or by the broader culture.
Some are ostracized for being effeminate. Others were abused for being too white and both went to a dark place with it.
At the same time, let it be emphasized, many others were not treated horribly at all, but quickly took to the victim game with a me too epistemology, claiming that their parents, home churches, etc.
had really worked them over. What their parents and churches had actually sought to do was provide simple biblical accountability, which was in these therapeutic times interpreted as harshness.
The Christian faith is a serious and demanding faith, and those who would repent and come to Christ need to come with no conditions whatever.
The effeminacy has to go. So does the Jew hate. And so naturally at this point, definitions are demanded of us.
It is not Jew hate to question the official World War II narrative. That is quite true.
I've been doing that for decades. Where does the Bible say that a feather boa is necessarily effeminate?
You are quite right. It doesn't. But yours is. And the
Jew... I cracked up when
I read the first time too. You're quite right. It doesn't. But yours is. And the
Jew hate that I'm seeing in my comment threads, and believe you me, he gets it and so am I, in my comment threads on this topic is at feather boa levels, if you catch my drift.
Which we did. And you start reading the comments and it's like clockwork.
Hey, you just skewered me. I'm mad.
And so they come out of the woodwork and come after you. What?
That was a good analogy. So clearly, let's make
Nazism great again. Yeah, that's what some people are definitely trying to do. So let me try to summarize this stuff.
Like I said, when I saw the clip being posted by Defiant Baptist, I said, look,
I'm going to respond to this on the program. And I did by giving you a lot of background on Mishnah, Talmud, the development of Talmudic Judaism, the reality of Christian hatred toward Jews and sadly vice versa.
But the fact that we don't have the excuse, I suppose you could probably go to the minor prophet and say they didn't either.
But I'm not a Jew. And so I'm not going to pretend to go there. Um, what's going on should be of great concern to all shepherds of the flock, because all of our people have these.
All of our people have them. And they're listening to things, they're hearing things, they have access to stuff.
And there's just so much bad stuff out there. Obviously, we do the best we can at my church to provide in -depth, broad exhortation, preaching, to provide a basis, a foundation to stand on.
But you still have people that become apathetic about the truth and they start looking for other stuff.
And you have to protect the flock. And these people are sneaking in and they're using this to sneak in.
This is their way in. And brothers, elders, there is no room for Nazism in the
Christian faith. There is no room for hatred of people groups.
Let me add, there is no room for hatred of Muslims in the
Christian church either. But they do terrible things. They're persecuting Christians. Yes.
And they're persecuting Christians in Paul's day. What do you say? Pray for them. Pray for them.
That's what he said. But that's not enough. Then you don't believe the scriptures. You don't believe in the sufficiency of scripture.
You don't. Because the power of God that has been given to the church is the gospel.
It's not your violence. It's not your ability to spread your message and get everybody together on the same page and feel like y 'all are united.
The problem is you may feel like you're united, but you're united in something that will rob you of your soul and will not give you peace.
So we need to pray for the peace of our churches, for the protection of our churches.
We need to pray for our shepherds that they will guide those churches. In fact, it's interesting.
In fact, Rich mentioned it to me before the program started and I had already seen it. This Gustav guy, he had gone after John Harris.
I guess something that he wrote said something that John Harris is married to a Jew or something. And Joel Webbin responded to him and said, stand down.
You're going after someone who's on our side and is doing the right thing and tried to talk him off the proverbial ledge.
And what was the result? Now Joel Webbin is a false teacher. Some of these folks, there is no reasoning.
You can't go there. So they will take on anybody and sadly destroy themselves in the process.
Okay. So, wow. The stuff we get to talk about. Yeah. Well, I would much rather be talking about more positive things, but you know what?
Sometimes you have to sound the alarm and say, Christians, don't go there.
Run. If you see this stuff coming to your church, make sure your elders know.
Don't. And a lot of people got really angry at me when
I mentioned a couple months ago, the guy showed up at Apologia and wanted to talk to one of the pastors.
And I go out in the foyer and I've been doing this a while. You know, we got somebody coming in, clearly not a part of the church and they're buttering you up.
Oh, you guys do so much good stuff with the Mormons and on abortion and yeah.
Waiting for the other shoe to fall. But you just need to understand there's something behind all of this.
And the one thing that makes it all make sense, it's the Jews. These folks are out there.
And now that guy was like wearing a clown suit in the sense that here comes false teacher.
Here I am. You know, it was obvious that you didn't need a whole lot of discernment to see that one. It's the ones that are very quiet about hey, have you read this article?
Have you ever heard a stone choir? If you hear anyone making reference to stone choir
Alarm bells immediately, oh, but they've said some good stuff.
So did Adolf Hitler. Okay? I mean,
I've actually had people saying, well, you know, after World War I, if the victorious side hadn't treated
Germany so badly, things would have been different. And I'm like, no, duh.
Yeah, that's right. If Germany had been allowed to rebuild its economy and function amongst the rest of the nations, there wouldn't have been the fertile field for Adolf Hitler and his
Nazis. I agree. Of course. So what? What does that have to do with anything?
Oh, it's the Jews. Okay. There you go. It just takes a little while to get past it. Just be careful.
Just be careful, folks. There you go. All right. Thank you for... Oh, here we go.
Tom Askew just tweeted. Well, actually, it says 12 hours ago.
Oh, okay. I'm not sure why it just popped up. Thank you for praying God protected and is providing for us.
Water rose fast but never got close to entering our house. We were flooded in. No electricity.
Trees down, damaged. Church, family, mostly good. Many others suffering. Our Lord reigns. Well, yeah.
That was a big storm. That was a big storm. I haven't seen a whole lot of reporting yet on...
It's like they can't get in there or something. I don't know. But I haven't seen a whole lot. Hopefully, we'll get some more information.
But we continue to pray for Tom and the church there and all the folks that have been deeply impacted by Hurricane Milton, one of the worst named hurricanes ever.
Milton? Could we take that one out of the database? That just doesn't seem like it. Anyways, thanks for listening to the program today.